Think Collective

Think Differently, Live Fearlessly, Experience What It Is To Be The Best That You Can Be!


95% of what we do is habitual, including hanging out with the same group of people.

The challenge, is that the people you spend the most time with, are continually programming your subconscious mind. Are they helping you move toward where you desire to be, or are they encouraging you to stay in your comfort zone? Do they feel like sunshine when you're with them, or do they drag you down?

Your results in life are dependent upon the habits that you create. Are the people you spend your time with contributing to your success?


As babies, we are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are taught to us by our family, friends, school and media programming.

When you think about it, most of your day is consumed by fear-based decisions:

What will people think if I wear that, say that, do that?

What if I'm not perfect enough?

What if I'm not pretty enough?

What if I'm not strong enough?

What if I'm not good enough?

What if I'm not rich enough?

Our subconscious is being programmed every second of the day by the environments we immerse ourselves in, the people we surround ourselves with and the social media / programming we watch.

Do you watch reality television or the news? If so, you may be programming yourself with drama and fear.

Do you spend time around people who drag you down, or are like sunshine in your day?

Are you choosing to allow other people's opinions rule over you, or to be the captain of your own life journey?

Be mindful of whether you're creating unnecessary fear in your life, by considering what you're allowing yourself to be programmed by.


Life is a growth-centric experience, not a comfort-centric one. Challenges are part of daily life, and often come down to our perception of something or someone.

We can therefore see challenges as a growth opportunity, an invitation to surpass our existing limitations – or we can hold onto the attachments, blame and frustrations that keep us standing exactly where we are.

Challenges are the raw material from which we can choose to sculpt an extraordinary life. It's not about avoiding difficulties but navigating them with compassion and grace, while extracting the deep lessons they have to offer.

As you reflect on your own journey, ponder this: What if the very challenges you face today are the steppingstones you need to lead you to the extraordinary life you've always imagined?


What does this actually mean? How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything?

95% of your ways of being and doing are conducted at the subconscious level. Your thoughts, beliefs and behaviours are habitual.

If you're disorganised or procrastinate in one area of your life, chances are that you do the same in other areas also. If you don't follow through on your word in your personal life, you most likely will do the same in business.

Our ways of being and doing are interconnected. Self-awareness is the key. Where in your life could a shift in awareness create a positive impact?


We live in a growth-centric world, not a comfort centric one, therefore there will always be challenges in life. We can either look at them and see how they help us grow, or we can play the 'victim'.

The key to living a full life is to release our attachment to the way we think things or people 'should' be, and accept 'what is'. It's about having the courage to continue to move forward, one step at a time - no matter what you may encounter. If things don't go as we had hoped, that's ok, for tomorrow is another day that we can try again...


We often hesitate when it comes to stepping out of our comfort zone and try something new. We fear the unknown and the potential of failure. If we choose to see it, every experience - whether it brings success or failure - carries a lesson within it. It is through our challenges that we discover our strengths, weaknesses, and the depth of our resilience.

We live in a growth-centric world, not a comfort-centric one, therefore, there is always another challenge waiting for us around the corner. It's important to remember that these tests hold the key to our growth and development. Embrace them, for they hold the power to transform us into better versions of ourselves.

Experience may be a hard teacher, but the lessons learned are invaluable.


In our journey through life, we can often find ourselves hesitating - at the precipice of opportunity - paralyzed by doubts and fears.

The ability to take risks is a crucial life-skill that propels us toward success. When we dare to step into the unknown, we invite growth into our lives. By pushing our limits, we discover hidden strengths, talents, and passions we never knew existed.

Risk-taking is not about recklessness or impulsive decision-making. It's a calculated and courageous act of stepping out of our comfort zones. Each risk we take becomes a transformative experience, shaping us into the best versions of ourselves.

By venturing into the unknown, we unlock doors that lead us to uncharted territories of personal and professional development; of joy we could never have known existed.

So, take that leap of faith, and let the world unfold before you.


These words hold so much truth and remind us to appreciate the blessings we have in our lives. It's easy to get caught up in longing for what we don't have, but true wisdom lies in finding joy in what we do possess.

No matter what trials and tribulations we may be faced with, there is always something to be grateful for. This isn't about being a Pollyanna, it's about having a balanced perspective on your life. Yes, sometimes life can be a challenge – sometimes it may feel as though we're at our limit. However, life never throws anything at us that we can't handle.

Take a moment to reflect upon the blessings that you have in your life

Take a moment to reflect on the things that bring you happiness, that you are grateful for. Whether it's the love of your family and friends, your health, your passions, or even the simplest pleasures in life, like feeling the sun against your skin.

When you focus on being grateful for what you DO have in life, the longing for more dissipates.


One of the key reasons people never reach success is that they're too busy avoiding failure. 'Being right and avoiding being wrong'. They're concerned about the 'what if's’ the judgement from others, or the fear of looking bad.

Speak to any top athlete, businessperson or anyone who has reached the peak in their field, and they will tell you that without failure there can be no lessons. Without lessons, there is no growth.

So rather than avoiding failure, and the potential of looking bad, switch your thinking and ask: how can this situation help me grow?


'We Teach People How To Treat Us. How We Treat Ourselves Is Reflected In The Relationships We Surround Ourselves With.'

This means that the way we treat ourselves sets the tone for how others treat us. When we have compassion for ourselves and set healthy boundaries for ourselves and others, we attract positive relationships that reflect our self-worth and value.

So, my question for you today is: do you have compassion for yourself? Do you treat yourself with kindness and understanding, even when things don't go as planned? And do you set boundaries for yourself and others, so that you can maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships?

Remember, you have the power to create the relationships you want in your life. By treating yourself with compassion and setting healthy boundaries, you can attract the positive and supportive relationships you deserve.

-love -worth


Our thoughts and attitudes have a huge impact on our well-being and overall quality of our lives.

When you're in a positive frame of mind, your perception expands. You can take in more information from the world around you. In this state, everything seems brighter and more enjoyable. Things seem to flow with ease. You're more open to new experiences, more resilient in the face of challenges, and more likely to connect with others in a positive way.

On the other hand, when you're in a negative frame of mind, your perception is much more narrow. You only take in snippets of information that align with your current way of BEING. In this frame, it can be hard to find joy in anything. You may feel stuck or overwhelmed, and it can be hard to connect with others in a meaningful way.

So, the quality of your mind really does matter when it comes to the quality of your life. The good news is that you have the power to shape your mind in positive ways! By practicing mindfulness, gratitude, self-compassion, and other positive habits, you can cultivate a more positive, productive and fulfilling life.


Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to tackle tough challenges when you have faith and confidence in yourself? When you have a sense of love and self-worth, you're more likely to lean into any fear and uncertainty and take the steps you need to take to get to where you desire to be.

Whether it's starting a new business, overcoming a health challenge, or pursuing a passion project, when you love yourself, you're more likely to be inspired, persistent, and resilient to see things through. You believe in yourself and your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we are capable of great things. So, take a moment to appreciate what an incredible human you are! When we believe in ourselves, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. You can do the thing that needs to be done, no matter what it takes.

How can you switch your way of being to show yourself greater self-love?


When we complain we're giving our power away to the situation or the person we're complaining about. We're literally pointing the finger at something or someone else. We’re living in a world of SHOULDS. Things ‘should’ look like this, not that.

The only thing that we can control in this world is ourselves and our response to things that may trigger us. One of the most powerful things you can do is to release the situation and move on.


If you're constantly seeking approval from others, you're giving away your power and happiness. Remember, you don't need anyone's validation to be worthy or fulfilled. Your self-worth comes from within, it's not dependent on external factors.

Embrace your unique qualities, follow your own path, and let go of the fear of rejection. You're stronger than you think."


Playing on the court rather than staying in the grandstand takes courage. On the court, we are vulnerable, we are open to hurt and disappointment. However, this is also the same space as opportunity and possibility. On the court is where your life can be created.

In the stands, your life is safe. It has elements of predictability. However, there is no opportunity or possibility due to a lack of vulnerability.

Wayne Gretzky said that we miss 100% of the chances we don’t take. Where in life are you playing things safe, staying in the stands, rather than on the court of life?


In every second of the day, you are manifesting your life. How? Because, with every thought you think, word you speak and action you take, you are programming your subconscious into repeating that same behaviour.

Our brain is constantly looking for short cuts to save energy. Therefore, 95% of what you do each day is unconscious. “Surely not!” I hear you say...Consider you go to the supermarket, and you actually choose to go to a cashier - they say “Hi, how are you today?” What is your immediate response? For a majority, it would be some version of “Good thanks, how are you?” This is habitual behaviour.

When it comes to your thoughts and ways of being, these too become habitual. If you’re in the habit of focusing on drama or seeing the challenges in life rather than the possibilities, then this will impact you at the cellular level.

What’s really crazy is that ‘sad’ cells (to keep things simple), look for other sad cells to connect with in your body. Before you know it, the sad cells have taken over your spleen and kidneys and ousted any lone ‘happy cells’. The ‘sad’ cells then breed more ‘sad’ cells. We then wonder why we feel depressed or get the flu.

Our external world is a reflection of our internal one. If you’re keen to create a neighbourhood of ‘happy’ cells in your body, then you need to be mindful of who you are being and what environment you are immersing yourself in.


Often, people never even take the first step toward their Extraordinary Life as they perceive that it’s impossible. Their extraordinary may be to start their own business, change careers, move overseas, or start a family. Whatever it is, they become overwhelmed in the detail – all the things that will be required to be done.

We can either take on board the overwhelm – which in reality is the brains way of keeping us exactly where we are, in the safety of our comfort zone – or, we can take just one step forward each day. When you keep taking one step after another, before you know it, you have that business, your new family or new life overseas.

What was deemed impossible, becomes possible. It just takes one step...


Not where you'd like to be in life? Consider where you've been focusing all your attention. With every thought, word and action we're programming our subconscious to create more of the same.

Consider what thoughts, words and actions will support you to get to where you desire to be.


So often people do or don’t do based on the opinions or approval of others. They are too scared to be ostracized or removed from their tribe. They become like sheep among the many.

If you want to live a great life, then you will need to think differently to the herd. Can you imagine if every sports team or athlete thought the same, trained in the same way and arrived on game day with the same strategy? There would be no point watching, as we would all know their moves!

If you’re keeping yourself ‘small’ due to fear of what others think, then you’ll never enjoy the feeling of being your authentic self and living in line with your goals and dreams. Ultimately, if those around you don’t support you, then it may be time to reconsider your peer group.


So often people wait around for life to look ‘kindly’ on them to take their opportunity. They are those who are at the effect of life rather than the creators of it.

To get to where you desire, you will need to BE someone you’ve never been before. You’ll need to step up to another level. Why? Because if continuing on as you are was enough, you’d be ‘there’ already.

So ask yourself, what does the thing that I desire need from me? What are the characteristics of the type of person who already has that thing? If you model these characteristics (habits, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours etc), every day you will be one step closer to where you desire to be.


Most people don't realise that they are subconsciously working against themselves. 95% of what you do each day is run by subconscious programming. What creates this program? Your thoughts, beliefs, habits, behaviours and interpretations that confirm the story you have about yourself and life.

Want to create positive change in your life? Then you need to change the program. Changing the program will change your outcomes. Changing your outcomes will change your life!!


Whatever your challenges in life may be, you can choose to see that life is happening 'for you', or 'to you'. The lesson will always be there, it's just a matter of whether we choose to learn it or ignore it.

What do you choose?


Are you living your life in fear?

Scared of what others may think of you following what is truly in your heart to do?

Scared of being your authentic self?

We only get one life, you can either choose to live it fully every day, or play small.

What is it going to take for you to embrace this gift of life?


Every decision that you have ever made has brought you to where you are today using the mindset, knowledge and skills that you have acquired over the course of your lifetime.

So often we can get stuck in the past, wishing that things had turned out differently... The past no longer exists. All you can do is look at whether the way you are BEING and DOING in this moment is moving you towards or away from where you want to be in the future.


Have you ever had something happen that you thought was a coincidence or a negative experience, only to realize later that it was actually a blessing?

Sometimes, it can be difficult to see the blessings when they come disguised as challenges or hardships. ‘Life happens for us, not to us.’ If we come from this perspective, we will see that every challenge is an opportunity for us to learn and grow.

The one thing we can control is our response. Next time you're facing a difficult situation or conversation, take a step back, breathe, and either try to see the point of view of the other person, or how the situation may help you grow. You’ll feel so much ‘lighter’ afterward.


What you are experiencing in the outside world is a reflection of your internal environment. Your bank account, relationships, and your level of life satisfaction all come from how you have been BEING, which then impacts your actions, and outcomes in life.

A couple of suggestions to brighten your way of being each day:

- connect with nature
- go for a walk around the block
- pause and breathe deeply for 1 minute. 3 x per day.

Strategies don't need to greatly impact our schedule, however they can have incredible impact on our quality of life.


What gets you out of bed each day? Is it the alarm, your partner kicking you out of bed, or your excitement about your purpose – your contribution to the world? If you find yourself wanting to hide under the covers in the mornings, you might consider a change of strategy.

Purpose is not something that resides with unicorns and 'perfect partners’, it's something that we create.

What is something that you are drawn to? Do you have a repeating message in your life, guiding you to follow a certain path?

Purpose starts with a commitment to follow through. We don't always feel inspired from day one – it takes work. Over time, when we begin to see the fruits of our labour, our motivation begins to ignite. We want to build upon the momentum that we have created.

If you don't know where to start, choose something, it doesn't have to be perfect. When you take action, the rest will sort itself out. Like panning for gold, you need to sift through the sand before the magic appears.


When we are in a place of gratitude for what we have the whole world opens up for us.


Happiness is not something that we find, it lies within.


Do you give up at the first sign of a hurdle or challenge?

All problems are opportunities, we just need to view them with a curious mindset for them to unfold.

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