Vital Soul

Vitality for the Mind, Body & Soul.


Updated Reading ✨

I am excited to share that the in-depth reading is back however it’s even better!

If you wish to purchase a reading or service please message directly.

All readings are emailed within 48 hours!


Some Christmas trees! 😉 🎄

These goodies are full of magic, crystals, jewellery, selenite bowls and MUCH MORE.
Best part is you can purchase this for yourself and unwrap on Christmas not knowing what surprise is inside! It’s like a present from vital soul full on magic and love. You may also wish to create a special tailored pack for family or friend.

Current Christmas Magic Surprise Packs are..

$22 • $55 • $88 • $111 + $15.95 shipping.

Value of goodies vary but always ABOVE what you pay.

To order please send a message. ❤️


New hair = New energy 💇🏼‍♀️
My heart is full of joy right now.
My family are visiting from QLD for the first time since I moved here when I was 17!
Just having them here and spending quality time with them is filling my heart up so much. I am in pure bliss right now 🥰


Hey guides! 👋
There’s a rainbow on my hair 🌈


Stop being anything other then yourself!

Something I have been so focused on recently is just being whoever I am. To release the expectations or holding on to the old version of myself to keep others from feeling disappointed that I have changed. But I truly don’t care to be anyone other then who I am. Because I’m accepting that I am a really amazing person being exactly everything that is true to me.
I am noticing have awakened to the fact that I do a lot of things I don’t actually truly want to do, and I don’t know why. After tapping in tonight I realised that I always have put this belief in that if I’m not doing anything I truly desire doing then there’s no room for failure, judgement or disappointment.
But every day for the last 6 months I feel I’ve failed regardless because I am failing myself.
I don’t really know what direction I am heading anymore because I have stayed in my safety bubble for too long. So POP I just popped it and I’m stepping out and I’m promising myself that moving forward whatever direction I go in is all to show up for me! ✨🤍


I don’t know who I am anymore I’m scared,
She said softly and painfully to herself as she stays awake during the night hoping the moon and stars bring her comfort and answers.
The universe whispered back GOOD!
This means that you have evolved once again, you have changed, grown successfully shedded away your old form and now you’re a blank canvas for this new chapter. Why are you scared and not excited! You get to create another chapter in your life’s story. No matter how old you are or where you are in your journey you’re able to experience what you wish, maybe not everything will work out, and maybe the things you start will only be temporary, This isn’t failing this is experiencing and with all experiences comes a story to tell and a wisdom to be gained. Don’t fear being a blank canvas, for it is here now to remind you that you have once again evolved. Resistance will only make fear speak louder and you lose sight of the magical transition that is taking place.
So spirit reminds you now to challenge yourself, experience, grow, learn, trust and create a chapter worth remembering!


I'm high, I'm from outer space
I got Milky Way for blood, evolution in my veins

I'm gone, I've been far away
I'm a lumineer now, l make moves start waves
I've been dreaming about flying for a long time
I had a vision from the grey's, they want a co-sing

Artificially intelligent new A.I.
I'm your future, past and present, I'm a fine line

Yeah, I'm a missing link, of this illusion
I am not really here, I'm an intrusion
I don't swim or sink, I just float
I don't need gravity, I just need growth

When I move it's an earthquake rumble
I will never ever fall, never stumble
And I don't need to be humble
Break down walls like Jericho Crumble



Peony one of my favourite flowers 🌸

Did you know peony represents Compassion, Prosperity and Good luck?

It is also able to grow 3 times it’s original size so for me it also represents expansion and growth.

Peony root is also known for its medicinal properties to help the liver, its an antioxidant, inflammatory and has known to reduce symptoms of depression.

Peony is thought to be the oldest and most important herbal remedy in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It calms the mind and offers many medicinal benefits including: to treat insomina, anxiety, depression, fertility issues, painful or irregular periods, endometriosis, autoimmune diseases, muscle cramps and spasms, liver disease, upset stomach. Promotes hair growth and healthy skin.


We are told that being alone is something we
must fear, to be alone is validation we aren't " accepted " But that's just ego and fear speaking from the ones who are afraid of their own company.
To be alone isn't something we should feel afraid of, it's not something that we should feel embarrassed or ashamed of and it isn't something we should need to feel guilt for.
There's great power in being your biggest support and best friend and until you can be alone and find value in your own company you will always sit in a space of fearing yourself, you are nothing to fear, you are everything worth embracing.
Remember that the strength of the pack is the wolf it is not the strength of the pack that makes the wolf who it is.
The wolf becomes strong within itself first, it trusts its own value to be in a pack, It is trusting of its instincts to guide them even if they lose their pack.
Don't fear being alone, fear spending your life travelling in a pack and still feeling alone.
Your inner wolf calls to you now, to create deep connection and loyalty to yourself.
May you find peace and self validation in your own company in times of darkness and in times of fear, May you walk this journey with strength and dignity. May you accept yourself as the one that honours their own space and falls deeply inlove with all that you are.
May you embrace the inner wolf that values its own strength, and in return finds their pack who only magnifies that strength and travels along side you in your journey. 🐺🤍


I choose me ✨

This morning I had my first counselling session in a very long time.
Booking this was my way of telling myself i am choosing me.
I choose to take accountability for the things I need to change and understanding that this was something I needed support with.

It doesn’t make us weak to accept that we need help sometimes, in fact it makes you powerful! Because you told yourself that underneath all the suffering and pain you’re worth more than that.
You’re empowering action and embracing hope and trust that underneath all these feelings of doubt and struggle that you are someone worth choosing.

So here I am, just a woman who chose herself and her peace. Making changes within herself so she can be all that she’s destined to be.
It’s not easy but she is worth it, She is worth choosing. 🤍


Oh Hello!
This is just your reminder to get back out there and try again! Be fearless in that exciting journey you have been thinking of starting! It's time to shine bright dear soul.


Chain Breaking ⛓️

The chains that hold you down are the chains that will set you free.

When creating this image i began to see the perception of others weighing us down.
But as the spirits love to chime in I realised that the hands represent our own egos and shadows reaching out to hold on as we rise, fearing of being left behind.

To let go means letting go of the parts of us that once were valuable to us, but now holds no value in our next phase,
and as we transcend we begin our shedding process removing layers of trauma, ego, shadows and pain this phase is what makes us feel as though we are having an outer body experience we become unfamiliar within ourselves and although the fear of the unknown washes over us we learn that that is our ego and shadows calling to us from a space of fear and in that space of resistance to let us go.
To let go is to let vulnerability take place it is to emerge ourselves in raw honesty, knowing with each truth and accountability breaks away at our chains removing the steel that once was our wall and comfort. The darkest parts of us must be let go of with love, and you may feel the grief as you say goodbye but if you break free with love and gratitude you become the vessel of light you seek to make peace with what once was cannot be now.

The chains represent our suppressed emotions, our fears and inner doubt of capability. But now you must break free,
Arising from the person who you once were into the person who is ready to become.


Welcome to Vital Soul a sacred space for you to be a part of 🤍✨

Recently I did a BIG social clean up on here, I removed “ ghost followers “ and oh it felt soo good. I felt releasing and refreshing.
We have been told that to boost your business is to boost that following number. See I don’t believe in that.

You can have a little following and still be a successful business, because those people are likely organic and loves to be in your space. Or you can be a bigger following business and not feel like people are truly valuing your work. The end goal shouldn’t be how many followers you can get, it should be how many genuine people can I gather to feel my work and to value what I do!

The truth is a lot of businesses and people only follow you for a follow back, they don’t truly care what you do and what you share, they just want that number. Even writing this I feel uncomfortable but it is the sad truth, and this is why a lot of people and business lose sight of what’s truly important and enjoyable about social media connection, it’s designed to connect people, to share your gifts and energies for people around the world, and that is what I strive to bring into my social media space at Vital Soul.

Connection. It may sound selfish but this is a space that comes from my soul, a space that I truly put love and vulnerability into and I inspire to have people in here that honour that.

So this is your message and reminder to honour your space and do that social media clean up. It’s okay to set the tone for what you allow in your sacred energy. ✨🤍


Your sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen between the navel and ge****ls.
Why is it so important to have your sacral chakra balanced.

When your sacral chakra is inactive you may notice symptoms of lower back pain, reproductive issues, creative blockages, low labido, lack of expression, guilt, shame and low self esteem.

This can often leave you feeling as if you just don’t have much excitement in your life and can’t commit to anything that stimulates pleasure not just sexually but in activities you do that usually brings you excitement.


To open and activate your sacral chakra you can do a few things.
• Listen to Frequency - 417hz
• Yoga Sacral Poses you can find these on YouTube or Google.
• Sacral Chakra Affirmations
• Essential Oils - Sandalwood, Jasmine, & Clary Sage.
• Self Pleasure
• Opening up creatively and expressing yourself freely even if it’s just journaling.

These are just some of the ways you can open and balance your sacral chakra.
Now as you begin your sacral chakra journey you are feeling more connected to the universe and able to bring in vibrations of the pleasures of life within and around you 🧡


Through the deepest parts of her soul she seeks peace, She seeks a place to call home but not a building surrounded by bits and pieces of materials and objects but a home within that fills her with warmth and peace.
She does not care for the things others have as she is content in her own light and knowing. She frees herself from the shadows and pulls in her wisdom and lessons to guide her once again.
See she is a seeker, but she doesn’t not seek outside her body she seeks only where she knows truth speaks, within herself, for she is the internal compass that holds her at the end of each night, and softly her inner peace says you will never feel lonely again for you are now home.

Photos from Vital Soul's post 07/04/2023

I am sending you waves of protection, I call upon the evil eye spirits and ancestors to shield you from negative energies and people in disguise who walk among you hidden behind the darkness they send.
May the evil eye guides create a bubble of light that surrounds you in order for you to stay in your purest light. May you be protected from bad luck and shielded from any energies that seek to bring your vibrations down.

You are protected by divine light and the highest source of vibrations sent by Archangel Michael.

Use as wallpaper if you wish 🤍


I came across something I wrote to myself in December 2022.

I am ready for you but I’m scared of you.
I am scared of what I must go through to get to you.
I understand that each challenge is a new opportunity for growth and i am ready to understand you, to know how we got to this point in our journey.
You have began and filled my heart with joy.
But I have been tested and this new voice i discover is not in my comfort. But she is strong.
I am beginning to discover a part of me that was yet to be trusted, I am not sure what to do with this part of me.
I am standing my ground and holding space in my heart for peace, but my heart says there can’t be peace without love: and this is your time to be loved and with this i am afraid.

Through the process I must trust, trust in myself and trust in the shifting, the releasing and the pain that unravels the darkness within me.

I am scared but I am ready, it’s time to embrace the change that calls my name.


Solar Plexus Activation ✨💛🌻


Transformation is the natural process of breaking free from the illusions you created to protect yourself.
But one day the soul will speak to you,
It will communicate your truth and unravel the layers of delusions and as humans our natural instincts is to resist and protect the things we feel threatens our peace so we begin to switch into survival mode pushing away the one thing that will actually protect you.

The soul starts by whispering, it’s that
“ Gut Feeling “ you aren’t sure whether you can trust it, but it’s niggling and you can hear it and feel it.
Then it begins calling upon the higher sources and you begin seeing numbers, animals, insects or even a white feather.
You’re awakening because the callings are too strong to ignore.
But this part is where you truly begin the process, it’s not just listening it is trusting.
That feeling inside that makes you feel safe and although you feel the fear you feel that welcoming motion of understanding and the ripple affects of growth begin.

Transformation is inevitable but growth is an option it is what you choose to learn from your transformation calling.

Photos from Vital Soul's post 19/12/2022


Message directly to book in 🤍

Pricing is on images along with details.


I know I have been quiet most of this year!
But 2022 was a year of rest and healing.
Despite me trying to force myself to just get everything done the universe said “ NO “ and put me back into quiet time.
It’s been a very challenging and frustrating year. I feel as though I have taken 10 steps back. But realising what my life path is for next year I completely get it.
I call this year “ The crumbling “ where it’s all fallen apart, I have gone backwards, mentally, spiritually and physically! My ego has shown up massively this year and there is no denying it won, over and over again.
I wont sit here and lie that i have been extremely un happy this year. With my life and within my self.
But I have no one to blame but myself. It’s that simple.
The world isn’t to blame, the universe, my guides, people around me, my triggers, nope it’s all me. I broke, I surrounded myself with low vibrations and in return I got low vibrational situations.
But what is my 2022 story is NOT my 2023 story.
I knew this year would be a draining, low vibrational year. I’m great at predicting my years! I feel next year, I am reborn, I do see me being a hermit as I navigate my new life and new sense of self.

But I see business looking and feeling very different and keeping me very busy. I see this year “ the crumbling “ was preparing me to start again, to Start over, begin again, stronger, wiser, more self aware, and even my gifts are requiring me to “ Start from the beginning “ I am grateful to take along everything I’ve learned along the way, but I am ready to truly release what doesn’t belong. I am now able to grow a stronger more stable foundation, with lessons and deeper understanding. I may be starting fresh and re building myself and my life but this brings me excitement and truthfully relief. Because I haven’t aligned with my surroundings or self this whole year, I am ready to find out what future Talia feels and looks like, her talents and gifts and to feel her new energy and vibrations. 🦋

Never give up on yourself even if it means starting all over again! Redefine who you are if that’s what you want.
As we come to 2022 closing chapter honour yourself and your truth.🤍



I have beautiful crystals in stock, plus other magical products to love on you this Christmas and new year.

There is $30 box, $50 box, $100 box and $150 box available.

To order simply message me and all your products will be intuitively chosen or you can request an area in your life you want assistance in and your products will be based upon that.

🔮 ✨ 🎁


Client Love 💕


“ Talia's distant reiki packages are amazing✨️beautifully put together, powerful and heart felt, I've been receiving these for myself for a while now and recently I have had one for son who's 11 and has been having a difficult time, the messages & guidance that come 🙏🏼 have been a welcomed blessing ✨️🙏🏼 “

Photos from Vital Soul's post 28/09/2022


Carnelian oh how much I love you.
Carnelian is a beautiful vibrant orange stone that assists in balancing women’s reproductive organs. Carnelian restores confidence and vitality, Controls the flow of kundalini energy. If you’re in need of motivation and to ignite the creativity back into your life have Carnelian close by. I use Carnelian when doing anything that levels me up in my business as it helps attract self trust and success.

Chakra : Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root Chakra.

Mantra : I act with power to improve my world.


"For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end."


Photos from Vital Soul's post 26/09/2022

Be the butterfly that accepts that change is coming. 🦋

You don’t know exactly when it’s coming, but you have seen others with their wings, Jealousy sneaks in but more feeling of admiration that others have grown and now fluttering their big wings to the unknown.

But as transformation begins it’s process you begin to feel the need to blanket yourself and retreat. It is a bit uncomfortable.
You didn’t see the others in this process of transformation so you wonder..
“ Why did they get their wings so easy? It’s not fair!” But like so you have no choice but to retreat, spend time in your cocoon thinking and processing, Then a little light peaks through a bit of breakage in your cocoon, it’s a tiny light but it represents hope, trust and excitement begins to fulfil you.

You’re now determined to be the next one with wings. You don’t know how they will look, or how you will learn to fly but you’re ready to be the transformed you whoever that may be.

You’re now patient, Repairing your cocoon and making it stronger to hold you. Then one day you wake up and suddenly your cocoon begins to break away you at first think it’s your hard work going to waste but notice that you feel different, a sense of rebirth and new beginnings. You don’t care that the cocoon is breaking for it held it’s purpose, and now you must hold yours.

You expand your body and see your wings open and naturally begin to fly, it was always your destiny to fly.

Thinking back as you fly into your unknown with excitement. You realised how you nearly didn’t try, because you compared yourself to everyone else and their journey but at the end it was only your journey you needed to focus on.

You never needed to compare for your journey was always sacred to you. You now understand that change is necessary in order to grow, even if it’s scary. That comparing nearly costed you this big moment. You are the butterfly destined for the unknown.
Scroll to use as wallpaper 🤍🦋


Libra Season ♎️

Something I love about libras is their ability to be fun. I love how Libra can try and make you laugh even in a serious situation.

After our very intense Virgo season we have now shifted into a bit more of a light hearted energy, and as a Virgo I’m here for it. I love my Virgos dearly so strong but we need a bit of a balanced energy.

Here are crystals to help you get through your Libra Season.

• Rose Quartz - Self love, Patience, Empathy.
• Moonstone - Clarity, Emotional Balance, Optimism.
• Jade - Balance, Wisdom, Perspective.
• Howlite - Awareness, Expression, Calming.

Physical :

Libra rules the kidneys, skin, lumbar region, endocrine system, and buttocks.

Advice : Let your hair down, have some fun, laugh a little and try not to get between others dramas. You don’t need to be the mediator for everyone.
Do your best to avoid gossiping, manipulating and being impatient as these things will only do you harm in the long run.

Happy Libra Season. 🤍



I am offering another weekly free 1 card reading. Here’s how to claim it.

✨ Comment below & you will receive a message from your guides.

✨ Must be following Vital Souls Instagram page or page.

I can’t wait to channel through guidance for you.

Much Love & Gratitude,
Talia Skye 🤍

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Updated Reading ✨I am excited to share that the in-depth reading is back however it’s even better! If you wish to purcha...
Solar Plexus Activation ✨💛🌻
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You asked for peace so I sent you challenges to find it within yourself. You asked for love so i sent you whispers of en...
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For the last couple of years I have found myself deeply connecting to flowers and flower essences.The colours and healin...
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