Light Sound Intuitive

Increasing compassion for everyone, everywhere. Clear Knowing with Eleni Pappas - 1:1 sessions (min. 3 months) Training you to feel safe in your body.

For more info and to book - click here:

Clear Knowing with Lucia Light - Transcendental meditative experiences with light. For more info and to book - click here:

Clear Knowing with Sound - Raising our vibrations

Photos from Light Sound Intuitive's post 02/08/2021

OK dear one's - you will be receiving invitations to continue to follow my new pages today:

Clear Knowing with Lucia Light - for journeys with light to increase your voltage! AND
Clear Knowing with Sound - for my hearts calling to giving you a direct experience of true peace with music and sound!

Unfortunately I can only invite those of you who are on my friends list - so if you follow this page, click on the links above or look my up under the names of the pages above.

I will now archive this page and I look forward to continuing this journey with you all there 🙏


Over the last week it has become clear that it is time to close down this page and the 1:1 part of my business!

As much as I love working with people in this way, all of my focus and service needs to be on my true direction, which is sound!

More specifically - sharing and extending of true peace through music and sound.

SACRED FREQUENCIES will be my inaugural offering for this new phase. I have delayed releasing it for this reason.

So once I have a new page up and running, I would love for those of you interested to come and join me there!

I will still be offering Lucia Light sessions as well - although I will have a separate page for that, which I will share when it is ready.

Much love to you all, and I am grateful for all those that have joined me in this part of my journey so far # # #


My life's hypothesis: health, wealth, happiness, peace, love, connection are our natural states of being. No force, stress or pressure is necessary to be in our natural state.

However, almost everything in our human environment suggests the opposite.

My life's work is to prove the impossible, possible. That miracles are our natural state of being.

Do you feel it too?


As the divide within society again grows clearer and wider, those of us with the inclination must focus on uniting the inner divide within ourselves instead of getting lost in making sense of what we see and hear.

As within, so without.

Unite within, unite without.


Frequency cannot lie.

The frequency, tone, scale and cadence of your voice convey's a wealth of unspoken information to the trained ear.

Photos from Light Sound Intuitive's post 22/07/2021

Venice Bloodworth's book - Key to Yourself, has been shining at me from the shelf lately. I never got into it when I first got it, so was curious about why it was speaking to me now.

I picked it up at random and whilst there was one part that had a message for my life - overall I didn't agree with the message. Overall it's another manifesting book about how we can create whatever we wish in our lives.

While I agree that we are responsible for our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions, I don't agree with this version of manifesting. And I finally found the key. I flipped to the section on fear, and found the 2 key beliefs that are central to most manifesting ideas:

1: God created this world, and
2: We create our own destiny.

I used to hold these 2 beliefs while I had no alternative - and the outcome was more guilt piled on myself! Because even though I was doing all the things, it wasn't bringing me the life of my dreams... These beliefs appealed to the hard worker in me, that if I just DID all the right things, then life would change. I LOVED the personal responsibility. I loved the honour and integrity of it.

Now however, ACIM has offered me an alternative and it makes much more sense to me, and I am more at peace with myself and the world.

1. God did not create this world (or universe) - why would an all loving God create a universe where suffering was even possible?? This universe is a dream that we will eventually (already have) awoken from.

2. We can choose to be the architect"s of our journey, but we can also choose to allow spirit to show us the best path forward, that is in the highest good for all. Our personal desires usually stem from the subconscious fear that we are lacking in something. When we realise that we already have everything we need, we stop needing to manifest anything.

The need to manifest is showing us where we feel lacking in our lives. Rather than following the desire, dig deeper in, get uncomfortable - where can you release more? Where can you stop resisting life?


I was in the middle of reading a very interesting book (in snatches) when my 2 yr old came up to me with a little pikachu toy that says "I love you" when you press the button on the back. My kids love pressing it over and over and over and over and over... so that it is not quite so cute anymore🥱

This time however he was placing it at different places all over me and pressing the "I love you" button. This was DEFINATELY a cue for me to stop what I was doing and focus on him. So he gave it to me and and I did the same to him, and was saying "I love your nose", "I love your hair", "I love your cheeks" - all over. But I realised that the words were not resonating deep down into my core. There was some dissonance within me, when I said it. There was some part of me that didn't love my adorable cheeky 2 yr old??

Instead of mum guilt as I probably would have at first felt, and then pushed away, I knew there was something in me to meet and release. You see I can only love someone else as much as I love myself. I can only give, what I already have. I could (and was) giving superficial love, but not the deep unconditional love that I feel deep within. That love resonates like a clear bell, throughout all of my being.

So it was never about me loving him, and all about me loving me. Where was I not loving myself unconditionally? What parts of me was I hiding from, not allowing them to be brought to the light?

So that has become my prayer for today - How can I love myself more? Far from being a selfish thing, the more we love and forgive ourselves, the more love and forgiveness we have available to share and extend to others.
And I am again reminded of how the people around us are our greatest gifts, for they reflect back to us every place within our selves where we are not love.


The more fear you hold, the easier you are able to be manipulated and/or controlled by external forces. All they have to do is push the button on your fear, and you become controllable.

Are you actively hunting or meeting your fears? Are you meeting your stress as it arises?

More than ever, we need to be as clear and strong within our own mind as we can. That means when the time comes we can act of our own free will, rather than out of fear.


Everything is Love or
a call for Love.



In my reflections last night I was reminded of how limiting our belief in specialness actually is.

Most of us want to differentiate ourselves from others in some way by our looks, talents or abilities. To be extraordinary rather than just ordinary. To come from somewhere that's not earth. To distance ourselves from the perceived evil other. Some are more subtle about it that others. We think this specialness will bring us something we perceive we don't have - respect, wealth, admiration or appreciation.

Chasing these things is not a harmless pursuit. When we desire to be special - or placed separately above or below others - we choose to step deeper into our limited individual self. It is lonely there. It is but an illusion of power and strength and choice.

Why would we want that? When we could feel the limitlessness and expansion of our complete unity for eternity?

Letting go of the desire to be special is not therefore a sacrifice, but a logical choice to step out of a limited perception of yourself into the greatest version of self that is unified with all of existence. In that place of connection, we can feel true power, peace and deep love for ourselves and everyone else. We can step out of illusion into truth.

There is no power in individualisation. There is power in unity. I am you, and you are me. No more, no less.


Who knew letting go of the desire to be special would prove to be so powerful, expansive and peaceful...


THE LUCIA LIGHT - How it works

The wide-spectrum solid and flickering light enters the body through the closed eyes, travels along your optic nerve and into the central brain (where the pineal gland and thalamus are located). As your cells communicate through impulses of light within the fascia, the light spreads through your body.

Waves of light travel through the fascia, and the brain entrains to the pulsing rhythm of the light. As you move deeper into the experience, neural networks and chemicals are activated, your body deeply relaxes and your unconscious world comes to life.

As the visual scape opens, worlds and experiences start to flash before your eyes revealing your inner light. Thoughts fade away as you follow your breath and the music through the unfolding colors, patterns, shapes, journeys, memories and/or lucid dreamscapes. The Lucia N°03 is a tool for accessing deep states of awareness, making it easier to return to similar states on your own.



I now consider my near death experience as a revelation - one of two revelatory experiences I have had in my life so far.

Revelation to me being:
the divine or supernatural disclosure to humans of something relating to human existence.

It was a funny, but not funny story where a bunch or random events involving scooters, Thailand, mary-jane, and chewy coconut sweets caused me to stop breathing for a few minutes.

While the people around me were madly scrambling to stop my mouth clamping shut and blocking any chance of resuscitation, I was blissfully unaware. I was floating in a warm bubble of pure love and light, unlike anything I had ever experienced in my waking life.

It was like being surrounded by and connected to anyone and anything I had ever loved. There was nothing to think about or worry about, nothing to do or analyse, it just was.

And it was bliss... When they did manage to prise the coconut sweet out of my throat and get me breathing again, I opened my eyes to their fearful faces and had a was slightly annoyed that they had managed to save me. That place outside of form was so incredible, I would not have minded staying there for eternity. It was not to be at that time though.

It felt so real, much more real than this waking reality does.

First thing, the revelation helped me to completely change my relationship with death. Rather than something to be fearful of, it was a sacred place to be revered. Now with what I know now, I would swap the word 'death' with 'formlessness' - as that feels more accurate.

The other thing that this gift has given me is a felt experience of what LOVE feels like. What formlessness feels like. What the truth of who we are feels like. I can return to this feeling whenever I need it. And one day I will be able to consciously return myself to that place of my own will.

That is what I hope to bring to others - the knowing that there is another reality outside of this one - one more loving than you can even imagine. And it is accessible to us, through our willing desire to know it.

Have you had any near death or revelatory experiences?


Always ❤

MONDAY MUSINGS: External success as a measure of value.

First up, I want to get one thing straight - YOU ARE WORTHY BECAUSE YOU EXIST. PERIOD!!! Success in the world makes no difference to the truth of who you are - you are a spark of creation, nothing more nothing less.

Each week before I post the Monday Musings I receive the energetic imprint of what I will be writing about. Usually it comes the week or a few days before. This week however it ALL came through today. It showed up as a building frustration due to the stillness and inactivity of those around me and my own inability to action things that I had wanted to do - like this post for example! It also showed up as frustrations and judgements around how I perceived the actions of others around me, particularly around the idea of celebrating people's external successes, and being chosen because of it. Successful business people, people with large followings, people making an 'impact', people with nice clothes, car's and houses, wealth, good relationships, large social circles - but more than that - people that present a persona that is 'put together' - the image. Even in spiritual circles, external success is often seen as a measure of internal success.

I started out quite externally successful in my youth. School was easy, Uni was easy, I never had to work hard to achieve good results, I got jobs easily and always got promoted quickly. I was earning good money and would have continued to rise up the ranks if I had stayed on that path. I was quite attached to the idea that I was intelligent. If I wanted to I could achieve excellence and put my mind to almost any task. I could easily make friends if I wanted to. The problem was that I wasn't actually happy and I couldn't see any examples of people of positions that inspired me in the world around me. I would always be asked - where do you see yourself in 5 years as part of job interviews and I really had no answer for that! And I didn't have many close friends that shared these same interests.

Around the same time opportunities for my spiritual awakening began to appear, and I began to question everything I had been taught about life. I desired to know the truth of life - why are we here, what's the point of life, where did we come from? And so life showed my a completely different perspective to what I had experienced up until that point. Overseas, I met and fell in love with a man with undiagnosed bi-polar. We got married and began having children. And, over the course of the next 10 years I was unceremoniously stripped of all of my previous life style and privileges. All sense of safety in my external circumstances vanished. My life began to be a constant living crisis. My intelligence meant nothing. I could excel at nothing. Homelessness, isolation, eating from community kitchens with our young child, public humiliation, racism, repeated dealings with the mental health, police, the courts, incarceration and immigration systems.

I lost all sense of self-worth within the community, and within myself - for a time. And I gained a deep appreciation for what it means to be privileged due to your external circumstances. And what it truly means to be humble. And what it means to surrender to life itself. Given all of that, my experience was only a tiny slice compared to many many people out there. I am still so privileged in my circumstances and I am fortunate that I have a family that could help me to dig myself out of this experience.

There most definitely are so many people in the world that will never reach the level of external success that is currently celebrated and flaunted in the world. This is not due to their worth as people, but due to their circumstances in life - whether it is skin colour, place of birth, mental or physical disabilities, traumas, gender identity, housing and more. I am so very passionate about the idea that ALL people deserve to be celebrated regardless of their perceived external success or failures. And I want to bust some myths:

Hard work DOES NOT = Success
Spiritually aware and awake DOES NOT = No challenges
Intelligence DOES NOT = Better
External Success DOES NOT = Value
Image DOES NOT = Perfection
Perfection DOES NOT exist.

Everyone is doing their absolute best in each moment given their experiences and circumstances, and the more I can remember that the happier and peaceful I, and the people around me, are. There is no striving to be an image of something to others for external validation. Simply a sinking into the perfection of everything exactly as it is now.

Every now and then I need to be reminded of this fact to keep me in a space of grace, compassion and humility and to remember that we are all in this together and inextricably linked. I am worthy because you are worthy, and you are worthy because I am worthy.

In Service Always,
Ele NI


Hard work is honourable...

How does that statement feel to you??



Many of us on the path of inner work, particularly shadow work are familiar with releasing the hold of past situations, memories and stories necessary to come more into alignment with the present moment.

However, just as important is releasing our addiction to knowing and controlling the future.

It is so imbedded into our social conditioning to try to vision, control and manipulate our futures in order to create 'safety' for our future selves, businesses, families and communities.

How alluring are pyschics, oracles, tarot cards and divination? Whether to confirm a future we already feel, or to bring hope where all feels lost?

It is considered responsible to plan for, mitigate risk, set goals and intentions to bring the future reality we think we want or need. And it is considered irresponsible to not do these things. Both in spiritual and non-spiritual circles.

Whilst I've always been a fly by the seat of my pants type, I too have carried the subconscious guilt that it is wrong, irresponsible and naive of me to live that way. Deep down I always thought that one day I'd become more responsible, especially if I wanted to become financially successful.

But hidden underneath all of these behaviours I have found a fear of truly surrendering to all that this moment holds. Truly surrendering to divine will. Trusting that divine will is NOT asking me to sacrifice anything worth holding on to.

What I this moment was all we ever had? What if things never evolved, changed or grew? Would you be at peace?

In truth, this moment holds all the information we need to make the decisions we are asked to make. There is no need to reach into a potential future, simply a stepping forward with what feels true in every moment. And if we don't have a piece of information we 'want' then we weren't meant to have it in that time.

As a simple example, since Saturday I thought I needed to go to the supermarket to top up on common items in my fridge and pantry, to make sure we had enough food to eat. However I never felt the pull in any moment to actually go and shop. That's how I work, I wait for an energetic pull to show me where I'm meant to be. Instead, I made fresh bread both mornings, I made my own plant based milk substitute which was amazing, I whipped up some healthy yummy balls as snacks for the kids and I went out to our fruit trees and collected the last fruit of the season for juices and smoothies. The result was so much more fun, connected and better for our whole family than if I had just forced myself to go to the shops.

Living in this way is how the miracle enters our lives. Letting go of our perceived need to know and control what's coming next.

When we surrender completely, we have no notions of wants and needs. It is completely overtaken by the knowing that we already have everything that we need.


Each month that goes by I have more and more respect for business owner's! So much goes on behind the scenes that the customer is unaware of.

So - R.E.S.P.E.C.T - to all of you out there!


For a long time I did not see myself as fitting in anywhere.

I felt alien. I knew there was something deeply wrong with the way we live. But I couldn't see around me any way of truly creating change I felt was possible in my heart.

I believed that all humans were essentially good.
I believed that that there was a way to end suffering, for good.
I believed that there was a way that we could all live together in harmony.
I believed that there had to be a better way.

Up until I was 24, I lived the script that was handed to me from society. I went to school, then university, then got a good job, started earning money, building up my super, spending money, getting pay rises and promotions. I was a model example of what we should be doing.

But I was also depressed and anxious. While I enjoyed connecting with others and solving problems, I had no joy in what I was doing. I couldn't see myself in any job title or in any other people. Small things would set off my anxiety, sometimes just being alive! My brain would spiral off into all the possibilities and tasks required to make the world work - It made no sense to my rational, practical brain. Somewhere inside I felt a reality where we were all guaranteed safety, worth, love, abundance - without pressure, force, manipulation or expectation. But this felt like a pipe-dream. I toyed with the idea that I was just lazy, irresponsible and naïve - but I knew that I wasn't that either - I was efficient, disciplined and a hard worker. I would often work late to finish things for other people, I was dependable and had high integrity.

Around this time I stumbled across spirituality, alternative medicines, ascended masters, lucid dreaming, astral travel, tarot cards, psychics, crystals etc. It helped me to start questioning the reality that we are presented with.

However I soon became obsessed with which planet I came from, what starseed was I? How were the elite destroying the planet? How did we really come to be humans on planet earth? What will the crystals, pendulum, psychic tell me about what to do! My heart was in the right place but subconsciously I wanted to use these things as a way to prove my specialness, my difference from others. I was here for a special reason, therefore I have something special that others don't have. I can save the world!

What I didn't realise at the time was that I was simply promoting and strengthening the idea of separation, rather than unity and harmony.

During this time I also flipped the script, left my secure job, met a man overseas, got married and had children. I began to experience crisis after crisis. All my perceived safety fell away. After a relatively easy and privileged upbringing in middle class suburbia, I entered the darkness and shadows for a very long time. And I emerged with that knowing still deep within my heart. There is no darkness that cannot be held within the light.

It wasn't until I came across The Institute of Intuitive Intelligence and A Course In Miracles, that I began to deconstruct all that I had learnt to date, and together with my own experiences, begin a true path to unity consciousness. It had to begin with me - deconstructing my own fears and false belief structures held within my subconscious, so I could begin to access the deep wisdom held within the core of my being.

It was only from this place that I have begun to see a deep and profound shift within me, and within the world around me.

For the first time, I could see the way to what my heart had been calling for. I no longer experienced mental health struggles, trying to grapple with this reality, I no longer fantasized about what it would be like to leave this earth.

Now, I can rest in the knowing that I am deeply and irreversibly connected to all of you and all of existence. There is no-one outside of me that I need to consult, because you are all inside of me. I recognise that everything is speaking to me, most particularly my pain, my suffering and my challenges. They are my keys to freedom, peace and love.

There is a better way forward my loves - and it starts with each and every one of us.


Are we cultivating gratitude in completely the wrong way? Not only a wrong way but a way that inadvertently takes us deeper into separation rather than closer to it??

The typical practice is to bring to mind things we are grateful for in our lives, which is to say our external world. But by tying our high vibration with cues in the external, we are strengthening the belief that it is the world that is creating our vibration... Rather than us creating it ourselves.

I feel that gratitude is our natural state and has nothing to do with our outer circumstances.

And, all we need to do to cultivate it is practice tapping in to our heart field, our deep mind, where the vibration of gratitude exists - and rest there for a while. Refuel. And with practice hopefully bring it more and more into our daily lives and routines.


Everything that is not in alignment with Sacred Frequencies and divine union within has come up for release for me in June! I have been deep in shadow work and it has been quite uncomfortable - the deepest of lows and the highest of highs!

Deep within I felt safe enough to dive into this work and allow it to unknot from my system and pass through. I cannot offer to you what I have not integrated and embodied first within myself.

I'm so excited to now start recording these transmissions for the 12 who are ready to receive!


What do you think...Are we actually in control of our lives, our daily choices? Or is it all predestined...Fate?


I love patterns, geometry and symmetry, so I was delighted to receive the inspiration that Sacred Frequencies is meant for 12 people only!

12 weeks of sound for 12 people.

Are you one of the 12?

The Science of How Sound Affects the Human Body with Eileen McKusick 27/06/2021

I know that sound works intuitively, however I've never really dug into the science behind WHY it works.

I've recently come across Eileen Mckuskin's work on the electric body. She brings up the fact that we are electric beings, AND that electricity, brain waves, sound and light are all simply waves of different frequencies. Where it is on the spectrum defines how we categorise it. She has been researching and practising with sound in the form of tuning forks for over 2 decades and her research is truly mind blowing.

The Science of How Sound Affects the Human Body with Eileen McKusick Register for this Free Online Event - Globe Sound Healing Conference: 20 Sound Healers offering the latest informat...


This is not LIFE.

People who have nothing. People who have everything.

Pushing, striving, working hard to get by.

This is not life.

Punishment, judgement, comparison, death, illness, war, destruction, striving, suffering, depression, mental illness, coercion, trafficking, hate, envy, jealousy, poverty, hunger.

This is not LIFE.

Yes, there are beautiful things and feelings and emotions, but so long as those things above exist, I refuse to accept this as 'Life'.

Maybe you are happy. Maybe you worked hard to receive the good things in life. Maybe you were born able bodied, or the dominant culture, intelligent, in a family that was educated, in a country that was peaceful. Maybe you attribute your success to hard work or your own abilities.

But unless this success, ease, happiness and peace is available to every single being, human or otherwise - I do not accept this as LIFE.

We have accepted life and death, creation and destruction as NATURAL cycles.

I don't feel anything natural about a lion devouring it's prey. Or, holidaying in paradise while others are struggling to survive. Or governments making war on others countries. Or diseases killing people.

This 'life' feels more to me like death, dressed up as life.

I feel in every fibre of my being that there is a better way. A real life that is not this. A way of existence where there is no suffering. No right or wrong. No polarity.

Seeing this universe as an illusion makes perfect sense to me. What we call 'life' cannot be. It makes no sense to me.

***NB this is a call to action for myself. A galvanising of my soul to remember the truth. To define my will as being determined to see the truth within, rather than what is without.


Only one of these statements bring lasting peace and true change.

I used to want to change the world. Until I realised that there IS no world. And I still get caught up sometimes in the emotions that run when people speak passionately about changing the world. Whether it is about the earth and climate change, child trafficking, government control, free choice, wars, inequality, racism, refugees, and so many more.

It can most definitely feel like we are doing something productive, and can help our feelings that we are out of control on a dying planet. How COULD we do this to our children? How COULD we possibly allow something like this to happen on our watch? How COULD we let disaster and destruction come to our communities and our planet?

More insidious than that though is using spirituality to manifest a better personal world. More wealth, more opportunities, more stuff. It is really tricky business done by our own ego's. Because changing our own world is affirming that it exists, that it is real. Affirming that we have wants, needs and desires is affirming that we are missing something, instead of affirming that we exist in eternal peace and bliss. It is affirming that what we could experience in this life can in anyway bring us what we truly want. We might couch it in saying, but it brings me pleasure in this life, and bring me closer to the frequency of joy, and it helps me to help others - which is all fine! IF that is what you truly want.

You see, I don't believe that is what WE truly want. I believe we ALL want to experience complete dissolution into union with spirit. With God. Complete remembrance of the truth of our eternal nature.

And we can never get that from changing the world, or anything in this world. The wonderful paradox is however, that when we truly focus on this - the world DOES change, and our lives DO change. It changes as a natural byproduct of living AS love. But first we have to give up our addictions and attachments to changing this world.


Being authentic is something that we choose in every minute. And it can look completely different every time!

It means feeling in full alignment with what you feel, think, say and do. There is no dissonance between any of them. It is radical truth telling. First to ourselves! And then to others.

My winter solstice musings have been on this. I have been out of alignment for a while. A very subtle, underlying discomfort. This business has been consuming my vibrational space for far too long. Truth telling to myself looks like reminding myself of the true place of this business in my realm. As a side support for myself and others! It is not full time. It has no place consuming me, leaving no space for joy, pleasure, study or true connection with my children and my self.

Yes, it is reminding myself that I indeed have enough time for everything. Which includes growing things at a pace that is right for me.

I found myself wishing I didn't have to spend so much time attending to my children's and my own needs, so that I could finish what I wanted to do with the business faster. AND feeling shame about that. Even though it is so common and socially acceptable to hate on our roles as parents. "Just get a nanny, find more support, put them in childcare..."

But truly, this weekend has reminded me - I enjoy spending my time with my children - when I can actually be present with them. I have so much I love to share with them, and adventures I wish to take them on! This time with them as young ones is precious and important to me. It will end not too far in the future.

Most likely, when my children have grown some more - this business will take over more of my priority list. But for now, it is a branch on my tree. One treble note in my symphony of life.

Because of my training and my daily work, I feel safe enough to be able to admit this to myself, and to you. I feel safe enough to relieve myself from the pressure of being anything more than I am in this moment. To not try to be everything, all the time.

To step back and make room for miracles.

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Fresh new energy and new directions!
All new fresh and clear energy has been pouring in from yesterday! I'll be jumping on live tomorrow to share some of thi...
Channeled message from the King Archetype
Chanelling the Priestess
Sound as a vehicle for raising your vibration
Re-writing the stories we tell ourselves. We don't need to analyse the story or its origins- we can simply choose a new ...
"If I am an immortal being of spirit, why do I make so many mistakes in this human form? I should be/do better than I am...
Self-love and self-esteem through the lense of Intuitive Intelligence. My personal experience.
Humility doesn't mean not celebrating yourself and others. It means living from the knowing that no matter your circumst...



73 Stuart St
Mullumbimby, NSW

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