Auralia Rose Articles

Auralia Rose Articles

This is page is for sharing my articles on Past Life Regression and QHHT published in the Nimbin GoodTimes Newspaper. In person and online sessions available


Tales from the Akashic Records

I have written previously about the Akashic Records and attempted to describe this mysterious place in ethers. This month I would like to share some of the ways in which accessing this realm can benefit you by sharing some real life stories. As they hold pretty much everything and anything about our personal and collective histories, the Akashic Records provide an infinite source of information, which can be hugely beneficial in so many ways. Even the likely trajectory of our lives can be redirected, once the wisdom that is available there is understood.

An accident prone young man, his whole life punctuated by broken bones, sprains and dislocations from repeated falls and accidents. His Records revealed a past life where, as a young man, he fell down a craggy mountain, breaking many bones in his body, some of which never healed correctly. The historic and cellular memory was so strong that he attracted many accidents in his current life. There is always a deeper reason for everything. Seeking adventure, one day, suddenly and without warning, he left his wife and young children to fend for themselves whilst he headed for the mountains. His learning was about responsibility, that he could not simply turn his back on those who loved and depended on him. He was still avoiding responsibility in this life. By recognising what created his accident proneness, we helped him clear the past through forgiveness and chose a different option which was available to him at the time, in effect rewriting the past, and hopefully ending his accident proneness as well as his irresponsibility.

Chronic arthritis in the family. A woman wondered what would cause so many of her family to have this problem. The Records revealed a past life where she and other family members were all seriously injured or died a mining accident. The arthritis pain echoed that of the broken bones, soreness and stiffness the miners experienced. Upon finding the karmic cause of the accident, we were able to bring understanding to what my client needed to address in her current life. It also explained her compelling interest in mining accidents, which she had found curious.

Lonely postman. As a mailman in America in the 1800s, he was often away for long stretches. He had fallen in love but felt he shouldn’t tie the young lady down, being often gone for months at a time. So he determined that love wouldn’t be right and the belief was strong enough to be imprinted in his records. In this life he was employed as a Postman, so you can see how past experiences tend to follow us around. After clearing this belief and choosing a more positive one, he rang to tell me that soon after our session he had found the love he longed for, which interestingly turned out to be the same person as the girl he left behind in the past life! Would they have found each other anyway? In my experience, even if they had, the relationship would not have lasted.

A man with financial problems found out about a previous life as a gambler. For many years it seemed luck was on his side, repeatedly winning large amounts of money. He was able to purchase the cars, clothes, women and lifestyle he desired, until his lucky streak was suddenly reversed and he ended up losing everything. Believing he was duped, he developed a deep distrust and hatred of his gambling associates, accompanied by feelings of fear and resentment towards those who had money. We also identified a subconscious belief that money makes you a target and can easily be lost, and that it is best to stay poor, which we reprogammed with positive beliefs.

Wherever your life is restricted, you are likely to find the answer in your personal Akashic records.

All the VERY BEST to you.


Voices from the Womb : Unravelling Prenatal Trauma

Our prebirth experience is often unrecognised as a possible cause of fears, phobias and psychological problems we face in our life. When a pregnant woman feels undue stress, emotional rejection, anxiety, or is subject to violence, it can leave an indelible imprint on the developing fetus, shaping its development and long-term well-being, often manifesting as problems throughout their life.

During a recent hypnosis session, a lady I will call Fleur embarked on a journey back in time to when she was in her mother’s womb. Her mother lived in Paris during the second world war during the German occupation.

Amidst the chaos of war and occupation, her 19 year old mother developed a forbidden relationship with a young German officer, both of them seeking comfort and psychological escape from the all turmoil. It wasn’t long before the young woman realised she was pregnant, sharing her secret with only her lover and her mother. In hypnotic trance, Fleur felt and described her mother’s emotions, even remembering the conversations between her mother and her German lover. Every fear, confusion and tension experienced by the mother was felt by Fleur, leaving an a deep impression on her Soul.

Her lover immediately denied he could be the father, placing blame on another young man from the village. Furthermore he ignored the young woman, refusing to even look at her. She was in love and the denial and abandonment shattered the young woman's world, the unborn child keenly feeling her mothers’ heartbreak and distress. Fleur’s entire prenatal experience was one of conflict, tension and uncertainty,

The regression unravelled the origins of Fleur’s lifelong anxiety and distrust of men as they were traced back to these prenatal experiences. The trauma of war, betrayal, and the burden of secrecy her mother carried, left a deep scar on Fleur’s soul, the fetus absorbing the emotional turmoil of its environment.

Ultimately, the journey through Fleur’s prenatal trauma offered not only insight but also a pathway to healing. It underscored the profound impact of prebirth experiences and how it shapes our personalities.

If you have emotional issues which cannot be resolved or explained, perhaps irrational fears or strange beliefs, you may benefit from questioning your mother, if she’s still alive, about her pregnancy. A word of caution though: if you know or sense it was very traumatic for her, she may not want to open that can of worms, so do not persist, some things are best left alone.

Hypnosis regression therapy is a tried and true way of understanding and resolving pre-birth trauma.

Love to all the mothers and their children.



Sometimes we come into this life with a mission which we are unable to accomplish which leaves us feeling defeated and exhausted as we strive to fulfil the plan we made before incarnating.

Melissa came for a session to try and sort out family problems that had been going on her whole life.

Born to narcissistic and abusive parents, her siblings mirroring their parents’ behaviour, very little love was shown to Melissa. A lifetime of emotional abuse, criticism, gaslighting, ridicule and undermining her sanity, created the belief that she was stupid and worthless. Moving out of home only escalated the attacks, she was stalked by family members who intimidated and threatened her. Melissa lived her life in fear, always looking over her shoulder, she felt she would never be free of her family.

Past life regression showed her a life as an American Indian woman living on the grassy plains with her people. She had a husband and children whom she loved very much. This place had a beautiful golden light, even the crops were golden. As with all indigenous people, Melissa felt a deep love and connection with the land, the stars and the animals. She remembered how she was able to read the stars and receive messages from them. Life was idyllic until the day some strangers came riding into their camp, Melissa noticing that they rode their horses differently to how her people rode theirs. Her people rode bare back and were at one with their horses, unlike these strangers. They had white skin and blue uniforms and proceeded to burn down the chief’s hut as a warning to the people. They wanted their land. Melissa however felt no fear, she did not take the threat seriously, she simply could not imagine how the land could be taken as it belonged to her people. The law/lore stated that as ancestral guardians the land belonged to them. The men of the tribe took the threats seriously however and soon the women and children were moved to a safe place in the mountains, needing to move often to avoid being found. Eventually the tribesmen who had survived the battles returned to the women and children, where they continued moving from place to place to remain safe.

In reviewing this life and how it related to her current one, Melissa’s Higher Self had an important message for her. She was advised to seek out that place in her soul where she could remember her connection to the land and the stars. She was reminded how in her Indian lifetime she would consciously pull the earth energy up into her body, connect to the stars and receive guidance and answers. She still had this ability, in fact we all do, most have just forgotten it. There are still many people today who do this. By connecting to the earth and stars in such away Melissa’s strength would return and would protect her from any fears and heavier emotions.

Throughout her previous incarnations Melissa had ascended to a state of pure love. In her desire to help these wounded souls, all of whom had some very dark past lives, they formed a pre-incarnational contract that she would endeavour to help them to heal by giving them all the love she had inside her.

It did not go according to plan unfortunately because her family were not capable of receiving her love. They had impenetrable steel walls around them where her light couldn’t reach. There was nothing else she could or should do and she was advised it was time to tear up the contract and let it all go. The most important learning for Melissa was keeping her heart open and deepening her connection to Mother Earth and nature. A message for all of us.



This month instead of exposing my clients’ deep dark past, I’ve decided to share my own : ) Past Life Regression practitioners also need to dive into their own past lives to keep their energy clear and remain spiritually attuned.

My colleague Darryl and I do very similar work, Darryl practicing a technique known as Crystalline Dreaming, which helps people gain clarity about their past, and so I asked Darryl to help me uncover any blocks I may been unaware of. During this amazing session I experienced several past lives which explained things about this life.

First off, I regressed to a life as a Native American male. I saw myself pinned to the desert floor under a blazing hot sun, left to die. I wasn’t sure if it was punishment or some type of ritual, but it explained why I have always hated the heat, holding the irrational fear that I would die if the weather became too hot. It also made hot days more unbearable. Since my session I have been spending time in a place where the temperatures have been consistently hot, reaching 42 degrees one day. I was surprised that I survived quite well, even going for a walk in 38 degree midday heat, where previously air conditioning would have been my only salvation! Amazing how things change when the underlying cause is found.

Skipping to a scene from another past life, I was a woman lying on the ground, yelling profanities at a soldier who had just plunged his bayonet between my legs, penetrating all the way up to my abdomen. I died with the rage still boiling up inside me. I have discovered numerous past lives of suffering s*xual abuse, and also been the perpetrator of such abuse; none of us are angels, we have experienced everything, good and bad throughout our many incarnations. The energetic imprint of all that abuse, as well as my personal karma for the harm I have inflicted, resulted in a serious illness in my pelvic region in this life. It was only when I cleared all that energy through regression practices that my body was able to heal.

Personally however, the most beautiful part of the session was a healing with my relationship with my mother, who died many years ago. On the way to Darryl’s session I reflected that since her passing I had not felt a lot of love from my mother, rather judgement, displeasure and condemnation. I realised there was a part of me that was still harbouring unrecognised anger and resentment towards her, which in turn resulted in me being unable to think of her with much love or affection. During our session I found that we shared a life in Hawaii a few hundred years ago, where she was the medicine woman for our tribe, and I her daughter. She passed all her knowledge and wisdom on to me so I could one day take her place. Needing to know why she had abandoned me, she answered in that Hawaiian lifetime she had taught me everything she knew about her craft and this time around he wished to teach me resilience, inner strength and to learn to love myself. She told me as my mother in this life she loved me intensely, the same way I love my own children. In that moment I truly felt her immense love for me for the first time. Where’s the box of tissues?!!

I now feel much closer to my mother in spirit since the hurt has been healed, which caused me to reject her and I and am grateful for the strengths she helped me find within myself. Deep gratitude to Darryl for his expertise and for giving me the opportunity to heal this most important relationship.

If you feel Darryl or I can help you please see our advertisements in this issue.

Bounce into 2024 with a renewed Spirit. I wish you love and abundance in all things.

The White Dragon 432Hz by Tachyon Musician KENTA HAYASHI at Live The White Dragon Awakening Kyoto 18/02/2024

Please enjoy this beautiful music from the very talented Kenta, which he debuted at the Kyoto event. Other ceremonies were held at Mt. Fuji, Tokyo and Amanohashidate, a coastal location 2.5 hours north of Kyoto. Kenta so beautifully and masterfully channeled the exquisite energies of the White Dragon, a very pure octave of Love. Listen in a meditative state or play it in the background as it permeates your space with its Divine resonance. (Sorry about the ads at the start, but that’s YouTube!)

Whilst Kenta was performing, Solara invited us to state the following, as we stood in our full Power and Beingness, individually and collectively proclaiming the end of duality:


The White Dragon 432Hz by Tachyon Musician KENTA HAYASHI at Live The White Dragon Awakening Kyoto :11ソララさんより導き頂いた「この地上で初めてまだ誰も聞いたことのない真の白竜の曲を具現化させ、京都セレモニーで奏でる」という使命を全身全霊でやり遂げる事が出来た...

Photos from Auralia Rose Articles's post 18/02/2024


I would love to share with you the journey I’ve just completed to Japan, organised by the visionary Solara, whom some may know from herworldwide 11:11 activations and books. This was to be a journey not so much about my spiritual expansion, although it was that and more, as to awaken and anchor a very new energy on Earth for the benefit of all life here.

This is Solara’s description of the event:

“Momentous, once in a lifetime, ceremonies to awaken the White Crystalline Dragon within us.

What is the WHITE DRAGON?

The White Dragon appears from Beyond the Beyond embodying pure true energies that have never been on this planet before. The White Dragon is an open doorway through which we can touch unborn worlds.

Although all Dragons bring transformation, whenever the White Dragon appears, it brings something
absolutely NEW from far beyond our present imagining that realigns us with our Timeless True Self.

Whenever the White Dragon appears, there’s an energy of total newness that the White Dragon embodies which can immediately be felt. This newness fills us with fresh, new energy and pure true love!

The appearance of a White Dragon is an immensely auspicious sign. It shows us that deep and positive
shifts are taking place and that we are becoming ever closer to shifting reality systems.”

The ceremonies were pure magic, 100 people from all over the world gathered in various locations to first ignite the white dragon energy within each of us, culminating in the final ceremony on the banks of a beautiful bay on Japan’s north coast.

The mission was successful and has far reaching implications for our Earth and beyond. It shows as a collective we are ready to move into the next phase of our ascension as we embrace oneness and move beyond duality: right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light etc. The energy of oneness is now more freely available for all whose souls have made the decision to move beyond duality, a huge step for humankind.

Now the real work begins, to constantly remind myself when I fall into dualistic thinking, forgetting that the play of light and dark is just a game to help us evolve. Seeing beyond the illusion that we are separate.

If this article speaks to you, you may wish to do the following meditation to further anchor and strengthen the White Dragon Energies in yourself and the Earth. This can only be done through us, the people who offer themselves as anchoring points on the planet.


Find somewhere quiet, preferably in nature, and begin by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Call to yourself a column of bright light from Creator Source and see it coming down into the top of your head, continuing all the way down to the centre of the earth. Now send
a cord of light from the base of your spine into the core of the Earth, really feeling the connection with Mother Earth.

Call unconditional love to yourself and feel it pouring into your body and aura from Source, opening your heart chakra, feeling love and gratitude for the beauty of earth and all life. Feel your aura strengthening as a deep peace and strength arises in you.

Be prepared to go deeper into yourself, into the earth, into your purpose. Sit for a while in stillness, quietness and solitude. Deeply listen. When you feel ready invite up the White Crystalline Dragon Energies to activate within you. As you focus your attention upon it, the energy intensifies. Feel the deep connection, the deep receiving as you embody truth, love and strength. Feel the love and power infuse throughout your entire Being. Your willingness and intention makes it so.

Offer this energy to Mother Earth, her oceans, streams and rivers, out into the atmosphere, and to all people who are ready to receive it.

Deep gratitude to you all for the gifts you bring to our beloved Earth.

With love,
Auralia 🤍🐉🤍


You may not have heard of the Akashic Records nor even be aware of their existence, yet you can be sure this library knows all about you! Every thought, word, emotion, deed, intent you have ever uttered, experienced or committed in the past, present or future is stored there. It is a vast library containing the records of everything that has ever existed, all talents and knowledge, all lifetimes all universal events. It permeates throughout all Universes and in all dimensions.
The term Akashic is derived from the Sanskrit work Akasha which means ether, sky or atmosphere, or the non-physical plane of existence. Sometimes referred to as The Book of Life or Soul Records, some people see this vast library psychically as actual books or scrolls, but they are more an energetic vibration, an indelible imprint of everything, etched into eternity. Anyone can access the Akashic Records and inspect the history of their own soul because we are all part of it.
There are many advantages of visiting this realm and inspecting your own Records as they provide valuable information which can assist us to live a better, healthier, happier life. So many problems can be solved and so much healing can be achieved from any life situation, such as relationship and career problems, money blocks, health issues, fears and phobias. In fact we can transform our entire life experience through the wisdom to be found in this energetic data base.
A visit to the Hall of Records can provide priceless guidance on enhancing our personal and spiritual development. They can help us work through problems by seeing things from a different angle by presenting previously unrecognised opportunities for growth, direction, creativity, and joy.

Problems carried over from past lives can easily be cleared by going back to the original source of a particular issue. Subconscious as well as conscious beliefs are often carried over from past lives and can be very detrimental, inhibiting us from leading purposeful, happy, liberated lives. In the absence of negative memories and beliefs, we are free to create our life how we want it to be, making way for new supportive, holistic manifestations.

Through reading your own Akashic Records or having them read for you by a qualified practitioner, you can receive answers to some of life’s big questions, such as Why am I here? Who am I? What is my soul’s purpose? Am I on the right path? Am I in the right job/career? Am I in the right relationship? How can I heal my body/mind/spirit? Do I have any remaining karma? Will I ever find true love? Will I find happiness? Which past life or lives have had the biggest impact on my current life? You could look upon them as a google search of your soul.
The wonderful readers of my articles will know I am a qualified QHHT and Past Life practitioner which are conducted under hypnosis by accessing the subconscious mind. There a few people though who have trouble relaxing deeply enough to access their subconscious and so in order to help these people I decided to do the Akashic Records training, which requires no hypnosis.
If you would like to explore your own Akashic Records and not sure where to start, or would prefer to have me read them for you, please get in touch, I am always happy to chat. Private sessions can be done in person or by distance.



Allison’s recent session was very interesting. Using Regression Hypnosis, she remembered a lifetime as a monkey. It was a happy, carefree life, spending her days swinging through the trees in a lush jungle environment with many different creatures and colourful birds. In that life Allison was a young male monkey living in the tree tops with his parents and two younger brothers. Until one day a huge fireball came from the sky and destroyed their beautiful planet. In recounting this part of the story, Allison became very upset as she relived the scene, crying and angry at the senseless destruction of an entire planet for which there was no reason, other than experimentation. Monkey left his body, his consciousness still carrying the trauma, grief and anger, as well as guilt that he couldn’t save his family.

Allison’s soul soon found itself in a place she described as a pretty golden city, much like the city of Asgard in the movie “Thor, Tales of Asgard”. She described a beautiful place which lots of golden domes and tall spires. Feeling her soul to be in need of rest and healing, she was immersed in a pod where she received healing from purple and gold light. Souls very often go to healing places such as this between lifetimes.

When she was ready to move on, Allison found herself in a huge library with very many levels, each one crammed with an infinite number of ancient books. This place is known as Akashic Records. The higher levels had very advanced books, Allison feeling to go to a lower level where she selected a very large book with many pages, the cover depicting a beautiful image of a sun surrounded by golden vines and green leaves. The book was written in a language she didn’t understand, but she kept turning the pages until she came to the middle of the book where she found a picture of a tree taking up the whole page. She was fascinated at how much life there was in the roots and observed wombats at the base, some in their burrows. It felt very grounding for Allison.

This is where is gets really interesting. It was as if the tree kept growing out of the page, reaching higher and higher into the sky. It had very big round leaves and Allison felt the urge to climb the tree. On reaching the top she received a message from her Higher Self, asking her to look all around. She was told this was how far she had come in her soul evolution; she had come so far and achieved so much and was capable of reaching much further than she thought, indeed already had. She was not limited in any way. She felt quite overwhelmed at the vastness of her Soul and its journey through time and space. This is true for each of us, most of us just don’t see the enormity of who we really are beneath our skin.

The canopy of the tree had its own eco system, it was like a complete universe teeming with life. Alison was very fascinated with the billions upon billions of leaves which had so much complexity and life in them. They were of a deep bright green/blue colour, each leaf having it’s own individual consciousness, yet not separate from any one part of the tree. The leaves were always departing and returning, attached by an invisible cord.

On discussing Allison’s experiences with her later, we both felt the tree was symbolic of Creation Source, the leaves representing all the individual souls connected to, but never separate from the one true Source of Creation.


What a fantastic event The Aquarius 50th Anniversary was! Ten days jam packed with activities,workshops, gatherings, music and celebrations. The festival was a beautiful example of what makes Nimbin such a special place and it was wonderful to see the active participation and broad support from the community. A big shout out to the organisers who devoted many months of long days and their own personal resources to make it all happen. It was brilliant and I feel privileged to have been part of it, through the offerings of my group Past Life Regression session and the panel discussions on spirituality and death and dying. I particularly enjoyed the death and dying discussions. Many people have a fear of death and feel uneasy even discussing it, so it was wonderful to have an open discussion, with some beautiful and poignant stories being shared.

I would love to tell you and have you know that death if nothing to be feared. From my perspective death is to be celebrated just as we celebrate birth. It is simply a transition from one state of being to another. Whilst I can’t say I have had any direct personal experience of death :) my conclusions have come partly from facilitating thousands of past life regression sessions where I guide a person into the time immediately after they have died and left that lifetime. I have also studied many reports of near death experiences where people have been clinically dead then chose to return to their body. It is always a choice, never coerced. These innumerable recorded and researched past life experiences clearly point to life continuing after death. When a person dies the physical body shuts down, whilst their consciousness continues. They are the same person with the same personality and characteristics they had whilst alive in the body. Sometimes it takes a while to realise they have actually transitioned as they still feel like themselves. They are usually very detached from the life and the body they have just left. It’s quite amusing to hear the newly departed soul refer to that “crumpled old bag of bones lying down there" or some such similar comment :)

After floating in blissful and peaceful realms for a while, free of whatever difficulties, pain or illness they endured whilst in their body, they realise that consciousness has no limits and can relocate instantly to any location. Free to explore any timeline, past, present, or future, they usually go and check on loved ones to see how they are doing. They wish their loved ones could hear them communicating that they are doing great, are happy and well and delighted about the freedom and awareness they now have on the other side. At some point they feel pulled somewhere else, which may be the place where they reviewt heir entire life, the good, the bad and the ugly. Many people are fearful that they will be punished for their misdeeds in the afterlife, however there is never any judgement or punishment from some fearful “big god-like being in the sky”, only a beautiful vibration of acceptance love. It is their own consciousness that decides if they could have done better and they may decide to be reborn into another physical body at a later stage to try and do better next time.

It is always the soul’s decision to return, soul growth being the whole point of why we reincarnate. Other times, particularly if the lifetime or death experience has been traumatic, souls will find themselves in a place of healing, often described as a place of coloured pools of healing waters,where they are free to immerse themselves and stay as long as they wish. Ultimately, they find themselves back in the Source realms from which we all originate and are part of, as much as they are a part of us. That’s where souls have the first hand experience of knowing there is no separation and everything is connected.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, if I have allayed any fears of death I am truly happy.
With love



Do you have a niggling feeling you may have lived other lives before this one? Many people do. There may be a fascination with a particular country or time period in history, perhaps a natural talent that comes very easily to you. Sometimes meeting someone for the first time elicits strong feelings of affection or even aversion towards that person which we don’t understand. Many young children retain memories of previous lifetimes, which often fade as they grow older and are told it’s just their imagination.

Exploring past lives is fascinating and can explain many of life’s mysteries and is often a wonderful tool for healing and solving present day problems.

As an example, I will share a few stories from regressions I have facilitated.

A 35 year old woman introduces herself as “Hi I’m Toni, I’m a lesbian” wishing to understand and heal her hormonal problems. She regressed to a lifetime in Australia in the early 1800s where she lived in a rustic cabin with at least eight children under ten. She was overworked, exhausted & overwhelmed by her workload. She kept repeating in her mind “I don’t want any more children, I can’t have any more children” and felt she had to protect herself from having s*x with her husband. She carried that strong memory over into this lifetime, the subconscious need to protect herself from further pregnancies resulting in an imbalance of her female hormones and aversion to men. She had no desire to change her s*xual preferences but she did have happier hormones after that.

A man in his 50s had a lifelong fear of intimacy. He regressed to a life in ancient China where he was seriously wounded in battle when his village was attacked. He witnessed his wife being killed, his injuries rendering him helpless to do anything to help. He managed to crawl off into tall grass, watching in agony as all he loved was destroyed. He survived but was left feeling bitter, depressed and isolated and spent the next seven years as a beggar, taunted by others, ultimately being arrested, tortured and killed for being a vagrant. He took the feelings of extreme guilt and acute self recrimination to his death, carrying deep psychological wounds over into this life where he always felt unworthy of having deep connections or a loving relationship with anyone. Understanding where these feelings originated from brought much peace and started him on a journey of learning how to relate to people.

A middle aged man wanted to understand why career success had eluded him. He relied on his wife’s income to support their family, feeling guilty and a failure that he couldn’t provide for them. He also wondered about his distrust of Italians. His regressed revealed a lifetime in Italy where he was a very successful landowner. His lands were eventually seized, leaving him penniless and he spent the rest of that life longing to have his estate back. In this life he longed for greatness and financial success. Deep in his subconscious he realised he held a belief that having a lot of money was unsafe, that wealth xwould make him a target, that money was fleeting and amassing it would end in some kind of catastrophe. Hence he kept himself safe by keeping his income low.

If you are curious about past lives and would like to know more about this fascinating subject, I will be presenting at the Aquarius Festival in Nimbin on Sunday 14th May 1-3pm where of you will have the opportunity to explore one of your significant past lives, or just listen and ask questions. I look forward to meeting you.

With love

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