Benny Chessum Strongman

Amateur strongman and foundation member of Coal City Strongman.

East Coast Supplements sponsored Athlete, coached by Leroy Scott at Hunter Strength and Performance.

2019 ASA Nationals Masters 1st
2019 Static Monsters World Championships Masters 4th


Queensland's Strongest Man and Woman done. Came here with a top two goal and walked away with second. Didn't get some of the results I wanted, but also played it a little safe on a couple of events. Some great takenaways and a while off now until NSW Strongest and the the Masters Final at Toowoomba next year.

Event posts to come. Placings went as follows
Deadlift Medley: equal 2nd
Strict Log: 2nd
Max Stone: equal 1st
Carry Medley: Last (ban farmers now!)
Sandbag to Shoulder: 2nd
Winch Pull: 3rd

Massive thanks to for all of your help and advice coming into this weekend! Thanks also to the awesome crew from .strongest and for putting on a great comp and keeping everything running smoothly!

To the Masters "athletes" we sure are putting on a show! Who'd have thought old men would be pushing up to 200kg Atlas stones!?


Photos from Benny Chessum Strongman's post 23/03/2023

I wanted to share these incredible images by of as she took on the best in the country at .strongest woman, held at Melbourne last weekend. A comp where Bek found her competitive voice and the best bit is, under the guidance of the strongman Jedi Master, , she's just getting started!

The emotion and atmosphere Taz has captured is outstanding. From the crowd and spectacle of taking the 110kg for a 85.5m speed run, to the sheer surprise and delight on her face when she pulled a PB of 220kg on the Deadlift. The determination on her face for another of the 6 reps on the 50kg single arm Circus Dumbell Press or the momemt that sealed 4th place hitting 6 reps on the 90kg Atlas Stone to Shoulder, taking equal 3rd place on the event.

This woman never stops inspiring me and is my biggest motivator. As you can see if you zoom in on yhe faces in the first pic, she's inspiring others as well, particularly our little lady ilat the fence, looking on in adoration, as her mother shows her what persistence, determination and self belief can achieve.

I love you my biggest bird!

Photos from Benny Chessum Strongman's post 21/03/2023

When two of your closest friends, ask you to be flower boy fpr their wedding, what are you going to do? The brief wasa budgy smugglers and a bumbsg full of gum leaves, with co-flower dispensing technician also dressed to the brief (pun intended).

So stoked to be there for such an amazing day and honoured to be part of the ceremony and


Wanna watch the show from .strongest tomorrow? It's all going to be live streamed on

Tune in to watch me throw down and stay for the show with 6 comps over two huge days at the compound!



Had an amazing experience at .cave_mayfield for my first ever float session. Relaxing is an understatement, as you are suspended in a salt bath, at perfect body temp and with zero external stimulation. A little meditative technique and the hour felt like 5 minutes and forever all at the same time. Thanks to for such an amazing gift. This s definitely a recovery method I'll be using more of to manage the rigours of our crazy sport!



As almost anyone will know, i like to pick up heavy things. Turns out i can do it well enough to be invited to the Official Strongman Games in Daytona Beach, Florida in November, to compete or the title of Masters Worlds Strongest Man. I’m doing some “DontBeSh*t” shirts through the club that my wife and I run, , to help raise the money needed for me to compete at the

Cost is $45 , with preorder only and $9 postage anywhere in Australia. DM me with your size for payment instructions to order yours! Cut off for orders is October 7th.

Cheers legends!


Tickets for at are selling fast, with only 31 tickets remaining before we need to look St booking the full venue. If you're keen to come hit the link in my story to book your tickets snd help and I get to the in Daytona Beach in November to compete for World's Strongest!

Cheers legends!


Oceania's Strongest Masters at

Let's Go!



Great day at Aberdeen for the Highand Games with the Tartan Warriors and getting to lift the Manhd Stones from Bundanoon. Knowing that legends of both Strongman and Highland Games, Iike have lifted these very stones was pretty special! The crowd was amazing and ourside of the event area, you couldn walk more than 10m without being asked for a photo or a chat. Pretty humbling to see and ear th crowd appreciation. A huge thanks to and Aaron for putting on an awesome day!

Congrats to on another event win, coming in as an outright novice and killing it all day, as did and



Brisbane friends, for those of you who dont know, my day to day is getting to tattoo people. As such I will be tattooing at the Brsbane on the 15th 16th and 17th at the booth. DM my artist page if you're keen to come get tattooed! Strongman themed Tattoos will be rad and wee can talk crap a out doing dumb s**t with heavy things while you get tattooed!


320kg yoke to 100kg sled plus a very solid , then replaced by

Today was a mental and very physical battle. I need to work with NSW Strongest coming up, but was very wary of the risks after Friday night's episode. Everything today felt much heavier than it should. Bit that's the go sometimes. This was after conventional deads with .__.power , overheads with comp weight keg and a run through of the NSW medley at 100kg, then frame deads up to 270kg, all mixed in with some gym cleaning. CNS is cooked. Time for a cold spa and recovery afternoon.

Thanks to the massive crew today for Sunday, as well as the crew, and and for coming in, helping out and making for a great vibe!



We are excited to announce that is now offering a 10% discount through on the massive range of Cerberus products. Use the code COALCITY10 at checkout for a tidy discount!


Making hard work of first rep at 120kg this morning. Grinding harder than a single guy at Mardi Gras looking for a date and locked it out just before the lights started to go out. Always great when you start to see sounds. Followed up with 2 more much more comfortable singles at 120kg, arm over arm sled pulls and some light stone reps to test the right leg. Another great strongman sunday at



Nursing a weird little leg injury at the moment, so everything has been changed up to keep trying to progress while rehabbing the leg.
Swiss Bar incline presses at 102kg 3x6.



270 days to Official Strongman Games. Hoping it all comes together in those days to mean we can get there and be competitive on the big stage. Qualifying is done. Now comes the build up, working with and our , and family to build up to my best possible condition. Supported by and

Can't wait to see a big Australian contingent this year and catch up with our international friends.


420kg Silver Dollar Deadlift from 18" at back on new years eve. My biggest deadlift variant to date.

Keen to keep working with on building my deadlift and upping this number!


Reposted from Photo of the day Feb 1 2022
Walking with Adonis -

Car deadlift

Love the photo just before the start call. The calm before the storm, eapecially going into a heavy cardio like event.




Another session on low bar squats. 265kg for a single.

Photos from Benny Chessum Strongman's post 25/01/2022

Challenge time at Our 2022 Challenge is here 🥳.....
If you've been struggling for motivation or maybe over indulged during 2021 (like me 😔), then this is the kick start you need for 2022......
Our 8 week fat loss challenge kicks of on the 7th Feb asd registration is open now......
What you get:
👉 Vitality Switch 🥦🍓🫐
👉 Metabolyz metabolic booster 🔥
👉 Before and after InBody scans.
👉 ECS shaker
👉 An easy to follow meal guide that the whole family will enjoy, think tacos, bacon and eggs, delicious shake ideas and much more.
👉 We've partnered with to create some awesome gym or at home training programs. 🏋‍♀️
👉 A comprehensive MyFitnessPal guide so you can easily continue on well after the challenge and learn to make changes yourself.
👉 An online Facebook support group for us all to keep each other motivated and tips and tricks.
🏅 And we can't forget about the amazing prizes, check out the 2nd last slide :)....
Drop in store today to register or message us with any questions.

Let's smash this together 👊💪


Awesome shot from today. Clearing the head ready to attempt another crazy number. from and at .strength was equal parts brutal and amazing. Stoked to have competed and taken the biggest lift in 2 of the 8 events! Great day and will definitely be back for round 2!


And we are ! 8 events, 24 max effort lifts, 9 hours! Finished the day with some comp PB's, nothing left in the tank, but some close attempts that will definitely drive me on with the big show our main goal in November at World's.
Axle Clean & Press 135kg PB
Yoke 430kg 15m
Log 120kg
Farmers Carry 105kg 15m
Deadlift 300kg
Silver Dollar Deadlift 420kg PB
Monster Dumbbell 75kg
Atlas Stone 160kg (170kg was moving well but lost grip ⅔ of the way up, definitely keen to lock that down in competition)

Massive day shared with
And a bunch of our strong friends at an awesome facility under a really cool format at .strength

Scores and overall honours are worked out based on each lifts % of the current world record. It was awesome to see and set some crazy new WR's and a bunch of new national records go down!


Reposted from Been to the gym yet today? Why not stop by the shop first to pick up some new supplements, we’ve always got what you’re looking for to reach your goals 🌟💪🏼


Reposted from When you work so hard to build something for others to enjoy,learn and benefit from, you cherish that, protect that and hold it so close.

For the last 4 years this club has been nurtured and grown into something we never thought possible. Everything we have done and continue to do goes back into buying equipment and building the sport for our area.

This club has been supported by many and we pride ourselves on being an inclusive, non-judgemental, supportive environment.

You become protective of what you have worked so hard to grow and achieve its human nature.

Coal city has never ridden on coat tails.
We have built this on our own.

This is ours, we live it, we breathe it, we love it.

Always supported unwaveringly by

Thank you for supporting my baby, my pride and joy.


Overheads day from last week. AMRAP of 3 fpr log at 120, followed by 4 sets of 5 at 115, which became 5 sets of something else at 115, but I got the 20 reps plus one for luck/punishing myself for not being able to do 3x5.
Followed with 3xAMRAP Axle cleans at 135kg with 1, 2 and 2.
Incline bench 3x6@100kg
Then trcep extensions 3x15, superset with deadbugs x 12/side.

Australian Strongman Alliance Nationals on Dec 5th at Coal City its 3 masters all competing together here at the remote running at . If you're nor bust cone along amd cheer the crew on, including , and


Who's keen on a little something different this lockdown? Join my sponsor and Primabolocs for a 4 week lockdown challenge.

What's included ?
▫️Nutritionist devised Meal plans.
▫️Home and outdoor based workout plans.
▫️List of functional foods from a qualified Naturopath to help improve sleep quality, lower stress and improve resilience.
▫️Closed Facebook community to help you stay strong in uncertain times.

All this FREE when you buy any 2x Primabolics products.

See in store for details.

Give them a follow and check in store for details. Yes they're essential and yes they are open to keep up all of your nutrition and supplement needs while locked down or keeping the country moving as an essential worker!


For any and all supplement needs to keep the gain train going through lockdown, have you covered. From meals to the best from , , , and more, get in and see Andrea and keep on the front foot!


Isn't it crazy how with a little focus and a lot of dedicated effort we can completely transfor our bodies and our mindset to achieve things we never thought we could. This side by side is just an example of that. On the left I was the leanest and lightest I had been in 10+ years at around 108kg. Body fat was in the high teens and I had a 6 pack some days. This was one of my early sanctioned comps and earned me a spot at NSW Strongest Man. I was lifting 260kg in this lift which was a PB. I never freaked at this time of be where I was on the right.

More in comments


Just a woman and 10t of truck. My amazing woman. PULLING 10t of truck! Your fight, grit and determination are so fu***ng awesome
Your motivation may not be to be the strongest or train the hardest when it comes to the actual lifting, bit your motivation to inspire everyone to move, every little girl to find her inner Amazon, every woman to realise she is strong, every man to know he can do more than he thought, that is your greatest strength and the reason I am so lucky and proud to call you my wife!


Think sportsmanship isn't alive and well at the top level and it's all cut throat? Here is the current World's Strongest Man hugging and congratulating a future WSM after his event. Bet those first bumps and encouragement aren't too hard for them.

Photos from Benny Chessum Strongman's post 14/06/2021

This sport has given me so much. I was introduced to it by my best mate, someone I love and respect as a brother. The introduction to the community at my first comp instilled it's values in me and I have always strived to keep that going. It is pushing for your biggest rival to rise to the challenge and then celebrating each other's results, that make this sport and this community what it is. It is also what have made it part of who I am. It's every one of our duty to pass that on and keep this culture in our sport. To be recognised for that tells me we're on the right track. Thanks to for this honour.

Reposted from Photo of the day - June 13 2021
Opps.meant to post as a post not a story
So many words were lost
But in summery.. i provided a prize to give back to a community and sport who have given so much to me.
A framed or canvas enlargement of a photo from the day... a moment to hang on the wall and be proud of
I looked for a person who showed sportsmanship and the strongman spirit...
Its juggernauts like who helped keep it going and pass it on tonthe next generation of strongman and women.
Difficult choice.. so much of it over the day.. but presented it to , who shared his experience, inspired other strongman to do thier best (in true strongman style of yelling) and sportmanship during the day.

**ch @ Coal City Strongman

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Videos (show all)

320kg yoke to 100kg sled plus a very solid @macauleytinkerstrongman , then replaced by @katieliftsthings Today was a men...
420kg Silver Dollar Deadlift from 18" at #OBLITER8 back on new years eve. My biggest deadlift variant to date.   Keen to...
Another session on low bar squats. 265kg for a single.@eastcoastsupplements_rt @coalcitystrongman @eastcoastsupplements ...
Overheads day from last week. AMRAP of 3 fpr log at 120, followed by 4 sets of 5 at 115, which became 5 sets of somethin...
10+10 @ 180kg+400kgStill breathing rough. Still here suckers! 2nd last session before deload. I'm realistic about my cha...
Team work makes the dreams work and this why @hunterstrengthandperformance IS the #strongestgyminthehunter Don't let oth...
#ACTStrongest at @burleystrength by @capitalstrongmanincorporated Event 4 - Farmers Carry110kg/handTypically my worst ev...
#ACTStrongest at @burleystrength by @capitalstrongmanincorporated Event 1. Yoke - 280kg for 20m - 8.9 secondsjMy favouri...





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