
Our team here at Engenesis are passionate, innovative and highly creative. We love working with our partners to bring their ideas and dreams into reality.

We understand business and how to harness technology to give you the results you want for your business. Engenesis develops and grows innovative software products, breakthrough applications and online solutions for our business partners. Our commitment is to push the boundaries of innovation through best practice business and software development processes.

3 Myths About Building a Thriving Coaching Business 22/08/2022

3 Myths About Building a Thriving Coaching Business Increased demand for coaching services on a global scale has seen a dramatic rise in people starting their own coaching practice. However, like any new small business, the failure rate is also high. In this article, ontological leadership coach Lucy Faulconer, who has built a thriving coaching busin...

I’m over it! Should I quit my job? 12/08/2022

I’m over it! Should I quit my job? Workplace transgressions and personality skirmishes can trigger fight and flight responses. Some people quit on the spot. Others soldier on, stressed or resentful at work. Either way – if these reactions become habitual –people can get stuck. In this article, Leadership and careers coach Anna Ca...

How the integrity of our Being is critical to an organisation's performance – The application of the Being Framework in the workplace 05/08/2022

How the integrity of our Being is critical to an organisation's performance – The application of the Being Framework in the workplace Fulfilling an organisation's mission through effectiveness, performance and its ability to undergo successful business and organisational transformation come down to the integrity of that organisation. In turn, the integrity of an organisation relies on the integrity and effectiveness of its people....

The price you’re paying for being disorganised 07/03/2022

Anthea Stevanovic is a business consultant who has worked with hundreds of businesses, helping them grow and scale using systems and efficient processes.

In this new article, she highlights what type of price you might be paying for when being disorganised in your business.

Click here to read the full article:

The price you’re paying for being disorganised Disorganisation can cripple your business and result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses, but it doesn't have to. This article encourages you to critically assess your business's operations and examines three common types of disorganisation and what you can do to mitigate their effects and...

Have you driven yourself to the point of exhaustion? 04/03/2022

How do you maintain a high level of performance without tipping into total exhaustion?

We have just released a new article by Lucy Faulconer on this topic.

You can find the full article below:


Have you driven yourself to the point of exhaustion? Is it an impossible dream to have a great job and a rich, fulfilling life without being driven to the point of exhaustion? In this article, ontological leadership coach, wife and mother Lucy Faulconer shares the four key factors to consider if you wish to maintain a high level of performance that ke...

How the integrity of our Being is critical to an organisation's performance – The application of the Being Framework in the workplace 07/02/2022

Where do you start, when you want to transform the results of your organisation?

Whether you're looking to achieve new levels of profitability or revenue or going through a complete business transformation with new offerings or business models, the place to start is your people.

The Engenesis team has written an article and collated a series of case studies, about organisations and their leaders going through the process of organisational transformation starting with the Being of their leaders and their team.

Access the full article and case studies to learn more about their journeys below.

How the integrity of our Being is critical to an organisation's performance – The application of the Being Framework in the workplace Fulfilling an organisation's mission through effectiveness, performance and its ability to undergo successful business and organisational transformation come down to the integrity of that organisation. In turn, the integrity of an organisation relies on the integrity and effectiveness of its people....

What is the Thrive Coach Training Program? 26/12/2021

We've just released a video featuring over 30 of our graduates of the Engenesis Thrive Coach Training Program.

They range from professional coaches, consultants and counsellors through to CEOs, COOs and organisational leaders out to make a difference with their clients and teams by looking at who and how a person is Being.

You can hear about their personal discoveries, stories and insights as they went along their journey to transform how they understood themselves by deep diving into the Being Framework and the Being Profile, and learning how to apply this by levelling up their practice of coaching.

If you're interested in the influence of coaching and your ways of Being on your work, how you communicate with others and transforming organisational culture, you'll get value from hearing their stories.

Access the full video in the link below


What is the Thrive Coach Training Program? Learn more about the Being Profile® here: https://beingprofile.com/Learn more about the Engenesis Thrive Coach Training Program here: https://beingprofile.co...

What is the Being Profile® Accreditation Program 23/12/2021

"I had the experience of knowing myself at a level deeper than I ever had before."

Many people in the Being Profile community share messages like this with us when they first experience the Being Profile for themselves.

Today, some use the Being Profile in their organisations and their existing teams to get to the root of what will cause new levels of leadership and effectiveness. Others use the Being Profile in their coaching or consulting businesses, supporting their clients to move past 'being polite' and instead work in a straightforward manner to powerfully deal with the real and pressing issues at hand.

When you do the work to look at your own ways of Being, it unlocks brand new and unprecedented levels of power and opportunities for growth.

Our Being Profile Accredited Practitioners have the ability to bring the Being Profile to their important work supporting others to personally and professionally develop and produce the results they're looking for. They bring the Being Profile and the Being Framework to their roles as coaches, counsellors and psychologists through to board members, directors, managers and CEOs.

If working with others to cause new levels of results and effectiveness interests you, we've just released a video where over 25 of our Accredited Practitioners of the Being Profile share their experiences and stories working with others to look at who and how they are Being.

The full video is in the link below


What is the Being Profile® Accreditation Program Learn more about the Being Profile® here: https://beingprofile.com/Learn more about the Being Profile® Accreditation Program here: https://beingprofile.com/a...

What is the Being Profile®? 22/12/2021

"The results that you are enduring in your life right now are a result of the way you are Being.

The results you want out of life are the result of another way of Being.

And there is a gap between the two."

We're thrilled to release a new video featuring over 30 of our Being Profile graduate and practitioner community. Every day, they are out working with individuals and teams committed to their own growth.

They're supporting them to go beyond the surface layers and get to the root of what will make a lasting and profound difference when it comes to performance, leadership and effectiveness.

You can view the full video below to hear their stories and experiences in working with and on their ways of Being.


What is the Being Profile®? Learn more about the Being Profile® here: https://beingprofile.com/*********The Being Profile® is the official assessment tool of the Being Framework™, the f...

How we stopped the cycles that prevented us from making a difference | Rebecca Wood 14/12/2021

Rebecca Wood is the director of the alcohol and other drugs services and the clinical services team at Toora Women Inc.

Toora Women Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation that provides homelessness, domestic violence, and alcohol and other drugs health treatment services to more than 460 women and children each year in the ACT and its surroundings.

Rebecca shares her story of working with the Being Profile at the level of her organisation's CEO and directors before it went to be used through the rest of the organisation.

Gradually, they have been able to transform their team culture away from hindrances such as gossip and blame to one of trust and open communication. This has provided the ground to elevate their effectiveness and fulfill their important objectives as a team.

Rebecca shares about how it all starts by taking a genuine look at how and where you are showing up as a leader in the world, and confronting where you are not. She also describes her personal experiences with the Aspects of Being of contribution, vulnerability, and courage that have made a difference to her ability to lead her organisation.

The full video can be accessed here:

How we stopped the cycles that prevented us from making a difference | Rebecca Wood Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comRebecca Wood is the director of the alcohol and other drugs services and the clinical services team...

Why BEING matters 30/11/2021

What if you were told to stop focussing on changing your behaviour to get the results you want?

If you are a person committed to accomplishing new levels of results for yourself, you'd know the feeling that there are some areas in which you can't seem to break past a certain level of attainment.

Today, we've released a new article on "Why BEING matters". It goes beyond behaviour and into the factors that lead to breaking through what you may have believed were unbreakable barriers because of the limits of your 'set identity' or 'personality type'.

The article gives you insight into Ashkan Tashvir's work with and study of entrepreneurs, startups, leaders and investors spanning more than a decade, where he identifies that an over-focus on trying to change behaviour to change outcomes has severe limitations.

You'll also hear from other leaders within their respective fields about what drives them to go beyond the limits of behaviour and action centred approaches.

Get access to the full article below (7 min read)

Why BEING matters 'Change the behaviour, change the outcome' seems to be the dominant way of thinking these days. But while changing the behaviour is necessary if you want a different outcome, it is only part of the solution. To change the behaviour and outcome sustainably, you need to become aware of and address the...

How Transformation is Playing a Role in the Education Sector | Bonnie Henare 10/11/2021

Bonnie Henare has over 25 years of experience in the education sector and is the director of AHO International, which specialises in consulting and services to support the early childhood education sector. Her passion is in empowering teachers to have an authentic presence and joy with their students, and the impact this has on the community.

As an educational consultant, a key area she is interested in is the professional performance of the educators she works with.

In the video, Bonnie shares how she has worked with teachers experiencing burnout, self-doubt, and fear, to cause transformational results for themselves, their students, and their organisations by working with them on the level of who and how they are Being. In particular, she speaks to how she deals with the challenge of not being able to shift the dialogue for a person with themselves even after they place them through heavy training and development.

Watch the full video through the link below:


How Transformation is Playing a Role in the Education Sector | Bonnie Henare Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comBonnie Henare has over 25 years of experience in the education sector and is the director of AHO In...

Empowering leadership by looking at the deep factors affecting behaviour | Dr. Ehssan Sakhaee 12/10/2021

"What we're missing today is authentic, vulnerable, and true leadership that empowers not just individuals, but communities, nations, and the world."

Dr. Ehssan Sakhaee is a leadership educator and trainer who previously held the position of director of the undergraduate leadership program within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney.

His passion to empower the next generation of leaders led him on a search over many years, looking at ways to support leadership and transformation for students and professionals. The issue he found is that the vast majority of approaches only get to the behavioural and psychological levels — not the root causes.

This is why for Dr. Ehssan Sakhaee, the Being conversation is critical.

Starting with the ability of the Being Profile as a means to measure key aspects of who and how we are Being such as authenticity, vulnerability, love, and compassion, it facilitates a journey of self-cultivation of these factors within ourselves.

In the video, Dr. Ehssan Sakhaee shares how the approach of other profiling tools and methods compares in practice to the Being Framework and the Being Profile.

Watch the full video here:

Empowering leadership by looking at the deep factors affecting behaviour | Dr. Ehssan Sakhaee Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.com"What we're missing today is authentic, vulnerable, and true leadership that empowers not just indi...

How senior leadership can build great teams and a sustainable culture | Andrew Rettie 07/10/2021

Learn more about the Being Profile® here: www.beingprofile.com

Andrew Rettie is an executive leadership and business consultant. He has a depth of experience as a senior executive with Fortune 100 and other listed companies, as well as SMEs and NFPs.

This diverse experience kept bringing Andrew back to the fact that business is "by people for people". Whilst many leaders around him would agree, he was not content with the options available when it came to a leader influencing a team to bring out the best within themselves.

In this video, Andrew shares his work consulting with other business leaders eager to make an impact through the people in their organisation.

Andrew uses the Being Profile® and the Being Framework™ to cut through the confusion of behaviours, personalities, talents, traits, and archetypes, to create clarity on what high performance in leadership and teams really looks like.


How senior leadership can build great teams and a sustainable culture | Andrew Rettie Learn more about the Being Profile® here: www.beingprofile.comAndrew Rettie is an executive leadership and business consultant. He has a depth of experience ...

Giving yourself a map of who and how you are Being | David Lo 04/10/2021

Meet David Lo. His passion and drive as a coach stems from seeing other business owners who become disempowered, not knowing what to do to achieve their objectives, whilst knowing that there is a way to breakthrough and obtain the results they are looking for. Something he knows himself being a business owner and business coach, since starting and growing his company in 2014.

In the video, David describes his own insights from applying the Being Profile in his life. His sharing will have you ask yourself:

Where are you being inauthentic in your relationships in and out of your organisation?

What if you brought authenticity to conversations with your team, your suppliers, or your family?

How would bringing forgiveness lift resentment and eliminate "grudges" across your relationships?

View the full video below.


Giving yourself a map of who and how you are Being | David Lo Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comMeet David Lo. His passion and drive as a coach stems from seeing other business owners who become ...

Elevating the sense of responsibility and ownership on a board and management level | Greg Aldridge 28/09/2021

Greg Aldridge is the CEO of EveryMan Australia a community service organisation that works with men with high and complex needs. This includes those coming out of the prison system to those with a history of drug and alcohol abuse or mental health issues.

In this video, Greg speaks about the incredible and lasting changes he has been able to implement across many facets of his organisation by introducing the conversation about a person's way of Being.

As a CEO, Greg wanted his management team to take on what it was that they were responsible for and to have a sense of ownership. He felt that many meetings would go by where people would speak to him after the meeting, rather than speak up DURING the meeting.

He was able to introduce the conversation around ways of Being into his team, from the board level through to an operational level, and it made a profound and lasting difference to the quality of communication and trust throughout his organisation.

View the full video below


Elevating the sense of responsibility and ownership on a board and management level | Greg Aldridge Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comGreg Aldridge is the CEO of Everyman Australia a community service organisation that works with men...

Breaking Through Our Preconceptions to New Possibilities for Performance | Carl Poster 23/09/2021

Have you ever worked with, or led, a team and caught yourself holding preconceptions about them?

It can happen at a rapid pace. But if we don't challenge these, they can severely limit our results.

In this video, Carl Poster speaks about working with people who want to produce results in their life.

By bringing the awareness that we can choose our experience in any moment and any circumstances of our lives, he supports his clients to break through their default responses and reactions.

Carl dives into how he works with his clients and the Being Profile® to take a 'fly on the wall' perspective of you and your life, and how you relate to who you are Being in any moment.

Hear more about Carl's work with others, and his own experience of transformation, in the full video below.


Breaking Through Our Preconceptions to New Possibilities for Performance | Carl Poster Have you ever worked with, or led, a team and caught yourself holding preconceptions about them?It can happen at a rapid pace. But if we don't challenge thes...

The lightbulb moment when we discover our underlying ways of Being | Brittani Herschell 16/09/2021

"That can't be right!"

"That's not me!"

I'm a great leader and have been working on myself for many years. How could my Being Profile be showing me this result?

When it comes to deeply understanding ourselves, the gems we find often don't start out as valuable or insightful.

Because they sit on the edge of our awareness, we can even easily be tempted to discard them at first.

Brittani Herschell is a life coach with a particular focus on young leaders.

Even though she is new to coaching, she is already causing extraordinary results supporting others to break past their existing layers of understanding and see the underlying drivers to how they behave and think.

In discovering her own power as a coach, Brittani says, "It was a light bulb moment for me, watching someone in front of me actually understand the ways of her leadership and the way that she could actually become a better leader when she thought that she had reached a point of knowing how to lead."

Many others are going through a similar process to Brittani. They are courageously challenging their own limitations and beliefs about what is driving them, as well as their ability to coach, impact and empower others in the world.

Watch the full video below.


The lightbulb moment when we discover our underlying ways of Being | Brittani Herschell Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.com"That can't be right!" "That's not me!" I'm a great leader and have been working on myself for ma...

Empowering others through the valleys and mountains of life | Moustafa Ardati 09/09/2021

How do you deal with the challenges in your life?

What is the difference between getting stopped by your challenges, versus staying true to the miracle of your existence and even reaching for new levels of growth?

Moustafa Ardati is an extraordinary example of reaching to fulfil your potential, by leveraging your inner resourcefulness and confronting the gaps in your ways of Being.

Not only is he a sought-after motivational speaker and coach with his message, but he is also a prior dual international sportsperson and standup comic.

The way Moustafa responds to the challenges in his life with a smile on his face and a thirst for continued growth is truly inspiring.

Watch how Moustafa navigates his "inner museum" by leveraging his powerful Aspects of Being, and courageously challenges himself to bring light to his blindspots.


Empowering others through the valleys and mountains of life | Moustafa Ardati Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comHow do you deal with the challenges in your life?What is the difference between getting stopped by ...

Lasting Transformation the Goes Deeper than Actions and Behaviour Change | Lucy Faulconer 06/09/2021

In this video, Being Profile® Accredited Practitioner and leadership coach Lucy Faulconer shares her challenges of wanting to coach clients at levels deeper than only action and behaviour change, to being able to powerfully raise profound conversations with clients right from the start.

Formally trained in psychology and with a background in management consulting, Lucy is no stranger to working with people dealing with high-demand situations where their leadership matters. It is through this experience that she chose to become an ontological coach that triggers the change needed within the individual - including who they are Being and how they see the world - that has a significant impact on the organisation that they lead.

Through the video, she also shares some of the challenging questions she raises with leaders such as:

How are you showing up for the people in your organisation?
How are you showing up for yourself?
Are you being true to who you know yourself to be?

If you're a person who is longing to make a deep difference to your clients, then you can hear more about Lucy's practice and experience in the full video below.


Lasting Transformation the Goes Deeper than Actions and Behaviour Change | Lucy Faulconer Learn more from the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comIn this video, Being Profile® Accredited Practitioner and leadership coach Lucy Faulconer shares her...

Bringing efficiency to the coaching process | Kylie Zeal 02/09/2021

Are you a coach who knows how to get results for your clients, but are curious how you can support them to get there faster?

In this video, Kylie Zeal shares her experience bringing transformational results to her clients with a whole new level of efficiency using the Being Profile®.

Through her 10+ years of coaching experience, Kylie paints a vivid picture of how the transformation process takes place with real case studies. Starting with working with the results of a person's Being Profile that may be unexpected or surprising, working through the stories and conversations that surround the score, and the coaching conversations and tangible actions that arise as a result.

If you're a coach who is interested in bringing greater precision, focus, and efficiency to your coaching process, you can view Kylie's full video below.


Bringing efficiency to the coaching process | Kylie Zeal Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comAre you a coach who knows how to get results for your clients, but are curious how you can support ...

Self discovery as a key aspect of leadershicoaching | John Williams 30/08/2021

John Williams is a leadership coach with a background of over 35 years in senior leadership positions operating global companies. He holds an MBA in Leadership, Strategic Management, and International Business.

From the point of view of a business executive and as a person who coaches business leaders, John sheds light on how the process of transformation works in business leadership.

By starting with themselves, the leaders he works with move through personal challenges and discomfort in order to grow personally. As a result, a person can unlock parts of themselves that were being held back - in some cases for decades.

"The results you are enjoying in your life now are a result of your way of Being.
The results you want out of life are the result of another way of Being.
And there is a gap between the two."

In the video, John describes how he leverages the power of the Being Profile® to obtain a very clear perspective on the health of the relationship his clients have with their ways of Being to provide a map of what is going on and then coach effectively.

View the full video through the link below.


Self discovery as a key aspect of leadershicoaching | John Williams Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comJohn Williams is a leadership coach with a background of over 35 years in senior leadership positio...

Getting to grips with what was holding me back in leading and growing my business | Kristina Devlin 26/08/2021

In this video, Kristina Devlin, owner of a Bikram yoga studio in Australia, speaks about her journey moving from being held back and blocked by procrastination and hesitation, through to being 'on fire' in how she leads her team and expands her business.

By working with Being Profile® Accredited Practitioner, Markus O. Winzer, Kristina shares her experience going through her Being Profile assessment and debrief. She uncovered some Aspects of Being that she expected for herself, but also others that were surprising and unlocked new domains of enquiry and growth she hadn't considered before.

By working on who and how she is Being, as a leader of her team, she has lifted her ability to positively influence customers to join the business, as well as built the capacity of leadership in the members of her team.

In addition, Kristina shows that her transformation goes beyond how she thinks and feels, and into real, tangible results in her business in terms of profitability and customer growth.

Watch the full video below.

Getting to grips with what was holding me back in leading and growing my business | Kristina Devlin In this video, Kristina Devlin, owner of a Bikram yoga studio in Australia, speaks about her journey moving from being held back and blocked by procrastinati...

Coaching executive business leaders on areas that are often underestimated | Caroline New 23/08/2021

Caroline New is a leadership coach with over 15 years of experience working with executive professionals, directors, business owners, and founders in the technology space.

With a depth of experience in utilising capability frameworks within government and operating assessment centres to using personality, values, and behavioural profiles, Caroline brings a valuable perspective to how working with leaders on their way of Being is uniquely different.

In the video, Caroline describes, with real-life examples, the key differentiating factors of breakthrough performance for many of the leaders she has worked with. By working on areas that many underestimate at first, such as authenticity, vulnerability, love, gratitude and freedom, she supports her clients to unlock performance to unprecedented levels.

As a coach with her calibre and depth of experience and knowledge, the breakthroughs she describes go beyond high performance and achieving great results alone, and into a level of transformation that is deep and profound.

The combination of Caroline's expertise, the client's willingness and the Being Profile® result in the ability to address areas that many easily avoid or deflect that prevent them from truly unleashing their ability to uniquely contribute in their lives and in their work.

Click below to watch the full video.


coaching coaching framework profile

Coaching executive business leaders on areas that are often underestimated | Caroline New Learn more about the Being Profile® here: beingprofile.comCaroline New is a leadership coach with over 15 years of experience working with executive professi...

What is higher purpose, and why is it such a critical quality for an entrepreneur? 18/08/2021

Today, we're used to getting things fast. From quick food with UberEats, to movies on tap with Netflix to instant music with Spotify, we can access a whole range of products and services at our fingertips.

However, what is rarely spoken about is the way that this luxury can lead to a shortsightedness that severely limits our ability to be effective in our endeavours.

Higher purpose is a particular way a person can choose to BE in their life that is partly to do with their vision and partly to do with going beyond their personal needs for the sake of others (inclusive vision).

The latest article written by Engenesis CEO, Ashkan Tashvir, dives deep into this topic by exploring "What is higher purpose, and why is it such a critical quality for an entrepreneur?"

You can read more through the link below:


What is higher purpose, and why is it such a critical quality for an entrepreneur? Today, we're used to getting things fast. However, what is rarely spoken about is how this luxury can lead to a shortsightedness that severely limits our ability to be effective in our endeavours. Higher purpose is more than just the pursuit of a dream or goal. It is a quality that is partly vision....

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Videos (show all)

Watch and see what John Williams, one of the Being Profile Practitioners have to say about the Being Profile.#BeingProfi...



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