Urban OM East Perth

Escape the hustle + bustle of the city at Urban OM: yoga, pilates + coffee


Gomukasana arms can be challenging, especially if you have tight shoulders. Here are some tips to help! 👇

1. Warm Up Your Shoulders
- Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward to loosen them up.
- Chest Openers: Use a strap or a towel behind your back, pulling it with both hands to open the chest and shoulders.
- Thread the Needle: A gentle shoulder opener that prepares you for deeper stretches.

2. Use a Strap or Towel:
- If your hands don't reach each other, hold a strap or towel between them. Walk your hands closer over time as your flexibility improves.

3. Adjust Hand Position:
- Start by bringing your bottom arm (the one going behind your back) to the center of your back, palm facing outward. The top arm reaches overhead, bending at the elbow to clasp the strap, towel, or fingers.

4. Engage Your Core:
- Engaging your core helps stabilise your torso, making it easier to maintain the arm position without compromising your posture.

5. Focus on Elbow Alignment:
- The top elbow should point straight up toward the ceiling, and the bottom elbow should point down. Avoid flaring the elbows out to the sides.

6. Open Your Chest:
- Keep your chest broad and lifted. Avoid collapsing forward, which can strain the shoulders.

7. Breathe Deeply:
- Breathing deeply into the stretch helps you relax and gradually deepen the pose. Inhale to lengthen your spine, and exhale to release tension in your shoulders.

8. Be Patient:
- Flexibility in the shoulders takes time to develop. Don’t force the stretch; instead, gently work on increasing your range of motion over time.

9. Practice Regularly:
- Consistency is key to improving shoulder mobility and flexibility. Incorporate Gomukhasana arms into your regular practice.

10. Modify If Needed:
- If the pose is too intense, you can practice a simpler shoulder opener like Eagle Arms (Garudasana) to work on shoulder mobility without the full bind.


Your spine is the backbone of your entire body—literally! 🌟

Maintaining good spine health is crucial for overall well-being, from improving posture and reducing pain to boosting your energy levels 🌞

A healthy spine supports everything you do, so take care of it with regular multi-directional movement in forms such as Pilates and yoga, and ergonomic movement throughout your day .

Stand tall, and give your spine the love it deserves! 💪


How can we invite equal amounts of effort and ease into our practice (and into our daily lives in general)? 😌

We are so often taught to give 100%, to strive for our personal best, to always try the hardest. What if we… don’t?

In your practice, can you maybe strive for 50% instead? That way there’s equal parts effort and ease. You’re in it, you’re trying, you’re truly present without needing to push or struggle 💫

This isn’t to say it’s all about softness - we can find strength too. But maybe in a pose like warrior 2 we can invite some ease into the body, like a twinkle in the fingertips or a gentleness to the face. ✨

On the flip side, maybe in easeful postures like savasana we can find the effort and integrity to stay present and fully experience whatever is occurring without shying away.


Easy twist, twisted low lunge, revolved lunge. This pose is often referred to by many different names!

Here’s some tips on how to do it in a way that will hopefully feel really good in your body👇

💫 Be active through the legs, not just the arms. Try to push the ground away with your feet.
💫 Lengthen the back knee and engage the glutes of the back leg.
💫 Draw the shoulders back away from the ears, feel the neck (and entire spine) lengthen.
💫 Grow as long as you can from the bottom hand to the top hand.
💫 If you feel a bit crammed or stuck,, place your bottom hand on a block to provide more space.
💫 Similarly, if you feel like there’s not enough space in your hip, place you front foot out a little wider (this is also a great option if you’re pregnant).
💫 Try to roll the hip of the front leg down to level off the hips. Think of being able to balance a cup of tea on your sacrum (very very low back). This means that the twist will come from the spine, rather than the hips swaying!
💫 For a more gentle option, place your back knee down on the ground.


Smiles all around after yoga! 🧘😊

We love hosting corporate classes like this group of workmates who booked a private class in last week! 💪✨🎉

If you’re interested in arranging a class for your team, send us an email to [email protected] we’d love to help out 💗



While some yoga practices can be physically demanding, yoga is definitely not a work-out 🌱

Yoga isn't about burning calories, building strength, or getting flexible. It's about something deeper, something more profound. When we step onto our mats, we're not training our bodies, but instead unifying our bodies with our minds and spirits. 🧘‍♀️

Yoga invites us to turn inward, to quiet the mind, and to connect with our true selves. Each breath, each pose, and each moment of stillness helps us peel back the layers of stress, self-doubt, and negativity, revealing the peace and clarity within. It's a journey of self-discovery, a path toward inner balance and harmony.

In a world that constantly pushes us to go faster, to do more, and to be more, yoga offers a sanctuary. It teaches us that it's okay to slow down, to pause, and to simply be. It reminds us that our worth isn't defined by how much we achieve, but by our ability to find contentment in the present moment.

So the next time you practice, remember that it's not just about what your body can do. It's about tuning in to what your heart and soul need. Let go of the need for perfection, and embrace the process of growth and self-awareness. Because yoga is not a work-out; it's a work-in. 🌸✨


Push away the lethargic mid week energy, refresh yourself by coming to class!

Between Flow, Yin, Hot Yoga (aka Hot Hatha) and Core Pilates, we’ve got something for everyone


Have you been following the Olympics?

It’s truly incredible watching so many phenomenal athletes perform to the highest level 🤯

However, it’s an important time to be reminded that yoga is not a sport! Nor is it a competition. Yoga is for you, no one else. There’s no judge, there’s no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ version.

All we ask of you is that you show up with intention and do your best to really be in the moment. That’s it!

You can lie on the floor in child’s pose or savasana for the entire hour if you like - if you’re connecting mind, body, breath and soul with introspection, you’re doing yoga ✨



It has been WET out there! ⛈️☔️🌈

Instead of being grumpy or upset about the weather (definitely guilty over here), perhaps we can just let it be what it will be.

Rain is rain, there’s no need for us to change it into sunshine!

As they say, there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing 🧣🧥🌂


Sometimes there’s power in movement, sometimes there’s power in stillness 🩵


Tapas can be translated to discipline. It refers to your inner fire 🔥 — both the literal heat you build in a vigorous physical practice and the inner fire of drive, passion, and courage. It’s the discipline we need to overcome obstacles, stick to our goals and let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve us 🧘

Often when we think of tapas/discipline, we think of pushing to the limit, knuckling down and doing what ‘needs’ to be done at whatever cost. This is NOT tapas!

Instead, tapas is about developing your consistency - it’s a determined and continued effort in the direction you want to go. Think of it like going on a quest 🏃- it should be positive, inspiring and motivating, not overwhelming.

If this piques your interest, keep your eyes peeled for our email newsletter coming to your inbox this afternoon! 👀😍

If you aren’t currently receiving our monthly email newsletters and you’d like to be, send us a message 🩵


🌟 The Power of Hands in Yoga 🌟

Our hands, often taken for granted, hold immense power and significance in our yoga practice 👐

Each finger, each palm, every touch, and every gesture contribute to the intricate dance of balance, strength, and grace that defines our journey on (and off) the mat.

In yoga, hands are more than just tools for support—they are extensions of our heart and soul.

From grounding poses like Downward Dog to the upwards reach in Chair Pose, our hands anchor us and lift us up. They connect us to the earth, providing a stable foundation, and let us reach out towards the ether. At times they bear the weight of our body, at times they float lightly in the air, and at times they even do both at once.

Photos from Urban OM East Perth's post 12/07/2024

Congratulations to our member Nora on winning the Winter Warrior Challenge (pictured on the left)!!! ❄️💪💫🎉

It was a lucky dip to pick the winner, but Nora also happens to be the person who completed the most classes over the 6 week challenge, attending 40 classes over 42 days 🤯🤩

If you see Nora in the studio, please congratulate her on her absolutely incredible effort 🩵


Today we shine the spotlight on Pilates!

An excellent practice that works really well alongside yoga, Pilates also puts lots of emphasis on breath control and the connection between breath and movement.

Our Core Pilates classes are designed to build core strength, posture and spine health. They’re strong and spicy, but the exercises are controlled and often slow. This way, you create a conscious connection between the mind and body, in quite a similar vein to yoga!


What a privilege it was to lead the Channel Nine Plus team through a private corporate yoga class recently! 💫💫💫

If you’re interested in setting up a private group class for your team of staff, we’re happy to help! Send an email to [email protected] to get started 🩵


We are coming up on the final weekend of the Winter Warrior Challenge!

You’ve all done so well and should be incredibly proud of yourselves! We’ve loved seeing so many of you in so many of our classes over the past 6 weeks ❤️

Even if you haven’t completed the challenge, take a moment to pat yourself on the back for showing up when you could and taking the time to rest when you needed 🩵

These are the last few days to get your final gold stars stars in ⭐️
If you complete the entire challenge you go in the running to win $250 cash! 😍


Embrace twists with Ardha Matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes). This seated spinal twist not only improves spinal rotation but also rejuvenates the body and stimulates the digestive system. Breathe deeply and twist gently🧘‍♀️✨

A few tips:
👉 Ground down through both sitting bones
👉 Lift the spine as tall as possible
👉 Breathe in as you lift taller, breathe out as you deepen the twist
👉 Draw the ribs towards one another to engage the core and protect the spine during the twist (in particular on the exhales)
👉 Modify by sitting on a block or by extending the bottom leg out in front


What is Santosha 👇

Santosha is the yogic principle of contentment. Things won't always go our way, there will be terrible days that exist alongside incredible days. We can't always be happy, but, if we work at it, we can make the effort to be consistently content through the ups and downs.

That's all great in theory, but how do we actually practice santosha?

1) Write down 3 things you're grateful for every day.
These can be as big or small as you like, but you may find that after doing this practice for a while, you quite quickly run out of 'big' things. So, a suggestion could be to focus on the little things instead. Maybe you saw a rainbow on your way to work, maybe you ran into someone you haven't seen in a long time, maybe you made it to your yoga/Pilates class when you thought you wouldn't get there on time.

2) Enjoy the simple pleasures as they happen.
Really revel in the warmth of that hot cup of tea or coffee on a cold morning, the taste of a good meal as you're eating it, the feeling of sunshine or a breeze on your skin.

3) Nurture your compassion.
Truly listening and practicing empathy helps others just as much as it helps us. Cultivating compassion helps to bridge the gap we create in our minds between ourselves and others. You might find an increased capacity to be content with all that you have, rather than yearning for what you don't.

4) Learn to embrace and enjoy change.
Pay attention to the little changes you experience every time you're on your mat to practice yoga/Pilates. Maybe you feel slightly stronger today, maybe you're sore or tired today, maybe a pose you once found impossible is looking a little more achievable. Embracing these little changes we experience daily helps to open us up to feeling comfortable and content with life's bigger changes.


Sometimes taking small variations can offer a big change in sensation 💫

For example, the front foot is usually flat in anjaneyasana. By lifting up the heel of the front foot, the muscles at the back of the calf activate, and the muscles around the ankle are stretched and strengthened as the ankle joint goes into plantar flexion. This variation also makes it more challenging to stay balanced 💪🦶🩵


Reminiscing on our free outdoor class! 😍🩵🌿

Who’d like to see another one when the weather warms up?


You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind. To begin, begin.

- Gordon B. Hinkley

In the context of yoga, this quote holds profound significance👇

Yoga is not merely a theoretical practice or something that can be mastered by thinking about it. It demands action, presence, and dedication.

You might read about yoga, envision yourself achieving the perfect asana, or understand the philosophy behind it, but true progress is made with practice. By committing to the act of beginning (or beginning again) and committing to the process, you can experience the transformative power of yoga.

Whether you're a beginner hesitant to start or an experienced practitioner facing a challenging pose, remember that thinking alone won't get you there. Roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and begin your practice (guided by your teacher). It's through this consistent effort and willingness to start anew each day that you cultivate strength, flexibility, and inner peace.

Let this quote inspire you to move beyond contemplation and into action ❤️


This weather we’ve been having makes it the perfect time to remind you all of our upstairs sauna! 😍

The perfect antidote to those cold rainy days, come and warm up in the infrared heat (same heating system as our hot yoga classes).

Saunas are perfect to relax sore muscles and provide relief from joint pain, plus they improve circulation and encourage relaxation and improved sleep 😌

Try it out for yourself by booking in a session on the Mindbody app. Head to appointments (instead of classes) and you’ll find our sauna bookings there.

The sauna is available to book begeeen 8am-12pm every day ❤️


If you receive our monthly newsletters, you’ll already know that we’re introducing a monthly focus to Urban OM. This month we bring our attention to Saucha (translating to purity/cleanliness) 🫧

Saucha is one of the five Niyamas - positive observances that we can use as a guide for healthy happy living 🌸

Saucha has many forms - the easiest one to explore in a tangible way is the physical act of cleaning and tidying. It quite literally is an act of yoga to clean our bodies, our belongings, our space, and the spaces we visit 🛀

Perhaps we can aim to put aside 5 minutes per day dedicated to a practice of Saucha. Maybe you give your yoga mat an extra deep clean, or make the effort to put your props away as neatly as possible. Maybe you use these 5 minutes at home to clean a little section of your space daily. Maybe you add it to your shower to transform it into an 'everything shower' 🚿

As you undertake your chosen task of Saucha, pay attention to how mindfully you can complete it. By being present and in the moment, we can transform practices as seemingly mundane as cleaning into a method of meditation ✨


We’re coming up to the end of the first week of our Winter Warrior Challenge!

We hope you’re feeling empowered and motivated for the next 5 weeks! You’ve got this 💪


Let's talk about the magic of yoga ✨

It's not about striking the perfect pose or achieving a certain level of flexibility; it's about finding presence in every breath, every movement, every moment 🧘

Yoga takes us on a journey inward, guiding us away from the chaos of the past and the worries of the future, and gently nudges us into the truth of the present moment 🌿

In that space, life truly unfolds - raw, real, and vibrant 🌸

So, roll out your mat and let yoga lead you to the only place where life exists: here and now 💫


QUICK! We’re running a flash sale on our 5 and 10 class passes for a limited time only!! 💫💫💫

Purchase the discounted 5 class pass here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=193728&stype=43&prodid=10103

Discounted 10 class pass available here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=193728&stype=43&prodid=2022

Only valid for 2 weeks - RUN, don’t walk! Grab a discounted pass while you can 🏃‍♀️⌛️


We thought it was time to spice it up in the studio ahead of the winter months - welcome to our Winter Warrior Challenge!! 🔥🧘💗

Attend 4 classes per week for 6 weeks, starting from Monday May 20th 💪

Completing the challenge will get you in the running to win a $250 cash prize! 🤩😍

Sign up in the studio when you’re next in for a class ❤️


Letting go can sometimes feel like giving up

Instead of looking at in this way, what if we reframe it as releasing the old versions of ourselves 🌱🌴

By letting go, we make room for the potential that’s currently waiting in the wings 🌟

'When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.' 🌿

These words remind us that transformation begins with surrendering to the unknown, trusting and embracing our evolution 🩵

When we shed the layers, we make space to unveil the endless new possibilities that await 💫


Whatever your yoga looks like, as long as it’s done mindfully it’s still yoga!

None of these poses are ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than others

The same applies to props - doing triangle pose with a block isn’t ‘worse’ than doing it without. It’s just a different option that allows you to feel a different sensation in the body 🩵

🎨 - Subin Yang


What is the intention behind this pose? 🤔

There’s no one right answer.

Maybe it’s to unlock and open up the hips and back body 🔓

Maybe it’s to bow inwards and reflect internally 😌

Maybe it’s to dedicate the practice outwards towards someone else or something else 🤗

Or maybe it’s something else entirely ✨

Yoga is a personal practice - let it make sense for you! 🫶

Cafe Now Open

Come checkout our New cafe open 7 days a week on 42 Bennett Street.

We’ve just released our new Fresh Juice and Smoothie menu AND extended cafe hours on weekends so more opportunities to visit our fab cafe crew!
M-F 7am - 2pm
S/S 8am - 12.00noon

Videos (show all)

Wheel pose (chakrasana / urdhva dhanurasana) is a strong, challenging backbend. It has a high level of physical demand, ...
This Valentine’s Day, take a moment to appreciate all the love in your life that is quiet, subtle and steady 🩵 Share som...
A fluid Friday flow with lots of juicy hip openers and fun twists💧🌊🩵 Teacher: @ameliasagrabb ...#yoga #yogapractice #hip...
Take a moment to escape the hustle and bustle of the city at Urban OM Yoga and Pilates 🧘‍♀️ Recharge with yoga, pilates,...
Thank you to City of Perth for supporting us with an activation grant. We have been able to transform an unused space to...
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for yesterday's Practise in the Park!💚🙏🏼 We loved spending our Sunday with y...
Movement and breath becoming one. Get warm in our heated classes, perfect for winter ❄️ Teacher - Amelia
Those Sunday Morning Flow vibes bringing all the bodies to the Studio🥰 💚 We love seeing so many of our Tribe in the Stud...
Sometimes you just gotta stop and let it flow🥰Amelia will be running 6 of our Urban Flow classes this week, be sure to l...
On Thursdays we Flow... a lot slower than this!😆🧘🏼‍♂️
Another member highlight for Stephen Barber! Completing 45 classes in 30 days and very casually out-doing our 30 in 30 C...


42 Bennett Street
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 14:00
Thursday 07:00 - 14:00
Friday 07:00 - 14:00
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday 08:00 - 12:00