You Support Services

You Support Services

Care and help for people living with mental health conditions and physical disabilities.


YSS are excited to welcome our brand new team member, Kye is a positive, energetic, and extremely friendly young man. Kye is looking forward to meeting and working with any families or individuals who feel themselves or loved one would benefit from Kye's support.

If you feel like Kye would be a good fit please get in touch with Aaron Roods at YSS on 0408 852 802 or alternatively you can get in touch with us through messenger.

Photos from headspace- Port Macquarie's post 02/04/2024

Its been a while since I've introduced myself, I'm Aaron from You Support Services I'm a 34-year-old support worker based in the Port Macquarie area with over 10 years of experience in the field. I hold a Diploma in Community Services and possess all the necessary certificates to provide high-quality care and support.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of caring for and supporting individuals with a diverse range of needs, including those with mental illness, physical and intellectual disabilities. My experience extends to in-home support, community support, short-term accommodation, overnight stays, and supported independent living.

I am truly passionate about helping participants set and achieve both short and long-term goals. I strongly believe in encouraging independent decision-making whenever possible, ensuring that the support I provide is tailored to each individual's unique needs and preferences, empowering them with choice and autonomy.

In addition to my direct support work, I am also involved in mentoring two young male support workers (aged 20 and 21) who have recently completed their Certificate III in Disability Support. Together, we form a cohesive team that supports and learns from one another to deliver the best possible care to those we serve.

Currently, we have availability in our team, and if you know of a participant who could benefit from our combined expertise and dedication, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be delighted to connect with you and explore how we can support and make a positive impact in the lives of those in need.

Photos from You Support Services's post 10/07/2023

YSS School Holidays Part 2

Day 1 - Movies - Elemental, Pizza lunch and Park Activities
Day 2 - Sancrox Park, Sausage Sizzle lunch and Reptile Solutions show and reptile hold.

We loved having everyone back to our two days this July School Holidays, so many friendships have formed now and the kids were excited to see their friends again. Some said they haven't seen each other in aggggeessss, which I love as I really wanted friendships to form.

Thank you to Stuart from Reptile Solutions, his show was really enjoyable and the kids got answers to their reptile questions, along with this he was extremely patient in giving all the kids a hold of the snakes, blue tounge lizard and croc.

I hope all the kids enjoy the rest of their school holidays!

Photos from You Support Services's post 10/07/2023

YSS School Holidays Part 1

Photos from You Support Services's post 27/06/2023
Photos from You Support Services's post 14/06/2023


Monday 3rd July - Movie - Elemental (rating PG), Pizza lunch & Park Activities

Monday 10th July - Sancrox Park Activities, Sausage Sizzle and Reptile Show - Hosted by Reptile Solutions

We are excited once again to be holding a couple of School Holiday Programs this July.

Our School Holiday Program is for a smaller group of kids aged 7+, it is a great program for kids that have some anxiety around large groups.

If you have or know of a child that would benefit from being supported whilst having fun, all whilst meeting and forming friendships with other kids their age, then this program will be great for them.

Each day will run from 9am-2.30pm

For further information, contact myself via DM at You Support Services, phone/message 0408 852 802 or via email [email protected]

Photos from You Support Services's post 21/04/2023


Photos from You Support Services's post 21/04/2023


We've had another amazing school holidays!!

We had a great group of kids and I really love that friendships have or are forming with a number of the kids! We loved seeing old faces and welcoming some new ones, I'm so proud of this group they were all extemely kind.

We've done a lot, Springloaded, Park Activities, we saw the Super Mario Brothers (this was a great movie and I think we all have the peaches song stuck in our heads), Cricket, lazer tag, rock climbing, card and block games, basketball, went to the skate park with the scooters and skateboards. Others went for a swim in the pool, Sea Acres walks and the Library.

I hope all the kids have enjoyed themselves this school holidays.



We have arranged a couple of activities this school holidays
- Thursday 13th April - Springloaded & Park Activities
- Monday 17th April - Movies - Super Mario Bros, Pizza Lunch & Park Activities

Our School Holiday Program is for a smaller group of kids aged 7+, it is a great program for kids that have some anxiety around large groups.

If you have or know of a child that would benefit from being supported whilst having fun, all whilst meeting and forming friendships with other kids their age, then this program will be great for them.

We always look forward to seeing some of the old faces and welcoming new ones

Please send your email address to [email protected], via DM or to 0408 852 802 and we will send through the permission form.

Please note groups are capped and limited numbers are available.


The weather has been SO good lately, Jack and his young friend/participant got to spend some time at the beach yesterday, they had a swim and played in the sand!

The beach (sand, salt and sun) is so great for everyones mind, especially after being at school all day!

Photos from You Support Services's post 13/02/2023

Chloe had a great time with her participant on Friday, they made rocky road (which looked amazing) and then played some games.


Photos from You Support Services's post 23/01/2023

Day 6 - YSS School Holiday Program - Billabong Zoo

The rain couldn't stop us today, everyone came prepared with their raincoats and umbrellas!

We split into groups, all groups had various ages and once again it was lovely to see the older ones helping out the younger ones throughout the day.

We had a few special activities, we all got our bag of corn to feed the kangaroos which every child loved. Some hesitated at the start to let the kangaroos eat out of their hands but by the end they were all pros! We had some very excited kids when they overcame their fears. We even got a special treat when a little joey poked his head out of his mums pouch.

After morning tea, those that wanted to, got to hold a snake, again some were really nervous but were so excited after they held it! Chloe definitely was the most excited for this activity 😅 (check out the photo!)

Those that needed a break throughout the day, played with the bubbles, spot it, craft, figurines, jenga, read books and played what am I.

After lunch, we saw the reptile show where each child, got to touch a blue tounge, turtile and snake, after that, a couple of kids wanted to go check out the reptile enclosure again and we got to see the snakes feeding, once word got out majority of the kids then came in to have a look.

At the park, Lawson was the target and a few of the boys enjoyed the challenge of tackling him! 🤣 safe to say he was exhausted by the end.

I really hope every kid had a great time today!


Monday 23rd Jan - YSS School Holiday Program - Billabong Zoo

Really excited to see our Monday group at Billabong Zoo, drop off will be at the zoo at 9am!

See you all then!

Photos from You Support Services's post 19/01/2023

Day 5 - YSS School Holiday Program - Putt Putt, Hydro Golf and Beach Games

We got a great day in before the rain started!

Before Putt putt and Hydro golf we went to Lake Innes Park for morning tea, it is great for all ages, there is a Ninja Warrior Course, Hammock, we had a shop that only sold Batman items, basketball and the swing that holds three and spins.

At Hydro and Putt Putt, all the kids had a great go at both activities, I saw a lot of concentration on their faces whilst trying to get the ball in the hole or to hit one of the targets out in the water. One of our littlest ones got a hole in one 🥳 you can see how happy he was in one of the photos! There were a lot of kids who hit targets and got themselves a ticket for more balls (sorry to the families whose kids will want to go back to use their tickets 😅)

With it starting to sprinkle, we made the decision that we'd head to a park with undercover seating instead of the beach, just incase it started pouring, we still had a great time, after lunch, we played cricket, frisbee, some ran round with bubbles, whilst others tried to dodge them, one of the little ones built a volcano in the sand, a couple played jenga, others played with some figurines and others built cardboard robots. It was nice to see the kids interacting with each other and having a laugh. We even had some other kids at the park join in with the cricket game.

I hope everyone had another fun day!

Photos from You Support Services's post 18/01/2023

YSS School Holiday Program - Tomorrow Hydro, Putt Putt and Beach Games.

We are hoping the rain holds off till late afternoon, but could I please ask parents if your child has a rain jacket or small umbrella that they bring it along. We do have a couple of alternative ideas if the weather gets too much.

See you all at 9am at the Donut!

Looking forward to another fun day!


Photos from You Support Services's post 16/01/2023

Day 4 - YSS School Holiday Program- Lazer Tag, Sea Acres and Pool

We had another great bunch of kids today of various ages! So many of them have formed some great little friendships!

We went to Lazer tag this morning, then off to Sea acres for a walk, had morning tea in the shade of the rainforest, it was awesome that Chloe and her little mate, could join us for a walk! We then headed to the pool, it was such a hot day, we went through a lot of water and a lot of sunscreen 🥵

The older boys were really considerate again today and made sure the little ones were always okay.

There have been a number of kids who have been extremely anxious to attend, but how amazing to watch their anxieties become less and less over each day, we hope this is because they're not only enjoying themselves, but that we've been able to provide them a safe space, where their fears and concerns are taken on board, so that they can get through and enjoy the day like all kids deserve. I hope this can also give these awesome kids some confidence in other areas of their life.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves again today!

Photos from You Support Services's post 14/01/2023

Monday 16th - YSS School Holiday Program - Lazer Tag, Sea Acres Rainforest Walk & Pool (Port Macquarie)

See you all at the Donut at 9am!

Don't forget your lunch, hat, towel & change of clothes, we will have plenty of sunscreen, water & morning tea.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a message or give me a call on 0408 852 802.

See you all soon


Photos from You Support Services's post 12/01/2023

Day 3 - YSS School Holiday Program - Wildnets, Sausage Sizzle and Sancrox Park

Another really fun day today, I think there wouldve been some really tired kids out there tonight 😴😴

Today we started off at Wildnets, then headed to Sancrox Park where we cooked up a sausage sizzle, thanks to the boys who helped butter the bread and hand out sandwiches, your help was really appreciated!

After lunch those that still had energy to burn, played Frisbee, ball darts, played at the park on the climbing equipment and footy. Those that needed some quieter time blew bubbles, did some craft, played some games like what am I? and Spot it.

The highlights for today:

- I was so proud of some of the older boys today, they stepped into "big brother" roles with some of the younger kids by helping them and playing with them throughout the day.

- It was great to see new friendships form again, its so nice when a child just clicks with another and they spend the day playing and chatting. It's something I really wanted from this program that kids could meet and make new friends in a supported environment.

Looking forward to seeing all the kids Monday - lazer tag, Sea Acres walk and Port Pool.

Photos from You Support Services's post 09/01/2023

Day 2 - YSS School Holiday Program - Movie: Puss in Boots - The Last Wish, Pizza lunch and Park Activities.

We had another really fun day today!

We headed to the Cinema and watched Puss in Boots, had our Poptops/Waters and Popcorn.

After the movie we went and had our Pizza lunch under the big Fig Tree on Town Green, once everyone was full and sunscreen was reapplied, we were straight into the activities, we played 44 Home, Cricket, soccer, tip, some played at the park on the swings, down the slide, climbed the Fig tree and pretended they were Koalas, others did colouring, played with magic sand, a couple went and had a walk to the pier to look at the water. It was really hot and we went through A LOT of water!

The highlights of the day:

- It was so nice once again to see a couple of newbies that were shy at the start of the day come out of their shells as the day went on, and it was even nicer to see them make some new little friends, a couple of the little boys were inseparable all day.

- We saw a snake around the Fig tree, everyone kept a good distance but they all enjoyed watching him slither over to the resort next door to the park. We were all then a bit on edge 😅

- All the kids were once again so kind and considerate of everyone else, they all have such beautiful manners.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again Thursday - Wildnets, Sausage sizzle and Sancrox Park


Monday 9th Jan

YSS School Holiday Program - Movie - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Pizza & Park Activities

Photos from You Support Services's post 05/01/2023

Day 1 - YSS School Holiday Program - Bago Maze and Pool

We had the best day yesterday! What an absolutely beautiful bunch of kids, everyone was so caring, kind and considerate towards each other. It was also so nice to watch little friendships form throughout the day.

The weather looked like it was going to pour all day, but the rain held off and it ended up being a perfect temperature to do Bago Maze and go for a swim.

Bago Maze had two mazes to go through, we all go lost and went round in circles a number of times, it was great to hear all the kids getting involved by expressing their ideas on how to get out, i loved seeing how happy and excited they were when they got to the exit!

The pool was exactly what we needed after the Maze, we were lucky enough to pretty much have the pool to ourselves, its heated and a great temp! some kids went on the diving boards, we played Marco polo, some wanted to be thrown in the air multiple times 🤣 after the pool we played a little game of footy!

A few of my highlights:

- There was one little girl that expressed that she was so nervous to come along at the start of the day, but she's so glad she came and she wasn't nervous anymore.

- One of our boys was having a hard time, another little boy went over to have a chat to him a few times at the maze but as soon as he'd go over the boy would move away, at the pool the boy didnt give up and tried again, he sat down next to him and was able to have a chat to him for a good 15 mins. The kindness and effort this little boy expressed was so nice to watch.

- Two of our older boys who had never met before became really great friends, they spent majority of their time together throughout the day, you could see them talking between themselves and having a laugh.

Every parent/carer should be so proud 🥰

I have a feeling there would've been a lot of tired kids last night! 😴

See you all Monday - Movie, Pizza lunch and Park Activities

Photos from You Support Services's post 04/01/2023

YSS Team are really excited!

School Holiday Program starts tomorrow Thursday 5th - Bago Maze & Pool Day

See you all at the Donut at 9am!

Don't forget your lunch, hat, towel & change of clothes, we will have plenty of sunscreen, water & morning tea.

It looks like we might get some rain, if you have an umbrella or raincoat please bring this also, we will have spares (if required)

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to send me a message or give me a call on 0408 852 802.

See you all soon



YSS NDIS School Holiday Program Jan 2023

School's almost out!!

We are really looking forward to this program!

Each day will run from 9am to 2.30pm, although the program will run between these times we will have a couple of support workers to support any kids that will require an early drop off or later pick up.







If you'd like more information please contact Aaron via DM, [email protected] or 0408 852 802


Welcome to the YSS team Lawson!

Lawson is 19, born and raised in Port Macquarie, he has a great family dynamic and is nearing the end of completing his Cert 3 in Disability Support. Lawson loves the gym, keeping fit and loves the beach. He has a big interest in cars and motorcycles, playing video games and just sitting and having a chat with a friend.

We're really looking forward to Lawson's calm nature and extremely positive attitude on our team. I have a feeling he is going to be really loved by all his participants.

If you feel that Lawson would be a good fit for yourself or one of your family members please don't hesitate to send me a DM, email via [email protected] or call 0408 852 802.



We are SO excited for Summer!!

YSS will be venturing out and exploring Port Macquarie and everything it has to offer, WildNets, Bago Maze, Pool, Cinema, Lazer Tag, Hydro Golf, Putt Putt Golf, Billabong zoo + more!

Our School Holiday Program is a smaller group of kids 7+, the program is great for kids that have some anxiety around larger groups, your child will be supported, whilst having fun, along with meeting and making new friends.

We are really looking forward to seeing some old faces and welcoming some new ones!

For more information about what each day will include, please send your email address to [email protected], via DM on the link below or to 0408 852 802


YSS are excited to be finalising the details for Dec/Jan Summer School Holiday NDIS Program. We have some great days planned!

The School Holiday Program is a great way for your child to be supported in a smaller group environment, enabling them to meet and make new friends, whilst having fun.

We had such a great group of kids last school holidays, we hope to see some old faces and meet some new ones this summer!

More information to come November 1st 2022

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