By Nature Holistic Health

Naturopath- Natural solutions to improve challenging behaviour, emotional regulation & anxiety in ADHD & ASD kids


πŸ‘‹Hey Mum's want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour, emotional dysregulation, fussy eating? Looking for a better transition into the school environment? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family.

Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱
Booking link in bio πŸ“…


I love getting out in nature, it's my happy place. πŸ˜‡
We are so fortunate that we have beautiful parks so close to where we live.🌳
Getting out for a hike not only gives me exercise but helps me regulate my nervous system something I need to do regularly.
I've learnt over the years that my nervous system needs extra care & support so I can do all that I do.
I use herbal medicine, meditation, EFT tapping, exercise & getting out in nature to do just that.
What do you do to regulate your nervous system and manage stress?


4 tips for introducing new foods to fussy eaters
1- Stay calm- not always easy I know but no one wants meal times to be stressful & getting frustrated/angry doesnt really help anyone, if you or your child are already a bit stressed out leave it for another meal to introduce the new food.
2- Introduce one new food at a time
3- Add a small amount of the new food to a plate and make sure that there are foods available that your child is already familiar with.

While fussy eating may just be a phase if it persists for an extended amount of time there is likely underlying factors that need to be addressed.


Rosemary is amazing for the brain!🧠
It's been shown to improve memory, cognition and increases alertness, plus it smells wonderful!
This is the rosemary in my garden, it looks great in winter as it begins to flower.🌸
I love rubbing the leaves and smelling the beautiful oil on my hands.πŸ‘ƒ
I try to include it in my cooking whenever I can.
Herbal medicine at my finger tips πŸ˜‰


Case Study
This was a case that we were able to get good results quickly and with relatively little intervention.
6 year old boy struggling with emotional regulation, behaviour, concentration & focus in his first year of school.
Not so many issues at home but was really having a hard time at school.
I referred him for a blood test to check for nutrient deficiencies and found that he was deficient in Zinc & Iron, I also suspected that he had a magnesium deficiency, which we dont really test for as the results are typically unreliable and not an accurate reflection of Magnesium status.
We began addressing these nutrient deficiencies and mum soon reported he was doing much better in school, finishing his work, not getting into as much trouble and that he seemed generally happier. πŸ₯³


Bottom's up!
Liquid herbs have so many wonderful benefits & one of the most important is the ability to blend a number of different herbs to make a treatment that is very specific to an individual.
While there are lots of great preformulated supplements out there sometimes we need something really specific.
They dont always taste great but can be so effective.πŸ˜‹
And you know what, your taste buds do eventually get used to them (well most of the time anyway πŸ˜„
Now that is personalised medicine πŸ˜‰


Herbs and supplements can provide excellent results.

But the✨ REAL MAGIC ✨ happens when a patient takes their herbs and supplements and is then able to make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle.


πŸ‘‹Hey Mum's want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour, emotional dysregulation, fussy eating? Looking for a better transition into the school environment? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family.

Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.
✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱

Booking link in bio πŸ“…


People are often unsure of the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance.
Although symptoms can be similar a food allergy usually develops more quickly and sometimes can be a life threatening emergency.
It is important to get clear on whether there is a food intolerance or an allergy as they are managed differently.
Both can profoundly impact mood and behaviour in kids.


Does what my child eat affect their behaviour?
Ever wondered if this was the case?
Well it just might be.

What a child eats may impact their behaviour through the following ways
-Some children are sensitive to sodium benzoate and artificial food dyes (they often have a genetic predisposition).
-Food intolerances cause inflammation which impacts the brain affecting behaviour.
-High sugar diets cause fluctuations in blood sugar which can impact mood and behaviour.

So yes bottom line is the food a child eats may affect their behaviour.


4 tips to make it easier when a child needs a blood test.🩸

Taking a child for a blood test doesnt have to be traumatic.
I think many parents are usually more worried than the kids.
I think it is really helpful if the parents are calm and relaxed.

1- Always ring the lab beforehand to make sure their is someone with experience and knows what they are doing, it is a slightly different process for children.

2- Ensure the child isnt dehydrated, even when fasting for a blood test it is ok to drink water before the test, it is easier to get blood from a vein that more fluid in it.

3- Numbing cream- Easy to apply and available from most pharmacies

4- Reward- Lots of praise and a little something for being so brave 🎁


πŸ‘‹Hey Mum's want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour, emotional dysregulation, fussy eating? Looking for a better transition into the school environment? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family.

Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱


Couldn't agree more !

What we eat impacts our energy levels, sleep, mood and behaviour.

We need the proper nutrients to make the brain chemicals that keep us calm and allow us to focus, this is particularly true for children.

I know a lot of parents think it is impossible to get their child eating healthier.
But it doesnt have to be so overwhelming....

Making small sustainable changes can have a huge impact over time.


Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself.πŸ‘‹
I'm Sam, Naturopath & mum of 2.

Through my own parenting journey (my youngest son is AuDHD) I witnessed the profound effects Natural medicine offered and knew I had to become a Naturopath.

Now, I empower other mum's with the knowledge and tools to naturally improve the nutrition, behaviour and emotional regulation of their children to not only cope in this crazy world but thrive.


5 Dietary sources of Iron

1. Meat & poultry- A pretty obvious one, but I find most people dont realise that chicken thigh is higher in iron than the breast.
2. Dried apricots - A yummy source of iron suitable for vegetarian and non vegetarians a like.
3. Oats - In porridge, muesli, overnight oats, preferably wholegrain.
4. Dark leafy greens - spinach, kale, silverbeet to name but a few.
And lets not forget
5. Nuts I almost did 🫣


πŸ‘‹Hey Mum's want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour & emotional dysregulation? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family.

Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱


Its like Christmas opening up my veggie box from Farmers Pick. 🀩
I love the variety, it's seasonal and delivered to my door and I love, love love that it helps the farmers out more than the greedy supermarkets (you know the one's I'm talking about 😜).
After this I will be sitting down to write down my meal prep ideas for the week.πŸ‘©β€πŸ³
I'm always looking for ways to make feeding my family healthy nutritious meals πŸ₯¦ easier.



Arggh its soooo frustrating! 🀬

A lot of children come into my clinic with a diagnosis of ADHD without having any blood tests done or even recommended.🀯

There seems to be a lack of awareness as to the actual impact of nutrient deficiencies, particularly iron, on behaviour.

I've heard the argument that it can be too traumatic for children to get blood tests and you know what for some it certainly can be, but with proper preparation and a phlebotomist experienced in paediatric blood draws the majority of kids do really well with the whole process. 😎


This is one of my favourite recipes.
I love anything that is quick and simple to make plus turkey is such a great ingredient for fussy eaters....
It's mild and sweet in flavour.

500g Turkey mince (dont get the lean or breast mince it's dry and blah!)
1 beetroot grated (I use my food processor for this)
1 onion grated or finely chopped
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas) processed into a coarse meal
1 egg
2 cloves crushed garlic
1/2 tspn dried thyme

In a bowl put all ingredients and using clean hands combine until mixed well.
Divide into 6- 8 balls
Cook in a frypan with a small amount of olive oil.
A few minutes each side until cooked through.
Serve with a hamburger bun or just with a side of homemade sweet potato chips 🀀


πŸ‘‹Hey Parents want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour & emotional dysregulation? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family. Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱


Hands up who can relate?
I certainly could, that was definitely us when our AuDHD teen was younger.
I dont think my butt ever touched the sand when we went to the beach πŸ˜‚
And I remember people commenting how I wouldnt need to join a gym πŸƒ

I'm so glad I can laugh about it but it sure was tough sometimes (a lot of the time).

So if this is you right now, a big shout out to you, you're not alone πŸ₯°

Image credit:


Anyone who works with me will know that I am big on testing.
Whether its blood tests, Nutrigenomic (DNA) testing, Microbiome testing, Food intolerance testing, or Organic Acids Testing.
Why do I ❀️ testing you might ask?

Well the fact is I love the clarity it can provide, testing when used appropriately can help direct treatment by indicating the treatment that is most likely to get results.
There is a lot less trial and error which means testing can actually reduce the cost of treatment, and I think that's a win for everyone 😎

Yes, that's me on the computer going through some patient test results ❀️


I love making herb mixes!
This one is for me, my favourite stress mix.
Nothing more satisfying than blending herbs and making a mix that is uniquely suited to someone.


πŸ‘‹Hey Mums want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, behaviour & emotional dysregulation? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Let's Connect! Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family. Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see if I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱


I love this!
Investing in early childhood nutrition is one of the best things we can do for our kids.
It's setting a solid foundation and provides all the building blocks for healthy development.


3 causes of iron deficiency in children that you might not have thought about.
1- Parasites & worms- some parasites feed on iron which reduces the amount available for us to absorb.
2- Coeliac disease - causes damage to the part of the intestine responsible for absorption of iron (& some other nutrients) resulting in reduced absorption of iron.
3- H.pylori infection- H. pylori causes the stomach to become less acidic making the absorption of minerals such as iron more difficult.

Its not always about not getting enough iron in the diet sometimes our kids can be eating enough but their gut is in a state that prevents proper absorption.


Is iron deficiency causing behavior issues in kids? 😟

Iron deficiency in adults and kids can look very different.
Iron-deficient adults are often noticeably fatigued or tired and could easily sneak off for a nanna nap during the day. 😴
Iron deficiency in kids can look very similar to ADHD; they can be wired, have difficulty sitting still, or concentrating, and struggle with emotional regulation. πŸ§’πŸ’€πŸ’”

Its so important to uncover the cause of behaviour to make effective sustainable change.

Please note before considering iron supplementation it is essential to know an individual's iron status.


🌿 Ready to Explore Natural Health Solutions? 🌿

πŸ‘‹Want safe, natural solutions for anxiety, challenging behaviour & emotional dysregulation? Let's chat!

🌟 Take the first step toward a calm, more emotionally regulated child.

πŸ“ž Book a FREE Kids Health Check Today! πŸ“ž

πŸ—“οΈ Limited spots available! Don't miss this chance to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, more peaceful family.

Schedule a FREE Kids Health Check to see how I can help.

✨ Let's start this journey together! 🌱


Black Bean Brownies 🫘
This is one of my favourite kid-friendly high protein recipes and they taste delicious! πŸŒŸπŸ‘ΆπŸ²

Protein is a really important nutrient – it provides the building blocks for the neurochemicals that keep us calm and happy. πŸ’ͺ😊

In my clinic, I often see kids who aren't eating enough protein. πŸ§’πŸ½οΈ
Black Bean Brownies are a fun way to increase protein & black beans are also rich in iron.
Great for the lunchbox and so easy to make! πŸ±πŸ‘©β€πŸ³

1 egg or egg alternative
1 400g can black beans
3 Tbsp butter (melted, can use coconut oil instead)
ΒΎ cup cacao powder
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Β½ cup coconut sugar
1 Β½ tsp baking powder

Preheat oven to 180 C.
Lightly grease a 12-slot standard size muffin pan
Rinse & drain black beans
Add all ingredients to a food processor and puree for about 3 minutes – scrape down sides a few times. Should be quite smooth
If the mixture appears too thick, add a Tbsp or two of water and pulse again.
It should be slightly less thick than chocolate frosting but nowhere close to runny.
Evenly spoon into the muffin tin and smooth the tops.

Bake for 20-26 minutes or until the tops are dry and the edges start to pull away
from the sides. I found mine took about 22 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool for 30 minutes before removing from pan.
Remove very gently with a fork.

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Videos (show all)

I love getting out in nature, it's my happy place. πŸ˜‡We are so fortunate that we have beautiful parks so close to where w...
4 tips for introducing new foods to fussy eaters1- Stay calm- not always easy I know but no one wants meal times to be s...
Bottom's up!Liquid herbs have so many wonderful benefits & one of the most important is the ability to blend a number of...
Does what my child eat affect their behaviour?Ever wondered if this was the case?Well it just might be.What a child eats...
4 tips to make it easier when a child needs a blood test.🩸Taking a child for a blood test doesnt have to be traumatic.I ...
5 Dietary sources of Iron1. Meat & poultry- A pretty obvious one, but I find most people dont realise that chicken thigh...
Its like Christmas opening up my veggie box from Farmers Pick. 🀩I love the variety, it's seasonal and delivered to my do...
WARNING RANT AHEAD!Arggh its soooo frustrating! 🀬A lot of children come into my clinic with a diagnosis of ADHD without ...
I love making herb mixes!This one is for me, my favourite stress mix.Nothing more satisfying than blending herbs and mak...
3 causes of iron deficiency in kids
Is iron deficiency causing behavior issues in kids? 😟Iron deficiency in adults and kids can look very different. Iron-de...
🌿 This is WHY I became a Naturopath! 🌿My youngest son's behaviour was out of control. πŸ˜“ I was embarrassed, scared to tak...



Ground Floor, 5a, 1 Danaher Drive
South Morang, VIC

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm

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