Apollo Investment

Helping create homes for those living with disabilities while helping Australians build wealth through strategic finance and property investment.

Specialising in high yielding assets covered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme.


The shortage of suitable homes for people with disability means that specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is in very high demand across Australia.⁠

With SDA housing being in high demand, the chance of your investment property being left vacant at any point is slim. Most NDIS participants (the tenants) prefer to lease for longer periods than in traditional houses, due to the house perfectly suiting their needs — once they’re settled in a house that is equipped with everything they need, they’re generally there for the long-term! ⁠

Long-term tenants provide stability and comfort as an investor, knowing the property won’t be left vacant (and should be consistently occupied for longer periods!). ⁠

To learn more about investing in SDA property, please check out the website.⁠



Knowing what not to do is almost as important as knowing what to do when investing in SDA property. ⁠

As NDIS investment specialists, our guidance is to avoid these mistakes: ⁠

❌Insufficiently researching specialist disability accommodation. ⁠
❌Making an ‘off-the-cuff’ decision to invest without fully understanding the process.⁠
❌Trying to do it all yourself and leaving yourself open to missing key requirements and opportunities.⁠

We can help provide objective research, project your financial outcomes, assist with NDIS registration, access SDA property managers, SDA architects, reputable SDA providers and guide you through the full process. ⁠

Learn more at https://hubs.la/Q01SWDgq0


Meet Nic! 👋 ⁠

Nic brings 30 years of property and acquisition experience to Apollo Investment. His career has seen him involved in all facets of property development, investment and acquisition, working to secure exceptional outcomes for his clients. The past five years have seen Nic deliver many NDIS projects to clients — you’re in safe, experienced and trusted hands with him!⁠



Unless you have a family member or friend with disability, it can be hard to grasp the challenges they face daily.⁠

Would you expect a 33-year-old to be living in an aged care facility? Because unfortunately, for many Australians with disability, this is the hapless reality. ⁠

Special Disability Accommodation is both revolutionary to our society and life-changing for the NDIS participants who can call an SDA property ‘home’.⁠

SDA homes are built to strict design standards, allowing sufficient provision for tenants’ needs. This means that SDA participants often find their forever homes in SDA dwellings.⁠

Looking to make an enormous improvement to someone’s quality of life, keep them out of a nursing home prematurely, and access high rental yields?⁠

Discover how Apollo Investment can make this possibly a reality.


Thanks for the comprehensive review Daniel, we deeply appreciate all clients feedback!
To read the full review and many others go to: https://hubs.la/Q01SBSKq0


Thanks Matthew for leaving a review, we always appreciate our clients feedback!
To read the full review and many others go to: https://hubs.la/Q01QFj830


Gearing, whether in relation to SDA investing or regular investing, refers to when you borrow money to buy an asset.
If you’re looking at borrowing to invest in an NDIS investment property, that property will be considered to be ‘geared’.
Positive gearing: if you receive more rental income from your NDIS investment property than all of the expenses, then your investment will be positively geared.
Negative gearing: conversely, if the income you receive on your SDA rental property is less than the total expenses, this is considered to be negatively geared.
Not sure whether your investment will be positively or negatively geared? Let us run the numbers for you https://hubs.la/Q01QFccv0


For adult Aussies with extreme functional or intellectual impairment, the living options are limited. ⁠

Social Housing: government owned housing where even special needs households are not modified to incorporate the necessary provision of those with very high support needs.⁠

Private rental market: From accessibility, home features and rental cost, the private rental market is simply inadequate to support Australians living with extreme functional or intellectual impairment.⁠

Nursing Homes: Community engagement, quality of life and independence simply cannot be delivered living in a nursing home prematurely. ⁠

Specialist Disability Accommodation: Specifically designed to meet the needs to Aussies living with disability, incorporating all the necessary provisions to support their quality of life, independence and wellbeing. ⁠

Invest in your community while accessing significant financial reward at https://hubs.la/Q01QFgQS0⁠


The process for investing in Specialist Disability Accommodation is unlike that of the traditional property market.
Every SDA dwelling needs to be certified against the NDIS design standard, under the SDA rules.
However, it’s not simply a matter of building a property and then having a certificate of compliance completed afterwards — an accredited SDA assessor needs to be engaged at the design stage of your SDA build.
To ensure that you’re following the process correctly, and engaging the best SDA assessors, builders and architects, engage with Apollo Investment at https://hubs.la/Q01QF6N90


The numerous rate rises being handed down from the Reserve Bank of Australia continues to dominate headlines in the media. For those looking at making a property investment in an SDA home, you may be wondering how they will affect your investment outcome.
Specialist Disability Accommodation is renowned for its social impact to those with disability as well as its superior investment returns thanks to backing from the federal government.
If you’re looking at borrowing funds to purchase an SDA property, then the rising rates will naturally impact your loan repayments. This being said, the 10-15% pa expected income yield far exceeds the average interest rate on investment loans currently.
To understand how a positively geared investment could benefit your financial situation, contact the team at Apollo Investment https://hubs.la/Q01QF1q40


The National Disability Insurance Scheme is an incredibly complex scheme, as it encompasses so many support services and aids, funding schemes, and is governed by such stringent legislation.⁠

It’s understandable if needing to wade through the NDIS sector is a concern when looking at purchasing an NDIS investment property. ⁠

Thankfully, Apollo Investment offer a complete, end-to-end NDIS investment solution so that you work with us, instead of directly with the NDIS. ⁠

Our panel of experts include finance and funding professionals, as well as NDIS industry professionals, to ensure that you receive a service that is reliable, competent, and easy to understand. ⁠

Reach out to our team to discover how we do the hard work to make NDIS investment easy for you. https://hubs.la/Q01QD-hY0

Can I Rent My House to NDIS? | Apollo Investment 11/04/2023

If you’ve been looking into NDIS property investment and are considering how you can enter the market, you may be wondering whether you can rent your existing house under the NDIS. While it is technically possible, there is a complex web of requirements to meet.

In this blog, we explore what it takes to refurbish an existing home for enrolment into the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) scheme, and your options for SDA property investment.


Can I Rent My House to NDIS? | Apollo Investment We explore what it takes to refurbish an existing home for enrolment into the SDA scheme, and your options for SDA property investment. Find out more!

What’s a Realistic ROI for NDIS Investment? | Apollo Blog 06/04/2023

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is one of the most revolutionary programmes to come from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It’s understandable that some investors are dubious about the double-digit rates of return that are frequently presented when discussing NDIS property investment.

However, with bi-partisan federal government funding of up to $700M per year, you may be surprised to learn that the return on investment (ROI) of an SDA investment property is as strong as quoted in literature.

As NDIS property investment specialists, we are happy to discuss what a realistic ROI for NDIS investment is. Check out the blog below to find out more:


What’s a Realistic ROI for NDIS Investment? | Apollo Blog As NDIS property investment specialists, we are happy to discuss what a realistic ROI for NDIS investment is. Read this blog or contact us to discuss further!

Is Multi-Income Housing a Good Investment | Apollo Investment 04/04/2023

When weighing up your property investment options, it pays to consider how each different property type will work to meet your financial goals and objectives. If the income yield of a property is what you’re most concerned with, then multi-income housing could be a viable option for you.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing specially designed for Australians with disability. Not only does it provide exceptional income yield, but it’s a form of multi-income housing. In this blog, we discuss below what makes SDA and mixed-income housing a potentially good investment.


Is Multi-Income Housing a Good Investment | Apollo Investment SDA provides exceptional income yield and is a form of multi-income housing. We discuss what makes SDA and mixed-income housing a potentially good investment.

SDA Smart Homes: How to Add Assistive Technology to SDA Properties 28/03/2023

In building an SDA compliant home, many investors want to ensure they’re going above and beyond the bare minimum to achieve maximum appeal and independent living for their tenants. The use of assistive technology is standard in all SDA housing, however, knowing how the SDA participants will use the technology can help identify where you can incorporate more than just the standard in your SDA property.

Read this blog to find out more about SDA smart homes and how to add assistive technology provisions that matters to your NDIS investment.


SDA Smart Homes: How to Add Assistive Technology to SDA Properties An SDA smart home is an intelligent choice. Contact Apollo Investment to learn how you can add in assistive technology to create above-average outcomes.

Preparing Your Finances to Buy an Investment Property | Blog 27/03/2023

The home-buying process, whether it be your first home or an investment property, is an exciting time; yet one that requires sufficient planning and preparation. For socially focused property investors looking to make a positive impact on their community, they may be gearing up to purchase an NDIS investment property.

Finding an ethical, bricks-and-mortar investment needs adequate financial preparation, which is why we’ve prepared the following brief guide on what you need to do when preparing your finances for property investment.


Preparing Your Finances to Buy an Investment Property | Blog Finding an ethical, bricks-and-mortar investment needs financial preparation. Read this guide on what to do when preparing your finances for property investment.

What Is the Difference Between a Sub Lease and Head Lease Agreement? 24/03/2023

A commonly asked question by prospective NDIS investors is, ‘what is the difference between a headlease and a sublease agreement?’ Investing in Specialist Disability Accommodation does have many differences between owning a private rental property or commercial premises.
In this blog, we discuss the differences between headleasing and subleasing, and how they work in NDIS property investment.


What Is the Difference Between a Sub Lease and Head Lease Agreement? We discuss the differences between headleasing and subleasing, and how they work in NDIS property investment.

How Many Investment Properties Should You Have to Retire Comfortably 20/03/2023

For most Australians in the workforce, they rely on their superannuation contributions as the main vehicle to drive their retirement savings. However, for self-employed people, and those with a keen interest in property investment, superannuation only forms part of what is to become their nest egg.
Of course, whichever investment strategy you choose to save for retirement is going to come down to your personal preferences, financial needs and situation. If building a property portfolio is part of your overall retirement strategy, in this blog we discuss how many properties you may need to retire comfortably.

How Many Investment Properties Should You Have to Retire Comfortably If building a property portfolio is part of your overall retirement strategy, we discuss how many properties you may need to retire comfortably.

How Apollo Investment Can Keep You up to Date With the Changing SDA Housing Market 16/03/2023

Property investment of any kind requires a degree of knowledge in the property market, as well as the appropriate financial acumen to identify a viable investment opportunity. At Apollo Investment, we do more than just source SDA housing for investors — we provide a full end-to-end NDIS property investment solution, which brings in many service offerings that set us apart from other SDA investment companies.

To find out how Apollo Investment can keep you up to date with the changing SDA housing market, check out the blog below.


How Apollo Investment Can Keep You up to Date With the Changing SDA Housing Market One service offering is a deep and thorough understanding of the NDIS property market that allows us to keep you up to date with the changing housing market. Here’s how we do it.

Media – Featured on Your Investment Property Mag 13/03/2023

Mum-and-dad investors who are looking to quickly grow their investment portfolio for retirement should consider investing in National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) properties.

NDIS properties are custom-built properties that have been modified to accommodate individuals with chronic medical conditions, mobility impairments, visual impairments, or psychological disorders.

Read out latest blog to find out more:


Media – Featured on Your Investment Property Mag Article Summary: Why mum-and-dad investors should consider NDIS properties

So, What’s the Secret Behind a Buyers Advocate? 10/03/2023

Investing in NDIS property provides your investment portfolio an opportunity unlike any other. With government-backed returns and strong capital growth potential, it’s little wonder that many Aussies are considering SDA housing as their next investment choice.

The SDA market works differently from the standard residential investment market, which is why it pays to have licensed professionals in your corner. For your clarity, in this blog, we discuss the secret behind buyers' advocates and how they can help you secure the best NDIS housing for your property portfolio.


So, What’s the Secret Behind a Buyers Advocate? We discuss the secret behind buyers advocates and how they can help you secure the best NDIS housing for your property portfolio.

Commercial vs Residential Property Investment 06/03/2023

Looking at your property investment options in a (mostly) post-COVID-19 economy probably has you wondering whether commercial or residential property investment is better. There are similarities and differences between investing in residential or commercial property — understanding more about their pros and cons may help guide your investment decision.

In this blog, we look at the differences in commercial vs residential property investment and discuss how NDIS property investment could offer your portfolio the same financial benefits but with more outstanding social outcomes.


Commercial vs Residential Property Investment We look at the differences in commercial vs residential property investment and discuss how NDIS property investment could offer your portfolio the same financial benefits but with more outstanding social outcomes.

Co-Living Property Investment vs NDIS Housing Rentals 02/03/2023

For years, the target demographic of property investors was largely geared towards family homes. But with so many singles and childless couples on the market, rental prices for large family homes are out of reach — with more and more renters looking for co-living properties.

One of the most innovative forms of co-living is specialist disability accommodation. In this blog, we take a look at the differences between specialist disability accommodation and co-living properties.


Co-Living Property Investment vs NDIS Housing Rentals As NDIS property investment specialists, we help hundreds of investors navigate the complexities of investing in SDA properties. Have a conversation with our team.

Making NDIS Home Modifications | Apollo Investment 28/02/2023

Living in a home with full provisions to cater for our specific needs shouldn’t be a luxury denied to those living with disability. Home modifications can be the difference between prematurely sending a person with high support needs to a nursing home and living a life of independence within their own home.

For some clarity, in this blog we discuss what’s involved in home modifications and what other options exist to help achieve independence and suitable accommodation for those living with disability in our community.


Making NDIS Home Modifications | Apollo Investment We discuss what's involved in home modifications and the other options to help achieve independence and suitable accommodation for those living with disability.

Sky News Australia interviews Yannick Ieko of Apollo Investment 24/02/2023

One of the challenges facing the NDIS is a major housing shortfall, which refers to a shortage of suitable and affordable housing for people with disabilities.

In our latest blog, Yannick Ieko of our team here at Apollo Investment discusses on Sky News Weekend, one of the major challenges facing the NDIS and how investing in NDIS properties can help resolve this issue.

To read more and watch the interview, check out the link below:


Sky News Australia interviews Yannick Ieko of Apollo Investment Yannick Ieko of our team here at Apollo Investment discusses one of the major challenges facing the NDIS and how investing in NDIS properties can help resolve this issue.

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Videos (show all)

Homes designed to provide specialist disability accomodation.Paralympian, David Gould shares his experience…#ndis #ndisp...
Financial freedom has a different meaning to everyone…
The common mistake I see most people do when they have extra income…
Property can fund your early retirement — only if you’re 100% disciplined!
It’s the little details that matter!
The impact of high ceilings on SDA homes… #sdaproperty #ndisproperty #ndis
Excited to be delivering our first SDA home in Adelaide with our new builder #sdaproperty #ndisproperty #ndis
The importance of going above and beyond with NDIS properties!#ndis #ndisproperties #sdaproperties
Create spaces that participants feel safe snd comfortable in… #ndis #ndisproperty #sdaproperty
There is still a great deal of disconnect in government funded projects… #sdaproperty #ndisproperty #property
So many opportunities in the NDIS space… #ndis #ndisproperty



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