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meditation, therapeutic art and energetic healing coaching.

Photos from's post 12/09/2024

Today in AU is the day dedicated to remembering the significance of checking in with ourselves and others on mental health.

Simple question : How are you doing? Are you OK? It's the way to bring love and care towards oneself and others.

I love that R U OK uses yellow colour as the symbol of mental health. This colour always reminds me of sun flower, the flower that always tracks the sun even though the sun might be hidden deep in the clouds, yet the sun flower knows that the sun is there and patiently wait for the sun to shine again.

How would it be if we were to bring to sun flower 🌻 qualities into our health. Tracking the light of love and kindness and always having faith and hope that life will eventually brighten up. Sometimes, the situation at the time may seem particularly challenging but we continue to have faith and hope anyway because we know there is brighter side of life.

🌻 The practice of regularly asking yourself and others 'r u ok?' is the great starting point to allow loving awareness inwards. With awareness, there can be a pause to reassess and process the thoughts and emotions so we can choose healthy actions to support our body, moods, and mental and emotional health.

I spend most of my life with depressive episodes, I truly believe in the gifts of yoga, meditation, arts/nature therapy and positive connection of good friends (sangha) that can gradually reduce mental health conditions and bring sustainable recovery which allows an individual to live for fulfilling life.

I'm sending all my love to anyone who might be struggling with mental/emotional conditions. I wish you to find the pathway towards care, deep listening and be surrounded with a natural environment and trustworthy friends. May you find your light and happiness so you can share love with others truly.
life .A.I.N

Photos from's post 11/09/2024

Never give up taking care of yourself and the practice of love through yoga, mediation, and creativity expression and connect with a positive community.

We're here 4 weeks in the UK and right now, a week in Hertford town, where we used to live here 11 years ago, there are many loving memories, I felt such a warm hug from this place and the people. It made me tingling with aliveness when I took a long walk and jogged along the riverside from Hertford to Ware Town. People said 'good morning' to you with a smile.

Yesterday, we went to check out Hertford Toastmasters club where we were so welcome by lovely new friends and the community. We recognised that we're all on personal growth using Toastmasters skills to improve better communication and leadership skills. I can't wait to explore art galleries and the secrets space yoga here where I've been following their update online for a long time but now physically here.

🌟 Where you're in the world, don't give up doing what you love. Allow your passions to shine so you can be the best version of you.
life #

Photos from's post 10/09/2024

We arrived in London two days ago, a long stressful journey. Yoga by the bathroom on the plane helped, but after getting stuck in a tiny seat for almost 26 hours

I could feel accumulated cortisol and stress levels increased in the system. When we got to Hertford, in Hertfordshire, I went for a jog along the countryside side pathway along the river for 50 minutes while the sun was shining. This really helped to manage with the stress and allow anxieties to settle.

🌟 Tips on dealing with high anxiety in the system

Sweating it out while enjoyed a deep breath around nature is one of the best ways to reduce tension in body-mind.

After mindful cardio, following it with yoga/meditation and this will support both cardio vascular health and boost mental well-being. Also, give a break for the nervous system to come out from reactivity mode and gut health.

It's a wonderful experience to be on holiday but it's vital to be mindful of what activities we give ourselves to do and how we take care of ourselves after a long flight and travelling.
life #

Photos from's post 05/09/2024

The heart of yoga and meditation practice is smile and laughter. Having joy is the basis of the practice of awareness. It's impossible to live life fully without joy and mindfulness.

Yogis have lots of fun, smile, laugh, empathise, and self-reflection. The practice is not fixed and rigid. We don't sit all day in meditation and being like a rock. We're full of live because we're lid up from inside. Buddhist/Yogis flows with life. The more we practice, we connect with the best part of our ourselves, we dive deeper to experience humanity, humility, and compassion. The core teaching of yoga and Buddhism: loving kindness is not for thinking but practice throughout daily activities in our lives.

Photos from's post 04/09/2024

Strengthening the Lower Body Muscles and Heart release has many great health benefits.

Above photo Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or variable of king pigeon yoga posture targets the major muscle groups and joints in the lower body, such as the glutes, the hamstrings, the quads, the hip flexors, the adductors, the abductors, the knees, and the ankles. It also opens the chest and heart region to improve cardiovascular and enhance quality of breathing.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (king pigeon posture) affects the pelvis and the spine, two of the most essential structures in the body. The pelvis is the base of the spine, and the spine is the body's core. The pelvis and the spine support the body's weight, protect the vital organs, and allow movement and flexibility in all directions

By practising the pose, you can stretch and lengthen these muscles and joints and increase their range of motion and flexibility. When practised among compassionate communities, this also supports mental health as this increases the sense of belonging.

Breath centred and mindful movements such as yoga, meditation, and Tai-Chi while reflected with arts and music therapies are what we do best.

We connected positively with ourselves and the people around us. Bathing in healing energy of beautiful, natural environment in Southern Highland to enhance deep rejuvenation experience in retreat.


A glimpse of 6 min edited of what we did in retreat last Saturday morning of 1 hour 30 minutes with Lunar Flow and Live music by .martin.526

The records for all of our classes in the retreat were given to participants so they could go back to practice again (if they want to).

This class focuses on releasing the hips and hamstrings while contemplating the meaning of self-worth.

What I love about yoga practice, especially Lunar Flow, is that we massage the connective tissues and fascia gently, allowing the body-mind to unwind with appropriate
timing; this can deepen the experience of self-healing.

Psychologically, we have time to contemplate our positive values to reignite our fire of being the best version of ourselves.

🌟 According to research at the University of North Carolina, self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others.

Yoga and meditation create space to pause and become more curious about ourselves. This allows us to appreciate our uniqueness and tap into confidence.

Remembering joys and the abundance we have to contribute to the world and belong with others.

Photos from's post 01/09/2024

Another juicy retreat this weekend in southern.
This time, we organised Christmas themes with the focus of metal (Wu Xing according to traditional Chinese medicine) which associates with the attributes of self- worth, empathy and joy.

We carefully designed the programmes to purposely thread together from yoga with live music, meditation with south healing, art, eco therapies in/outdoor, and Tai- Chi practices so the participants can deepen in their reflections and fully replenished physically and psychologically.

Remembering our true values that allow ourselves to shine brightly and authentically. Retreat is the opportunity to dive deeper into self-understanding and unwind accumulated stress and tension in nature while connecting together with open hearts in a compassionate community.

This is why we love doing retreat! It was a perfect weekend to restore balance and remember why we get up in the morning so we can spring into lives with clarity, creativity, and purposes.

We welcome spring season in Australia, ready to blossom to be ourselves.

More videos of glimpse of our sessions with live music in the next post.

We're so grateful for all of us this weekend πŸ’œπŸ™
life martin.526

Photos from's post 29/08/2024
Photos from's post 26/08/2024

Have you've ever felt some days the rain really pours on you?

I'm not talking about literally rain but the idea of various things in life that suddenly rain on you from all directions which can impact how your moods and general well-being.

In the last couple of days, I felt slightly more vulnerable from self- doubts after I did a speech about the subject I cared about and I felt that I didn't do as well as I could have plus it was coming up to a new cycle.

The above are little tips and some yogic postures that I found to be useful to lift to brain fog and downs moods.

Research from NHS (National Health Service) agreed with my insight, also it stated that it's helpful to have less alcohol assumption and keep connecting positive communities like food friends, yoga and mediation people are the keys to support mental/emotional well-being and bring back vitality to life.

Join us tonight 8pm (AEST) in Heart Awakening Meditation circle for women empowerment to support your mental wellness. DM here or click above link in bio to book.

Photos from's post 25/08/2024

We all have our unique journey to self- awakening. The two keys are awareness and joy.

Say YES to life. Jump for the opportunities to learn with joys. Our self understanding can be like a maze. Through twists and turns, we become closer to our true self.

Don't give up and keep going. Keep practising yoga and meditation. Let's simple, joyful moments lead you to life.

Join us tomorrow for Heart Awakening meditation for women empowerment tomorrow at 8 pm (AEST) via Zoom.

Book via link in bio or DM me

Photos from's post 24/08/2024

I love this quote, I feel our life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. Sometimes, we feel everything is in flow, and often, we struggle with challenges.

We experience both strengths and vulnerabilities which makes us unique and beautiful.

We're a glorious mess, without being in a messy process, how could we possibly learn, evolve and remember true worthiness.

Photos from's post 20/08/2024

"Nothing in this world is difficult, but thinking makes it seem so. Where there is true will, there is a way"

As I stepped into the role of business owner fully, I found myself regularly facing self- doubts and the fear of "not enough." However, as I return to practice yoga/meditation and connect with loving community, I remember who I am and love I have for myself.

The limitless inspirations as I dropped into my internal resources and surrounded by amazing people who also walked their unique path of self-awakening and deep love.

I agree with the above quote, whatever challenges we may face, when there is dedicate will and true heart, any tasks can be accomplished.

If you find yourself struggling with hardships, don't stop believing in yourself.

🌟 Trust your heart and the process, and everything will align. Your journey of love will reveal when you let go and allow things to be.

This is how we get stronger and gain inner resilience. The things that seem difficult elevate us to be the best version of ourselves.


I’m passionate about yoga and meditation. Regular, simple yoga and meditation can lead us back to the best version of ourselves.

According to Johns Hopkins medicine research

8 Benefits of Yoga Practice

Numerous studies show yoga’s benefits in arthritis, osteopenia, balance issues, oncology, women’s health, chronic pain and other specialties.

1. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength. Cat & Cow is one of the best way to get the circulation to flow.

2. Yoga helps with back pain relief.
Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in people with lower back pain.

3. Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms.
Gentle yoga has been shown to ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen joints for people with arthritis

4. Yoga benefits heart health.
Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. The practice can also support people with blood pressure issues into heathy range.

5. Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better.
a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try legs on the wall or sofa posture.

6. Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.
You may feel increased mental and physical energy, a boost in alertness and enthusiasm, and fewer negative feelings after getting into a routine of practicing yoga. Try cobra posture

7. Yoga helps you manage stress.
According to the National Institutes of Health, scientific evidence shows that yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep. Try child pose.

8. Yoga connects you with a supportive community.

Participating in yoga classes can ease loneliness and provide an environment for group healing and support. Even during one-on-one sessions loneliness is reduced as one is acknowledged as a unique individual, being listened to and participating

Photos from's post 18/08/2024

I'm very much resonated with the above quote

"You're both a masterpiece and working progress". We can work on ourselves and yet we can appreciate that we're beautiful, unique and unconditional at the core of our being.

Sophia has been working with me in meditation coach one:one immersive session for a couple of times, then joined our meditation circles which she loves the combination of mediation, restorative yoga, arts and sound healing.

She found that the practice has been greatly valuable to support her self- care routine and great reminder to love herself.

She then recommended that her daughter come into coaching sessions with me, which she found to be very useful to help her deal with stress from exams and other things.

I'm so proud that since coaching sessions and meditation circle, they continue to self- coach and follow their promises to themselves to commit with the goals of self- love.

They reconise that they're invaluable masterpieces, and they continue to practice.

These are excellent examples of women empowerment and leaders that I found to be most admirable and inspiring.

Join our Heart Awakening Meditation circle every Tuesday 8pm AEST Via Zoom. DM me or book through the website


Here is a 15-minute standing hips opener practice that you can do anytime.

Hip openers are a powerful practice that can help relieve stuck emotions by stretching and extending the muscles around the hips, pelvis, and glutes.

This is the key area to bring stability to our spine and increase inner emotional resillence .

These poses in this mini flow are commonly used in yoga and are essential for enhancing flexibility and improving range of motion.

Feeling free in the hip can facilitate a secure home base, bringing a sense of self-security and releasing stored stress and anxiety, enhancing overall physical and mental well-being.

Moreover, regular practice can increase healthy hormonal function and the studies suggest that it can support a balanced sexual drive.

So, how much time and often do you give yourself for hip care?


Hip mobility practice and creative meditation can offer juicy sensations in the body and help us feel more centred in our daily lives.

When we have fun in the moment and enjoy creatively exploring our body-mind, sounds and arts-making process together in a positive community, this releases happy hormones such as dopamine and serotonin to boost the energy and the moods to be ready for anything that comes through the day.


I love bringing well-being programmes to support people's wellness. Using restorative yoga, meditation and art therapy combination as the holistic approach to promote social-emotional learning and combat trauma and mental disturbances.

Evidence-based research including many medical stress management programmes, such as Compassionate Mindfulness Resilience, suggests that the combined practices of mindfulness and creativity can reduce hyperactivity and struggle with mental health challenges.

Furthermore, this unique combination can enhance positive social engagement, which can increase an individual's self-esteem and sense of community.

I've been developing well-being programmes for organisations that work with NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) such as One & All in the last couple of years, it feels so fulfilling
to see how people who suffer from mental conditions and disabilities gradually progress with their abilities to self-regulate and positively interact with others. I'm so proud of my students. I'm grateful to learn, be inspired by them and have the chance to use my knowledge to support people's wellbeing and encourage them towards the journey of self-love.


Here is 10 10-minute Backcare practice to release tension around the shoulders and neck.

It's vital that we take care of our back and spine especially in our culture of sitting and spending a lot of time looking at the phone.

The practice can be simple like this video. Taking time to self-care throughout the day 10 minutes in mid morning and 10 minutes in mid-afternoon can help us feel more centred, increase our chances of optimum well-being as well as enhance work performance. When you're calm and collected, you'll also bring a positive vibe to others.

So how do you incorporate mini self-care time throughout the day?


Kapalbhati, shining skull breathing, is one of my favourite morning practices. It helps to boost the mood and energy for the day.

It's a great way to support mental clarity and enhance self-confidence.

You can use this breathing to focus your body and mind and set a clear intention of one thing that you aim to integrate into your daily routine. It might be kindness towards yourself and others. It might be walking and talking with confidence.

I hope you'll enjoy the practice and I look forward to hearing from you about how you go with it.


How do you unwind at the end of the day?

Here is a glimpse of what we do in our Heart Awakening meditation circle to support women's well-being.

We discussed what it meant to connect with our inner strengths. Exploration of creative mindfulness and closed the practice with Bhramari breathing to rejuvenate the nervous system.

The benefit of Bhramari or bee/buzzing breathing can help to calm busy mental stimulation and can bring tremendous therapeutic benefits to the anxious and depressive mind.

When the practice combines restorative yoga, meditation coaching, and art therapy, it can help the participants dive deeper into self-enquiry and increase their chances of inner resilience and self-empowerment.

If you experience high stress from your work and daily routine, we invite you to join our Heart Awakening Meditation Circle for fun meditative practice and be inspired by a compassionate community. You might find that you are able to offload the weight from work and life and sleep better at night.

To book our meditation chucks, DM here or book the link in the bio above.

The practice is at 8 p.m. weekly. Next week, we'll explore how to access your power and self-confidence through the inner radiance.

Music for restorative yoga section by .martin.526


Simplylove creates a self-empowering space for people to come together in a compassionate community.

We are dedicated to helping people reconnect with self-love and remember their inner strengths so they can share love with others.

I'd love to introduce you to our passionate team: Mary-Helen from Transpersonal Arts Therapy and Ryan, our music producer, who is passionate about using music to support people's well-being.

We're dedicated to bringing meditation coach, accessible yoga, and arts and music therapies to help people experience self-compassion and a sense of belonging.

Join us in our mediation circles, events, and retreats to learn and be inspired by our loving community.
life .martin.526

Photos from's post 04/08/2024

In the last couple of weeks, the main topics in all coaching sessions have been self-trust and remembering our true nature of unconditional love.

In yoga philosophy, the concept of Atman is the idea that our soul is whole and unchangeable. Through time and all conditions, love remains the same. Like water, even if it can change into different forms such as ice, rain, snow and many others, yet its true nature remains pure water.

In a world full of uncertainty, it's almost impossible to trust anything, especially the truth that there is love and wisdom within us. Trust requires the inner strengths to allow and accept. This is why we keep coming back to practice.

🌟 Yoga is a skilful tool and the state of body and mind to connect with a sense of unity. Meditation is the same, it provides a powerful tool to cultivate deeper self-introspection and allow us to rest of our natural state of being. The invitation to journey inwards beyond life fluctuations and limitations.

🌟 Meditation Coaching and Art therapy translate our understanding and insight into creativity and positive actions that can be integrated into daily routines, which is an ongoing journey.

🌟 So, what is your process for embracing your inner strengths and authentic self? Consistent practice keeps you aligned with your inner unconditional love.

🌟 Tomorrow at 8pm (AEST) in our Heart Awakening Meditation Circle, we'll move to the 2nd Chakra to practice heart-opening yoga and reflect on our inner strengths. Be with the flow of life changes and remember to trust love to guide us.

If you'd like to join us tomorrow in our meditation circle for women's well-being and self-empowerment, DM me or book through

Music by Ryan Martin

As a bonus, you'll receive our wonderful self-care booklet to help you through the journey of self-love.


Ease into the day or before bed with a simple heart and hip-opening practice can change how you feel into the day significantly.

Here are 6 minutes of practice from a 30-minute video I created on Simplylove YouTube practice to support self-care routine.

What I love about yoga and meditation is that you don't need to do much to feel good in the body and mentally grounded. It's more about the awareness of setting space and the time to practice regularly, which can profoundly transform our ways of life.

This is why I'm so passionate about
creating meditation circles to bring people together to share their thoughts, practice and deeply reflect on self-care patterns.

With compassionate attention to check in on what we do in our lifestyles, it is easier to create positive habits to support health and live authentically from our truth.

Last Tuesday, we had an excellent
start in the Heart Awakening meditation circle to support women's well-being. We started with the 1st Chakra, which was about how to find security in womanhood and who we are today.

This Tuesday at 8 p.m. (AEST), we'll explore the 2nd Chakra, tapping into the power of womanhood and exploring our voice and leadership.

If you're interested in joining our Heart Awakening mediation circle, please DM me or book yourself through

Music by Ryan Martin


I'm so passionate about using yoga and meditation psychologies to support women's empowerment so they can bring out their authentic voice and valuable assets to their leadership.

Meditation is the best tool to deal with self- doubts and fear of being your true self. A moment of self- love through a regular pause can create space to process information. Gathering strengths to say 'no' to negative words from yourself and others. With the practice, you'll become more skilful to respond to the situations with the most effective decisions.

If you're interested in learning more on the practice to support and enhance your confidence and better leadership.

🌟 Heart Awakening Mediation Circle for women empowerment and well-being will start tonight at 8 pm AEST Via Zoom

🌟 Book Use the link in bio or visit

Why choose us?

βœ…οΈ Personalised practice that is designed specifically for you and group

βœ…οΈ Connect with compassionate community in a sacred women circle

βœ…οΈ Education of self- care specifically for women's well-being, self-empowerment and leadership

βœ…οΈ Mediation Coach on self-confidence to be the best version of you.

βœ…οΈ Nissa (Programme developer) came from more than 30 years yoga and mediation background. She graduated with Masters of Health and Social Well-being.

βœ…οΈ Mary-Helen (Art Therapist) has an extensive experience in Arts Therapy, she graduated with degree in Interpersonal Arts Therapy.

βœ…οΈ Ryan (Musician programmer) has an extensive experience producing music Therapy in yoga/ meditation environment. In 2023, he completed a PhD on the role of musical participation and improvisation in social change

🌟 Bonus

You'll receive a booklet of self- compassion and hope to use art therapy to deepen into self-introspection and mediation audios to coach throughout the programme.

We're looking to see you tonight 8pm in Zoom.

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Videos (show all)

A glimpse of 6 min edited of what we did in retreat last Saturday morning of 1 hour 30 minutes with Lunar Flow and Live ...
I’m passionate about yoga and meditation. Regular, simple yoga and meditation can lead us back to the best version of ou...
Here is a 15-minute standing hips opener practice that you can do anytime. Hip openers are a powerful practice that can ...
Hip mobility practice and creative meditation can offer juicy sensations in the body and help us feel more centred in ou...
I love bringing well-being programmes to support people's wellness. Using restorative yoga, meditation and art therapy c...
Here is 10 10-minute Backcare practice to release tension around the shoulders and neck. It's vital that we take care of...
FACT: Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, are symptoms for women during the mensuration cycle. These cramps are often acc...
Kapalbhati, shining skull breathing, is one of my favourite morning practices. It helps to boost the mood and energy for...
How do you unwind at the end of the day? Here is a glimpse of what we do in our Heart Awakening meditation circle to sup...
Simplylove creates a self-empowering space for people to come together in a compassionate community.We are dedicated to ...
Ease into the day or before bed with a simple heart and hip-opening practice can change how you feel into the day signif...
Here is an 8-minute Trataka or candle meditation Practice. In Radiance Meditation Circle at 8pm tonight, we'll use candl...




Victoria Park Parade Zetland
Sydney, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 6:15am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 6:15am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 12pm - 7:30pm
Thursday 6:15am - 7:30pm
Friday 6:15am - 4pm

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