Horse Riding With Confidence Scotland

Personalised confidence and mindset support for Individual Riders. I therefore decided to see if I could help other riders to do the same.

I am an experienced rider and horse owner and began Horse Riding with Confidence Scotland after completing a diploma in hypnosis and psychotherapy in 2004. I had applied what I had learned on the course to my own riding and found that it made an enormous difference to my confidence and my ability to stretch out of my comfort zone. Over the years since then I have helped countless riders to regain



🔷After recent events I am NOT going to comment publicly on the news, in any way, but have decided to postpone the subject I had planned to cover today and, instead, to just put together a few words on kindness.

🔷To be "kind" is: 1. To be generous, caring and thinking about other people’s feelings and 2. Not causing harm or damage.

🔷I have no doubt that many words will be being written on the importance of kindness towards our much loved horses but I would just like to focus on the importance of kindness to each other and all that goes along with that.

🔷Grab a cuppa and


🏄‍♀️If we think of challenges as waves and imagine ourselves as a boat riding those waves or even a surfer on a board. Some waves are gentle and we rise and fall easily, others may knocks sideways or send us off course but we rise again and get back on track.

🏄‍♀️Learning to ride the waves can be challenging in itself. Imagine a novice surfer who frequently gets knocked off their board. But that surfer gains experience, becomes stronger and more skilled and pretty soon has the skills needed to go with the waves without fearing them.

🏄‍♀️You too can learn to ride your own waves but if at any time you feel in danger of being overwhelmed by them then please do seek help to get back to calmer waters.🚣‍♀️🚣‍♀️



🔷Every now and then a rider gets in touch with me, looking for help with their confidence and mindset, and tells me that they have spent years before reaching out for support.

🔷Recently someone told me they had waited for FIVE YEARS before sending me a message!

🔷That's five years of worrying, not enjoying riding as much as they could and wasting opportunities for fun and personal growth!

🔷Of course there are many reasons why people delay asking for help but what have you got to lose vs what are you likely to gain?

🔷Pick up the phone, send the message, write the email now and don't procrastinate any longer! I'm looking forward to hearing from you 💙💙



🔷We all sometimes have mountains which we are trying to overcome.

🔷Sometimes they're big and sometimes they're small. Some are "climbed" quickly, others take longer.

🔷Climbing a mountain takes physical strength and mental endurance but without the belief that you CAN and WILL conquer your mountain the process will be all the harder.

🔷Working on yourself, your mind and your beliefs will pay great dividends. What's stopping you? 💙💙


This is going to be amazing.

September 9th and 10th, The Equestrian Mental Health is about Creating Hope Through Action 💚🤍🕊️.

The focus of the Summit is Mental Health Education, Su***de Prevention, Sharing Stories and most of all Learning….
🕊️ Learning about your controlling your thoughts, sitting with feelings and understanding your behaviours.
🕊️ Learning about Grief.
🕊️ Learning about different treatments available for anxiety and depression and hearing from the specialties that provide them.
🕊️ Learning about your mind.
🕊️ Learning about yourself, loneliness and isolation.
🕊️ Learning from world class speakers and industry leaders on mental health and su***de.

There’s so much more to come. Join us and let’s build bridges to brighter days. Together, United and wanting Tangible Actions and Real Change.

Helping others, supporting others, being there for others, being part of the change, empowering that change… this is the best part 💚.



🔷Many years ago when my pony Luna was newly backed I told my wise horsewoman friend, and coach, that Luna was different to Gigha (who we had backed three years previously) in that, when she got a fright, she LET IT GO.

My wise helper smile wryly and asked me "Who is it that is letting things go Jane? Is it Luna or could it be you?'.

She was right of course....with three years more experience and a growing knowledge of rider confidence and mindset I had learned to accept the everyday challenges of riding and to then let them go.

🔷How about you? When your horse spooks, changes pace unexpectedly, tenses up for some reason what do you do? Do you tighten up, hang on grimly and fear the next "thing" that could happen" Or do you LET IT GO?

🔷When you have a pole down, your horse refuses, you mess up a transition or flunk a movement what do you do? Do these small mistakes spoil your day or do you accept them, learn from them and then LET IT GO?

🔷Learning to let things go is a valuable skill which will benefit your riding in many different ways. This is one of the many mental skills that I can help you with when we work together.

🔷Give me a shout if you would like to know more about how I can help you.💙💙



🔷I posted yesterday about finding your "Ikigai" - your why. your reason for doing what you do and loving it - so thought I'd share this from a couple of years ago about why I love my job and keep doing it when so many of my friends are talking about retirement !

🔷Answering the “Why do I do it?” question isn’t always that straightforward but the answer is that I know what it’s like to want to do something really badly, but have my mind prevent me from doing it. To have doubts about my own abilities or about my ability to move out of my comfort zone. In the past there were times when I was a bit stuck but using all of the things I have learned over many years I no longer feel held back by my mindset. So, because of what I have learned about myself I am able to help other people to overcome their fears and worries and to be able to enjoy the things they choose to do, so much more than they perhaps thought was possible.

🔷I love so many things about my job and meeting riders and getting to know them as whole people rather than a “riding issue” is one of my favourites.

🔷Grab a cuppa and read more 🫖☕💙

📸 By Joanne Boyle Creative.



🔷What's my WHAT!?? I hear you say!!

🔷You might think of your IKIGAI as your "REASON FOR LIVING" or what makes you get out of bed each morning.

🔷IKIGAI is a Japanese concept which, according to Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles roughly translates as "The happiness of always being busy".

🔷Your IKIGAI is generally believed to include aspects of your life such as what you love, what you're good at, your passion, your mission, your vocation, what the world needs and your paid work. It is your raison d'être and your "Why".

🔷If you know and understand your IKIGAI then life, and the things that you do in your life, become meaningful and the everyday struggles become more acceptable.

🔷If horses are included in YOUR IKIGAI then you will be prepared to work hard on your goals and ride the waves of the challenges which you encounter 💙💙

🔷If you like the sound of this and would like to know more then check out the book "IKIGAI, The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" by the authors mentioned above. If you would like help to clarify your own IKIGAI then drop me a DM and we can do that together 💙


Defender Blair Castle International Horse Trials 2024 will be here before we know it and, of course, this year's event will be a very special one.

🔷Are you going to be competing at Blair this year in any of the equestrian disciplines? Perhaps you've qualified for a showing class, maybe you'll be in the show jumping arena or are you going to be competing in the eventing competitions?

🔷Whatever your plans are I'm sure that you will want to make the most of your experience and have your mind on your side rather than mindset and nerves getting in the way of your enjoyment as well as your success.

🔷There's time in my diary for you to book yourself a couple of pre-Blair sessions which will help you to set yourself up for success and to manage any nerves and doubts that you may be feeling.

🔷Get in touch by DM, email or phone and we can get something in the diary for you so that you can have as much fun as possible at this final iconic Scottish event. 💙💙



🔷Learning and regularly practicing the breathing protocols that I teach you in your sessions here at Horse Riding with Confidence Scotland will help you to achieve your desired emotional state for optimum performance.

🔷It will also mean that your stress hormones will remain at a comfortable and tolerable level, rather than going into over-drive, by encouraging harmony between the different parts of your autonomic nervous system.

🔷Practice your breathing protocols when you're under no stress/minimal stress/moderate stress so that when you're in the warm up arena or start box you have a useful tool which will help you .💙💙



🔷You've been training hard, your skills are honed and your horse is fit and well capable for the task you have set.....BUT......

🔷As soon as you arrive at the venue (or even before you get there) the dreaded "NERVES" kick in!

🔷Perhaps your body is overtaken with physical sensations and symptoms such as nausea, sweaty palms, trembling, needing to run to the loo, weakness and more.

🔷Your thoughts may be racing, distracted, fearful and unfocused.

🔷Your self talk may be actively trying to destroy your enjoyment and your chances of performing effectively.

🔷Your ability to ride your horse, the way you know that you can at home, has vanished!

🔷Many riders will recognise some, if not all, of the above.

🔷What you need in this situation is a toolbox full of ways to help you to feel more comfortable physically, to get your thoughts to behave themselves and to get your self talk to be more encouraging, motivating and supportive.

🔷Get in touch and together we will help you build your very own box of tools that will help you when you need them most 💙🐴💙🐴




🔷There will, undoubtedly, be some riders who just simply get back on and ride away without giving it a second thought but, I suspect, there are many more who experience some anxiety or self doubt at this stage of their riding life and this is perfectly natural. So, if this is what you are experiencing then you are most definitely not alone.

🔷Do give yourself credit for all that you have done in the past, it may be a little bit hidden at the moment but scratch the surface and you’ll find it’s still there.

🔷Our lives are dynamic and constantly changing and that is part of the fun of it all and with a bit of hard work you will soon be enjoying riding again 💙💙


For all equestrians, everywhere Riders Minds

𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗘𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗥𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘆
Riders Minds are inviting equestrians all over the world to come together on 9th August 2024, for Riders Minds Day, in a campaign to break barriers and show each other support.

➡️Read more here:

💜𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩
🌍Live webchat:
🇬🇧Live text support: 07480 488 103
🇬🇧Call the helpline: 0800 088 2073


I have long been a fan of positive psychology and therefore enjoyed listening to the recent EquiTeam with Dr Happiness - Andy Cope. We've also been listening to this within Centre10 discussing the ideas and sharing our thoughts.

Of course none of us are 100% happy 100% of the time but we can all reach for positivity in our lives and this will lead to increased experience of the emotion of happiness.

What do you do when, in Dr Cope's words, your get up and go has got up and gone? When you're lacking in mojo, can't be bothered, feel like you're waiting for something better before you can allow yourself to be happy?

This is the time to encourage your positive attitude. The time to express gratitude, to get up and get on with things, to join in and give it a go, to smile about your mistakes and learn from them, to gaze with awe at your pony grazing in the field and to choose to relish all of the opportunities that equestrianism allow you.

It isn't always easy to move from surviving to thriving so please do reach out for support if you need it. 💙💙

In the meantime I can highly recommend listening to the podcast.💙💙


Tell me what it is you need help with and I will tell you if I can give you that help.

🔹Finding excuses not to ride? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Worried about hacking out? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Worried that "something bad" might happen? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Struggling to get over an accident? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Worried about jumping over a certain height? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Feeling that you're not good enough or lacking in self belief? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Worried about being watched or judged? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Freezing and losing focus in competitive situations? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Can do it at home but things fall apart in competition? Yep, I can help with that ✅

🔹Your "thing" isn't on the list but you'd like to know if I can help? Yep, I will give you an honest answer but chances are pretty good that I can help you ✅

🔹Just get in touch for some help to build the bridge from where you are to where you'd love to be 💙💙



🔷Just get in touch by DM, phone call or email and we can make a plan together to help you to RIDE WITH CONFIDENCE WITH A STRONG AND RESILIENT MINDSET. 💙💙


🔷There are lots of pieces for you to read on my Horse Riding with Confidence Scotland blog.

🔷Grab a cuppa 🫖☕ and have a read.

🔷I'd love to hear your thoughts and please do let me know if there are any topics that you would like me to cover.


🔷For those times when you find yourself doubting your abilities a really useful technique is to recall and re-live past times where you have used your personal strengths to overcome a challenge.

🔷It could be a riding challenge or one in any other area of your life but it's more than simply a happy memory - it's more effective when you are re-living a time where you dug deep and really believed in yourself.

🔷This helps to remind you that you have the skills and experience to be able to influence your outcomes and therefore to become more resilient. It is known as SELF EFFICACY.

🔷This is something which will become easier and more effective with practice and if you need any help with it then just give me a shout 💙

Photos from Equitas's post 01/07/2024

Congratulations Equitas. Two years of hard work, creativity and inspiration 🩷🩷


S is for SUCCESS

🔷Success is the achievement of goals.

🔷Be proud of every single success, great and small.

🔷Every success is made up of thousands of small ones and is the result of many hours of hard work.

🔷So be proud of all of your successes.

🔷I'd love to hear about your recent successes both great and small


🔷I wonder what your younger self would say about all of the amazing things that you have achieved, wonderful experiences that you have had and the positive benefits you have shared with the people in your life?

🔷I'm sure that there is still masses more to come as well.

🔷How excited are you about your future and what plans are you putting in place to make that future a great one? 💙💙



🩷I'm off for the next couple of weeks 🩷🩷

🩷I may be slower to answer messages and queries but I will keep a regular check on things so don't hesitate to get in touch.

🩷I have a few posts scheduled for the next fortnight and then normal service will resume on Monday 8th July. 🩷🩷

Photos from Equitas's post 22/06/2024

An important piece of work being carried out by Equitas


Sometimes things don't work out the way that you wish them to. Horses get injured, things get in the way of your goals, events are cancelled, mistakes are made, dreams don't come true.

What do you do in these situations?

😢😡😖😫 Remember that your emotions are valid. Disappointment hurts because you care and are likely to have invested a great deal in terms of time, money and effort. The intensity of emotions can feel overwhelming but that intensity will subside so ride out the waves and prepare to make a plan.

🤗Seek support as appropriate. If the issue is with your horse's health then get professional advice so that you can set up a recovery and rehab programme as required.
If you need emotional support then reach out to trusted friends, coaches or other professionals.
If you are looking for help in understanding any mistakes that you have made then reach out to a trusted coach.

❓❓Work out what has happened and why. Was there something that you could have done differently or is this something outwith your control? What can you learn from the situation that you find yourself in? Every rider makes mistakes sometimes and it's obviously vital to learn from these errors so that they aren't repeated.

⏱🕰⌛️⏳If whatever is going on means that you have to change your plans for the season, or beyond, then check back to your goals and adjust them as needed. Perhaps your horse needs some time off or maybe you are injured in some way - how can you use this rest and recovery period effectively?
It could be that competition goals need to be re-evaluated as part of your learning process and development.

😳🫤🙄Be aware of the language you are using when describing what's occurring to yourself and to others. Are the words proportionate and realistic? Telling yourself that things are "A complete disaster" is unlikely to be helpful.
At the same time it's not helpful to minimise or dismiss what you are feeling.

🤗🩷Once again, seek support as you work through this challenging time. 🩷🤗



🔷Practice is a vital element of learning isn’t it? Of course you know that but is learning as simple as straightforward repetition?

🔷A more useful concept when thinking about practice is that of “Deliberate Practice”: a term coined by psychologist Anders Ericsson. Ericsson says that Deliberate Practice is:

“the individualized training activities specially designed by a coach or teacher to improve specific aspects of an individual’s performance through repetition and successive refinement”.

🔷You may have had many years of habitual ways of thinking, feeling and behaving and it can be quite uncomfortable in the early stages of making changes and developing new mindset skills which will help you to achieve your riding goals. It’s important to have support, at this time, so working with a mindset coach will help you to develop new skills which are valuable and well founded.

🔷Grab a cuppa and read more🫖☕



🔷When you are talking to a properly trained mindset coach you have the benefit of truly being listened to.

🔷Using skilled questioning and observation they will listen to you in order to really understand what you are saying (both verbally and through your body language).

🔷Whilst sometimes it may be useful to be given a list of advice and actions to take, more often you will be guided towards finding your own solutions which ultimately will be far more sustainable than just being told what to do.

🔷All riders are different and come with uniques sets of experiences, strengths and challenges. You deserve to work with someone who knows how to understand you. 💙💙

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DO YOU EVER FEEL THAT YOU HAVE A KNOTTED BALL OF ANXIETY IN YOUR STOMACH?🔷Feeling like you have something unpleasant in ...
A huge MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 from me to you.It’s been a good year at Horse Riding With Confidence Scotland with lots of smil...
WHAT LIGHTS YOUR FIRE?🔶What lights YOUR fire?  🔶What motivates and excites you?🔶Achieving success takes hard work and c...
Do Whatever Excites Your Spirit
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THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEKEND🔷Working towards your goals can sometimes be tough but I believe that we benefit from dealing w...
A huge HAPPY CHRISTMAS 🎄 🎅 to each and every one of you.🎄THANK YOU to all of you who have put your trust in me during th...
THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEKEND🔷Someone asked me recently whether all the riders I see are having some kind of "crisis" in conf...




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