Primal Man Project

Our mission is to empower men to live aligned to their evolutionary design and become unstoppable


3 reasons you’ve lost purpose ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men in history built nations through hard work and vision

Men today chase money, while their souls wither

As fortunes rise, meaning crashes

You’re not failing

You’ve simply sacrificed your purpose for a paycheck

3 reasons you’ve lost purpose ⬇️

1️⃣ Chasing material gains

The relentless pursuit of money blinds you to deeper, more fulfilling goals. When financial success becomes your sole focus, you lose sight of what truly matters. Purpose is sacrificed on the altar of wealth.

2️⃣ Neglecting passions

By prioritizing financial security over personal interests, you suppress what drives you. This abandonment of passion erodes your sense of fulfillment and direction. True purpose is found in following what ignites your spirit, not just what pays the bills.

3️⃣ Short-term thinking

Immediate rewards and quick fixes overshadow long-term goals and dreams. This shift to instant gratification undermines the pursuit of meaningful achievements. Purpose requires patience and commitment, not fleeting pleasures.

Ready to reclaim your purpose?

Your Purpose and Vision is in the domain of the King Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your King.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


I'm looking for a few good men...

In just 12 days my team and I opening the doors to to The Forge

We’re looking for a handful of the right men

Ready to be held to a high level of accountability in making massive changes in their health, wealth and relationships

We had 10 spots and we’ve already filled 5

This isn’t for everyone and we don’t take passengers so the offer is

Join us for 2 weeks, for free

See if The Forge is a what you’ve been looking for

And get access to:

- Industry leading coaches
- A simple self mastery learning framework & content, and
- A community of good men, holding you accountable to doing the work

If you want more info, comment “FORGE”

and I’ll hook you up with all the details to join 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


P.s. If you know someone you think would benefit from this, share this post

I’m confident they'll be thankful you did.


3 reasons why your resilience is slipping ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men used to face death in their environment almost daily

Men today hit the snooze button 3 times before they get up and need a Wim Hof routine to have a cold shower

As comfort and convenience takes over, resilience decays

You don’t need to face death everyday to be worthy as a man, but you are leaving most of your potential on the table

You’ve become complacent in a life of ease without hardship\

3 reasons why your resilience is slipping ⬇️

1️⃣ Lack of structure

Without a clear plan, it’s easy to fall into unproductive habits. Structure provides direction and focus, making discipline achievable. Without it, you’re drifting aimlessly.

2️⃣ Immediate gratification

The lure of quick rewards undermines long-term goals and discipline. Instant pleasures distract you from the hard work needed for success. Discipline requires patience and persistence, not instant fixes.

3️⃣ Absence of accountability

Without someone to hold you responsible, it’s easy to let discipline slip. Accountability partners or systems help you stay on track and motivated. True discipline thrives on commitment and external support.

Ready to become unstoppable?

Resilience is in the domain of the Warrior Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your Warrior.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


Discover your Primal Design ⬇️

Men are going backwards.

Traditional cultures often had no words in their languages for depression or anxiety.

Today, 280 million people a year are diagnosed with depression, and more than half a million take their own lives every year.

As society advances, our mental health declines.

We are not broken

We simply are disconnected from your Primal Design

Here are 3 reasons why your mental health sucks:

1️⃣ Purposeless

A man without a purpose is lost. Every man must have a purpose that is helping him to create meaning in the world. This purpose is not just his family or money. It is a purpose that fulfils his soul. This purpose is in his bones and inspires him to get up and get after it.

2️⃣ Nice Guy Tendencies

Men who are “nice guys” are push overs. They say yes more than they say no. A man who says no, is not a nice guy, he is a good man. When a man can live his life as a good man others respect who he is and the boundaries he sets. This man can get up and get after his goals without feeling like he owes anything to anyone.

3️⃣ Poor Habits

A man who can’t control his bad habits is a weak man. From fast food and binge drinking to over exercise and lack of sleep, bad habits destroy mental clarity. A man who is discipline with his habits will help him smash goals fast while feeling clear doing so.

Ready to gain clarity and start living by your Primal Design?

Clarity is in the domain of the King Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your King.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men once held generations of culture in our stories, songs and traditions

Men today can’t tell you what their heritage is or where they came from

As society evolves, our connection to we are has faded

You’re not lost

You’ve simply disconnected from who you are and where you came from


3 reasons you don't have purpose ⬇️

1️⃣ You’ve Lost Touch with Your Values
In the pursuit of success, you’ve lost sight of what truly matters. Purpose comes from living in alignment with your core values. If you’re disconnected from them, your life feels empty, no matter what you achieve.

2️⃣ You Lack Brotherhood
Men aren’t meant to walk alone. Without a tribe, you drift. Purpose is forged in the company of those who challenge and inspire you. Surround yourself with men who push you towards creating something greater.

3️⃣ You’re Not Committed to a Higher Calling
Purpose isn’t found in comfort or convenience. It’s found in a mission that matters and demands your best. If you’re not committed to something meaningful and bigger than yourself, you’ll always feel lost, no matter how hard you work.

Ready to discover purpose?

Discipline is in the domain of the King Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your King.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men used to brave the elements with nothing but a campfire and some animal skins

Men today can’t sleep without climate control and memory foam

As comfort increases, resilience declines

You’re not fragile or infirm

You’ve simply adapted to a society that over-values comfort


Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men once cultivated deep relationships through kinship and shared fables, songs and stories around the fire

Most men today connect through a phone screen, memes and BS chit-chat about the game

As technology connects us, superficiality draws us apart

You’re not shallow or alone

You’ve simply not experienced the power of deep connection


3 reasons why we’re addicted to phones ⬇️

1️⃣ Dopamine addiction

Every notification triggers a hit of dopamine, reinforcing the need to check your phone constantly. This cycle creates a dependency on the quick rewards of digital interactions. The more you indulge, the more you crave, making it hard to focus on anything else. Turn off notifications and when you have the impulse to check your phone, research shows that delaying gratification will interrupt the dopamine dependency cycle.

2️⃣ Endless distraction

Social media feeds, news updates, and endless content keep your mind in a perpetual state of distraction. Each swipe and click pulls you further from real-life responsibilities and interactions. This constant stimulation prevents you from engaging deeply with any single task or thought. Use the Do Not Disturb feature on your phone to prevent distraction and set blocks of time for uninterrupted deep work.

3️⃣ Validation trap

Likes, comments, and shares create a false sense of worth that hinges on external approval. This pursuit of validation shifts your focus from personal growth to seeking approval from others. The more you chase these digital affirmations, the more you neglect your own needs and goals.
Use a daily journaling practice to capture your daily wins and provide self validation of your success.

Ready to create better habits and discipline?

Discipline is in the domain of the Warrior Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your Warrior.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


How to make a bagillion dollars in the next 30 days!

Use this ‘little known secret’ to print money they don’t want you to know…

We’ve all seen the routine….

. They don’t work.

We know they don’t work. So why do so many people click them?

Because we want to believe.

We want the magic pill.

We don’t want the truth, because it isn’t sexy.

The truth is, there are no shortcuts.

After almost a decade busting my ass to figure out what actually works when it comes to helping men be better.

Better fathers, better leaders, better husbands

Not just talking about it, but actually doing it.

Hundreds and hundreds of reps.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

✅ Men need a simple framework to understand their gaps

✅ A roadmap of proven actions they need to take to close them

✅ And solid men to hold them accountable to acting

That’s it.

Not sexy.

Not magic.


But not easy.

That’s exactly what we’ve created in The Forge.

No fluff, no bu****it, no crystals — just straight-up results from action approach to men's work.

We didn’t create this to impress anyone or win any awards— we created it because this approach works.

The Forge is an online learning and accountability community

Designed to help men create

👊 Sustainable MOMENTUM,

👊 Strong MINDSET,

👊 Life MASTERY, and

👊 Genuine MATESHIP

And we’ve assembled the A team to get this done.

8 coaches. All savages in their fields.

An elite former soldier who did special forces selection 3 times
A relationship coach who’s saved dozens of marriages
A business coach who’s launched multiple 6 figures businesses
A former banker who’s managed the finances of sporting stars
A mindset coach who’s worked with ASX listed company executives
A health coach who ran ultra marathons barefoot
A mind body spirit coach who has journeyed more realms with more plants that you can name

Men who will SHOW you HOW to be better, in every domain of your life.

Until now, The Forge was only available to men within our community.

But we’re opening the doors for 10 more men.

Here’s what they’ll get:

⁣☉ An online learning framework that tailors your learning journey to teach you what you need to learn, no overwhelm

⁣☉ Accountability from a tight-knit online and in person brotherhood of good men, no excuses

⁣☉ The proven tools, in depth training and ongoing support you need to level up in all areas of life

So if you’re ready to stop chasing the magic pill and start doing the unsexy reps,

I’m opening up my calendar this week for men to have a look at HOW our framework works,

Comment 'Hit me' below and I'll send you my link

If you know someone who needs this, forward it to them.

Let’s go

Jason Bluett

p.s. This is picture of me with a microphone and only people who know stuff get microphones.

So, I must know what I'm talking about.


This is a hype post to sell you something. Actually, tell about something I'm going to sell you later today.

It's supposed to build excitement, anticipation and tell you that something is coming....... WATCH THIS SPACE!

And I see this used EVERYWHERE, and it's pretty meh


I am actually pretty excited and proud of something a team of coaches and I have been working on at Primal for the last 8 months

It's the culmination of about 5 years of work I've done at Primal helping men be better.

Better husbands, partners, leaders and men.

When I got started into men's work in 2018 there was a LOT of different podcasts, audiobooks, courses, seminars, masterminds etc

Now, there is a farkin metric s**t tonne of 'work' men can choose from to have more success in their lives

So this year I set out to create the simplest and most effective program I could to help men get the results they want in their health, wealth, relationships and success,

👍 More reliably,
👍 More simply,
👍 More affordably

So, if this sounds like something you're interested in, keep an eye out for another post later today

I'll lay it all out

Because, excitement!



Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men once traveled across the oceans using finger lengths from stars to navigate

Men today are can’t find their way out of a car park without mobile signal and their GPS app

As technology advances, adventure dies

You’re not broken

You’ve simply to a society that lacks adventure


3 reasons men aren’t resilient ⬇️

1️⃣ Comfort Addiction

Modern conveniences have made challenges seem unbearable, weakening your ability to endure hardship. The more you rely on easy solutions, the less you build mental and physical toughness. True strength comes from facing and overcoming adversity.

2️⃣ Disconnection from Nature

A life spent indoors and insulated from natural elements diminishes your primal instincts and fortitude. Nature tests your limits and builds your character, while modern comforts shield you from the challenges that strengthen you. Reconnecting with nature reignites the warrior spirit within.

3️⃣ Instant Gratification

Quick fixes and instant results have eroded your patience and persistence. This constant need for immediate rewards stunts your growth and ability to tackle long-term goals. Resilience is forged through persistence, not through shortcuts.

Become unstoppable ⬇️

Resilience is in the domain of the Warrior Archetype.

Take our Masculine Blueprint survey to help you understand how to cultivate your Warrior.

Comment “PRIMAL” to get yours 🔥


How to find purpose beyond a paycheque ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men used have a purpose in life beyond a paycheck

Men today go to jobs they hate to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t know

As society advances the human experience decays

You are not broken

You simply molded yourself into the machinations of a meaningless machine

Look for what lights you upside and give it to the world

You were made for more


Here's how to support your brothers ⬇️

Men are going backwards.

Men used to stand side by side in battle

Men today tear each other down from behind screens.

The personal trainer, the entrepreneur, the artist—these men are pursuing their purpose

The world is in desperate need of men who celebrate each other.

If you see someone doing something dope, support them

Leave a comment or a like if this resonates 💪


We're going backwards ⬇️

Men used to use shared experiences to create connection with others

Men today need 4 beers, 2 shots and a pick-up artist playbook to start a conversation

As society progresses, connection regresses

You are not broken

You simply adapted to the norm of the modern drinking culture

The world is in dire need of men who prioritise genuine connection

Find things you love doing and people to share it with


Julio's transformation on the 3 Day Retreat 🔥


You are not introverted ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men used to spend every night telling stories and connecting around the fire

Men today stay up until 3am hiding behind phone screens and xbox remotes

Society validates this behaviour

You are not introverted or autistic

You simply adapted to world of isolation and disconnection

The world is in dire need of brotherhoods and mens communities

Stop lone wolfing it, get off your screens and find a tribe


Tim's transformation on the 3 Day Retreat 🔥


We are not evolving ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men used to celebrate their lives with ritauls that held meaning

Men today might celebrate holidays invented by retailers

As society evolves, our culture decays

We're not broken

We simply adapted to a world that worships consumption


Stuarts experience on the 3 Day Spear 🔥


We're dying from overeating ⬇️

Men are going backwards

Men used to used lives that needed them to have the physiques of athletes

Modern men are more likely to die from overeating then anything else

You are not broken

You simply adapted to a life of excess consumption with too little effort

The world is in need of men who take responsibility for their health

Your ancestors didn’t die so you could sit on the couch


Mike's transformation on the 3 Day Retreat 🔥


Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men used to conquer new lands on horseback together.

Men today troll posts on IG from their mothers' basement.

Hanging s**t on men who are trying to improve themselves.

The skinny dude in the gym, the fat guy jogging around the block, the broke dude starting a side hustle.

These men are getting after it.

The world is in dire need of men who lift each other up.

Help and empower your brothers.

We're on the same team.


Men used to work from dawn to dusk without complaint ⬇️

Modern men can't get out of bed without a 2hr morning routine and their mindfulness app

You are not broken

You simply adapted to the seduction of modern comforts

The world is in dire need of resilient men

Find comfort in your discomfort


This is part of being a man ⬇️

It's like you kind of gotta f**k it all up a little bit.

I think part of learning is dying. I think part of learning is you gotta die a little bit.

Cause what is learning?

Learning is me giving up on my old s**t, my old ideas.

Those ideas have to die for me to be open to some new s**t.

And so, me learning how to be a better man, I had to die a little bit.

And I was lucky to have some good dudes in my life at the time when it hit, for me to be able to fill it with the right s**t.


Men are going backwards ⬇️

Men used to charge into battle on a diet of stale bread and rainwater

Men today need 3 cups of coffee and a redbull to sit at a desk

As technology progresses, our spirit decays

You're not broken

You've simply adapted to the hamster wheel of your life

The world is in dire need of men who take massive action

Find the battle worth fighting for


Simon's transformation on the 3 Day Retreat 🔥


You are not autistic ⬇️

Men are going backwards.

Men used to find strength in solitude and reflection.

Men today find anxiety in silence.

As the noise increases, our peace decays.

You're not neurodivergent or autistic

You've simply adapted to a society that worships distraction

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Bringing men back to our design

As humans we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to live a certain way, today we are a long way from that design.

​We lived in harmony with ourselves, our bodies and our environment. We eat natural and nourishing food and moved and used our bodies to hunt and play. We were designed to live alongside a tribe who shared our lives, our loves and our loss. We connected deeply with the natural world and understood the medicine of nature.

More isolated and disconnected than ever, we’re crammed into high risers living life under lights, working jobs that don't fulfill us, our feet barely touching the ground for months at a time. Sanitized and sterilized, pasteurized and homogenized. We’ve lost a big part of who we were meant to be. There must be a better way... a life lived as we were designed ...

Our mission is bring men back to that design by training, taming and feeding our bodies, honing and resonating with our minds, warming and opening our hearts and humbling ourselves at the feet of our soul’s wisdom. To understand and embrace who we were meant to be body, mind, heart and soul and become more authentic, connected, purposeful and powerful men.

Videos (show all)

3 reasons you’ve lost purpose ⬇️.Men are going backwardsMen in history built nations through hard work and visionMen tod...
3 reasons why your resilience is slipping ⬇️.Men are going backwardsMen used to face death in their environment almost d...
Discover your Primal Design ⬇️.Men are going backwards.Traditional cultures often had no words in their languages for de...
Men are going backwards ⬇️.Men once held generations of culture in our stories, songs and traditionsMen today can’t tell...
3 reasons you don't have purpose ⬇️.1️⃣ You’ve Lost Touch with Your ValuesIn the pursuit of success, you’ve lost sight o...
Men are going backwards ⬇️.Men used to brave the elements with nothing but a campfire and some animal skinsMen today can...
Men are going backwards ⬇️.Men once cultivated deep relationships through kinship and shared fables, songs and stories a...
3 reasons why we’re addicted to phones ⬇️1️⃣ Dopamine addictionEvery notification triggers a hit of dopamine, reinforcin...
Men are going backwards ⬇️.Men once traveled across the oceans using finger lengths from stars to navigateMen today are ...
3 reasons men aren’t resilient ⬇️.1️⃣ Comfort AddictionModern conveniences have made challenges seem unbearable, weakeni...
How to find purpose beyond a paycheque ⬇️.Men are going backwardsMen used have a purpose in life beyond a paycheckMen to...
Here's how to support your brothers ⬇️.Men are going backwards.Men used to stand side by side in battleMen today tear ea...


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Personal Life Coach, Hypnosis Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Trainer, Bowen Therapist