Caucasus Strategic Perspectives

Caucasus Strategic Perspectives is an academic foreign policy journal issued in Baku (Azerbaijan).

The journal of Caucasus Strategic Perspectives is a foreign policy journal based in Baku. The journal covers issues of politics, security and economy pertaining to the Caucasus. The CSP will provide a platform for debate among scholars from South Caucasus and around. The goal of the journal is to contribute to and encourage academic debate on a wide range of economic, political and security issues

The Judicialization of the Armenia– Azerbaijan Conflict: Will International Courts Contribute to a Lasting Peace in the South Caucasus? 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (15): Nurlan Mustafayev’s article “The Judicialization of the Armenia– Azerbaijan Conflict: Will International Courts Contribute to a Lasting Peace in the South Caucasus?” analyses the ongoing inter-state legal cases between Armenia and Azerbaijan and their legal and political consequences for the parties and the South Caucasus region at large. The article argues that these international legal forums can partially answer some of the transitional justice issues, but not all matters arising from this three-decades-long conflict, which ended in 2020.

The Judicialization of the Armenia– Azerbaijan Conflict: Will International Courts Contribute to a Lasting Peace in the South Caucasus? Following the so-called ‘44-Day War’ in late 2020, Azerbaijan and Armenia lodged reciprocal legal actions before the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, alleging various breaches of international law. These inter-state claims encompass three decades and several...

Peace-building in the South Caucasus through the Eastern Partnership: What is the new role for the EU? 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (14): Gvantsa Davitashvili’s article “Peace-building in the South Caucasus through the Eastern Partnership: What is the new role for the EU?” argues that the EU’s external governance toolbox has had a limited overall impact on conflict resolution in the South Caucasus countries and concludes that the EU has revised its European integration framework towards Georgia, taking into consideration the increasing security challenges in the region, and has initiated a ‘European membership perspective’. With regard to the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the EU’s expanded role as a mediator of this process is considered to be a contribution of the EU to peacebuilding.

Peace-building in the South Caucasus through the Eastern Partnership: What is the new role for the EU? Acknowledging the increasing security challenges in Eastern Europe, this article aims to analyse the European Union’s (EU) policy vis-à-vis the South Caucasus states in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. The author argues that the EU’s external governance toolbox has had a limited overal...

The Possibility of a New Military Confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Assessment of Risks and Threats in the Short Term 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (13): Agil Rustamzade’s article “The Possibility of a New Military Confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Assessment of Risks and Threats in the Short Term” focused primarily on identifying the maximum limit of the capabilities of the Government of Armenia to restore and strengthen the defence potential of its armed forces in the short term. To that end, his article identifies the entire range of threats and risks that might stem from Armenia.

The Possibility of a New Military Confrontation between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Assessment of Risks and Threats in the Short Term The armed forces of Armenia are still in a state of great turbulence after their heavy defeat in the Second Karabakh War (2020) against Azerbaijan. The military personnel of Armenia, as well as the whole nation, have experienced a deep psychological trauma, the consequences of which are unlikely to....

Unpacking Türkiye-Russia dynamics in the Ukraine war and post-war situation in the South Caucasus 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (12): Natalia Konarzewska’s article “Unpacking Türkiye-Russia dynamics in the Ukraine war and post-war situation in the South Caucasus” argues that Russia’s war in Ukraine creates not only risks for Türkiye, but also a wide range of opportunities to boost its economy and regional posture.

Unpacking Türkiye-Russia dynamics in the Ukraine war and post-war situation in the South Caucasus In recent years, Türkiye’s relations with Russia have not been free from turbulence, but Ankara and Moscow have been able to maintain the relationship based on strategic calculations. The main aim of this article is to analyse how Türkiye’s transactional relationship with Russia has functioned...

Future and Consequences of US Strategic Interest in the South Caucasus 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (11): James Carafano’s article “Future and Consequences of US Strategic Interest in the South Caucasus” explains that stability, prosperity, and regional integration in the South Caucasus are now becoming increasingly important to the US, given the current military crisis in another part of the European neighbourhood.

Future and Consequences of US Strategic Interest in the South Caucasus One of the unexpected outcomes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a reconsideration of the strategic importance of the South Caucasus to the United States’ effort to protect its global interests and responsibilities. Although the region does not represent a vital interest for the US, stability,...

Türkiye’s Eastern Engagement: Framing and Focusing This Ambition Wisely Matters 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (10): Alper Coşkun’s article “Türkiye’s Eastern Engagement: Framing and Focusing This Ambition Wisely Matters” analysed Türkiye’s goal of deepening its eastern engagement to be on the mark. It argues that this ambition needs to be framed in accordance with Türkiye’s western vocation and calls for Türkiye to focus on deepening and widening its cooperation in the South Caucasus and Central Asia in view of the new opportunities that are presenting themselves.

Türkiye’s Eastern Engagement: Framing and Focusing This Ambition Wisely Matters Türkiye is a long-standing NATO ally that also prides itself on being a founding member of many leading European institutions. Yet, by virtue of its history and geography, Türkiye is at the same time an integral part of Asia; hence, its selfdepiction as the easternmost European and the westernmost...

The Increasing Relevance of the Middle Corridor in Sino-European Trade: Which role for Azerbaijan? 10/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (9): Simona Scotti’s article “The Increasing Relevance of the Middle Corridor in Sino-European Trade: Which role for Azerbaijan?” discusses in detail the potential of the Middle Corridor to establish itself as a viable route for intercontinental trade and the role that Azerbaijan could play to develop this route and to enhance the prosperity of the region. It examines the impacts and benefits of the corridor, as well as its physical and non-physical barriers.

The Increasing Relevance of the Middle Corridor in Sino-European Trade: Which role for Azerbaijan? Against the backdrop of the invasion of Ukraine, several international shippers are reorganizing land transportation to avoid Russian territory and favour alternative transit routes. New transport initiatives are already being redirected to the south and, taking into account that Iran is also under....

Armenia’s Obligations under International Law in the Area of Mine Action 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (8): Najiba Mustafayeva’s commentary “Armenia’s Obligations under International Law in the Area of Mine Action” stresses Armenia’s constant refusal to submit the remaining maps of mined areas located within Azerbaijan’s liberated territories, as well as the deliberate planting of landmines in these territories even after the end of the war, is in violation of its international anti-mine obligations.

Armenia’s Obligations under International Law in the Area of Mine Action Azerbaijan’s conflict-affected territories that were previously under the occupation of Armenia are severely contaminated by landmines and the explosive remnants of war. This poses a serious threat to human life as well as creating a significant impediment to the implementation of rehabilitation a...

Azerbaijan’s Digitalization Efforts, Revitalization of the Liberated Territories, and Role of China’s Huawei 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (7): Vusal Guliyev’s article of “Azerbaijan’s Digitalization Efforts, Revitalization of the Liberated Territories, and Role of China’s Huawei” sheds light on the effectiveness of these innovative policies and assesses whether the adoption of advanced digital solutions will enable achieving the sustainable socio-economic growth of Azerbaijan’s liberated territories.

Azerbaijan’s Digitalization Efforts, Revitalization of the Liberated Territories, and Role of China’s Huawei After the restoration of its territorial integrity, the government of Azerbaijan (GoA) started an immense reconstruction effort for critical infrastructure such as highways, railways, and airports in the conflict-affected territories. Alongside these projects, the GoA is devoting significant attenti...

Role of Russia’s Peacekeeping Missions in its Foreign Policy toward the South Caucasus 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (6): Nina Miholjcic’s article “Role of Russia’s Peacekeeping Missions in its Foreign Policy toward the South Caucasus” argues that due to the distinctiveness of Russia’s peacekeeping concept that has been used as one of the country’s foreign policy instruments in its near neighbourhood, Russian peacekeepers have been more focused on a presence per se, rather than on preventing tension or maintaining stability in the areas of deployment.

Role of Russia’s Peacekeeping Missions in its Foreign Policy toward the South Caucasus This article examines the nature of the peacekeeping missions conducted by the Russian Federation in the South Caucasus. It explores two cases of Russia’s peacekeeping deployment in Georgia’s separatist region of Abkhazia and Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region in order to draw conclusions about the ...

The Russia–Ukraine War: Perspective of Azerbaijan 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (5): Vasif Huseynov’s article “The Russia–Ukraine War: Perspective of Azerbaijan” focused primarily on the policy responses of Azerbaijan vis-à-vis the Russia–Ukraine War and argues that, although Baku continued to take a vigilant stance in the West–Russia standoff and sought not to provoke a negative reaction towards itself, it provided tangible support to Ukraine and declared support for the country’s territorial integrity.

The Russia–Ukraine War: Perspective of Azerbaijan For the three countries of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), the Russia–Ukraine war has been both a challenge for their national security and a test for the resilience of their foreign policies. Armenia, an ally of Russia with multiple institutional and contractual arrangement...

Azerbaijan as a factor in the formation of relations between Türkiye and Armenia 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (4): Rovshan Ibrahimov’s article “Azerbaijan as a factor in the formation of relations between Türkiye and Armenia” provides an analysis of the central role of Azerbaijan in the evolution of the relations between Türkiye and Armenia in the aftermath of the Second Karabakh War and narrates the historical background of the development of the Armenia-Türkiye relations.

Azerbaijan as a factor in the formation of relations between Türkiye and Armenia Türkiye and Armenia are geographical neighbours but have not formed fully-fledged diplomatic relations since Armenian independence (1991). Although Türkiye recognized the independence of Armenia in 1991, their relations did not develop further than unofficial contacts. One reason is the discrepanc...

The Collective Security Treaty Organization Before and After the Ukraine War: Some Implications for the South Caucasus 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (3): Richard Weitz’s article “The Collective Security Treaty Organization Before and After the Ukraine War: Some Implications for the South Caucasus” analyses the CSTO’s evolving role in meeting the demands of its members, as well as its selective disengagements from the conflicts in the Russia’s immediate neighbourhood.

The Collective Security Treaty Organization Before and After the Ukraine War: Some Implications for the South Caucasus Until recently, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was a marginal actor in responding to major security crises in the former Soviet space. Despite receiving multiple requests for support from member governments, the CSTO did not use these opportunities to send military forces under i...

The Impact of Russia–Armenia Military-Technical Cooperation on the Armenia–Azerbaijan Conflict, 1992–2020 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (2): Agil Rustamzade’s report “The Impact of Russia–Armenia Military-Technical Cooperation on the Armenia–Azerbaijan Conflict, 1992–2020” examines the details of the Russia-Armenia military-technical cooperation (MTC) in different periods of Armenia’s political leadership, including both during the first and second Karabakh wars, as well as the cause-and-effects of the relationship between Russia-Armenia MTC and [former] Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.

The Impact of Russia–Armenia Military-Technical Cooperation on the Armenia–Azerbaijan Conflict, 1992–2020 This report examines the cause-and-effect of the relationship between the RussiaArmenia military-technical cooperation (MTC) and the [former] Armenia–Azerbaijan conflict by clarifying the details of Russia-Armenia MTC in different periods of Armenia’s political leadership, including during both ...

The Long Road to Peace in the South Caucasus 09/08/2023

Throwback to 2022 (1): Esmira Jafarova’s article “The Long Road to Peace in the South Caucasus” highlights the works on the Armenia–Azerbaijan normalization process and the signing of a peace treaty, demilitarization, and demining, reconstruction of the liberated territories, connectivity, and humanitarian issues, and define the challenges remaining ahead.

The Long Road to Peace in the South Caucasus The 44-day Karabakh War reshaped the geopolitical landscape of the South Caucasus region. Azerbaijan regained its territories and historic justice was restored. What is transpiring in the region at the moment will decide its future for many decades to come. Peace, prosperity, and inclusive developme...


Call for Submissions: Caucasus Strategic Perspectives, Volume 4, Issue 2, Winter 2023

Issue Title: “Unveiling the Complexities: Exploring the Geopolitical Dynamics of the Middle East and South Caucasus”

Deadline: 1 October 2023

Guidelines for authors:


• Geopolitical importance of the Middle East and South Caucasus regions;

• Global and regional power struggle for the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Effects of global power shift for the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Security and economic challenges for the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Energy politics and projects in the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Addressing issue of water scarcity for the Middle East and South Caucasus countries;

• Bonding links between Middle East and South Caucasus: Religion, Displacement, Conflicts;

• Challenges of terrorism and extremism for the Middle East and South Caucasus countries;

• Obstacles to the cross-regional cooperation between the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Perspectives for transport connectivity between the Middle East and South Caucasus;

• Agenda of international and regional organizations for the Middle East and South Caucasus.


Dear Readers,

We are happy to announce that a new issue (Volume 4, Issue 1, Summer 2023) of the Journal of Caucasus Strategic Perspectives (CSP) entitled “South Caucasus at the Crossroad of Peace and War” has been released.

The current issue is dedicated to the different mediation activities between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia’s internationally wrongful acts and foreign policy, Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process, as well as the news initiatives in the South Caucasus region.

The free PDF articles from the issue can be downloaded at the CSP's website via the following link:

The full version of the Journal can be accessed here:

For the previous issues please see the archive:

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Call for Submission: Caucasus Strategic Perspectives, Volume 4, Issue 1, Summer 2023

Issue Title: “South Caucasus at the Crossroad of Peace and War”

Deadline: 1 April 2023,

• The prospects of peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan
• Internal and external dynamic around Georgia
• Challenges for the peace process in the South Caucasus
• The perspective on trilateral platform: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
• The EU’s role in promoting peace in the South Caucasus
• Russia’s role in mediation between Armenia and Azerbaijan
• Türkiye’s role in the Black Sea and South Caucasus
• Iran’s evolving stance in the South Caucasus
• France’s ambiguous play toward the South Caucasus
• Recalibrating the US’s role in contributing to the peace process in the South Caucasus
• Role of other actors in peace-building in the South Caucasus


We are happy to announce that a new issue (Volume 3, Issue 2, Winter 2022) of the Journal of Caucasus Strategic Perspectives (CSP) entitled “Building Bridges over Caspian:
South Caucasus-Central Asia Cooperation” has been released.

The current issue of the Caucasus Strategic Perspectives (CSP) journal entitled “Building Bridges over Caspian: South Caucasus-Central Asia Cooperation” is dedicated to the new paradigms for peacebuilding and geopolitical gaps, as well as possible confrontation and cooperation matrices in the South Caucasus region with focus on security, economic, humanitarian, political and geopolitical aspects.

The free PDF articles from the issue can be downloaded at the CSP's website via the following link:

The full version of the Journal can be accessed here:

For the previous issues please see archive:

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