7 Minute Learning

7 Minute Learning, An online and offline Educational Platform.I teach English here in Chittagong.


I have been eating for two hours
আমি ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছি
I have been eating since morning
আমি সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছি
You have been eating for 2 hours
তুমি ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছো
You have been eating since morning
তুমি সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছো
We have been eating for to 2 hours
আমরা ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছি
We have veen eating since morning
আমরা সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছি
You have been eating for 2 hours
তোমরা ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছো
You have been eating since morning
তোমারা সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছো
They have been eating for 2 hours
তারা ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছে
They have been eating since morning
তারা সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছে
Momin and Salam have been eating for 2 hours মমিন এবং সালাম ২ ঘন্টা যাবত ধরে খাচ্ছে
Momin and Salam have been eating since morning মমিন এবং সালাম সকাল থেকে খাচ্ছে।



Vocabulary শিক্ষা ---
1. Anytime - যেকোনো সময়।
2. Anyway - যেকোনো ভাবে।
3. Anyone - যে কেউ।
4. Anything - যেকোনো জিনিস।
5. Anywhere - যেকোন স্থানে।
6. Anyhow - যেকোনো ভাবে।
7. Anybody - যে কেউ।
8. Any - যেকোনো।
9. How to - কিভাবে।
10. What's mean - মানে কি।
11. I am strange - আমি অবাক।
12. How strange - অদ্ভুত।
13. Don't see - দেখো না।
14. Let's go - চলো যাই।
15. Every morning - প্রত্যেক সকালে।



ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে এই ২৫টি শব্দ জানতেই হবে।
1. Can – পারা
2. Could - পারতাম
3. Must - অবশ্যই
4. being - কিছু হয়ে
5. Need to - প্রয়োজন
6. Should/ought to – উচিৎ
7. Should have – উচিৎ ছিলো
8. May – পারা (সম্ভাবনা অর্থে)
9. Might – পারতাম (সম্ভাবনা অর্থে)
10. There is/are - আছে
11. There was/were - ছিলো
12. There will be - হবে
13. There will have – থাকবে
14. There can be – থাকতে পারে
15. There could be – থাকতে পারতো
16. Have/has to – করতেই হবে
17. Had to – করতে হয়েছিল
18. Am to/is to/are to – হয়/কথা
19. Am/is/are supposed to - হয়/কথা
20. Had better – বরং উচিৎ
21. Able to – সক্ষম হওয়া
22. Will be able to – সক্ষম হবো
23. Have been able to – সক্ষম হয়েছি
24. Used to – অতীত অভ্যস্ত বুঝাতে
25. Would like to - চাওয়া



কোন সম্মেলনে অর্থনৈতিক ও সামাজিক পরিষদ(ECOSOC) গঠিত হয়েছিল?
ক. ইয়াল্টা খ. ওয়াশিংটন ডি সি
গ. সানফ্রান্সিসকো
ঘ. ডাম্বারটনওকস

Photos from 7 Minute Learning's post 15/01/2024

These Spellings Are Extremely Important For Any Competitive Exams Including Cadet Admission......
#ক্যাডেটভর্তি #ক্যাডেট


New Year In Dhaka

Photos from 7 Minute Learning's post 24/12/2023

The Easiest Of Learning Appropriate Prepositions..


.... Transformation of Sentence....
অসাধারণ একটি সংগ্রহ যিনি লিখেছেন তাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।

1. Sentence অর্থ অনুসারে ৫ প্রকার ।
2.Sentence গঠন অনুসারে ৩ প্রকার ।
3.Voice Change ২ প্রকার ।
4.Degree ৩ প্রকার ।

1. Sentence অর্থ অনুসারে ৫ প্রকার ।

**Affirmative to negative:

Rule 1: Only/ alone/ merely → স্থানে→ None but(ব্যক্তি)/ nothing but(বস্তু)/ not more than or not less than(সংখা)

Ex: Aff: Only Allah can help us. Neg: None but Allah can help us.

Aff: He has only a ball. Neg: He has nothing but a ball.

Aff: He has only ten taka. Neg: He has not more than ten taka.

Rule 2: Must/Have to /Has to → স্থানে → Cannot but+মূল verb/ Cannot help+ (v+ing).

Ex: Aff: We must obey our parents. Neg: we cannot but obey our parents/ we cannot help obeying our parents.

Rule 3: Both----and → স্থানে → not only ---- but also.

Ex: Aff: Both Dolon and Dola were excited.
Neg: Not only dolon but also Dola were present.

Rule 4: and (যদি দুটি শব্দ যোগ করে) →স্থানে → Not only ----- but also.

Ex: aff: He was obedient and gentle. Neg: He was not only obedient but also gentle.

Rule 5: Everyone/ everybody/every person/ (every + common noun)/all → স্থানে → There is no + attached word + but.

Ex: Aff: Every mother loves her child.
Neg: There is no mother but loves her child.

Rule 6: As soon as → স্থানে → No sooner had ----- Than.

Ex: Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. Neg: No sooner had the thief saw the police he ran away.

Rule 7: The Superlative degree → স্থানে → No other+ attached word+verb+so/as+ positive form+ as+subject.

Ex: aff: Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh.
Neg: No other city is as big as Dhaka in Bangladesh.

Rule8: প্রতিশব্দ বিপরীত শব্দ হবে। By Not.

Ex: Aff: I shall remember you. Neg: I shall not forget you.

Rule 9: Always → স্থানে → Never প্রতিশব্দ বিপরীত শব্দ হবে।

Ex: aff: Raven always attends the class. Neg: Raven never misses the class.

Rule 10: Too ---- to → স্থানে → so ---that+Present হলে can not/ Pastহলেcould not.

Ex: Aff: He is too weak to walk. Neg: He is so weak that he cannot walk.

Rule 11: As – as → স্থানে → Not less – than.

Ex: Aff: Simi was as wise as Rimi. Neg: Simi was not less wise than Rimi.

Rule 12: Universal truth are change by making them negative interrogative.

Ex: Aff: The Sun sets in the west. Neg: Doesn’t the Sun set in the west.

Rule 13: Sometimes স্থানে → Not + always.

Ex: Aff: Raven sometimes visits me. Neg: Raven doesn’t always visit me.

Rule 14: Many → স্থানে → Not a few.

Ex: Aff: I have many friends. Neg: I donot have few friends.

Rule 15: A few → স্থানে → not many.

Ex: Aff: Bangladesh has a few scholars. Neg: Bangladesh doesn’t have many scholars.

Rule 16: Much → স্থানে → A little.

Ex: Aff: He belongs much money. Neg: He doesn’t belong a little money.

Rule 17: A little → স্থানে → not much.

Ex: Aff: Dolon has a little riches. Neg: Dolon doesn’t have much riches.


** Present Form=Don't ?
** Past Form=Didn't ?
** Verb+s/es=Doesn't ?
** Auxiluary Verb= Auxiluary Verb+n't ?
** Every/Some/All/Body=Who ?

Rule 1: যদি sentence টি affirmative হয় তাহলে negative interrogative করতে হবে.আর যদি negative হয় affermative interrogative করতে হবে।

Ex: Ass: He was very gentle.
Int: was n’t he very gentle?
Aff: He is not a good person.
Int: Is he a good person?

Rule 2: যদি auxiliary verb না থাকে →

Present form হলে Do/ Don’t
Past form হলে Did/Didn’t.
Verb+s,es হলে Does/Doesn’t
Ex: Ass:He plays Football.
Int: Does he play football?
Ass: They did not play football yesterday.
Int: Did they play football yesterday?

Rule3: Never → স্থানে → Ever.
Ass: I never drink tea.
Int: Do I ever drink tea?

Rule 4: Every body/everyone/ All → স্থানে → Who + Don’t/ Doesn’t/ Didn’t

Ex: Everybody wishes to be happy.
Int : Who doesn’t wish to be happy?

Rule 5: Every + noun → স্থানে → Is there any + noun+ Who don’t/doesn’t/didn’t.

Ex: Ass: Every man wishes to be happy.
Int: Is there any man who doesn’t wish to be happy?

Rule 6: No body/ no one / None → স্থানে → Who.

Ex: Nobody could count my love for you.
Int: Who could ever count my love for you?

Rule 7 : There is no → স্থানে → Is there any/ Who(person)/ What( thing).

Ex: Ass: There is no use of this law.
Int: What is the use of this law.
Ass: There is no man happier than Jamil.
Int: Who is Happier than jamil.

Rule 8: It Is no → স্থানে → Is there any/Why.

Ex: Ass: It is no use of taking unfair means in the exam.
Int: Why take unfair means in the exam? Or,
Is there any use of this law?

Rule 9: It Doesn’t matter → স্থানে → what though/ Does it matter.

Ex: Ass: It does not matter if you fail in te exam.
Int: What though if you fail in the exam?

Exclamatory sentence to Assertive sentence

Rule 1: what a/an → স্থানে → a very(before adjective)/ a great(before noun)

Ex: What a beautiful scenery!
Ass: It is a very beautiful scenery.
Ex: What a pity!
Ass: It is a great pity.

Rule2: How → স্থানে → Very(before adjective)/ Great(before noun)
Ex: How fortunate you are!
Ass: You are very fortunate.
Exc: What a fool you are!
Ass: You are a great fool.

Rule 3: Hurrah/ Bravo → স্থানে → I/we rejoice that/ It is a matter of joy that.

Ex: Hurrah! We have own the game.
Ass: It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.

Rule 4: Alas → স্থানে → I/we Mourn that/ It is a matter of sorrow or grief that.

Ex: Alas! He has failed.
Ass: We mourn that he has failed.

Rule 5: Had/were/If /Would that(at the out set) → স্থানে → I wish + subject again + were/ had+ rest part.

Ex: Had I the wings of a bird!
Ass: I wish I had the wings of a bird.
Ex: Were I a bird!
Ass: I wish I were a bird.
Ex: If I were young again!
Ass: I wish I were young again.
Ex: would that I could be a child!
Ass: I wish I could be a child.

Imperative to assertive

Rule 1: subject + should+verb.

Ex: Do the work.
Ass: you should do the work.

Rule 2: Please/kindly → স্থানে→ you are requested to+verb.

Ex: Please, help me.
Ass: You are requested to help me.

Rule 3: Do not → স্থানে → You should not.

Ex: Do not run in the sun.
Ass: you should not run in the sun.

Rule 4: Never → স্থানে → you should never.

Ex: Never tell a lie.
Ass: You should never tell a lie.

Rule 5: Let us → স্থানে → We should.

Ex: Let us go out for a walk.
Ass: We should go out for a walk.

Rule 6: Let + noun/pronoun → স্থানে → Subject + might.

Ex: Let him play football.
Ass: He might play football.

2.Sentence গঠন অনুসারে ৩ প্রকার ।

Simple-Compund- Complex

Rule 1:

Simple: Working hard, the boy made a good result.
Compund:The boy worked hard and he made a good result.
Complex: Since the boy worked hard, he made a good result.

Rule 2:
Simple=In spite of possessive+v+ing

Simple: In spite of his trying heart and soul he could not succeed in life.
Compund: He tried heart and soul but he could not succeed in life.
Complex: Though he tried heart and soul, he could not succeed in life.

Rule 3: Simple=By+ing
Compund=Imperative sentence+and
Complex=If Clause positive

Simple: By working hard, you will succeed in life.
Compund:Work hard and you will succeed in life.
Complex: If you work hard, you will succeed in life.

Rule 4:
Imperative sentence+or
Complex=If Clause negative

Simple: Without working hard, you will not succeed in life.
Compund:Work hard or you will not succeed in life.
Complex:Unless you work hard, you will not succeed in life.

Rule 5:
Simple=Principal clause +Too-to+verb

Simple: The boy is too foolish to understand it.
Compund:The boy is very foolish that he cannot understand it.
Complex: The boy is so foolish that he cannot understand it.

Rule 6:
Simple=Principal clause +to+verb
Complex=Sothat/In order that

Simple: He works hard to prosper in life.
Compund:He works hard and he may prosper in life.
Complex: He works hard so that he may prosper in life.

Rule 7:
Simple=Principal clause +adjective+Noun
Complex=Relative Pronoun(Who,Which,That)

Simple: I know the poor man
Compund:I know the man and he is poor
Complex: I know the man who is poor.

2. From Compound to Complex

And যুক্ত Compound Sentence-এর একটি Clause যদি অপরটির কারন বা সময় নির্দেশ করে, তবে উক্ত Compound Sentence টিকে Complex করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Since/as/when + 1st sentence + and পরিবর্তে (,) + 2nd sentence.
Compound: He came to me and I felt tired.
Complex: When he came to me, I felt tired.

But যুক্ত Compound Sentence কে Complex করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Although/though + 1st sentence + but এর পরিবর্তে (,) + বাকি sentence.
Compound: The boy tried hard but could not win the match.
Complex: Though the boy tried hard hard, he could not win the match

Or যুক্ত Compound Sentence কে Complex করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: If + Sub + do not + 1st Clause + or এর পরিবর্তে (,) + sub + will + or এর পরবর্তী অংশ।
Compound: Do or die.
Complex: If you do not do, you will die.

And দ্বারা যুক্ত cause and effect নির্দেশক compound sentence কে so…. that দ্বারা complex sentence করা হয়।
Compound: Farhan works very hard and he can shine in life.
Complex: Farhan works so hard that he can shine in life.

And দ্বারা যুক্ত উদ্দেশমুলক compound sentence কে so that দ্বারা complex sentence করা হয় ।
Compound: We take balance diet and we can keep good health.
Complex: We take balance diet so that we can keep good health.

3. From Simple to Compound

Present Participle যুক্ত Simple sentence কে compound করার ক্ষেএে -
Structure: 1st sub + main verb + কমার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + (,) এর স্থলে and + sub এর পরের অংশ।
Simple: Fishing the work, we went to the playground.
Compound: We finished the work and went to the playground.

Being যুক্ত simple sentence কে compound করার ক্ষেএে
Structure: Sub + Beingএর বাকি অংশ যে tense এর থাকে সেই tense ও person অনুযায়ী to be verb বসে + being এর পরের অংশ + কমা উঠে and + sub বাদে এর পরের অংশ।
Simple: Being father, he can not neglect his son.
Compound: He is father and can not neglect his son.

Having যুক্ত বা perfect participle যুক্ত simple sentence কে compound sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Sub + Tense অনুযায়ী verb ‘to have’ + কমার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + and + sub এর পরের অংশ ।
Simple: Having written the letter, I posted it.
Compound: I had written the letter and it.

In spite of/Despite যুক্ত simple sentence কে but দ্বারা compound করতে হয়।
Simple: In spite of his dishonesty, he was reworded.
Compound: He was dishonest but reworded.

Without + Gerund যুক্ত Simple Sentence যদি শর্ত বুঝাই, তবে ‘or’ যুক্ত করে compound করতে হয়।
Structure: Without উঠে গিয়ে ing যুক্ত verb এর present form বসবে + কমা এর স্থলে or + কমা এর পরের অংশ।
Simple: Without going, you will die.
Compound: Go or you will die.

By Gerund যুক্ত simple sentence কে and যোগ করে compound করতে হয়।
Structure: By উঠে গিয়ে ing যুক্ত verb এর present form বসবে + কমার পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + কমা স্থলে and + কমার পরের অংশ।
Simple: By wasting your time, you can spoil your life.
Compound: Waste your time and you can spoil your life.

Too….to যুক্ত Simple Sentence Compound করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Sub + ‘to be’ verb + too এর পরিবর্তে very + Adjective + and + can not/could not + to বাদে পরের অংশ।
Simple: He is too dull to understand it.
Compound: He is very dull and can not understand it.

4. From Complex to Compound

Since, as, when ইত্যাদি conjunction যুক্ত Complex sentence কে Compound sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার সময় since/as/when তুলে দিতে হয় এবং এর পর complex sentence কমা তুলে দিয়া সেখানে and বসালেই compound sentence হয়ে যায়।
Complex: When i went there, I found him.
Compound: I went there and found him.

Though/although যুক্ত Complex sentence কে Compound sentence পরিবর্তন করতে হলে though/ although তুলে দিতে হয় এবং এর পরে কমা তুলে দিয়ে সেখানে but বসাতে হয়।
Complex: Although it rained heavily, he went out without an umbrella.
Compound: It rained heavily but he went out without an umbrella.

Complex sentence যদি If দ্বারা শুরু হয় এবং if যুক্ত Clause এ যদি not থাকে, তবে compound sentence এ পরিবর্তন করতে হলে if থেকে not পর্যন্ত অংশ তুলে দিতে হবে এবং এর পর কমা তুলে দিয়া সেই স্থানে ‘or’ বসালেই compound sentence হবে।
Complex: If you do not read, you will fail.
Compound: Read or you will fail.

5. From Complex to Simple

Since/when/as যুক্ত complex sentence এর দুটি Clause এর subject এর হলে এবং দুটি Clause এ principal verb থাকলে নিচের নিয়ম করতে হবে।
Structure: Since/when/as এর প্রথম subject তুলে দিয়ে main verb ing form করতে হবে + কমা সহ বাকি অংশ।
Complex: When i went there, I found him absent.
Simple: Going there, I found him absent.

Since/as যুক্ত complex sentence যদি কারন বুঝাই, তাহলে Because of, Due to, Owing to, On account of ইত্যাদি দিয়ে করতে হয়।
Structure: Because of/ Due to/ Owing to/ On account of + verb + ing অথবা fog/rough weather/cold + Extension.
Complex: Since there was fog, he could not go out.
Simple: Due to fog, he could not go out.

If যুক্ত শর্তমূলক Negative complex sentence কে simple sentence করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: If থেকে not পর্যন্ত তুলে দিয়ে without বসাতে হবে + verb + ing + কমা সহ বাকি অংশ ।
Complex: If you do not come, you will not get the pen.
Simple: Without coming, you will not get the pen.

If যুক্ত Negative Complex Sentence এর দুটি Clause এর subject ভিন্ন হলে নিম্নরুপ হবে।
Structure: If এর স্থলে without + subject এর possessive form বসে + Auxiliary verb ও not উঠে যায় + main verb + ing + Extension.
Complex: If he does not stay at office, I shall not meet him.
Simple: Without his staying at office, I shall not meet him.

‘So that’ যুক্ত Complex sentence কে simple করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: So that থেকে principal verb এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত উঠে গিয়ে সে স্থলে to বসে + বাকি অংশ বসে।
Complex: People work hard so that they may shine in life.
Simple: People work hard to shine in life.

Rule-6. ‘So …. that’ যুক্ত complex sentence কে simple sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Sub + verb + so এর স্থলে too + adjective/adverb + that থেকে not পর্যন্ত উঠে যায় + to + Extension.
Complex: They are so nice that they can not be used just at present.
Simple: They are too nice to be used just at present.

Rule-7.Though/Although যুক্ত Complex sentence কে Simple sentence করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Although/though-এর স্থলে In spite of/ Despite বসে + Subject এর possessive form + being/having + extension.
Complex: Though he was dishonest, he was set free.
Simple: In spite of his being dishonest, he was set free.

Complex Sentence এ Relative pronoun টি যদি subject কে নির্দেশ করে সেক্ষেত্রে simple sentence-এ পরিবর্তনের সময় উক্ত relative pronoun এবং তৎপরবর্তী verb উঠে যায়।এবং relative pronoun এর পরের adjective-টি subject এর পূর্বে বসে ।
Complex: The man who is drowning cateachs at a straw.
Simple: A drowning man catches at a straw.

From Compound to Simple

And দ্বারা যুক্ত compound sentence-এর and এর উভয় অংশের subject যদি এক হয়, তবে একে simple sentence এ পরিবর্তনের নিয়মঃ
Compound: He finished the work and return home.
Simple: Finishing the work, he returned home.

And যুক্ত compound sentence এর উভয় অংশের subject যদি একই হয় এবং প্রথম অংশের sentence টি যদি কারন নির্দেশ করে, সেক্ষেত্রে নিচের নিয়মে simple করতে হবে।
Structure: Because of/ Due to/ Owing to/ on account of + 1st sentence এর subject এর possessive form + main verb + ing/ being/having + but এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + কমা + sub + verb + extension.
Compound: I was ill and I could not attend the meeting.
Simple: Because of my being ill, I could not attend the meeting.

But যুক্ত compound sentence এ যদি but এর পরে subject ও verb না থাকে তবে, simple sentence পরিবর্তন করতে হলে নিচের নিয়মঃ
Structure: In spite of / Despite + Subject এর possessive form + main verb + ing + being/having + but এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + কমা + subject + verb + extension.
Compound: He is poor but honest.
Simple: In spite of his being, he is poor.

‘Or’ যুক্ত compound sentence কে simple sentence এ পরিবর্তন করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Without + 1st main verb + ing + verb এর পরের অংশ + কমা + বাকি অংশ।
Compound: Move or will die.
Simple: Without moving, you will die

Not only …. but also যুক্ত compound sentence কে simple করার নিয়মঃ
Structure: Besides + not only যুক্ত ব্যকের মূল verb এর সাথে ing + not only উঠে যাবে + but also এর পূর্ব পর্যন্ত + (,) + মূল subject + but also অংশে verb না থাকলে প্রথম অংশের verb + but এর পরের অংশ।
Compound: Our teachers not only teach us but also guide us.
Simple: Besides teaching us, our teacher guide us.

And দ্বারা যুক্ত সময় নির্দেশক Compound sentence -কে In, On, At ইত্যাদি time word দ্বারা simple sentence করা হয়।
Compound: It was raining and Siam came to me.
Simple: At the time of raining Siam came to me.

‘And দ্বারা যুক্ত উদ্দেশ্যমুলক compound sentence কে Infinitive দ্বারা simple sentence করা হয়।
Compound: He reads attentively and she can do good result.
Simple: He reads attentively to do good result.

***Voice Change

Active voice:
যে sentence এ subject নিজে সক্রিয় বা active হয়ে কাজ সম্পন্ন করে সে sentence এ verb এর Active voice হয়।

Subject + verb + object.
Example: I do the work.

Passive voice:
যে sentence এ subject নিজে কাজটি করে না বরং object এর কাজটি তার ওপর এসে পড়ে তখন সে sentence এ verb এর passive voice হয়।

Object + be verb + verb এর past participle+ by+ subject.
Example: The work is done by me.

Active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

Rule 1:
a) Active voice এর subject টি passive voice এর object হয়ে যায়।
b) Active voice এর object টি passive voice এর subject এ রুপান্তর হয়।
c) মূল verb এর past participle হয় এবং subject ও tense অনুসারে auxiliary verb/be verb হয়।

Rule 2:
Indefinite tense:
a) Present indefinite – am, is, are.
b) Past indefinite – was, were.
c) Future indefinite – shall be, will be.

Continuous tense:
a) Present Continuous- am being, is being, are being.
b) Past Continuous – was being, were being
c) Future Continuous - shall be being, will be being.

Perfect tense:
a) Present Perfect – has been, have been.
b) Past Perfect- had been.
c) Future Perfect- shall have been, will have been.

Present form/v+s,es = am,is,are+vpp
do/does =am,is,are+vpp

Past form/did= was/were+vpp

Be verb= be verv+being+vpp

Have verb= have verb+being+vpp


Rules of changing voice :

Rule 3:
a) Present indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + am/is/are + v3+ by + subject এর object.

Active – I play football.
Passive- Football is played by me.
Active- They eat rice.
Passive- Rice is eaten by them.

b) Present continuous tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + am being/is being/are being + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I am playing football.
Passive: football is being played by me.
Active: He is eating rice.
Passive: Rice is being eaten by him.

c) Present perfect tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + have been/ has been + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: He has eaten rice.
Passive: Rice has been eaten by him.
Active: I have played football.
Passive: Football has been played by me.

d) Past indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + was/were + v3+ by + subject এর object
Active: I ate rice.
Passive: Rice was eaten by me.
Active: They played football.
Passive: Football were played by them.

e) Past continuous tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + was being/were being + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I was eating rice.
Passive: rice was being eaten by me.
Active: They were catching fishes.
Passive: Fishes were being caught by them.

f) Past perfect tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + had been + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I had eaten rice.
Passive: Rice had been eaten by me.
Active: we had dug the cannel.
Passive: The cannel had been dug by us.

g) Future indefinite tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Structure: Object এর subject + shall be/will be + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I will eat rice.
Passive: Rice will be eaten by me.
Active: They will play football.
Passive: Football will be played by them.

h) Future continuous tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + shall be being/will be being + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I will be eating rice.
Passive: Rice will be being eaten by me.
Active: They will be playing football.
Passive: Football will be being

i) Future perfect tense যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + shall have been /will have been + v3+ by + subject এর object.
Active: I will have eaten rice.
Passive: Rice will have been eaten by me.
Active: They will have caught the fish.
Passive: The fish will have been caught by them.

Rule 4:
May, might, can, could, must, ought to, going to active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + may, might, can, could, must, ought to, going to এর পরে be + v3+ by + subject এর object.

Active: I may help you.
Passive: you may be helped by me.
Active: you must do the work.
Passive: The work must be done by you.
Active: we ought to obey our teachers.
Passive: our teachers ought to be obeyed by us.
Active: we are going to open a shop.
Passive: A shop is going to be opened by us.

Rule 5:
Imperative sentence এর active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

A) শুধু মাত্র মূল verb দিয়ে শুরু যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Let + object এর subject + be + v3
Active: close the door.
Passive: Let the door be closed.
Active: shut the window.
Passive: Let the window be shut.

B) Do not দিয়ে শুরু যুক্ত যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Let not + object এর subject + be + v3
Active: Do not close the door.
Passive: Let not the door be closed.
Active: Do not shut the window.
Passive: Let not the window be shut.

C) Let এর পর যদি কোন ব্যক্তিবাচক object (me, us, you, them, him, her)থাকে এবং তা যদি Imperative sentence হয়, তাহলে active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Let + object এর subject + be + v3 + by + ব্যক্তিবাচক object.

Active: Let me play football.
Passive: Let the football be played by me.
Active: Let us sing a song.
Passive: let a song be sung by us.
Active: let him give the chance.
Passive: let the chance be given by him.

D) Never যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Let not + object এর subject + ever be + v3
Active: Never tell a lie.
Passive: Let not a lie ever be told.
Active: Never go there.
Passive: let not there ever be gone.

E) মূল verb এর পর যদি কোন ব্যক্তিবাচক object (me, us, you, them, him, her) থাকে এবং তা যদি Imperative sentence হয়, তাহলে active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Structure: Let + direct object টি বসবে (মূল verb এর পর যে object টি থাকে + be + v3 + for +ব্যক্তিবাচক object

Active: Buy me a shirt.
Passive: let a shirt be bought for me.
Active: Give me a glass of water.
Passive: Let a glass of water be given for me.
Interrogative sentence

Rule 6:
Interrogative sentence যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

A) Structure:
Interrogative sentence কে Assertive sentence এ রুপান্তর করে নিতে হবে + রুপান্তরিত Assertive sentence এর active voice থেকে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করতে হবে + এবার রুপান্তরিত passive voice এর auxiliary verb টিকে প্রথমে বসাতে হবে + শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন বসে। **** Tense অনুসারে করতে হবে।

Assertive এর passive: Rice has been eaten by you.
Passive এ রুপান্তর: Has rice been eaten by you?
Active: Is he reading a book?
Assertive: He is reading a book.
Assertive এর passive: A book is being read by him.
Passive এ রুপান্তর: Is a book being read by him?
Active: Did you play football?
Assertive: you played football.
Assertive এর passive: Football was played by you.
Passive এ রুপান্তর: Was football played by you?

B) Who যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Structure: Who এর পরিবর্তে By whom + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + object এর subject + অনেক সময় tense অনুযায়ী কর্তার পরে be/ being/ been বসাতে হয় + V3+ ?.

Active: Who is playing football?
Passive: BY whom is football being played?
Active: who will help me?
Passive: By whom will I be helped?

C) Whom যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Whom এর পরিবর্তে who + tense ও person অনুযায়ী
Auxiliary verb + V3 + by + subject এর object +?
Active: Whom did you see on the road?
Passive: who was seen by you on the road?
Active: Whom has he murdered in this home?
Passive: Who is murdered by him in this home?

D) What যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

What + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + V3 + by + subject এর object +?

Active: What do you want?
Passive: What is wanted by you?

Rule 7:
Subject + verb + object + present participle যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + v3 + present participle যুক্ত অংশটি + by + subject এর object.

Active: I saw him playing cricket.
Passive: He was seen playing cricket by me.
Active: I took him for my friend.
Passive: He was taken for my friend by me.

Rule 8:
Double object যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

দুইটা object এর যে কোন একটি subject করতে হয় (personal object কে subject এ রুপান্তর করলে ভাল) + v3 + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + প্রদত্ত বাকি object টি বসে + by + active voice এর subject টি object রুপে হয়।

Active: I gave him a flower. Passive: He was given a flower by me. Active: He teaches us math. Passive: we are taught English by him.

Rule 9:
Complex and compound sentence যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Complex and compound sentence যুক্ত active voice এ রূপান্তরের সময় উভয় clause এর voice পরিবর্তন হয়।

Active: I know that he did the work.
Passive: It is known to me that the work was done by him.
Active: He told me that he had done the work.
Passive: I was told that the work had been done by him.
Note: Active voice “people say” দিয়ে শুরু হলে It is said দিয়ে passive voice করাই ভাল।
Active: people say that the lion is the king of forest.
Passive: It is said that the lion is the lion is the king of forest.

Rule 10:
Intransitive verb যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

সাধারনত Intransitive verb এর passive voice হয় না। তবে Intransitive verb এর পরে preposition যুক্ত হয়ে যদি group verb গঠন করে এবং তা Intransitive verb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় তাহলে –

Structure: Object টি subject + tense অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + v3 + প্রদত্ত preposition + by + subject টির object।

Active: The truck run over the boy.
Passive: The boy was run over by the truck.
Active: they looked at the poor man.
Passive: The poor man was looked at by them.

Rule 11:
Reflexive object (myself, ourselves, yourselves, yourself, themselves, himself, herself) যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Active voice subject টি অপরিবর্তিত অবস্থায় passive voice এর subject হিসেবে হবে + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + v3 + by + Reflexive object বসবে।

Active: He hanged himself.
Passive: He was hanged by himself.
Active: you killed yourself.
Passive: you were killed by yourself.

Rule 12:
Factitive object/Complementary object যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Factitive object/Complementary object( select, elect, nominate, make, call, name ইত্যাদি transitive verb থাকা সত্ত্বেও সম্পূর্ণ রুপে অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে পারে না। পরিপূর্ণ অর্থ প্রকাশ করার জন্য অতিরিক্ত object আনতে হয়। এইরুপ অতিরিক্ত object কে Factitive object/Complementary object বলে।

নামবাচক object টির (me, us, you, them, him, her) object টি subject হয়। + tense ও person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + v3 + Factitive object + by + subject এর object।

Active: They made me captain.
Passive: I was made captain by them.
Active: we call him liar.
Passive: He is called liar by us.

Rule 13:
Cognate object যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Cognate object এর সংজ্ঞা – কিছু intransitive verb তাদের সমর্থক object নিয়ে transitive verb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ ধরনের object কে Cognate object বলে।

Structure: Object টি subject + tense অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + v3 + by + subject টির object।

Active: he caught a fish.
Passive: A fish was caught by him.
Active: you ran a race.
Passive: A race was run by you.

Rule 14:
Infinitive যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

প্রদত্ত active voice এর subject + মূল verb + infinitive এর পরের object (যদি থাকে) + to be + infinitive এর পরের verb এর v3.

Active: He wants someone to take camera.
Passive: He wants camera to be taken.
Active: He wants you to write a letter.
Passive: He wants a letter to be taken.

Rule 15:
Gerund combinations অর্থাৎ advise/ propose/ recommend/ suggest + gerund + object যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

প্রদত্ত active voice এর subject + মূল verb + that + gerund এর পরের object টি + should be + প্রদত্ত gerund টি verb এ রূপান্তরিত হয়ে v3 বসে।

Active: He suggested giving up smoking.
Passive: He suggested that smoking should be given up.
Active: He wanted playing football.
Passive: He wanted that football should be played.

Rule 16:
Agree, be anxious, arrange, determine, be determined, decide, demand, + infinitive + object object যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

প্রদত্ত active voice এর subject + মূল verb + that + infinitive এর পরের + object + should be + infinitive এর পরের verb এর v3.

Active: He decided to buy the house.
Passive: He decided that the house should be bought.
Active: you agreed to sell the house.
Passive: You agreed that the house should be sold.

Rule 17:
One + should যুক্ত active voice কে passive voice এ রুপান্তর করার নিয়ম-

Object এর subject + should be + v3
Active: one should take care of one’s education.
Passive: Education should be taken care of.

4.Degree ৩ প্রকার ।

Change of degree
Rule1: the superlative হলে The Biggest

comparative এর জন্য,
subject +verb + adjective/adverb(comp. form) + Than any other + পরবর্তী অংশ

positiveএর জন্য,
No other +পরবর্তী অংশ + verb + so/as + positive form of adj/adv + as + sub.

Ex: Su: Suman is the tallest boy in the class.
Com: Suman is taller than any other boy in the class.
Pos: No other boy in the class is as tall as Suman.

Rule 2: If In superlative degree ‘One of the’ is transformed in this way:
Comparative: Sub+verb +comp. form +than most other+ পরবর্তী অংশ

Positive: Very few+ rest part after supr. Degree + verb + so/as + positive form of adj/adv + as + sub.

Ex: Nazrul was one of the greatest poets in Bangladesh.
Comp.: Nazrul was greater than most other poets in Bangladesh.
Positive: Very few poets in Bangladesh were so great as Nazrul.

Note: Superlative: Of all/ of any
Comparative: Than all other/than any other.
Positive: x.

Ex: Sup: Mr. khan is the oldest of all men in the village.
Com: Mr. Khan is older than all other men in the village.
Pos: No other man is as old as Mr. Khan.

Rule 3: Simple comparative is transformed into positive by using
(not so + adj/adv+as)/ (so+adj/adv+as)if negative. Second noun or pronoun is used first.

Ex: 1. com: Rina is wiser than Mina.
Pos: Mina is not so wise as Rina.
2. Com: Mina is not wiser than Rina.’
Pos: Rina is as wise as Mina.

Rules 4: Subject+ verb+ a/an +adjective+ noun/ pronoun+
He is a good boy
Subject+ verb +adj(comp)+ than any other/(than all other +noun plural)/than every other + noun(singular)+……………..

He is better than any other boy.
Subject+ verb+ the +adj(superlative)+ noun+ other word.
He is the best boy

Rules 5:No other+ subject-------am/is/are/was/were +so/as +adverb/adjective (positive form)+as +Subject.

Example: No other girl is as good as her.

Subject +verb +Comparative form+ than+ any other/all other+………………………

Example; She is better than any other girl in the class.
Subject +am/is/are/was/were+the +Superlative form+of (if present) +…………

She is the best girl in the class.

Rules 6:Sub+ verb+ not +so/as +adverb/adjective(positive form)+as+…….

Example; Rina is not so wise as Dina.
Noun/pronoun +verb+ Comparative form +than+…..
Example: Dina is wiser than Rina.

Rules 7:Sub+ verb +as +positive form +as+……..

Example; A plane flies as fast as a rocket.
Noun/Pronoun+ do not/does not/did not+ verb+ comparative+ than+ Subject.

Example: A Rocket does not fly faster than a plane.

Rule 8: No/not less --- than

positive= as +adj/adv+ as
Ex: com: Karim is not less meritorious than Suman.
Pos: Karim is so meritorious as Suman.

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