
Ziadabd is a 360-degree digital marketing and growth agency with all-around expertise and highly professional team members.

We will help any business to grow online. Our services are search engine optimization, PPC Ad management, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, apps marketing, lead generation, conversion optimization, etc. Besides this, Our development services include website development, e-commerce site development, web application development, mobile app development, etc. Z


Social media marketing is a platform where you can track the costs and consequences of marketing. Nowadays smart business owners have chosen social media marketing to expand their business and increase sales.

Everything in Data Driven Marketing is under your control. So why the delay? Get started today with our experts. Contact us for details.


মহান একুশে ফেব্রুয়ারি আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা দিবসে প্রাণের ভাষার জন্য আত্মত্যাগকারী সকল ভাষা শহীদদের প্রতি যিয়াদাবিডি পরিবারের পক্ষ থেকে গভীর শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি।


Having Social Media Presence to your business?
If not, This is high time to giving boost to raise brand value to your business.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 08/08/2021

আপনি খারাপ ডিজাইনের জন্য ব্যবসায়ের বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা হারাচ্ছেন না তো?😳

সাম্প্রতিক একটি পরিসংখ্যান অনুযায়ী, ৮৬% ভোক্তা বাজে গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন দেখে ব্র্যান্ডের উপর আস্থা হারিয়েছেন। কারণ বলা হয়ে থাকে, ডিজাইন হচ্ছে একটা ব্যবসায়ের প্রতিচ্ছবি।

সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হচ্ছে, সম্ভাব্য কাস্টমাররা দৃশ্যমান সৌন্দর্যের ওপর ব্র্যান্ডটিকে বিশ্বাস করা যায় কিনা বিবেচনা করে।

আর, ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং এর সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটা দিক হচ্ছে ভিজুয়াল ইলিমেন্টস। তাই আমরা আপনার ব্যাবসায়ের প্রচার ও প্রসারের ক্ষেত্রে প্রথমেই ডিজাইনের উপর জোর দিচ্ছি।
ডিজাইনের জন্য আমাদের রয়েছে আকর্ষনীয় কিছু প্যাকেজ।
✨এই ক্যাম্পেইনে প্রথম ২০ জন ক্লায়েন্ট পাচ্ছেন ২০% ছাড়ে প্রতিটি প্যাকেজ। এছাড়া ও প্রত্যেকের জন্যেই রয়েছে BEG-20 রিওয়ার্ড ✨।

মিস করতে না চাইলে আমাদের এক্সাইটিং ডিল সাইন করুন আজই 🔔।

বিস্তারিত জানতে যোগাযোগ করুনঃ 01839-924141


Do you know what we do while boosting your business?
We set goals that make sense, research your target audience, establish your most important metrics and KPIs, make a social presence as timely as possible, create engaging social media content, assess what's working, what isn't, and how to keep improving.


We are confident we can give your business another dimension. Because we are worked for 136 companies in 13 countries.
We are the best.


During the Pandemic, many people are frustrated about their business growth. Sales profits are not being matched with a huge amount of expenses per month. Absolutely going to close business on lockdown. Sales have dropped a lot.

In this situation, we suggest you overcome this situation with digital marketing. Be with us.


Do you know creative means brand recognition?
Creative ads providing value to your customers and creates meaningful connections. It helps people believe that a brand is high-quality and worth their attention.
Be with us if you are interested in creative advertising...


(মনে রেখো, কোরবানির জন্তুর) গোশত অথবা রক্ত আল্লাহর কাছে কখনোই পৌঁছে না; বরং তার কাছে কেবলমাত্র তোমাদের সৎকর্মই পৌঁছে। (সূরা হজ: ৩৭)
জিয়াদা বিডির পক্ষ থেকে সবাইকে জানাই "ঈদ মোবারাক"।।


Makes credibility, Encourages referrals, Makes loyal clients...

Successful visual branding creates a memorable experience for the consumer, makes them trust the company, and encourages referrals and repeating business if the experience was great. Visual branding is one of the best tools you have to communicate with your customers.


3 things that fall your business at risk!!😲
Approximately 96% don't know about 3 risk factors. We know that very well. We have growth hackers who hack growth for your business. And we blend all the digital marketing strategies and aspects in your business as if you get the best possible result.


We are Since 2018


All you need is to just focus on today and the task you have to complete, that is all. Do this every day and you will be successful!

Photos from Ziadabd's post 06/07/2021

আপনি খারাপ ডিজাইনের জন্য ব্যবসায়ের বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা হারাচ্ছেন না তো?😳

সাম্প্রতিক একটি পরিসংখ্যান অনুযায়ী, ৮৬% ভোক্তা বাজে গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন দেখে ব্র্যান্ডের উপর আস্থা হারিয়েছেন। কারণ বলা হয়ে থাকে, ডিজাইন হচ্ছে একটা ব্যবসায়ের প্রতিচ্ছবি।

সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হচ্ছে, সম্ভাব্য কাস্টমাররা দৃশ্যমান সৌন্দর্যের ওপর ব্র্যান্ডটিকে বিশ্বাস করা যায় কিনা বিবেচনা করে।

আর, ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং এর সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটা দিক হচ্ছে ভিজুয়াল ইলিমেন্টস। তাই আমরা আপনার ব্যাবসায়ের প্রচার ও প্রসারের ক্ষেত্রে প্রথমেই ডিজাইনের উপর জোর দিচ্ছি।

ডিজাইনের জন্য আমাদের রয়েছে আকর্ষনীয় কিছু প্যাকেজ।

৳0 - রিওয়ার্ড প্যাকেজ পেতে আমাদের এক্সাইটিং ডিল সাইন করুন আজই।

যোগাযোগ করুনঃ 01839924141


It’s a no-brainer that you have to take your brand to social media if you want to reach out to your target audience 🎯.
But you have to choose the right place to be.
Remember, you have to be where your audience is.
And there is no platform that serves the purpose of EVERY brand.
This is the first step in designing your social media strategy.
How do you know which social media platform is right for your brand?🤔
We can help you out with that.

Give us a buzz
Whatsapp: 01839924141

Photos from Ziadabd's post 03/07/2021

Service: Logo Designing, Branding, Social Media Marketing

This network called "The Ones" is a very highly exclusive network of those under 30 years old who are in the 1% in the United States in income and net worth, as well as they must own businesses or real estate. As you can see, this logo is very slick/corporate/attract young business entrepreneurs. We wanted it to be simple, yet powerful. It needs to attract the top 1% of all young entrepreneurs. I'm envisioning a black and red dominant logo that may just be slick words using “The Ones” similar to Coca-Cola rather than a standalone logo.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 03/07/2021

Our Valuable Client: Vindelns Maskinservice
Service: Logo Design, Branding, Social Media Marketing

Vindelns is located at Vindeln, Sweden. They offer service & repairs of forestry, construction and agricultural machinery, and hydraulics.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 03/07/2021

Service Type: Minimalist, Gradient-vintage, Geometric logo design

If you like our design and want to make it for your business. Then contact us to know about our package.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 02/07/2021

Our Valuable Client: AYDENZ
Service: Market Research, Logo Design, Branding, Social Media Marketing, SEO, SEM.

Establishment of a premium international brand, one of the logos can have British essence.

"Premium designs for kids are still not widely available in India and we will be focusing on that, maintaining high-quality likes of Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Nike, Adidas, etc. And we made a logo elegant and youthful as these mentioned brands."


Our valuable client: Foxtrot Interactive Pvt Ltd.
Service: Logo Designing
Trendy & an awe inspiring logo design for new tech start up.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 02/07/2021

Our valuable client Teaser
Service: Logo Design, Branding, SEO, SMM, Email Marketing.

Teaser Research Company is an emerging market research and business intelligence firm incorporated in 2018 for the purpose of gathering, aggregating, and harmonizing hard-to-find data and information on MENA capital and private markets.

The teaser is a technology company powered by modern artificial intelligence and an exceptional sizable team of Financial Analysts, Investment Bankers, Financial Researchers, Computer Engineers, and Data Scientists with many years of industry experience.

The company flagship product Teaser Platform is designed to serve Buy-side Analysts, Investment Bankers, Wealth Managers, Institutional Investors, Investment Companies, Consultants, Private Equity Firms, Financial Advisors, Government Authorities, and other key players in the Financial Services Industry.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 01/07/2021

PTEM is a Failure Analysis Lab that specializes in Imaging. The main service they provide is TEM (transmission electron microscopy) which allows capturing images of atomic-sized features within their sample.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 01/07/2021

Logo design for a spice company
Logo Conception > Logo Design

Photos from Ziadabd's post 01/07/2021

We redesign the existing company logo. The client needed to transform the ancient owl emblem into a modern look owl emblem.

Photos from Ziadabd's post 01/07/2021

The task was to create an original logo for a bag company Atelier Martini.

The main accent in the logo goes to Martini - fashion designer Michela Martini. The font was made Ziadabd that makes the logo more special and original. There also was develop symbol - monogram. It was made in the same style that allows recognizing the brand style of Atelier Martini. Symbol easy incorporates in a logo and can be used separately.


স্যোশাল মিডিয়া মার্কেটিং এর জন্য এড ডিজাইন করুন বাজেটের মধ্যে- ০১৮৩৯৯২৪১৪১


Don't think about how to get to this big goal of mine. Just follow these 2 steps and focus on completing small tasks toward your goal. Do it every day and before you know it, you are there.


You have a business website but your customer didn't find you by search. Just imagine!

We provide search engine optimization service as if your customer finds you online. 🙂

www.ziadabd.com 27/06/2021

Ziadabd is a 360-degree digital marketing agency with all-around expertise and highly professional team members. Our holistic marketing strategies will help any business to grow online. Our services are search engine optimization, PPC Ad management, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, apps marketing, lead generation, conversion optimization, etc. Besides this, Our development services include website development, e-commerce site development, web application development, mobile app development etc.

Ziadabd has a proven track record of growing businesses. We will ensure that your business gets the maximum possible growth within your budget. We blend our professional talent, innovative ideas, world-class expertise, and unbeatable strategies to empower your digital presence to worldwide customers. Get in touch with our expert team today to start your project.



People update their phones but forget to update their brains.

This is the number secret to success, without it, even if you are very successful now, you will lose everything.


A common story that makes you poor. Most people that have financial problems is not because of the market or their job but the poor mentality that they have.


We are proud to work with them.

Thank you for staying with us. ❤️

Photos from Ziadabd's post 25/06/2021

Our Valuable Client: Shafaf Foods Ltd.
Business Type: Organic Foods

Our Service Type: Market Research, Marketing Plan, Product Design, Online Presence, Social Media Marketing, Motion Graphics Designing

One of the most prior customers who has worked with us since 2018 is Shafaf Foods. Successfully grow their business with Ziadabd.

Thank you for giving chance to work with you.❤️

Photos from Ziadabd's post 25/06/2021

Client: Malini Premium Tea
Service Type: Market Research & Product Designing
A successful startup of Malini Premium Tea spreading their business day by day across the country. Thank You Malini for being with us.


We started our relation with Payra Ecommerce by making their Logo in 2019. Aimed to raise their brand awareness among the countries shoppy peoples.


If you don't have time for your dreams, then start planning.
Whatever you do during the day, write it down with the time it required. Trust me, you will find a lot of time wasted during the day on useless stuff.
Then replace that with working on achieving your dreams.


Creative Designer

Major Responsibilities :

Study design briefs and determine requirements.
Conceptualize visuals based on requirements.
Prepare rough drafts and present ideas.
Develop illustrations, logos, and other designs as required.
Use the appropriate colors and layouts for each graphics.
Work with copywriters and creative director to produce the final design.
Test graphics across various media.
Amend designs after feedback.
Ensure final graphics and layouts are visually appealing and on-brand


Graduation from any reputed Public/ Private University.
Minimum 5 years of working Experience in relevant field.
Strong working knowledge on Graphic designing tools.
Have to be Creative and ability to think out of the box.
Ability to work under pressure
Quick decision maker

Software Skills

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Quark Express
Adobe After Effects

Working Hours
8 AM – 5 PM

Working Days

Weekly: 5 days.
Weekend: Saturday, Sunday

Perks & Benefits You’ll Get 🎁 ♥

Work in a flat organization where your voice is always heard.
Provident fund.
Medical Fund.
Having Corporate deals with multiple Hospitals.
Performance bonus.
Increment: Yearly.
Festival Bonus: 2 (Yearly)
Lunch Facilities: Full Subsidize.
Unlimited Tea, Coffee & Snacks.
Annual tour.
Team Outing.
Marriage Bonus and Marriage Leave.
Paternity and Maternity Leave.
Yearly Family Tour.
Knowledge Sharing Session.
Leave Encashment Facilities.
Work with a vibrant team and amazing products.
Table Tennis(Ping Pong) :table_tennis_paddle_and_ball:
Training and learning materials to improve skills.
Last but not the least, WorldClass Work Environment. 😎

Application Deadline : 23 June - 10 July


Consistent work bring success.

Want your business to be the top-listed Advertising & Marketing Company in Dhaka?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



North Nayagar, Applo Hospital Road, Nadda, Vatara

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00

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