Mother Of The Broken Hearts

World Disconnection to Self Reconnection!


It is is in my heart this morning to share the words planted by the holy spirit in my heart under these below topics:


2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

The importance of being humble in our ways and in our prayers.

* Avoid operating from the negative energies as it will hinder your blessings and your healing. And nothing positive is built under the unhealed spirit. Anger, unforgiving, grudges etc, these are pirits operating in the dark, so that you live in fear, doubt yourself, even doubt God's power. I've observed and have realized that as children of God, wevare being continuously attacked by these spirit of division in our lives.

Psalms 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.

*Admit you have a problem in order to get your healing and starts operating in a humble spirit and you will start to notice that a lot of things are just not worth your energy. Don't give out your energy to toxic behaviors, don't entertain anything that is going to bring out the arrogant behavior out of you. Instead, be humble enough to just ignore anything that shows up in your life as an attack, and stop entertaining the things that bears no good fruit for your soul.

1 Corinthians 15:27
For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him, ” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.

*Learn to put under under the feet all the situations that are shown as attacks in your life. Could it be rejection, betrayals, mocking spirits, sicknesses, financial attacks, etc. Remember that our God is not a liar, He is a true God who keeps His promises. Let us be obedient to His instructions to be Humble in all our works.

May Jesus strengthens all of us and give us the courage to operate in humbleness to allow our healing to give birth to all good fruits which are God's purpose about our lives and shame the enemy. And may you receive this word in your heart in Jesus name Amen❤️🙏🏽


Not everyone:
who call the name of "Jesus"
who call themselves Teachers of the word of God
who call themselves Pastors
who call themselves Prophets&Prophetes
who call themselves Bishops
who call themselves Apostles
who call themselves Christians
who call themselves children of God
are true and called by God, but many in our days are called by themselves for their self motives. careful you don't fall a victim.

May the Lord our Father in Heaven give us the wisdom and the spirit of descenment to distinguish between the spirit of loss and distruction AND the spirit of life and truth and lead us choose what is accepted in the KINGDOM of God in Jesus name.
And may all the deceivers and the victims be blessed with God's truth.
And may God give them the strength to testify of God's power that saves, and save many who are still devil's target and still victims.
And may all the deceits, lies and manipulation works of the devil and his demons with his agents be exposed.
And may all the contracts they have signed with the kingdom of darkness willingly or unwillingly, be canceled, destroyed and burnt by God's Fire in Jesus name.
And may all that the devil meant for evil, turn into a testimony for God's Glory And let the enemy return to his place of hell empty handed.
And may all the children of God on earth be covered and protected by the Blood of Jesus.

In Jesus Mighty Name Father I pray and Amen🙌🙏💞❤️


Brothers and sisters...

Please read your Bible to understand it and knowing the word of God yourself. Ask the holy spirit to give you wisdom to understand it and He will. Don't only rely on the Sunday church service preachings, otherwise you will unknowingly fall a victim of all the false teachings, which are associated with all the spirits that are not of God but of the worldly desires. And these spirits are very dangerous because they target the Christians especially who doesn't dedicate their time in reading the world of God, and that's when the enemy takes advantage and use the opportunity to get to you by starts whispering what your ears itches to hear. And remember that the devil doesn't come by himself, but he uses people. Others are aware they're being used and others doesn't even know they're being used, they're also the victims of the demons. And if you don't know the word, you will easily fall into many deceitful and manipulative ways and be led astray. But once you are filled with the word of God, you can use it as your strong weapon to defeat any temptations and trials from satan. And he will fear you and flee from you because he is scared of the truth. Be safe and stay blessed🙏


FACTS: Avoid these things to become a better successful person in life:

1. BLAME - Stop to always pointing fingers at others and always blame everyone for everything that's wrong in your life, its always someone else's fault

2. KNOWS ALL - Drop the mindset of "know it all". Allow yourself to also learn from others because only to find in the end that we actually knows nothing

3. FEAR - "What if it doesn't work, what if I don't make it, what people are going to say, what if and what if? "Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to start something new, don't be afraid of the outcome, don't be afraid of the falling, as long as your intentions is to create a change and success, we learn and grow from the falling but does not mean you will not rise again

4. COMFORT ZONE - Never convince yourself that you are happy even if you know that you are not. Start a move, create an environment of innovations

5. JUDGEMENTAL - Stop to always judging others whether for their success or failures always assuming on their behalf based on your judgmental thoughts, projecting your own failures on others

6. EXCUSES - You're only creating a lying platform in your mind that you can not do something because you don't have this and you don't have that. That will create zero (0) chances for your growth and self development. Instead find a good reason why you should do it and you'll remain positive

7. PEOPLE'S PLEASING - Stop trying to do things you wouldn't love for yourself or say things out of your ways just to be accepted by the community or the environment. You're not only degrading yourself, but you keep losing your self esteem which will lead to you gaining nothing but hurts in the ending of all. Please yourself first.

8. JEALOUS - You always have something to say about other people's moves. Don't always criticize others for their accomplishments or what they are trying to accomplish. You don't know how they've started, where they come from, what they have been through, why they do what they're doing, how it's helping them or what it does to them. It will only hold you back

9. FAKE - There are people who are so genius at putting this mask of double person in one. Don't be the kind of a person who appears to be one thing to the faces of others and another face in other places. Nothing stays hidden forever and by the time it's blows will hits you so badly. If you're doing it or planning to do it...just end it, it's toxic on yourself and it causes many distractions. You will end up not even knowing yourself and who you are anymore, who is the real you? Losing yourself completely. Just be real and be yourself. Let them hate you for who you're than to be loved for who you are not.

10. SHY - You need to get out of your comfort zone and giving excuses that you're not good at being around others. need others to get to others that will get you to the destination you've always dreamed of. Even God does let people to carry other people's blessings, so if you sit in your corner and thinking you don't need anyone and that it will all fall from the clouds...think again. Be a peoples person, be good to people, be nice, be kind, but still have your boundaries. It won't destroy you, instead it will build you up

10. OTHERS OPINIONS - Never become locked by what others think or will think of you. Persue what you know it's best for you and your growth as long as it doesn't causes negative effects on others or becomes harmful to others. If you know it's the right thing to do...just do it. Not everyone cares about you or your success, they will always have something to say anyway whether you did well or not. So never quit or be discouraged because of other people's opinions, it's theirs not yours. Let the haters remain in their platform of hate but you keep moving.

11. DO IT YOURSELF - This is the slightly misunderstood statement. Yes you are to decide on your own but you will always need helpers along the journey. Wanting to control everything won't get you much further. Allow other great minds to be put together with your ideas in order to become successful in your ideas. It doesn't only help you become successful but also creates many others around you to become inspired into becoming successful, positive and strong community.

In order to apply all these in the right way, we need not to leave God out for guidance, discipline and direction❤️


Only if we knew how miserable we appear to the world, we would have hated it and stopped long ago!

Know the environment sorounded with, learn what to say, when do you say, how do you say it, to whom you are saying it to. Loyal and appropriate approach must be considered.

Let us not be preaching the love of God only by our lips, but let us demonstrate it by how we live our lives. Let us learn to show the love of God by loving every living soul, not only the believers of the gospel, not only those that you know they love you, but the unbelievers as well, even those who believes but still struggling in sin, even our enemies who did evil acts towards us, remember no one is perfect. Who are we to love only those who loves us? How is God going to be revealed through us if our love is based on "terms and conditions"? ask yourself...does that reveals God in you?

Sometimes kesingajahi ukushumayezumuntu ngokwehluleka kwakhe, for example uyambona uyakuthanda ukugqoka the revealing clothes but not ngoba eyidimoni or isahluleki or sekumele uvesanumngenele ngentshumayelo yokugqoka...cha wena ngoba usuwambulelekile kangcono kuleyondima, so wena live by example until naye aze ayibone lento ukuthi yaz uyaba muhle and elegant without revealing so much of your body🤔2nd example: nangu uguy akadlulwa sketi notshwala uyazidlela nje impilo yakhe evolves around those things... Wenake as unceku or umzalwane owenzelwe umusa wambulelwa ngokuziphatha ngokwezwi, phila phambi kwakhe uhamba ngobungcwele aze ayihalele lelife style ayekade acabanga ukuthi eyezimpatha or eyabantu abasele ngemuva eyntweni, umbone ngelinyilanga esekulandela esethi "haw ungangishiyi namuhla kengiye nawe esontweni lakho" 😊wena awkaze wamshumayeza kodwa uvesane wamamukela eyinto ayiyo waze wachazeka ukuthi akaze wamjaja. Inkinga ubungcwele sesabuphendula sabenza babukeka njengenzondo nokuzigqaja, ekugcineni sizibize ngabazalwane...izwe liyabuka njalo...kanti noNkulunkulu ubhekile...umbuzo uthi uthinike uThixo with all these act🤔 Bheka noJesu ubani owamgeza izinyawo wazesula wazigcobisa ngamafutha?? Luke 7:38. Sanibonani🙋‍♀️



Isaiah 43:2

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.“

In these days we live in, kunezimo eziningi ezahlukene ezisivukelayo and ezinye zazo ziqhamuka nalapho besingazilindelanga khona. I'm here to say to you... Stand still...remember we are not fighting the flesh and blood! But understand we're faced with the forces of the spirit... And therefore, we shouldn't attempt to use our fleshly strength, but to use our spiritual weapons. Everything that seem to be too much for your heart to contain...drop it down and give it to the Lord to handle it. Go to the Lord in prayer. Ask for forgiveness for trying to handle things in your own fight, surrender all to Him...give Him praises for His promises nokwazi nje ukuthi yena ungena nathi emlilweni. Nakunoma isiphi isimo uze wazi ukuthi uJehova unawe kuleso simo. Give Him praise, shame the devil, confuse the enemy. Injabulo yakho mayingalawulwa yizimo odlula kuzo ngoba kune season yazo izimo...learn to be the opposite of izimo, knowing uNkulunkulu uthembisile ukuthi uyobe enathi kunoma yisiphi isimo. Yena uzokulwela, alwe nabalwa nawe. Okwakho ukumethemba and relax in His presence. I know kubuhlungu, kepha uNkulunkulu uthembisile futhi ukuthi Yena useduzane nalabo abanhliziyo ziphukileyo. Ungesabi ngokuba Yena unathi njalo. May God bless you🙏🏽❤️


“Hhayi akuve ezenz' ikholw' elkhulu usewumamumfundisi! “

Wena ungaze uzibuze ukuthi kanti akasakhathali yini ngalamavesi namamotivation akhe...? Lalela mntase kunalomphefumulo nje noma ngabe munye othe wahlangana nepost enaloNkulunkulu noma loJesu esingamfihli...afunde omunye avesane ayolahla zonk izithako ekade ezihlanganisela ukuyobulala ngazo, omunye uzotholukuthi ubesewufakile ushevu ewfakelumnyeni or unkosikazi noma nje ubani ukuthi afe. Avesane akuchithe ukudla aguquke, omunye uzotholukuthi ubeseybhalilincwadi nentambo isisemqaleni kodwa ngokuqale afunde lama post esiwafaka njalo anesidina kwabanye, avesane ayiqaqe intambo akhethe ukuyofuna loJesu osindisayo. Omunye asinde esesihlohlile isbhamu ethi uyaqeda ngaye, kodwa ngokuhlangana nje nalamapost akhuluma ukuphila...ayiguqule ingqondo azikhiphe inhlamvu aphakamisizandla libuyithemba, usindumphefumulo🙌.

Hhayi ngoba singcono noma siborekile... Kodwa noma singebe nalo usizo lwemali, kepha ziningi indlela zokuba wusizo...nakho loku esikwenzayo ezinye zezindlela zokuba yingxenye yosizo emphakathini. Nawe ungawenz umehluko.

God bless you ❤️


I wanna know what God and I can do when we're combined together, and I can't do that unless I take my authority back of who I am in Christ.

Look no one is going to understand your gifts and talents like you and God. So if you don't take authority of it, then you cannot determine which rooms are for you, you cannot determine which friendships are for you. Take ownership of the voice and the creativity that God wants to give to you based on what He says. Stop adjusting your plans just to fit in to what popular and to what's trending. God wants to do something that has never been done before in your life and that is never gonna be seen again. It is never going to be found on any social media platforms, not Facebook, not Instagram, not Tiktok, not Twitter...but it can only be found by you taking back your authority of what God has placed on the inside of you.

If you feel this is yours... Claim it back... Take it back... It is yours in Jesus name 🙌🔥


Bamba imfihlakalo yasezulwini❤️

Funda izwi, yambuleleka ngezwi, liphile izwi, ufe enyameni, ukuze kuvel'uKrestu okuwe to lead and guide you. Usathane uzoqhela nakuwe.

Ungazibuki ukwehluleka kwakho, ungabheki abakuphoxile, ungabheki ilevel okuyo, ungabuki nala usuka khona, ungafuni nokuziphindiselela, don't even be desperate to prove ukuthi you're right and they are wrong ngoba that's devils plan and his strategy to use you ebese kuvela wena asitheke uKrestu lo okumele ngabe uyamrepresenter, usathane uma efuna ukukudestroyer, uqasha wena mzalwane kodwa ungazi futhi ungaboni ukuthi useyakusebenzisa to destroy the image of Christ in you...Yima ngokwenza konke okushiwo yizwi. Wena yiba yinwadi yasezulwini engenamapages kodwa efundekayo. Remove your trust in things of this world and people of this world ngoba nabo bakwijourney yabo yokwakhiwa UNkulunkulu, sometimes kunezinto angeke bazi understander and able to accommodate ngawe, njengoba nawe kunezinto ongeke wazi understanda ngabo but only God is able to accommodate all your worries and failures if you allow Him. UNkulunkulu akabalahli abakhe kepha uyohlezi ekuvikela, ekulwelwa, ekunqobela njalo aphinde akubusise ngokwenzenjalo kwakho.


Do not fear, do not doubts

If God allowed isimo kuJosefa sokuba aphendukelwe abafowabo bamdayise after bezamile ukumbulala, Kodwa ekugcineni waba ngumbusi ezweni lesitha iGibhithe. Uma uMoses kwamele uNkulunkulu evumele inhliziyo elikhuni kuFaro iminyaka, kodwa ekugcineni bawela ulwandle, isitha sasala phakathi olwandle, uma uShedrack, Meshach&Abedniko bangena esthandweni somlilo kodwa ekugcineni baphuma bengenamyocu, uma uJobe waphucwa konke wengezwa ngesifo samathumba ayegcwele umzimba kodwa ekugcineni kwabuyiselwa sekuphindaphindiwe, uma iNdodana uJesu Kristu was betrayed by umfundi wakhe, bamshaya bamthuka bambethelesphambanweni wafa, kodwa ekugcineni wavuka.

Nginokuthi makesiqinise kwifaith ukuthi uNkulunkulu asikho isimo angasazi ngathi nokuthi izimpendulo zikhona, uma nje singemngabaze, uma nje sihlala ebukhoneni bakhe sizifundise ukuphila ubungcwele phambi kwaThixo, kesingabi ngcwele nje phambi kwabantu kuphela. Amandla okunqoba asekumesabeni uThixo, asekumkhonzeni ngisho ebumnyameni lakungaboni khona muntu, kodwa uThixo kuphela okunguye oletha inkazimulo ukuze lonke udumo lubuyele kuye. Masingakhumbula uNkulunkulu wenza umuntu ngomfanekiso wakhe nangenhloso yokuthi amdumise... Uma izinkinga zisivukela sengathi besingakhumbula labo abamdumisa ngisho behlushwa besenhluphekweni ebese nathi sisho njalo sithi ngcwele uyingcwele Jesu nasenhluphekweni... UJesu uyabuya masinyane, singasabuki izinkinga kepha sibhekise amehlo phezulu sibonge inyama isahlangene nomphefumulo. Yena uyasinqobela izitha esizaziyo nesingazazi including inhlupheko zonke. There's always a light at the end of a tunnel

Izaya 41:10-11
Ungesabi, ngokuba Mina nginawe;
ungabi naluvalo, ngokuba Mina
nginguNkulunkulu wakho;
ngiyakuqinisa, futhi ngiyakusiza,
yebo, ngiyakusekela ngesandla sokunene
sokulunga kwami.

11 “Bazoba namahloni, bajabhiswe
bonke abakuthukuthelele,
bayoba njengento engelutho,
babhubhe bonke abamelana nawe.

God bless you♥️


Vumela ukwakhiwa...

Ungaze uzibuze wena ukuthi kungani ukhuleka kodwa izinto azenzeki ngendlela obulindele ngayo and starts to think that uNkulunkulu akezwanga or akakuphenduli...kantike kona loko kuthula kukaNkulunkulu kusuke kuyimpendulo ngokwako.

Kunezinto uNkulunkulu ayozivumela empilweni yakho, kanti kunezinye angeke azivumela noma ngabe wena ubuzivumelile. Kungaba umsebenzi, kungaba ibusiness, kungaba icareer, kungaba amafriends or relationships, kungaba isinqumo obususenzile about anything etc...but uNkulunkulu uyakwazi ukuthi akuvimbe konke...hhayi ngoba esuke engakuthandi or engazi ukuthi ufisani, but ngenxa yokuthi Yena ufuna ukuthi mhla zifika izinto zakho, abe esekwenzile. Umangabeke uyenziwa...akuzokuba mnandi ngazozonkikhathi, kunezinto obuzithanda eziyoxebulwa zisuswe emehlweni akho, kunabantu obubathembile okuyomele baxebuke basuswe kuwe... Ay ngoba ubulawa... UYAKHIWA...

Uma uzophathiswa izinto zikaThixo...kunalepride engadingeki, kunalezinto ezitrendayo esekuvelwa ngazo kakhulu ezingadingeki. Awubulawa... Izinto zasezulwini zithobekile futhi azizikhombi zona kodwa zikhonjwa asuke bezibuka bezibona ukuthi "Lezi...ezasemaZulwini ngisho kungathiwani azifuniseli"💖😊

As long usangumntwana kaNkulunkulu wamukela uJesu njengeNkosi noMsindisi empilweni yakho... USAZOKWAKHIWA!

Mvumele Akwakhe... God is Love❤️


God's strategy using your disappointments into your appointments👑

You might have tried different things for the success believing it will work out as you have planned. Yes we all dream and wish for ukuthi sibuilder ikusasa eliqhakazile for abantwana bethu nesizukulwane sethu ukuze babe secured in terms of ukuficwa zinhlupheko. We find ourselves investing in some businesses and expect to reap the following week if ungakobi nayo understanding yokuthi isho ukuthini i-investment🤷. Sigcina sizithola si invester like R1000 namuhla, maybe ngemva kwa 6months uma uthi uyochecker ufice sekuwu R2000, ujabule uwkhiphe lo R2000 kodwa still alifezekile iphupho lokuphuma ebunzimeni, and only to find ukuthi after 3years or 5 years, le investment owagcina ukhiphe R2000 kuyo wena, kunomunye ongaykhiphanga eyakhe and kulo 3years 5years usuyezwa kuthiwa ivalue yaleliya thousand owawulifakile selikunikeza 1million rands. Lo ongajahanga ukuvuna usuyambona ehlomula ngokubekezela kwakhe, wena usuyaqala uba bitter ngenxa yokuzisola ukuthi kungani washeshe wathatha isinqumo sokuvuna isikhathi singakoshayi😔

Kanjalo nomsebenzi...uke uthi une diploma, degree, honours, masters yakho and hope for the perfect employment with the recognised position that will give you the salary of a quality in order to change financial circumstances for your family and live better lives, only to find ukuthi awubizwa ndawo ,noma usubiziwe waqashwa kodwa you don't last even up to a year or two years in that position ugcine uphuma ngendlela ongayqondi☹️
Yazi kunezindawo esizibona zisifanele thina namapositions esiwabona esifanele thina kanti Omdala wezinsuku kuneTitle engaphezulu kwale ozibonela Yona wena...ay maan ngithi mina ungazibukeli phansi nalawomaqualifications onawo...kungenzeka uNkulunkulu udinga uwasebenzise kwelakho ibusiness, kungenzeka futhi ukubizela okungaphezu kwalawo maqualifications angezukudingeka kwawona...ngisho kungathiwa awunawoke kwawona...lalela vumela uNkulunkulu abe yiqualification yakho akungenise la ekungangenwa khona, akukhiphe la ekuthiwa akuphunywa khona🌈🙌

Kuke kwenzekeke futhi you get into a relationship ngenhloso yokwakha umndeni ngenjabulo esuke ingasekuqaleni kwedevelopment yothando☺️. Esikhathini sonyaka kunama seasons ay4, akafani lamaseasons. Nakhona othandweni uzofika ngeseason imvamisa leyokuqala isuke igcwelinjabulo namaphupho amahle wodwa. Uma sekungenelela kwiseason yesibili, ayibe isafana naleyokuqala ngoba uthola ukuthi hlampe kuloku ebekade nikuplanile sekuyaphazamiseka ngenxa yezimo ezithile eziyaye zifikele noma ubani, kuqale kuye kuba ngokuba sour🤔 Uma senificwa eyesithathu (krii), ay kuqale ubone sengazuthi uNkulunkulu akanaluzwelo, ube namaquestions amaningi athi kungani this kungani that?? already sekumuncu nakuloluthando senikhohlwe nokuthi kambe ivision yangasekuqaleni yayitheni😴 Kuzoba eyesine...kuleyo amatheba aseshabalele wonke, konke kubukeka kuhlwithwa, sekufika umdlinzo othi "ay okusho uNkulunkulu akayiphasisi yonke lento" giving up everything! Very sad😥. Yabonake wonke lamaseasons abalulekile kunoma ubani ukuthi anifice ngoba yilapho kukhona into eyakhiwayo ebiza ukuthi uyahlala noma uyaphuma🤫 lamaseasons alusizo olukhulu that serves as the ticket lomshado wenu with full understanding of your partners all sides. And the best part is that they teach you both ukuthi akuzohlezi kuwuju futhi akaze kwaba wuju without izinyosi😊 Study your partner, be passionate about learning ngesthandwa sakho ozobukana naso mihla yonke yokuphila kwakho and learn to adapt to one another's shoes, ungaze uphume kanti uhlulwe ukweswela ulwazi ngamaseasons🤗

Kukona konke... Kunezinto uNkulunkulu akunikezile zona kodwa zibiza ukuthi avumele isimo samadelays ukuze ekugcineni kwakheke leproduct engeke ibe yimpumelelo yakho nje kuphela, kodwa ekumele ihlomuluse nomhlambi wabantu ezweni. Kunezimo ezibuhlungu uNkulunkulu azozivumela ukuba zikwehlele zikudumaze kodwa ekugcineni zonke zikulungiselela indumiso🙌 Isizwe sakwa Israeli sabhekana nezinhlupheko ezingakanani before sikhululwe?

3.Kepha Mina ngizokuyenza lukhuni inhliziyo kaFaro, ngiphindaphinde izibonakaliso nezimangaliso zami eGibhithe. 4 Uma uFaro engakulaleli, Mina ngizolishaya iGibhithe ngezenzo ezinkulu zokwehlulela, ngikhiphe abantu bami, u-Israyeli, ngamaviyo abo, eGibhithe. 5 AbaseGibhithe bayongazi ukuthi nginguSimakade, lapho sengilishaya iGibhithe,a ngikhipha kulo abantu bakwa-Israyeli.”


God bless you❤️

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