Antwerp EPS Young Minds
Universiteiten in de buurt
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Antwerp Young Minds is part of the University of Antwerp and of the European Physical Society.
The yearly reception of the Department of Physics will take place on Friday June 28th 2024! 🥂 UAntwerp - Department of Physics
Although we are not the organisers of this event, we might have some of our members involved... you can't let the volunteering stop!
Jokes aside, please join and check the information below ⬇
Next week we are visiting SCK CEN!
Is everyone ready?
Not a break! Next event is already next week, and this time, a very interesting one! Sadly enough, registrations are closed, but we are very excited for the amount of people who will be joining us!
What a night! ✨
Still on cloud nine after yesterday's event!
We thank everyone who attended and made the gathering a wonderful moment for recent and not-so-recent Physics alumni.
Also, a special heartful thanks to the speakers! 🎤
Have you registered already?
🗣 Alumni-avond fysica op 18 april 🗣
Geachte studenten, collega's en alumni,
Wij nodigen u van harte uit op de alumni-avond van het Departement Fysica op 18 april. Tijdens een korte reeks presentaties zullen enkele alumni vertellen waar een diploma fysica hen op professioneel vlak naartoe heeft geleid.
Deze avond is voor onderzoekers en studenten het moment bij uitstek om in contact te komen met fysici die actief zijn buiten de academische wereld. Voor de alumni is deze avond een mooie gelegenheid om oude bekenden terug te zien en de nieuwe garde fysici te leren kennen. Na de presentaties volgt er een receptie waar je nog kan bijpraten met een hapje en een drankje.
Praktische informatie
📍 Waar: Campus Groenenborger, aula G.T.105
📆 Wanneer: donderdag 18 april 2024
18:30 Welkomstdrink
19:00 Presentaties
20:30 Receptie
🗣🗣Upcoming event!🗣🗣
After our previous workshop on Quantum Computing last semester, the Antwerp Young Minds return with a new interactive workshop, focusing on applications using the Qiskit package. The workshop is open for all students and researchers, whether you attended the previous one or not. With joy we present you the following line-up of topics:
- Quantum computing & Qiskit: intro
- Hello World: Qiskit guided exercise
- Quantum Adder: Qiskit exercise
- Quantum algorithms and their complexity
- Quantum teleportation: proof & Qiskit exercise
- Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm: proof & Qiskit exercise
🥳Come to our first event of the semester!🥳
🗣Chek out our schedule for the 2nd semester!
Great events ahead!🤩🥳
Happy New Year to everyone! 🥳
Om het jaar goed in te zetten en elkaar nog eens te ontmoeten, organiseren we de eerste departementale lezing van 2024. Prof. Dr. Salomé Forel (Université Lyon 1) bezoekt onze universiteit in Januari. Zij zal een departementale lezing geven met als titel 'Recent Advances and Key Challenges in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: From Synthesis to Characterization, Filling Process and Sensing Capabilities'. We nodigen jullie graag uit op deze lezing op donderdag 25 januari, op campus Groenenborger in lokaal US.024 om 15:00. Nadien is er zoals gewoonlijk een receptie waar iedereen kan discussiëren en babbelen met collega's en vrienden. Deze lezing is vooral gericht op onderzoekers van het Departement Fysica, maar ook op fysicastudenten uit de bachelor- en masteropleidingen.
We zien jullie graag daar!
Het Antwerp Young Minds team
To kickstart the year and meet all again, we are organizing the first departmental lecture of 2024. Prof. Dr. Salomé Forel (Université Lyon 1) will visit our university during January. We are organizing a departmental lecture on the ‘Recent Advances and Key Challenges in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: From Synthesis to Characterization, Filling Process and Sensing Capabilities’ . We cordially invite you to this lecture on Thursday January 25th, in Groenenborger Campus room US.024 at 15:00. Afterwards, there will be a reception where you can discuss and chat with fellow co-workers and friends. This lecture is mostly aimed at researchers of the Department of Physics, but also students from the Physics Bachelor and Master.
See you there!
The Antwerp Young Minds team
Prof. Salomé Forel
Université Lyon 1
Lecture title: ‘Recent Advances and Key Challenges in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes: From Synthesis to Characterization, Filling Process and Sensing Capabilities’
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are renowned for their outstanding charge carrier mobility, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties. The convergence of these attributes with their nanometer-scale diameter makes them highly promising for the development of (opto)-electronic devices, presenting the challenge of achieving miniaturization without compromising performance. Beyond their inherent characteristics, SWCNTs feature a hollow core that can be filled with various molecules, resulting in unique one-dimensional hybrids that integrate the properties of the nanotube with those of the encapsulated molecule. This presentation will highlight recent advances and key challenges on nanotubes, both in synthesis, characterizations, filling progress, and sensing capabilities of these unique objects.
Where you not able to join our workshop 'Introduction to Julia'?
Don't worry, click the link below to have access to the notes of the lecture:
Enjoy :) And many thanks to Robbe Ceulemans for the workshop and providing the materials!
🗣Next workshop!
In this workshop we will explore the fundamentals of the Julia language. How is it different from what you use now? What does it offer more? Is it easy to learn? We will cover it all! Following a short introduction, you will have to chance to explore the base functions and commands. Your newly gained insights will come in handy in the second part, where you can apply them to some more advanced examples.
Beste studenten,
Op woensdag 25 oktober is er een informatiesessie over de masterproef in de opleiding fysica, om 14u in lokaal D.N.008. Dit is georganiseerd door de Antwerp Young Minds in samenwerking met het departement Fysica.
Tijdens deze sessie geven we de algemene informatie over de masterproef, waarna jullie via een reeks korte presentaties kennismaken met de verschillende onderzoeksgroepen en mogelijke onderwerpen voor een masterproef. Nadien volgt een receptie, waar doctoraatsstudenten een posterpresentatie geven over hun eigen onderzoek.
Heb je nog vragen over je thesisonderwerp of wil je inspiratie opdoen? Kom dan zeker!
Deze activiteit wordt sterk aanbevolen voor studenten 1Ma.
Tot dan!
Dear students,
On the 25th of October there will be an information session about the master thesis in physics, at 14h in room D.N.008. This event is organised by the Antwerp Young Minds in collaboration with the department of Physics.
During this session, we will give a general introduction to the master thesis, after which the different research groups are presented with short presentations. Each group will present a list of possible thesis subjects.
Afterwards, there will be a reception where PhD students will present a poster about their reseach.
Do you have some questions about our thesis subject, or do you want to get inspiration for one? Be sure to attend!
This activity is highly encouraged for students in 1Ma.
See you there!
Antwerp Young Minds
🗣 Save the date! 🗣
Who enjoyed our last workshop??✋
We enjoyed very much the talk from Prof. Zarbín! It was a pleasure to be able to host him in our university.
Thank you to everyone who joined during the presentation and the reception afterwards.
Hey Physics enthusiasts!
Prof. Dr. Aldo Zarbin (Federal University of Paraná) will visit our university in the last week of August. We are organizing a departmental lecture on the ‘Preparation and Processing of Multicomponent Materials at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces: Thin Films for Enlarging Technological Applications’ . We cordially invite you to this lecture on Tuesday, August 29th, in G.US.024 at 15:00. Afterwards, there will be a reception where you can discuss and chat with fellow co-workers and friends. This lecture is mostly aimed at researchers of the Department of Physics, but naturally everyone is welcome to come and listen.
See you there!
The Antwerp Young Minds team
It is our pleasure to announce the next Departmental Physics Colloquium! On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Prof. Dr. Nir Navon from Yale University will report on recent developments in many-body ultracold systems in his talk titled "Ultracold fermions in an optical box".
We hope to see you all there!
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Groenenborgerlaan 171
Mechelsesteenweg 109
Antwerp, 2018
Het ontwikkelen van uw talent is onze passie. Kijk op
Nationalestraat 5
Antwerp, 2000
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Antwerp, 2018
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Noorderlaan 139
Antwerp, 2030
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