
graphic and typographic work graphic an dypographic work // bookbinding + workshops // paperwork + papeterie // collaborations

Photos from astridfieuws's post 24/09/2023

San had a series of booklets, but she was dissatisfied with the cover, the print and the binding. "it looks so cheap Astrid..." I could only confirm. a few days later she came back, we transformed all the booklets by shifting and/or removing some pages, at one booklet we added a slightly transparant paper. Afterwards we did a simple binding to recover the "stapled" holes. so simple... when we were working I realized how much I like that : also that story is right in my goal of recovering!
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper from and some others + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather. is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in


i’m preparint the event of where i will takes you into the past of book printing and briefly talks about the evolution from calligraphy to our current printing letters.
I will tell you how i tries to connect old- and new techniques as a graphic designer with the typo letters of her (grand)father and about the play of recuperation and small/unique editions.
30/09 + 01/10
subscription via
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper from and some others + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather. is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in



Piep hier naar mijn nieuwsbrief, link in bio
— ik vier 3 kleine feestjes samen met jouw.
merc! voor je tijd en hopelijk tot snel!

Jetez un coup d'œil à mes nouvelles, lien en bio
— je célèbre 3 petites fêtes avec vous.
merc! pour votre temps et j'espère vous voir bientôt !

Peep here to my newsletter, link in bio
— i celebrate 3 little parties together with you.
merc! for your time and hopefully see you soon!

Photos from astridfieuws's post 10/08/2023

about : these hands are going on holliday for a while, but are eager to start the workshop calendar again in september. the idea behind the workshops is to take you through the history of the book and all the techniques! together with we are trying to provide a nice base for the workshop here, and secretly we are already dreaming of being able to offer one whole workshop together in which our crafts are literally - in every sense of its word - connected! (more info via my website, keep posted via the mothly newsletter and hopefully see you soon 💙
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather ; i created a small galery with artworks from (un)known artists - exposed in frames ; ...
is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in

Photos from astridfieuws's post 19/07/2023

one year ago, i started my first workshop. in september i started to invite also other crafts.
whit the workshops i would like to travel throught the history of the book : the art of calligraphy, typography, bookbinding and letter design.
share your passion for ink and paper! together with , , and myself we’re redeay to go back in time where books were masterpieces of beauty and craftsmanship!
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather ; i created a small galery with artworks from (un)known artists - exposed in frames ; ...
is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in

Photos from astridfieuws's post 08/07/2023

ik kreeg enkele zakken vol typoletters. de vorige eigenaar had ermee gestempeld met acrylverf, ik besloot ze te poetsen. het was een lang parcours : sorteren, 1/2 dag weken in water, voorzichtig afkrabben, drogen, terug voeden met olie, alfabetisch plaatsen op de pers, in inkten & een proefprint om te archiveren. terwijl ik bezig was vroeg ik mezelf “maar astrid, overdrijver”. toch deed ik verder, en nu weet ik waarom; de letters zitten nu visueel om mijn geheugen, ik kreeg enkele ideeën, de uren krabben waren meditatief & het is gewoon de liefde, de passie en het respect voor mijn vak en materiaal die alles doet vergeten.
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather ; i created a small galery with artworks from (un)known artists - exposed in frames ; ...
is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in


i’m looking forward for the coming weeks.
last week i finished a big graphic project (a phd ). for this one i gave my hard and soul, but also all my energy, sleep. i had lots of unhealtjhy meals and liters of coffie! it was fantastic!
i feel i’m now back into – my – normal way, only with even more disire to continue doing the things i do!
the time i didn’t had for the atelier (workshops, opentypoatier & papetery) gives me a kind of clarity.
i am verry much looking forward to make this happen during the (hopefully) calmer summer months!
i must let go certain projects, concepts and ideas... but it feels a relief to have more space to let grow the other ones 🎈
rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
(open by apointeent or by chance).
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and . i grow up in a and i’ve been playing with all my life. this is my inspiration en red line in my work. I make with paper + with illustrations from old books + printed wijth the old letters of my grandfather ; i created a small galery with artworks from (un)known artists - exposed in frames ; ...
is important, so i do work in small quantities and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
so... i’m a who wounds to share the of by organising in a in

Photos from astridfieuws's post 22/12/2022

come and get your “pakske” ;
tomorow open from 14-18h
+ sat morning from 10-12h
afterwards its again open by apointement only / or by chance! / rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels
ik parle ook et du . i’m a and with a and : by working with i do make : with paper / or with from old books / books and cards with old letters from my grandfather ; with work from (un)known () ; ... the red line is so, i do work in and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products accordingbto the need!
i’m a who wounds to share the by creating in a in

Photos from astridfieuws's post 18/12/2022

the atelier is open!
here you will find notebooks with paper ; or postcards with illustrations from old books ; handmade frames with work from (un)known artists ; ... in this atelier, everything is , and because i always start from the idea to , most of my projects are . i work in small quantitys and i compose all the dyes myself by using only products!
📍rue pletinckxstraat 27, 1000 brussels


last minute BUT : there is a free spot for the introductionclass typo and print tomorrow!
15 dec / 18.00 - 21.00 / 39€ / inscriprion via pm / rue pletinckxstraat 27, bxl
during the class i will show you the possibilities and print-techniques by making the cover of a notebook!
(i’m ) z

Photos from astridfieuws's post 07/12/2022

there are still some free spots for the workshop bookbinding with this saturday 10/12/2022 from 14:00 till 17:00
45€ / 4h (14h - 18h) / no age / fr (+en) / min 4 pers / inscription via [email protected] :
reliure sans collage. on apprend chaque atelier une technique de reliure simple et sans collage qu’on peut pratiquer à la maison sans matériels spéciales pour la reliure comme une presse, une cisaille etc. avec ces techniques, vous pourriez réaliser vos propres carnets personnalisés ou appliquer sur vos projets de livre créatif.
(i’m ) z

Photos from astridfieuws's post 10/11/2022

x-mas presale : 01-15/11:
these are one of the cards in the presale. as i’m working with recup-materials + small productions i want to prepare as well as possible to provide you with cards without leaving a big stock. the cards are all handmade here in the atelier.... every 15th of the month, i give an introduction in wich i show you some printing techniques. after following this intro-class you can come back to make your own print-work(s)! last week i had An and het daughters in the atelier, they printed their own wishes cards!
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 08/11/2022

x-mas presale : 01-15/11
a few years ago these cards were pronted, by accident there were too much cards so the customer dicided to have only a part of them finished - the other part (unfinished) came in my hands; this year i pimped them up with a clashi silver or a old pink 2023!
but bit by bit another idea is coming up to recuperate them (to be continued)... but that’s for later - now it’s new-year-time!
presale info; link in bio or
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 03/11/2022

in the presale collection:
2 types of my bruteblocks
(order via link in bio)
the idea of the is to have as little as possible waste using a pack of paper. each side of the notebook get it’s own color. i compose all the dyes i’m using in the atelier, according to the needed quantity, using only biogradable products. the notebooks are all hand processed, and therefore unique.
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 02/11/2022

yes! the pre-sale is online!
from 01/11 till 15/11 you can order a selection of carts and gifts for x-mas!
+ this sunday the door of the atelier is open from 14 till 18h if you like to have a real look on my projects!
i hoop to see or hear you soon!
(i’m )



it’s official!
i’m planning a presale for x-mass cards.
the pre-sale will be from 1/11 till 15/11 via my website (or in the atelier). because my focus is on ;
small and unique productions + handmade + recuperation (and/or) no waste + upcycling + ... i want to prepare myself as well and efficiently as possible 🤲🏻!
for the moment i’m preparing a lot of projects; i’m focussing the more and more on my projects and i would try to realise more customized productions on small quantities for other platforms and/or shops!
(i’m )


it’s official!
i’m planning a presale for x-mass cards.
the pre-sale will be from 1/11 till 15/11 via my website (or in the atelier). because my focus is on ;
small and unique productions + handmade + recuperation (and/or) no waste + upcycling + ... i want to prepare myself as well and efficiently as possible 🤲🏻!
for the moment i’m preparing a lot of projects; i’m focussing the more and more on my projects and i would try to realise more customized productions on small quantities for other platforms and/or shops!
(i’m )


the atelier is slowly transforming into a photo-studio. on this moment i’m focused on x-mas (yay... already)!
i would like to do a “pre-order-action” with a selection of my work between 01/11 and 15/11. i don’t really know what it will be, but i’m working on it and i’ll keep you posted!
i can already tell you, there will be ;
(christmas & new year) cards + a new notebook concept + week planners + agenda’s + universalpostcardframes in orther colors 🌈 + * is also being expanding!
* is my side project: it’s a wall with artworks grom different (un)known artists that i expose and sell in the atelier for 50€ ... a good 🎁 no? (more info pm)


tomorrow the door of the atelier will be (slightly) open from 2 pm to 6 pm! feel free to come and peep! i make hot tea. the open door is in the context of the of ; every first sunday of the month the merchants of the neightborhood opens the doors ; there is a voucher of 1€ reduction you can exchange at all participating stores 💸💸.
no worries if you can’t make it ; sunday 06/11 + 04/12 we will do it again
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 16/09/2022

the atelier gives me the opportunity to invite other crafts with a link to paper / ink and typo too!
🖌 that's how I came into contact with caroline () who comes to give a workshop calligraphy: 29/09 + 07/10 + 29/10 (€35)
📚 also tatsuya () popped in one day in the atelier - we had a very nice chat about bookbinding ; i was happy to finaly found a professional bookbinder who would like to come and give a workshop here in the atelier! the picture in my post isn't his - but if i remember it's about this technique he comes to teach us on 22/10 (€45)
📐 and with camille () we make a typographic poster (by hand). on the basis of a grid (structure that she developed for this studio) she gives the first start of a few letters and nice effects (such as shadow) that you can then endlessly extend yourself! 08/10 + 19/11 (€39)
🖨 finally there are also my workshops ; one for the youngsters “how koddow” ; we make a poster with image and typo
+ every 15th of the month there is an introduction class ; printing a book cover. the intention is that after the intro class you will have all the necessary information realize your own projects, independently, in the atelier!
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 16/09/2022

the atelier gives me the opportunity to invite other crafts with a link to paper / ink and typo too!
🖌 that's how I came into contact with caroline () who comes to give a workshop calligraphy: 29/09 + 07/10 + 29/10 (€35)
📚 also tatsuya () popped in one day in the atelier - we had a very nice chat about bookbinding ; i was happy to finaly found a professional bookbinder who would like to come and give a workshop here in the atelier! the picture in my post isn't his - but if i remember it's about this technique he comes to teach us on 22/10 (€45)
📐 and with camille () we make a typographic poster (by hand). on the basis of a grid (structure that she developed for this studio) she gives the first start of a few letters and nice effects (such as shadow) that you can then endlessly extend yourself! 08/10 + 19/11 (€39)
🖨 finally there are also my workshops ; one for the youngsters “how koddow” ; we make a poster with image and typo
+ every 15th of the month there is an introduction class ; printing a book cover. the intention is that after the intro class you will have all the necessary information realize your own projects, independently, in the atelier!
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 06/09/2022

ow hello! this is the calendar for september;
> every 15th of the monthi give a introduction class to and .
> every 1st sunday of the month i open the doors for the organised by .
> comes to the atelier on 22/09, 07/10 and 29/10 for a workshop
> comes here for a workshop on 22/10
> and check the nice reflection of ‘s illustration on the wall this morning! she made a small time ago! for a test we had to glue the illustration on the door : it’s such a nice illustration so i just keep him 🎈!
> and waaaauuuuw i have sooooo soooooo soooo mutch idea’s and plans 🤯❤️
(i’m )


h e y ! i’m a graphic designer who grew up in a printers family. years ago i said to my parents; “one day i would move all of grandfather’s typo-‘stuff’ to bxl”
.. so here i am ... .. and now what...

1 // i’m happy to complete my graphic design with my own and/or your typo and print projects : to reflect with you to realise a project on the artisanal and manual way
2 // i also developed an open typo atelier ;
- every 15th of the month i’m oranasign an intro-class to typographie and i show you the use of the atelier
- after you followed this intro-class, you can buy a day-card(s). the idea is you come her with empty hands, and leave with your own printed project
- i also invite other people to give a workshop : there is an introduction to calligraphy , bookbinding and handlettering (pm for more info!)
3 // thanks to my job, i often meet (un)known artists, which i invite them to participate for the .
the idea is that they make a small and unique artwork for me that will be exhibited and sold here in the atelier.
4 // i also create and sell my handmade papeterie ; unique postcard(t)s, frames and notebooks.
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 16/08/2022

every 15th of the month there is an introduction class to typography, in this class we will print the cover of a notebook by combine different techniques. i hope to inspire you to come back and to create your own typography and printing projects here in the open typo atelier!
but...... next to the introduction class i invite other people to give a workshop where the accent is on , and/or . currently i am in contact with : (bookbinding). (calligraphy) and (handlettering). the idea is that one of the workshop will take place every week here in the atelier from september on! more info follows.
more info:
(i’m )


in the atelier I have a small wall on which I collect works and souvenirs.
more info:
(i’m )


i’m ready for this weekend!
i realy hope to see you
- if not, it’s ! ..........
open door sat 09/07 & sun 10/07 from 14h to 17h @ rue pletinckx straat 27, b-1000 brussels!..........
with a demonstration on the press and 🍦🍦🍦
more info:
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 06/07/2022

yes!! this weekend : sat 09/07 + sun 10/09 open doors (from 14 to 18)
> i will give a demonstration on the printing machine!
+ i love to give all info about the and the
+ check out the wall : there are some new arrivals!
+ if nothing above interested you ... just pass by and take a iceream!
! ciao bella, ciao, ciao !
more info:
(i’m )

Photos from astridfieuws's post 04/07/2022

my friends got married this weekend. i made their guestbook. it turned out to be a virgin white book with red and bronze accents, the color of love. a book that they can complete with photos of their *fantastic* day!
while i was making it, i made two other books for my nieces newborns... these birth books has 52 pages, for each week in the first year of there life there is place for a pictures or memorys.
more info:
(i’m )


today I'm two years in this super atelier! that's why I give a 30% discount on paper and turn cards for the open typo atelier! jihuu! you can come to the studio, but you can certainly also send your wishlist by mail! and next weekend it's open doors - with ice cream; July 9 and 10 from 2 to 6!
more info:
(i’m )


i will do.e ne keer fou
🎉 01/07 i will offer 30% on papeterie-work and the turncards for the open-typo-atelier to celebrate the start of my new project + this day it will be alreday 2 years i’m in this fantastic place !
👩🏻‍💻 all info about the is finaly on my website!
🍦 sat 09/07 and sun 10/07, from 2pm to 6pm i'm organise an ; a open-doors with ice cream to celebrate!
📚 sunday 07/08 from 10h to 16h you will find z selection of my ; welcome at the opendoors ’s place
🤧 an ow yeah - after i finished my webside; i slept 20h and i woke up with a - but bit by bit : i’m OK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
more info:
(i’m )


i got a table full of paper from ! johan supports me and my dad works there, he can take the beautiful leftovers that they has put in the trash (!!) on the side for me!
.. as a child i grew up in the printing house of my parents, i know how mutch paper goes into the trash, it’s impossible for bigger printing factories to keep up with all these leftovers (really!).
i remember all the times that i jumped into a container in search of nice leftovers that i puted in my shop (made from cardboard boxes) and then they were sold and i made packaged for my imaginary customer!. it will take me a few hours to organize and store all that paper, but i could do this for days.... - in the end i did that as a child for fun!
more info:
(i’m )

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Rue Pletinckxstraat 27

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