Revivalist Iyke Oriaku

... until there is someone carrying the Fire of God in every home in Europe.

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 31/08/2023

I heard a young preacher said that the best way to make sure those that didn’t accept to marry you regret it in future is to work hard so that you will be bigger than the persons they will later get married to…

And he has followers who are swallowing this poison …

Friends, honestly… many of us are still busy using God to show our rivals pepper … when we are ready for Him to start using us to show Satan pepper, the world we will know …

Do you know that if you are a potential threat to Satan and he sees that opening a door in Washington DC is what it will take for you to lose your place in what God is doing in your generation, he will hasten it immediately…and bring all kind international connections to facilitate that distraction…

And unfortunately, because, the spirit of rivalry and desperation have made you not to know the hour of your visitation, you will come on social media and start using the dollars you make in Washington DC to say that others are lazy…

And your listeners won’t know that they are paying attention to a distracted man that someone else has taken his place in God’s plans for the nations…

You might still be preaching, singing or doing missions, but when men look at you, there won’t be anything they will see to drink from…

That’s why, if you want to fulfil purpose, make sure you don’t have one single desperate fold around you…

Incase you are not yet married, make sure you are not in a serious relationship with a desperate man or woman, who is in a hurry to produce result by all means

Trust me, a lot of people have been mocked all their lives… its only the Fire of God that can expose the reasons they are doing most of the things they do…

Do we still hear messages of consequences of plain fields of S***m again?…

“Whatever makes you happy, so it..” that’s all we hear here and there… and that’s why the foundation of many business shops and even churches is laid in bitterness …just to show that we finally didn’t fail as you wished…

Not too long a 75years old man that told me that the moment he relocated to a particular big city and began to meet bigger people, he lost both himself and His God…

He built houses, made money from those new contacts but time has taught him that the only destiny of Gomorrah is extinction…

But unfortunately, it’s even too late to redeem the wasted years… everyday of his life, he lives in regret…

No doubt, he was a victim of the kind of preachers that gather people to motivate them to pursue vanity instead of purpose…

Sir, may you not look back 30years after and discover that why you entered that marriage was to reply your mockers!

Sir, may you not grow old before you know that what you are calling breakthroughs and connections today were all orchestrated from hell to keep you away from glory…

As a new tastement believer, I am meant to be wiser than sons of Isacchar…

Therefore, I will not be a victim of ‘strange’ opportunities…

To me it’s an affirmation… To someone else, it can be a prayer… I don’t know about you…

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 29/08/2023

The names of those that threw Jonah inside the ocean died but the name of the Jonah they threw inside the ocean is still blessing lives thousands of years after…

They threw him inside and started gossiping, from office to office; from inbox to inbox, thinking the ocean was enough to swallow the destiny of a man with prophecies on his head…

Whereas, the man Jonah converted the belly of a fish to a praying ground where he groaned and groaned until He encountered the God of Jacob…

That’s why, no matter how close we are or how much I can gain from you, i can never join you to throw any man or woman inside the ocean… talk about what he did to you, but remove your mouth from his destiny…

Because great destinies are forged in shame and pain…

Friends, Iyke Oriaku; I am a product of the belly of the fish…

Anything I become tomorrow was possible because of how I used my days in the when circumstances beyond my control threw me inside the ocean…

The problem is that many people like me did not convert their experience in the belly of the fish into a time of encounter…

They rather started looking for how to revenge…

Incase you are in that page, sir, I want to remind you that the salvation of Nineveh is more important to God than revenging on those that have scattered your name in that small church…

When people tell me how ashamed they are because of how much their reputation has been destroyed, all I tell them is…

There is a Nineveh calling your name… Once you begin to think about Nineveh,you will not remember the mockeries and the mockers…

And once you get to that page, in the place of shame God will know that it’s no more about your image any more…

And in the place of shame, He will replace it with glory…

Remember: Just a statement from Jonah, the whole city, including newly born babies began to look for the God that made heaven and earth…

You can mock me, all you can…

But I know that this fish of loneliness, pain, shame and lack will carry me to where the Hand of God upon my life can never be ignored by generations yet unborn…

I am coming, Nineveh… Just watch out Lucifer!

Let us pray!


The same hospital that takes me 20 minutes to drive to took me less than 10 minutes to drive to the day my wife went into labour…because her time of delivery had come…

Ma, even if you are the loudest shouter of AMEN in the whole churches in your city, it cannot make you to deliver at your 3rd month of pregnancy…

False prophets are cashing out on you because you don’t know that your delivery date has not reached yet …

The seed of 6months salary they are demanding from you is like demanding money from you to go and bribe God to change your delivery date…

If you hear that God did it speedily for someone else, it means the person has been pregnant for long and his time came and he delivered his own blessings..

That’s what the Bible meant when It said: “The Lord shall hasten it in His time…”

Stop blackmailing God with the safe delivery of others when you both have different delivery dates…He is not moved by your emotions because He already knows the date of your delivery…

Once it’s labour time, He will dispatch angels to hasten everything about it and by then, who likes or doesn’t like you wound not matter any more…

Check all the favour you have lost in several
Places, it wasn’t because you are cursed but because it was not time yet…

When the time comes, the angels that will rush and bring about your heart desires are already waiting…

Your own work is just to be still so that you can see the salvation of the Lord…

My prayer is for you you not to miscarry … in the fullness of time, angels shall be mobilise to do expert riders to bring that breakthrough to your door step…

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 26/08/2023

20 years ago, some churches won’t host you if you are not the type that carries microphone to brag how many countries you have been to and the kind of hotels you lodge in…

So, after the 3 days meetings, people remembers the name of the nations you have been to but no one remembers anything about Jesus …

Heaven was displeased with the pulpit actors of that era and that season declared war on them and none of them survived it …

I am afraid that before us again, facing us is another season where if you are not the type that brags how you pray 12hours, people will not take you seriously…

Consequently, I see a lot of prayer contestants and not prayer warriors… too many prayer competitors and not intercessors …

So, after the prayer meetings, everyone remembers how long you pray, but no one remembers Jesus …

Friends, I have been around small in this thing… One thing I know very well is that no generation that obscures Jesus survives for long on the stage …

Jesus did not give us those capacities and grace so that we will use His Name to make ourselves celebrities while He has nothing to eat out of it…

The generation that prayed down the move of God we are enjoying today in Africa looked unto God while praying and not unto time, to know who prays longer …

Friends, I saw that generation pray … There was no competitions and they never used their strength in prayer to blackmail those who were weaker …

They would be in one position praying while we leave for school and by the time we come back from school, they will still be in that same position, praying …

Before you sleep in the night, you will see them praying in one position, by the time you wake up 5hours later to ease yourself, they would still be in that same position praying…

I still remember their names and their faces… Those men never bragged with their prayer strength…

They never even raised their voices, so that you that is still managing your 30 minutes daily prayer won’t feel unworthy and intimidated because of the strength of their prayer lives…

But as you hang around them, you won’t know when you will begin to grow in prayer like them …

Everything they did was to make Jesus more popular than He was to you before you met them…and there was no guile in their spirits…

If you don’t want to become a victim of this season, make sure that people loves Jesus more after listening to you …

Stop stealing the attention of this generation from the Man that died for them, just because you have certain spiritual strength… If not, God will walk away…

I love my generation so much because I have seen that we love God so much…

That is why I passionately beg God, to please show us mercy and interrupt us, in several ways we are not getting this thing right…out of too much zeal or burden …

Because as a man that grew up seeing close to 2000 anointed ministers of the gospel, for the first 20years of my life, I have seen uncountable anointed men seasons fought … none of them recovered…

They are still on the stage today, but God has left…and I don’t know if He will ever come back again…

Please, Lord, I know that we can pray, sing, write, act drama, teach, prophesy, perform miracles etc… and we want to do more …

But in all these, may we not use Your Name to become more popular than You are in our generation…

May You alone increase, that we might decrease …This is our genuine cry, Lord!

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 25/08/2023

Without showing your breast on social media, to gather millions of views, you are still preaching Jesus..

I want to let you know that you are the real social media influencer … soon, the world will soon know that people who are under demonic influences cannot be trusted to influence a generation…

I am talking to our young beautiful and talented ladies in Zion who have upheld the principles of decency and modesty on social media …

You have been mocked and scorned here…
You have tried to inspire and motivate people even when you need the motivation the more…

They have called you “pretender” because you are carrying this Cross publicly…influencing people into coming close to God and to their destinies..:

Nobody can testify against you anywhere, that you are a bad influence on them or their children…

For not advertising seduction, God will advertise you by Himself…For not glamourising nudity, Jesus will glamorise you…

When it matters most in your destiny, you will never depend on those that mocked God daily on social media to pay bills…

They want fame and money by all means and at all cost, let them have it…

We are not in this thing to gather likes and comments, at the expense of our godly principles…

To become famous by all means, even by exporting nakedness into homes is a language of hustlers who are struggling to outshine their rivals…

A generation that have encountered Jesus cannot envy such depressed population…

We are on social media as ambassadors of a kingdom that never lie …And for making that kingdom proud on social through your dressing, God will make you proud throughout the days of your life …

What they go naked to achieve will come to you naturally… And even if we never get to be as rich as they are, it wouldn’t mean anything…

When we left our friends in the streets and started carrying this Cross, we never told them to watch out, that we are going to become richer or than them…

All we told them was that; come rain come sun; whether we have views, no likes, or no comments on our posts, that nothing shall separate us from the Love of God…

You can reach out to one of our ladies you know who has made Jesus proud on social media…

My wife, Winnie Martins Oriaku …

Keep influencing for the kingdom…The Rewarder will soon do His own announcement…

Let us pray! And very soon, the world will know that those that are been influenced by demons cannot be called influencers…

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 24/08/2023

I was among the most mocked ministers of my age in Africa…No money… no church… no member… At 39years, no marriage…

Only pieces of past failed relationships here and there…

I too have a lot of people that predicted that nothing worthy will flow out of me… that I am using revival to deceive both myself and other people… and that’s why there is nothing I have to show…

The day someone wrote online that without ministry that Iyke Oriaku will be useless in life, because I am good for nothing …

A family friend that worked with the governor connected me to be writing speeches for the governor…

I wrote my first speech and sent to him and he said the governor was pleased … The day to the day I should go and meet him at the government house to discuss when I will commence working in government house, which includes travelling everywhere with the governor…

God showed up and told me that night that He was not the one that opened that door in government house…

Painfully, I called him and cancelled and the he said I must be under demonic influence to reject the opportunity people who are even ready to relocate from abroad to take…

2 years after, I was still trekking around and sometimes, still didn’t have food to eat…but today, the story is no more the same…

And when I look back, I thank God i didn’t align with that open door just to reply my mockers …

Can you remove your eyes from your mockers so that you don’t take wrong steps in destiny?

The day they mocked you might never be the day God will settle you… don’t hurriedly accept a marriage proposal just to show that God has helped you…

Satan Knows you are vulnerable and he wants you to step into doors God did not open for you so that He will rob you of your place in God…

That’s why you should stop visiting those that shares testimonies that makes you feel you are under curse because the promises of God still lingers…

My prayer for you is simple… no matter how mocked you are, may God interrupt you from making wrong steps…

If it is tears shed it… if it is mockery, bear it, but may my God never allow you to make wrong moves that will wreck your walk with Him …

And may God hasten the day of your visitation…

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 23/08/2023

Different operations and entirely different messages, yet, united till almost death …

And yet, all my generation is looking for from these men is there mantle to build big cathedrals, gather mammoth crowd and heal the sick …

I wish someone can tell us that mantles don’t work in the hand of a generation that has been consumed by envy, bitterness, rancour and competitive spirits…

The way I see my generation, God may need to wait for our children to rise, so that He will use them to do what He wanted to do with us…

The envy, division and backbiting is too much and more painfully, the end is not in sight yet…

A small community where sinners are rushing to hell in thousands, yet, the few preachers there have left Satan and started fighting one another…

What they need is PEACE TALKS and not revival services…

Because if the witches in the land are more united than the preachers in that land, it’s better we pack our things and go home, so that when we are ready to drop our stinking ego, both God and Satan will start taking us seriously…

The covenant of peace is stronger than the covenant of fire… that’s why the first word Jesus uttered to His disciples when He came out from the grave was not, fire, mantle, power nor oil…


That thing that made us think that our ministries are more superior to God more than other ministries is direct from the heart of hell… and if you are not intentional about the matters of the heart, you will take this matter lightly…

Anytime such thoughts starts coming to my mind, I declare to the hearing of everyone around: “Shut up oh flesh… I am only what I am by the grace of God…”

If it pleases You, Lord, please, use me as one of the arrows of peace and unity among the brethren in my community…

This is my cry, friends…

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 19/08/2023

2years ago and it’s still making sense to me because the cancer in the Body has not died yet…
………. ……….

After Sinach's ministration, Samsong will take her bank account number and sow heavy financial seed to her life...

When Frank Edwards ministers, Ada will park her money and give to him as seeds...

When Samsong is ministering, Moses Bliss will remove his expensive white gold and force into Samsong's breast pocket, as seed...

They are doing this just to appreciate the Hand of God upon their lives and to tap their own dimensions of grace ...

And you wonder why the little they sing is cutting across all over the place ...

There is something Pastor Chris taught these people about seeds and appreciation, that has seperated them on the face of the earth...

Check your circle...

If all you guys do there is underlining the mistakes of others, it means that you guys are running a small Pentecostal coven...

Can you please, tell us about his good side?...

Can you please, talk about how God heals people each time he carries microphone?..

Can you please, tell us about how a muslim began to speak in tongues while hearing her song in the market?...

You saw all these testimonies following her ministry, yet, all you care to talk about is how she goes off key during ministration...

Must it be from your mouth that they will hear it?..

Why is it always when they are celebrating someone that you will always raise a voice to reduce the admiration of men towards the person?...

Must you be the one to make people feel that that girl is twisting her voice just to get attention?...

Is there any other witchcraft more than that?...

And since you have been on that side of stories, how much value has God added to your ministry?...

Where I am coming from, we were not trained to appreciate others...

We grow by pulling others down and that is why we have the most talented and anointed men on the face of earth...

And yet, the world is asking: "Where are they?"...

Because they can't see us...

That is why from the beginning of this journey i made a vow not to toe that part of ecclesiatical wickedness, coated with Pentecostal terminologies ...

Ask God to work on your heart, man of God..

Sister, let God touch your eyes so that you will stop seeing only negative things about people...

So that you will not be among those that will be known to be very good, yet, God will abandon you and be using those you are better than...

I have seen many like that ...

They ended up singing only in village wake keepings and burials when the whole world was waiting for them at the top...

May it not be your portion...

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 17/08/2023

A pr******te does not hide it that she is going to meet her client because she needs his money …

Even if his mother is in the hospital, the pr******te doesn’t care … Just give her money … so that she will buy the most expensive wig she will use to intimidate her rivals…

Tragically, the eyes of many of us on our knees are not on God’s needs but on our needs …

We have a need to reply those that mocked us and wrote us off, so the anointing is the only weapon we want to use …

That’s why, if we don’t see our faces on posters and billboards, we are not motivated to go and spread fire… and that’s makes us Pentecostal harlots…

The difference between our generation and that of our fathers is that they emphasised on souls, while our emphasis is on mantles and fire …

Some of us don’t even know what we want to do with the fire we are crying for…A lot of us just wants to use God to go viral on social media…

Believe me, strange fire is not only when a man is bowing to juju… Strange fire is also when a man is carrying anointing that has no kingdom burden attached to it…

I have written severally books on fire, mantles etc, which God is using to ignite His fire in the hearts of men and women across the world …

But time has blessed me with the knowledge and all I can tell my generation is that burden makes the difference …

There is no generation that loses their burden for God that becomes anything in His Hands…

God has never been a respecter of persons, but God has never seen His burden anywhere and walk away…

If that man is still carrying the burden of God in that community, please, don’t write him off yet…

You might not hear his name when they are mentioning names of reigning preachers that God has made names for…

But I tell you, that it will not be long, God will order this generation to give him attention…

Do you still shed secret tears when you see sinners?… Sir, please, keep carrying that burden… Soon, Jesus will tell us about you…

And in case He doesn’t, then, in eternity, when men like Paul are mentioned, your name too will be mentioned…

Let us pray…

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 16/08/2023

My spiritual life changed recently when God told me that many people are seeking Him day and night…Not because they love Him but because they want Him to give them mantles of miracles and signs and wonders…

He asked me: “If I tell you that I will not anoint you tomorrow, will I also see you on your knees again daily the way you do now…”

And that’s the question I also want to ask my generation…

Will 95 percent of people on the mountain today seeking power still be there if God says tomorrow, He is not going to give anyone the mantle of Late Archbishop Benson Isahosa?

My prayer is let it not be that we are toiling day and night to organise conferences where we raise power hungry generation that has no space in their hearts to love the God that gives the power…

That’s why Jesus did not say: ‘Power is the greatest’… but “Love is the greatest…”

Friends, whenever a man begins to fellowship with God, not because He needs anointing, but out of deep love, it means that that man has entered another level of intimacy with God…

That’s where I want to be, friends…

Lord, I know I need power for this assignment, but please, let’s leave power and can we now talk about YOU…

Can we talk about how you loved me even while I was yet sinner? Can you tell me what you saw in me that thou art mindful of me?..That You have made me a little lower than angels…

Anointing or no anointing, Lord, please, help me Love You more… mantle or no mantle, Lord, help me seek You…

This is the language of the season, friends…

If you understand this burden, then, …

Let us pray!

Photos from Revivalist Iyke Oriaku's post 15/08/2023

Who told you that when I was serving Satan, hosting n**e parties, defying the police and school authorities, that I did not make mistakes?

But If Satan did not kill me while serving him, is it God that will kill me if I make mistakes while serving Him?…

Right in those party grounds or those demonic bushes or mountains, the police use to raid and arrest us and from there we sleep in cells for days… Yet, inside those dirty cells, we were still planning the next campus to take our dirty parties to…

But when I repented and started using my pocket money to host crusades and publishing books, giving them out free, trekking under sun and rain, in motor parks and in ghettos, brethren in church said that I am doing as if I love God more than fathers of faith who sell their own books …

Exact things they told many and they remained at ease in Zion…

The doctrine of self abandonment is no more popular, that’s why several young people in Zion are busy setting traps, using God to become rich and popular by all means…

I didn’t say you should not serve God as a fine boy, but in the days ahead, it will obvious to all of us that God can never put a costly value on those that know not how to waste for Him..

If it was fine boy that Jesus came on earth to do, you would never have heard His Name on my lips… But that Man came on earth and lived a rugged life just to show us the way…

But today, we think we can manifest anything eternal if we abandon that path that produced His Crown…

Are you not bothered that you were more zealous while serving Satan than now that you serve God?

Oh! If only 20 percent of young men in church today can serve God half of the way they served Satan, I know that Jesus will break out in our cities…

Therefore, I don’t need that advice you gave them and they ended up only receiving tithes and offerings…

If Sowing choir and usher uniform from year to year and never burdened for the lost around you is your destiny… Excuse me! It is not my destiny!

Because I already know how far God can go with a generation swallowing convenient gospel…

I didn’t promise you that I will become richer than all my mates and mockers… I only promised you that all the remaining days of my life, I will waste for Jesus …

And in case I make mistakes serving Him and it pleases Him to kill me, let it be… at least, it will be on record that I died in the line of duty…

But watch out, it will not be long, many doomed communities, cities and nations of the world will run to Jesus on my account…

I have made my choice… I don’t know about you…

Let us pray!


You did not sin against Satan… Stop asking him for forgiveness…The Man that died for you said that He will not in any wise cast you away..,

Do you know that some of the fellow ministers that noised it about some years ago, that I am fake and that I use juju are no more into ministry again today …

They have entered full time into street …

These were same people using every verse of the scripture to stone me and to show to their followers how I am fake and using revival to device people…

How did they suddenly lose love for that God they bragged they were protecting by all means?…

Friends, the more I think about these things the more I fear for the coming generation of ministers , because they are still unaware that some of their strongest discourages in this work will rise among those that should encourage them…

If I had resigned from ministry, out of shame or discouragement, because of their hatred against me, the little I am doing for Jesus today would not have been possible…

Man of God, just know it that some of the people critiquing or criticising you today will soon drop bible tomorrow …

Forget the church halls they rented and the Bibles they use to back up their aspersions against you… They didn’t come to stay…

Satan planted them to use them to discourage those God is depending on for a great assignment in their territories…

If you made a mistake, learn from it, rise up and continue …

Anybody making references of your past mistakes has already declared the side of the divide he belongs …

The Bible called them workers of iniquity and soon, Jesus will depend on time to answer them for your sake…

May it not be heard that you stopped that evangelism or early morning prayer in your office because of criticisms…

Let us pray!

Revivalist Iyke Oriaku ... until there is someone carrying the Fire of God in every home in Europe.


“Marry early so that as your children are growing, you too will be growing” …

It is a very good advice but unfortunately there is no scripture that supported that good advice… and it increases anxiety among the singles…

The only thing I saw in my Bible is that “He makes all things beautiful in his time…”(Eccl 3:11)

“All the days of appointed time will I wait till my change comes “(Job 14:14)

“Eye has not seen, ears has not heard and it has not entered the heart of man what the Lord has PREPARED for them that WAIT upon Him” (Isaiah 64:4”)

When David said: “Satisy us early with thy mercy, early, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days”, (Psalms 90:14), he was already married… so he was not talking about marital satisfaction…

It means discovery of purpose early, so that the purpose you discovered early will guide you in life…

What will God gain pushing singles into marriages when they have not discovered why He brought them to the earth?

Abraham, Sarah, Zachariah, Elizabeth, Hannnah all married early, but yet, God made them barren, because He was using that delay to prepare them to give birth to kids that would become phenomenal…

Job married early and gave birth early, but still lost all those children until God showed him mercy and he had other children when he was older…

Good advice from sensual dimension is not our standard but the word of God…

I am happy for your pastor who married at 26 to his wife when she was 22 and now their children look like their mates…

Very cool, but as our faces differs, so are our destinies differ too…

If I knew this, it would have saved me from a lot of experiences I had while trying to settle down early so that I too would also start growing with my children…

Friend, please, don’t rush this thing, especially if you have ministerial calling

If God’s plan for your life captured that you will marry early, may nothing delay it

But if it takes waiting for your mates to marry so that you will get it right, may no popular, good but scriptureless advice push you into lifetime of marital error! In Jesus Name…

Let us pray!


Stop envying men who have not shamed tears for the lost since the past 10years, yet, they gather crowd every week…

In the days ahead, when Fire will begin to weigh our works on earth, both the mantles of Late papa idahosa, Papa Babalola, Kathryn Khulman, Reinhard Bonke etc will not be able to help them …

People that wants to use God are looking for endorsement and recommendations of mortals but those that wants God to use them are looking for that thing that took Jesus to the Cross… and we call it burden…

How dare you pity a man that is still crying Gods cry?Who told you that that lady will be mocked for long when what drove our Master is still driving her?…

As a student of burden, I can tell you that one of the mistakes a man can make is to write off a man who is still carrying God’s burden for His community…

Burden took Jesus to the Cross …Burden took Him to the grave … But the story did not end there…Burden also brought Him out of that grave…

Sister, you know how you use to feel anytime you see sinners… Can you Forget microphone… forget official pictures for posters and once again Cry to God to give you that burden again…

God has never stopped using any man… What happened was that that man stopped carrying God’s burden and started carrying his own…

That was why God walked away…because the only connecting point between God and men is burden…

Nothing stops the move of God than when there are no men on ground that can shoulder the burden of the Cross…

That Satan is holding that community is because men have refused to cry God’s cry there…

I wish Satan fears our beautiful posters hanging every parts of the towns…

Wait till he sees men with wet eyes for Jesus and see how the land will bow at the sound of their voices…

I am kneeling down as I am typing this … crying to God to increase this burden… Can you please, join me and …

Let us pray!

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Rue Jules Ruhl , Parking Delacroix
Brussels, 1070

stefano italiano stefano italiano
Brussels, 10060

vivi e lascia vivere e non rompere i co****ni!!!

Steak de boeuf Steak de boeuf
Rue Des Bouchers


Emma filme sa vie et ses amis people. A découvrir sur

Juan d'Oultremont Juan d'Oultremont

Site officiel de l'artiste géré e.a par Freaksville records.

Mohammed JABOUR Mohammed JABOUR

Bienvenu sur ma page Welkom op mijn pagina

Ceci n'est pas une pipe Ceci n'est pas une pipe
1 Av. René Magritte
Brussels, 1000

Combi Drivers (R.I.P.) Combi Drivers (R.I.P.)

Punk ska band from Brussels, Belgium (1998-2006)

Paul Hankar Paul Hankar