Ghent Institute for Classical Studies - GICS

Contactgegevens, kaart en routebeschrijving, contactformulier, openingstijden, diensten, beoordelingen, foto's, video's en aankondigingen van Ghent Institute for Classical Studies - GICS, Hoger onderwijs en universiteit, Ghent.

The Ghent Institute for Classical Studies (Gents Instituut voor Klassieke Studies) gathers all scholars working on Classical Antiquity at Ghent University to facilitate collaboration and share our research.

Licht uit het Oosten / Licht op het Oosten 24/11/2022

Franz Cumont exhibition in Ghent - Licht uit het Oosten/Licht op het Oosten (25/11 - 17/12/22)

Licht uit het Oosten / Licht op het Oosten Licht uit het Oosten / Licht op het Oosten Licht uit het Oosten / Licht op het Oosten Wanneer 25-11-2022 tot 17-12-2022 Waar Rozier 1, 9000 Gent Openingsuren Donderdag: 14.00 - 18.00 u. Vrijdag: 14.00 - 18.00 u.Zaterdag: 14.00 - 18.00 u. Deze tentoonstelling toont foto’s die de Gentse hoogleraar F...


📣Nieuwe publicatie! Collega dr. Dimitri Van Limbergen en geassocieerde onderzoekers dr. Adeline Hoffelinck en dr. Devi Taelman publiceren de congresbundel 'Reframing the Roman Economy' (Palgrave Macmillan). Ook collega's prof. dr. Wim De Clercq en Michiel Dekoninck nemen een artikel voor hun rekening. Meer info: -this-book

GIKS round table. Did they know? a conversation about q***r, ancient and modern (May 18th 2022) 20/05/2022

Take a look at our latest GICS roundtable 'Did they know? A conversation about q***r, ancient and modern', which took place on May 18, 2022, on Youtube:

GIKS round table. Did they know? a conversation about q***r, ancient and modern (May 18th 2022)

Classicists on the move - Episode 1 17/05/2022

GICS Podcast series 'Classicists on the move' - Episode 1 - Andy Hilkens

This is the second season of the GICS podcast series, hosted by Dimitri Van Limbergen and Piril Us MacLennan. The focus of this season is international mobility in academia. Our guest for this first episode is Andy Hilkens, an ancient historian specializing in Syro-Armenian studies who recently moved from Ghent to Oxford University. We hope you enjoy the conversation!

You can listen to the episode on Podbean:

Classicists on the move - Episode 1 The second series of the GICS podcast focuses on Classicists on the move. The first episode features Andy Hilkens, an ancient historian trained at Ghent University who recently moved to Oxford.


GICS roundtable 'Did they know? A conversation about q***r, ancient and modern' (May 18, 2022, 7-9 pm)

The GIKS (Ghent Institute of Classical Studies) cordially invites you to its next roundtable “Did they know? A conversation about q***r, ancient and modern” which will be held on May 18th from 7 to 9pm CET on Zoom.

Please take a look at the flyer below. Speakers include:

* Oliver Baldwin (University of Reading): “The Classically Q***r and the Q***rly Classical: The Future of the Past'”
* David Halperin (University of Michigan): “Why Classics Doesn’t Need Q***r Studies”
* Cléo Carastro (EHESS, Paris): “Out of the Shelves? Icons and Cosmologies in Q***r Classics”
* Ky Merkley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): “Undoing Gender: Writing Trans History in Antiquity”
* Giulia Sissa (UCLA): “Q***r Sensuality”

As with the previous events in this series, we expect a large number of participants from all over the world and many of us will be attending in order to learn how a q***r approach is relevant for our disciplines and to discuss whether it has the potential to fundamentally change the field of Classics in some of its basic assumptions. We are hoping to consider some basic questions such as: What can “q***r studies” and/or “q***r theory” do? Are q***r studies interesting beyond sexuality? Can scholars who do not define themselves as q***r benefit from this discussion? More generally, is a personal involvement necessary in order to practice a q***r methodology?

You can register for the event via Eventbrite:***r-ancient-and-modern-tickets-327316641887

For any questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]


Gisteren reikten we de GIKS prijs 2021 voor beste masterscriptie in de Klassieke Studies aan de UGent uit aan Yannis Brichant voor zijn uitstekende masterproef rond de persoon en de militaire activiteiten van Constantius II. Proficiat!!

Yesterday we awarded the GICS prize 2021 for the best master thesis in Classical Studies at Ghent University to Yannis Brichant, for his excellent work on the person and military activities of Constantius II. Congratulations!!

enlight-u4-ancientworld-ws2022 08/03/2022

For those wishing to attend this year's digital Enlight Winter School (March 11-12), you can find the programme and the registration link through the link below:

You are kindly invited to
"The individual and the community in the ancient world: U4/Enlight Winter School 2022",
March 11-12, 2022 on Zoom. It is free to attend, the Zoom link will be sent to you after registration.
The PhD School is organised by Tartu, Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen and Uppsala Universities.
For more information, please contact Elo-Mall Toomet ([email protected]) or Janika Päll ([email protected]).

enlight-u4-ancientworld-ws2022 This year's Enlight/U4 Ancient World Winter School focuses on the individual and/or the group in the ancient world. We present papers by PhD students and their supervisors, focusing on (power) relations in and between ancient cities and other, for example religious or philosophical communities or th...


Op 16 maart geeft Dimitri Van Limbergen (GIKS) een digitale lezing in de Spraakwater reeks van het Gallo-Romeins Museum in Tongeren over:

De Romeinse oorsprong van de historische wijnlandschappen in het Middellandse Zeegebied en West-Europa

Wijnbouw in de Romeinse wereld, wat moeten we ons daarbij voorstellen? Waar lagen de ‘wijnlandschappen’? Welke systemen en technieken waren er? Hoe smaakten de wijnen? Wat was de rol van het klimaat? Er is de jongste jaren veel interdisciplinair onderzoek verricht over deze kwesties. Daar maak je kennis mee, dankzij archeologische en historische datasets, en met etnografische inzichten. En je ontdekt verrassende links met onze hedendaagse wijncultuur

Inschrijven kan via de link op de website, waar je ook meer praktische informatie aantreft!

Lezingen Spraakwater - Gallo-Romeins Museum Tongeren

Byzantijns Europa. Een Geschiedenis - Boekpresentatie en gesprek met Raymond Detrez 23/02/2022

Gespreksavond over Byzantijns Europa in het kader van de Medieval Seminar Series

Byzantium is duizend jaar lang een fundamentele schakel geweest in de geschiedenis van Europa, de Mediterrane Wereld en het Midden-Oosten. Professor emeritus Raymond Detrez schetst in 'Byzantijns Europa‘ (2020) voor het eerst in het Nederlands niet alleen hoe deze beschaving vorm gaf aan de eerste Middeleeuwse staten in de Balkan, maar tevens een orthodox christelijke gemeenschap smeedde die zelfs na de val van het imperium haar eigenheid kon bewaren onder Osmaanse heerschappij. Tijd voor een gesprek georganiseerd door het Pirenne Instituut m.m.v. de Faculteitsbibliotheek LW!

Meer info via onderstaande link:

Byzantijns Europa. Een Geschiedenis - Boekpresentatie en gesprek met Raymond Detrez Gespreksavond over Byzantijns Europa in het kader van de Medieval Seminar Series

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world 15/10/2021

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman World - International conference, Oct 27-29, 2021, Rome.

The final program for the VWRW conference, including the virtual poster session with over 30 entries, is out!

While the conference takes place in Rome, the event can be followed online entirely as a webinar. For those interested in attending the webinars and/or visiting the virtual poster session platform, you can register via Eventbrite to receive the zoom session and poster session links:

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world A 3-day hybrid event in honor of Jean-Pierre Brun to discuss new data, trends and approaches to Roman viticulture and wine production.

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world 09/09/2021

For those into ancient viticulture, don't forget to register for the online format of the 'Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world' conference, to be held in Rome on Oct27-29, which will include over 40 speakers and a virtual poster session with 30 presentations!

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world A 3-day hybrid event in honor of Jean-Pierre Brun to discuss new data, trends and approaches to Roman viticulture and wine production.


In this final episode of the GICS podcast series 'Classicists in Transition', we talk with dr. Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz from Helsinki University, and a Visiting Fellow at Ghent University within the SDEP program (

In this episode, Emilia talks about 'progress' in her varied career, and her true 'transitional' pathway in the field of Classics, constantly drifting between Roman Law and Classical Archaeology.

You can listen to the podcast here:

Also for this final episode, the conversation was held online via zoom, with all participants in different locations.

We hope you enjoy, and many thanks for listening to our podcast in the past year!

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world 01/06/2021

You can now register for online attendance for the 'Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world' hybrid conference, to be held in Rome from Oct 27 till Oct 29 at the Academia Belgica, the British School and the Royal Dutch Institute! Please share!

To register, and consult the program, please visit:

Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world A 3-day hybrid event in honor of Jean-Pierre Brun to discuss new data, trends and approaches to Roman viticulture and wine production.

The Lab | Basel Climate Science and Ancient History Lab 21/05/2021

Postdoc position in Basel

The Lab | Basel Climate Science and Ancient History Lab The Basel Climate Science and Ancient History Lab is a pioneering interdisciplinary collaboration between ancient historians and climate scientists and bridges the traditional gap between the natural sciences and the humanities. Climate science has started to expand the spectrum of historical evide...

Sportula Europe x LCoC Panel: Race, Classics, & Academia 17/05/2021

Tuesday May 18:

Sportula Europe x LCoC Panel: Race, Classics, & Academia Join LCoC as they host a joint panel to celebrate one year since Sportula Europe was founded!

New Perspectives on Christianity in Late Antiquity, May 12, 2021 11/05/2021

Happening tomorrow. What a great group of speakers!

New Perspectives on Christianity in Late Antiquity, May 12, 2021 This page:UHH > RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies > News and Events > Workshops > New Perspectives on Christianity in Late Antiquity, May 12, 2021


May we draw your attention to the upcoming conference 'Vine-growing and winemaking in the Roman world. New data, trends and approaches in Roman viniculture', which will take place at the Academia Belgica and the Royal Dutch Institute in Rome from Oct 27 till Oct 29, 2021. Organized by Dimitri Van Limbergen (Ghent University), Emlyn Dodd (BSR Rome) and Maria Stella Busana (University di Padova) in honor of Jean-Pierre Brun, this three-day event brings together over 50 specialists in the field and includes keynote lectures by Jean-Pierre Brun, Andrew Wilson and Patrick E. McGovern. The conference is conceptualized as a hybrid event, with both in person and video presentations in Rome, all livestreamed via zoom. You can find the teaser poster in attachment, but more information on the program and practicalities will follow soon. Those interested in attending the conference virtually can already register by contacting [email protected].

We would also like to use this opportunity to launch a call for posters to showcase recently started up and ongoing interdisciplinary research in the field. Those interested are requested to submit a short proposal (ca. 150 words) to [email protected] by September 1st, 2021. The specific modalities of the hybrid poster session will be communicated later on.

For further inquiry, you can write to: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]

ON THEIR OWN TERMS. A conversation about things, ancient and modern. GIKS (Ghent University) 25/2/21 19/04/2021

The GICS roundtable 'On their own terms', which was held via zoom on February 25, 2021, can now be (re-)watched in its entirety on Youtube! Enjoy!

ON THEIR OWN TERMS. A conversation about things, ancient and modern. GIKS (Ghent University) 25/2/21

Table-ronde : Le monde romain, entre société globale et cultures locales ? 15/04/2021

With the participation of GICS members Dimitri Van Limbergen and Adeline Hoffelinck!

Table-ronde : Le monde romain, entre société globale et cultures locales ? Table-ronde organisée Florence Liard et Émilie Colpaint


New Podcast episode - 7 - Resilience!

In this episode we talk with Giorgia Nicosia ( on her PhD research on Syriac historiographical excerpt collections, resilience, the enriching nature of not knowing where to go next and the power of body language. Enjoy!

Podbean link here:

Comfort Classics: Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele 18/03/2021

Our UGent colleague dr. Jeroen Wijnendaele has recently done an interview for Comfort Classics on Ammianus Marcellinus. You can check out the entertaining read through the link below. Enjoy!

Comfort Classics: Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele The world is in a state of upheaval at the moment, and we’re all looking for things to make us feel less anxious. Maybe Classics can help. Today’s interview is with Jeroen W.P. Wijnendaele Is there…

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep6 - Becoming an expert 19/02/2021

The 6th episode (the 1st of 2021!) of our podcast series 'Classicists in Transition' is now available on pod bean through the following link:

In this longer episode, Alison John and Dimitri Van Limbergen talk about the many aspects of becoming an expert in academia, the difficulties of finding the right balance between being a specialist and a generalist, and the courage of making mistakes in both our research and education. We hope you enjoy!

This episode was again recorded virtually on Zoom, with all participants based in a different location.

Stay tuned for the next episode with Giorgia Nicosia in two weeks!

All previous episodes can still be found on

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep6 - Becoming an expert 'Classicist in Transition’, a podcast by GICS Ghent, hosted by Dimitri Van Limbergen and Alison John. In this episode Alison and Dimitri speak about becoming an expert! GICS can be found on Facebook

Photos from London Classicists of Colour's post 15/02/2021

This week, on Thursday evening:

Online seminar series: 'Novel Echoes: Ethiopian and Babylonian Stories in Byzantium and Beyond' | Novel Saints 15/02/2021

Dear colleagues

You are hereby cordially invited to the online seminar series ‘Novel Echoes: Ethiopian and Babylonian Stories in Byzantium and Beyond':

Online seminar series: 'Novel Echoes: Ethiopian and Babylonian Stories in Byzantium and Beyond' | Novel Saints You are hereby cordially invited to the online seminar series ‘Novel Echoes: Ethiopian and Babylonian Stories in Byzantium and Beyond’.


For all those interested in spending some time in Rome for their research!


Résidence pour chercheur à l' Academia Belgica à Rome. Bourse Fondation Loutsch-Weydert

Le Ministère de la Culture, Luxembourg, en collaboration avec le Fonds culturel national, la Fondation Loutsch-Weydert et l'Ambassade du Luxembourg à Rome et en partenariat avec l'Academia Belgica à Rome, propose une résidence pour chercheur, sur base d'appel à candidatures.

Cette résidence académique vise à encourager les chercheurs dans les domaines des sciences historiques, de l'histoire de l'art, de l'histoire de l'architecture, de l'archéologie ou des lettres à s'immerger dans le milieu romain et favorise la mise en réseau avec les autres académies et instituts de recherche, contribuant à long terme au développement de leur parcours professionnel.

La date limite de dépôt de candidatures a été reportée à dimanche 14 février 2021 à minuit.

La résidence est attribuée dans les conditions et suivant les modalités définies ci-après :

Crédit photographique : Bibliothèque de l’Academia Belgica à Rome. Photo © Monkeys Video Lab.

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep5 - Challenge 20/12/2020

The fifth and final episode of 2020 of our new podcast series 'Classicists in Transition' is here!

Head over to podbean to hear our conversation with Adeline Hoffelinck on the theme of 'Challenge'!

In this episode, Adeline talks about the many challenges that came with her doctoral work on the Roman macellum, and more recently with defending a PhD in times of a pandemic. She recalls her time in the Academia Belgica in Rome, and shares with us her secret desire of becoming a crime detective. We hope you enjoy!

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep5 - Challenge 'Classicist in Transition’, a podcast by GICS Ghent, hosted by Dimitri Van Limbergen and Alison John. In this episode we speak with Adeline Hoffelinck on ‘Challenge’. GICS can be found on Facebook...

Webinar AVRA december - ROES een culinaire historische reis 16/12/2020

GICS colleagues Dimitri Van Limbergen and Annelies Van Wittenberghe recently gave a lecture on archaeo-historical wine & food pairings, the ancient roots of modern natural wines and the unexpected historical grounds of modern dishes, for AVRA (Antwerpse Vereniging voor Romeinse Archeologie). The lecture is also an introduction to their instagram , and an appetizer for their upcoming historical cookbook!

You can check out the lecture here (in Dutch): (the lecture starts at 21.20, the introduction by AVRA at 18.00)

For further questions & remarks, please e-mail [email protected]
or [email protected]

Webinar AVRA december - ROES een culinaire historische reis

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep4 - Education 03/12/2020

The fourth episode is here! Head over to podbean ( to hear our conversation with Bram Fauconnier on the theme 'Education'.

We had a very inspirational talk with Bram, who is a passionate teacher and a father with a stimulating view on how Classics should interact with, and better integrate into, our modern-day society. He speaks with great enthusiasm on his experiences as an educator, and the deep impact of his long stay in India.

This episode was recorded virtually through Zoom, with all three of us in a different location, but we have tried to keep the interview as streamlined as possible.

We hope you enjoy it!

Classicists in Transition - S1Ep4 - Education 'Classicist in Transition’, a podcast by GICS Ghent, hosted by Dimitri Van Limbergen and Alison John. In this episode we speak with Bram Fauconnier on ‘Education’. GICS can be found on Facebook

Complexity Economics - Building a New Approach to Ancient Economic History | Koenraad Verboven | Palgrave Macmillan 30/11/2020

We congratulate GICS colleague Prof. dr. Koen Verboven with the recent publication of his book 'Complexity Economics: building a new approach to ancient economic history', which is part of the Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies! An important study, with also a contribution on urban demography by GICS members dr. Dimitri Van Limbergen and Prof. dr. Frank Vermeulen!

The book (hardcover or e-book), or the individual chapters, can be ordered here: #

Complexity Economics - Building a New Approach to Ancient Economic History | Koenraad Verboven | Palgrave Macmillan This book explores ways to bring the two disciplines of economic archaeology and ancient economic history closer together by building a theoretical and methodological framework to evaluate and integrate archaeological proxy-data in economic history research....

La villa après la villa. Transformation d’un modèle économique et d’occupation en Italie centrale de l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge 24/11/2020

An interesting conference on the aftermath of the Roman villa, live on zoom from the Academia Belgica in Rome on December 15!

La villa après la villa. Transformation d’un modèle économique et d’occupation en Italie centrale de l’Antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge L’événement sera diffusé en ligne dès 9h00. La participation est gratuite via le lien suivant : La villa après la villa.

Wilt u dat uw universiteit hét hoogst genoteerde Universiteit in Ghent wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.



Andere Hoger onderwijs en universiteit in Ghent (alles zien)
Faculteitsbibliotheek Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur UGent Faculteitsbibliotheek Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur UGent
Jozef Plateaustraat 22
Ghent, 9000

Gentse Studentenraad Gentse Studentenraad
Hoveniersberg 24
Ghent, 9000

De Gentse Studentenraad vertegenwoordigt alle studenten van de UGent en verdedigt hun belangen.

Vakgroep Architectuur & Stedenbouw - UGent Vakgroep Architectuur & Stedenbouw - UGent
Jozef Plateaustraat 22
Ghent, 9000

Chase Academy Chase Academy
Holstraat 21
Ghent, 9000

Talent Network for Digital Storytellers. Hosting two postgraduate courses on digital storytelling an

Afdeling Duits - Universiteit Gent Afdeling Duits - Universiteit Gent
Blandijnberg 2
Ghent, 9000

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Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics - UGent Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics - UGent
Technologiepark 71
Ghent, 9052

We study the evolution of (plant) genes, genomes, and polyploids.

Vragenlijstonderzoek Universiteit Gent Vragenlijstonderzoek Universiteit Gent

Vragenlijstonderzoek van de Universiteit Gent naar politieke attitudes en gedragingen bij 18- tot 30

Brein in Ontwikkeling - UGent Brein in Ontwikkeling - UGent
Henri Dunantlaan 2
Ghent, 9000

De UGent onderzoekers hebben jouw hulp nodig voor een nieuwe studie naar de ontwikkeling van het sociale brein. Bijdragen aan de wetenschappelijke vooruitgang! Deze studie is ver...

Diigi Diigi
Mellestraat 66
Ghent, 9050


Arteveldehogeschool Arteveldehogeschool
Hoogpoort 15
Ghent, 9000

Voor de makers van de wereld van morgen.

Living Lab HOGENT Living Lab HOGENT
Voskenslaan 364A
Ghent, 9000

Een levend lab met veel experimenteerruimte voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de campus waarin we kun