Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.

Copyright © 2021 BILSING AUTOMATION IBÉRICA S.L. BILSING AUTOMATION is a leading supplier of indu

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 24/08/2021

Plásticos | Garras para Moldeo | Plastic Tooling


(ES 🇪🇸) Bilsing Automation se ha establecido como un proveedor altamente competente de herramientas de automatización para la industria del moldeo por inyección de plástico.

Aplicamos nuestra larga experiencia en aplicaciones de taller de prensa y taller de carrocería para ampliar nuestra gama de productos con el fin de cumplir con los requisitos únicos de esta industria.


(EN 🇺🇸) Bilsing Automation has established itself as a highly competent supplier of automation tooling for the plastic injection molding industry. We applied our long-lasting experience of press shop and body shop applications to expand our product range in order to meet the unique requirements of this industry.

Our engineers understand that by having direct contact with a plastic surface, grippers can greatly influence process stability and, thus, the quality of the end product. The gripping systems must be very robust in order to avoid any deformation of large plastic parts.

This is critical when unloading hot plastic parts from injection molding machines. For this purpose, we have developed special vacuum cups with high temperature resistance, which allows for the part to cool when handling.

Nuestros Clientes Principales | Our Main Customers

Plastic Omnium Composites

More info link at BIO | Para más informaciones nuestro enlace en el BIO


Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 20/08/2021


El desarrollo exitoso de soluciones de garras de carrocerías para nuestros clientes se basa primero en una comprensión integral de la aplicación. Nuestros ingenieros experts proporcionan la precisión de planificación y diseño necesario para desarrollar y entregar sistemas de manejo automatizados eficaces y hemos desarrollado una amplia gama de componentes especiales para este segmento. Bilsing Automation tiene una amplia oferta de sistemas de herramientas modulares dedicados a aplicaciones de taller de carrocería de ensamblaje de metal. El uso de materiales de alta calidad y métodos de montaje eficientes por parte de nuestros técnicos calificados garantiza un rendimiento exitoso en el taller de carrocería.

The successful development of automotive bodyshop tooling solutions for our customers is first based upon a comprehensive understanding of the application. Our experienced engineers provide the planning and design accuracy necessary to develop and deliver effective automated handling systems and we have developed a huge range of special components for this segment. Bilsing Automation has an extensive offering of modular tooling systems dedicated to metal assembly body shop applications. The use of high-quality materials and efficient assembly methods by our qualified technicians ensures successful performance in the body shop.

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 19/08/2021



Bilsing Automation es un líder de la industria en el desarrollo y fabricación de sistemas de TOOLINGS modulares para aplicaciones de estampado de metales. Ofrecemos soluciones para líneas de Prensas automatizadas para la transferencia robótica de prensa a prensa, transferencia linear, prensas de transferencia de tres ejes y prensas de transferencia de barra transversal. Nuestra experiencia a largo plazo y la gestión de la innovación constante nos ayudan a desarrollar de manera eficiente soluciones personalizadas. El uso de materiales más ligeros, como fibra de carbono o aluminio de alta resistencia, proporciona una ventaja de productividad junto con estabilidad operativa, alto rendimiento y larga vida útil del producto.


Bilsing Automation is an industry leader in the development and manufacturing of modular tooling systems for metal stamping applications. We offer automated pressroom solutions for robotic press-to-press transfer, linear transfer, tri-axis transfer presses and crossbar transfer presses. Our long-term experience and constant innovation management helps us to efficiently develop affordable customized solutions. Use of lighter weight materials, such as carbon fiber or high strength aluminum, provide a productivity advantage along with operational stability, high performance, and long product life.


Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 18/08/2021


Bilsing Automation is a world leader in automotive and tooling, as well as in developing material handling solutions for injection molding, fabrication, packing, hydroforming and non-automotive applications. ask us a question!


Bilsing Automation es líder mundial en y herramientas EOAT de , así como en el desarrollo de soluciones para manipulación por inyección, fabricación, empaque, hidroformado y aplicaciones no automotrices. ¡Háganos una pregunta!


A Bilsing Automation é líder mundial em e ferramentas EOAT para OEMs e Tiers, bem como no desenvolvimento de soluções de manuseio de materiais para moldes por injeção, fabricação, embalagem, hidroformação e aplicações não automotivas. Faça-nos uma pergunta! Link na Bio!

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 28/01/2021

(EN 🇺🇸) *3D/2D DESIGN*
*Achieve productivity in the production process.*
All our solutions are developed by our - Bilsing Automation team - of application engineering experts with a focus on:
- achieving productivity in the production process;

- lowering per piece cost of the components being produced.
Each project we develop is analyzed for feasibility, material input, cycle times, profitability, component quality and reliability to ensure you receive the optimal solution for your needs.
(Image 1) 3D design in Catia V5 of a transfer press Mechanization
(Image 2) 3D design in Catia of a CrossBar Press Mechanization and an Idle Station
Tell us what you need in terms of Design, and We Set The Pace!
For more link in BIO !

Bilsing Automation Ibérica | ¡Optimice su proceso! 27/01/2021

Bilsing Automation Ibérica | ¡Optimice su proceso!   Bilsing Automation Ibérica es líder en la industria del desarrollo y la fabricación de sistemas de utillaje (tooling) modulares para aplicaciones de estampación metálicas.   Ofrecemos soluciones automatizadas en talleres de prensas para prensas robotizadas de transferencia de prensa a prens...


See our best yellow cups to improve your production.

PFG Vacuum Cups for High Speed Applications: Our silicone-free PFG treaded vacuum cups, developed in the Bilsing’s unique bright yellow color, are the newest iteration in cup design, offer a larger gripping area, higher gripping forces and the flexibility to adjust to uneven formed parts or parts with edges in steel, aluminum or plastic materials. An oil displacement lip on the outer edge and brake rib arrangement ensures oil and dirt are properly dispersed for better gripping capability. With a thin, hard shape, these cups also resist deformation and offer high stability and durability.

Get all the information you need on these and other Bilsing vacuum cups at our link in BIO.


Want to know more about our components?
See link in Bio...!


Bilsing Automation - Set the Pace! 🚀


WELCOME TO 2021! At Bilsing Automation, we are looking forward to a bright and wonderful year for all!
BEM-VINDO A 2021! Na Bilsing Automation, esperamos um ano brilhante e maravilhoso para todos!
More info link at our BIO.


Carbon Fiber

Well-suited for crossbar beams, loading and unloading beams, destacking beams, panel loading t-booms, and tooling support for body shop, pressroom, injection molding and other operations, Cf can improve production rates by up to 20%.
All rights reserved 2020 -


Carbon Fiber

Well-suited for crossbar beams, loading and unloading beams, destacking beams, panel loading t-booms, and tooling support for body shop, pressroom, injection molding and other operations, Cf can improve production rates by up to 20%.
All rights reserved 2020 -

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 11/09/2020

🇺🇸EN: Carbon Fiber Composite
has invested significant time and research into the development of lighter, stiffer and more harmonically stable tools made from high modulus, graphite carbon fiber.
Our CFK solutions deliver increased strength and rigidity without being brittle – yet weigh less than half of traditional materials.
Well-suited for crossbar beams, loading and unloading beams, destacking beams, panel loading t-booms, and tooling support for body shop, pressroom, injection molding and other operations, CFK can improve production rates by up to 20%.
This unique fastening methodology developed by BILSING AUTOMATION is used to secure joints on our Carbon Fiber (CF) tooling booms, resulting in a joint as strong as a steel weld while lowering manufacturing costs.
This innovation marries the carbon fiber structures at the joints first with an adhesive and then reinforces it with steel bolts through the core.
Previous technologies needed to achieve this level of strength required joints of the CF profiles to be laminated over the joints leading to higher manufacturing costs.
✉️ For furthermore please contact us - Link at our BIO.
All rights reserved 2020 -

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 10/09/2020

Novo T-Beams em fibra de carbono: Além de ajudá-lo a ganhar velocidade em suas operações nas linhas de Prensas - Tandem, este Master Beam possibilita que as ferramentas sejam intercambiáveis para ajudar a lidar com vários tamanhos de platinas.


Bilsing Yellow Vacuum Cups Adapt to Various Geometries While Holding Tight.

Our yellow cups offer high absorption of transverse forces in addition to helping disperse oils from the sheet metal surface for better gripping capability.

The cups also adapt to various part geometry and materials, handling both steel and aluminum sheets.

Timeline photos 15/06/2020

EN 🇺🇸 Bilsing Automation ( )has announced the availability new swivel unit tooling for use in the pressroom, a flexible solution to address the trend of reducing the number of operations in a press line by producing more parts via a single stamping. Whereas most products can only be used at a specific tilting angle, the Bilsing swivel tooling is a universal solutions that can be adjusted to the exact degree required to grip and handle parts for each application. Additionally, as compared to other offerings, the Bilsing unit is 30% lighter for improved production rates and longer tool life.

The swivel unit offers a swivel angle of +/45° (90° max) and a compact design which is 20% smaller than other offerings for improved accessibility even in difficult-to-reach, tight applications. The swivel angle is easily readable on a scale located on the top of the unit. Used as a single tooling unit, it weighs 3.6 kg (7.94 lb.), or a connecting bridge can be used to create a double swivel unit with synchronous operation and weighing 7.6 kg (16.7 lb.).

The swivel unit offers a holding force of 35 Nm with speed that is adjustable via air exhaust restrictors. The end stops feature dampening shock absorbers to slow down and reduce the vibrations during motion. Optional features include censoring that will automatically detect the angle position and a shut-off valve that locks the tilting position angle during installation and removal to ensure operator safety.

Designed for flexibility, the swivel units work with Bilsing’s lightweight carbon fiber and aluminum modular tooling as well as its entire line of vacuum cups.

Timeline photos 15/04/2020

🇺🇸 CHECK OUT OUR NEW LIGHTER GRIPPERS FOR PART TRANSFER AND DESTACKING: Our new aluminum shifting grippers offer extension capability up to 100mm for use in 2- and 3-axis transfer press lines and destacking applications.
Weighing only 2.27 lbs. (1.013 Kilos), they are about 13 lbs. (6 Kilos) lighter than competitive products!
This enables faster transfer movement speed with a max velocity of 22 SPM for improved productivity.
Designed for flexibility, the grippers work with the entire line of Bilsing vacuum cups and lightweight modular tooling, accommodating various applications simply by changing the cup.
Find our more


This year, we have so much to celebrate, this good year represented our guiding principles and showcased the meaning of being GREAT COMPANY. Cheers to an incredible year of hard work and all that is ahead in 2020! Thank you team!

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 12/12/2019

CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE! - Bold, bright and easy to navigate, find out all about Bilsing's products, services, global locations and more - in English or German! @ South America


Clique e assista o vídeo completo em nosso IGTV.
Siga nosso () e acompanhe postagens sobre nossos projetos, produtos, serviços, automação e muito mais.


Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 18/09/2019

Siga nosso () e acompanhe postagens sobre nossos projetos, produtos, serviços, automação e muito mais. SET THE PACE! 🔩

Photos from Bilsing Automation Ibérica S.L.'s post 02/09/2019

Pinzas para Transfer Press
BILSING ofrece pinzas para robots y sistemas con automatismos de transferencia con varios estilos de mordazas y en tamaños desde miniaturas de 100 mm de longitud y 26 mm de altura (pinzas PSB-15) hasta modelos que pueden manejar hasta 1764 lb (800 kg) de fuerza de agarre neumático, lo que brinda la capacidad de cumplir con una amplia gama de los requisitos del sistemas robóticos.
@ Brazil


Descubra como OTIMIZAR seu processo de fabricação - veja mais no IGTV.
Para processos de estamparia em várias estágios, a movimentação das peças de uma ferramenta para outra e a distribuição das peças acabadas do processo de moldagem devem ser meticulosamente coordenadas.
Essa sincronização dos movimentos de peças e ferramentas na Prensa geralmente pode ser realizada durante a fase de ajuste e try-out; também pode ser otimizado com métodos de simulação de última geração, através de nossa Engenharia Especializada.
A BILSING AUTOMATION está usando o método de simulação para desenvolvimento e planejamento de sistemas de Prensas específicas em clientes há mais de 10 anos na Europa, e agora estamos na América do Sul.

Vantagens do método de simulação:
• O fornecimento de peças “OP” não é necessário para ajuste;
• Diminuição do tempo de downtime da produção, porque o ajuste e o teste no simulador não são necessários;
• Simulação dentro de uma faixa de tolerância de 1 a 3 mm;
• Teste de colisão incluindo determinação de distâncias de segurança;
• Se aplicável, identificando os ajustes necessários das matrizes no processo de confecção e fabricação;
• Melhor movimento de transferência;
• Programação de robô offline;
• Experiência em analisar os tempos de processo e os processos mais lentos;
• Aumento de SPM (stroke per minutes) e saída de linha de prensa completa;
Com base em uma engenharia de alta performance, a BILSING AUTOMATION pode digitalizar e simular todos os tipos de prensas (prensas mecânicas, hidráulicas ou servo prensas) atualmente. Muitos clientes da indústria automotiva já se beneficiam desse processo de otimização.

Otimize seu processo agora! (VEJA + NO VIDEO). CONSULTE-NOS!

Timeline photos 15/08/2019

As prensas servo-acionadas e as novas tecnologias de automação podem acelerar os processos de produção na área de Press Shop e Body Shop e em outras aplicações. Velocidades de manipulação mais rápidas exigem Ventosas com maior aderência e forças de atrito, bem como alta flexibilidade.
Nossas ventosas Modelo: PFG oferecem alto poder de aderência, ajudando a resistir a forças transversais. E nossa geometria de peça única, garante que nenhum dano na superfície atinja os produtos manipulados. Estas ventosas são extremamentes eficientes para lidar com alumínio, aço, plástico ou madeira.
Fale conosco e tire suas dúvidas ☎️ +55 (11) 9.9155-0224 ou [email protected] 📧

Quer que seu negócio seja a primeira Empresa De Engenharia em São Paulo?
Clique aqui para requerer seu anúncio patrocinado.

Bilsing Automation GmbH.

BILSING AUTOMATION is a leading supplier of industrial tooling solutions, specializing in automated tooling and material handling systems. We have over 30 years experience in the automotive stamping and bodyshop, as well as developing material handling solutions for injection molding, fabrication, packaging, hydroforming and non-automotive applications. Our tooling is based upon an innovative modular system, which provides the flexibility to rapidly configure customized solutions from our array of standard components. We offer automated pressroom solutions for robotic press-to-press transfer, linear transfer, tri-axis transfer presses and crossbar transfer presses. Our long-term experience and constant innovation management help us to efficiently develop affordable customized solutions.

GLOBALLY focused, our worldwide network of subsidiaries located in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa and the Pacific Rim supports our customers through planning, design, engineering, assembly and commissioning. Our global staff is purposefully situated to provide efficient service and cultural understanding.

INNOVATION is woven into everything we do in the development and manufacturing of modular tooling systems for numerous industries. Our leading position in the development of carbon fiber tooling is evidence to our dedication to pushing the performance envelope of tooling. Our use of lighter weight materials such as carbon fiber or high strength aluminum provide a productivity advantage along with operational stability, high performance, and long product life.

BILSING's roots go back to 1982, when we were developing and selling hydraulic robots to companies such as Ford and Chrysler under the name BILSING Robot Systeme. With our strong and innovative engineering capability, BILSING was able to install the first flexible aluminum gripping system on these robots.

In 1992, we shifted our focus to the engineering, development, manufacturing and selling of flexible gripping and handling systems for the automotive industry and changed our name to BILSING AUTOMATION. Today, BILSING AUTOMATION is one of the leading suppliers of flexible tooling for the automotive press room and body shop, as well as the plastic industry and other applications.

Vídeos (mostrar tudo)

Vídeo Institucional Oficial Bilsing Automation
Descubra como OTIMIZAR seu processo de fabricação - veja mais no IGTV...Para processos de estamparia em várias estágios,...




São Paulo, SP

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 16:00
Terça-feira 08:00 - 16:00
Quarta-feira 08:00 - 16:00
Quinta-feira 08:00 - 16:00
Sexta-feira 08:00 - 16:00

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