Teacher AnaLu

� � English for those who wanna learn to speak correctly and naturally.
� Inglês para quem qu


Amigos, como sabem, meu bebê necessita de cirurgia cardíaca e desde 12 de novembro, exatamente 3 meses, estou na luta com exames, viagens e orações. Agora entrei em uma briga judicial para que ele seja operado. A necessidade cirúrgica é com brevidade e ele não pode esperar mais que um ou dois meses segundo os especialistas (inclusive os do Incor). Porém, não existe vaga no SUS. O plano não deu a carência e no particular é impossível. Estamos falando de quase meio milhão. Bom, como já divulguei antes, tenho feito aulas especiais com material exclusivo e tópicos que sempre são encrenca na língua inglesa para ajudar nos custos de exames, viagens e agora com advogado.
A ideia das Super Classes surgiu para o chá de bebê do Marco Antônio, que foi bem no início da pandemia, sem vacina. Foi a forma que achei de conseguir aquela ajuda inicial quando se tem um bebê. Foi um sucesso e vi ali uma grande oportunidade de pessoas que estudam e falam Inglês se encontrarem, se conhecerem e praticarem, aprendendo mais sobre algum tópico que SEMPRE os alunos tem dúvidas. Já era uma ideia fazer essas aulas para promover meu trabalho, levantar uma graninha extra, mas agora elas viraram necessidade. Ainda mais que tirei esse mês de férias para cuidar dele (após 3 anos sem férias), e como sou MEI, se não trabalho, não recebo.
Então, para quem se interessa por Inglês, conhece alguém que estuda, já estudou, fala alguma coisa mas peca em estrutura, avisa sobre a aula de CONDITIONALS.
Muito obrigada!
Espero ver algum de vocês lá!

Quando: 5a feira, 17/02/22 às 19h30
Investimento: R$45,00
Onde: Do conforto do seu lar, via Zoom.
PIX: 22673665846

Teacher AnaLu


Guys!! Super class is tomorrow!!! Let’s do it!

Hey there my dears!
It was already a plan to launch super classes about each single confusing topic of the English language. But it turns out that we’ve found out my baby Marco Antônio has one or two heart diseases (the second yet to be confirmed by an exam that costs an arm and a leg) and he will need surgery either way. The health insurance doesn’t cover the treatment, much less the surgery, which we’re already trying via SUS, but we still don’t know the urgency of that. Also yet to be learned after the angiotomography. The super classes will be to raise money for that.
This next one is about MAKE and DO, which in many languages the same verb is used and a lot of people struggle with that.
I’ve written a special material on it and it’s a great opportunity to connect with other English speakers and learn something relevant in the language.
Let’s join me?
Please, after pixing me, let me know to add you to the group.

Investment: R$40
PIX: 22673665846
If for any reason you can’t join us in class but are interested in the material, text me!

Thanks a lot!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Teacher AnaLu


Hey there my dears!
It was already a plan to launch super classes about each single confusing topic of the English language. But it turns out that we’ve found out my baby Marco Antônio has one or two heart diseases (the second yet to be confirmed by an exam that costs an arm and a leg) and he will need surgery either way. The health insurance doesn’t cover the treatment, much less the surgery, which we’re already trying via SUS, but we still don’t know the urgency of that. Also yet to be learned after the angiotomography. The super classes will be to raise money for that.
This next one is about MAKE and DO, which in many languages the same verb is used and a lot of people struggle with that.
I’ve written a special material on it and it’s a great opportunity to connect with other English speakers and learn something relevant in the language.
Let’s join me?
Please, after pixing me, let me know to add you to the group.

Investment: R$40
PIX: 22673665846
If for any reason you can’t join us in class but are interested in the material, text me!

Thanks a lot!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Teacher AnaLu


Come join me!!!
A one class only!


Hey guys! It’s been a long time I hadn’t posted here, huh?
I had a baby and life with a baby is insane.
But I’m here and I’d like to invite you for my first SUPER CLASS. This will be a one class only about BASIC PREPOSITIONS “IN/ON/AT”.
You’ll have a class with me and the opportunity to practice your English with other great English speakers and learners.
So come join me in this Super Class on basic prepositions via Zoom!
I’ll be teaching all you need to know about them and the students who join in will get an exclusive material written by me on this topic, which is essential, practical and so useful.
*Save the date: Saturday, October 16 at 13h.
*The class will take about 1h30.
Investment: R$50
For those who can’t attend class but are interested in the material, inbox or WhatsApp me.

PIX: 22673665846
Please, inbox or text me after pixing me with your name and WhatsApp number.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Having you guys with me will just be fantastic!

Thanks a lot!
Teacher AnaLu


Do you say “informations”?
Is that ok? Let’s see?

Timeline photos 13/10/2020

Some vocabulary for this little magic world!

Timeline photos 31/08/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Ants in one’s pants

When do you get ants in your pants? Or has there been any situation that’s made you feel like that?

🇧🇷 Você conhece essa expressão?
Quando você tem formigas nas calças? Houve alguma situação que fez você se sentir assim?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Leave X Live
Cheap X Chip
And many more!

Do you know the difference? Is there a different? Watch to learn.

🇧🇷 Você sabe a diferença? Tem diferença? Assista pada aprender.


🇺🇸 🇬🇧
To give someone the goose bumps/ the chills

Do you know this expression? What gives you the goose bumps?

🇧🇷 Você conhece essa expressão?
O que te dá arrepios?


🇬🇧 Dessert X Desert

Do you know the difference? What’s your favorite dessert?

🇧🇷 Você sabe a diferença? Qual sua sobremesa preferida?

Timeline photos 17/06/2020

My dear student,ex-student, friend and follower.
I’m pregnant! Crazy right? Right.
Due to apocalypse I can’t be together with all my loved ones to celebrate my baby’s arrival to this mad world, so, I’m inviting all of you to learn, review and then take in for good:
-Present perfect
-Present perfect continuous
-To X For

My baby shower souvenir for you will be a more than twenty page exclusive material written by me, Teacher AnaLu, specially for Portuguese and Spanish speakers to really learn perfect forms. Never will you find anything like that on the internet or any grammar book, because present perfect is never separated into topics to be taught to students, and that’s why everyone gets so confused with those tenses. You’ll also be receiving a bonus material on how to better use prepositions TO and FOR, cause we know it’s a drama.

To join in:
- Give us diapers and baby stuff to survive the first phase of Marco Antonio’s life via 4 bank accounts or via a baby shower website for those who prefer credit card
- Text me saying you want to join in along with your receipt
- I’ll create a group to send the links for Zoom and send the souvenir material
- I’ll delete the group after the baby shower class. Don’t worry.

*Suggested value to join in the class: R$ 70
*Any gift or amount is welcome and if you can’t join in I’ll send you the souvenir!
Or just love sent via WhatsApp 💕

SAVE THE DATE: the class will be a real good and long class. We’ll be together for about 3h. So, grab snacks, drinks and anything you wish to boost your English and help me with my little boy! 🍼

Looking forward to your confirmation until July 4!

Teacher AnaLu

Bank accounts
Ana Luiza Miranda da Silva
CPF 22673665846

Ag 0120
CC 0133750-5

Ag 0001
CC 2255461-2

Gustavo Lisboa da Costa
CPF 45231968854

Ag 8451
CC 32224-5

Ag 1654
Operação 013
CP (poupança) 58041-5


🇺🇸 🇬🇧
Whole X Hole
See X Sea
Wait X Weight
Meet X Meat
What’s the pronunciation difference? Watch to learn!

🇧🇷 Qual a diferença em pronúncia? Assista para aprender.

Timeline photos 25/05/2020

🇬🇧 Idiom: To hit the nail on the head
Check out its meaning. Tell me about a time you hit the nail on the head!
Is there an expression like that in your language?
🇧🇷 Expressão: To hit the nail on the head
Me conta uma vez que você “acertou o prego na cabeça”.
Existe uma expressão assim na sua língua?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧
And more!
What’s the pronunciation difference? Watch to learn!

🇧🇷 Qual a diferença em pronúncia? Assista para aprender.

Photos from Teacher AnaLu's post 24/04/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 In bed and on the bed.
Swipe right for now examples.

🇧🇷 Diferença de in bed e on the bed. Deslize para a direita para mais exemplos.


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 HALF - how to pronounce it?

🇧🇷 Half = metade/meio - Como pronunciar?

Timeline photos 12/03/2020

🇬🇧 Idiom: Watch like a hawk
Have you ever watched someone or has been watched by someone like a hawk?
🇧🇷 Expressão: Watch like a hawk
Você já observou alguém ou foi observado por alguém como um falcão?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Learn the CH and SH sounds in English

🇧🇷Aprenda os sons do CH e SH em inglês

Timeline photos 04/03/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Idiom: Come hell or high water
Do you have a similar one in your language?
🇧🇷 Expressão: Come hell or high water
Você tem algum parecido na sua língua?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Are you aware that there’s a difference pronouncing “close” when it’s a verb and when it’s an adjective?
Let’s learn it?
🇧🇷Vocês sabiam que existe diferença na pronúncia da palavra “close” quando é um verbo e quando é um adjetivo? Vamos aprendê-la?


🇬🇧 Nasal Sounds are sometimes confusing. Let’s learn how to pronounce the infinitive, simple past and past participle forms of these verbs?
🇧🇷Sons nasais são às vezes confusos. Vamos aprender a pronunciar as três colunas destes verbos irregulares?

Timeline photos 14/02/2020

🇬🇧 Idiom: by heart
Meaning that you have memorized something.
Do you know any phone number by heart?
🇧🇷 Idiom: by heart
Significa que você sabe alguma coisa de memória. Em português, “de cor”. Heart = coração/ cor. Legal, né?
E aí? Você sabe qualquer número de telefone by heart?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 The difference among “life, lives, lives and live”
The adjective “live” also means something which has life, the same as “alive”.
🇧🇷 Diferença entre “life, lives, lives and live”
O adjetivo “Live” também é sinônimo de “alive”, que significa “vivo(a)”.


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Learn how to pronounce “Temperature” correctly.
Do you prefer higher or lower temperatures?
🇧🇷 Aprenda a pronúncia correta de “temperature”.
Você prefere temperaturas mais altas ou mais baixas?

Timeline photos 04/02/2020

🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Ways of saying someone is sad
Complete the sentence:
I feel blue when.....
🇧🇷 Maneiras de dizer que alguém está triste.
Complete a frase:
I feel blue when.....

Timeline photos 30/01/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Here are two meanings for this phrasal verb.
Do you usually turn the volume up or down?
Have you ever turned down any offer?
🇧🇷 Aqui estão dois significados para este phrasal verb.
Você aumenta ou diminui o volume?
E você já recusou alguma oferta?


🇬🇧 How to pronounce “country”
Tell me: which country you’d like to visit?
🇧🇷 Como pronunciar “country”.
Me digam: que país vocês gostariam de visitar?

Timeline photos 23/01/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Do you look like anyone in your family or anybody famous?And do you take after anybody? Tell me!
🇧🇷 Você se parece com alguém da sua família ou alguém famoso? E você “puxou” alguma característica de alguém da sua família?


🇬🇧 How to pronounce “broccoli”
Isolated, this word has got a “schwa” sound on the second letter “o”, but inside a sentence it practically disappears.
Tell me: do you prefer broccoli or chocolate?
🇧🇷 Como pronunciar “broccoli”.
A palavra isolada tem um “schwa” na segunda letra “o”, mas dentro de uma frase, essa letra praticamente some.
Me conta: Você prefere “broccoli or chocolate “?


🇬🇧 🇺🇸 A rip-off!!!
It’s too expensive.
Tell me, what’s a rip-off nowadays I’m your opinion?
🇧🇷 A rip-off!
Uma facada de tão caro!!!
O que é um “rip-off” hoje em dia na sua opinião?


🇬🇧Idiomatic expression
“At the end of the first movie “Saw”, the police officer had to choose between death and sawing his own leg off. He was caught between a rock and a hard place”
Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place?
Do you know anything similar in your language? Tell me here!
🇧🇷 Expressão idiomática
“No fim do primeiro filme ‘Jogos mortais’, o policial precisou escolher entre a morte e serrar sua própria perna. He was caught between a rock and a hard place”.
Você já ficou entre duas situações muito difíceis?
Tem alguma expressão assim na sua língua? Me conta aqui!


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 How to pronounce “vegetable”
This is a word that most people find hard to pronounce. Repeat after me.
Which is your favorite vegetable?
🇧🇷 A maioria das pessoas têm dificuldade em algum momento de suas vidas no inglês em pronunciar essa palavra. Repitam comigo.
Qual seu vegetal/legume preferido?

Timeline photos 14/01/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Here are two modal verbs
May and Might.
Could you give me an example with them?

🇧🇷 Aqui estão dois modal verbs. Vocês podem me dar um exemplo com eles?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Phrasal verb: to tuck in
Meaning literally to cover a child with blankets when putting them to bed, but it has a more meaningful idea, which involves putting your kids in bed, covering, kissing goodnight and maybe telling a bedtime story.
Tell me! Who tucked you in when you were kids?
🇧🇷 Phrasal verb: to tuck in
Significa literalmente cobrir uma criança com coberta ao colocá-la na cama, mas tem um significado mais amplo que isso, que seria cobrir, dar beijo de boa noite e talvez contar uma história antes de dormir.
Conta para mim: quem te colocava na cama quando você era criança?

Timeline photos 11/01/2020

🇺🇸 🇬🇧Saying
Is there any similar in your language?
🇧🇷 Ditado que significa que pessoas com os mesmos interesses, características e background serão encontradas juntas.
Você conhece algum parecido na sua língua?


🇺🇸 🇬🇧Check the difference between “birthday and anniversary”.
When is you birthday? Is there an important date in your life which you celebrate its anniversary?
🇧🇷 Veja a diferença entre “birthday e anniversary”.
Quando é seu aniversário? Existe alguma data importante em sua vida que você comemore o aniversário?


In Portuguese performers say “merda” to wish good luck, but you can use “break a leg” in other situations too!

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São Paulo, 01313-001

VISITE NOSSO SITE http://cenn.fgv.br

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