Back to the Bible Canada

See the life God wants for you through the power of His Word

Back to the Bible Canada is part of a worldwide ministry dedicated to leading people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Being established in 1957 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, BttB has embraced ministering to Canadians in every region of our country. Now located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, BttB continues in its complete dedication to transformational ministry. Using radio, web, TV and al


If you appreciate the straightforward Bible teaching of this ministry, would you consider partnering with us like this listener did?

By your help, we can grow this ministry so that the life-giving truth of Scripture is proclaimed to even more people in Canada and beyond!

Become a monthly partner by setting up automatic recurring donations at or calling 1-800-663-2425

Jesus against Lethargy 07/24/2024

"Fear Christ, and you will not only do away with the fear of man, but fear Christ, and you will make Him known among men."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Jesus against Lethargy" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Jesus against Lethargy Any church that does not actively promote Christ and His gospel to the unsaved world has shown that they are ashamed of Christ.

Photos from Back to the Bible Canada's post 07/23/2024

The Bible teaching that so many depend on airs 5 days a week thanks to like-minded individuals who believe the message needs to be heard.

One of the most efficient ways you can help Back to the Bible Canada continue enriching lives with God’s Word is by joining the Companions for the Gospel monthly partner program.

By making a recurring monthly donation, you help provide a consistent stream of support, allowing this ministry to effectively plan and strategize for further outreach.

Learn more at

Jesus against Jezebel 07/23/2024

"The Church of Jesus Christ is called upon not only to increase in the virtues of grace, the Church of Jesus Christ must face battle and threats from both without and within."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Jesus against Jezebel" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Jesus against Jezebel We can be complicit in sin, not because we commit it, but because we tolerate it. Jesus speaks to the church in Thyatira in which a woman who claims to speak for God advocates for immoral truth and practices. While Jesus notes the things that are commendable within the congregation, their passivity....


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However you prefer to listen, tell us why you tune in with a review or a comment! We love hearing from you, and your support in this way helps others to find this Bible teaching resource.

Thanks for listening! We couldn't do this without you.

Jesus against Balaam 07/22/2024

"Remain faithful to the One who has a sharp two-edged sword. For His demands regarding our own bodies are not to be taken as suggestions."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Jesus against Balaam" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Jesus against Balaam Our society is saturated with sexual themes and expressions. The commands of God are ignored, and immoral practices are flaunted. None of this is new. John writes the words of Jesus to His church in…


You think you can be independent? We are reliant upon God. “Trusting God and others is a better marker of maturity than strength and self sufficiency."

Have you been reading our How-To articles? Writer and Pastor Scott Tolhurst shares practical insights for growing in spiritual maturity in our series "How to Navigate Seasons of Life".

Read online at

Photos from Back to the Bible Canada's post 07/20/2024

Monthly Partners are the backbone of this ministry. Their automatic recurring donations are the consistent support we count on to impact lives with God's Word Canada and beyond — via radio, podcast, YouTube, print resources, and more!

Learn more and join today at or call 1-800-663-2425

Faithful Unto Death 07/19/2024

"Jesus deeply enters into our experiences as we suffer. He is not aloof from our plight.”

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Faithful Unto Death" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Faithful Unto Death While Jesus did not offer any criticism of the congregation of Smyrna, that didn't mean that His message was easy to hear. They were a church under severe Roman pressure and Jesus said that their suffering was about to increase. The notion that doing what is right makes us immune to tribulation is n...

Restoring Your First Love 07/18/2024

“Never lose your passion for Christ and your love for the people of God."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Restoring Your First Love" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Restoring Your First Love Never lose your passion for Christ and your love for the people of God. The rewards are simply far to great to ever pass up.

Photos from Back to the Bible Canada's post 07/18/2024

We strive for independence, but should we? Perhaps growing in Christ means recognizing our dependence, much to our chagrin.

“I don't have the strength, wisdom or capacity for spiritual independence. In fact, there is no such thing.”

Our latest How-To article is on the journey to dependence, from “How to Navigate Seasons of Life” ⬇️

Jesus and His Churches | The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1 07/17/2024

“Believers in Christ, according to John, live on two planes, in which we know both suffering and the Kingdom.”

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Jesus and His Churches" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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Jesus and His Churches | The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1 John is the last living apostle of Jesus who writes to the Church in a time of severe pressure. What is the first thing he writes? A vision of Jesus, as He is. The description strips away our Sunday School images of Him. While the imagery is overwhelming, the presence of Jesus is our hope. He stands...


Hope is so needed in our world. Back to the Bible Canada's mission is to bring the light of God's Word to Canadians, but this light reaches far beyond our borders! In addition to radio partners airing Dr. John's teaching around the world, our online programs are heard online in over 130 countries, and we're not slowing down!

Join our monthly partner program to help shine the light of the Gospel even further in Canada and beyond!

A Tribute to Jesus 07/16/2024

“We are rulers in waiting, being now trained for rulership with Christ.”

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "A Tribute to Jesus" from his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇
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A Tribute to Jesus Revelation celebrates Christ’s great accomplishments but it builds on what He has done by anticipating what He will do in the future. Listen in.


This month we're highlighting our monthly partner program: Companions for the Gospel. These dedicated supporters are absolutely crucial to this ministry. Their automatic monthly donations make this possible!

To all you current monthly partners, we're so grateful to you!
To all others who want to be a part of proclaiming God's in our nation, learn more at

The Revelation of Jesus 07/15/2024

“I know of no book that will give you a more glorifying portrayal of Jesus than this one, and yet, this book contains what Jesus wants to say to His Church."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "The Revelation of Jesus" beginning his series, "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1." 👇

The Revelation of Jesus A study of the first 5 chapters of Revelation. We will learn that we need not fear persecution, for Jesus will be utterly victorious. For this reason, God’s people must remain faithful to Him.


It's natural to want to know the future. But if curiosity is all that draws us to the Book of Revelation, we are setting our sights too low. This book is an unveiling of Jesus Christ and an unveiling of our current world. It allows us a glimpse into the spiritual reality at play today, while glorifying the One who rules over all. It is a portrait of who Jesus is, but also what Jesus wants to say to His Church in every generation. It is a message of hope and triumph!

Join us as we embark on a study of this remarkable book, whether you prefer to watch or just listen!

Listen to The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1 this week on radio & podcast, watch To the One Who Conquers on YouTube, or find all our content on our app or at

Quote from "The Revelation of Jesus" (Series: "The Triumph of the Lamb: Volume 1")


Looking for biblical books, booklets, and other resources? Look no further for than the Back to the Bible Canada online store!

We've got short booklets & pamphlets on relevant topics, full-length books by Dr. John Neufeld, CDs of his bible teaching series, Bible study guides, devotional, and even some kids books by our friend Phil Callaway from Laugh Again.

Learning to Keep the Commandments 07/12/2024

"Submitting to the ways of God are not a burden for us, rather they are a delight and they lead to life and not to death."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Learning to Keep the Commandments" concluding his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇
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Learning to Keep the Commandments Only the naive think of freedom as being free of laws and rules. There is no such thing - not at home or work, civil society or driving! Laws do not suppress freedom, but give it rails to run on. Today Dr. John teaches on the three reasons why God gave Israel the Law. May we see in that reflection t...

Photos from Back to the Bible Canada's post 07/12/2024

Monthly Partners make this ministry possible. As a small token of our gratitude, these Companions for the Gospel receive a 20% discount on our store items, our free Scripture Calendar, and exclusive ministry messages.

But most of all, if you become a monthly partner, you can be confident that your automatic recurring donation is bringing God's Word to hearts across Canada and beyond, transforming lives for Christ!

Learn more and join at

Monotheism 07/11/2024

"Monotheism is foundational to our faith. However, in our day, the same forms of old pagan polytheism are again rising in our midst."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Monotheism" from his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇
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Monotheism Christians tend to take for granted the theology of monotheism - there is only one God and He is Jehovah. We've lost the radical impact such a claim has in a polytheistic world. There are not various gods ruling different aspects of life. There is no co-dependency between God and creation. God does....


"To know someone, you have to spend time with them." We're here to help you to know Jesus and to spend time with Him. Each day, we point you back to Him and to what He has done.

Take advantage of our free resources or learn about supporting monthly at

The Consequences of Idolatry 07/10/2024

If the Old Covenant at Sinai was conditional, is the New Covenant conditional too? Can we lose our salvation?

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "The Consequences of Idolatry" from his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇
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The Consequences of Idolatry Our society exalts celebrities, chases after financial gain, applauds comfort and luxury, and focuses on the latest trends and entertainment. Idolatry abounds around us. Today we hear Moses point to…


Did you know we have a FREE bimonthly magazine? At absolutely no cost, you can get insightful articles by Dr. John and others applying the truth of Scripture to your everyday life, as well as some ministry updates and offers in each issue!

Subscribe today for free to start receiving Truth+Life Magazine ⬇️

The Dangers of Idolatry 07/09/2024

"We’re greater than the creatures that God has made, and to worship the creatures is to degrade ourselves and to deny that we’re in the image of God."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "The Dangers of Idolatry" from his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇
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The Dangers of Idolatry Idolatry is the practice of creating a shape or form of God for worship; but God has no form. Idolatry is also the exaltation of any created thing above God. God is always to be first in our hearts.…

Photos from Back to the Bible Canada's post 07/08/2024

Companions are people who band together for a common cause, achieving together what they couldn’t alone.
Back to the Bible Canada is a ministry dedicated to the clear, reliable teaching of God’s Word, but this mission is not a solo effort. Together, we can proclaim biblical truth across Canada and beyond by every means available, impacting lives for Christ.

Here's a few of the ways we do this with your help ⬇️
📡 Leveraging the power of radio to reach countless lives with the Word of God
📚Physical products like books, Truth+Life Magazine, booklets, brochures, and mailings
🎥 Weekly sermon series videos
📱 A growing digital presence through our website, online store, mobile apps, podcast, YouTube, and social media platforms.

Join our Campanions for the Gospel monthly partner program to support this work best at or call 1-800-663-2425

Lest You Forget 07/08/2024

"Look at the treasures you harbour in your soul and set a watch, that the good treasure can’t be stolen. And you do that by never forgetting, by remembering!"

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Lest You Forget" from his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇
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Lest You Forget While attempting to be current and relevant to the times, it is possible for believers to forget what has been. Looking forward, they neglect what God has done. On the threshold of the promised land,…


Is there hope for the future? At times it seems as if the world as we know it is ending. But we don’t and can’t know when Jesus will return to earth. So, what do we do in the meantime? All there is left to do is continue serving Christ with our whole hearts and prepare ourselves for the day that He does come back to us. The book of Revelation is God’s word of hope about what will come. In the end, Jesus conquers!

Watch Dr. John’s series on Revelation 1-7: “To the One Who Conquers”, Fridays on YouTube or at!

Quote from “All Authority is His” (Series: “To the One Who Conquers”)


Individually we only encounter so many people with whom we can share the Gospel. But when we come together, God has blessed Back to the Bible Canada with a global reach through radio airwaves, digital media, and decades of trust.

Through this ministry, countless souls encounter Jesus every day and are nourished in faith.
Through this ministry, countless lives are transformed in Canada and beyond!

To become a monthly partner, visit

Keeping the Commands 07/05/2024

"Where Israel eventually failed, Christ triumphed! He did keep the Law of God perfectly, delighting the Father in everything He did."

Listen to today's broadcast from Dr. John Neufeld titled "Keeping the Commands" from his series, "Renewing the Covenant." 👇

Keeping the Commands Knowing that Israel will enter the promised land without him, what does Moses say to them? Dr. John preaches on the final emphasis of Moses' sermon addressed to Israel on the doorstep of their…

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Our Story

Back to the Bible Canada is part of a worldwide ministry dedicated to leading people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Since being established in 1957 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Back to the Bible Canada has embraced ministering to Canadians in every region of our country. Now located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Back to the Bible Canada continues in its complete dedication to transformational ministry.

Using radio, web, TV, apps, podcasts and all other media at our disposal, we are absolutely committed to faithfully and creatively sharing the Gospel message that empowers Christians’ spiritual growth and maturity through Bible teaching and engagement.

With broadcasts in more than 11 languages and an online presence literally reaching millions, Back to the Bible Canada teaches the Word and touches the world. We seek to honor God, value people, champion the Bible, advance ministry, and promote and practice stewardship, as we accomplish our mission and purpose.

Back to the Bible Canada is non-denominational, which simply means we are not affiliated with or supported by any specific church or denominational group. Our financial support is supplied by God through the generous gifts of listeners and ministry friends.

Videos (show all)

The life of an early Christian was not an easy one, and yet the Early Church was filled with love, faith, and commitment...
Jesus is LORD! The book of Revelation is filled with His glory as well as with prophesies and promises. At times though,...
Warnings are everywhere. Yellow lines, highway signs, workplace notices, weather forecasts. In fact, we receive so many,...
Unbelief and Hardened Hearts: Jesus Above All Ep.5 | Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld
Jesus is GREATER! Superstars are attracted to fame and a following, but heroes strive to do what is right by faithfulnes...
Unbelief and Hardened Hearts: Jesus Above All Ep.5 | Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld
Jesus Greater Than Our Heroes: Jesus Above All Ep.4 | Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld
When we face death, how can we have hope? Everyone needs help. No one can get through this life without leaning upon par...
Back to the Bible Canada is part of The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada (GNBAC), which is unafraid to stand...
Jesus Made Fully Human for Us: Jesus Above All Ep.3 | Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld
What makes Back to the Bible Canada unique? As we’ve done for over 65 years, we’re bringing the Word of God to places wh...
If your brother was king, you would benefit in countless ways from your relationship with him. Jesus is the supreme King...



31087 Peardonville Road
Abbotsford, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Abbotsford (show all)
Central Fraser Valley Search and Rescue Society Central Fraser Valley Search and Rescue Society
1594 Riverside Road
Abbotsford, V2S8J2

CFVSAR is comprised of a dedicated group of unpaid professional Search and Rescue workers serving the Cities of Abbotsford, the Langley's and Sumas Mtn.

BC Scrapbooking Crop for Kids BC Scrapbooking Crop for Kids

We're doing it again OCTOBER 27 to 29, 2017

Insight for Living Canada Insight for Living Canada
1-30445 Progressive Way
Abbotsford, V2T6W3

Solid Bible teaching you can trust. The Canadian ministry of Charles R. Swindoll and Insight for Living.

HOST Program, Abbotsford Community Services HOST Program, Abbotsford Community Services
2420 Montrose Avenue
Abbotsford, V2S3S9

The HOST Program is a cost-free, friendship based matching program which aims to help new immigrants to Canada. With the help of HOST Volunteers, we aim to make our newcomers feel ...

Food for the Hungry Canada Food for the Hungry Canada
1/31741 Peardonville Road
Abbotsford, V2T1L2

Food for the Hungry Canada is dedicated to ending poverty—one community at a time.

Matthew's House Matthew's House
#103/2776 Bourquin Crescent WEst
Abbotsford, V2S6A4

Matthew's House is a home away from home for youth aged 16-24, living with complex healthcare needs.

Kiwanis CLUB of Clearbrook Kiwanis CLUB of Clearbrook
1821 Sumas Way
Abbotsford, V2S4L5

Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving th

Three Peaks Recreational Outreach Three Peaks Recreational Outreach

Three Peaks Recreational Outreach is a community resource for underserved young adults in Abbotsford.

Khalsa Diwan society Abbotsford Khalsa Diwan society Abbotsford
Abbotsford, V2T6V6


Fraser Valley Down Syndrome Society - FVDSS Fraser Valley Down Syndrome Society - FVDSS

A local, parent-run, support group for families with children with Down syndrome. Monthly parent evening and several family events throughout the year!

Joshua House Ministries Joshua House Ministries

Addiction treatment center for men - Christian recovery program