Adriane Elliott Therapeutic Arts

Adriane Elliott, RMT RA EOT
Future orientated healing arts for the earth body and thriving life.


To all my clients, colleagues, collaborators, and supports, thank you for our time and experiences shared this spring and early summer. It is during times when life takes us in an unexpected direction, that we look back at the foundations that held us, and find the gifts that were present but unacknowledged. To the team and clients at sending love, I have such faith in all of you, and the Jasper community.

For me a new place, and a new beginning. A new foundation is slowly coming together, as I transition to life in British Columbia. Clinic location and details slowly unfolding…


It is a great excitement and honour for me to step forward and officially begin offering full spectrum, in person postnatal mother care this fall.

I believe whole heartedly that embodied maternal health enriches the health of our mother planet, in a beautiful cycle of reciprocity - as it is supposed to be.

As a culture we require a reorientation, and a recentring of family health in the context of big picture global health. Conception of new life is a beautiful starting point, one often accompanied by a radical shift in the consciousness of the mother, in an opening of love; I believe this is by nature’s design. When we follow the blueprint that our physiological nature has laid out for us, we find there is more ease in this radical transition. When a mother is unsupported and her life force energy is inhibited, there is an opportunity for common modern postnatal ailments to enter her field.

The beauty is, across the globe there is living traditional knowledge and earth based practices that weave a thread of commonality; knowledge that understands how to truly support a childbearing woman emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is with my years of study and personal experience that I am so very much looking forward to sharing this way…

Healthy mother > healthy child > healthy earth.

If you are currently a mother or have a mother in your life that is requiring resourcing or care, please reach out.


For those asking, I still make aromatic remedies; these days only for myself and my family. I’m keeping it pleasurable, not creating because it’s something I should do, but purely for the joy of it. It’s an incredibly delicious and nourishing way to make art.

When the time and space arrives, I’ll start offering clinical aromatherapy to the community again, and you can anticipate some goodness restocked in my online store. All this can rest while the swimming is good and there are gardens in bloom.

Pictured here, a fresh batch of a deeply rich face cream made with a two year frankincense resin oil infusion ⭐️✨

Art by Henri Matisse.


Embodiment is falling in love with being in your body, it is falling in love with your human experience, and every little emotion that includes. It means making a promise: “I am willing to feel the suffering of not only myself, but of all human beings, in full presence.” It is being willing to stand in the fire of being alive, and let it open your heart. It is both a remembering and an arrival to your true nature. It is a homecoming to the love that you are.
- Laura Matsue

Artist unknown.


Orthopaedic Assessment for Root Cause

One may notice when booking a therapeutic Massage that I offer 15 minute orthopaedic assessments to all new clients or to return clients with new injuries or discomforts. Why orthopeadic assessment?

The word orthopeadic comes from the Greek orthos meaning "straight, or correct" and paideia meaning "rearing of children." The term was originally used for children and the kind of treatment they received for skeletal abnormalities. Presently the word orthopaedic relates to a branch of medicine dealing with the correction of abnormalities of bones and muscles. Massage Therapists use orthopaedic assessments to observe the functional movement/alignment of muscles, joints and ligaments, patterns of pain, neurovascualar involvement; and we apply specific diagnostic* testing to determine root cause. Orthopaedic assessment adds the benefit of gathering clinical information about how the musculoskeletal system is functioning, and specifically what structures are involved. This information takes some of the guesswork out of the equation and allows us to gain an impression of the root cause of discomfort. Massage therapists, unlike physiotherapists are unable to officially diagnose our findings based off assessment, however assessment offers invaluable information that when applied supports an effective treatment.

A root cause approach allows a therapist to treat beyond just symptoms management. In therapeutic treatments I seek to gather a true understanding of the underlying issue at hand. Here is where we can shine a light in the dark, a place for clients to gain information and insight, and to follow a thread on their path to healing.


"This body is made of earth and gold,
Sky and stars, rivers and oceans,
Masquerading as muscle and bone.
Every substance is here:
Diamonds and silver, magical elixirs,
Ambrosia that gives visions,
Herbs that nourish and heal,
The foundation of the planet,
Immortal magnetic iron,
Circulating in the blood.

Every element in you loves the other:
Earth loves rain, sky loves sun,
Sun loves the space it shines through,
Space loves everyone equally.

In meditation, luxuriate in know this deep and simple truth.
Every cell is an organ of sense
Infused with majesty".

Verse 24 of the Vijnana Bhairava Ta**ra.

A big shift in my world and work has been to come to an understanding of our physiological truth, in our natural expression. How we choose to nurture our physiology holds a great magnitude of importance in this day and age, and yet simply all that we require is here and in abundance.

Art by H Heininge


Parting ways with the Bow Valley.

Giving thanks to all my amazing clients, that have made this last year in the clinic one of integral integration and importance. To the team at Back At It Sport and Wellness clinic - thank you, it has been an absolute honour working with you.

If you are looking to connect with me before I leave, I recommend booking in shortly as I anticipate my schedule filling up quickly. My last clinic day is May 27th. Booking link in bio.

Grateful for it all.

More details to come on where you can find me next…


Music from my treatment room. Sounds for bodywork, mindfulness, peace and deep relaxation.

Playlist link:

“Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch”.


"As soon as you put others in your heart, your mind expands."
- Anandamayi Ma.

Practices for today.


This winter I have returned to mentor with the inspiring , in her advanced Postpartum Care training. This week I received the life affirming teachings of Elder Donna Maria Camps and her work on Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Healer. I am forever grateful to be lead here, to sit in these teaching that resonate so deeply.

“Remember divinity, remember yourself.”

Art - Black Petunia & White Morning-Glory ll, by Georgia O’Keeffe, 1926.


Grateful to have spent a few days submersed in a one on one mentorship refining the art of prenatal massage, with a talented teacher, massage therapist and birth attendant.

Pregnancy is a tender time of transition as a woman faces the soft dawning of her new reality, and releases her maidenhood. In pregnancy we bare witness to our beautiful, blooming bodies and to the heartache of awakening to the depths of life.

Feeling the growth of life within is nothing short of a miracle, and our bodies deserve care. Prenatal massage tends to a woman on many levels, our unique physiology and the health of mind and spirit. Pregnancy asks us to expand our capacity for love and life. As a teacher once said, “Life is created in love and therefore life is the frequency of love in all its expressions”.

The spectrum and depth of the experience of pregnancy and birth is broad and limitless, all experiences welcome with non-judgement.

Physiological benefits of prenatal massage benefits include:
- an increase in body awareness
- an increase in ease of movement
- decompression of joints
- relief of muscular discomfort
- a feel good endorphin release
- nervous system regulation
- immune, lymphatic and digestive function stimulation

Prenatal treatments can be booked online. Happy to answer any questions.


The heart of the universe pulses in all hearts.
There is One who is life in all forms.
There is One who is joyful in simply existing -
In all bodies,
As all bodies.
Explore the life that is the life of your present form.
One day you will discover
It is not different
From the life of the Secret One,
And your heart will sing triumphant songs
Of being home everywhere.
- a translation from the Śiva Jñāna Upaniṣad by Abhinavagupta, 7th century.


Now offering Myofascial Fire Cupping; a heavenly pairing with deep tissue and therapeutic massage.

Originating in ancient Egypt and perfected by the classical arts of Chinese Medicine, fire cupping has been recorded in human history for 5000 years.

Therapeutic fire cupping brings the added benefit of rapidly facilitating soft tissue and connective tissue release, with the ability to connect to the deeper myofasical layers. Cupping treatments increase blood and lymphatic flow throughout the body; muscle tissue health is improved with increased circulation and a reduction of blood stagnation. Multiple studies have shown a significant reduction of inflammatory markers in blood following 4-6 fire cupping treatments.

Adding the element of fire to a treatment offers a cleansing quality that feels vital.

Treatments can be booked online directly through the link in my bio.


the land is our power.
the question and the answer.
the road and the destination.
we who are closest to it
have to be the first
to turn towards and listen forward.
to stand with unwavering clarity in service
to liberation and all it entails,
as the earth does for us everyday.

Moved today by the words of Layla Feghali.
Photo by Henrik Purienne.


It is such a great honour to be brought into this fold, to join this web of women dedicated to postpartum care. It has been so beautiful to sit with, and to step forward with these women in our joint commitment to thriving life. This work is for now and for the future, with the rooted intention to hold mothers, to nurture, to uplift, to align ourselves and our families with our innate physiological design. This feels like a beautiful and rightful calling. A deep thank you to my teachers Rachelle Garcia Seliga , Silvia Urbani , and their teachers, for this path, and life-changing work.

If you have any questions regarding postpartum care, please connect.

Adriane Elliott, RMT RA EOT (@adrianeelliott_therapeuticarts) • Instagram photos and videos 10/03/2023

In an effort to streamline my work content from family life, I have created a new Instagram account to share my musings on the traditional healing arts that I practice. If you feel inclined you may follow me over there. May this space be a place for expansion and inspiration.

Adriane Elliott, RMT RA EOT (@adrianeelliott_therapeuticarts) • Instagram photos and videos 24 Followers, 0 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Adriane Elliott, RMT RA EOT ()


"Move instinctively, relate intimately, think imaginatively."
- Gabrielle Roth


Dear Ones,

I am slowly easing myself into work for the month of September. You can find me in person offering Registered Massage Therapy at here in Banff. I offer direct billing for all major insurance companies, with some exceptions where I will provide you with a receipt. Come October, I’ll be in the clinic on a regular basis.

It is a lovely time of year to pull back from the busy of summer, and take some time for yourself.

I hope to see you.


A sweet summer morning to you. I want to send out a heartfelt thank you to my clients who met with me during my massage therapy clinical practicum. It was an absolute honour to be with each of you. So much love and respect to the unreal fun team at for your mentorship, and support.

May we celebrate our human bodies in all forms, we are miracles.

For those of you seeking treatments, I’m taking the summer to be with family and soak in the season. I will be in clinic starting September.


Essential Oil Therapy for Smoke Exposure ~

Many are feeling respiratory distress from smoke exposure here in the Rockies. Essential Oil Therapy is a simple and accessible remedy that makes a real difference in cases of respiratory fatigue, bronchial spasm, sore throat, chest congestion and shallow breath. Reach for the tree oils, like White Pine, Eucalyptus, Black Spruce and Cedar. With every inhalation you can feel your bronchioles relax, tightness ease and congestion loosen. After all trees are the lungs of the earth and in turn are such powerful remedy for us. Praying for them !

I prefer direct deep inhalation of an essential oil over diffusion, especially if therapeutically targeting the lungs. Straight from the bottle, chin height take 4-8 rounds of breath, full deep inhalations followed by a relaxed exhalation. Alternatively, add a couple drops to hot water for a steam inhalation to help clear out any residue from a significant exposure.

Parents, avoid eucalyptus with children and babies unless under specific guidance. I use a far safer alternative for kids, Lemon essential oil for respiratory ailments and air purification. Diffuse at low dilution in a neutral living space, or a gentle steam.
Feel free to DM me with any specific questions!

As with all practices of medicine it is best to consult with a health care professional before use.

Art by Paul Klee, Fire in the Evening, 1929.


Letting go of distraction and remembering >>>>>
We are cosmic bodies.
Each moment is an opportunity to heal.
Earth is the medicine.
Food is god.
Love is source.
Beauty is the path.

Art, Amoghasiddhi (Tibet, early 17th century).


"All the buried seeds crack open in the dark the instant they surrender to a process they cannot see".

Words by Mark Nepo
Art by Hilma af Klimt, Starting Picture, 1920


Last week I completed my formal training as a traditional Postpartum Care Provider with . I am bringing forward this work beginning in the New Year. Traditionally, midwives would fill this role, assisting women during pregnancy to prepare for the Sacred Window, as it is known in Ayurveda. Skip ahead to modern time, a Postpartum Care Provider cares for a mother prenatally and post birth to help prepare her for all aspects of motherhood, through this expansive transformation of a woman’s mind and body. This includes guidance on the physiological requirements for women’s bodies, preparation for postpartum, birth recovery, essential nutrition, bodywork, treatments, breast care, integration, everything within the motherhood spectrum... there are no bounds to the breadth of this feminine experience.

My vision is to see mothers held in their vitality, and aligned within, so that she may go to her family, her community and be in service to her good work, for the greater good, for healing, for heaven on earth. It is possible. This is my prayer.

Art - The Call by Paul Gauguin (1903).


I find myself now in the final weeks of a training that I have been participating in for the past eight months. I haven’t spoken of it much because there has been so much integrate, and even in these final weeks, I know the last teachings will be immensely profound.

I have connected with the work of a Midwife in New Mexico, Rachelle Garcia Seliga of . I came to her work first as a mother, and then through my journey and difficulties in postpartum I decided to dive deep into her training as a Postpartum Care Provider. I believe so deeply that postpartum health is the root of all health - a micro-universe resides within each feminine body; we heal ourselves we heal this earth. Moving forward, I will be integrating these teachings of feminine vitality, into my Massage Therapy and Clinical Aromatherapy practices. I’ll begin sharing some of the traditions that I have learned as part of bringing this work forward in my own voice. I want to give thanks to Rachelle today, and always for what she has given forth with so much grace and wisdom. These teachings are essential to life and motherhood in this modern time - so we may thrive, and be in right relationship with our children, our earth, and ultimately our purpose. I also want to thank Silvia Urbani for her immensely beautiful contributions to this training and for ultimately laying out my path forward. A deep bow to you both.

Pictured here, a couple of my favourite supportive botanicals for women in tender times, calendula from the garden, and rose from the land. More to come!


I am now two months into my final year of training as a Massage Therapist. This has been a big shift on many levels. It has been really interesting to return to this work after a 7 year hiatus, and I’m so grateful for all those that have helped me get here. I want to give thanks and honour the teachers and lineages that have established such beautiful, healing work. To the teachers who I studied under directly, Linda Mullen, Karuna Erickson, Heather Bury, Menlha Bruneau, and to the lineages of this earth that inspire my work, in particular Ida Rolf, Milton Trager, Franklyn Sills, John Freeman and the ancient teachings of Ayerveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. To this earth for her endless inspiration and bounty. Thank you.

In the coming weeks, I will be beginning my clinic placement - stay tuned for details on where to find me and how to book a treatment. ~


For Earth’s Grandsons // ☀

Stand tall, no matter your height, how dark your skin
Your spirit is all colours within
You are made of the finest woven light
From the iridescent love that formed your mothers, fathers
Your grandparents all the way back on the spiral road-
There is no end to this love
It has formed your bodies
Feeds your bright spirits
And no matter what happens in these times of breaking-
No matter dictators, the heartless, and liars
No matter, you are born of those
Who kept ceremonial embers burning in their hands
All through the miles of relentless exile
Those who sang the path through massacre
All the way to sunrise
You will make it through—

Words by Joy Harjo
Art by Emil James Bisttram, 1930


"Divine creation is not simply a repetition of something already existing. Each planetary existence had a very definite mission. The Mission of our Earth is the cultivation of the principle of love to its highest degree by those beings who are evolving upon it. When the Earth has reached the end of its evolution, love should permeate it through and through."

Words by Rudolf Steiner from a lecture, 1908.
Art by Danielle Bhavya Winter, Sky Seed.


Hello Beloveds. I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately, so I thought I would share an update about the things I am tending too at the moment. In March I began an incredible nine month mentorship program, it has been so expansive that there hasn’t been room for much else. The call to further my studies came as a response to what I have been tending to with my clients. I am so very excited to integrate this new work into my Clinical Aromatherapy practice. I don’t have the words yet to describe these teachings, so more on that later…

For the months of May and June I will be continuing to work with clients, however come July and August I’ll be off soaking in the season and working on a few creative projects (the list is long). So please reach out if you have been wanting to connect, as there is small window of opportunity.

Check out the beautiful blue berries of my favourite local species of Juniper, Juniperus horizontalis - softer foliage and easier to harvest than the prickly Jupiperus communis. Juniper is super abundant in the Rockies. I love to squeeze the berries between my fingers while walking, inhaling the aroma to receive their energising and therapeutic properties.


“You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer." 🌎
Words by Thitch Nhat Hanh
Painting by Georgia O’Keeffe, Hibiscus with Plumeria (1939)


Take Care. Hold yourself with both hands. Submerge yourself in water. Use lemon, use piano, use language and summon a soothing spell. Gently now, touch the crown of your head, sing some affirmations, show your body that you remember it. Find the source in the centre of your being and cradle it, give it your honest thanks, watch how it floods with fortune, just knowing that you care.

Words by J. Suskin
Art by Pegge Hooper, Kui'lei 1982

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