Why Not City Missions

Why Not City Missions

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Every teen deserves to be fought for. We believe in no vulnerable young person being left behind ever We dream things that never were and say... Why Not?

MISSION: Empowering youth through relationship
VISION: That Brantford’s youth would have the support they need to THRIVE within their potential and purpose. STRATEGY: Engage, Equip, Empower, Establish

... Some people see things and ask, Why?


$5 Fridays!

Throughout the month of August we will be sharing specific financial needs and asking if you might be able to consider donating $5 towards them. Together, we are able to create a difference.

This week we are focusing on hygiene items and toiletries. Did you know we offer a toiletry pantry in addition to our food pantry? Youth can pick up needed hygiene items for themselves and their families. We also offer a "Period pop-up" on our front steps where menstruation items are available to anyone who comes by. This is a huge need. We are also happy to accept drop-off donations of new hygiene products at the Youth Centre (368 Colborne St. E.).
Some of our current needs include: deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip balm, shaving cream, face wash and tampons.

If you can contribute, please send e-transfers to [email protected] with "Toiletries" in the memo. You can also contribute via credit card through our website: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/donate (include the gift designation in the comment section). If you would prefer to donate via cash/cheque, please contact us to arrange.
Thank you for caring for our teens and sharing as you are able. We are so grateful for the support of the community around us. ❤


$5 Fridays!

Throughout the month of August we will be sharing specific financial needs and asking if you might be able to consider donating $5 towards them. Together, we are able to create a difference.

This week we are focusing on meals at the youth centre. Did you know we feed 20-40 teenagers on a nightly basis? We have some amazing community partners who help out once or twice a week (SO thankful!), but we are still preparing meals up to 6 times a week for these youth. Funds raised will be used towards purchasing ingredients for these meals.

If you can contribute, please send e-transfers to [email protected] with "Youth Meals" in the memo. You can also contribute via credit card through our website: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/donate (include the gift designation in the comment section). If you would prefer to donate via cash/cheque, please contact us to arrange. We are also always grateful for food donations for our food pantry which is available for our youth to access.
Thank you for caring for our teens and sharing as you are able. We are so grateful for the support of the community around us. ❤


$5 Fridays!

Throughout the month of August we will be sharing specific financial needs and asking if you might be able to consider donating $5 towards them. Together, we are able to create a difference.

This week we are focusing on Charlie's Place, our home for young men. The program is built on the foundation of mentorship. From this base we offer everything from life skills like cooking and cleaning to education supports and budgeting. From this position of stability and strength, we home to launch these young men into a successful adult life with the skills they need to THRIVE!

We are hoping to designate this week's funding towards costs for life skills training which will help our young men as they gain independence and confidence in their abilities.

If you can contribute, please send e-transfers to [email protected] with "Charlie's Place" in the memo. You can also contribute via credit card through our website: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/donate (include the gift designation in the comment section). If you would prefer to donate via cash/cheque, please contact us to arrange.
Thank you for caring for our young men and sharing as you are able. We are so grateful for the support of the community around us. ❤


Current Needs:
*Men's bicycle for a youth who had their bicycle stolen
*Patio Umbrella (9 foot or larger)
*Barbeque (Propane)

Please call the centre (519-759-2221) or email [email protected] if you are able to help to arrange a suitable drop off time.


$5 Fridays!

Throughout the month of August we will be sharing specific financial needs and asking if you might be able to consider donating $5 towards them. Together, we are able to create a difference.

This week we are focusing on SHYP (Supportive Housing for Young Parents) where young women who are expecting or parenting young children can live in housing with 24/7 supports.

​We work on goals for parenting, life skills, wellness, education… whatever is needed. One thing that is frequently needed is professional counselling. This is so valuable to our young women.

If you can contribute, please send e-transfers to [email protected] with "SHYP Counselling" in the memo. You can also contribute via credit card through our website: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/donate (include the gift designation in the comment section). If you would prefer to donate via cash/cheque, please contact us to arrange.

Thank you for caring for our young moms and sharing as you are able. We are so grateful for the support of the community around us.


Thanks to Enterprise Mobility™ for donating $10,000 to Why Not City Missions. This grant will help support our daily operational needs!


$5 Fridays!

We have already had some amazing summer adventures with our youth and have more planned. We are looking for people who might be willing to donate $5 today towards this awesome cause. Many of our youth say their summer outings with Why Not are the highlight of their summer.
If you can help, please send your donation via e-transfer to [email protected] with "Summer Trips" in the memo line. If you would prefer to donate in a different way, please contact us for other options.

Thank you so much for loving our youth and helping them to know that there are people cheering them on.


Thank you to everyone who has been assisting us with our food/hygiene pantry needs and sharing with others. While this is still definitely a need, here's another way you might be able to help!

If you are currently doing some "Summer Cleaning", we could use some additional t-shirts (men's) and sweaters (men's and women's) of all sizes in clean, good condition. We are especially looking for hoodies/crewnecks that would appeal to teens.

Feel free to drop off donations at the Youth Centre (368 Colborne) during opening hours (5-9pm) or contact us to arrange an alternate time.


As you can see from this photo, our food pantry is running low.

Ways to help:
*Spread the word - even if you don't have the resources to help at this time, someone in your circle might!
*Pick up a couple of extra items while grocery shopping and drop them off at the youth centre (368 Colborne)
*Run a mini food drive with your place of employment, street/neighbours, place of worship, etc.
*Send an amazon order from our wishlist directly to the youth centre: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/1QE7H2UBKTYZQ?ref_=abls_nvfly_yl
*Make a financial donation to the youth centre and designate it towards the food pantry - we will pick up needed items on your behalf
*Submit an order online at our local Walker's No Frills through PC Express, coordinate a pickup time with us and we can pick up!: https://www.nofrills.ca/food/c/27985?icid=gr_pcx-pickup_cta_2_hub&redirect=true&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3sdJOyPKa34m77aSPc8fccBxmRQnsda6CaZrueH8_r-d8qJqW1ofuNAp4_aem_XWUM9-0AMrL1w1z1cXgCog

To those who continue to help as they are able, we are grateful to you for your partnership and support. We know that times are tough for so many, and we appreciate the various ways you show love to our youth.


We want to send a huge THANK YOU to two local businesses for their help in completing our back door accessibility project.

Thank you to Catherwood Welding (https://catherwoodweld.com) for donating the railing and to Abcott Construction for installing a new accessible door and ramp into the Youth Centre. We appreciate your generosity and the time you dedicated to helping us achieve this project.

Special thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for providing the necessary funds to make our Youth Centre more accessible to all.


*Update: we currently have one pending! Thank you for the shares ❤️*

Charlie's Place, our home for young men, is currently in need of a BBQ! If you have a gently used propane barbeque (or maybe you won a second one at a Buck and Doe and are feeling generous?) we would LOVE to put it to good use. Please reach out if this is a need that you can meet, and we can coordinate pickup/drop off.


For those of you who do not receive our emails, we have had an exciting Spring and have some exciting plans for the Summer! Click to read our newsletter and learn more.
There are also opportunities for you to partner with us if you would like to sponsor one of our youth for a summer adventure experience: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/post/summer-highlights-at-why-not-city-missions-celebrating-success-growth-and-community-impact


Thank you so much to Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. for your recent donation to Why Not City Missions, specifically to the work of SHYP (Supportive Housing for Young Parents).
Toyota has supported Why Not on several occasions, and we are so appreciative of their continued willingness to partner with us.
Thank you Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. for seeing the value in the work being done through Why Not and for helping us to build a network of support and hope within our community.


We had such a good time at our annual Youth Awards Celebration as we celebrated the achievements of our youth during this past school year. Some awards were funny, some were serious, but all were proudly accepted by their recipients.

We wanted to send special thank yous to SWEET Bakery for the delicious and lovely cookies, to Altitude Coffee Roasters for assisting with drinks and to a community group from Celebration Church for barbequing for us. Thank you for being faithful partners of Why Not, for always jumping in when asked (and often before!) and for helping us make our youth know that they are loved and celebrated.


We are in search of outdoor playground equipment suitable for the very active 3-4 year olds we currently have living at SHYP (Supportive Housing for Young Parents). They love to climb!
If you have something that might work and that you are no longer in need of, please reach out to the SHYP staff at [email protected] to determine if it might work and to arrange drop off/pick up as needed.
Thanks so much for your love for these amazing little humans.

Photos from Why Not City Missions's post 06/27/2024

We were so excited to share our BIG Trillium Grant Announcement that was made at our Annual Golf Tournament but we also wanted to take a moment to thank our amazing golfers who showed up and braved the heat (if you closed your eyes, you could *almost* pretend we were sweating in the Caribbean). We weren't able to get photos of all the participants and sponsor signs but we are so grateful for each and every one of you.
This was our largest number of golfers ever and we would love to see even more of you next year. Maybe we'll strike a balance between 2023's cold drizzly day and 2024's heat wave!
Thanks again to everyone for your support. We appreciate you.

Why Not City Missions Receives Provincial Grant Funding 06/24/2024

We are so excited to share this exciting announcement with you! Thank you Ontario Trillium Foundation for your support of Why Not City Missions and for believing in the youth of our community! Thank you to Kimberly de Jong and Brant Beacon for a great article.

Why Not City Missions Receives Provincial Grant Funding Milan Novakovic, Will Bouma’s Executive Assistant, Karen Stewart, Executive director for Why Not City Missions, Lisa Parsons, Will Bouma’s Constituency Assistant, Alexandra Novakovic and Charlie Kopczyk, founder and pastor for Why Not City Missions pose for a photo during the Why Not City’s Mi...


Are you able to help us replenish our food pantry? It's VERY low and with summer vacation coming, many students will no longer have access to some of the food programs associated with schools.

What do we need? Basically everything and anything would be helpful! Some favourites are always canned meats, Mr. Noodles, Zoodles/Beefaroni, Cereal, canned fruit, pasta sauce, granola bars, crackers, and Kraft dinner.

We are happy to accept orders from amazon, drop offs during centre hours (368 Colborne) or contact us if you'd like to arrange an order that we can pick up at our local No Frills. A grocery store gift card would also be a wonderful gift in helping our program.

Thank you for your continued support and love for the youth of this community!


We had an amazing time at our Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament. Thank you to everyone who came out and braved the heat. You were champs!
We want to give a HUGE thank you to the generous donors of our raffle prizes. We are so grateful for your support and assistance towards helping us raise funds to run our youth centre and supportive housing programs. We are grateful.


We can't wait to host our second annual Why Not Youth Centre Carnival next Friday June 21st from 5-8pm.
All youth between the ages of 13-18 are welcome to drop by for this FREE event! It's going to be a great time. We will have FREE food, games and prizes! We invite all youth ages 13-18 to drop by for a great evening of fun!
“If you've not been to our youth centre…Why Not come to the Carnival?l”
Any questions about the event can be forwarded to Darryl Bergen, Youth Centre Coordinator/ Volunteer Manager, [email protected], 519-759-2221 extension 203


Another BIG thank you to Winter & Son Drywall Ltd. for ALSO sponsoring a Premium Golf Hole in this year's tournament. You are amazing! We are so appreciative of your investment in the youth of Brantford and surrounding area.


Thank you so much to Mobile Fortress Moving & Portable Storage for being faithful partners to Why Not City Missions. We appreciate your willingness to be a premium hole sponsor in this year's golf tournament. Thank you for investing in Brantford's youth.
We are looking forward to a great day together on the links a week from today!


Thank you so much to Seberras Engineering Group for your Premium Hole Sponsorship in our annual fundraising golf tournament. We are so grateful for your continued support of Why Not City Missions. Thank you for valuing and supporting the youth of our community.
We can't wait to see you on June 18th. It's always a great day to be together.


FREE 2nd Annual Why Not Youth Centre Carnival, June 21st 5-8pm for ages 13-18. We will have FREE food, games and prizes! We invite all youth ages 13-18 to drop by for a great evening of fun! “If you've not been to our youth centre…Why Not come to the Carnival?l”

Any questions about the event can be forwarded to Darryl Bergen, Youth Centre Coordinator/ Volunteer Manager, [email protected], 519-759-2221 extension 203


Thank you so much to re-Source Thrift Shop Brantford! You support Why Not City Missions throughout the year and are a faithful sponsor of our annual Fundraising golf tournament.
We appreciate the ways that you demonstrate care for the youth of Brantford and the surrounding area.
Many thanks!


A HUGE thank you to our friends and supporters at Hensen Holdings/The Hensen Foundation for sponsoring TWO Premium Holes for our Golf Tournament! We are thankful for you and the ways that you help us meet some of the needs of the youth in our community.
Twelve days until the tournament!


Thank you so much to "Winter & Son Drywall Ltd" who are this year's Cart Sponsor for our Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament.
We are so thankful for your continued support of Why Not City Missions. Looking forward to June 18th. ⛳️🏌️‍♀️


⛳️ Don't miss out on our annual golf tournament! Enjoy a day on the greens or just show up for the delicious dinner. Registration closes Tuesday, June 4th.

If you've already registered, LIKE and SHARE this post to spread the news to your friends! ❤️

🎫 Register here: https://www.whynotcitymissions.com/event-details/why-not-annual-golf-tournament


⛳️ Don't miss your shot! Time is running out to secure your spot in our golf tournament. Register now for a day of fun on the greens while supporting Why Not City Missions. Spaces are filling up fast - reserve yours today! 🏌️‍♂️

🎟️ Get tickets here: https://bit.ly/WNCMgolf


Just a reminder that this is happening today! Can't wait to share

On Friday May 10th from 1-3pm we will be hosting another FREE bra giveaway open to all at the Brantford Public Library Main Branch. We will be in the community room on the main floor.
We will have lots of bras available in a wide variety of sizes however we are somewhat limited on larger band sizes. If you want to confirm sizing prior to coming, there are many helpful sites online you can use such as: https://www.barenecessities.com/feature.aspx?pagename=fit_sizing

**All bras are gently used (or new) and were generously donated during our BRAugust in Brantford campaign.

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❄️❄️❄️We're into the final 24 hours before our #CNOY24 walk officially kicks off!❄️❄️❄️❄️Today we're sharing a little bi...
The Countdown to #CNOY24 is ON! 3 DAYS TO GO! We are officially at 50% of our fundraising goal! 🙌 Now we know what you'r...
⛳️📣 Join us on June 13th for the Why Not City Missions Golf Tournament! 🌟🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♂️Enjoy a day of golf, food, prizes, an...
🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♀️ Fore! Why Not City Mission's annual golf tournament is just around the corner. With the weather heating up, i...
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❄️ Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of those affected by hunger, hurt and homelessness? ❄️ On Febr...
❄️ On February 25, come join us and make a difference in the lives of those struggling with hunger, hurt and homelessnes...
❄️ Join us on February 25, 2023 for the Coldest Night of the Year walk and help us make a positive impact in the lives o...



368 Colborne Street East
Brantford, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 5pm - 9pm
Tuesday 5pm - 9pm
Wednesday 5pm - 9pm
Thursday 5pm - 9pm
Friday 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 5pm - 9pm
Sunday 5pm - 9pm

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