Burlington Ward News - Ontario

Burlington Ward Page we will share information for announcements, events, & good news within the war

A Look Forward: Messages of Hope From Canadian Latter-day Saint Leaders 01/08/2023

Messages of HOPE to open 2023: caring for each other and the precious world around us.

A Look Forward: Messages of Hope From Canadian Latter-day Saint Leaders The New Year is a time for both reflecting on the past and looking forward with hope. Canadian leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints begin 2023 by shari

Season of Giving: Canadian Latter-day Saints ‘Think Outside the Box’ 12/23/2022

Compassion of Christ. . Here are a few 2023 results in a variety of Canadian communities: https://news-ca.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/season-of-giving--canadian-latter-day-saints--lsquo-think-outside-the-box-rsquo- Thank you Merrilee for sharing this with us :)

Season of Giving: Canadian Latter-day Saints ‘Think Outside the Box’ Latter-day Saints are “thinking outside the box” to support local charities and community organizations. In 2022, 63 projects were organized between Canadian congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sai


One Burlington Inter-Faith Inter-Cultural ... at Burlington Performing Arts Centre, August 1/22. Brilliant, joyful, energetic, what a happy day of our members and missionaries together :)


YAY for our joyful missionaries, also Pres. and Linda Stacey of the Toronto Mission joining with us today at Burl Performing Arts Centre for our One Burlington Festival.


Aug 1st at our beautiful Performing Arts Centre (with Missionaries, also Barbara Norell in a panel discussion). Activities, foods, music ++ . Support God's LOVE for the mosaic of people, faiths & cultures here in Burlington. In a troubled world we offer love, peace, harmony, respect for all.


We decided to follow Bishop Keenan's example, in his May 29 focus on emergency preparedness. Amazon delivered in < 1 week. Water purification tablets, & a 5-way power emergency radio, spot-light, reading-light, emerg. alarm, phone-charging system. Compact & powerful. ... How is everyone's emergency preparedness?


Dan Fraser represented us at the grand opening and new offices of Halton Multicultural Connections in Burlington Mall on May 10th. :)


Save the date to enjoy Monday August 1st with One Burlington Inter-Faith at Performing Arts Centre, Burlington.


Deepest thanks to Pres. and Cindy Ensign for today's brief broadcast with Rev. Bohden and family of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (near Ossington chapel), assuring them of our love and our prayers for the people of Ukraine.


Sat. Feb. 26 at 7pm we co-host ONE BURLINGTON AFRICVILLE ENCORE. Pre-registration required at link. If you missed last year or ready to share with others This Is The Link To JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpd-mopjwrGNOXYtkuzEr6XK09S_g85pI-/success?user_id=S6uv7p_ZQgu-IbBjKQ4ukQ&timezone_id=America%2FToronto


10 New Resources in our Ward Library:

o "Making it through the Middle". Emily Belle Freeman
o "Grace Where You Are". Emily Belle Freeman
o "Even This: getting to the place where you can trust God with anything". Emily B. Freeman
o "The Spirit of Revelation". David A. Bednar
o "The Second Coming of the Lord". Gerald N. Lund
o "Biography: Gordon B. Hinckley: go forward with faith". Sheri Dew
o "In the Hands of the Lord, the life of Dallin H. Oaks". Richard Turley Jr.
o "Insights from a Prophet’s Life: Russell M. Nelson". Sheri L. Dew
o "Reaching for the Savior". Reyna L. Aburto
o DVD: "Jane and Emma".


Grateful to Bonita, Dan & Merrilee, leading our contribution to help vulnerable homes in our community: Share The Love.

Latter-day Saints Celebrate World Religion Day 01/16/2022

Grateful, among various faiths & cultures we share so much of compassion, service, openness, & prayer. Fits our mosaic of Canada, and we can learn about each other. Click for brief discussion including our beloved Sandra Pallin (sister of Merrilee Fraser): https://news-ca.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/latter-day-saints-celebrate-world-religion-da

Latter-day Saints Celebrate World Religion Day Canadian members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invite others to join the conversation on World Religion Day.


Friday June 11 at 1:30 community prayer in Spencer Smith Park.

The vehicle homicide of a Muslim family in London, Ontario is a terrible tragedy that has touched the hearts of all One Burlington members. When this is combined with recent revelations about residential schools, we wonder how any Canadian can act against another human being with such contempt. Exposing and defusing such prejudice and hatred is a most difficult, yet vital task for the future of this beautiful country we call Canada.

One Burlington began as a show of solidarity against religious and cultural prejudice in Canada. As people from diverse backgrounds, we continue to say “NO” to hatred, injustice and racism of all kinds and "YES" to our common values of brotherhood & sisterhood, justice & peace. We believe every individual and every culture, ethnicity, nation and religion have a contribution to make towards a better community, a better country, and a better world.

We want to respect; to learn from; and to share with each other as individuals and as communities. We celebrate our diversity, and we won't let cultural / ethnic stereotypes, hate, injustice, prejudice or racism prevent us from forging unity in diversity. All major religions remind us of the value of life, and our faith communities are shocked and saddened by hate-filled actions against Asian, Indigenous, Jewish, Muslim and other minorities. Not only do our faiths condemn these acts of contempt and hatred, but we state, categorically, that such acts have no faith.

One Burlington works with community, cultural and faith groups to increase understanding and reduce hostility throughout Burlington. Our celebrations of faith and culture attract attendees from Burlington and beyond, and contribute to an increased appreciation of all faiths and cultures. Together, we affirm that we won't accept any narrative of hatred such as fanatics espouse. We know our faiths and cultures have more commonalities than differences, and we will continue to stand united for justice and peace.

Join us in our pledge to counter hatred for any, with love for all.

NVW 2021 - National Volunteer Week (NVW) - Campaigns - Volunteer Canada 04/07/2021

NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK is from April 18-24. Although the pandemic has changed how we might approach service, we encourage you to find a way that works for you, to serve others via technology or within your households or in your community. This link will give you more information and ideas to help you decide what to do for volunteer service. Have fun!! We would love for you to come back to this post and share your experiences with your ward family!!
https://volunteer.ca/nvw2014 #:~:text=April%2018-24,%202021,together%20towards%20a%20common%20purpose

NVW 2021 - National Volunteer Week (NVW) - Campaigns - Volunteer Canada The National Volunteer Week theme for 2021, The Value of One, The Power of Many, reflects on the awe-inspiring acts of kindness by millions of individuals AND the magic that happens when we work together towards a common purpose.  This past year, we have seen people supporting family, friends, neig...


Our dedicated elders (Stock & Smith) offer delightful and diligent service. We are wonderfully blessed in the family of faith :)


Striding forward with our FH?

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 43-52 08/08/2020

Sunday School (August 3 - 9)
Come Follow Me: Alma 43–52

Hello brothers and sisters, for this week's Sunday School lesson from the Come Follow Me manual, we would like you to please take the time to watch these complimentary videos to assist you with your personal preparation and study of the Scriptures:

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 43-52 Watch all at once or with our timecodes below to explore the lessons we can learn from the wars and the peace of Alma 43-52. Timecodes: Alma 43 - 04:35 Alma ...


Have you heard "CONNECTING YOUTH TO CHRIST" ... , young voices singing of , , , , . Click here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/?lang=eng

Come Follow Me (Insights into Alma 39–42, July 27–August 2) 08/01/2020

Sunday School (July 27– August 2)
Come Follow Me: Alma 39–42

Dear brothers and sisters, we hope you are enjoying a great long weekend.
Here are some videos to complement your study of the Come Follow Me manual for this week:

From Scripture Gems:

From Book of Mormon Central:

And to complement the videos, here are some bonus questions from our teacher:

Sunday School Questions: Alma 39-42

1) What principles do we find that Alma taught Corianton in Alma 39, about the law of chastity? We can also search for principles by reading “Sexual Purity” in For the Strength of Youth.
What principles do we find here, that help you to live the law of chastity?
How are these principles different from what the world teaches?
The following quote is from Sister Wendy Nelson, who contrasted how the world views s*xual relations — “worldly s*x” — with what she called “God-ordained marital intimacy”:

“With worldly s*x, anything goes. With marital intimacy, exquisite care is taken to avoid anything and everything—from language to music to movies—that offends the Spirit, your spirit, or your spouse’s.
“While worldly s*x is lustful and kills love, marital intimacy generates more love.
“Worldly s*x degrades men and women and their bodies, while marital intimacy honors men and women and celebrates the body as one of the great prizes of mortal life.
“With worldly s*x, individuals can feel used, abused, and ultimately more lonely. With marital intimacy, spouses feel more united and loved, more nurtured and understood.
“Worldly s*x ravages and eventually ruins relationships. Marital intimacy strengthens marriages. It supports, heals, and hallows the lives of spouses and their marriage. …
“Worldly s*x becomes a total obsession because it never fulfills its promises. God-ordained marital intimacy is glorious and will continue eternally for covenant-keeping husbands and wives”

2) Alma describes the spirit world and the state of the righteous (repentant), vs. the wicked (unrepentant), after they die. How can these teachings inspire you and me to repent, and to follow Jesus Christ? See Alma 40:11-26.

Come Follow Me (Insights into Alma 39–42, July 27–August 2) Download our free scripture study tool: https://www.scriptureplus.org/ NEW BOOK by Taylor and Tyler. Hear Him: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089NK4BHW Also by T...

Small and Simple Things 07/25/2020

Sunday School (July 20–26)
Come Follow Me: Alma 36–38

Dear brothers and sisters, here are the links to the videos for this week's class.

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

And to complement your study, here are the questions that our Sunday School Teacher, Brother Monaghan, has prepared for you:

1) What does it mean to be “born of God,” as Alma teaches in Alma 36? (See also 1 John 4:7; Mosiah 5:7; 27:25-26; Alma 5:14; 22:15). How can I experience, and continue to experience, this kind of change?

2) How do we, like Alma, show that the scriptures are sacred to us? How can we teach our loved ones to “keep all these things sacred”? (Alma 37:2). How do the scriptures “show forth [God’s] power” to us? (Alma 37:14).

3) What does the principle taught by Alma of “small and simple things” bringing about great results, mean to me? Why do we sometimes fail to do small things like read the scriptures or say our prayers? How can we inspire ourselves and our families to overcome this tendency?

The following quote by President Dallin H. Oaks may also help illustrate this principle:
“I was reminded of the power of small and simple things over time by something I saw on a morning walk. … The thick and strong concrete sidewalk [was] cracking. Is this the result of some large and powerful thrust? No, this cracking is caused by the slow, small growth of one of the roots reaching out from the adjoining tree. …
“So is the powerful effect over time of the small and simple things we are taught in the scriptures and by living prophets. Consider the scripture study we’ve been taught to incorporate into our daily lives. Or consider the personal prayers and the kneeling family prayers that are regular practices for faithful Latter-day Saints. … Though each of these practices may seem to be small and simple, over time they result in powerful spiritual uplift and growth. This occurs because each of these small and simple things invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost, the Testifier who enlightens us and guides us into truth”

4) In Alma 38, we read Alma’s words of encouragement that he gives to his son, Shiblon. What passages are meaningful to me, or give me ideas for strengthening my own family members and friends?

Small and Simple Things President Oaks reminds us that small and simple things, including our small, daily positive or negative choices, over time bring about great things.

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 32-35 07/18/2020

Sunday School (July 13-19)
Come Follow Me: Alma 32-35

Hello brothers and sisters, this week we will be reviewing Alma 32 - 35.
Please follow these links to guide you through the lesson:

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Additionally, our Sunday School teacher has prepared these questions to help you with your personal study:

Sunday School Questions: Alma 32-35

1) In Alma 32, Alma talks of planting a seed. How can we plant the seed — or testimony of Jesus Christ and His Atonement — in our hearts and nourish it?

2) In contrast with the Zoramites’ false ideas about prayer, what do Alma and Amulek teach us about prayer? In Alma 33:2-11 and 34:17-29, look for answers to the following questions about prayer:

3) What does it mean that the Saviour’s sacrifice is “infinite” and “eternal”? (See Alma 34:9-14.) What must we do to receive the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ? (See Alma 34:15-17.)

4) Imagine you were invited to give a performance at Canada’s Got Talent on T.V. You have many options because they allow many different talents for you to choose from. Now imagine the performance is tomorrow. Will you have time to prepare adequately?
How does this example relate to Amulek’s warnings in Alma 34:32-35? Why might it be dangerous to delay our efforts to repent and change?

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 32-35 Join us to explore Alma and Amulek's sermon to the Zoramites and learn how to plant the word in us. Timecodes: Alma 32 - 01:38 Alma 33 - 46:55 Alma 34 - 52:4...


Dear Ward Members,

Some of us have been talking about Family History this season, and how to find new steps forward.
There is so much more we can do today but often we’re puzzled on where is best to start in again.
So here are 7 simple ideas. Have a look. Which one, or two, would feel best for you right now?

Attached here is a page we’ve designed to help start – or restart – with simple steps we can all enjoy.
See the attached (miniature also is below). Which new steps will make this most enjoyable for you?
Maybe it’s simply recording a story or memory. Even just adding a few family photos.
Sincere wishes for every blessing to you and your loved ones!

“A Teacher Come from God” 07/11/2020

Sunday School - July 6–12
(Come Follow Me: Alma 30–31 )

Dear brothers and sisters, here are the videos for this week's class:

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

And from our Sunday School teacher, Bro. Raphael Monaghan, here are the questions he has prepared for this week:

1) When Korihor expressed the counterfeit and false teachings of the adversary, what helped Alma to discern between true doctrine and false doctrine? (See Alma 30:32-54.) What other ways have you found helpful? How can we avoid being deceived by these teachings in our day?

2) In a world where some people don’t believe in God, how did Alma know with a surety that there is a God? (See Alma 30:39-46.) What references do you find to the Holy Ghost in these verses, and what role does it play in testifying of the reality of God and Jesus Christ? See also the following quote by Pres. M. Russell Ballard:

“Astronauts viewing the earth from space have stated how incredibly beautiful it is and how alive it appears. United States Senator Jake Garn wrote of his experience in space: ‘It is impossible for me to describe the beauty of the earth. It is a breathtaking, awe-inspiring, spiritual experience to view the earth from space while traveling at twenty-five times the speed of sound. I could also look into the blackness of the vacuum of space and see billions of stars and galaxies millions of light-years away. The universe is so vast as to be impossible to comprehend. But I did comprehend the hand of God in all things. I felt his presence throughout my seven days in space. I know that God created this earth and the universe. … I know that God lives and is the Creator of us all’ (letter to M. Russell Ballard, 3 March 1988)”

3) If “the word” has had “more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them” (Alma 31:5), how can we make the word more integral in our lives and our families’ lives? See also the quote below from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

“Are we really nurturing our youth and our new members in a way that will sustain them when the stresses of life appear? Or are we giving them a kind of theological Twinkie—spiritually empty calories? … During a severe winter several years ago, President Boyd K. Packer noted that a goodly number of deer had died of starvation while their stomachs were full of hay. In an honest effort to assist, agencies had supplied the superficial when the substantial was what had been needed. Regrettably they had fed the deer but they had not nourished them. …
“Satan is certainly not subtle in his teachings; why should we be? Whether we are instructing our children at home or standing before an audience in church, let us never make our faith difficult to detect. … Give scripturally based sermons. Teach the revealed doctrine”

“A Teacher Come from God” We must revitalize and reenthrone superior teaching in the Church—at home, from the pulpit, in our administrative meetings, and surely in the classroom.

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 23-29 07/04/2020

Sunday School (June 29-July 5)
Come Follow Me: Alma 23–29

Dear Brothers and Sisters, another week has passed and we really hope that it has been a good one for you.

For this week's class, we encourage you to watch the following videos (please click on the links):

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Here are the questions that our Sunday School Teacher has prepared for you. Enjoy!

1) What changes did the Anti-Nephi-Lehies make as a result of their conversion? How does their example to abandon false transitions and bury their weapons of war inspire me? What might the Lamanites’ “weapons of ... rebellion” represent in our day?

2) In these chapters, what caused Ammon, the sons of Mosiah and Alma to rejoice? See Alma 24:13-15; 26:12-22; and 29:1-17. What do we learn from these verses about how the gospel brings us joy?

3) How were Ammon and his fellow missionaries “instruments in the hands of God”? See Alma 26:1-5, 11-12. How are we like instruments in God’s work?

Scripture Gems - Come Follow Me: Alma 23-29 Learn how to bury your weapons of war in the episode with Jon and Jay! Timecodes: Alma 23 - 01:24 Alma 24 - 14:54 Alma 25 - 35:21 Alma 26 - 42:02 Alma 27 - 5...

Virtual Church Instructions 06/14/2020

Hello Burlington Ward folk! Here's a link to the joining instructions for our online devotional tomorrow (June 14th):


Virtual Church Instructions Hi everyone, Below is the joining information for this week’s Devotional with our Burlington Ward family. We invite all to join, as well as any guests you’d like to invite. Please forward this email to anyone who may not have received it that would like to join. You have the option to join thro....

Come Follow Me (Insights into Alma 8–12, June 8–14) 06/13/2020

Sunday School (June 8–14)
Come Follow Me: Alma 8-12

Hello Brothers and Sisters,

For this week's class, we bring you these videos:

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Additionally, our Sunday School Teacher invites you to study and try to give an answer these questions:

Sunday School Questions: Alma 8-12

1) How does Alma’s reaction to the angel’s message inspire me to continue sharing the gospel when I receive rejection? See Alma 8:14-32.

Consider additionally these words of encouragement from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
“If you haven’t already, you will one day find yourself called upon to defend your faith or perhaps even endure some personal abuse simply because you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Such moments will require both courage and courtesy on your part.
“… You may wonder if it is worth it to take a courageous moral stand in high school or to go on a mission only to have your most cherished beliefs reviled or to strive against much in society that sometimes ridicules a life of religious devotion. Yes, it is worth it. …
“Friends, especially my young friends, take heart. Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world. …
“Be strong. Live the gospel faithfully even if others around you don’t live it at all. Defend your beliefs with courtesy and with compassion, but defend them”

2) What responsibility do we have because of what we know? How can we be more true to the light and knowledge we have received, as Alma taught? Consider the verse of scripture D&C 50:24

3) What does it mean to have a hard or a soft heart? See first Alma 12:9-14 and then also Jeremiah 24:7, Alma 16:16 and Helaman 3:35.
What does this inspire me to do?

Have a great weekend!

Come Follow Me (Insights into Alma 8–12, June 8–14) Download our free scripture study tool: https://www.scriptureplus.org/ Check out Taylor’s latest books The Covenant Path in the Bible and the Book of Mormon:...

Virtual Church Instructions 06/07/2020

Our first online Fast & Testimony meeting is happening today at 10am! Please go here for joining instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NXmC5dFrUY8xMk741uc3nO_PNFrVJmfxlw5Qpkd4Pr0/edit

Virtual Church Instructions Hi everyone, Below is the joining information for this week’s Devotional with our Burlington Ward family. We invite all to join, as well as any guests you’d like to invite. Please forward this email to anyone who may not have received it that would like to join. You have the option to join thro....

The Power of a Personal Testimony 06/06/2020

Sunday School - June 1-7
Come Follow Me: Alma 5–7

Dear brothers and sisters, we hope you are doing well.
For this week's class, we have these two videos that will help you with your study of the Scriptures.

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Also, here are the questions that our teacher, Brother Raphael Monaghan has prepared for this week’s Sunday School:

1) What questions in Alma 5 (verses 14-33) are meaningful to me? What are the blessings that come from a changed heart?

2) What could be a “recipe” for gaining a testimony, as described by Alma? (See Alma 5:44-51). Also see the Elder Uchtdorf’s talk in link below for further ideas.

3) What did the Saviour suffer, and why? How can this knowledge help me, as I strive to follow Him? (See Alma 7:7-16).

Additional resource:
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2006/10/the-power-of-a-personal-testimony?lang=eng , four steps to gaining a testimony

The Power of a Personal Testimony The Power of a Personal Testimony


Brothers and Sisters, we have a delightful opportunity to prepare & share meals with our Sister Missionaries currently living in Oakville, and faithfully serving Burlington too.

Please reach me to confirm when you can provide a meal for the sister missionaries during June 7 to 13th &/or June 14 to 20th, and also receive a heartwarming spiritual message (in person or via internet).

Please confirm to Brian Weatherdon, cell 905-330-2548 or email [email protected]. Blessings to you and your dear families as you share and encourage our sisters in their full-time service.


Brothers and Sisters, we have a delightful opportunity to prepare and share meals with our Sister Missionaries who currently live in Oakville but faithfully serve both our wards and communities.

Please confirm a time you can provide a meal for the sister missionaries during the week of June 7 to 13th &/or June 14 to 20th and enjoy their spiritual message (in person or via internet)..

Please confirm to Brian & Virginia Weatherdon, cell 905-330-2548 or email [email protected].

Blessings to you and your dear families as you share and help support our sisters in their full-time service.

Yours most gratefully . . .


3 items of furniture + extra cushions FREE to whoever can use them. EQ may help moving.


Inspiring fireside we enjoyed tonight -- deepest thanks to all who shared in word, song, & prayer. Wonderfully uplifting! And if you missed, perhaps the youtube link will remain active for a while …. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6wKiXUzuxQ&feature=youtu.be

Virtual Church Instructions 05/24/2020

Please join us for our weekly Devotional tomorrow (Sunday May 24th). The problem we had with Zoom last week should be solved now for everyone (but if you have the option to update Zoom, which takes less than 2 minutes, please do so just to be safe). Here is a link to the joining instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NXmC5dFrUY8xMk741uc3nO_PNFrVJmfxlw5Qpkd4Pr0/edit

Virtual Church Instructions Hi everyone, Below is the joining information for this week’s Devotional with our Burlington Ward family. We invite all to join, as well as any guests you’d like to invite. Please forward this email to anyone who may not have received it that would like to join. You have the option to join thro....

Ye Must Be Born Again 05/23/2020

Sunday School: (May 18-24 : Mosiah 25–28)

Hello Brothers and Sisters, here are the videos for the class and the complimentary questions and additional resources that your Sunday School teacher has prepared for you 😁:

From Book of Mormon Central:

From Scripture Gems:

Sunday School Questions: Mosiah 25-28

1) How can I know if God has forgiven me? How can I know if my repentance is sufficient? (See Mosiah 26:22-24, 29-31)

2) Understanding that we cannot override someone else’s agency, what can I pray for when a loved one goes astray? (See Mosiah 27:8-24)

3) What does it mean to be spiritually reborn? How do we strive to act towards others when we are spiritually reborn? (See Mosiah 27:22-28:4)

4) What is my conversion story? Consider sharing this with a friend or family member, or writing it down.

Some additional resources that may be helpful:
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2007/04/ye-must-be-born-again?lang=eng , analogy of the cucumbers and pickles

Ye Must Be Born Again Ye Must Be Born Again


Unfortunately due to system-wide Zoom issues, we are postponing today's meeting until next week. Stoney Creek ward also had issues with their meeting this morning too. It's sad that we couldn't meet this morning, but we look forward to next week.

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2366 Headon Road
Burlington, ON

Other Religious Centers in Burlington (show all)
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1377 Walkers Line
Burlington, L7M0Z1

Real People Reflecting Jesus

Holy Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church Holy Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
419 Pearl Street
Burlington, L7R2N2

Welcome to Holy Protection Parish in Burlington, Ontario, where we strive to be a “Vibrant Parish

Rccg- Restoration House Burlington Rccg- Restoration House Burlington
Tansley Woods Community Centre, 1996 Itabashi Way

Faith based religious Organization where Peoples are encouraged and lifted through the in-depth teaching of Word of God as established in the Holy Bible.

Holy Rosary Parish in Burlington, Ontario Holy Rosary Parish in Burlington, Ontario
287 Plains Road E
Burlington, L7T2C7

Holy Rosary Parish is located in the community of Aldershot in Burlington, Ontario. We are a Roman C

Compass Point Bible Church Compass Point Bible Church
1500 Kerns Road
Burlington, L7P3A7

Aligning Lives to Jesus

Faith Church Burlington Faith Church Burlington
2265 Mountainside Drive
Burlington, L7P1B6

We're a community of ordinary people on an extraordinary journey together.

Rehoboth Canadian Reformed Church Rehoboth Canadian Reformed Church
1225 Dundas Street
Burlington, L7R3X4

We have been a worshipping and witnessing church in north Burlington since 1971. For more information

LifeChurch LifeChurch
9-4380 South Service Road
Burlington, L7L5Y6

Loving God. Loving People.

East Plains United Church East Plains United Church
375 Plains Road East
Burlington, L7T2C7

EPUC is a faith community in The United Church of Canada and is a community hub in the Aldershot area of Burlington.