CSN Cars is a family run collision repair business located in Burlington, ON. Our highly trained tech

Timeline photos 09/12/2023

What are 5 things ever car owner should keep in their vehicle?
1. First aid kit – Your kit should include items such as Band-Aids, ointment, gauze pads, scissors, and gloves. If you don’t want to think too hard about all the little odds and ends you may need, you can purchase pre-made kits online.
2. Jumper cables – A dead battery is a common and frustrating malfunction you might face. Jumpstarting a car is quite an easy and effective process in case that there is someone near you with a running engine who is willing to help, and you or your rescuer have jumper cables.
3. Extra clothing – If you get caught in a snowstorm or a rainstorm, it will be helpful to have an extra pair of dry clothes to change into.
4. Spare tire, jack, and lug wrench – Nothing is quite so frustrating as finding out that your spare tire has a flat or you forgot your jack in the garage. So, make sure you have a jack, inflated spare tire, and lug wrench in the car. If you have two of these items and not the third, it’s all useless. These three things go together so make sure you have them all.
5. Reflective Triangles – Any reflective item will be your nighttime safeguard. If you’ve pulled off to the shoulder for any prolonged amount of time, put these safety essentials around your vehicle. They offer enhanced visibility for ongoing traffic, lowering the possibility of you being hit by unsuspecting drivers while you’re waiting for the help you need.

Timeline photos 09/08/2023

Although brakes are clearly an essential part of any vehicle, they are capable of going thousands of kilometers without a peep, quietly working hard to bring us safely to a stop. Perhaps that's why it can be so easy to overlook them when going through our routine maintenance checklist.
So how can you tell when you need new brakes? Fortunately, old brakes don't stay silent for long and there are a few common warning signs you can learn to look and listen for.
In most cases, you shouldn't hear much of anything when you step on the pedal. If you hear a high-pitch, squeak or squeal when you step on the brakes, it might be time for a switch. If you don't replace your brakes after they've been squeaking for a while, you may hear a more ominous grinding or growling sound, like rough metal scraping against metal. If that happens, it usually means service is required immediately. If your car is pulling to one side or another, or you feel vibrations in the pedal, that also indicates the need for new brakes. Ignoring these signs can lead to reduced responsiveness of your car, meaning your vehicle can't stop within the same distance as it can during peak performance, increasing the risk for a collision.

Timeline photos 09/06/2023

Your insurance provider may suggest a shop to take your vehicle to, but they can’t make you go there for the repair to be compensated. When you have work done, it’s in your best interest to find a shop that has the knowledge and tools to do the repair right, not the one that will save the insurance company the most money. If you want quality work when you have collision damage repaired, choose CSN!

Timeline photos 09/04/2023

Labour Day in Canada is a celebration of honouring workers and recognizing their contributions to society. Historically, In the late 1860s and early 1870s, a labour movement began in Hamilton among printers who were petitioning their employer for a nine-hour workday, and spread to Toronto where the workers went on strike on March 25, 1872. A few weeks later, workers in Toronto held a huge demonstration in support of the strike. About 2,000 of them marched through the city, led by marching bands. The parade ended at Queen's Park, where the crowd had grown to roughly 10,000 people. While workers had been celebrating and parading on that day for years, it wasn't until 1894 that the Canadian government declared Labour Day an official holiday.

Timeline photos 08/29/2023

EVs are classified into different types based on how much they rely on electricity as a power source. Currently, there are three main classifications of EVs.
1. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are completely electric with rechargeable batteries. Also known as ‘plug-in’ EVs, BEVs use an external electrical charging outlet for power. They rely on electricity and do not have a gasoline engine, fuel tank, or tailpipe.
2. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), or extended-range electric vehicles, are partly powered by gasoline and partly by electricity. They have batteries that charge with an external outlet, and regenerative braking capabilities. PHEVs also use a gas engine to extend the vehicle’s range and to recharge the car battery.
3. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are also powered by both gasoline and electricity. They differ from PHEVs by relying only on regenerative braking for battery charge. These EVs use their electric motor when driving, which is then supplemented with the gasoline engine as needed due to increases in load or speed.

Timeline photos 08/25/2023

Did you know? There are over 1 billion passenger cars in the world. And over half of those cars are in the Continent of Asia!

Timeline photos 08/21/2023

CSN Collision Centres provide expert level services no matter how major or minor the vehicle damage. From collision repair and glass replacement to scratches, dents and scrapes, or high-end paint services we have the technology and the training to get your vehicle back to like-new condition quickly and safely.

Timeline photos 08/17/2023

Taking care of your vehicle is a necessity, and important in avoiding a collision. Tires are often an overlooked part of vehicle maintenance. To ensure that your tires are in good shape, they need to be rotated and balanced regularly. Tire rotation is necessary to maximize the lifespan of your tire set and allows an expert to check the tread of your tires. Worn out tires can lead to accidents very easily through many different ways, including too much heat buildup, risk of hydroplaning, sudden blowouts, and more. You should rotate your tires about every 8,000 kilometres to make sure your tires still have traction.


Today is National Tell A Joke Day!
But do you know what’s not a joke? Vehicle safety!

Timeline photos 08/15/2023

Tires are durable. After all, they’re your car’s primary point of contact with the road, and they work hard. Still, they’re not indestructible. This is especially true when it comes to potholes. Hitting a pothole can cause a variety of tire issues, from blowouts to poor alignment, both of which compromise your vehicle and can make it dangerous to drive. Even if your tires get through a pothole collision unscathed, your suspension and steering may not be so lucky. If you notice your car pulling to one side or another after you hit a pothole, one or more of your steering components may be out of alignment. Over time, this can cause your suspension to wear unevenly, which will shorten its lifespan significantly.

Timeline photos 08/11/2023

To jump start a car, you will need a second working car. Hook the red (+) clamp to the positive terminal of the dead battery. Then, attach the red (+) clamp to the positive terminal of the working battery. Clamp the black (-) to the negative terminal of the working battery. Finally, attach the remaining black (-) to an unpainted metal surface of the dead car. Then start the working car first and start the dead car next. Lastly, remove the cables in the reverse order you attached them.

Timeline photos 08/07/2023

Not all collision repair warranties are the same. Some collision and auto body repair facilities limit the amount of repair warranty coverage they offer. CSN stands behind the quality and reliability of our work so strongly, that we offer a National Lifetime Warranty on all repairs performed, for as long as you own your car or truck.

Timeline photos 08/03/2023

Norway has more electric cars on the road than any other country. As a cleaner alternative, electric vehicles are an important step in sustainable transportation. Notable for their fuel efficiency, EVs can be a cost-effective way to reduce your car expenses. Norway is doing it right!

Timeline photos 08/01/2023

Traffic safety: It’s the difference between life and death. Learning to share the road with cyclists, pedestrians, and other car drivers, is important in making our commutes safer. Traffic safety saves lives. Obey Speed Limits, respect all Traffic Signals and Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorcycles, and be a Defensive Driver.

Timeline photos 07/25/2023

No matter what you drive, we’ll fix it for you!
Peu importe le véhicule que vous conduisez, nous pouvons le réparer!

Timeline photos 07/20/2023

Proper vehicle inspections and regular maintenance can reduce the risk of crashes. They help ensure everything is operating properly and safely. While CSN does not perform regular vehicle maintenance, we do encourage you to go to your local mechanic for regular service to keep your car safe for the roads.
Des inspections adéquates et un entretien régulier de votre véhicule peuvent réduire le risque de collisions en vous assurant que tout fonctionne correctement, de manière sécuritaire. Même si CSN n’effectue pas l’entretien régulier des véhicules, nous vous encourageons à consulter votre mécanicien local pour vous assurer que votre voiture est sécuritaire à conduire.

Timeline photos 07/17/2023

Did you know?
The world’s first ever car accident occurred in 1891 in Ohio City. John Lambert was driving with James Swoveland as the passenger. John lost control of the car by hitting a tree root and crashing into a hitching post. There didn’t suffer any major injuries as cars back then didn’t have the power to speed. This accident gave John Lambert some ideas to implement some safety procedures such as putting doors on cars.
Le saviez-vous?
Le premier accident automobile au monde est survenu en 1891 à Ohio City. John Lambert était au volant, et James Swoveland était son passager. John a perdu le contrôle de sa voiture en accrochant une racine d’arbre et a frappé un poteau d’attache. Ils n’ont pas été blessés, puisque les voitures de l’époque n’allaient pas tellement vite. Cet accident a donné à John Lambert l’idée de mettre en œuvre des mesures de sécurité, comme des portières sur les voitures.

Timeline photos 07/13/2023

Going on a road trip soon? Prepare your vehicle with these 3 important checks.
1. Check your tires: Have a look at your tire pressure and make sure it matches up with the guidelines set out in your owner’s manual. Check the wheels for any bulges or cracks and examine the condition of the tire tread.
2. Test your lights: Have a look around the front and rear of the car. Are your headlights, blinkers, brake lights, hazard lights and reverse lights all in working order? Are any of the lights cracked or burnt out?
3. Test your brakes: Listen carefully to your brakes to spot any squeaking or scraping sounds. Is there a burning smell or do your pedals go all the way to the floor? This probably means it’s time to replace the brake pads and give the area a good check-up.
Source: CARFAX Canada
Vous partez bientôt en voyage ? Préparez votre véhicule avec ces 3 vérifications importantes.
1. Vérifiez vos pneus : Vérifiez la pression de vos pneus et assurez-vous qu'elle correspondent aux directives énoncées dans votre manuel du propriétaire. Vérifiez que les roues ne présentent pas de bosses ou de fissures et examinez l'état de la bande de roulement.
2. Testez vos feux : Jetez un coup d'œil à l'avant et à l'arrière de la voiture. Les phares, les clignotants, les feux de freinage, les feux de détresse et les feux de recul sont-ils en état de marche ? Certains feux sont-ils fissurés ou grillés ?
3. Testez vos freins : Écoutez attentivement vos freins pour repérer tout bruit de grincement ou de raclement. Y a-t-il une odeur de brûlé ou vos pédales s'enfoncent-elles complètement en bas ? Cela signifie probablement qu'il est temps de remplacer les plaquettes de frein et de procéder à un examen approfondi de la zone concernée.
Source : CARFAX Canada

Timeline photos 07/11/2023

All CSN Collision Centres have been carefully selected based on their exceptional business practices and high-quality repair standards. It is the promise that you receive from your CSN Collision Centre that guarantees that your vehicle has been repaired to like-new condition so that you can get back on the road with confidence.
Tous les centres de collision CSN ont été soigneusement sélectionnés en fonction de leurs pratiques d'affaires exceptionnelles et de leurs standards de réparation de haute qualité. C'est la promesse que vous recevez de votre Centre de collision CSN qui garantit que votre véhicule a été réparé à l'état neuf afin que vous puissiez reprendre la route en toute confiance.

Timeline photos 07/07/2023

Who is at fault in this scenario?
In this case, Car D would be liable for all damages caused in the chain collision due to his failure to keep a safe braking distance.
Graphics: MSIG
Qui est fautif dans ce scénario ?
Dans ce cas de figure, la voiture D sera responsable de tous les dommages causés dans le carambolage en raison de son incapacité à maintenir une distance de freinage de sécurité.

Timeline photos 07/04/2023

Do you have car insurance for your vehicle?
Car insurance is important because it protects yourself and others on the road. The right car insurance can help protect you, your family members, your passengers, and other drivers. If an accident happens, you will want to have the right coverage to take care of any property or bodily injury costs that may occur.
Avez-vous une assurance auto pour votre véhicule ?
L’assurance automobile est nécessaire car elle permet de vous protéger vous, vos passagers et les autres conducteurs sur la route. Si un accident arrive, vous voudrez avoir la meilleure couverture pour prendre en charge les coûts matériels et corporels qui pourraient survenir.

Timeline photos 07/01/2023

Today is a day for Canadians everywhere to show pride in their country’s history and culture.
And while today may be referred to as Canada’s birthday, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the country’s indigenous culture and its important role in the country’s rich history before 1867.
Aujourd’hui, les Canadiens fêtent l’histoire et la culture de leur pays. Le 1er juillet marque la naissance du Canada, mais il est également important de reconnaitre et de célébrer les autochtones et leur rôle important dans l’histoire riche de notre nation avant 1867.

Timeline photos 06/28/2023

Hello Summer!
Don't forget to keep your cars engine cool and ensure your AC is working.

Timeline photos 06/23/2023

CSN Collision Centres have a performance-driven attitude and as the nationwide leader in collision repairs, we have the service and technology you can trust. We can complete auto body and paint repair estimates on all makes and models of cars and trucks. We will work with your Insurance provider to ensure a hassle-free collision and paint repair experience.
Les ateliers CSN sont basés sur la performance et la qualité, et, en tant que leader national des réparations de carrosserie, vous pouvez nous faire confiance. Nous effectuons des devis pour vos réparations de carrosserie et de peinture sur tous les modèles de véhicules. Nous collaborons avec votre assurance pour que vous puissiez bénéficier d’une expérience de réparation sans tracas.

Timeline photos 06/21/2023

In both Canada and the United States, rear-end crashes are the most frequently occurring type of collision, accounting for almost 30% of all crashes.
Source: tests.ca/driving-statistics
Au Canada et aux États-Unis, les collisions arrière sont le type de collision le plus fréquent, et représentent près de 30 % de tous les accidents.
Source : tests.ca/driving-statistics

Timeline photos 06/18/2023

"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right."
~ Wade Boggs
« Tout le monde peut être un père, mais il faut être une personne très spéciale pour être un papa. C’est pourquoi je t’appelle papa, parce que tu es spécial pour moi. Tu m’as appris à jouer, et à bien jouer. »
~ Wade Boggs

Timeline photos 06/15/2023

Did you know? The majority of car accidents occur within 5km of the driver’s home.
When motorists are on familiar roads in recognizable neighborhoods, they may let their focus wander. They get too comfortable when close to home and may feel like it is okay to text or talk on the phone since they have traveled the road many times. In reality, there is never a good time or place for distracted driving.
Le saviez-vous? La majorité des accidents de voiture surviennent dans un rayon de 5 km de la résidence du conducteur.
Lorsque les automobilistes sont sur des routes connues, dans un quartier qui leur est familier, ils ont tendance à être moins concentrés. Ils se sentent à l’aise à proximité de chez eux et ont parfois l’impression qu’ils peuvent se permettre de texter ou de parler au téléphone puisqu’ils connaissent très bien la route. En fait, il n’y a aucun moment et aucun endroit où on peut se permettre d’être distraits au volant.

Timeline photos 06/09/2023

Always keep a safe following distance of three seconds between yourself and the car in front of you and leave even more space in poor weather conditions.
To measure the distance between you and the car in front of you, pick an object in the distance like a tree, or a pole, or a sign post. When the back of the vehicle in front of you passes it, start counting to three seconds before you reach the same thing. If you don’t get to three seconds, then it means you’re too close and you need to leave a bigger space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Gardez toujours une distance sécuritaire de trois secondes entre vous et la voiture qui vous précède; augmentez cette distance lorsque les conditions météorologiques sont défavorables.
Pour mesurer la distance entre vous et la voiture devant vous, repérez un objet au loin comme un arbre, un poteau ou un panneau indicateur. Quand l’arrière du véhicule devant vous passe cet objet, commencez à compter les secondes jusqu’à ce que vous atteigniez l’objet en question. Si vous n’arrivez pas à trois secondes, ça signifie que vous êtes trop près. Vous devriez laisser davantage d’espace entre vous et le véhicule devant vous.

Timeline photos 06/07/2023

SAFETY FACT: Wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of death in an accident by 61%.
Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash.
Seat belts are the best defense against impaired, aggressive, and distracted drivers. Being buckled up during a crash helps keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle.
Question de sécurité : Le fait de porter une ceinture de sécurité réduit de 61 % le risque de mourir dans un accident.
C’est LA chose la plus efficace que vous puissiez faire pour vous protéger en cas de collision.
Les ceintures de sécurité sont la meilleure défense contre les conducteurs en état d’ébriété, agressifs et distraits. Si une collision survient, le fait d’être attaché vous gardera en sécurité à l’intérieur de votre véhicule.

Timeline photos 06/05/2023

Who is at fault in this scenario?
In this case, Cars B, C, and D all failed to keep a safe braking distance and were unable to stop in time.
They are all liable for the cars they rear-ended each. Car A is the only one not at fault.
Graphics: MSIG
Qui est responsable dans ce scénario?
Dans ce cas, les voitures B, C et D n’ont pas maintenu une distance de freinage sécuritaire et ont été incapables de s’arrêter à temps.
Les conducteurs sont tous responsables d’avoir embouti la voiture devant eux. Le conducteur de la voiture A est le seul qui n’est pas responsable.

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Videos (show all)

national tell a joke day
EN - 24-Hour Towing
EN - Summer Maintenance
April Fools Day - April 1, 2022
One in seven - January 19, 2022
Class Hinch
Today is the first day of Fall! 🍂🧡 Hope everyone enjoyed their summer! Now who is excited to go on beautiful road trips ...
Norm Macdonald
Hinch Motto


4471 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 11am

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