
Driven by desire to #inspire & empower people#, #develop inner peace# outer chaos#emotional developme MINDGEEK



1. "Mistakes are the portals of discovery." - James Joyce

2. "YOU make mistakes. MISTAKES DON'T MAKE YOU." - Maxwell Maltz

3. "Mistakes are the growing pains of WISDOM." - William George Jordan

4. "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not making decisions." - Catherine Cook

5. "Fear of mistakes is the root of lack of confidence." - Dan Rockwell

6. "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." - Orlando A. Battista

7. "Fear of mistakes is just another way of procrastinating, of never moving forward." - Robin S. Sharma

8. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

9. "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan

10. "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." - Henry Ford

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 07/23/2023

They said you don't value what you have until you lose it
And I replied :
Whatever I lose had no value

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6 Amazing Psychology Facts..

1. Psychology says, when you finally let go of the past, something better comes along.

2. Psychology says, just because you're no longer close to someone, doesn't mean you no longer care about them.

3. Psychology says, Since we spend roughly 20 years of our lives sleeping, our dreams are technically considered to be an alternate reality.

4. Cuddling warms the heart and may protect it. It's also highly efficient at reducing the effects of stress.

5. Psychology says, sometimes silence is the most powerful scream and indication of something being terribly wrong.

6. Psychology Says, When you miss someone, you're more likely to re-read old text messages from that person..


I am lost, find me but do not ask me to come back yet. Sit with me in this lost place and maybe you will understand why I come here too often, what's draw me to my Neverland
Find me, but bring me back when am ready , maybe you will get to know me a little better
Maybe we can get lost together ๐Ÿ˜ž


Good morning my good people.
With the special grace of God I hope you are all fine and in good health.

Today I want us to reflect on this year.
We are few days to the end of 2021 and it will be good for us to reflect on our achievements and lost.
What are the lesson learned
What are we expecting to do or to happen on this upcoming year 2022.
What are the things that details us from achieving our goals?
What are the things that makes us sad and what makes us happy?
It time for us as we celebrate this Christmas and preparing to enter into the new year let's reflect and try to answer those questions above.



Someone is said to be mature if he or she has the following.

1. Speaks less even when he or she has the right to speak so much at the face of a bad situation.

2. Either clearly in very simple terms explains things or chooses his or her words to summarize things to avoid getting some people offended. *This kind is not just mature but a leader*

3. You smile and let some things go when everyone expects you to be very mad and or take drastic action for and or against.

4. You listen more than talking even when you have the right to talk as much as you can. This it to gather vital info you can use.

5. You speak out openly when need be to correct wrong impressions and rebuke whoever needs to be rebuked but with love rather than side talk/gossip.

6. You don't take side but give listening ears to both parties in a case of quarrel or fight with the sole aim to restore orderliness and peace.

7. You avoid being enemy of your friend's enemy without knowing what actually happened between them.

*_If you have at least five of the above, then you can boldly say you are mature or a good leader_*




*(1).* *Thomas Group* - They walk with you, eat with you and possibly live with you but don't really believe in you. They keep on delaying your vision and mission. *_(John 20:24-29)_*

*(2).* *Judas Group* - They walk with you, eat with you and possibly live with you but are after what they can get from you or elsewhere. They are not loyal and can easily betray you. *_(Matthew 26:14-16)_*

*(3).* *Demas Group* - They walk with you and possibly live with you; but once you start facing challenges and difficulties, they run away and forsake you. *_(2 Timothy 4:10)_*

*(4).* *Korah Group* - They pretend to be walking with you but when GOD begins to bless you, they will be jealous of your success. They challenge your influence and authority. They have issues when others acknowledge you. *_(Numbers 16:1-3)_*

*(5).* *Ham Group* - They are close to you, yet they expose your secrets and nakedness. The day you made a mistake or committed an error and find yourself in a sinful situation, they tell everyone of your weaknesses and exposing you to ridicules. *_(Genesis 9:20-24)_*

*(6).* *Absalom Group* - They are very close to you. They are impatiently ambitious. They detest your rising profile. They surreptitiously position themselves to hijack and cut off those who believe in you and win them over by saying that they are better than you. They malign you as being unfair, insensitive, wicked and incompetent. *_(2 Samuel 15:1-6)_*

*(7).* *Gehazi Group* - They are gluttonous and insatiable. They collect money behind your back. They ask for financial assistance and make people to feel you are not taking good care of them. *_(2 Kings 5:20-24)_*

*(8).* *Diotrephes Group* - This is the most dangerous group. They have a voice and influence amongst the people. They can come up with fabricated stories that could destroy your image. ๐Ÿ™…


Choose what you want to do
Is it hard work or accepting failure and giving us?


๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”. I KILLED MYSELF ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

I killed my own happiness in such a young age, by loving someone more than myself.
Many of us have gone through this and many are still going through it likewise many would repeat this same mistakes.
We constantly crave for love, we love the wrong people , we invest in our relationship. We put in all we have just to make our partners happy but what do we get in return;
๐Ÿ‘‰ Heartbreak, hatred, lies, cheating, betrayed, selfish.

Have you ever felt in love , even if it just once?
Have you ever love someone that you think you can't live without?
Have you ever love someone more than yourself?
Have you ever sacrifice somuch in your relationship that you got nothing left to show?
If yes then you know what am talking about,
If yes, then you know what am feeling.

Love is good, it sweet but bad when it toward the wrong person.

Now that you are broken, don't blame love cause it just a feeling but rather blame yourself for loving the wrong person.

If you've ever been broken, if you're still struggling in overcoming your emotions, if you're still hurts don't worry this are the way forward ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค

๐Ÿ‘‰ Delete his or her and his or her family, friends, relatives contacts.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Block him or her on all your social media, Facebook, WhatsApp, instagram.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Delete all his or her pictures.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Stop crying it wouldn't help.
๐Ÿ‘‰Stop looking for excuses to talk to him.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Stop blaming yourself.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Stop blaming him or her for there is always a reason for everything.
๐Ÿ‘‰ Stop thinking on how to get him or her back.

Sometimes people get out of our lives for good reasons that is only after you'll realize. Y
You are worth it don't kill yourself, take your time to get heal, learn from your mistake and move forward.

Stop dealing in the past. Move on

Photos from edenmarianadzegou's post 08/31/2021

Don't give up yet, the challenges seem to be stronger, it look like you can't get there, it hard to deal with everything.
remember these people and imagine if they would have given up, what would have been of them today. they didn't give up, they had faith and fight.
Don't give up yet. the best is yet to come



1...Stop looking for who is not looking for you.

2... Stop begging.

3...Stop saying more than necessary.

4...When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.

5...Don't eat other people's food more than they eat yours.

6...Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don't reciprocate it.

7...Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.

8... Stop entertaining gossip about other people.

9...Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.

10... Always look your best. Dress the way you should be addressed.

11... Be an achiever. Get busy with your goals.

12...Respect your time.

13... Don't stay in a relationship where you don't feel respected and valued. Walk away.

14... Learn to spend money on yourself. That's how people will learn to spend on you.

15... Be scarce sometimes.

16...Be a giver more than a receiver.

17...Don't go where you are not invited. And when invited don't overstay your welcome.

18...Treat people exactly the way they deserve.

19... Except they owe you money, two call attempts is enough. If they value you they will call you back.

20...Be good at what you do.



*โœ Choose ur Echo wisely.*

*A man was taking his son on a walk in a nearby forest. Suddenly the boy tripped and feeling a sharp pain, he screams "AHHHH!" Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, "AHHHH!" He was taken aback as it was his first experience of an echo*

*Filled with curiosity, he screams: "Who are you?", but the only answer he received was , "Who are you?"*

*This made him angry, so he shouted, "You are a coward!" and the voice answered "You are a coward!" He looked at his father and asked "Dad what's going on. How's he talking back at me?"*

*"Son," the man replies, " pay attention. Say something nice to him.*

*Then he screams, "I love you!" The voice answers, "I love you!"*

*Realising his son's confusion the man takes over the conversation with nature and shouts "You are wonderful!" and the voice answered, "You are wonderful!"*

*The boy is thrilled but still can't understand what is going on.*

*The father explains, Son, people call this an ECHO, but truly it is LIFE. Life always gives you back what you give out. Life is a mirror of your actions*.

*If you want more love, give more love. If you want more kindness, give more kindness. If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect. If you want forgiveness then forgive people who have hurt you. If you want people to be patient with you, then be patient with them*

*This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives.*

*An echo is nature's way of teaching us to do unto others what we wish them to do to us and wish for others what we wish for ourselves.*

*Life always gives you back what you give out...*

*Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.*

*Choose your ECHO ! Send out blessings and receive blessings in return.*

**My echo is love, peace, forgiveness and happiness for everyone, His grace.**


*The 10 Enemies of life*

Prevents you from seizing opportunities.

Prevents you from making good decisions.

Prevents you from seeing clearly.

Prevents you from focusing on yourself.

Prevents you from learning from others.

Prevents you from believing yourself and taking risk to follow your dreams.

Prevents you from becoming a better person.

Prevents you from living as free person.

Prevents people from trusting you.

Prevents you from seeing and learning from your mistakes.



At a wedding ceremony the Pastorโ€‹ asked if there was anyone who had any reason why the marriage shouldn't go on; it was time to stand up and speak, or forever let them hold their peace.

The moment of utter silence was interrupted by a young beautiful woman carrying a child. She started walking slowly toward the Pastorโ€‹.

Everything quickly turned to chaos. The bride slapped the groom.

The groom's mother fainted.
The bridal trail scooted towards the door.
The groom's men huddled together like a bereaved flock, wondering how best to help save the situation.
The Pastor asked the woman,
"Can you tell us why you came forward? What do you have to say?"
The woman replied,
"I can't hear from the back."๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

LESSON: Hold judgment until you've had all the facts. However, many times we fire the shots too quickly and beautiful relationships are ruined.

Thx for reading ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ



*GO PLACIDLY* amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

By *Max Ehrmann ยฉ 1927*


*"I tasted all that is sweet, but I found nothing sweeter than good health. And I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people. And I carried both, iron, and rocks, but nothing was heavier than debt. I discovered therefore that life is comprised only of two days: A day for you and a day against you! So when it is for you, be not reckless; and when it is against you, be patient. Because both days will expire!!*
*If you can't be a bridge to connect people, then don't be a wall to separate them. If you can't be a light to brighten people's good deeds then don't be the darkness covering their efforts. If you can't be the water to help people's crops sprout, then don't be a pest destroying their crops. If you can't be a vaccine to give life, don't be a virus to terminate it. If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.* *We can only be each other's keeper*.


Thinking is difficult. That is why most people judge.


โ€œI AM NO LONGER A VIRGIN....Says a 10yr old girl"

While the family was having their dinner,, the little girl wasn't eating.

After a few moments, she said, โ€œI have
something to tell you peopleโ€

Silence around the table.

โ€œIโ€™m no longer a virginโ€, and she begins to cry.

A long silence again.
And then, the father angrily screamed at his wife, โ€œItโ€™s your fault! Always dress and make up like a

Do you think you are setting a good example for your daughter?

The wife, in turn shouted at her husband: โ€œWhat about you? Are you setting a good example?

Wasting your salary on runs girls who sometimes even accompany you to your doorstep! Are you setting a good example for your daughter?โ€.

The father continued:
โ€œAnd her elder sister, that good for nothing, With her rasta man of a boyfriend, Who is always found with her in all the hotels. Do you believe she is setting a good example for her younger sister?โ€

And the rant went on.
The grandmother touches the shoulder of her little grand daughter to console her And asks her :

โ€œWell, my little girl, how did it happen?โ€

And the little girl replies while still crying.

"itโ€™s the priestโ€

The grandmother asked:
โ€œWhat do you mean, by ''it is the priest ?โ€

The little girl said: โ€œThe priest has chosen another girl to be Virgin Mary in the Christmas play.

Iโ€™m no longer playing the role of Virgin Mary again."

WHAT A LESSON:(price of impatience)

Even you the reader was much in a hurry to conclude and blame the priest before the story ends.

It's natural to be shocked at the beginning of any story but learn to listen to the whole story before you react.

Only then can you solve the issues thrown up by the story.

Remember wrong words can't be undone even with the highest apology!..... Our voice is like an egg, once it lands on the floor, you can never get it back.

Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment is a surprise.


Having va**na, b***s, and hips doesn't make you a woman.

A woman is the one who feeds a man with encouragement and ideas

A woman is the one who helps a man to save and invest wisely .

A woman does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insult just to prove a point, rather her words are gracious and can heal a broken heart .

A woman is the one that knows when to talk and to keep Quiet.

A woman is the one that doesn't leak secret.

A woman is the one that is content with what she has, and not the one that sells her self for material things.

A woman is a manager, a caretaker,a womb that can nature and birth destinies .

A woman doesn't do trending things, but she is reserved and has a taste of a Queen.

A woman doesn't look down on any man because of his present state of life and financial status, rather she encourages any man to get better.

A woman is the one that does not just bears babies, but bear ideas and inspiration anytime, anywhere.
A woman is the one a man can cry on her shoulders and not feel humiliated for doing so nor lose his value .

A woman is not the one that deceive a man just to eat his money, but the one who is honest and sincere in any relationship.
A woman. Is not the one that makes men feel terrible, but the one a man can run to for comfort.

A woman is the one that will spoil a man with honour and respect because there lies her strength and integrity .

A woman is an influence, a nation and a helper.

Many are females but only few can be called a woman.

Now ask yourself today,
am I a woman.



๐Ÿ‘‰It is a mistake to think time is going. Time is not going. Time is here until the world ends. It is you that is going. You donโ€™t waste time. Time is infinite. You waste yourself. You are finite. It is you that grows old and die. Time doesnโ€™t. So make better use of yourself before you expire. And one of the worst things to do with time is comparing yourself to others. A cow eats grass and gets fat but if dog eats grass, it will die. Never compare yourself with others. Run your race. What works for one person may be that which will kill you. Focus on the gifts and talents God gave you and donโ€™t be envious of the blessings He gave others_ .*

๐Ÿ‘‰Both Lion and Shark are professional hunters, BUT:*
*A Lion cannot hunt in the Ocean and a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle*
๐Ÿ™…That a Lion cannot hunt in the ocean doesn't make him useless and that a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle doesn't also make him useless both have their own territory where they can do well*

๐Ÿ‘‰If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew. Don't try to compare yourself to others.๐Ÿ˜‡You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it.* *All animals that exist, were in Noah's ark. A snail is one of those animals. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah's ark; His door of grace won't close till you reach your expected position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up.๐Ÿค”Remember that Broken crayons still colour.*
๐Ÿ’ชKeep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal...!*

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I am lost, find me but do not ask me to come back yet. Sit with me in this lost place and maybe you will understand why ...
Choose what you want to doIs it hard work or accepting failure and giving us?
We should be careful with the type of people we open our heart to, get to know them first and most especially their aims...
Don't become a slave because of someoneBe your own happiness
Accept rejection it a state of life





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