Dr. Riley Anderson, ND

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) in Calgary, AB. Come visit me at Essence Wellness Clinics!

Hello, I am a licensed, evidence-based naturopathic doctor (ND) located in Calgary, AB. My clinical focus is primarily on mental wellness, stress, fatigue, hormonal health, and sports medicine. My mission is to help others overcome their struggles and achieve a level of health they never considered possible. With each patient, I aim to uncover their root cause of illness so I can provide effective

Taking Stress Personally Chalk Talk 02/24/2023

Taking Stress Personally Chalk Talk Taking Stress Personally | Chalk Talk with Dr. Riley Anderson | Calgary Business Yes, you really should take stress personally. Stress is individualized.


Oh my GERD! 😩

Acid reflux can severely impact your daily life. Naturopathic medicine has solutions that reduce the frequency and severity of heartburn. Here are some important points to consider:

1. Soothe and protect the esophagus, then work on healing it
2. Improve digestion and avoid reflux triggers
3. Lifestyle changes to help with remission (meal timing, weight management)

Other reflux food triggers to be aware of include: Chocolate🍫, alcohol🍺, and dairy🧀!

Are you struggling with acid reflux? Book an appointment to start your own personalized plan for healing: naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


Naturopathic Doctors have recently been added to the Veterans Affairs Canada’s list of approved health professionals! We are approved to deliver services under the Health Care Treatment Benefits Program.

I am very excited to be a part of this program and to offer special rates for Veterans. Providing care for Veterans is very close to my heart. My family members have served in the Canadian Armed Forces (my grandfather is pictured here), and I grew up hearing stories about their hardships and triumphs. My father has also served as a branch-level executive for the Royal Canadian Legion.

My practice centres around issues routinely faced by Veterans such as chronic pain & inflammation, mental health concerns, head injuries, digestive issues, and a lack of information on how to live a healthy, holistic lifestyle.

This program is provided through Medavie Blue Cross and offers Veterans $240/year for naturopathic consultations and assessments.

Please share this information with anyone you may know who I can help!

If you're interested in reading more about my grandfather's incredible story about being shot down, captured, and later escaping click here: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Keeping+his+memories+alive%3A+JOHN+IVAN+ANDERSON+AIR+FORCE+SECOND+WORLD...-a0649101453


Health professionals need to do better!

Telling people to "eat better and exercise more" is surface-level advice and really isn't that helpful.

In this video, I briefly explain my approach to helping you overcome obstacles and get to the root of your issues.

If you're looking for realistic, actionable health advice, book an appointment with me here: naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


🍕Food SENSITIVITIES are different from Food ALLERGIES🥜

Food Sensitivities are a distinct type of immune reaction; one that can build-up overtime and get progressively worse if you are not careful. Food sensitivities can be very difficult to pin-down without lab testing. 🧪🔬

Fatigue, headaches, skin issues, weight gain, and various digestive issues can all be caused by repeatedly eating foods that your body doesn't agree with. Food sensitivity testing (FST) takes the guess work out of your diet.

This test can only be ordered by a licensed practitioner. The first step is to book an initial appointment at naturopathyyc.ca/book-now. Naturopathic consults are covered by most benefits plans.


Omega-3s are an essential nutrient, meaning, we have to get them through our diet. They combine with Vitamin D to help support natural levels of serotonin which will make you feel better!

Omega-3s are also a functional food! To learn more about functional foods and why they're worth the hype, check out my blog post here: naturopathyyc.ca/post/functional-foods-are-they-worth-the-hype


🎃🗣️ If you're a zombie, you NEED to hear this! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

Want to know more about nutritional strategies for the living? Book an appointment with me here - www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


Do you ever put time aside to just think? 💭

These days, pen-to-paper journalling has become somewhat of a lost art. Studies repeatedly show that writing things down - rather than typing things out - is a much more effective way to organize your thoughts and to problem solve. There seems to be some "magic" inherent with old-school journalling due to its particular brain activation. One study found that writing things down elicited a more personal and profound style of communication. In contrast, using electronic devices promoted a much more passive and impersonal style.

Journalling can be intimidating but there are many varieties to suit your needs. Here are 3 types of journalling to consider as part of your holistic health routine:

❓Question Prompts
Example: What is weighing me down these days?

🤔 Reflection Journalling
Reflect on a period of time (day/week/month/year) that requires quality processing.

🙏 Gratitude Journalling
Gratitude journalling can relieve stress and even improve sleep quality. Gratitude is the act of affirming positive outcomes in our daily lives. Start small, start general, and go from there.

For more tips and tricks on journalling, feel free to contact me directly - www.naturopathyyc.ca/contact


All-or-nothing thinking is a form of self-sabotage! This is especially true when it comes to your health.

I am a licensed naturopathic doctor who helps patients overcome their personal struggles to live a more fulfilling life. Check-out my website for more info: www.naturopathyyc.ca

Clip from Ep.5 of The Wellness Dojo Podcast hosted by Kyle Craik


The Sleep:Gut Connection 💤

I recently mentioned that our gut bacteria have their own food preferences. Today, I was amazed to find out that these microscopic creatures also have their own sleep/wake cycles! The technical term for this cycle is "circadian rhythm" but what's important is that these bacteria perform different functions at different times throughout the day and are influenced by your own sleep quality.

You have billions of small bacteria to care for and they rely on good sleep and a proper diet! When these bacterial colonies are optimized, they can improve your metabolism, immune health, and even mental health.

Book your initial consultation here - www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


What Are PRE-Biotics and Do I Need Them? 🦠

Did you know that the "good-bacteria" in your body have their own food preferences? It's true! They love to eat a certain type of carbohydrate called dietary fibre that humans cannot digest. Keeping your microbiome healthy & happy is in your best interest since these bacteria produce B-vitamins, Vitamin K, and other nutrients crucial for holistic health. Here are some top foods that will help feed the friendly bacteria:

-Apples 🍎
-Bananas 🍌
-Oats 🥣
-Flax Seed 🌾
-Asparagus 🥗
-Garlic 🧄
-Onion 🧅

Gut health is intimately connected to quality of life. There are many ways you can support your gut health and naturopathic doctors are highly trained to help. If you are ready to improve your gut health, book your initial consultation here - www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now

4 Reasons Why You're Feeling Irritable 10/06/2022

New blog post! 4 Reasons Why You're Feeling Irritable

Do you feel like you've lost your patience? Are you snapping at people all the time? Learn more about what may be causing this feeling of irritability, and how to overcome it.



4 Reasons Why You're Feeling Irritable I work with people from all walks of life who have been saying the same thing lately… "I have completely lost my patience." "I am at the end of my rope." "I'm irritable and always snapping at people, especially my own family." Being irritable is no trivial matter; it can lead to actions that are p...


1. Identify and remove food sensitivities
- Food sensitivity testing (FST) is the most accurate way to identify sensitivities. Another option is to try a 4 week Elimination Diet, and then slowly add back foods over the course of another 1-2 months.

2. Support your Liver
- The liver is the primary detoxification organ in the human body. If it is performing sub-optimally, your skin might inherit the detox duties. This can result in the exacerbation of skin conditions including eczema and acne.

3. Targeted Supplements
- Depending on the skin condition, Vitamins A & D, Zinc, and Omega-3s may be great supportive options. There are also certain herbs such as yarrow, dandelion, and nettle which are often found in skin-clearing-teas.

To start tackling your skin issues naturally, book your initial consultation at naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


The best FAQ in the business! This is a great opportunity to learn more about naturopathic medicine and how I personally practice as a naturopath.

Check it out here: https://www.naturopathyyc.ca/faq

I also welcome you to add your own questions to the list - send them to [email protected]


New blog post! Emotional Health - What It Is and How To Improve It

This overlooked dimension of health is crucial for quality of life. Learn more about it and start to integrate better emotional strategies today.

Check out the growing blogs section on my website, link in bio.

Emotional Health - What It Is And How To Improve It 08/30/2022

New blog post! Emotional Health - What It Is and How To Improve It


This overlooked dimension of health is crucial for quality of life. Learn more about it and start to integrate better emotional strategies today.

Emotional Health - What It Is And How To Improve It These days, most people would be comfortable trying to define physical health or mental health, but what about emotional health? Emotional health is a crucial pillar of wellness that is often overlooked. It is determined, in part, by your ability to express your emotions in a regulated and construct...


Meditation can be intimidating for some. The notion of sitting quietly, motionless, eyes closed with your own thoughts, can prevent even seasoned meditators from sticking to their practice.

Fortunately, you do not have to meditate in order to practice "mindfulness".

Mindfulness is simply a calm, non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. This can include tuning into the sights/sounds/sensations of your external surroundings or curiously checking in with your own emotions.

Here are 3 ways to practice mindfulness without having to close your eyes:

1. Mindful House Chores

Perform chores at a pace that is neither too fast, nor too slow. Focus your full attention on the task while monitoring your thoughts for any (negative) narratives that might be forming about the chore. Breathe slowly, experience the sensations of the task and allow it to happen. Be careful not to transition from mindfulness to mindlessness.

2. Mindful Transportation

While walking, driving, or commuting, you may have an automatic reflex to put on music or other forms of media. Every once in awhile, relieve your mind of artificial auditory input and pay special attention to the sights and sounds around you. You may notice the vibrations of the road, the sounds of riding the train, or the sights of urban wildlife.

3. Mindful Cooking and Eating

Both cooking and eating offer powerful opportunities to be mindful through the sights, sounds, tastes, and sensations associated with feeding yourself and others. Cooking necessitates presence of mind and preparing food mindfully can be a comforting experience. When it's time to eat, practice gratitude for the meal and allow yourself to fully enjoy the tastes and textures of your chosen nourishment. Try this just once per week to start.

Bonus: Mindful Time with Pets

Our animal friends live in the moment, without incessant thinking or artificial sensory-input. Take a moment to be present with them, fully and completely, if just for a few minutes. It is an opportunity to experience love/connection in its raw form.

For more information on holistic health, please visit my website - naturopathYYC.ca


Kyle and I sat down with Parenting Coach Tia Slightham! She has been in the business for 20 years and has developed a plethora of helpful resources and courses available from her website.

Full audio episodes here:


Tia's Website: https://tiaslightham.com/

Photos from Dr. Riley Anderson, ND's post 02/10/2022

Episode 15 with artist & illustrator Tay Odynski is LIVE!! Learn why Tay believes there is no such thing as talent and why it's most important to TRUST THE PROCESS!

Listen on all platforms here: https://thewellnessdojopodcast.buzzsprout.com


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that January IS NOT a great time to start something new. It's freezing cold, it's dark, the Christmas hangover lingers, and you're generally trying to get back into the swing of things.

February, on the other hand, is a great month to start! The days are getting longer, spring is just around the corner, and hope is in the air. Now is the time to refocus on yourself and your health.

As a licensed, evidence-based ND, I help people overcome their struggles and achieve a level of health they never considered possible on their own. I provide lab testing (including Food Sensitivity and Hormonal tests), lifestyle counselling, nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and much more.

For more information, please visit my website - naturopathYYC.ca


Struggling to get going in the morning? Try “the other BLT” - Bright Light Therapy!


Gut Health - The Impact on Disease, Digestion, and Mental Health

We had a great discussion on hot topics such as the microbiome and the gut-brain axis. Links are below!

Listen: https://thewellnessdojopodcast.buzzsprout.com

Watch: https://youtu.be/EE1w3PvHuY4

Dr. Amy Morrison, ND Kyle Craik


New Blog Post ✍️ 🌿 🤩


The list:

1. Hyperstimulation
2. Understimulation
3. Life Lacks Meaning
4. Low Vitamin and Mineral Status
5. Focusing on the Wrong Things
6. Excess Caffeine
7. Negative Thinking
8. Undiagnosed Conditions

For individualized support covered by most benefit plans - https://www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


Fracture risk is something we should be aware for ourselves and our family members. A comprehensive fracture prevention plan includes weight-bearing exercises, balance & coordination training, eyesight health, and Nutrition!

Here is a handy guide I created on eating for bone health. There are many important vitamins and minerals to consider and these foods contain a combination of important ingredients to keep bones strong and healthy. If you'd like to know more about a particular vitamin, mineral, or food, drop me a line!

Book your consultation here - https://www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now


What are functional foods? Are they worth the hype?

Functional foods go far beyond providing us with calories. They provide protection and targeted nutrition for our vital organs and bodily systems. Let's look a few examples:

1. Raw Olive Oil 🫒

Raw olive oil exerts a variety of positive effects on the body. A recent review of nearly 30 trials showed that olive oil, dosed properly, reliably lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol). It also has general anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Improving cholesterol levels lowers the chance for heart disease and greatly improves overall health.

2. Mushrooms 🍄

Mushrooms are well known for their protein and mineral content, but they also contain amazing compounds called beta-glucans. Beta-glucans enhance immune function and can defend against tumours and certain viruses. They also have a protective effect on the liver; an immeasurably important and under appreciated organ.

3. Kimchi 🥬

Humans have fermented foods and beverages since the Neolithic age. In modern times, the popularity of kimchi has reached peak heights due to its unique taste and health benefits. Kimchi contains strains of bacteria that are healthy for our gut flora including the infamous Lactobacillis strains. A healthy gut flora can positively effect our health in many ways including healthy weight promotion and anti-ageing properties.

Are functional foods worth the hype? I would give this question a resounding YES and encourage an all-around diet high in functional foods. There are many examples of functional foods beyond those mentioned in this post.

Book your Naturopathic Consultation here: https://www.naturopathyyc.ca/book-now








Find somebody who looks at you the way I look at my Vitamin D supplement 😏

In all seriousness, after years of being spoiled with free supplements as a new grad, I recently found myself (gasp!) needing to buy my own. Since the sun is only out for ~6 or 7hrs these days, Vitamin D was at the top of my list. But why? Why should we actually care about our Vitamin D levels?

I've come across some very interesting studies about Vit D and its relation to something called "Executive Function". Executive function is the sum of focused attention, memory, decision making, and emotional regulation to name a few. Seems important, especially living in a Northern climate during the winter time.

Vitamin D levels are routinely tested by NDs and I would encourage you to have your levels tested as well. It's really the only way to know how much Vitamin D you should be supplementing with.



This week we are filming Episode 10!!!

For this special episode, I want to take the opportunity to answer any questions you may have for me as a naturopathic doctor - good, bad, or ugly! I won't shy away and will answer as honestly as I can. If you'd like, I'll even give you a shout-out on the podcast. Feel free to DM me your question if you're not comfortable publicly posting your comment below.

I want no elephants left in the room after this episode 🐘 😅 🎤

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Bio and Vision

I am a licensed naturopathic doctor focusing on mental health conditions such as substance use disorders, behavioural addictions, impulsivity, and self-harm. In addition, I counsel patients of all ages on the importance of brain health and cognitive performance. I firmly believe that every patient has the capacity to overcome their struggles and am committed to helping others realize they are deserving of a fulfilling life.

I received my Bachelor of Kinesiology degree from the University of Calgary and worked as a corporate professional for several years thereafter. I reignited my passion for health sciences after uncovering a deep desire to heal others through empathy, motivation, and evidence-informed treatment plans. I earned my Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, ON, where I was granted the award for Excellence in Naturopathic Physical Medicine amongst my graduating class.

Well-versed in habit building and creating positive change, I understand the complexities of human behaviour and motivation. I am committed to helping patients regain their autonomy and I personally practice what I preach. My aim is to guide patients towards a life of purpose and fulfillment through counseling, coaching, tailored nutrition plans, acupuncture, and laboratory testing.

Through intention, repetition, and grace, change is always possible.

Videos (show all)

Health professionals need to do better!Telling people to "eat better and exercise more" is surface-level advice and real...
Omega-3s are an essential nutrient, meaning, we have to get them through our diet. They combine with Vitamin D to help s...
🎃🗣️ If you're a zombie, you NEED to hear this! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️Want to know more about nutritional strategies for the living? Bo...
All-or-nothing thinking is a form of self-sabotage!
Struggling to get going in the morning? Try “the other BLT” - Bright Light Therapy!#lighttherapy #morningroutine #better...
Here's a clip from Episode 05 where we tackle the "All or Nothing" mindset that many of our patients/clients succumb to ...



10816 Macleod Trail #100
Calgary, AB

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3am
Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm