Holistic YYC

Holistic YYC

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Holistic YYC, Health & Wellness Website, Calgary, AB.


When laundry day is everyday 🧺 🧺 🧺

Okay, seriously... how often do you have to do laundry?

How the hell did my mom not just sleep next to the washing machine after having 4 kids?

Timeline photos 05/17/2020

Exclusive breastfeeding was always the plan, until the NICU said he needed formula. *New Blog Up*
As a holistic nutrition practitioner, I was always dead set on giving my babe ONLY breastmilk. That is, until the second I became a mother and didn’t hesitate to formula feed my tiny human.
Getting him off formula and onto strictly breastfeeding was pretty easy - but that was the start of my postpartum anxiety around feeding. I haven’t shared much about what it was like for me just starting out. I like to think I am a pretty easy going person. Whatever challenges I’m faced with I deal with internally and try to have a positive face to the world.
I think it’s time to share my battle with breastfeeding, my postpartum anxiety. To many friends and family - I show you that it seemed easy, but it was far from it.
My hope is that by sharing my story, it can help someone else struggling to know they’re not alone. Breastfeeding is tough! It doesn’t come naturally and abundantly to every mama. It’s teeth gritting, exhausting and can be very emotionally lonely. I want to thank Samer for always trying to help, even when I wouldn’t let him. I can’t imagine what that was like for him.
If you know a breastfeeding mama, please ask how she is doing. Support is something that can get us through the hardest of times.
Link in Bio 🔗

Timeline photos 04/08/2020

Repost from **byfood

I'm happiest in the kitchen. I love food, I love nutrition and I love making 'not so healthy meals' healthier. The B***y Food idea came to me in the kitchen, while making my son's first baby foods.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For those who have followed my B***y Food and Mama journey, I've shared with you Sage was born SGA and how difficult it was for me to breastfeed and pump extra breastmilk. My "supply" was never more than 6 bags at most. It was one of the most stressful, defeating and demoralizing times in my life. I felt like I was there was something wrong with me and envied other mamas that made it seem so effortless.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
When it came time to introduce solids, I became very anxious at the thought of Sage not getting enough nutrients because he may breastfeed less. In my nutrition practice, I love helping clients sneak in extra nutrients wherever and whenever they can. But this time, it wasn't so easy.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I wanted so badly so use my breastmilk in his baby food. Every time I'd open the freezer door I let out a sigh, hung my head in shame and closed the door. I just could't bare the thought of thawing a whole bag of breastmilk to only use a portion of it. I only had 4, no-where-near-full bags left.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
They say that necessity is the mother of all invention. I really can't think of a truer statement when talking about how B***y Food came to be.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
B***y Food is a service that turns your frozen breastmilk into freeze-dried powder that is shelf-stable, travel friendly and nutrient dense powder that lasts for years!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Learn more + join the waitlist at www.b**byfood.com⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Fractures and Cancer: The New England Journal Weighs In on Dairy Products 02/22/2020

Fractures and Cancer: The New England Journal Weighs In on Dairy Products An extended commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine points out that dairy consumption is unnecessary and may be harmful.

Timeline photos 02/15/2020

Happy Valentines Day! ❤️
Thank you to for capturing Mr. Sage’s “unimpressed face for pushing his nap time for a photo session” Bump, Baby & Beyond Market last weekend ❤️

Timeline photos 02/10/2020

Have you heard? I started a new business!

Why hello all you beautiful babes in Fb land 🤩
Welcome to B***y Food ( O Y o )
My name is Janna, I'm the lady behind this crazy idea making little waves and ripples around .
You may have seen me around the mommy markets over the last 6 months or so and wondered... what the heck is B***y Food? Am I selling my own freeze-dried breastmilk? Am I selling other people's freeze-dried breastmilk? Why would I want to have freeze-dried breastmilk anyways?
Allow me clear up some common questions...
B***y Food is a service direct to mamas who never want to waste another drop of breastmilk ever again!
Whether you have a low supply (like me), normal, or over supply, if you're weaning your babe, going back to work or transitioning to solid foods, B***y Food is here to make sure every drop of your breastmilk is used for your growing babe.
B***y Food transforms YOUR frozen breastmilk into freeze-dried powder that is shelf-stable, travel-friendly and nutrient dense that will last for YEARS.
Have you cried over spilled breastmilk? 🙋🏻‍♀ I know I sure have!
Have you thawed a whole bag of breastmilk only to use half and then let out a big sigh as you threw the other half out? 🙋🏻‍♀
What about travelling? ✈ or moving? 🏘 Have you had to throw out your breastmilk supply because you couldn't transport it long distances 🚙 or couldn't take it with you because you didn't have a temperature-controlled cooler ❄ available?
Is your supply coming up to 'expiry' date? Worried about what to do with all that stash of hard work, pain, sleepless nights and sore ni***es? 😩
Does your babe refuse take a bottle? 🍼
B***y Food helps relieve all of these stressful situations, and more. With your freeze-dried breastmilk, you can use as much or as little as you want: whenever, wherever.
Find out more + join the waitlist at www.b**byfood.com

Timeline photos 01/25/2020

I’m so beyond humbled to be standing next to these two amazing and intelligent stunners .amy_acu_alchemy and for the DIY facial night! A night full of facials and learning about TCM and nutrition for healthy, glowing skin!
So looking forward to the next one this spring/summer!! 🧖🏻‍♀️

Did you know I work out of the ??

The 10 Day Detox - Holistic YYC 01/06/2020

Happy New Year..I'm back baby!! With a new ebook too!

As many of you know I've been enjoying my new mommyhood life and I haven't been very active on Holistic YYC since giving birth. My family is my everything and I wanted to spend as much time getting to know my new little man as possible while on my maternity leave.

Lots of new and exciting things have been brewing, which I'm thrilled beyond belief to share with you, but first let's start with helping you achieve your 2020 New Years Resolutions and health goals.

My new ebook The 10 Day Detox (Guide + Workbook + Recipes) is now available for download on PDF (link below) or on Amazon kindle if that's more your jam.

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

The 10 Day Detox - Holistic YYC

Neuroscience Reveals How Gratitude Literally Rewires Your Brain to be Happier 01/05/2020


Neuroscience Reveals How Gratitude Literally Rewires Your Brain to be Happier Neuroscientists have found that if you really feel it when you say it, you'll be happier and healthier. The regular practice of expressing gratitude is not a New Age fad; it's a facet of the human condition that reaps true benefits to those who mean it.


Hey Mamas! I’m with B***y Food at the today until 3:30!
Come check out some amazing vendors before the snow comes ❄️❄️☃️☃️

Timeline photos 10/31/2019

Happy Halloween!!! 🎃👻

Photos from Holistic YYC's post 09/17/2019

Mr. Sage wore his best Dinosaur shirt for the
We also found out that Samer weighs as much as a Big Horned Mountain Goat 🐏 and I love every pound of him BAHHHHH 😘 @ Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

Timeline photos 07/03/2019

Bed Sharing? Room Sharing? Separate Rooms?
Mr. Sage is just over 7 months now (hold back little tear!) and I gotta day, sleep has been one of those things that continues to be an annoying subject.
It should be illegal to ask a new mom or dad if their baby is sleeping through the night. Wtf does that mean? Textbooks say 6-8 hour stretches. But baby’s aren’t textbook models for anything really.
We’ve gone between bed/room sharing since day 1.
Bassinet and now the crib is beside the bed where he takes his naps and he starts the night off.
That was right for us... and also having mastered the art of the side-lay breastfeeding I don’t have to move far when Mr. Sage wakes 2-3x a night for feeds. Yes, he still feeds that often! Why are people shocked? Baby’s don’t stop growing, learning and developing!
“Why don’t you sleep train?”..sigh
Another topic I am personally not quite on board with for our family... but to each their own! You do what’s best for you, your mental health and your family!
We’ve got a solid routine at night and have since 3 weeks winding down to bed and if he needs some more cuddles or another feed, I’m all for it.
Usually when he wakes up he’ll have a quick feed and go back to bed. Depending on if I want some extra snuggles myself will determine if he stays next to us or back in his crib.
Either way, that stinkin’ cute smile makes the sleepless nights s little less hard during the day 💞
Sleep is so important for his growing little body and brain. To top off his immune system is most active during his sleep. It’s repair and recovery time... well for both of us really!
How do you and your babe sleep?

Timeline photos 07/01/2019

Experimenting with veggies and herbs for Mr. Sage’s intro to purées.
So far we’ve rocked:
Green Beans w/ Basil
Butternut Squash w/ Thyme
Sweet Potato w/ Cilantro
Sweet Potato w/ Thyme
I made a few more concoctions today: Apple w/ Clove, Broccoli w/ Chives and we still have Pear w/ Nutmeg for him to try!! I “quality controlled” it and it’s by far MY fav 🤤
I want to expand his palette as much as possible with simple, but different flavour sensations.
I’m still breastfeeding in demand, which gives him extra protein and fats (although I did roast the veggies in avocado oil) and immune boosting properties. I want to make sure he’s getting as much nutrition as possible... of course!
He hasn’t shown any disinterest in the foods thus far, big win in that category! There seems to be a lot of evidence showing that breastfed babies are more accepting to varied tastes as their palette is exposed to more flavours with moms changing diet.
But, that’s also dependant on the baby’s temperament as well, it’s certainly not a 100% truth for all babies.
I’ve been introducing new foods about every 4 days. This gives his little body enough time in between each to see if there’s any tummy upset, sleep issues, bloating, gas, etc. Going slow is best for baby and you, if there’s something that isn’t working you can easily pin point it.
Make sure to eat the rainbow!
Some ‘experts’ say to breastfeed before and then top up with the solids. I’ve gone back and forth with either way and it doesn’t seem to make a big difference. Maybe because he’s just a big eater - he can still packer back no problem. Our feeds together are more of bonding time too. Regardless, breastfeeding before or after does help to digest the food he’s just had and aid in any digestive issues there might be. So don’t skip those feeds if you don’t have to 🙂
Tip: grab the small ice cube trays with the silicon pop outs, freeze and then pack in containers. You can vary the portions or mix foods by taking or adding a cube!
Anyone else homemake their own baby foods? What was your babes favourites?

Timeline photos 06/28/2019

• B I G / A N N O U N C E M E N T •
Why hello all you beautiful babes! Incase we haven’t already met, my name is Janna Leah (Lee) and here’s some fun facts you probably don’t know about me:
1. I was a champion 5-pin bowler back in the day (like trophies, medals, plaques - you name it)
2. I’ve taken countless guitar lessons and still can’t play an entire song
3. My favourite food is raspberries
4. I wasn’t always healthy… I used to smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish and self-sabotage like nobody’s business (grooooosss)
5. I have 5 1/ 2 tattoos (1 in removal stages)
6. I like mindless activities like folding laundry (and dishes)
7. I’ve been back at school on maternity leave …and am now taking pregnancy and postpartum clients because, HOT DAMN I’m gonna be a Doula! (a.k.a. Maternal Support Practitioner)
8. That’s not all!!
9. I’m full steam ahead to achieving my end goal of becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)!!!!!
10. My heart is smiling
11… because nobody ever thinks about adding an 11 to the list.
Tag a pregnant babe who could use some more support or new mama (or papa) that needs a time out.

Timeline photos 06/23/2019

Words of Wisdom by Old Man Sage...
“mamamamama babababababa”
We got a talker folks! Soon he’ll be reading and we’ll get to visit this fricken crazy awesome place more often!
Here’s hoping his imagination soars with wonderment and never ending curiosity.
What was the first book you remember reading?
I funny enough happen to have memories of reading “Where Do Babies Come From” by Margaret Sheffield (1973) and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle (1969) haha... very “fitting” for my announcement soon to come here this week!
Stay tuned...

Timeline photos 06/14/2019

Just a healthy reminder xo

Timeline photos 06/13/2019

Another gentle reminder: comfort zone keeps us out from stretching our minds, experiencing great adventures and taking most pivotal life decisions. Find the courage to let go of it and discover all the fascinating, challenging and long-awaited opportunities just on the other side of the comfort.

Timeline photos 06/13/2019

Give a s**t about everything that matters to you. Show up to the people you care about before they think you don’t care. Put in the goddamn effort in your relationship NOW, before it’s too late. Let go of the BS grudge you’ve been holding on to. And finally, give a s**t about yourself, what you choose, and who you surround yourself with. You’re worthy of being a priority, but you won’t know or believe that if you don’t make yourself one. If you are ready to start showing up for yourself sign up for my newsletter > we have fresh content AND a special course announcement coming soon > link in bio!

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

I got to cross something special off my bucket list today. And Mr. Sage is the only one who could help me make it happen. 💞🥰
I almost threw up after and there was a minor snaffuu that happened where I did the first 6 legs twice (glad you got down okay mom) but I did it! I climbed Grouse Grind at with Mr Sage on me.
About 8 years ago when I started doing The Grind I saw a woman on the hike with a baby on her back. It was motivation for me during that first time that I said holy s**t, if she can do this with a baby on her back dammit I can do this on my own. I vowed that if I were to have a babe I would carry him up too as a homage to that mama... and all mamas!
I kinda want to cry. It’s probably the hardest thing I’ve done (besides giving birth of course).
He was a total champ and charmed all the people we ran into. I also didn’t realize with the snaffuu and the time difference I ran into his bedtime. But a couple nursing stops along the way... which was a feat because I had to somehow maneuver getting my b**b out of two sports bras lol but we did it and he was able to snooze a bit.
I honestly feel so over the moon right now... besides also still feeling like I could pass out or hurl - I am so fu***ng happy I did it! 😭
Also thanks for the tons of encouraging words from passerby’s on the way up! 💞✌🏼

Timeline photos 05/08/2019

It was destined to be with his Arab Baba and his healthy Mama!
I LOVE Vancouver! I always have, my moms family lives out here and I’m So so SO thankful Mr. Sage got to meet his Great Granma Mernel.
Vancouver is my 2nd home. There’s something about bathing in those positive ions floating around the air with the mountains and ocean that just recharges me.
It was supposed to a a road trip, but Mother Nature and Old Man Winter decided otherwise... but hey gotta go with the flow!
It o to do I love the air, feel and my luxuriously flawless skin out here! I am freakin’ stoked to check out the foodie scene!
and I had our mom n tot date at and holy frick frackin canoly was that a tastey dream in my mouth!
The staff were amazing and accommodating to our momnado dining experience and hot damn i wish I have more time here to try all their dishes!
Mr. Sage and I will be going to my candyland a.k.a. tomorrow!
Any recommendations where we should go to while we’re out here?

Timeline photos 05/02/2019

TBT to 5 months ago when my water broke and I wore diapers 4 days before Mr. Sage.
Full disclosure, Depends, padcicles and the peribottle were my best friends for weeks after our . I fully expected the uncontrollable and random p*e from my newborn son, but I didn't expect it from me!
Recovering from birth was more intense than I had anticipated and never in my life did I ever think I would be having to deal with p*eing my pants (yea, that happened at least twice that I can easily recall). The other countless times that I just barely made it to the toilet should have made me a contender for the olympic track and field.
It got to the point where I was almost nervous to not have the Depends, just incase well, I wasn't in sprinting distance to a bathroom.
There still are times where I am changing Mr. Sage and then all of a sudden I have to p*e so bad! I've learned in the mornings that it's better to just go p*e myself first before attempting to change him. (so odd...) Remember when your mom said to you before a car ride, 'do you have to p*e?' you said 'no' and then your mom replied 'just go now anyways just in case.' Yea, that's me, talking to myself now.
I knew my pelvic floor was going to be weakened, so I made sure to do a lot of exercises, Kegals and big O's help to strengthen the muscles surrounding, but it is a process and it just takes time for your body to heal.
If you're feeling your recovery isn't going as smoothly as it should be, there are pelvic floor specialists that can also help you with potential issues that could be hindering your healing.

Timeline photos 04/28/2019

Even Batman needs his mommy. Thank you to the two women who helped me when I was nursing Mr. Sage on the floor outside the bathrooms
One woman asked if she could bring me a chair, to which I was thankful for and the other saw my phone was a ways away from me and asked if she could grab it for me (to which I gratefully declined... it was Mr. Sage n my time together).
While I’m not surprised there’s no nursing rooms in public places like these, yesterday I was nursing a bathroom stall and thought... why am I nursing in a bathroom stall?
I have no problem nursing in public, I do cover up for my own reasons though. I have nursed pretty much everywhere; bathrooms, condo floors, back of cars, restaurants you name it... I don’t care - as long as he’s fed.
But I’d like to stop for a moment and thank the two women who saw me on the floor and wanted to make things a little more comfortable for him and I. Although I really wish there would be a designated nursing room/area for moms at events like this, it’s funny - I never saw one other mom nursing... are they hiding in the bathroom stalls too?
Here’s to all the moms who make happen wherever/whenever.
Hopefully times will change a bit to help us rise up off the floor and out of the stalls.

Timeline photos 04/23/2019

🌎 Happy Earth Day 🌍..from Mr. Sage and I
I'm so thankful that Mr. Sage gets to experience the blooming Spring season! He hasn't been able to get out and let his little tootsies touch this amazing earth very often since, well - it's Calgary! But every time I can take his little socks off and ground him to this beautiful earth, I find myself filling up with love and energy.
The wonderment, confusion, surprise and curiosity that I can see through his eyes as he connects with the earth is mesmerizing.
We go for walks outside often (we started at 3 days old), but he's usually in the Ergo-carrier or stroller bundled up, so its days like today I'm happy its only just early spring.
I can't wait for more days where he can feel the wind blowing through his 100 strands of hair, grass tickling his wee toes and his entire body feeling the energy of the life below him.
Grow strong young grasshopper.

Timeline photos 04/19/2019

Postpartum Hair Loss... I know over time couples start looking like each other, but hey... I thought I had a few decades...
When I first saw this photo I was like ohhh myyy gawwd, I’m totally balding! But then I saw little Mr. Sage and I smiled and thought, who cares - as long as you can grow big and strong.
Ok, but seriously, let’s talk about that sick joke that pregnancy plays when your hair stops falling out (higher estrogen levels, body storing as much nutrients as possible) and you feel like the damn belle of the ball! Just to ffwd three months after - you’re trying to adjust to your new body, sleep is non existent, adrenalin is high, and chunks and chunks of hair decide to jump ship with every shower, greeeaaaaaat 🤦🏻‍♀️
I honestly don’t know how I still have hair with the amount that comes out with every bath, shower, brush, finger comb and ponytail.
Postpartum depletion + hormone balancing = excessive hair loss. Many women experience this, it’s common and a normal side effect of the post-pregnancy adjustment period.
But it doesn’t have to be for long! This is a clear sign my body is starving for more nutrients. I am breastfeeding on demand, still multiple times a night too. He’s definitely his fathers son with the endless eating! Everything is going to growing this darn cute little human and I’ve just got to work on packing even more nutrients in to my system.
The holidays, the stolen car, the big move and of course navigating Mommyhood and getting to know my little man has added a bunch more stress than anticipated.
My regular eating habits took a side track and I missed taking my vitamins on more than one occasion, which is soooo not like me! And the last 2 weeks, ohh I felt it! The patches got worse, but have since started getting better now that we’re settling into the new digs.
Even though I’m trying to bring back the 80’s voluminous side part, how could I not feel it’s 1000% worth it to see this little face every morning.

Timeline photos 04/06/2019

1 year ago today I was driving home from Shoppers with a pregnancy test.
I said to myself, “my life is going to completely change forever, or this is just a crazy ass scare.”.. turns out my life was meant to take a left turn.
It’s so friggen unbelievable what can happen in 365 days.
Career shift, pregnancy, engagement, world travel, birth, motherhood, back to school (yup I am) and here we are now, homeowners.
To say life has changed in 1 year is a complete and total understatement.
Samer , Sage & I are one happy little family, and now we have a little home we can call our own.
I have to admit I was incredibly emotional leaving our condo, I mean that’s where our family really started. Sage was born at home (and made hehehe 😉) but now, we begin a new volume of the Story of Us and I can’t wait to see where the next 365 days lead to.
What has happened to you in 1 year? Are you where you thought you’d be?

Timeline photos 03/17/2019

Breastfeeding can be a struggle for a lot of mommies, myself included.
Mr. Sage was formula fed from the beginning due to his small weight (5lbs 13oz). It was a bit of an uphill battle getting him to switch over to the breast 100%, but we did it...together. It was all teamwork and even though we hardly knew each other - we both could pick up on one another’s moments of frustration and elation through the process.
That wasn’t the end of the struggles though. I thought that being a lady blessed with a super b***y bosom I would be worried about where to was going to keep all my supply... how wrong I was.
Pumping, compressing, heating pads, hand expression, and merry go round feeding - did not help my supply.
How I wish I could keep bottles upon bottles in the fridge for my hubs to feed anytime I wanted more sleep or to go out for more than 2 hours. .
Instead, I treat it like liquid gold, afraid to use it when I’d rather breastfeed so I can hold on to it longer. I’d call the house multiple times, asking if Mr. Sage was hungry and if I should come home to feed so Samer didn’t have to use my 6oz bottle I worked so hard to get.
I am determined to get my life back.
I turned to what I know best, nutrition. I changed my diet and also invested in the (actually 2) which has given me a bit more of a break.
For someone who thought they would be the next best I am grateful for the challenge to learn, grow and help others with their .

Timeline photos 03/13/2019

Happy Hump Day! Let’s start this off Dr. Seuss style...
Mornings may make you feel grumpy with those all nighters and teething biters.
Your hair is a mess, but you’re doing your best, even though there are days when you decide not to dress.
Yes, mornings may make you feel frumpy when you look in the mirror at your newly acquired lumpys and bumpys
But you couldn’t care less, you’re doing your best
For it matters not to you, whether you’ve had a good dumpy in the last few monthys because you’re taking care of another rumpy.
So next time you’re feeling crummy, remember you’re a mummy!
And so what if your house is a mess and your short on rest... you’re doing your best!

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