Dr. Michael Mason-Wood

Naturopathic Medicine, Anti-aging, Pain management - Prolotherapy/PRP, Vampire Breast Lift, O-shot, Priapus shot, Vampire Facelift, Hormone balance

Timeline photos 02/15/2020

My interview about ozone therapy.

Recently, Dr. Mason-Wood was interviewed by Judy Seeger about ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is useful in both treating and preventing many diseases. It also one of the many different treatment options Dr. Mason-Wood may suggest in treating chronic pain.
Listen as Dr. Mason-Wood explains his experience with Ozone Therapy and the science behind how it works.

Watch Here: http://ow.ly/lWZD50ymzIJ

Pediatricians say it’s often better to let a child’s fever run its course 01/21/2020

Flu season, let the fever do it's thing and kill bugs because they can't take the heat.

Pediatricians say it’s often better to let a child’s fever run its course Pediatricians say parents often overreact when a child’s temperature rises; it’s often better, they say, to let a fever run its course.

Pain Solution Summit 01/18/2020

Are you in chronic pain? Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue, joint pain, emotional pain – I wanted to make sure you knew about an important event for people in pain happening January 23-26. This FREE online event will help you….find solutions to reduce your pain naturally..receive the right education so that you can finally make better informed decisions..achieve greater levels of mobility than previously imagined..feel more like you have a normal life..and enjoy time with your family and friends again


• You will quickly reduce your chronic pain naturally...
• You can finally reverse the effects of severe pain...
• You will effortlessly become more mobile and reduce limitations...
• And Much More...

It's a 4-day virtual summit of pain experts who are speaking on how to overcome the challenges of struggling with chronic pain.

After hearing what these experts have to teach you about how to eliminate your pain, all you have to do is use what they will teach you to start seeing a radical transformation happen before your eyes.

The best part of all about this online summit event is that it’s free - but only for a VERY short while!

Be sure to register here while the Pain Solution Summit is still free.

Pain Solution Summit Discover Proven Solutions to Eliminate Your Pain, Remove Your Limitations, Improve Your Mobility, Get Off Dangerous Meds And More!

Timeline photos 11/11/2019

Are you dealing with the death of a loved one and feeling hurt, lost or unsure how you’ll survive financially? Are you having trouble connecting with family, friends or co-workers? Are you suffering from headaches, chest pain, nausea, a change in appetite, or just having difficulty enjoying things you used to like to do? Whatever you’re experiencing, you’re not alone. Imagine letting go of the doubts, negative emotions and trauma so you can rebuild your life? My friend and colleague, occupational therapist Phaedra Antioco, is hosting an all-new, free online interview series with 20 experts, including me, to share modern approaches to eliminate trauma and move forward in your life. This exclusive eight-day event is called Recharge Your Life! How to Free Yourself From The Hidden Traumas of the 5 Ds: Disease, Divorce, Death, Debt, Disappointments. It starts on November 8th. Reserve your spot here at no cost: http://ow.ly/Vnum50x53cu

Heartburn drugs linked to fatal heart and kidney disease, stomach cancer 06/04/2019

Antacid medications are not good drugs, naturopathic doctors have great alternatives. Usually low Stomach acid vs too high.

Heartburn drugs linked to fatal heart and kidney disease, stomach cancer Death risk increases the longer such drugs are used

WHO recognizes 'burn-out' as medical condition 05/29/2019

Finally. Maybe some different organizations will admit this and start assessing Cortisol and DHEA levels with a new light.

WHO recognizes 'burn-out' as medical condition The World Health Organization has for the first time recognized 'burn-out' in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is widely used as a benchmark for diagnosis and health insurers.

Timeline photos 03/08/2019

My lovely wife is giving a talk next Thursday. If you have time check it out.

Come out and learn from Dr. Chris about the nutrients you need to eat to support your mental health.
What better place to get inspired about eating right than in a grocery store!

March 14th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm at Planet Organic, Ellerslie Market
734 Parsons Road SW Edmonton, AB

'N**e' shopping next big trend 02/07/2019

I am so excited to eliminate plastic.

'N**e' shopping next big trend But keep your clothes on...'food in the n**e' means beginning of the end for...

Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease 01/30/2019

Interesting info on Statin drugs, they will be gone soon.

Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease Heart Disease Drugs Cause…Heart Disease 10 By anh-usa on January 3, 2019 Stop Crony Healthcare A stunning study reveals the truth about statins. Action Alert! Research published in the journal Atherosclerosis concludes that statin use increases coronary plaques, which limit blood flow and can lead...

Home - Silver Hills Bakery 10/12/2018

SilverHills is the best.

Home - Silver Hills Bakery Silver Hills Bakery is Canada’s original sprouted grain, non GMO bread. Our breads, bagels and buns are high in fibre and wholesome in nutritional profile. Visit our website to learn more!

We're Not Gluten Intolerant, We're Glyphosate Intolerant 10/12/2018

I fully agree with this. A lot of patients can eat the wheat in Europe and Asia, but not here in North America. Makes good rational for eating Silverhills bread.

We're Not Gluten Intolerant, We're Glyphosate Intolerant Study blames Roundup herbicide for gluten intolerance and celiac disease epidemic “Celiac disease, and, more generally, gluten intolerance, is a growing problem worldwide, but especially in North America and Europe, where an estimated 5% of the population now suffers from it,” researchers wrote ...

‘No evidence’ high cholesterol causes heart disease, say doctors 09/20/2018

Cholesterol has 2 functions, precursor to hormones and modulation of inflammation. About time for this to come out.

‘No evidence’ high cholesterol causes heart disease, say doctors Millions of people taking statins ‘despite unproven benefits and serious side effects’

Chemicals used in Teflon and Scotchgard are a much bigger health threat than previously disclosed 09/15/2018

We need to be getting rid of these chemicals from our bodies. Go cast iron.

Chemicals used in Teflon and Scotchgard are a much bigger health threat than previously disclosed A group of chemicals used to develop Teflon, Scotchgard and other protective solutions has now emerged as a far greater menace to our health and environment than previously disclosed, ProPublica reports.

Sprouting 101 09/11/2018

Don't know what to put in your kids lunch as a snack - try sprouts!! See my video:

Sprouting 101 Dr. Michael Mason-Wood teaching you how to sprout


Great article on Fever Benefits.

Chronic suppression of fevers is falling out of favour, even in conventional medical circles.

Research now demonstrates what traditional medicine has known for ages - the body’s innate response to infection is to mount a fever, to efficiently resolve the acute illness.

(Note: we are NOT referring to chronic, recurring fevers associated with serious underlying medical conditions.)

Check out what happens in the body during a fever:
✔️ Reduces levels of free iron - this inhibits the growth and development of many bacteria and viruses.
✔️ Promotes sleep, thereby conserving energy needed to mount a strong immune response.
✔️ Increases interferon - the body’s own virus fighting substance.

In anthroposophical medicine, fever is viewed as an opportunity for the body to remodel. Parents often report a developmental milestone or a positive shift in behaviour following a fever.

Make sure to connect with your health practitioner, but here are some general tips:

➖ Giving cold fluids to a person during fever may push more heat into the head. Only warm liquids should be given.
➖In a febrile state, the body is in catabolism (break down of tissue), so it is not particularly advantageous to eat protein. Protein may add to the toxic burden of urea in the blood. It is best to provide meals free of protein, if the person wishes to eat at all. It’s common to lose weight during fever. ➖The nerves are irritable from the increased warmth of the body. The en­vironment should be quiet, the lights low, and media kept at a minimum to reduce stress on the nervous system.

Dr Christina Bjorndal - Beyond The Label - Mental Health in Perimenopause 06/19/2018

A wonderful podcast with my lovely wife Dr Christina Bjorndal

Dr Christina Bjorndal - Beyond The Label - Mental Health in Perimenopause This week's episode focuses on mental health and how we can learn to trust our intuition and heart when we are experiencing dark or negative thought patterns. Dr Chris, ND, completed her Doctorate in naturopathic medicine from the Canadian College of Natur...

#1 Children's Vitamin in US Contains: Aspartame, GMOs and Hazardous Chemicals 04/19/2018

You pay for what you get, if it is cheap, probably because of all the fillers that are cheap to use.

#1 Children's Vitamin in US Contains: Aspartame, GMOs and Hazardous Chemicals The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to, so why aren’t more opting for healthier alternatives? Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well then, what’s going on with Flintstones Vitamins, whic...

Timeline photos 03/18/2018

I have been protesting bottled water for many years now. I remember back in 2004 doing a talk to some elders in Pelly Crossing, Yukon and at the end once I explained the toxicity of plastic water and why I was drinking out of my reusable water bottle, this little old first nation lady said to me "here I thought you were so cheap and did not want to buy water".

"It just tastes better" is officially no longer acceptable as an excuse.


Something we prescribe a lot to patients.

The warming sock treatment, lovingly called "Magic Socks" by many, has many uses — but it is a home hydrotherapy treatment best known for it's amazing ability to speed recovery from a cold or flu. The action of the treatment is to calm the nervous system, decongest the head and chest areas, and stimulate immune function to boost healing and repair.

--> 1 pair of cotton socks
--> 1 pair of wool socks.
{The socks must be 60%+ cotton and wool respectively, predominantly synthetic socks will not work.}

--> At bedtime, soak your feet in hot water for 1 minute
--> Wet the cotton socks in cold tap water and wring out really well until they are not dripping
--> Place wet cotton socks on feet
--> Pull dry wool socks on over cotton socks
--> Go to bed
--> Repeat for 3 nights or until fever and congestion have cleared

It sounds jarring, but it's actually quite soothing. You will wake up with dry, cozy feet...and feeling a heck of a lot better!

Statin Scam Exposed. Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage, Diabetes 03/14/2018

These are bad drugs, they will be gone soon, but not soon enough. Statins are considered Gateway Drugs, leads patients to more meds.

Statin Scam Exposed. Cholesterol Drugs Cause Rapid Aging, Brain Damage, Diabetes Statins are prescribed to patients who suffer from high levels of “bad” cholesterol,…

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings 02/18/2018

This is why people need to be reading and following Dr Christina Bjorndal's Beyond the Label - https://www.amazon.ca/Beyond-Label-Improve-Naturopathic-Medicine/dp/0994802005/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1518968268&sr=8-1&keywords=Beyond+the+Label

Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings Antidepressants carry FDA warnings that may surprise most people. Some of which include, depression, suicidal thoughts and violent actions.

CDC Funded Study Shows the Vaccinated Shed 6.3 Times More Flu Virus, Just by Breathing 02/16/2018

More reasons to not get the Flu shot. Support your immune system, and if you don't know how to do this, go and see your local ND, something we are all good at.

CDC Funded Study Shows the Vaccinated Shed 6.3 Times More Flu Virus, Just by Breathing Want to know why more people are sick this year and dying from the flu? The answer might surprise you, it’s because of the flu vaccine and the most recent research from the National Academy of Sciences proves that people who are vaccinated spread the virus more, are not protected, and prior vaccin...

Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic is now highly recommended! 02/01/2018

Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic is now highly recommended! Thank you for the recognition and check out all our recommendations on Alignable.


This is awesome, more reason for women to have their mineral levels checked before conception. Zinc is super important.

Scientists finally issue warning against canola oil: Study reveals it is detrimental to brain health, contributes to dementia, causes weight gain 12/22/2017

I always knew this was bad. Camelina oil is a lot better.

Scientists finally issue warning against canola oil: Study reveals it is detrimental to brain health, contributes to dementia, causes weight gain If you thought canola oil was one of the “good” oils, think again. Although marketing campaigns position it as healthy, and it’s popular because of its low price, this is one oil that isn’t doing your body much good – as holistic health websites have been warning readers for many years. A ...

8 Tips for Healthier Holidays - Natural Terrain 12/20/2017

Some healthy tips for my peeps.

8 Tips for Healthier Holidays - Natural Terrain We have 8 tips for you to stay healthier this Holiday season by Dr. Haarsma. Plus, a delicious Maca Latte recipe to deter Winter caffeine & sugar intake.

Stinky armpits? Bacteria from a less smelly person can fix them 12/03/2017

Here is an interesting idea for those stinky armpits. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2120923-stinky-armpits-bacteria-from-a-less-smelly-person-can-fix-them/

Stinky armpits? Bacteria from a less smelly person can fix them Bacteria in your armpits are to blame for body odour, and some people have it particularly bad. But bacteria from a more fragrant relative can help

Health Services - Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic 11/28/2017

Health Services - Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic Natural Terrain Naturopathic Clinic is committed to providing quality physical and mental health services to the Edmonton community. Our services are aimed at providing optimal physical, mental, and emotional care, and are designed to increase awareness of health-related issues.

Gluten Intolerance is really GLYPHOSATE POISONING 11/27/2017

I have a lot of patients who can go to other countries outside of north america and they are able to eat wheat. I agree with this, glyphosate is the problemo.

Gluten Intolerance is really GLYPHOSATE POISONING What if...."gluten intolerance" is really "glyphosate poisoning"? Gluten has been in wheat since it was first grown. Sure, there have al...

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200-6650 177th Street Nw
Edmonton, AB

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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