Raise Your Vibes

Welcome, let's raise your vibes!

Photos from 𝘝 𝘪 𝘣 𝘦 𝘴's post 05/28/2024

My heart is full. Love this story.


I was asked recently what success meant and looked like to me in an interview this past week.

Such a great question.

There are many levels of unpacking this question and as I mature with life experiences my answer to this question has definitely changed over the years.

I also had the privilege to experience success this week with my dear friend and colleague during our photoshoot for our upcoming Puglia, experience we’re hosting in July 2025

The shoot was fun, that’s not what was successful about this moment with her, no, it was the genuine friendship her and I have established with each other.

Sarah and I run similar wellness businesses and instead of competing or comparing ourselves to each other we actually support each other instead.

She comes to me and I go to her for support. We blend our communities instead of protecting them as if they’re ours and ours to keep. And together we’re building our empires, we’re lifting and raising each other up instead of tearing each other down.

The wellness industry is like any other industry. And I have come across those who share very different values systems as me and have done what they could to compromise or discourage my growth or take advantage of those who truly need genuine care and guidance.

This era of my life and career is all about working and surrounding myself with people who have resonance with me. And when I find myself in company who vibe on the same wavelength; success has been achieved.

So friends, go find those who resonate with you and your values. It really is a game changer.

Thank you to all those who helped bring our shoot day to life in the most meaningful way - we were vibing. 🙏🏼🤍🙏🏼


🎙️The How to raise your vibes 💗

In this inspirational chat, Michelle from asked me some pretty deep questions on how I was able to transform my life, for the better.

So much wisdom came pouring out of me in this episode, so much so, even I didn’t recognize myself when listening back to it 🤯.

If you’re at a crossroads in your life right now, I invite you to have a listen. I dropped lots of thought provoking ideas and exercises that can help you navigate your own personal change, for the better. 

Thanks again Michelle for a great conversation and the opportunity to impact the possibility of positive change.

🔗 in bio or click one below to listen, share and leave a comment.



As you get ready for your week ahead keep this thought in mind.

Conscious, mindful, intentional awareness are key words to creating and crafting the life you see for yourself. It’s also the necessary practice to becoming HER - the woman you see yourself as.

Before your head hits the pillow tonight I invite you to visualize your week ahead with the feeling of appreciation and gratitude.

Here are some tips to get your mindset going in the right direction.

🤍 I’m grateful I get to go to work

🤍 I appreciate that my commute gives me the space to reconnect with myself

🤍 I’m grateful that I work with others who challenge me to grow

🤍 I appreciate myself for knowing when to pick and choose my battles

🤍 I’m grateful that I can generate income for myself and my family

🤍 I’m so grateful that people continue to put their faith into me

Now your turn.

Manifest the kind of week you want by affirming gratitude and appreciation.

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 04/27/2024

As a mother of two teenage boys, I have been reflecting on the challenges and joys of raising them.

I’ve been struggling to let go of their younger selves and embrace their growing independence and maturity. Lots of emotions here.

This week, my son wanted to go fishing for the season opener, but without our supervision; two hours away too! So, we decided to compromise by accompanying him on the trip but with certain ground rules.

We faced resistance and teenage angst, and we worked through the situation with understanding and empathy. A intricate dance, that’s for sure.

Parenting highly conscious teenagers is a new experience for us, but with the support of my partner, we are navigating this phase together, learning and growing along the way.

I’m grateful for my love.

We might not see things the same way, and I’m learning that’s a good thing because it means we’re helping each other grow and if we’re open to hearing each other out, we find a way and make it work for us. 🤍


It’s an inward journey sis.

When I started to look for HER I thought she was outside of me.

Separated from who I am as a the person I am in the physical.

The more I deepened my meditation and yoga practice the deeper I was able to go inward and find HER - my higher self. My whole self.

New Age Spirituality suggests she’s outside of me. That outside of me is where greater wisdom and guidance can be found.

I looked out there and she wasn’t there. So I share with you what I believe.

What’s yours?



Growth 🌱



Vote👇🏼 Did AI do a good job creating my essence in this illustration?


It’s a balance but I’m learning to become more of HER, my divine feminine self. And she is a force.

Hustle culture is out. Ease is in? Would you agree?


It’s safe to ask for help.

A lesson that I am constantly learning. 🤍

If you’re someone who feels they have to be the one to step up and lead or be the leader all the time may this msg from my higher self be the msg you need to hear to give you the permission to reach out for support.

In yoga, we learn that we are both the teacher and student. And it ebbs and flows constantly in our lives bringing balance and alignment.

It’s a humbling experience to know that we don’t always need to figure out things that others can show us the way.

There’s a saying that goes, if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together.



Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 01/24/2024

Imagine this…

Where each breath you take guides you to a serene haven.

Picture yourself on a path where your stress is reduced, where your daily pressures and responsibilities fade away, leaving only clarity and emotional well-being at total ease.

Imagine your creativity blooming like a delicate flower, energy dancing through your being and each breath embracing you in a cocoon of rest and relaxation.

Imagine that this can be your reality. A meditation class that can become your cherished companion that guides you through a soulful exploration of self.

Imagine letting your heart be your compass that guides you to serenity and self-love.


Join us, new 4 week classes are up. Starting Feb 1 at 7pm in Georgetown, On at Raise Your Vibes.

Join us here ➡️ https://raiseyourvibes.as.me/2024 or go to 🔗 in bio.


Keep believing.

This five letter word is a key to unlocking the next version of you.

Sometimes it’s hard to trust myself because self-doubt or my inner critic get in the way.

I am truly grateful for the tools I have that help me to embody the feeling of trust wholeheartedly.

To trust yourself is to listen to your intuition, your higher self. And move forward even though you may feel scared.

Do you or can you trust yourself enough to know that it will all work out and perhaps even better than you planned. Can you do that?

Can you trust your self?

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 01/23/2024

Here’s what I learned (still learning) along my journey to embodying JOY.

These are four aspects of your journey that you need to get in check if you want to find the joy in life and in business.

Start with one and then keep going.

1. Environment - if you’re in a toxic job, relationship or home this will suck the energy right out of you. This is a big one and could mean making big changes in your life. There are many who stay in jobs and relationships waiting for their pay out or for things to get better. The only way they get better is if you do something about your environment.

2. Ambition - You have dreams, goals, big ideas for your future. If they’re only living in your head then you need to start putting them into action.

When we lead from an ambitious goal we have a clear knowing of why this matter to us. It’s what will get you out of your bed even on the darkest of days.

3. Learning - Educate yourself. You are only as smart as you were yesterday. Pick up a book, listen to a podcast, enrol in that course, hire that coach, put yourself in rooms with people who are smarter than you for the subject you want to learn.

4. Sovereignty - know who you are. What are your strengths, weaknesses, your values, your boundaries.

Knowing these will help you to stand in your power.

Have questions? Let’s chat below.


Lead from your heart. It knows. Trust it to lead you through all your life’s choices and how you connect with others.



Sakalya Recharge
Join me via Zoom on this inward journey practice of pranayama (conscious breathing), kriya (moving meditations with breath and/or mantra), gentle asanas (postures) and meditation to naturally uplift and raise your vibrational frequency.
This is a class to rejuvenate, rebalance and re-energize your aura (energy field) and chakras (energy centres).
Recharge your whole self and continue your day feeling deeply relaxed and at ease.
All are welcome – modifications will be offered for a variety of levels.
*Prenatal advised to attend prenatal offerings
This is a VIRTUAL offering through ZOOM.
Register online via crystaltreeyoga.com


Life is filled with choices.

Make the ones that lead you to an outcome that you want. Don’t leave it to chance where the worried mind leads you.




Sisters, this month I have a special practice that I want to share with you. It comes from a place that is sacred and often not discussed except behind closed doors usually in clinical and uninviting rooms.

Instead I’m taking into a safe and brave space so you can share, practice and heal in a sacred sister circle.

This 3-part online mini-series is designed to guide you in reclaiming your energy and heal your mother womb.

Sisters, I invite you to join me as I guide you with deep ancient yogic practices.

✨If you’re someone who suffers with physical, emotional and mental pain prior to, during and after your moon cycle, then this series is for you.

✨If you are perimenopausal, this series is for you.

✨If you experience discomfort from fibroids, IUDs, birth control, polycystic o***y syndrome or endometriosis, this series is for you.

✨If you straight up hate your moon cycle and wish your friend never came to visit, this is for you.

✨If you have a va**na, this is for you.

🔗 in bio to sign up

If this resonates, join us and then share with your fellow sisters, please. Let’s make this possible and rebalance the energy that makes us females so sacred and powerful.

Om Namah Shivaya 🙏🏼

I look forward to serving you in this series. 🙏🏼 Tasha

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 12/19/2023

What do you allow in?



I've just reached 300 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 11/20/2023

When you change how you speak to yourself, everything changes.

Can you feel the difference between the two slides? Which one feels low energy and which one feels high energy?

Pretty obvious right?

And yet, we are constantly talking down to ourselves all the time.

As women, we need to put a stop to this. As we lead as mothers, sisters, business leaders, how we talk to ourselves impacts our outcomes and effects those closest to us.

Meditation. Reiki. Yoga and coaching all have the ability to help you change your mindset into a supportive one.

Start raising your vibes. 🙌

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 11/17/2023

You want change? Then do this. 👆🏼

Master your energy, master your life.

Reach out for private coaching, healing and spiritual practices that can help you transform your energy and ultimately YOUR LIFE.

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 11/15/2023

✨ Which one resonates?

If you’re unsure what a high vibe belief is let me break it down for you.

A belief is formed from having a consistent thought, repetitively.

A vibe is a frequency which carries a resonance (think sound waves or ripple effect in water).

High means the vibe is at a higher level (think turning up the sound volume) the higher it is the harder it becomes to ignore it.

And the higher vibration we become we start to see our life in a different perspective.

One that empowers us versus one that disempowers us led by fear.


Do any of these relate?

Our self worth is deeply connected to our energy output.

These are just a few beliefs I hear from my clients. There are plenty more.

Every time we put these beliefs ahead of our highest self we lower the frequency and attract more of what we don’t want.


Carmen San Diego vibes? Yes? No?

Sometimes we loose our way and that’s ok, it’s all apart of the plan.

And sometimes we need energy other than our own to help us get back on our path.

What do you think, did I channel my inner here? I was feeling mysterious.

In my latest private coaching container my client and I had a heartfelt discussion on getting back on a path that feels right for her.

We explored the power of HER personal transformation and how everything she is seeking is already within her.

To help her find HER, I guided her through a meditation, we danced, and she released. It was beautiful. She’s on her way and I’m super excited for her!

What vibes are you ready to let in?



People frequently reach out to me asking for support and guidance to bring their dreams to life. However, what sets apart those who actually achieve their dreams comes down to asking themselves a simple yet profound question. The key to answering that question is being honest with themselves. Dive into this weeks article and get my top 3 tips to stay committed to your dream.


Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 11/07/2023

Join me every Wednesday morning at

In my classes I become your guide to connecting with your energy.

Kriya’s are moving meditations where we create experiences that go within and beyond your daily sensations.

To witness your energy and be able to move it, shift it and adjust it so that you can find harmony and balance in your energy field, mind and body.

With an intention and focused attention you create the experience you desire.

Get your class pass by going to crystaltreeyoga.com


Honor the struggle. Bring the JOY 🔥

Hey friends, I’m Tasha. And I own and run a healing and empowerment centre for women.

It’s my mission to elevate consciousness, evolve human development and guide others to vibrate higher.

All so that we can honor the struggles and suffering of being human while embodying our super powers of being a spiritual being.

So that we can all thrive in a world that can be challenging to do so.

Any personal development journey starts with AWARENESS.

For me that journey started when I was 16 yrs old. I’m 42 now, so yay I’ve been on this path for a long time.

But the healing didn’t start until I was in my 30s when I became a mother.

To start the healing journey is to lean into ACCEPTANCE. Something I call in my coaching container as Radical Personal Responsibility.

Healing was hard!

Took decades and I’m still peeling the layers.

It was in the ACTION that I started to create a new life for myself. And I had healers, teachers and coaches help me do that. I needed the support system. (Spoiler alert 🚨 we all do, including you)

All the while working my full time job, mothering and raising two small high energetic boys.

All that to say, I had very to little time to focus on my growth but I knew I couldn’t stay the way I was forever. So changes (hard changes) we’re made.

If you’re ready to say YES to you, to heal, grow and find the joy in being human I invite you to reach out.

There’s a great saying that goes “if not now, when?”

So I ask you, when will you be ready to say enough is enough and start LIVING?

Jump into my inbox. Let’s chat from one human to another.

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 10/31/2023

Now this scary 😱

This is absolutely wild. Read this over and over again. Let it sink in.

I heard this the other day while listening to

Out of the 8 billion of us humans only .1% will do the necessary work to know who they are and LIVE who they truly are.

As a spiritual life coach I can say that the work I do is more needed than ever.

That’s a whole lot of us sleepwalking through life. This beautiful gift we were given.

Honor yourself and do yourself a solid will you?

Ask yourself daily “who am I? Until you know please.

And who you are is NOT what you do, your title, your career.

Who are you? Your true self.

Keep searching within.

Xo tasha

Photos from Raise Your Vibes's post 10/30/2023

My trip to reignited this within me.

Who knew I had to fly miles and miles to remember this belief about myself.

Let me save you the mileage by just leaving this msg here.


You’re welcome.

Keep the fire going, pass it on to someone you think could use the reminder too. 🧡


Do you react or respond when life gets hard?

In my 1:1 spiritual life coaching I have a method called PAUSE TO RESPOND that I teach my clients.

This method has saved me from unleashing a side of me that isn’t my best self.

I used to be reactive. An autopilot response when I got triggered. I used to fight back. And I would make the other person feel pain just as they had inflicted pain onto me.

Does that sound familiar?

Now, by mastering this method I respond to life’s challenges. It’s work no doubt, but it’s a better way to live.

If fear gets you fighting, angry and fuelled up ready to knock something or someone out, reach out. I have been there.

I have opened up 2 spots for private coaching that helps you to master your energy, your mind and ultimately your life.

Anger doesn’t have to be your reaction, I can guide you to responding to life that is authentically you without all the heavy hangover of regret.

Are you ready to learn how to respond? DM me and me let’s schedule a free call.

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16 Mountainview Road South
Georgetown, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 4pm - 8pm
Tuesday 4pm - 8pm
Wednesday 4pm - 8pm
Thursday 4pm - 8pm
Friday 4pm - 8pm

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