Breathe On - Yoga

Breathe On - Yoga

Yoga • Breathwork • Coaching Yoga • Breathwork •
Meditation regular and heated classes


Back to School for me 📚

Today marks a monumental day in my life as both a mom and a professional. While my three university-aged kids embark on their own educational journeys, I’m diving back into the world of learning with a brand new job.

For years, being there every morning and afternoon for my kids was a non-negotiable goal. As they spread their wings, so do I.

My journey as a self-employed yoga instructor, IFS informed coach, and Breathwork facilitator is far from over. Catch me every Tuesday at 6:30 PM, where I’ll be sharing my love for yoga @ On The Mat.

I’m thrilled to continue working with my incredible IFS clients, and I’m excited to welcome a few new faces (limited spaces) Plus, private Breathwork sessions will still be available for those seeking a deeper connection with themselves.

Keep an eye out for my monthly group Breathwork session, a chance to breathe and grow together as a community.

Here’s to new beginnings, endless learning, and the unending adventure of balancing motherhood with passion.

Much love,
Jo 💖
You can book your private sessions by reaching out to me via email.

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 08/29/2024


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

William Henry Davies

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 08/19/2024

Chez nous à Pombcoup

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 07/30/2024

July✌🏼🎶 bye bye bye

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 06/28/2024

👨🏼‍🎓I couldn’t be prouder of you . I am so excited for you and all of your next adventures at the University of a Victoria w and your sis
Thank You to everyone who celebrated and with us all week; and for all of the love and support it takes from family, friends and your great educators and mentors along the way.


“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” –

Etty Hillesum, An Interrupted Life: The Diaries 1941-1943, 1983

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 05/29/2024

The gift of a testimonial🪷 {{mention of pregnancy loss}}

A year ago I received this beautiful Thank You letter. Since then it has been on my alter and a few weeks ago I received this Jizo!

“Dear Jolene , you might never know the impact you can have on someone that could change the course of their life for the good; one simple phrase, action, or gesture can send a person off down another path or perhaps you do. Something tells me based on your energy and wisdom you are bit of divinity.

In June 2017 I wandered into your prenatal yoga class disoriented from an international move, reeling from a pregnancy loss a year earlier and in denial I was again carrying life.

My fear wouldn’t allow me to put hopeful energy into that one. There you were, strong, grounded, warm and when you instructed me to put my hand on my belly, my baby and the other hand on my heart and just breathe; there I was.

You helped me connect with my little being, you gave me the grace and focus I needed for this next chapter of life. You helped me deal with my grief. I don’t know what I would have done without your guidance that summer.

In Japan, there is a special ritual to deal with pregnancy loss or the loss of a child. It wasn’t until 2020 that I took part of one a a Buddhist Temple in Tokyo called hon juin. A monk handed me a lump of clay and instructed me how to form an egg shape and then eventually a small palm size, jizo emerged.

Jizo are the guardian Dietes of children and travellers and you see them all over the country at temples, in gardens and in winter, people add a knitted cap and apron to keep the stone statues warm. During the pandemic, they wore tiny surgical mask.

After my clay Jizo came to life it sat to dry on an altar in the temple surrounded by incense, flowers and the chanting of monks; cathartic closure and your voice telling me to just breathe.

Thank you. I couldn’t have eased from grief into motherhood without you. I have a small jizo for you and when I unpack, I will deliver.

with love Kimberly.”

🙏🏼🪷Thank You for your gift of presence in my class all those years ago and taking the time to express your gratitude.

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 05/24/2024

Thank You to the for inviting me to present two sessions today on the importance of “breathwork”. Women in medicine … you are so inspiring and powerful. Thank You for your thoughtful insights and for your curiosity.

An overview.

The three main cornerstones of breath

1. Awareness. Did you know that we take approximately 22,000 breaths/ day ? Our breath is part of the autonomic nervous system. Just like we don’t have to tell our heart to beat, we don’t have to tell our body to breathe. Bringing Awareness to our breath allows a shift from an involuntary, automatic process toward being a more voluntary one. This seems to activate the cerebral cortex, a more evolved part of the brain. Being aware of our breath, brings a voluntary element to this involuntary process and has profound physiological, psychological, and even spiritual effects

Does turning your attention to your breath make you feel anxious or relaxed? Without judgement, simply bring your attention to it. If anchoring into your breath is difficult, try focusing on a body part ( feet on ground, your pinky finger) Without trying to change or force your breath… become aware of it and work on becoming more familiar with how you breathe. Do you hold your breath? Are you breathing in your high chest? Can you expand into your belly ? Eventually, learn diaphragmatic breathing (or the three part breath technique) belly- ribs - chest to help you tone your vagus nerve.

2. Breath for relaxation. The exhale naturally helps to down regulate our nervous system. Allow for longer exhales … twice as long as inhale. Practice breath techniques like 4-7-8 breathing. (4 breaths in - hold for 7- breathe out for a count of 😎
Practice the physiological sigh.

3. Breath for energy. Focus on the inhale. The inhale helps to up regulate the nervous system. Try this technique; SNIIF SNIFF POOH- take shorts sniffs of breath ( 4 or 5) and simply let the exhale fall out. Feel the energetic shift in your body.

Reach out if you have any questions about these or any other breath techniques to help you mange your energy.

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 05/20/2024

Cottage couture w 🙏🏼 👨🏼‍🌾

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 05/12/2024

Dear Breathe On community,

Today we honor and recognize all the incredible mothers in our lives for the unwavering love, boundless support, and invaluable guidance they provide.

Motherhood is a journey that takes strength, resilience, and endless patience. It is a role that comes with both joy and challenges, and yet, mothers face them with grace and determination.

Today, in particular, I hold in my thoughts those who may be missing their mom. Mother’s Day, while a day of celebration, can also be a bittersweet occasion. May you find solace and warmth in the cherished memories and the love that will forever endure.

And to those who find themselves distanced from their mother or are navigating complex and challenging relationships. My wish for you is profound healing and a journey towards a more profound self-connection.

On this special Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to honor and appreciate the remarkable women who have not only nurtured us but also played a significant role in shaping the very essence of who we are today

To all the ‘moms’ in the Breathe On community, I wish you a day filled with love, joy, and relaxation. You are so loved.

With gratitude to all of you, my own mama , step mom, my sister, “the matriarchs” and to the countless women who have loved and guided me along the way. THANK YOU.

Jo xo


Sometimes I get testimonials that kind of blow my mind. The next group breathwork session. This Sunday. April 21 7pm. Link in bio.

Thank You so much for this .earth.oneness
I loved meeting you … it’s a privilege to hold the space for your transformative experience ✨🤍🙏🏼

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 04/09/2024

The snowbirds are always my favourite☀️

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 03/14/2024

Next group breathwork SUNDAY,MARCH 24th 7pm

Breathwork: Experience it to understand.

💛 Process grief.
💛Calm your negative thoughts, quiet your busy mind, stabilize your emotions, and cultivate a profound feeling of tranquility inside.
💛Help you trust in your body and trust in your breath
💛Circular Breathwork can boost endorphin levels, our body’s natural pain relievers, easing discomfort and enhancing overall wellness.
💛Create altered states and intense emotional release.
💛A feeling of love and gratitude.
💛Enhancing your connection with yourself (self-acceptance)
💛After the active breathing, experience a sense of lightness and relaxation, as your parasympathetic nervous system engages.

# breathwork


Embrace your power center, your solar plexus, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Trust your fears, discomfort, and life itself. It’s time to step out of the shadows of busyness and into the light of self-love and acceptance. Join us for a profound workshop on harnessing the healing power of the solar plexus through Breathwork! 🌿✨

Immerse yourself in the art of conscious circular breathing to unlock altered states of consciousness, paving the way for deep inner exploration and healing. Delve into your subconscious, release emotional blockages, and unlock profound insights into your psyche.

In this transformative workshop, we’ll delve into personal power, self-worth, and assertiveness through the practice of Transformational Breathwork. Say goodbye to pent-up emotions, fears, and limiting beliefs that hold you back from authentic self-expression and setting boundaries.

By actively engaging with your breath and addressing energetic imbalances in the solar plexus chakra, you’ll nurture empowerment, confidence, and self-assurance. Join us on this journey to unleash your inner strength, embrace your uniqueness, and navigate life with curiosity, courage, and clarity. Don’t miss this holistic path to healing and transformation! 🌟

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 02/19/2024

TESTIMONIAL 🤍🤍 (next group breathwork- Sunday February 25, 7pm)

“I have long been curious and so very glad I finally took the time.  Breathwork s a transformative practice.  Simple yet powerful techniques (under Jolene’s guidance) have brought a sense of calm, relief and better overall well- being that I didn’t know was possible.  I will want to incorporate this into a regular self care routine.  Carve out time with Jolene for your physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.  You will not be disappointed.
Thank you, Jolene.  This was an experience I will never forget.”

Thank You 🙏🏼 JEANNE


He would’ve been 79 today.

I once had the most Lucid dream. It was a bittersweet experience, as it happened not long after my beloved stepfather’s passing. In this dream, he appeared to me, and I found myself desperately trying to communicate with him.

I remember it so well; in this dream, there was a little television set, reminiscent of the ones you used to find in hospital rooms. You know, the ones with the small screens that somehow managed to bring comfort during difficult times. As I tried to tune in to this snowy and fuzzy TV screen, I could hear his voice, but seeing him remained a challenge.

Amidst my attempts to connect visually, something extraordinary happened. My stepfather’s voice gently whispered to me, revealing that he can only communicate in the realm of vibrations and sound. He explained that his energy is very much alive and well, residing in different frequencies.

This revelation brought me immense comfort. It reminded me of the times we spent together in the hospital, meditating to help him with his anxious thoughts and fear. We shared a connection beyond the physical.

The following morning, as I strolled down Coburg rd, a deer suddenly appeared before me on the sidewalk. My stepfather had a profound love for deer, and one of our last conversations revolved around the concept of life after death. He expressed his desire to live in a serene meadow, grazing peacefully like a deer.

Since that day, I have often felt his presence when I chant and OM whether in class or in solitude. It serves as a gentle reminder that he is right there with me, existing in a different form but forever connected. His essence continues to resonate, guiding and comforting me along the way.



The primary goal of an IFS session is to help you understand and navigate the different aspects of your inner self. These “PARTS” represent different aspects of your personality, beliefs, and emotions. As an ifs informed practitioner, I guide you in identifying and understanding these parts, including both the parts that may be causing distress and the parts that hold strength and wisdom.

Through the IFS approach, I will support you in building a relationship with each part, fostering self-compassion, curiosity, and understanding. By establishing a compassionate dialogue with your parts, you can heal any inner conflicts, resolve past traumas, and create harmony within yourself.

The ultimate purpose of an IFS session is to help you cultivate self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. By exploring and integrating all parts of yourself, you can experience personal growth, improved relationships, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

Do you have a curious part? … shoot me a dm!



I heard something the other day; that, awakening is just a series of softening and 🤯🤯

Pause for a moment, placing your hands on your heart, and speak the words: “soften, soften, softening the heart.” Over and over again until you begin to physically feel a little softening. Notice how saying the words aloud may shift any rigidity.

No matter where you find yourself or what you’re engaged in, allow yourself to let go of any hardness within. Allow your heart to soften, and witness how your mind follows suit. Embrace this gentle state and observe how life responds with tenderness and elegance. Remember, what you experience internally will manifest externally. As within, so it is without. Embrace the innocence of a child, and trust that you can always deepen your capacity for softening and surrendering. 💗✨


Grace 🌺

In the chaos of daily life, there’s a hidden power - grace. Softness, inner quiet, and quiescence ( a new word for me) create space for grace to flourish.

In those tiny moments throughout the day, we find precious grace. The pause between breaths, the stillness between thoughts - that’s where magic happens.

Without these pauses, we risk constant overwhelm. But there’s a simple solution.

When you pause. You breathe. When you breathe, you relax. And When You relax. Grace comes.

Remember to invite grace into your life. In those moments, you’ll find true beauty and serenity. 3 minutes of softness, 3 times a day. Anytime. Anywhere. How are you embracing grace this year?
Xo Jo


Merry Christmas 🎄🤍🎄

Group Breathwork SUNDAY January 14/7pm-8:30pm — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 12/19/2023

Group Breathwork SUNDAY January 14/7pm-8:30pm — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Online Group Breathwork THE BREATHWORK RELEASE AND WAIVER Jolene d’Entremont - YOGA ON *please read the liability waiver before purchasing * AND CLICK ON "Add to Cart" TO COMPLETE THIS LIABILITY WAIVER PROCESS.

IFS, IFS therapy, Internal Family Systems, therapy, coach, anxiety, depression, parts, relationships — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 12/19/2023

IFS, IFS therapy, Internal Family Systems, therapy, coach, anxiety, depression, parts, relationships — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is a model of psychotherapy that helps individuals explore and understand their inner world. It is based on the idea that everyone has different parts within themselves, each with their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The IFS model recognizes the importan

Private Yoga Class — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 12/19/2023

Private Yoga Class — Breathe On With Jo | Yoga, Life Coaching, Breathwork in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada “Jolene is a generous and dedicated teacher who nurtures her students’ self-care. Our Wednesday yoga class is a highlight of my week which over time has made a big impact on my own self-care. I have increased my strength and back alignment and reduced my back pain from chronic computer strain. T...


Prenatal YYT info. February 16-17, 2024

Pre-Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training with TAYS, Yoga Alliance Registered YTT. 15 hours start any time. Save the dates Feb 16 and 17 for two live sessions with Jolene D'Entremont of to complete the course. See link in bio to find 500 hour page and register. Please email or DM us with any questions. 🙏.

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 11/26/2023

🦁 20 years ago today, a lioness was born. A being of strength, courage, and fierce independence. She's been blazing her own path ever since with amazing adventures, creativity, and grace.

This lioness never shies away from a challenge, tackles life with an indestructible spirit, and I swear she came in ready to take on the world.

Here's to Maeve the Brave. 🎂

Being your mama is such a beautiful journey. Happy Birthday I love You. 🤍

📷: .photographys

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 11/17/2023

Fresh off the press – my brand new business cards🎴

I am honored and humbled by the kind words of Rob W. who says, "Jolene is a heart practitioner of the highest order." This feedback fuels my passion to continue providing the best services to all my beloved clients.

As a Yoga Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator, and IFS Informed/Somatic Coach, I am committed to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and wellness.

Looking forward to 2024 and you joining me for empowering yoga classes, transformative breathwork sessions and soul-nurturing coaching. Together, we will create a year of growth, healing and transformation! 🙏🧘‍♀️💫

[email protected]

Photos from Breathe On - Yoga's post 11/02/2023

Teaching yoga is more than just a job for me. It's where I feel peace and presence.

Guiding breath and movement is my meditation.

It's not just about the poses, it's about the journey of self-discovery and unity.

This is my joy! 🧘‍♀️ Thank You for including me in your Next Generation support team. Your athletes are incredible🏊🏻‍♀️🏊🏽‍♂️

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Client win 🏆                                  #IFS #ifstherapy #ifscoach Thank You 🙏🏼 Brent. I am proud of you.
Dearest ones. This is an except of my Breathe On At Home | 20 min Guided Breathwork practice. A 20 minute guided audio r...
I could’ve talked to Jillian for hours about just about everything and anything … We touched on my two + years of being ...
I could’ve talked to Jillian for hours about just about everything and anything … We touched on my two + years of being ...
I could’ve talked to Jillian for hours about just about everything and anything … We touched on my two + years of being ...
My rudimentary visual interpretation of a regular mindful breath ♾ vs a circular breath ⭕️, which is practiced during a ...
This video. My heart. Believe it or not...I watch this almost every day.; The longer version of it. I’m Having a particu...



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