The Stop Smoking Lady

The Stop Smoking Lady

I help smokers & va**rs STOP and walk away from their habit, easily
With no cravings or Irritability I see clients privately one at a time.

As Canada's Stop Smoking Lady I help people to quit smoking in as little as one session. 90% of my clients stop after the first session but choose to work with me for a couple more sessions to help with things like relationship or work stress. Group Sessions & Corporate stop smoking programs are available. Post-program support is available with all programs.


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

👋 You may know me as The Stop Smoking Lady or Flourish Hypnosis 🧘‍♀️

🚭 Since 2017, my specialty has been helping people stop smoking and quit va**ng.

💡 You might also know that I've been sharing my Top Ten Tips to Stop Smoking for years.

❤️ LOVE LOVE LOVE sharing these tips with my fellow Hypnotherapists and Emotion Code Practitioners, but now the content has been EXPANDED and put into a PDF eBook! 📘

So if you:

🚭 Want to Stop Smoking or Quit Va**ng
💬 Know someone who wants to stop their smoking or va**ng habit
🤝 Want to help people stop smoking / quit va**ng

Then grab your copy now! 📥


Let's take the first step towards a to***co and ni****ne free life together! 🌿

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Did you start smoking as a teenager?

I was just reminiscing about my teenage years and how smoking made me feel.

You see, I was a nervous teenager, just wanting to fit in and be cool.

Smoking gave me confidence and being acceptance by my peers.

Or so I thought.

Smoking as a teenager felt GREAT:

🚬 Smoking meant I was cool! 😎
🚬 Smoking meant I fit in!
🚬 Smoking meant I was grown up!

But something was missing, I lacked self confidence. Even with smoking, I still couldn’t BE confident.

But as a teenager I believed smoking gave me confidence, so I smoked somemore and made sure I was never without a pack of smokes.

In my mind:

No smokes = No confidence

The truth was that being a smoker gave me an excuse to step out of situations that made me nervous.

It allowed me to take a break when I felt overwhelmed or stressed.

Have you ever experienced that? Needing to step out of situations that are stressful or uncomfortable?

Ci******es were my soother, my pacifier.

By allowing my mind to focus on what I didn’t have, for too many years, I had a belief that smoking was something I needed to do.

Can you relate?
Focusing on what you didn’t have? Believing that you need to smoke?

It wasn’t until the age of 36 that I even considered quitting.

The idea of being a non-smoker started to wiggle its way into my thoughts.

Has the thought of quitting smoking wiggled its way into your thoughts?

I hear from my clients all the time that they have thoughts of:

- quitting smoking
- wanting to quit
- trying to quit
- being afraid to quit?

Once the idea of quitting takes hold, it cannot and will not leave you alone.

But if you’re NOT careful, you can fall into the trap of thinking about how HARD it’s going to be to quit:

😬 The cravings
😒 The irritability
😩 The withdrawal
😝 The weight gain
🤔 Not knowing what to do with your hands

I had seen people struggle with quitting, BUT the one thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t see myself as an old lady smoking ci******es.

Do you see yourself as an old and still smoking or worse Va**ng?

So ask yourself:

How old will you be when you finally quit smoking ci******es?

In my next post, I’ll share how I finally quit smoking. Stay tuned!


Are you a Hypnotherapist who wants to help clients stop smoking?

MAYBE you need a bit more information on how to do that?

On July 4th, I will be sharing my newly updated eBook with my Top 10 Tips to Stop Smoking on your Own.

It's FREE and I would love people to grab a copy.

The more Hypnotherapists helping people stop smoking (and va**ng) the better for everyone!



IBS Relief by Resetting the MIND

Unlocking the Gut Brain Miscommunication

Are you a Hypnotherapist and would like to learn about a transformative approach to addressing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms by delving into physical and emotional aspects of this disorder.

Imagine providing your IBS clients rapid relief, both emotional and physically within a few weeks!

Join me at the Dave Elman Legacy Global Zoom Conference this Friday, Saturday and Sunday and on Saturday I'll unveil my groundbreaking four-step method known as “The Rapid Relief IBS Protocol”.

With this protocol you can guide your clients on a remarkable healing journey, allowing their digestive systems to rediscover their natural state of well-being, and their tummies to experience the soothing embrace of calmness.

As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist AKA The Stop Smoking Lady, I've been helping people stop bad habits such as smoking and va**ng. Certified in 2013 by the IMDHA, my clients have achieved lasting results such as relief from life long weight loss issues, crippling social anxiety and sexual performance issues.

With 20 years of health food Industry knowledge, it's natural that my 3rd protocol, The Rapid Relief IBS Protocol, leads clients through the transformative journey towards lasting healing and emotional well-being.

Find the link to the conference in the comments section below.


World No To***co Day 2023: This year, the theme for World No To***co Day is We need food, not to***co. Scroll down to know more. The special occasion of 'World No To***co Day' is observed every year on May 31 to increase awareness regarding the harmful effects of smoking and to***co use on an individual


It doesn't have to be so hard to stop smoking!

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they're trying to stop smoking is that they are TRYING to stop instead of stopping smoking.

Unfortunately, you might be focused on patches, sprays, and gum, but that often makes things worse because:
* you're still introducing ni****ne into your system
* you're still spending money on your habit
* you're frustrated because you still crave ci******es

And while everyone else is telling you to stop thinking about about smoking.

I'm telling you what really needs to happen is to rewire, reframe and reprogram your Mind so its just like BEFORE you ever smoked.

As soon as you do that, you can start to enjoy better health, and experience freedom from a habit you hate so that you no longer have to worry about what smoking might be doing to you or spend money on something that makes you sick, smelly and poorer.

Curious? DM me the word (SMOKE) if you want to learn about a simple 3 step process to step your most vibrant, healthiest, best smelling version of yourself.


Are you looking to stop va**ng and reclaim your life?

At Stop Va**ng with Hypnosis, we understand the difficulties of quitting va**ng and we have the solution.

Our certified hypnotherapist, Helena -- aka The Stop Va**ng Lady -- is here to help you find freedom from va**ng.

We know that every individual is unique, so we offer a variety of programs tailored to your specific needs.

With Helena's help, you can find the one that works best for you.
Take that first step to a healthier, happier life.

Book a free 15 minute chat with Helena to find out which one of our programs would be best suited for you.

Our programs were specifically designed to help you break your dependence on va**ng and quit for good.

We provide a safe, non-judgmental space to get the help you need.

Let Helena help you find the strength and courage to make positive changes in your life.

Take that first step and book a free 15 minute chat with Helena today.



What were your meal times like while you were growing up?

I invite you to comment below - the good, the bad and the ugly of your childhood / teenage years dining experiences.

Tomorrow's 10 am PST FaceBook Live I will be discussing:

How your childhood meal times may be contributing to your current adult digestion issues.

Here is something to think about:

Were meal times Calm, Fun and Enjoyable?
Did you get to eat what, when and how much you wanted?
Were appetizing, nutritious foods offered to you?
- Was it mayhem full of fighting, yelling, uncomfortableness, forced food choices, adult decided portion sizes, rushed
Maybe you had to prepare your food and eat alone
Maybe there was not enough food for the family
Maybe you wanted to be a vegetarian but had to eat meat
Maybe you wanted to share but were not heard


Does your gut bother you so much you could scream?
Maybe you are bloated, gassy or burpee.
Perhaps you all backed up?
Or is it all running out?

What happens when you get invited for dinner out with friends?

Do you get embarrassed ordering because YOU know you have to be so very careful otherwise you are going to suffer an IBS flareup.

Maybe you have concerns about the restroom / washroom / bathroom situation everywhere you have to go.

Have you ever scouted a location out ahead of time?
Just so you know where the restrooms are.
Just incase your body says "I need to go NOW".

When at work, have you ever worried that someone is noticing how much time you are spending in the washroom?

What about planes, trains and automobiles?
Have you planned out your travel plans to incorporate lots of rest stops - just to make sure you can get to a destination with a calm happy tummy.

If this sounds like you, then IBS has a hold on you.

Perhaps it is time to break the chains of IBS.

Free yourself of the pain, embarrassment and inconvenience of IBS symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation and or diarrhea.

Gut-directed hypnotherapy has been proven that it can help CALM tummies and improve the whole digestive and nervous system.

Send me a PM and set up a no obligation 15 minute chat.
We need to verify which of my IBS Relief programs are right for you.


Did you know I created a DIY Stop Smoking Program?


Attention: Ready to quit smoking for good?

Millions of people have successfully quit smoking with hypnotherapy. In this session, you will be hypnotized into believing that you no longer enjoy ci******es – or any other type of ni****ne product.

You’ll also learn how to deal with cravings and the stress of quitting.

Most people find that they don’t even crave ci******es after the session.

Imagine being able to breathe easily and deeply, without coughing or wheezing. Picture yourself not having to worry about your health anymore – or about setting an example for your children.

With Stop Smoking Hypnosis, you can make all of this a reality very quickly and easily.

Book YOUR stop smoking hypnosis session today!


Are you looking for a way to quit smoking?
Millions of people have successfully quit smoking using hypnosis. It’s a natural and relaxing way to let go of the habit. You’ll be surprised at how easily it works – and how much better you’ll feel without ci******es.

Imagine feeling healthier, happier, and more confident – without ever having to smoke again. With Stop Smoking Hypnosis, that’s exactly what you can expect. Quit smoking today and start living your best life!

Click the link in the comments section to learn more about our hypnotherapy session for quitting smoking!


Here are the steps to stop smoking with hypnosis:

Reprogram the brain to understand the true nature of smoking.

Eliminate the links to the habit involved.

Re-establishing yourself as the non-smoking you were from birth.

End your connection to to***co as part of your life.

Emphasize the benefits of living a smoke free life.

Reaffirm the fact that you can maintain a healthy weight while not smoking.


Compassion for smokers!

That is what I tell my quit smoking clients to do, if they ever see a person smoking a cigarette. 🚬

Have compassion 🫶❤️🫶 for them


just like you, they most likely have tried to QUIT smoking before and failed.

BUT unlike you, YOU decided to deal with the real reasons of your smoking habit.

According to the CDC, nearly 70% of Americans who smoke want to quit, and around 55% have made at least one attempt to quit smoking in the past year.

So what keeps people from TRYING again?

It’s a combination of the negative feelings of NOT being able to quit cold 🦃 and the FEAR of losing out what smoking does for them emotionally.

So what do they do instead? They lie to themselves and say things like:

* I find smoking pleasurable!
* Smoking relaxes me!
* Smoking helps me deal with my stress!

The truth is NOBODY actually likes the smoke in their lungs and the smell on their breath, hair, clothes or even the lingering taste in their mouth.

NOBODY likes spending money on ci******es and buying a product that promises them poor health.

NOBODY likes the idea of their last breath being filled with smoke, a cough and a hack.

Smoking is NOT relaxing for the body - it stresses out the physical body.

BUT why do smokers smoke?

Because they LIKE what it does for them emotionally.

Reminding my quit smoking clients to be compassionate is helpful


MANY of them tell me at the beginning of their hypnosis session that they are AFRAID that if they see a smoker that will cause them to have a CRAVING for a cigarette.

HOWEVER by the end of the session they are no longer AFRAID and they are compassionate.

By understanding why they smoked in the first place sets them FREE.

When you are ready to understand the truth about why YOU smoke, you are FREE to choose again.



A recent study presented at the annual international scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians showed that patients were more likely to quit smoking through the use of hypnotherapy than patients using other smoking cessation methods.

And in an earlier study involving 226 smokers, more than half completely abstained from smoking one week after a single hypnosis session. Cessation rates at six months climbed to 66% for those who completed a hypnosis-based treatment program.

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis

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Another Free Report
The Harvard University Gazette states:
Hypnosis has the ability to impact significant areas of the brain that "may account for the success of hypnosis in combating insomnia"


RELAX - they tell you.

I know I need to relax!
I want to relax BUT I'm so stressed.
I'm so stressed, I can't even take a breath.
If only someone could help me relax.

Well, I have a gift for you.
A free self hypnosis relaxation audio.
No email required.
Listen as many times as you like.
Check the comments section for the link
**nghypnosis **ngkelowna |


Would you like to know how the Law of Attraction can help you to stop smoking?

I have made a short video answering this question.

You can check it out on the stop smoking lady website and click Free Resources tab.

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Have you ever asked yourself "When trying to quit smoking why do I get so irritable" while you are trying to quit smoking?

I have made a short video answering this question.

You can check it out on the stop smoking lady website and click Free Resources tab.

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Have you ever asked yourself "Why do I self-sabotage my good efforts" while you are trying to quit smoking?

I have made a short video answering this question.

You can check it out on the stop smoking lady website and click Free Resources tab.

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Are you experiencing negative emotions while you are trying to quit smoking?

I have made a short video answering this question.

You can check it out on the stop smoking lady website and click Free Resources tab.

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What is a ni****ne craving?
What if your craving has nothing to do with ni****ne?
I have made a short video answering this question.
You can check it out on the stop smoking lady website and click Free Resources tab.

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Today is ***coDay


21 days free! After one hypnosis session for stop smoking.


Careful of the words that you say. Your subconscious mind is listening very carefully.


Why do we self sabotage our good efforts? In this video you can find out.


Which feels better
Trying to do something
Deciding to do something


Did you know that in Canada, Business Owners can write off Coaching Sessions - Book your Stop Smoking Coaching Session - either in person or via video.


Are you a business owner that smokes?
Your clients don’t want to smell cigarette smoke on you.

Are you able to write off “coaching sessions”?

If yes, then book a “Coaching Session” with me and become a non smoker!

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Kelowna?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

As Canada's Stop Smoking Lady I help people to quit smoking in just one hypnosis session. You can now join the hundreds of people in Vancouver and on Vancouver Island, that have quit smoking with hypnosis. I am Helena Jehnichen, AKA “The Stop Smoking Lady” a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Smoking Cessation Specialist.

I have the road map that you have been searching for. It will allow to you becoming a permanent non-smoker for the rest of your life. Your experience will be completely natural with no drugs and my success rate is between 90-95%. Most people walk out of the office with no cravings or any symptoms of withdrawal. They become naturally and effortless free! When booking your stop smoking appointment, choose the lifetime support option to receive subsequent quit smoking sessions for FREE.

Appointments are available in both Cobble Hill at ValleyView Centre and in Victoria at Uptown Mall.

Videos (show all)

Today is #WorldNoTobaccoDay
How would your life be different if you could reset your energy so that you enjoy better physical health, enhanced perso...
If you want someone to perform at their highest potential -- let them know in ADVANCE that they are the kind of person w...
What if an addiction to a substance such as nicotine, alcohol, sugar, sleeping aids are a solution that your unconscious...
You deserve a break Take one minute to destressYou will feel great!Free Anti-Anxiety tips available
Stop Smoking January 2019 special


1232 Ellis Street
Kelowna, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 9pm
Tuesday 6pm - 9pm
Wednesday 6pm - 9pm
Thursday 6pm - 9pm
Friday 6pm - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm
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