Wonder Fit

Striving toward strength in all of its forms! Personal Training & Nutrition Welcome to WonderFit where we strive toward strength in all of its forms.

We don't just focus on weight loss. We focus on making you the best that you can be. We offer one on one training for fat loss, endurance, strength, balance and reaching your personal goals. We specialize in training kids as young as 6 years old, athletes and fitness competitors. No matter what your goals are, we can help get you there. Contact us now for pricing, classes and more!


We are one sleep away from the long weekend and that means killer HIIT workouts at home. Try this one! 5 circuits, repeat each circuit 3 times only taking a 30 seconds rest once the circuit was completed!

1. 30 sec burpees/30 sec jump squats
2. 45 sec push ups/ 45 sec walking lunges / 45 sec plank
3. 45 sec jump squats/ 45 sec tricep dips/ 45 sec calf raises
4. 45 sec burpees/ 45 sec high knees/ 45 sec dead bugs
5. 30 sec glute raises/ 30 sec plank

Grab a shake and some lemon water and enjoy your day!

PS we have ONE training spot and TWO bootcamp spots left! DM to join!

I hope you’re sore!


We are finally open again and our Bootcamps are BACK!

Monday/Wednesday/Thursday 8pm
Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday 10am

Join now and get unlimited monthly access for $99!

We also offer completely private one on one training and nutrition!

Lets get moving and feeling better today!

Photos from Wonder Fit's post 12/24/2021

May the last week of the year be the plot twist you were hoping for ❤️🎄 Merry whatever you celebrate ❤️


Why the hell is this so damn important?!

It sounds so useless, right?!


It matters. Without it, you’re stuck in a guilt-ridden state of self sabotage.



Harsh? Probably. But true.

❌It’s not because the plan doesn’t work.
❌It’s not because you’re not working out enough or not doing enough cardio.
❌It’s not because you’re not drinking lemon water.
❌It’s not because you have a slow metabolism.
❌It’s not because your genetics are crap.
❌It’s not because you like carbs too much.
❌It’s not because of that cookies you had.
It’s because YOU are standing in your own way. You are self sabotaging. You are allowing the “f**k it I already screwed up” mentality.
You’re the one who doesn’t believe in yourself. You’re the one who doesn’t love herself enough to do what’s best for your body. You’re the one who thinks you don’t deserve to be happy. You’re the one putting yourself down. You’re the one telling yourself you look fat (and by the way, fat is part of your anatomy, not a characteristic of who you are). This is on you.

And this isn’t just about fitness. It’s anything in your life you’re telling yourself you’re not goo enough for.

And until you start to accept and love yourself just as you are now, then you’re right, nothing will work for you. You will keep self sabotaging because you don’t think you deserve it.

NEWSFLASH: you do. You totally do. You deserve all the happiness, love, acceptance and health in the world. You just have to take the first step. Do it. Start loving yourself. Let’s do this together.


When is the last time you did some serious goal setting?

I try to set monthly and weekly goals.

Now, they’re not always as ambitious and huge as you’d think.

Sometimes my goals are as simple as “get to the gym” or “message your friends”.

Life gets busy and we let our own goals slip through our fingers first.

It’s why I still stick to my 3-2-1 rule for goal setting per day

3 things for my business (emails, calls, posts, meetings)
2 things for my health (meal prep, workout, walk, meditate)
1 thing for my personal life (send a text, have a quick Facebook chat, grab a coffee)

Life is about balance. Life is also short. Don’t spend it making 2 mile to-do lists and not living.

Tell me your 3 goals for the day 💖


Get honest with people about who you are, what you want, and how you expect to be treated. Standards only scare of people not meant to be in your life.


Stand up for yourself and what you want and believe in.


You ate ALL that candy?! For real?!
Ok so? Maybe you did. So?

Did it change your job? Did it affect your friendships? Did it make your significant other break up with you? Did you kids or pets love you less?

The answer is probably not!

(If the answer is yes, you need new jeans/job/significant other.)

So why are you beating yourself up?

It’s so easy for us to attack ourselves!

So let’s change that.

I want you to stop every time you make a negative comment about food or your weight or the holidays or your jeans.
Then I want you to do the following:
✔️rephrase it as though you were saying it to your best friend.
✔️rephrase it as though your best friend said it to YOU.
✔️write it down and ask yourself why this applies to you. Dig deep.

“I feel fat after those treats because I think others will judge me for my jeans not fitting”
Ok why?

“Because I have no self control.”

“Because I don’t deserve the same level of happiness”

And now you’re getting somewhere.

Food issues are deep rooted in our beliefs about ourselves. You can get skinny and still hate yourself.

The key is to find the root cause.

If you don’t think you deserve happiness, you will self sabotage every aspect of your life. From food to your job to dating crappy people.

Let’s start to break down those walls and resolve those issues. Let’s stop feeling guilty over food.

Tag a friend who needs this reminder boo 😘🎃👻

Photos from Wonder Fit's post 10/31/2021

Need some awesome Halloween plans for you and your pup?! Join us today downtown Kitchener with for a Halloween Pooch Party!


Hey everyone PLEASE READ THIS!

Blu’s dad posted this and we need to take this very seriously. If you’re in Vaughan or any area that uses BSL, please be careful. Check your fences. Add baby gates to outside doors. Do NOT let your dogs anywhere that isn’t secure.

Have a back up plan in place to relocate them if possible.

But most of all STAY UP TO DATE AND SHOW UP AT THE RALLIES. This is getting scary fast and of you dont stand up for our dogs, who will stand up for yours?


Weight loss tag lines don’t work. So I’m not going to use one on you.

But I will say that I know how it feels not to feel comfortable in your body.

Which is why as we open back up after Covid, our goal is to restore your health AND you confidence.

No more feeling frustrated.
No more yo-yo dieting
No more feeling frustrated with what to wear.
No more cabbage soup diets.
No more grapefruit diets.
No more green tea detoxes.
No more creams, no more magics pills.
No more crying at how you look and feel.

Let's change the narrative together. Now.

Our gym is completely Covid safe and taking new clients. Let’s connect! Ps we are dog friendly!


By popular demand (mainly by anyone who has ever trained with me) these two shirts are finally here! DM to order!


It’s officially! As of Friday July 16th we are open!

Our monday bootcamps still have one spot left!

Tuesday bootcamps have 3 spots left

One on one training and nutrition is also available!

Lets get out bodies moving and feeling healthy again! It’s time to refocus on our health!

DM or email for details [email protected]

See you all soon as we get strong and confident again


PSA: it’s ok to want to get healthier and more active without looking like I did on the left.

It’s ok not to want to change EVERYTHING.

It’s ok to still want to have meals with your family.

It’s ok to still want to have a glass of wine.

It’s ok to only want to workout a few times a week.

It’s ok to just want to move more and get healthier to enjoy life more.

It’s ok to make fitness just a part of your life and not your WHOLE life.

It’s ok to have YOUR OWN goals.

Let’s make it ok to just get healthier to make your life more enjoyable and not to git an unrealistic (and incredibly unhealthy) standard.

Let’s do it for YOU. Let’s do it for YOUR GOALS. Let’s do it so you can walk your dog more and win at tug of war 😂

DM me and let’s get started on a lifestyle that FITS your life i stead of taking it over 💖



Are you excited to get back to the gym?! Well we are excited to have you!

We are also extending a discount to all front line workers for all their amazing and hard work through all this time

DM me and lets get you feeling healthy again!

Timeline photos 06/13/2020

With the gyms hopefully opening soon, let’s chat about what you should consider incorporating into your workout routine.


Deadlifts are my FAVOURITE exercise. They’re also an exercise a lot of people avoid, forgetting all the amazing benefits they have!
Deadlifts rock because...
🏋️‍♂️they literally teach you to pick things up and put them down safely.
🏋️‍♂️they engage sooo many muscles including all of your leg muscles (glutes too) and your back muscles!
🏋️‍♂️they increase core strength (oh hey abs!!)
🏋️‍♂️they help you build muscle thus burning more fat and speed ong up your metabolism (ladies, you will NOT get bulky, you don’t have enough testosterone. Ask the gentlemen who have spent years purposely bulking)
🏋️‍♂️they help strengthen your lower back.
🏋️‍♂️they improve your cardiovascular health
So what’s your favourite deadlift variation?? I’m all about sumo deadlifts for b***y building. How about you?! 💖

Timeline photos 03/31/2020

Just hanging out in my work from home attire 😂

Between managing my clients, getting work done and growing a new business, I’m also taking this quarantine as the time to self care again.

And no, I’m not only talking manicures and baths.

I’m working on the parts of myself that aren’t as easy.

Self care also means self respect. It means I move my body daily. I feed it healthy food that’s GOOD for me and makes me FEEL good. I rest. I meditate. I balance my work life and my personal.

It’s important now to focus on finding that middle ground in our lives. To tune into what we had in overdrive, pull back and restores the scales.

Take time to check in with people you love.

Time to make an effort to strengthen your connections.

Take time to meditate.

Take time to audit your business.

Audit your social media.

Audit your health and food.

Where are your extremes? Where do you need to restore balance?

Start today.


Because TRUE success and wealth comes when you find balance.

Proof: look at that side line making a guest appearance on my quad 😂💁🏻‍♀️🤨

Timeline photos 03/29/2020

Quarantine is a great time to embrace healthy cooking.

Today’s meal:
Vegan Spaghetti with 31g protein

What’s on your plate?

Photos from Wonder Fit's post 03/26/2020

Featured Business #2!
mamma !! You NEED to follow her. Everything Jenna makes is custom and amazing. She made my basic witch and Logan cup and i adore them both. But what I REALLY love is the cups she launched for our health care workers! Tag your nurse and paramedic friends to show them how appreciated they are 💖
**khome @ Wonder Fit

Photos from Wonder Fit's post 03/25/2020

Featured Business #1:

Miss Dixie’s Food and Supply run by the amazing Chrissy Kent with the help of Walter. This amazing non profit supports dog and cat rescues in the form of donated pet foods, treats and supplies. Chrissy and Walter deliver food to rescues and fosters helping them ease the financial aspect of saving doggies and kitties. I am so proud of all the do and I’m so lucky to have gotten to know them 🥰 give them a follow on instagram at
@ Kitchener, Ontario


Our challenge has begun and we have a SURPRISE!!!! Check out mine and video to find out!


It's ok to love exactly who you are and still want to make positive changes in your life.

You do NOT have to pick a side.

So lets talk about that.

Photo 1 AND 2 I was trying to pick a side and use it to mask all the crap I was NOT dealing with. I was either binging or restricting.

I was either claiming "I love my body so f**k you if you think i should eat healthy" or screaming "I love my body so if YOU love your body you should eat as perfect as I do and do all the obsessive things I'm doing"

I could not find balance. I could not find middle ground. I could not love myself and still want to be my best because I didn't know how.

Photo 3 is when I figured it out.

It took alot of work. it took cutting out toxic people, toxic behaviour, toxic fitness and more. It took sitting with my s**t, feeling it and processing it.

it took growth, not another magical diet.

That's why Angela Andrews and I are launching the starting tomorrow. To help you grow.

Our goal is to help you find the balance between self love and still reaching your health goals. We want to help you find the balance of mindset, exercise and eating your veggies while earning STICKERS to win a killer prize including cash AND training and more!

So do NOT miss out because tonight at midnight is the cut off to join!

Message us now and join the challenge that's ACTUALLY going to change your life and help you find your grey area

Photos from Wonder Fit's post 01/05/2020

My heart hurts for Australia. Even with rain coming, we have lost MILLIONS of animals. Weve lost human lives. This is heart breaking.

The world needs a wake up call. We need to step up. And I don’t mean this ongoing war on straws. I mean real change.

We need to buy less and reuse more. Clothing. Toys. Stuff in general.

We need to walk more and drive less.

We need to all take even tiny steps every single day.

We need to stop starting wars and start saving our earth.

And donate.

Skip that latte.

Skip those new rims.

Pass on the new lipstick.

Own only one vehicle.

Donate because every dollar counts.

Do your part. 🐨🐾🍃🎋 @ Kitchener, Ontario

Timeline photos 12/08/2019

Taking me on a road trip guarantees the following:

🖤 A surprise playlist rangi NV from country to techno to that song no one knew from 1985.
🖤 Giving up full control of the radio to me while you drive.
🖤 Hot coffee curtesy of .mamma kickass cups.
🖤 Getting to personally search out and see every bathroom stop along the way to appease my chipmunk bladder.

Those who take me along are brave souls 😂🥰😂

Timeline photos 12/08/2019

A month of lights, snow and feasts; time to make amends and tie loose ends; finish off what started and hope your wishes comes true 💖❄️

Let your fears fall away and pursue what makes your heart happy.

Timeline photos 12/07/2019

⭐️Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step⭐️


The last chapter of the year is here. For many, it was a challenging year. But guess what. You're here. You made it. Good or bad, the year is almost over.

Take time to reflect on your failure and accomplishments. But most of all, take time to ENJOY every moment for once the clock strikes midnight on New Years, it's done.

A whole decade. Done.

Take the time to build relationships, both platonic and romantic.

Realize that life is short and can be taken from us tomorrow.

Don't spend time questioning every person's motives.

Stop and smell the roses, enjoy the company. Enjoy the connection.

Make the most of it.

I promise, there isn’t a single warm and happy connection that you will ever regret.

Make the most of every day. Be fearless. Be lovely. Be confident.

Take chances.


Say how you feel!!!

Reach out to those around you.

Want to talk to someone?

Message them.

Call them.

Just do it.

You have NOTHING to lose.

Be you. Be wonderful.

Timeline photos 12/07/2019
Timeline photos 12/06/2019

“When you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better, and you start to attract better. It all starts within you.”

Timeline photos 12/05/2019

Reminder: the same you is pretty great too 🖤

Timeline photos 12/05/2019

Why the hell is this so damn important?!

It sounds so useless, right?!


It matters. Without it, you’re stuck in a guilt-ridden state of self sabotage.
Harsh? Probably. But true.
It’s not because the plan doesn’t work.
It’s not because you’re not working out enough or not doing enough cardio.
It’s not because you’re not drinking lemon water.
It’s not because you have a slow metabolism.
It’s not because your genetics are crap.
It’s not because you like carbs too much.
It’s not because of that cookies you had.
It’s because YOU are standing in your own way. You are self sabotaging. You are allowing the “f**k it I already screwed up” mentality.
You’re the one who doesn’t believe in yourself. You’re the one who doesn’t love herself enough to do what’s best for your body. You’re the one who thinks you don’t deserve to be happy. You’re the one putting yourself down. You’re the one telling yourself you look fat (and by the way, fat is part of your anatomy, not a characteristic of who you are). This is on you.
And until you start to accept and love yourself just as you are now, then you’re right, nothing will work for you. You will keep self sabotaging because you don’t think you deserve it.
NEWSFLASH: you do. You totally do. You deserve all the happiness, love, acceptance and health in the world. You just have to take the first step. Do it. Start loving yourself. Let’s do this together.

Timeline photos 12/04/2019

When were you last at your skinniest?

And when were you last happy?

Going into the new year it’s the time for posts about “New Year, new you”. But I want you all to stop and reevaluate.

Were you truly at your happiest when you were at your skinniest?

Or was it a false sense of euphoria?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the new year. I love a clean slate mentally, I love setting new goals and pushing myself to reach them.

But I also know that if on January 11th, I fall off track on any of my goals, I can get back up and keep trying.

Do you feel the same? Or does one failure in the new year automatically signify that you failed your new years resolution and thus should go back to whatever you were doing previously?

How many time did you give up pop, or sugar, or smoking or biting your nails just to fall off track once and throw in the towel?

Let’s change the perception of New Year's resolutions this year. Let’s take the pressure off and realize that Rome wasn’t built in one day and neither are your goals!

It’s ok to mess up and keep trying. It doesn’t matter if that’s in January or August or December! The point is that even a mess up doesn't mean your goals and resolutions are out the window. Did you drop out of grade 3 because you failed a spelling test?

Let's start working on our goals now. Let's make a plan together and make 2020 and the beginning of a new DECADE a year of self acceptance and forgiveness.

Let’s set a goal and be kinder to ourselves.

Let me help you set the goals and execute.

Let me help you let go of food related guilt and realize you CAN learn to love yourself AND reach your fitness goals at the same time.

I’m an email away.
[email protected]

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


102 Breithaupt
Kitchener, ON

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