Life Assessment Systems Inc.

Life Assessment Systems is a Holistic Health Clinic, serving London & area for over 30 years!


Spring Allergies got you down?

I know I’ve had a few days recently thanks to those Poplar Fluffs… 🤧

Think of Allergies as essentially an over reactive or hypervilagent immune response. Sure, we can use avoidance and stay indoors with the windows closed, or we can suppress histamine production with over the counter anti histamines, however this won’t address the real issue, our own over reactive immune response. Chronic use of anti histamine medications can make our allergies worse in the long run, and also leave us feeling groggy and spacey as histamine is required for alertness and wakefulness.

There can be many reasons for seasonal allergiess, such as chronic stealth infections (viral, fungal, parasitic), sluggish liver or lymphatic system, poor adrenal function, and even energetic or emotional conflicts.

If you’re struggling with Allergies and aren’t sure where to start, a quick Autonomic Response Testing (ART) assessment can usually pin point which of these areas needs to be addressed first to unblock the system and allow the immune system to begin to self regulate again.

If you’re looking for some guidance or direction to help manage your seasonal allergies, or to book an ART assessment, give us a call at 519-649-2222 or email me directly at [email protected]



Lets talk skin for a minute

Most skin issues aren’t actually skin issues. Say what?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the skin is referred to as the “3rd Kidney”

What we see in our practice most often, using energetic testing such as Electrodermal Testing and Autonomic Response Testing, is that the majority of skin issues (eczema, psoriasis, rashes, cystic acne etc) aren’t actually skin issues, but are coming from elsewhere in the body.

Most often, when the Liver, Kidneys or the Lymphatic system are under a lot of stress and struggling to perform at their best, this is where we see skin symptoms either emerge, or worsen.

Topical treatments like creams, lotions, antibiotics, steroids etc may help temporarily to lessen a skin flare, or make it go away all together. But once these treatments are discontinued, these issues tend to flare right back up, sometimes worse than they were initially.
The reason for this, is these are considered “suppressive” treatments, and don’t address why the skin is angry 😡 or irritated in the first place.

When we begin to address the kidneys, the liver, the lymphatic system or even the gut, this is when we begin to see a true resolution to “skin” issues.

Dealing with a stubborn skin issue that just doesn’t seem to want to go away, then let us know. Once we are able to identify what part of the body is struggling, and we begin to address and support it, then most often these skin issues either reduce drastically, or disappear all together.


What is ART?

ART is short for Autonomic Response Testing

It is a form of Energetic Testing developed by Dietrich Klinghardt PHD/MD

ART utilizes both straight arm muscle testing as well as Dr Omura’s O-ring test, both of which have been clinically validated and published in the top Medical Acupuncture Journals

What sets ART apart from virtually any other system on the planet, is the use of what we call the “Pol-Filter”. The Pol-Filter is similar to those found on old Polaroid cameras, with millions of microscopic invisible bars in a specific orientation. Healthy organs and tissues emit Polarized or Coherent light. Any disturbance in a patients light emissions signifies a problem with that organ or tissue, even before physical symptoms begin to show up.

The most important thing we can do with ART is to assess for Blocked regulation. If a patient is “Blocked”, it means their Autonomic Nervous System is in a frozen state and no longer able to regulate the bodies functions, organs or tissues.

Through ART, we can find almost instantly which organ or tissue is causing the dysfunction, and find an immediate solution to help support and open their regulation. Once a patients regulation is “Open”, the body can then recognize and use nutrition from food, supplements, herbals etc, and the cells can begin to detoxify, allowing the body to begin healing itself, which is what it is designed to do.

Share and like this post, comment if you have any questions, or get in touch at [email protected] if you’d like to learn more.


What is “LifeTest”?

Lifetest is our name for what is classically known as Electroacupuncture According to Voll, or EAV. This method is sometimes also referred to as Electrodermal Screening (EDS), Meridian Stress Assessment or simply Biofeedback.

This form of testing isn’t new, it’s been around for over 75yrs in Germany and parts of Europe. In Germany, it is considered a class 1 diagnostic device, in North America it is considered a class 2 investigative only device. So it’s more obscure in this part of the world.

Essentially it is a combination of traditional chinese medicine, german biological medicine and quantum physics.

It is a non invasive form of energetic testing, meaning we look beyond the physical at the energetic health of the organs. Generally speaking, an energetic shift happens before a physical symptom appears. This allows us to identify and help correct an issue before it becomes a chronic physical issue or unpleasant symptom.

But remember, a symptom is simply the body trying to address an underlying issue. Symptoms, all though sometimes unpleasant, are just the body letting us know something is a miss. Our goal is not to suppress a symptom (high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue etc), but to figure out what the underlying factors are so we can address the real issue so the body no longer produces a given symptom.

We do this through the use of herbal, homeopathic and other natural remedies.

If you’d like to learn more about what we do, send us an e-mail at [email protected]


Have you had your mushrooms?

There are many types of mushrooms, from culinary, psychedelic, medicinal and even toxic.

The ones we are referring to are the Medicinal variety. These include Reishi, Shaitake, Maitake, Cordyceps, Lions Mane, Chaga, Turkey Tail among others.

Medicinal Mushrooms offer so many amazing health benefits, and are considered tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine, meaning their effects are gradual and they can used on a daily basis.

Some of the main benefits of medicinal mushrooms include

-Immune Modulating
-Anti Viral Properties
-Anti Tumor Properties

Mushrooms are the backbone of our Custom Immune Tonic, but they can also be consumed in their extracted powdered forms in coffee or tea, tincture, capsule etc. Just make sure the mushroom products you purchase are extracted, as most of the medicinal mushrooms are essentially pieces of wood which are very high in insoluble fibre. Mushrooms like reishi, chaga, lions mane etc need to be extracted for them to be nutritionally bioavailable to the body.


With Summer winding down 🥴, school starting, Thanksgiving fast approaching, it’s beginning to look a bit like Fall….

With Fall comes the typical “Cold and Flu” season

All though there is much more to the story in regards to why people get “sick” at this time of year, supporting your Immune System is NEVER a bad idea in this crazy world, but especially at this time of year

Due to popular demand, we bring you our Defence Pack. Available in 50ml or 100ml bottles, the Defence Pack consists of 3 herbal Tinctures

Bottle 1- Virol Blend
Consists of our go to herbs that have natural antiviral properties, including Olive Leaf, Lomatium, Ground Ivy, Cats Claw, Osha, and more

Bottle 2- Custom Immune
This consists of Immune modulating herbs including everybody's favourite mushroom’s Reishi, Shaitaki, Maitaki as well as herbs like Astragalus, Echinacea and more

Bottle 3- Lung Tonic
This one consists of the best lung tonic and expectorant herbs such as Mullein Leaf, To***co Leaf, Fenugreek etc.

Herbal tinctures extracted in organic cane alcohol last a LONG time, so our recommendation is to keep these on hand during the Fall and Winter months as a “just in case”. As long as they are stored away from direct sunlight, they will be effective for years to come. The bottles can also be purchased individually as opposed to together. We recommend bottle 1 and bottle 3 to be used as needed, whereas bottle 2 (Custom Immune) can be used daily to keep your Immune System up to s***f.


Photos from Life Assessment Systems Inc.'s post 08/18/2023

Autonomic Nervous System (Part 3)

In the first 2 posts we discussed what the ANS is, and how we can assess it’s function

Today we’ll offer solutions if the ANS is dysfunctional or dysregulated, and how to activate the Vagus Nerve to help with social engagement, which is the optimal state of the ANS

Tapping and Toning (EFT or MFT)
-Tapping the meridian points decreases sympathetic activation, while simultaneously toning (humming with lips apart) helps up-regulate the Parasympathetics

-Gargling with water for 30s to a minute everyone morning helps activate the Vagus nerve or Parasympathetics

-Essential Oils like Lavender, Cloves or Lime, applied directly to the mastoid bone (behind the ear) help activate the Vagus Nerve

-Breathwork (slow deep nasa breathing with extra long exhales specifically). Most HRV monitors include a breath pacer for this exact reason

-Cold Thermogenesis, such as cold plunges. If that’s too far out of your comfort zone, cold showers or even face plunges in ice cold water are effective for stimulating the Vagus Nerve

-And my favourite, the “Basic Exercise”, developed by Stanley Rosenberg. It’s simple yet effective, and something I teach almost all of my clients as it can be done at home daily with not tools.
For the basic exercise, it’s best to lay down on your back, with your fingers interlaced and placed behind your head. If you have shoulder issues, you can use one hand behind your head, or skip this part entirely. From this position, you’ll simply move your eyes to the right without straining them, and hold this position until you either yawn, sign or swallow (not everyone will experience this right away, so if not, aim to hold this position for 60 seconds).
Bring your eyes back to centre.
Now repeated by moving your gaze to the left and holding.
Thats it! Simple, but it has to be done regularly to be effective.
Pictures included below.


Autonomic Nervous System (Part 2)

So now that we’ve established what the ANS is, what it does, and how it can be a key contributor in so many of the modern chronic illnesses and symptoms we see now a days, how do we address it? Specifically, how do we know when there is a problem.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to assess the health of the ANS is to look in the mirror, stick your tongue out and say “ahhh”. But instead of looking to see if your tonsils are red and inflamed like when you were a child at the Doctors, we’re more focused on seeing if both sides of the throat lift equally. You should see the Uvula, the fleshy dangly piece in the back of your throat. When you say “ahhh”, the skin on either side should rise as the throat dilates. However, when the ANS is dysfunctional, usually only one side will lift, and the other side will stay put. The reason for this, is the Pharyngeal Branch of the Vagus Nerve innervates the soft palate and pharynx, which is involved in swallowing and making vocal sounds.

Side note. This is also why having poor posture, specifically forward head posture or “text neck” can be so damaging to the nervous system. So much of the Autonomic Nervous System is anatomically found in the neck region. All of the cranial nerves, and specifically the vagus nerve, as well as the parasympathetic ganglia are located in the neck region.

Other ways to assess the health of the ANS are….

-HRV or Heart Rate Variability
-EAV Testing (this is what we do at the clinic!)
-ART or Autonomic Response Testing
-Or if you are experiencing any of the symptoms chronically that we mentioned in the first post

In Part 3, we’ll discuss ways to improve the function and balance of the ANS, and specifically ways to increase Vagal Tone


Autonomic Nervous System (part 1)

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the part of the nervous system that runs automatically, or without “conscious” control.

Think breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digesting food, body temperature or thermal regulation. These processes happen all day every day without our conscious control. Essentially it is the “computer” of the body, or the hardware that runs the software.

The ANS can be subdivided into 2 categories, the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic branches. Within the Parasympathetic or Vagus Nerve, there is another subdivision between Ventral and Dorsal Vagal, but let’s keep it simple today and stick to PNS and SNS.

Sympathetic is like our gas pedal. It accelerates and runs our stress response, “fight or flight”.

Parasympathetic is like our brake pedal. It slows down our system down and helps us “rest and digest”.

Both are important, and when we are in good health, we have a proper balance of both branches. When the ANS is dysfunctional, we have problems.

Unfortunately in the modern world, most people are stuck in what is known as “sympathetic dominance”, meaning the Sympathetic branch is always active, and the Parasympathetic is inhibited most of the time.

This will eventually lead to symptoms of dis-ease, such as
-HTN and Tachycardia
-Poor Digestion
-Catabolism (break down) dominates over Anabolism (build up)

In the next post, we’ll talk about how we can assess for Autonomic Dysfunction, as well as ways to increase Parasympathetic Tone or Vagal Tone to improve our health and reduce many of the common symptoms that so many people are dealing with in the modern go go go world.

Save Our Supplements 07/08/2023

As some of you may be aware, the Federal Government has recently passed bill C-47 in the senate, which now makes it Law.
Sections 500 and 504 are very concerning in regards to Natural Health Products. Once these sweeping changes come into effect in 2025, it will likely spell the end of Natural Health practitioners and products in Canada. The new labelling requirements, cost allowances to natural health product manufacturers and other regulations will surely cause the price of products to increase DRASTICALLY, and a lot of these companies will no longer be able to afford to do business in Canada, meaning they will likely pull out of Canada all together.
It’s estimated that over 80% of the population use Natural Health products in some form or another on a regular basis (Vitamins, Herbs, Essential Oils etc). So these changes will not only effect the majority of consumers, but they will also effect the businesses of natural health practitioners such as Naturopaths, Herbalists, Homeopaths etc.
If you use Natural Health Products, see a Natural Health Practitioner or believe you should have a choice or say in your own health, then we ask you to please reach out to your MP, and ask that they repeal sections 500 and 504 of the newly implemented Bill C-47.
The following links provide further information about these sweeping changes, as well as pre-formatted letters that can be sent to your local MP.

Save Our Supplements The Government of Canada is making changes to treat safe, natural health products like pharmaceutical drugs. Send a letter to your MP to Save Our Supplements.


Allergies 🤧

Tis the season. Poor air quality is definitely a factor when it comes to hay fever and rhinitis. With spring starting so late this year, everything came into bloom at the same time. Combine that with lots of particulate in the air, and further compounded by the smoke from forest fires, people are struggling with allergies this year more than past years

-Itchy nose
-Itchy/Watery eyes
-Bronchial restriction, wheezing, asthma

Not a fun way to spend a hot summer day!

It’s tempting to reach for over the counter antihistamine medications, and sometimes it’s necessary. However, histamine isn’t all bad, and it’s actually essential for alertness and wakefulness (which is why antihistamines cause drowsiness)

Allergies are essentially an imbalance or over reaction by our Immune System. So if you’re experiencing bad Allergy symptoms, keep in mind it’s a sign something is a miss

The most common imbalances we see that correlate to worsening Allergy symptoms are

-Gut Inflammation
-Candida or Yeast Overgrowth
-Persistent Parasitic or Viral Infections
-Poor Adrenal Function

Addressing these issues can have a profound effect on regulating the Immune System, which will in turn help reduce Allergy Symptoms

If the Allergies are still persisting, then there are some great natural antihistamines available that have a balancing effect without shutting histamine production down completely

Our favourites are the bioflavonoid Quercetin, and the German Drainage remedy Allernest pictured below

If you’re struggling with Allergies, let us know and we’d be happy to help get them under control


Do you feel bloated after meals, get heart burn or acid reflux, belch regularly, or feel tired and sluggish after you eat?

There can be many different factors that can have an effect on our digestion.

Parasitic Infection
Hiatal Hernia

But do you know what virtually all of these conditions have in common?

Low stomach acid

Did you know that in 9/10 cases, heart burn is actually caused from LOW stomach acid, not high? (Hiatal Hernias or valve issues are usually the exception, so if you suspect that is the issue, proceed with caution and rule that out first)

The stomach is designed to be acidic (20 fold higher than any other tissue in the body)

Did you know that stress and the hormone cortisol directly inhibit stomach acid production?

Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s) are one of the the most over prescribed family of medications on the planet for heart burn and indigestion. Do you know how they “work”?
By shutting down the production of stomach acid… This may treat the symptom of heart burn, but it’s actually making the problem worse in the long run. When the stomach has very little to no stomach acid, we can’t digest our food and extract nutrients, which leads to a whole host of other symptoms and issues.
PPI’s were meant for short term use, however we see clients routinely who have been taking them daily for YEARS

By increasing stomach acid through herbal bitters or digestive enzymes with added HCL (hydrochloric acid), not only does heart burn lessen or go away entirely, but other digestive symptoms improve, AND we begin to absorb the nutrients from the foods and supplements we take regularly, which our bodies so desperately need

If you are experiencing digestive issues, instead of reaching for a medication to reduce the symptoms temporarily, let us know and we’ll get to the root of where these digestive issues are coming from in the first place


Proper breathing is a massive, but often overlooked aspect to chronic health issues later in life. Environmental allergies, food sensitivities (gluten and dairy most often), pet dander, enlarged tonsils, tongue ties and many other hidden factors can contribute to poor breathing mechanics, especially in small children with smaller airways.

The nose is for breathing, the mouth is for chewing.

Parents, pay attention to how your children breathe, especially while they are asleep. If your child snores or breathes through their mouth while they are asleep, this is a sign they are struggling to get adequate oxygen to their brain, which will not only effect their energy, attention and ability to get good grades in school, but it increases the likelihood of them developing many other chronic health issues later in life.
The tongue, which is one of the strongest muscles (actually a group of muscles) in the human body helps expand the pallet and develop proper facial growth. Children who breathe through their mouths will have vertical facial growth as opposed to horizontal facial growth, which also increases the need for expensive orthodontic work in their adolescent and teenage years, and the likelihood of life long sleep apnea.

The sooner you are able address the reasons for mouth breathing, the better.

One of the main reasons for mouth breathing is nasal congestion. The catch 22 here is the more you mouth breathe, the more congested the nose becomes as nitric oxide production decreases. If you have chronic sinus congestion, or a dry mouth upon waking in the morning, those are clear indications you’ve been mouth breathing throughout the night.

A simple and free hack is mouth taping. A strip of white 3M micropore tape over the lips while they sleep can correct breathing mechanics over time and encourage proper nasal breathing. It may seem barbaric, but it works.

However, we still need to address WHY they are mouth breathing


Adrenal Fatigue

Fact or Fiction?

From our perspective, the condition is very real, but the term is misleading

Let me explain

The adrenals don’t get “fatigued” or worn out. That is a myth (adrenal insufficiency is a real condition, but that’s not what we’re talking about in regards to “adrenal fatigue”)

What’s really happening here, and a better or more descriptive term would be HPA Axis Dysfunction

The Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis is a negative feedback loop that our body uses to create stress hormones or respond to “stress”

In this modern world of non stop e-mails, text messages, current events and news, environmental toxicity, low quality food, lack of sleep (fill in the blank) etc etc etc, this negative feedback loop is prone to dysfunction

When this feedback look becomes dysfunctional, the body can no longer respond to stress appropriately

The adrenal glands produce over 50 different hormones, but the primary hormones produced in the adrenals are the “stress hormones”

Cortisol, Epinephrine (adrenaline) and Norepinephrine

When the adrenals aren’t being told to produce these hormones, we lose our ability to tolerate stress appropriately

Common signs that the HPA Axis is dysfunctional are

-Low energy
-Difficult to wake up in the AM
-Low Mood or tendency towards Depression
-Easily overwhelmed or irritable
-Difficulty staying asleep with 3am wakeups
-Poor Blood Sugar regulation
-Dizziness upon standing
-Low Libido
And many more

How can we help?

Adaptogenic herbs such as ashwaganda, rhodiola, licorice, schizandra, holy basil, siberian ginseng and many more, have the ability to regulate or balance our cortisol. Meaning if it’s too high, they gently help lower it, and if it’s too low, they gently help raise it

The products that we see test best in our clinic are pictured below

Let us know if you think your Adrenals/HPA Axis need a little TLC


Detox part 2.

Once drainage pathways are opened up and moving, the next step is Binders.

What’s a Binder? A binder is a substance with a negative charge that attracts toxins, which are positively charged to it. Once bound, the toxin is no longer able to be reabsorbed or relocated into the body, and can be safely eliminated. Generally speaking, binders are not absorbed into the body (there are exceptions), but stay within the confines of the GI tract. When we eat, the gallbladder releases bile, which is where toxic metabolites that the liver has processed are then eliminated. (Side note, toxicity is a major cause of galbladder issues, as the bile becomed thick and sludgy).
Binders are important because toxins can be absorbed back into the body through the large intestine if not eliminated promptly.

Common binders used are

-Zeolite or Clays
-Silica based substances
-Alginates found in varieties of seaweed
-Fulvic/Humic Acid

Different binders have different affinities to specific toxins

Some binders, like charcoal, should only be used in acute or emergent situations, as they can also bind to medications and essential nutrients indiscriminately

Think of the regular use of binders as a safe, slow, gentle form of detoxification that can be used regularly over long periods of time, but also absolutely essential during any deep or intense detoxification protocols


Detox. One of the ultimate “buzzwords” in the Healthsphere these days.
Let’s tackle a few myths about what detox is and isn’t.

Yes, the body is always detoxing. That’s what is designed to do.

However, it isn’t always that simple.

Toxins are everywhere in the modern environment, and contribute to virtually all chronic illnesses. And while it’s true the body is always detoxifying on it’s own, in most cases it’s something that can, and needs to be supported.

It’s estimated that there have been over
100 000 new chemicals introduced into our environment since WW2.
Think pesticides, herbicides, plastics, heavy metals, food preservatives and etc etc etc.

It’s an onslaught, and the body needs support to maintain optimal function and detoxification.

As the Germans say, drainage drainage drainage!

Drainage remedies should be the first step of any detoxification protocol, especially before doing anything more provoking or intense.

Basically, drainage refers to making sure our detox pathways are opened up and moving, by supporting the main organs of elimination.

Think of the liver and kidneys as the bodies filters. When they are overburdened or stressed, the bodies ability to detoxify will be significantly reduced.

This can lead to symptoms like

-fatigue or sluggishness
-brain fog
-skin issues
-water retention
-joint pain or inflammation
-digestive issues
-hormone or endocrine imbalances
-and many other “symptoms”

Spring is a perfect time to support your detox efforts

Biomed offers authentic german drainage remedies in Canada, imported from Nestmann Pharma in Germany, one of the oldest homeopathic and herbal medicine manufacturers in the world.

A great starting place for most people would be the detox kit, which targets and supports the Liver, Kidneys and Lymphatic System.

For more information, send me an e-mail at [email protected]


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320 Wortley Road
London, ON

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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