Herbal One Milton

Weight loss program based on Canada's Food Guide. A coaching & support system, offering herbal supp You can safely lose 2 to 7 per week based on typical results.

A fully Canadian franchise offering weight loss guidance and counseling to men, women and adolescents. Our herbal program is nutritionist approved, all natural, and easy to follow.


Are your children going back to school?

Do you pack their lunches or do you delegate this task?⁠

Reminder, preparing a healthy school lunch isn't beneficial if your child doesn't eat it. And let's face it: Most of us crave variety and flavor when sitting down to a meal. Nutrition is important but that doesn't mean that it needs to be boring or bland.

When packing lunches for your children, remember that kids eat with their eyes first, so you want to pack a lunch that has a lot of colors in it. A healthy lunch includes a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to keep them fueled and energized.

How many of you are guilty of curating beautifully balanced lunches for your children and then running out of the house on an empty stomach with nothing but a cup of coffee in your hand?

Don't forget to parent yourself by giving yourself the same care and attention that you give to your family. Your needs should not be held to a lower standard!

Some of our favorite lunches include leftovers, homemade buddha bowls or soup, and mason jar salads.

Follow us for meal inspiration this fall. We share new recipes every week!


Are you ready to ditch the diet?

Are you ready to embrace a lifestyle that empowers and inspires you daily?

By shifting your mindset from "I have to" or "I can't", to "I want to" or "I choose to", you will feel more positive about the changes that you are making.

Rather than focusing on what you are giving up, remind yourself of the rewards that you are receiving from your healthy lifestyle.

We can not overstate it.

You will gain so much more than what you are giving up.

Picture this.....
You wake up feeling rejuvenated and well-rested rather than tired and relying on caffeine, sweets, and carbs to fuel your morning.
You select an outfit without fear or judgment. Instead, you feel confident and happy in your own skin.


Have a safe and happy long weekend!


HALT is an effective technique to help us reframe our mindset when we are feeling at risk for emotional eating.
It can be extremely helpful to remember to HALT and acknowledge your emotions during moments of crisis in order to prevent a slip.

Ask yourself, am I...
H - Hungry
A - Angry
L - Lonely
T - Tired

People who emotionally eat tend to reach for food as a way to cope with stress or extreme emotions. Although they are eating to feel better this relief is only temporary and usually results in feelings of guilt or shame afterwards. Learning healthy ways to cope with stress is essential for long-term weight management.
When confronted by a craving, consider whether this is emotional or physical hunger. If you are truly hungry then you will likely feel satisfied with a healthy selection and should go ahead and eat something.

If you are craving comfort, I suggest giving new meaning to the phrase "treat yourself".
Remember, you don't cure emotional eating by removing all comfort foods. You do it by learning how to comfort yourself.
Be patient! It takes time to shift your mindset from reaching for food to engaging in other forms of stress relief, so experiment with a variety of activities to find what works for you.
One of my top recommendations for clients who struggle with emotional eating is to create an "In Case of Craving" Survival Kit.

Some ideas include:
- Soothing eye patches
- Hand mask
- Bath Bomb
- DIY spa or beauty treatments
- Essential Oils
- Facial Toning Tool
- Nail polish and/or manicure/pedicure tools
- Heat pad

These are just some examples of ways that you can pamper and nurture yourself without reaching for food. However, you are certainly not limited to my suggestions.

What's in your kit?


Grilled Chicken and Blueberry Salad
Serving Size: 4 salads

Each Serving: 1/2 protein, 1 vegetable, 1/4 fruit, 2 condiments, 1 fat


5 cups mixed greens
1 cup blueberries
¼ cup slivered almonds
2 cups cubed chicken breasts, cooked

¼ cup olive oil
¼ cup apple cider vinegar
¼ cup blueberries
2 Tbsp honey
salt and pepper to taste


In a large bowl, toss the greens, blueberries, almonds, and chicken breasts until well mixed.

For the salad dressing, combine the olive oil, apple cider vinegar, blueberries, and honey in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.


A decadent treat that won't sabotage your healthy efforts.
Make sure to use Mrs. Butterworth's No-Sugar-Added syrup.


Have you ever eaten a meal while watching TV, driving in a car, or immersed in online work?

Did you absentmindedly overindulge or fail to even recognize that you had eaten?

Here are 4 tips to encourage mindfulness to support your weight loss efforts.

🎁 Be present at meal times. Remove all distractions (TV, phone, computer, etc) and focus solely on the food that you are eating. Pay attention to the colors in your dish and how your meal looks on your plate. Enjoy the aroma and the sound of your meal sizzling on the stove top. Chew your food thoroughly and put your utensils down between bites to allow yourself to slow down and savor your meal.

👂Listen to your body. Try to avoid eating beyond your comfort level and do not eat to appease others. Eating several mini meals throughout the day will allow you to keep hunger at bay so that you aren’t arriving at your next meal ravenous and more likely to overindulge. When cravings strike, consider whether this is emotional or physical hunger. If you are truly hungry then you will likely be satisfied with a healthy selection and should go ahead and eat something.

🧠 Change your mindset. It’s perfectly okay to have a treat once in awhile, but make it a choice not a cheat. Acknowledge when negative feelings surface and work on positive affirmations to boost your self-talk surrounding your food selections. By removing guilt and shame from the equation it is much easier to enjoy treats in moderation and avoid binge episodes.

⏸ Practice the pause! Wait 20 minutes after meal times before going back for a second helping. If you are still hungry after finishing your meal, we recommend giving your body time to digest and signal that you are full. This is another reason to slow down during meal times rather than eating on the run, or racing through your portion.

These practices will allow you to be more aware of how food tastes but, more importantly, how it makes you feel. You are less likely to overindulge when you begin to associate junk food with bloating, constipation, and other physical discomforts.

Visit www.herbalone.com to book a free consultation.


For many dieters the simplest solution to staying on track with healthy efforts is to stop bringing temptations into their household. However, this can be difficult when family members insist on having their favorite snacks or treats on hand.

Although you may not be able to keep them out of your house, you can keep them out of sight.

Here are some tips to help you organize your kitchen and support your healthy lifestyle:

Edit your space! For many, whether you are hungry or not, all you need is a visual to trigger a craving. For example, keeping fresh baked goods on your counter is a recipe for disaster. Instead, we recommend removing cookies and treats from their packaging and storing them in clear containers in your cupboard. You will find that you are less attracted to them without the powerful effect of clever packaging and marketing.

Keep produce readily available! Fruit is a quick, convenient snack option that can help satisfy sweet cravings. However, fruit is less tempting than candy or chocolate so you will likely only eat if you are truly hungry.

Practice portion control! You are less likely to absentmindedly graze on snack foods when they are portioned into single-serving containers. Plus, by making healthy snack options convenient, you are more likely to choose them.

Make healthy selections the clear choice! Storing temptations up high (or low) and tucked away at the back of the fridge or pantry can help you refrain from reaching for them. Furthermore, we recommend storing tempting foods (ie leftover Chinese food, or birthday cake) in frosted containers so that you are less drawn to them. By storing healthy foods at eye-level in your fridge you are more likely to choose them as they are the first foods that you see. Also, using clear containers or mason jars for food storage can help support healthy efforts as they are visually appealing and easy to identify.

How do you manage cravings or reduce temptations in your household?


Cherry Chia Pudding

Serves 2
1 Serving = 1 dairy, 1 fruit, 1 fat, 1 protein

2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 cups frozen cherries
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 1/2 cups reduced sugar Greek yogurt

Blend almond milk and frozen cherries until smooth. Add water if it's too thick. Transfer to container and stir in chia seeds and Greek yogurt. Refrigerate overnight. Divide into 2 equal portions.


"If you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!"

❌ Stop expecting new results from old ways.
❌ Stop wishing it was easy.
❌ Stop punishing yourself for what you ate.
❌ Stop putting it off until tomorrow.
✅ Start challenging negative thoughts.
✅ Start putting yourself first.
✅ Start eating healthy MOST of the time.
✅ Start learning from mistakes and letting go of perfection.

Today, I invite you to begin again with kindness, purpose, and persistence.


Teriyaki Chicken Meal Prep Bowls

Serves 4
1 Serving = 1 starch, 1 protein, 2 veg, 1 condiment, 1 fruit

1 cup cooked rice
2 cups cauliflower rice
16.8 oz cooked chicken
3/4 cup Naked & Saucy Organic Teriyaki Sesame Ginger sauce (20 calories, 2g sugar, 100mg sodium per 1 tbsp)
2 cups broccoli
1 cup peas
2 cups red pepper
2 cups fresh pineapple

Assemble each bowl:
1/4 cup rice, cooked measurement
1/2 cup cauliflower rice
2.8 oz chicken, cooked measurement
2 tbsp Naked & Saucy Organic Teriyaki Sesame Ginger sauce
1/2 cup broccoli, steamed
1/4 cup peas, steamed
1/2 cup red pepper, steamed
1/2 cup fresh pineapple

Assemble each bowl as outlined above and refrigerate for up to 4 days in airtight container.


Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new dietary routine to become a habit and six months for it to become part of your personality.

It won’t happen overnight, so be persistent and patient!

Message Us to book a FREE consultation.

We will help you devise a realistic nutrition approach and ensure that you receive consistent accountability and support to help you achieve weight loss success.


Want to know exactly what you're getting in each meal? When in doubt, read the Nutrition Facts Label!
In Canada, every food label must have Nutritional Facts with a breakdown of nutritional content as part of its label.

👉🏼 1 Fat gram = 9 calories
👉🏼 1 Carbohydrate gram = 4 calories
👉🏼 1 Protein gram = 4 calories

For even more insight, and answers to your weight loss questions, visit Herbal One Milton at 69 Main St East, Unit #1, during our regular business hours. No appointment necessary!


This is a low-maintenance dish that is perfect for camping, picnics, or lazy summer evenings. ⁠

Walking Tacos⁠
Serves 4⁠
1 Serving = 1 starch, 1 protein, 1 veg, 1 dairy, 1 condiment⁠

4 - Frito Lay individual bags of chips (18g carbs or less per bag)
1 lb lean ground beef, raw measurement⁠
1/2 cup salsa, divided⁠
1 1/3 cup sour cream, divided⁠
2 oz cheese, divided⁠
low-sodium taco seasoning (less than 25mg sodium per serving)⁠

Toppings ⁠
1 cup diced tomatoes⁠
1 cup diced peppers⁠
1 cup diced onion⁠

Brown beef and season with low sodium taco seasoning. Prep veggies for easy meal assembly. When ready to eat, cut open bags of chips and add 2.8 oz beef, 1/3 cup sour cream, 1/2 oz cheese, 3/4 cup mixed veggies, and 2 tbsp salsa to each bag. Eat out of the bag!

Optional - add 1/2 avocado to each bag (count as 1 fat).⁠

Alternative - Substitute 1/2 cup black beans per bag instead of beef. Or Substitute ground turkey or shredded chicken (1:1 ratio).


Slow-Cooked Chicken
Serves 4
1 Serving (2.8 oz, cooked measurement) = 1 protein

4 Chicken Breasts, boneless/skinless
½ cup chicken broth, no-salt-added
½ teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt-free Italian seasoning

Add chicken broth to crock pot. Place the chicken breasts in the crock pot. Mix together seasonings in a small bowl. Sprinkle it onto the chicken and rub into the chicken breasts with a basting brush. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours or on high for 2-3 hours. Remove chicken from the crock pot. Slice chicken or shred with forks for meal prep convenience.


Dutch Cucumbers in Sour Cream

2 medium cucumbers
1 small onion, diced
¾ cup water
¾ cup vinegar
½ packet of splenda
½ cup fat free sour cream
1 tsp dill seed
1-2 drops of hot pepper sauce (optional)
Dash of pepper

Peel cucumbers and slice thinly(or keep the skin on). In a bowl, add onion to cucumbers. Sprinkle with pepper. Combine water, vinegar and splenda. Pour over cucumbers. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hr. Drain thoroughly. Combine sour cream, dill seed, pepper sauce and pepper. Toss gently with cucumbers and onions. Cover and chill 1 hr.

Makes 6 servings Exchange 1 serving= 1 vegetable, 1 condiment


Healthy Hawaiian Blizzard

6 oz non-fat, plain greek yogurt
1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1 cup coconut water
1/2 banana
1/4 cup ice cubes
2 teaspoons honey, optional
pineapple wedges, for garnish

Serving: 1 protein,1 fruit, 1 condiment

In a blender, combine the pineapple chunks, coconut milk, banana, ice and, if desired, honey. Puree until smooth. Pour into 2 large glasses. Garnish each serving with a pineapple wedge.


"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." Suzy Kassem⁠

Did you fall off track with healthy habits over the weekend? ⁠

One burger and fries won't prevent you from reaching your goal. Keep going!⁠

Are you questioning whether you have what it takes to reach your health goals?⁠

You are your only limit. Learn from your mistakes and adjust your approach but do NOT give up. Keep going!⁠

Are you beating yourself up for giving in to temptation or eating on impulse?⁠

Challenge your inner narrative and combat negative self talk. Rather than demanding perfection of yourself, practice forgiveness and....Keep going!⁠

This is your friendly reminder that you can begin again as many times as you need to. This is not a race! ⁠


The centre will be closed on Monday, August 5th for the Civic Holiday.

Have a safe and happy weekend!


Cherry Berry Smoothie bowl
Serves 1 = 1 protein, 2 fruit, 1 fat, 1 starch

1 cup frozen cherries
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup Sun Rype slim Cranberry Juice (10 calories, 1g sugar per 1 cup)

1/4 cup raspberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
1/4 cup granola (less than 120 calories, 20g carbs per 1/4 cup)

Blend ingredients (you may need to add cherries slowly) until smooth. Garnish with toppings. Enjoy!


One of the biggest challenges we face during the summer months is the temptation of patio and celebratory drinks. Many social events in the summer revolve around food and drinks that can wreak havoc on healthy intentions. ⁠

Did you know that ordering 2 glasses of wine with dinner can add up to 400 calories to your meal? Many do not consider liquid calories when assessing their daily nutritional intake. However, they add up quickly and can impact your weight. ⁠

If you are planning on having an alcoholic beverage, we suggest limiting yourself to one beverage and avoiding high-calorie mixes. ⁠

We also recommend paying attention to your pace to help you monitor your consumption. The slower you drink, the less you will consume. ⁠

Other healthy practices include alternating water between beverages to help you stay hydrated or switching to a mocktail to limit alcohol intake.

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Wishing you the beauty, blessings and joy this season brings. Have a safe and happy holiday.



69 Main Street East Unit 1
Milton, ON

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