MI Speak Toastmasters

Mi Speak Toastmasters Vision is “Setting World-Class Trend in Online Meetings”
We are an online club with a global membership!! https://bit.ly/MiSpeak

Registration for new visitors, guests and new members: . . .


Every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost, because really all you have to live with is the present, the now, and gives you actionable strategies to start living every minute as it occurs. - From four minute books

Our Theme Meeting "The Power of Now" is a book by Eckhart Tolle that gives guidance for self reflection. It was published in 1990s, and has been translated into 33 languages.

You are invited to JOIN on Saturday @9:30 AM EST. Register at this link: https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM

Know your local time: https://bit.ly/Time-22Oct-Mis


Watch the highlights of our meeting last July 9 with the theme "The Power of Presence" 🥰🤘👍🤩

Want to join us? We are an online club with a global membership!!

We meet every Saturday at 9:30AM to 11:30AM EST

Mi Speak Toastmasters Vision is “Setting World Class Trend in Online Meetings”.

Registration for new visitors, guests and new members: . . .


It is essential to factor in public speaking, how you positively and purposely influence your audience through linguistic and body language. There is only one thing in common with great speakers who leave a lasting impression - they have the Power of Presence.

Please join us on July 09, 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to unlock your potential and learn key elements how to build your "Power of Presence" to inspire others with our Toastmaster of the Day Daksh Jasra!!! 😃

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time: https://bit.ly/Time-09July-Mis


Do you know how to solve a cube 🎲 with your eyes covered? Yes, it is not impossible. One of our members did it, the "Golden Lady" of Mi Speak can show you how even blindfolded. Are you interested? Please contact us or join in one of our meetings!!! We meet every Saturday at 9:30 PM EST.

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM for the meeting link.


Challenges in life are very important. It helps you to find your purpose in life. When you accept a challenge to do something different that means you are changing mostly for the better.

Please do join us on 4th June 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to take tips from our Toastmaster of the Day Madan Chauhan, DTM on how to “Challenge Yourself to Do Something Different”

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-04Jun-MiS


Life Goes On and On and On - from Album of Olive Tree, but there are transitions throughout right!!

From childhood to adult to midlife to seniorhood, humans, plants, animals, and every living thing goes through these stages, and with each stage, our goals change like the seasons.

Change is inevitable!!

Seasons of Life is a reflection on the transitions one goes through their life.

Please do join us on 21st May 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to reflect on these changes to understand our goals and purpose in life along with our Toastmaster of the Day Maria Antony with the theme ‘Seasons of Life’

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-21May-MiS


“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less” - C S Lewis

Humble leadership is about growth and bringing out the best in those around you. In Toastmasters we learn about the inverted pyramid where members are at the top and the leaders at the bottom. This example demonstrates how important the members are in any organization. Humble leadership encourages servant leaders who provide opportunities for members to grow and have the courage to explore infinite possibilities.

Please do join us on 7th May 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to learn to share your experiences and explore those possibilities with our Toastmaster of the Day Vicki Vilson

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-07May-MiS


We Live in an existence full of changes every moment! Yet there is something that has been, that is and that will remain CONSTANT within and beyond of this existence!

That CONSTANT is this inevitable coming and going of moments! The wheel of time! It can never stop no matter what! WHAT!!! Yes, that's true!

Do you know what else is constant - the immense opportunities in every moment that manifests in front of us from the infinite storehouse of the Moments. Just like how it's in a movie called Groundhogs Day!! Not only do WE get to live life moment by moment again, again and again! We also get opportunities to perfect our point of view and our choices to be a better version of ourselves!! Now those choices sometimes are within our perceived limits and sometimes those choices are way beyond our perceived limits! No choice is the best or the worst its all our perception of that choice! Let's strive to enhance our perception power, moment by moment while we live IN this immense constant magic! called NOW!

Join us on 16th April 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to learn to Live in the Moment! by our Toastmaster of the Day Daksh Jasra

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-16Apr-MiS


*Special Attraction this Saturday*

Panel Discussion on - Accents

Our TMOD Kgatile Nkala will drop us some light on how are breaking the biases on accents with our panelists from various countries and mother tongues.

Ensure not to miss it

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Mar26-MiS


Mi Speak Toastmasters Club joins the world in celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March. This year’s theme is:

We are launching a series of conversations around the theme. This Saturday 26 March, we around accents. We are a global, multicultural and diverse club, our members come from around the world.
Come and join in the conversation as our members share their stories on how they have been impacted by the theme .

Join us on Saturday 26th March at 9:30 am EST and appreciate the support of the men at Mi Speak who have been at the women’s side.
Be part of the world movement.

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Mar26-MiS


We all feel the need for that one person in our life, who can be there with us in a professional or personal journey to collaborate, support, and guide us. A life coach, sports coach, fitness coach, or professional coach tries to do this.
If these qualities are found in a leader in your organization, you are truly blessed. If you want to be a leader like that you should understand about Coaching Leadership.
Join us on 19th March 2022, 9:30 AM EST as our Toastmaster of the Day Eddy Ji explains about Coaching Leadership
Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Mar19-MiS


We are again back with some news about this week's meeting at Mi Speak Toastmasters

Watch the video to learn more about the meeting from our Toastmaster of the Day Vicki Wilson


Not all stories begin with ‘Once Upon a time’. Not all stories are fiction. Not all stories are facts too.
Stories provide an opportunity to deliver your message in a way that engages the listener. From ancient times, long before the printing press, stories have captivated and influenced families and communities. Oral history brings our past to life.
Storytelling in its purest form handed down from generation to generation: learning from the past so that we can move confidently into the future.
Join us on 12th March 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to understand how to use Storytelling to Enhance our Message by our Toastmaster of the Day Vicki Wilson

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Mar12-MiS


"Put a grain of boldness into everything you do." - Baltasar Gracian
Leadership is no less of a bold act. As a leader, taking some decisions will be tiresome, it might need a great deal of energy to just take that one decision. Boldness is a trait that is very much needed in a leader.Meeting Graphic_Insta (1)
Join us on 5th March 2022 at 9:30 AM EST to understand what boldness in leadership means by our Toastmaster of the Day Andy Mahew , DTM

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Mar05-MiS


Seasoned leaders have tenure, clout, gravitas and a broad range of experiences in different industries, geographies and situations. They are more well rounded because they have a variety of personal experience dealing with different situations.

Join us on 12th February 2022 9:30 AM EST, to learn from our Toastmaster of the Day Madan Chauhan, DTM about being a seasoned leader.

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time -https://bit.ly/Time-Feb12-MiS


Whether you are sitting at a desk in Toronto or eating at a restaurant in Port-au-Prince, or watching a movie in Washington, DC, or playing cricket in India, communicating across cultures is the great challenge of our diverse world. Getting it right is the difference between success and failure.

Understanding cultural differences in human interactions matters, and it matters a lot!

In Toastmasters, as we Zoom travel from one country to another to deliver a speech or present an evaluation, or fill any role, understanding different cultures is paramount. It is the key to powerful cross-cultural interactions.

What is the culture of your club, your work, your community? When you step outside of your culture, do you feel lost? Are you in judgment? Do you suddenly start making it about right or wrong? Or are you curious? Do you take time to observe? Is understanding another being your priority?

Cross-cultural understanding requires the belief that we are all equals, that we can all learn from each other, and that we are all parts of a beautiful masterpiece.

Join us on 5th February 2022 9:30 AM EST, to learn from our Toastmaster of the Day Guerdah Felix, DTM about Cross-Cultural Understanding and it’s intricacies

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Feb05-MiS


A speaker's desire is to create speeches that appeal to the audience.

Speech is an expression of ideas through a combination of words, therefore writing great sentences can make the speech more appealing.

Toastmasters use their creativity to develop great speeches. They do this using vivid language, interesting stories and anecdotes, adding contrasts, using quotes, literary techniques such as rhyme, alliteration, metaphor in hopes that it stretches the audience's imagination.

All these combined with an animated delivery add to making a great speech that engages the audience and takes them to a journey with the speaker during the speech.

Join us this Saturday 29th January 2022 at 9:30 AM EST as our Toastmaster of the Day Bhushan Rele, DTM reminds us to listen and observe the use of creative techniques in speeches.

Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Jan29-MiS


Whether virtually or in person, whether it is an audience of one or of many, every time we present, we desire to leave a lasting impression: close the sale, inspire an audience, change a life.
Regardless of the type of presentation: a sales pitch, a demonstration, a keynote message, the greater we are able to make a connection with our audience, the more likely we are to influence and drive the desired outcome.
As toastmasters, we know that many things contribute to our impact. Message content and structure; storytelling; rhetoric; humor; vocal variety; eye contact; body language; facial gestures; hand gestures.
One study conducted by professor Cornelissen of Erasmus University printed in the Harvard Business Review suggests that hand gestures had a more direct impact on audience response than any other one of these factors – and it’s mostly psychological.
Therefore, join us this Saturday Jan 22nd 9:30 AM EST as our TMOD Roxanne Hosein Powell asks us, “SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!”
Register at https://bit.ly/MiSpeakTM
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Jan22-MiS

15th January Meeting - Interview with Charlotte Seefeldt 01/14/2022

Tinku Iyer, DTM is back again with the exiting news about the upcoming special meeting at Mi Speak Toastmasters

This Saturday 15th January 2022 we are having a member only business meeting.

Watch the interview with Charlotte Taylor Seefeldt to understand more about this

15th January Meeting - Interview with Charlotte Seefeldt


Tinku Iyer, DTM is back again with a punch to bring us news about this Saturday's meeting along with our Toastmaster of the Day Kgatile Nkala

Watch the video to get a preview of this Saturday's meeting.

Join us this Saturday 8th January 2022, 9:30 AM

Register at rebrand.ly/MiSpeak


Everyone of us has aspirations and these differ from person to person. Many-a-times our aspirations are based on our plans to become and are linked to our personal growth trajectories in our different spheres of our lives. Our family, our work-life, business, social and many more. Each person has a unique journey crafted by different aspirations. Some aspire to venture into new ground by taking on leadership roles, others take on active healthy lifestyles, others venture into new business!

We all aspire to become.

Toastmaster International and certainly Mi Speak Toastmasters club provides each one of us with an environment where our aspirations are nurtured, where competencies to help us realize our aspirations to become, to discover our purpose, are nurtured.

What are your aspirations in 2022?
Come be part of all of us as we venture into new ground on a quest to discover our purpose along with our Toastmaster of the Day - Kgatile Nkala on 8th January, 2022 9:30 AM EST

Register at https://rebrand.ly/MiSpeak
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Jan08-MiS


New Year Excitement
In the bustling and hustling of the holiday season, the awaited day is finally here: January 1st, 2022!!!

Imagine on this day, you receive a box. What would it look like? (Mine is a bedazzled one, it shines).

On this box, it is written: "2022 - The year of...". There's a space for you to write a word. What will it be?

In this box, there are many things (objects, patterns, joy, sadness, people, habits, etc). You can keep whatever you want but you have to let go of 3 things. What will they be? You have a choice to make.

You have been given a brand new day, in a brand new year. What will you make of it? You decide...

Let's usher in 2022 together. Shall we?

P.S: Bring a box (real or imaginary)

Register at https://rebrand.ly/MiSpeak
Know your local time - https://bit.ly/Time-Jan01


Tinku Iyer, DTM is back with and exiting new year gift along with the Toastmaster of the day Guerdah Félix , DTM

Watch the video as they reveal the news for the first meeting of the year on 1st January 2022, 9:30 AM EST

Stay tuned for more information

Register at https://rebrand.ly/MiSpeak

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Videos (show all)

Power of Presence
Do you know how to solve a cube 🎲 with your eyes covered? Yes, it is not impossible. One of our members did it, the "Gol...
We are again back with some news about this week's meeting at Mi Speak ToastmastersWatch the video to learn more about t...
Tinku Iyer, DTM is back again with a punch to bring us news about this Saturday's meeting along with our Toastmaster of ...
Tinku Iyer, DTM is back with and exiting new year gift along with the Toastmaster of the day Guerdah Félix , DTMWatch th...
Interview with TMOD - 27th November Meeting
#YouAintSeenNothingYetFellow Members of Mi SpeakOn behalf of the leadership team, I am pleased to announce that Mi Speak...
What's happening on Saturday at Mi Speak
TO LOVE IS TO CONNECTA Valentine’s Day Special Event by Mi Speak Toastmasters. Sunday February 14th at 9:30AM EST. (PLEA...
February 14th.CONNECT- A SPECIAL VALENTINES DAY EVENT - A NEED TO LOVE AND BE LOVED.The “normal” we were used to pre Cov...




Mississauga, ON

Opening Hours

9:30am - 11:30am

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