Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Mississauga - Central

The Sathya Sai Centre is a spiritual organization which tries to practice the Universal Truth of Lov

The Sathya Sai Centre is a spiritual organization which tries to practice the Universal Truth of Love.


Om Sri Sai Ram!

On the occasion of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s 92nd birthday, the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre Of Mississauga - Central cordially invite you and your family to a production put on by the Young Adults and SSE students at The Glenforest Secondary School.

3575 Fieldgate Dr, Mississauga, ON L4X 2J6

~Loving Sai Ram To All~


Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Mississauga - Central's cover photo


Thought of The Day:

There are four kinds of worship. The first kind of worship is undertaken whenever one is in distress, but God is forgotten after relief is obtained. The second kind of worship is carried on by the worshipper seeking the good things of life from the deity he worships, without depending on others. The third type of worshipper offers worship for the sake of others, praying for the welfare of all and holding on to the belief that his welfare is bound up with the welfare of all. The fourth kind, which is the highest form of worship, is worship done in a spirit of complete surrender to the Divine and dedicating all actions to the service of the Divine.



Thought of The Day:

Do not be weighed down by the feelings that the humans are weak and subject to delusions and ignorance. It is not easy to be born a human being. If nevertheless, one does not realise his true nature and imagines that God is in the external world, it is the mark of utter ignorance. Hence, without wasting time, engage yourselves in duties and embark on the journey towards God-realisation.



Thought of The Day:

There is no meaning in worshipping God as Sathyaswaroopa (the embodiment of Truth) and not adhering to truth in daily life. Dharma (righteousness) is born out of Truth. Dharma emanates from the heart and promotes self-satisfaction. It is an expression of Self-Consciousness. Have faith in the promptings of this Divine Consciousness. No one should act against the dictates of his conscience as it is evil to do so. True worship consists in doing what is right as dictated by your conscience. Divorce between thought and speech is ungodly. There should be complete harmony between one's thought, word and deed.



Thought of The Day:

A tongue of a human being that does not pronounce the name of God, a hand that has done no charity, the years of life which have not tasted the bliss of peace, the talents which have yielded not fruits of success, a life that has not accumulated wisdom, a religious place where there is no atmosphere of reverence and talk that does not communicate sense - all these are of no worth.



Thought of The Day:

On the royal road to spiritual realisation, there are three stages as mentioned in the scriptures: Karmajigyasa, Dharmajigyasa and Brahmajigyasa. 'Jigyasa' means inquiry. A person becomes fit to inquire in to Brahman (God) and succeed in that inquiry only when his consciousness has been trained, shaped and purified by inquiry in to the modes of Karma (activity) and Dharma (conduct). He who discriminates well before engaging in any activity will be naturally righteous in conduct and behaviour.



Thought of The Day:

The mind is subject to unsteadiness because of desires. Desires are aroused by the impressions received by the senses from outside. The only way to avoid these external impressions is to turn the senses inwards. The intellect should be used to determine what impressions should be kept out and what should be let in.



Thought of The Day:

Vedas are the recordings of visions and divine experiences whose source cannot be traced to one particular person. They were revealed by God Himself, out of his own innate mercy. The Vedic inheritance has been preserved pure and unsullied even to this day because it was handed down from the master to the disciple, in regular succession. Since it is timeless and authorless, it is worthy of acceptance by all. No one can afford to neglect or deny their value.



Thought of The Day:

It is best that you imprint on your heart the dual nature of the world that is a mixture of pleasure and pain, joy and grief, victory and defeat. Practice the constant presence of God and learn to offer all your activities at the feet of the Lord as an act of worship. Then they will be cleansed of all faults. Life sustained by food is short; life sustained by Atma is eternal. Do not lay claim to long life, but to divine life. Do not strive for more years of stay on the earth, but for more virtues in the heart.



Thought of The Day:

Life is a pilgrimage over the rough and weary road of the world. But, with the Name of God on his lips, the pilgrim will suffer no thirst; with the Form of God in his heart, he will feel no exhaustion. Remember that with every step, you are nearing God. It is one continuous journey, through day and night; through valley and desert; through tears and smiles and through birth and death. When the road ends, and the Goal is gained, the pilgrim finds that he has travelled only from himself to himself. He realises that the God he sought was all the while in him, around him, and beside him!



Thought of The Day:

The best way to get rid of delusion is to strike at its very roots - the mistake that you are the body, with a name and form, attached to the senses, the intelligence and the mind. Don't you say, my nose my mind, my hand, my reason, just as you say, my book, my umbrella? Who is this 'I' that calls all these 'mine'? That is the real 'you'. It was there when you were born, and exists even when you sleep forgetful of all else including the body. That 'I' cannot be harmed; it does not change, it knows no death or birth. Learn the discipline that makes you aware of this Truth and you will be ever free and without fear.



Thought of The Day:

The experience of this one life must be enough to show you that there is no joy unmixed with grief, that both grief and joy are short lived and they both depend on the mind and its control. This world is keeping you in bo***ge; it is a prison from which you must get released; you should plan never to return to it again. The means to this permanent release are sadhana (spiritual effort), sathkarma (good deeds), bhakthi (devotion) and upasana (worship). These practices help you by reducing your wants, curtailing your desires and teaching you detachment from sensory pleasures. These are the shackles which bind you to the body and the senses, to the limiting emotions of greed and hate, to the blinding passions of anger and lust. Escape from them and you will enjoy lasting peace.



Thought of The Day:

Jesus was a Master born with a Mission: to restore love, charity and compassion in the heart of man. He had no selfishness, nor did he pay heed to the joys and sorrows of life. He had a heart that responded to the call of anguish. Christ taught people to love all beings and serve all with compassion. It is only by practising these ideals that one can truly celebrate His birthday. Worship means loving others with your whole heart. You must live in love and lead a life of selfless service based on love. This is the right way of celebrating the birth of Christ.



Thought of The Day:

You must realise by constant contemplation that the world is the body of God and you are a cell in that body. The welfare of the world is your welfare too. Be convinced of this and act in that spirit. This is true spirituality. The sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) cannot cut himself off from the world and escape into solitude, for, the world will follow him even into the deepest cave or the darkest forest. The sadhaka can claim progress only when he has established in himself, firm faith in the oneness of humanity.



Sri Sathya Sai Baba

WEDNESDAY SPECIAL - A Mesmerising Sai Bhajan Video, Bhajan Sung is ' Hey Shesha Shayana Narayana.. ', in the Presence.

Pl Share

( Shared by Sai Devotee Srinivas Sarathi )


Thought of The Day:

Whatever talents a person may possess, they must be dedicated to the service of humanity, indeed of all living beings. Therein lies life's fulfillment. All men are kin, moulded out of the same five elements, with the same divine essence residing in everyone. Service to your fellowmen will help your divinity to blossom, for service to man is service to God. God resides in the heart of every man and every living being, in every stone and stump. Let every act be a flower to be offered at the feet of God, free from the creeping worms of envy and egoism and full of the fragrance of love and sacrifice.



Region 1 Young Adult Meals On Wheels


Thought of The Day:

Once man is free from undue attachment to the body, he is liberated also from the dualities of joy and grief, good and bad, pleasure and pain etc. He is firmly established in equanimity, fortitude and undisturbed peace. There, man discovers that the world is one in God; that all is joy, love and bliss. He realises that he himself is all this apparent world, that all the multifarious manifestations are the projections of the Divine will, which is his own Reality. This expansion of one's individuality is the highest goal of man. It gives supreme Ananda (bliss), an experience for which sages and saints spend years in prayer and penance.



Thought of The Day:

You are the embodiment of Purity, Love and Bliss. The miserable, limited individuality that you take yourself to be has to be denied. You are free, yet you feel you are bound and mope around in the prison you imagine has trapped you. Perceive the Truth; that will set you free. You are not the body, the mind, the intellect, the brain, the heart or the diminutive ego. You are the Infinite Universal Absolute.



Thought of The Day:

Man is born with a great thirst and deep hunger for bliss. He has faint memories of his being heir to the Kingdom of Bliss. But, he does not know how to establish his claim on this heritage. Something in him revolts when he is condemned to die, to suffer and to hate. His inner voice whispers to him that he is the child of Immortality, of Bliss and of Love. But, man ignores these promptings and like one who exchanges diamonds for trash, runs in search of mean pleasures and sordid comforts.



Thought of The Day:

A man must possess only as much wealth as is essential. It is like the size of one's shoes. If the shoes are too loose, one cannot walk comfortably. If they are too tight, one cannot wear them. So, it is desirable to have only that amount of wealth as is adequate for one's basic needs. God will grant you what you need and deserve. Hence, be ever content and grateful.



Thought of The Day:

What a joy it is to discover the ocean of bliss within, to dive deep into the depths of truth and become who you really are, the Infinite. What problems can ever shake you, who are immortal? Problems and difficulties are stepping stones and not stopping stones. Once you realize that you are one with the all-loving God, then how can worry ever assail you again. To worry is not your true nature. Your true nature is bliss and pure, selfless love.



Thought of The Day:

Be active, welcome activity - that is the message that God gives man at his birth. The process of breathing teaches you to chant 'Soham' all the time, 'so' when you inhale and 'ham' when you exhale. Thus, activity is the very essence of life. Select that activity which is conducive to your spiritual progress, judging the stage in which you are at present. There is no high or low task. The eyes must see, the ears must hear and the hands must hold. That is their dharma (code of duty). Each man must perform his own dharma.



Thought of The Day:

A car is not meant to be stowed away in a garage. It is meant for the roads, for taking you speedily and safely to your destination. So too, your body must serve its purpose of carrying you on your journey. Journey to where? Not, as has been happening, to the cemetery. You have nobler things to do than to merely die! You must know your own Reality before you die, and merge in that Supreme Bliss. Use the body to discover your own Divinity. Sanctify every moment of your sojourn on earth through pious deeds and sacred thoughts.



Thought of The Day:

The Guru (preceptor) warns and awakens. He reveals the truth and encourages you to progress towards it. But it is your yearning that is most essential. The Guru is like a gardener who tends the plant; but the sapling must sprout before he can take charge. He does not add anything new to the plant; he only helps it grow according to its own destiny, quicker and more fully perhaps, but never against its inner nature.



Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Mississauga - Central

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