Vahid Chaychi

My business is to build an automated online system to promote your business, or to establish an online business for you.



Markets are still crashing. Did you see it today?

At the same time, inflation is going up. Do you see how the prices are going up?

Above all, scams have never been ripping people off like this.

Crypto Rug-pulls and HYIP scams that make people greedy with their apparently high returns, and then pull the rug and disappear with people's funds, have never been this frequent and shameless.

Fake crypto coins are coming every day. They make people excited to bring more people to raise the coins' values, and then syphon all the money and run away (Pump and Dump).

If you don't believe me, just look at some of them like LockPay and SHIB and see what I mean. Millions of people have lost billions on them.

It's horrible, isn't it?

Have you lost any money on these scams?

Are you going to join more of them that nobody knows who's behind?

Stop losing on this nonsense.

How long do you want to let others take your money and run away?

They become richer and richer with your money, and you go backward, more and more, every day.

But, anyone can have a solution for this thorny situation, of course if they don't want to rip you off more to show you a solution that will never work.

However, as a person who has been working online for over 22 years, I have my own solution which is what you really need:

I am creating a club for those who want to become independent and self-sufficient to build their wealth and future, on their own.

You need to become one of them, so that no one can scam you anymore because you won't pay scams anymore. You will become able to build your life and future on your own, independently.

I am still designing and developing the club. However, you can be an early bird if you start now, to have a bigger chance to become accepted in the club.

Keep in mind that my club won't be like other membership programs that accept an unlimited number of members.

I will have a very limited room that will be given only to qualified people.

So, start now to have a higher chance.

Early birds who show more competence and enthusiasm will be rewarded.

Create your account on our website. It is free:

I will tell you what to do next.


If you want to become rich, you should not join get-rich-quick programs. They are all scams.
You should learn how to become rich, on your own, and in the long-term.
This is the only healthy way to achieve wealth.

If you have any questions, please reply to this email and let me know.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


Read this
Crypto Arbitrage Bot: Min 3.3% Compounding Profit per



I am so delighted to let you know that I will have Zoom meetings every Saturday at 2pm EST to talk about a great system that nobody can afford to miss.

Since I've started working with this system in April 2021, it has always been a great excitement every day. This opportunity can change your life: No referring, recruiting, advertising and generating sales! No monthly, hidden and upgrading fees and packages!

Please invite your friends and loved-ones to our meeting too. You can change their lives by doing this. They desperately need this.

Saturdays at 2pm EST, or 11am PST, 6pm GMT and 7pm BST.


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2022

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


2022 Is the Year to Achieve Financial Freedom

Happy 2022 😃

2021 was great. I joined a program on April 20th 2021. Although the program was not that new, it was too new to me, even after working online for over 20 years.

Yes, I've been working online since 2002, but I had never seen such a great program during all these years. This system is the best to achieve financial freedom for everyone because everyone is a winner in this program, not just a group of professional digital marketers or those who have big networks and can refer and recruit.

To make money with this system, you don't have to refer, recruit, or even generate sales. You can make money with your own money. They reward you based on the membership package you pick while there is no monthly/yearly membership, upgrading or hidden fees. They pay the minimum of 0.5% per day until you triple your money (which is currently a promotion that may be ended at any time). However, you can make a lot more than this with the power of what they call "rebuying". You can use your rewards to rebuy more memberships. This enables you to turn a small budget into a big wealth over time.

I shared this program with thousands in 2021. Many of them were smart and open-minded enough to understand what a great opportunity it was and so, they joined, and now they are happy and grateful. Many of them hesitated and created nonsense and ridiculous excuses, and so they fall behind. Keep in mind that:

"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity."

The good news is, you can still join and start getting rewarded from the next day to achieve financial freedom in 2022. The system is still there, working even better and stronger than ever. Those who hesitate, they will be the real losers. Don't be one of them. Click here to learn about this amazing system and start now:


2. The Second Law of Karma: The Law of Creation

Unlike what most people think that they are doomed by their destiny, I say we must build our destiny and future. I don't believe in luck either. I believe in hard work. The harder you work, the luckier you get. This is the essence of the second law of Karma. So Karma is not just about the things you do to others. It is mainly about the things you do to and for yourself.

So, the second law of Karma is called "The Law of Creation". You must create the things you want. It doesn't happen by itself. We have to make it happen. If you are waiting to win the lottery and become a millionaire, then like billions of other humans on the earth, you must wait till the end of your life and die poor.

Buy lottery tickets. If you win, then great. But, do other things toward becoming a millionaire too because your chance to become a millionaire through lottery is less than one in 18,492,204 in The United States of America (should be the same or even worse in other countries too). However, your chance of being a millionaire through other ways, including inheritance, is 1 in 106. Although it is still very low, it is much better than the lottery.

I don't care about becoming a millionaire through inheritance because that chance is ZERO for the majority. What I do care about is becoming a millionaire, or at least achieving financial freedom, through your own efforts. We can become self-made millionaires if we want. At least we can achieve financial freedom if we plan, take action and work toward it. This is what the second law of Karma is saying. So, it is not just something that I say. It is something that the universe is saying.

There are so many things that you cannot change. For example, you were born as a human being. You cannot turn yourself into an alien or eagle. But, according to the second law of Karma, there are so many things that you can change, or even create, if you want. Financial freedom is one of these things, which is among the most important ones too.

Financial freedom makes your life a lot better. You can create a much better life for your loved ones and other people. The minimum thing that financial freedom can create for you is providing much better education for your children. It will make the whole society a much better place to live.

So, follow the second law of Karma, the law of creation, and make a much better life for yourself and the people around.

Let's do it...

It is much easier to achieve now because we have a system that enables everyone to do it, without having to refer and recruit and generate sales. Everyone's a winner in this system. Join me tonight on Zoom at 9pm EST. I will talk about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that enables you to achieve financial freedom:

Tonight (Tuesday) at 09:00pm EST which is 06:00pm PST, 02:00am GMT and 03:00am BST.


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

🔴We currently have three meetings per week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
02:00am GMT
03:00am BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
02:00am GMT
03:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

If you cannot join the meeting, please refer to this page, watch the video and submit your email to start now:

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉1. The Great Law


Hope this email/message finds you happy and healthy.

It has been a long time that I haven't emailed you. So, I decided to have a good start and share the 12 laws of Karma with you now that I want to get back to my daily work routine.

The first law is called "The Great Law". Obviously, it is the most important law of Karma. It says,

"Whatever we put into the universe will back to us."

You will laugh if I tell you that I am not spiritual and I don't believe in these things from a spiritual point of view.

I only rely on science, logic, fact and rationalization.

From my point of view, you will definitely receive the results of the things you do for/to yourself, if not the results of the things you do for/to others, universe, etc.

You may even receive the opposite for many of the good things you do for others.

Sometimes, your biggest enemies will rise from those who have made the most of you, which is against what the first law of Karma says.

You may say, if you receive bad from those who you did good to them, you will receive good from some other people instead, and so the first law of Karma is true.

However, there is no proof or guarantee for this.

Remember! I care about facts, not talks.

Life has taught me the opposite.

What I have experienced in my life are the facts that I trust, not what people say.

I like what I am because it works.

Facts are the vital elements that take you where you want.

So, let's do it.

As I said, you will definitely receive the results of the things you do for yourself.

One of these things is, taking the important and good opportunities, in the first place and at the right time.

How many opportunities have you missed in your life so far???

When you could buy 1000 bitcoins only for $80, did you do it?

You would have about $59 million if you had done it.

That opportunity is gone forever.

But, have you learned the lesson or not yet?

Do you still want to let other opportunities be missed as well???

Don't let history get repeated the hard way.

We should learn from our mistakes, not to let the bad things happen again, or good opportunities be missed again.

So, let's do it...

Join me tonight on Zoom at 10pm EST. I'd like to talk about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with you:

Tonight (Thursday) at 10:00pm EST which is 07:00pm PST, 03:00am GMT and 04:00am BST.


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

🔴We will have three meetings per week from the next week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
02:00am GMT
03:00am BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
02:00am GMT
03:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

If you cannot join the meeting, please refer to this page, watch the video and submit your email to start now, not to miss another great opportunity once again:

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


There's No Tomorrow!

You must take action today.

Join our today's meeting at 12pm EST to learn about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.

Today (Tuesday) at 12:00pm EST which is 09:00am PST, 05:00pm GMT and 06:00pm BST.


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

🔴We currently have three meetings per week:

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉Today at 12pm EST

👉We will start in 20 minutes...


Join our today's meeting at 12pm EST to learn about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.

Today (Thursday) at 12:00pm EST which is 09:00am PST, 05:00pm GMT and 06:00pm BST.


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

🔴We currently have three meetings per week:

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

12:00pm EST
09:00am PST
05:00pm GMT
06:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

If you cannot join the live meeting, you can refer to the page below, watch the recorded presentation and follow the instructions to sign up:

Best regards,


We all need this Visa card
Let your crypto power your daily spending needs, earn crypto back on every purchase you make, and grow any crypto asset in your portfolio:


👉👉👉It is so easy


Sometimes it is so easy to change your life, if you take action.

Our system can make a fortune for anyone.

Anyone is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills or abilities.

That's why I say that sometimes it is very easy to change your life.

Maybe for the first time in your life, you can join a system that gives freedom to you, your family and even your next generations.

It is very easy to start:

1. Refer to this page and watch a 33-min video presentation to learn what this system is and how it works:

2. Submit your email through the form below the video to receive the sign up instructions.

3. Reply to this email and send me your account username, so that I can set up your account for you.

I will help you to start receiving your rewards, based on your country of residence and conditions.

👉👉👉Join Our Meetings:

To learn what this system is, how it works and how you can make the most of it, please join us in our tonight's (Thursday) Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST.

Please invite others too.

Tonight (Thursday) at 09:00pm EST or 06:00pm PST or 01:00am GMT or 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

🔴Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,


👉👉👉Minimum 0.5% Per Day


For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, pay monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean anyone is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

You simply receive minimum 0.5% per day on membership value, without doing anything.

Also, currently there is a promotion that enables you to receive 0.5% per day until you triple the value of your membership.

There are a lot more rewards too.

To learn what this system is, how it works and how you can make the most of it, please join us in our today's (Wednesday) Zoom meeting at 06:00pm EST.

Please invite others too.

Today's (Wednesday) at 06:00pm EST or 03:00pm PST or 10:00pm GMT or 11:00pm BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

👉👉👉Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,


👉👉👉Anyone Is a Winner Here


For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, pay monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean anyone is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

You simply receive minimum 0.5% per day on membership value, without doing anything.

Also, currently there is a promotion that enables you to receive 0.5% per day until you triple the value of your membership.

There are a lot more rewards too.

To learn what this system is, how it works and how you can make the most of it, please join us in our tonight Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST.

Please invite others too.

Tonight at 09:00pm EST or 06:00pm PST or 01:00am GMT or 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

👉👉👉Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉The Biggest Losses

Do you know what the most expensive things we have missed are???

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Yes. Missed opportunities are the most expensive things we have lost. Let me outline a few of them:

1. When we could buy 1000 bitcoin for $80 back in 2010, we didn't do it. It would be around $61 million dollars now!!!

2. When we could invest only $5000 at Microsoft IPO, we didn't do it. It would be around $21 million now!!!

Don't let this happen again...

Now, you have another chance:

IPO or Initial Public Offering is what big multi-billionaire companies do, when they get in the stock market.

The biggest blockchain alliance in the world wants to do this too.

They want at least 30 million members within the next 5 years, and up to $45 billion dollars in sales, to start their IPO.

To achieve this goal, they have created a membership system that rewards their members minimum 0.5% per day.

Are you going to miss this opportunity as well?

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, pay monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean anyone is a winner in this system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join us in our tonight's Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST to learn what this system is, how it works, and how you can make the most of it.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Tonight at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

👉👉👉Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉I Shock You Today


I am sure you will lose your sleep over these numbers:

If you had invested just $5000 during the Microsoft IPO, you would have got 238 shares at the IPO price of $21.
After the nine stock splits, you would own 68,544 shares today, which would be worth over $21 million.
You would also be receiving almost $170K a year in dividends.

What does this mean to you?

It means probably you were in the right place at the right time to make such an investment, but you didn't take action.

This is exactly what Bill Gates says also:

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
But many others were also in the same place.
The difference was that I took action.
~Bill Gates

The good news is, you are in the right place at the time time once again:

IPO or Initial Public Offering is what big multi-billionaire companies do, when they get in the stock market.

The biggest blockchain alliance in the world wants to this too.

They want at least 30 million members within the next 5 years, and up to $45 billion dollars in sales, to start their IPO.

To achieve this goal, they have created a membership system that rewards their members minimum 0.5% per day.

Are you going to miss this opportunity too?

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, pay monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean anyone is a winner in this system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join us in our tonight's Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST to learn what this system is, how it works, and how you can make the most of it.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Tonight at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

👉👉👉Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

The Zoom link is the same.

Best regards,


👉👉👉The Biggest Stock IPO

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
But many others were also in the same place.
The difference was that I took action.
~Bill Gates


IPO or Initial Public Offering is what big multi-billionaire companies do, when they get in the stock market.

The biggest blockchain alliance in the world wants to this too.

They want at least 30 million members within the next 5 years, and up to $45 billion dollars in sales, to start their IPO.

To achieve this goal, they have created a membership system that rewards the members minimum 0.5% per day.

So, you are in the right place at the right time.

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, pay monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean anyone is a winner in this system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join us in our tonight (Thursday) Zoom meeting at 06:00pm EST to learn what this system is, how it works, and how you can make the most of it.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Tonight (Thursday) at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021

👉👉👉Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉Your Biggest Enemy

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
But many others were also in the same place.
The difference was that I took action.
~Bill Gates


You are your own biggest enemy if you sit on the fence and take no action when you are in the right place at the right time.

Sometimes you get lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

But only when you get action, you will make a fortune with your luck.

If you sit on the fence, nothing will change in your life.

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has a chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, paying monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean "anyone" is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join us in our tonight's (Thursday) Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST.

Invite your guests.

Tonight (Thursday) at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021


Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉Are You Lucky?

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
But many others were also in the same place.
The difference was that I took action.
~Bill Gates


Like Bill Gates, you are lucky too because you are now in the right place at the right time.

But the question is, are you going to take action like what Bill Gates did?

We have a great system that enables you to achieve money, time and location freedom.

But you must take action and start as soon as possible.

If you sit on the fence, nothing will change in your life.

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has a chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, paying monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean "anyone" is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join my tonight (Tuesday) Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Tonight (Tuesday) at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021


Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉Where Is the Difference?

I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
But many others were also in the same place.
The difference was that I took action.
~Bill Gates


You are in the right place at the right time to achieve money, time and location freedom.

We have a great system that enables you to achieve this, almost without doing anything.

However, according to Bill Gates, the different is in taking action.

If you sit on the fence, nothing will change in your life.

For the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has a chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, paying monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean "anyone" is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

Take action...

Join my tonight (Thursday) Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Tonight (Thursday) at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021


Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉Where Are You?

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Achieving freedom in your life, is not that easy. According to Bill Gates, you must be in the right place at the right time.

It doesn't happen every day to be in the right place at the right.

However, for the first time during the past several years or even decades, anyone has the chance to achieve money, time and location freedom, without having to refer, recruit, generate sales, paying monthly membership fees, etc.

I mean "anyone" is a winner in our system, not just a small group of members who have special skills and abilities.

So, you are in the right place at the right time, probably for the first and last time in your life.

If you'd like to know what our system is and how it works, please make sure to join my today (Wednesday) Zoom meeting at 06:00pm EST.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Today (Wednesday) at 06:00pm EST ; 03:00pm PST ; 10:00pm GMT ; 11:00pm BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021


Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi


👉👉👉You Could Win $47 Million!!!

Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


All of us have missed some opportunities. For example, when we could buy 1,000 bitcoins for less than $100, back in 2010, we didn't do it.

1,000 bitcoins are worth $47,590,000 now!!!

That opportunity is gone forever. However, the question is, do you want to miss more opportunities???

If your answer is NO, make sure to join my today (Tuesday) Zoom meeting at 09:00pm EST to learn about an opportunity which is even much bigger than all the opportunities you've missed so far.

Please invite your prospects and guests too.

Today (Tuesday) at 09:00pm EST ; 06:00pm PST ; 01:00am GMT ; 02:00am BST


Meeting ID: 867 4557 0391
Passcode: 2021


Currently, we have four meetings every week:

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

06:00pm EST
03:00pm PST
10:00pm GMT
11:00pm BST

09:00pm EST
06:00pm PST
01:00am GMT
02:00am BST

09:00am EST
06:00am PST
01:00pm GMT
02:00pm BST

The Zoom link is the same I shared above.

Best regards,
Vahid Chaychi

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Have You Ever Had an Idea that Has Worked Very Well?

Some people have so many ideas. This is really great. I always have a notebook with me. Whenever an idea comes to my mind, I write it down. It doesn’t matter if your ideas look good or not. Just write them down, and then review them once in a while.

Make this a habit. It trains your brain to develop ideas, and after a while, you will see that you can have more good ideas that many of them work.

Your ideas can be about everything. If you are a writer, your ideas can be focused on the new articles or books you will write. If you are a builder, the ideas you write in your notebook can be focused on the next projects that you like to do.

Just write your ideas...




1200 McGill College Avenue
Montreal, QC

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