KONTAK travaille avec des intervenants pairs pour te soutenir, te comprendre,dans ta consommations Osez Kontak! Dare to Kontak!

On livre tout ce qu'il te faut pour une vie s*xuelle et une consommation responsable et à moins de risque: condoms, l***s, jouets, gants, cockrings, pipe pour fumer, matériel pour slam, test de fantanyl, Naloxone... on essaie de l’avoir gratuitement si non on vous le laisse au prix du distributeur sans faire aucun profit. Pig out on our free, or wholesale priced, s*x party supplies delivered for all your needs with CHEMSEX


AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) is looking for an Executive Director to join our team! Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for staff, programs, financial health, expansion, and ex*****on of our mission.



Today is the day to Give!

For over 35 years, AIDS Community Care Montreal has been steadfast in its dedication to providing support for people living with HIV.

This , ACCM is raising necessary funds through our Food Security Campaign.

Learn more here:


ACCM has an opening for an Honorary Board Member on the Board of Directors!
Please get in touch with us at info @ accmontreal.org


ACCM Stands with the 2SLGBTQ+ Community
ACCM is appalled by the hateful marches that occurred in Montreal and across Quebec and Canada on September 20th and condemns them in the strongest terms. We stand in solidarity with educators and parents who are cultivating classrooms that promote the safety and acceptance of 2SLGBTQ+ people of all ages. We applaud the many counter-protesters who stood up to hate and intolerance. We will never stop advocating for the rights of all young people to access accurate, inclusive, and affirming education and community support.
Read more ➡️ https://accmontreal.org/accm-stands-with-the-2slgbtq-community/


🌈Embracing Diversity, Championing Inclusivity! 🌈
Hey Facebook fam! Today, I stumbled upon an awe-inspiring video that I just had to share with all of you🌎❤️ It tackles important topics surrounding LGBTQ issues and the power of inclusivity. Trust me, it's a must-watch for anyone who believes in equality and the beauty of diversity. 🌈✨
This incredible video serves as a reminder that love knows no boundaries and that everyone deserves to express their true selves, free from fear or judgment. 🌟It amplifies the voices of those who have often been silenced, encouraging us to listen, learn, and most importantly, stand together as allies.🤝💪
Prepare to be moved as you witness the stories of resilience, courage, and love. 💌 It showcases the power of acceptance and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities. 🌻💙
Let's use this video as a catalyst for positive change! 🌎💖 Share it with your loved ones, friends, and followers to spread awareness and understanding. Use the hashtag to join the global conversation. Together, we can create a world that celebrates uniqueness, fosters inclusivity, and shows love to all. 🌈🌟
Remember, love is love, and it's the most beautiful thing we can share. 💓✨ Watch the video, share your thoughts, and let's inspire each other to make a difference. 🙌❤️

LGBTQ | How You See Me People have been talking ABOUT the LGBTQ community, so we decided to talk with them to learn from their experiences. Tell us, how does the world see YOU? Do ...

PnP: Harm reduction for 2SGBTQ+ men navigating s*x and drugs 10/03/2023

Shattering stigmas, fostering understanding, and building a safer future. 💊✨ *xHarmReduction

PnP: Harm reduction for 2SGBTQ+ men navigating s*x and drugs Background information on HIV, hepatitis C and STIs in Canada, including basic information, statistics (epidemiology), provincial and national strategies to address HIV, hepatitis C and STIs, and social determinants of health.


Aids Community Care Montreal est heureux d'annoncer le retour du groupe de soutien ImpakT de Kontak. Ces sessions s'adressent aux hommes ayant des rapports s*xuels avec des hommes et aux personnes trans/non-binaires qui pratiquent le chems*x et qui souhaitent modifier de manière positive leur utilisation des substances psychoactives.

Cela signifie que nous ne vous demanderons pas d'arrêter complètement d'utiliser des substances si ce n'est pas votre objectif. Il se peut que vous souhaitiez explorer les moyens d'utiliser les drogues de manière plus sûre et de vous protéger, vous et les autres. Pour que le groupe soit efficace et que vous en tiriez le meilleur parti, nous vous demandons de vous fixer un objectif réaliste et personnel que le groupe vous aidera à atteindre.

Quand le groupe a-t-il lieu ?
Le groupe se réunit chaque semaine le soir à 18 heures. Les séances durent jusqu'à deux heures et se déroulent sur douze semaines consécutives.

Notre prochain groupe débutera le mardi 8 janvier 2024. Si vous souhaitez manifester votre intérêt, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et nous vous contacterons.


Quels seront les sujets abordés par le groupe ?
- Votre relation actuelle avec les substances psychoactives et le chems*x.
- Vos objectifs de changement positif en ce qui concerne votre consommation de drogues, y compris d'alcool.
- L'identification et la gestion des déclencheurs et des envies.
- La gestion des rechutes et le contrôle des envies.
- L'évaluation des défis à venir et la fixation d'objectifs.


Aids Community Care Montreal is happy to announce that Kontak's ImpakT support group are back. These sessions are for men who have s*x with men and trans/non-binary people who take part in chems*x and would like to make a positive change to their use of chems.

This means we won’t ask you to stop your chems use completely if this is not your goal. You may want to explore how to use more safely, and how to protect yourself and others. In order for the group to be effective, and for you to get the most from it, we do ask that you set yourself a realistic goal personal to you, which the group will support you to achieve.

When is the group?
The group will run weekly in the evenings at 6pm. Sessions will last for up to two hours and run for twelve consecutive weeks.

Our next group starts on Tuesday 8 January 2024. If you’d like to register your interest, please fill in the form linked bellow and we’ll be in touch.


What will the group cover?
- Your current relationship with chems and chems*x.
- Your goals for making a positive change with respect to your use of drugs, which can include alcohol.
- Identifying and managing triggers and cravings.
- Lapse management and urge surfing.
- Surveying the challenges ahead and setting goals.



🌈 Join Our Team! Chems*x Support and Outreach Coordinator Position Available 🌈
Are you passionate about creating safe and supportive spaces for the LGBTQ+ community? AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) is excited to announce a job opportunity for a Chems*x Support and Outreach Coordinator, focusing on cis and trans gay, bi, and q***r men who have s*x with men (gbMSM).

POSITION: Chems*x Support and Outreach Coordinator (Cis and Trans)
DEADLINE: September 11th, 2023

As a Chems*x Support and Outreach Coordinator at ACCM, you will be a vital part of developing empowering environments for individuals who engage in chems*x/PnP, exploring ways to enhance their s*xuality while ensuring their well-being.

Key Responsibilities:
- Create safe spaces for gbMSM participating in chems*x/PnP
- Offer workshops, support groups, and one-on-one peer support
- Provide counseling and harm reduction materials
- Build a compassionate and understanding community

- Deep understanding of the needs of the LGBTQ+ community
- Availability Monday to Thursday, 10:00 am-6:00 pm, with some evenings and weekends
- Strong communication and empathetic skills
- Previous experience in LGBTQ+ support or harm reduction is an asset

- Starting pay rate: $21.37 per hour
- Weekly hours: 32 hours
- 3-month temporary contract (renewable based on staffing needs)
- Inclusive benefits: 10 sick days and 12 vacation days annually

If you're ready to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals within the LGBTQ+ community and contribute to a more understanding and inclusive society, this opportunity could be your calling!

🔗 FOR MORE DETAILS AND TO APPLY, VISIT: https://accmontreal.org/job-posting-chems*x-coordinator/

Join us in fostering a supportive and empowered community!
🌟 *xSupportCoordinator


🌟 Join Our Team! Support and Treatment Coordinator Position Available 🌟
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of those living with or affected by HIV/Hep C? AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) is excited to announce a job opportunity for a Support and Treatment Coordinator to join our dedicated team!

POSITION: Support and Treatment Coordinator (Temporary)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 7th, 2023

As a Support and Treatment Coordinator at ACCM, you will play a vital role in facilitating healthcare navigation and organizing enriching group activities for individuals facing HIV/Hep C. We operate based on a "by and for" model, guided by GIPA/MEPA principles.

Key Responsibilities:
- Assist individuals in accessing healthcare services
- Coordinate engaging group activities and events
- Embrace a collaborative and inclusive approach
- Flexibility to work occasional evenings and weekends

- Dedication to improving the lives of those affected by HIV/Hep C
- Availability Monday to Thursday, 10:00 am-6:00 pm
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Previous experience in healthcare coordination is a plus

Starting pay rate: $21.37 per hour
Weekly hours: 32 hours
3-month temporary contract (renewable based on staffing needs)
Inclusive benefits: 10 sick days and 12 vacation days annually
If you're ready to contribute to a supportive and compassionate community while gaining valuable experience, this could be the opportunity you've been waiting for!

🔗 FOR MORE DETAILS AND TO APPLY, VISIT: https://accmontreal.org/job-posting-support-treatment-coordinator/?fbclid=IwAR0OJwSD00lG-cbUl3S-KR2RQUkG-nFxARV0bU_RPqIuQdBs9FAnvW4EOPU

Join us in creating a positive impact!


We are hiring! Check out these 3 exiting job postings, do not miss your chance to join the ACCM Team!
- Chems*x Coordinator: https://accmontreal.org/job-posting-chems*x-coordinator/
- Support and Treatment Coordinator: https://accmontreal.org/job-posting-support-treatment-coordinator/
- Support Services Department Manager: https://accmontreal.org/job-posting-support-services-department-manager/

Photos from KONTAK's post 08/15/2023

Nous sommes fiers de lancer enfin cette campagne en collaboration avec RÉZO . Cette campagne de sensibilisation informative et positive sur le chems*x / PnP, qui vise à éduquer et démystifier l'usage de drogues dans le cadre des pratiques s*xuelles au sein des communautés LGBTQ+ et de genre divers -qui sont particulièrement touchées-, ainsi que des alliés. Le chems*x est présent à Montréal depuis plusieurs années et fait partie des pratiques de nos communautés, et il peut avoir des impacts sur la santé mentale et s*xuelle.

En résumé, la consommation de drogues reste un choix personnel, basé sur les besoins et les réalités de chacun. Ce n'est pas un échec moral et peut être bénéfique pour votre qualité de vie (pour certain). Que vous ayez besoin de matériel de réduction des risques, que vous souhaitiez simplement discuter ou que vous souhaitiez apporter un changement positif à votre consommation de drogues, nous sommes là pour vous aider. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous sommes là pour vous. N'oubliez pas de faire appel à KONTAK pour vos besoins en matière de PnP : 438-867-CHEM (2436)

Likez, sauvegardez et partagez cet article avec vos amis !

Photos from KONTAK's post 08/15/2023

We are proud to finally be launching this campaign in collaboration with RÉZO This informative and positive awareness campaign on chems*x / PnP, which aims to educate and demystify drug use in the context of s*xual practices within the LGBTQ+ and gender diverse communities -who are particularly affected-, as well as allies. Chems*x has been present in Montreal for several years and is part of our communities' practices, and it can have impacts on mental as well as s*xual health.

TLDR; Using drugs remains a personal choice, based on individual needs and realities. It is not a moral failure and it can be beneficial to your life. Whether you need harm reduction materials, simply want to chat or maybe you wish to make a positive change regarding your drug use? Whatever it is, we are here for you. Make sure to KONTAKus for your PnP needs: 438-867-CHEM (2436)

Like, save and share this post with your friends!


ACCM is throwing a kiki ball this pride for our 35th anniversary!
Categories are all out now, along with cash prizes!! (Please refer to the event description for all the details)
==> https://www.facebook.com/events/687848183174288

Only a few ticket left! Don't forget to claim yours before they are sold out (tickets are free, but you can make a donation when checking out your tickets!)

Made possible with the support of Fierté Montréal Pride


Happening tomorrow ! Do not miss a chance to attend our Trans Realities Workshop and a free brunch at Robin des Bois!

Registration is free, but mandatory: https://forms.gle/ea51tfTeAaeS5gyn6

Made possible with the support of Fierté Montréal Pride.
More details in the event description


ACCM and Pride Mtl is offering a great workshop about trans realities. This is perfect for those who are questioning their gender identity, people who have trans friends and family member and just people who are clueless about trans people. It comes with a free 25$ brunch gift card! Make sure to register to participate to the event. See y'all there 🥳

This workshop is for questioning folks and loved ones of trans people! It is on July 29th at 11 AM at Robin Des Bois .

You will also receive a free lunch from the menu of the day!

Are you someone that is questioning their gender but that doesn’t know a lot about transness? Did someone in your life come out as trans and you wanna learn more about transness? Do you have questions about it that you feel uncomfortable asking a trans person? Do you want to learn more about how to be respectful towards trans people?

Our Trans Realities is the workshop for you! In this Trans 101 workshop you will learn the basics about transness (e.g. terms definitions, trans realities, how to be respectful etc.) and you will be able to ask questions to get more informed!

Made possible with the support of Fierté Montréal / Montréal Pride .

Registration is free, but mandatory: https://forms.gle/ea51tfTeAaeS5gyn6

LIMITED spaces.


ACCM is throwing a kiki ball this pride for our 35th anniversary!
Categories are all out now (Please refer to the event description); cash prizes TBA.
Don't forget to claim your tickets before they are sold out (tickets are free, but you can make a donation when checking out your tickets!)

Made possible with the support of Fierté Montréal Pride


Have you gotten your WestJet raffle tickets yet?
You could win a round trip for two, all while supporting ACCM!
There are only a few days left to get your tickets.
🎟️ http://bit.ly/ACCMflight


Merci à Jean-Pierre Chatel pour l’organisation de la vente de cannettes des résidents du Plein Bois Camping-Club-Resort qui généreusement ont remis l’argent au programme KONTAK pour continuer d’offrir du soutien, de l’accompagnement et l’éducation avec le chems*x et notre communauté.

Photos from KONTAK's post 05/01/2023

ACCM was at CAHR 2023 this weekend! The 32nd Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research by the Canadian Association For HIV Research. Here are some pictures from our KONTAK Coordinator DJ 📸.


Interested in having PnP/Chems*x materials delivered to you for free? KONTAK-us today! 514-941-SEXE (7393)


Tu souhaites recevoir gratuitement du matériel PnP/Chems*x ? KONTAK-nous aujourd'hui ! 514-941-SEXE (7393)

Timeline photos 11/25/2022

Almost the end of the International Testing Week. Get tested: ACCM offers free HIV Self Test Kits! Come and meet our KONTAK and ImpaktT programs coordinators for pre/post test counselling!
Friday, November 25th from 4-8pm

Photos from KONTAK's post 11/21/2022

C'est la Semaine Internationale du Dépistage ! Nous avons quelques faits et un soutien aux tests pour vous. Lisez tout à ce sujet 🤓.

Viens te faire tester gratuitement pour le VIH/SIDA. Nous vous offrons un environnement sûr, des informations et le soutien d'un de nos pairs aidants pour vous aider, quel que soit le résultat de votre test ! Prenez rendez-vous dès maintenant en envoyant un SMS au 514-941-7393.

Nous avons hâte de vous voir les 22 et 25 novembre de 16h00 à 20h00 avec ou sans rendez-vous au bureau de l'ACCM (2075 Plessis, Montréal, Québec H2L 2Y4).

Photos from KONTAK's post 11/21/2022

It's International Testing Week! We've got some facts and some testing support for you. Read all about it 🤓.

Come get tested for HIV/AIDS for free. We offer you a safe environment, information and support from one of our peer helpers to help you no matter what your test result is! Make an appointment now by texting 514-941-7393

We look forward to seeing you on November 22nd and 25th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm with or without an appointment at the ACCM office (2075 Plessis, Montreal, Quebec H2L 2Y4)


Do you need drug use materials? Are you organizing a s*x party and would you like some free material? KONTAK-us!
💻[email protected]

Tu as besoin de matériel de consommation ? Tu organises un s*x party et tu aimerais du matériel gratuit ? KONTAK-nous!
💻[email protected]

{ *xeld *xelducation *xpositiveculture *x }

ACCM 35th Consultation Survey - accmontreal.org 10/05/2022

ACCM is celebrating 35 years of community service. We want to know how you would like to celebrate!

Let us know (EN/FR/ESP) ➡️ accmontreal.org/accm-35th-consultation-survey/

ACCM 35th Consultation Survey - accmontreal.org As we continue honouring our 35th year, ACCM wants your input on how to make this anniversary even more special. From long-held events and fundraisers to new advocacy campaigns, we’d love to hear your thoughts on what ACCM should advocate for in this year. Complete the 35th Anniversary Consultati...

Timeline photos 10/03/2022

Interested in joining the Friends For Life Bike Rally, a 6-day ride from Toronto to Montreal (1-day and 3-day options available) to raise money for 3 community organizations, including ACCM?

Register for the F4LBR here ➡️ bikerally.org

Use the Coupon Code FAMILY2023 to get a discount!
Still hesitating? Newly registered? Come to the monthly virtual Bike Rally Info Session organized by PWA. The next one is happening on Thursday, October 6 at 7:00pm.

Register for the info session here ➡️ www.bikerally.org/events/info-session

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Montreal?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

For the Love of Harm Reduction



2075 Plessis
Montreal, QC

Opening Hours

Monday 1pm - 6pm
Tuesday 1pm - 6pm
Wednesday 1pm - 6pm
Thursday 1pm - 6pm

Other Community Organizations in Montreal (show all)
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8110 Boulevard Saint-Michel
Montreal, H1Z3E2

OBNL qui contribue au développement du plein potentiel des jeunes adultes!

Association humaniste du Québec Association humaniste du Québec
1225 Boulevard Saint-Joseph E
Montreal, H2J1L7

La voix des humanistes athées et agnostiques au Québec. Les nouvelles humanistes en un seul endroit

Comité logement Rosemont Comité logement Rosemont
5350, Rue Lafond, Local 1. 250
Montreal, H1X2X2

Un toit pour tout le monde!

Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
606 Rue Cathcart, Bureau 330
Montreal, H3B1K9

Fondée en 2001, la Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec a été créée pour défendre et donner u

Sylvan Adams Ym-Ywha Sylvan Adams Ym-Ywha
5400 Westbury Avenue
Montreal, H3W2W8

Welcome to the official page of the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA #ymywha #wedogood #ThisisY

JM Court Skatepark JM Court Skatepark
Dans Le Garage De L'École Secondaire Jeanne-Mance, Coin Des Rues Marie-Anne Et De Bordeaux
Montreal, H2H1Z5

Notre skatepark communautaire jeunesse est situé dans le garage de l'École Jeanne Mance

Right to Move / la Voie Libre Right to Move / la Voie Libre
2150 Rue Bishop (entrance In Alleyway)

We’re a non-profit, volunteer-run, drop-in DIY bike shop! See rtm-lvl.org/hours for our schedule!

Architecture Sans Frontières Québec - ASFQ Architecture Sans Frontières Québec - ASFQ
201 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Montreal, H2X1L2

ASFQ travaille pour une architecture sociale et favorise le développement de milieux de vie sains,

Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous Le Garde-Manger Pour Tous
755, Rue Des Seigneurs
Montreal, H3J1Y2

Du coeur au ventre depuis 38 ans 🫶

Centre d'action bénévole de Montréal - CABM Centre d'action bénévole de Montréal - CABM
2015, Rue Drummond, Bureau 300
Montreal, H3G1W7

Le Centre d'action bénévole de Montréal vous aide à trouver votre opportunité de bénévolat idéal.

Centre A. C. T. I. O. N. 5935, Grandes-Prairies (entre Lacordaire Et Langelier)
Montreal, H1P1A5

Kéroul Kéroul
7665 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montreal, H1S2A7

Tourisme et culture pour personnes handicapées