Pagan Temple of Moose Jaw

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How Meditation Helps Spiritually, Enhances Spirituality

Spiritual Meditation
Are you feeling a nudge from deep within to become more connected to your spiritual self, but constantly distracted by the stress in your life? Do you want to be in alignment with your true calling? Do you want to experience more meaning in your life, and gain insight from the spiritual guides and teachers that come in your path? For any of your questions, meditation is the answer.

Our Consciousness Is Always Unfolding In Subtle And Profound Ways.

What is stopping you from living at a more enlightened state? It could be a negative thought pattern. It could be circumstantial. It could be the mounting stress on your plate. Great news—meditation and spirituality go hand in hand. Becoming in tune, and connected with a higher realm of spirituality can be achieved through the practice of meditation. And when you engage in it on a regular basis, you’ll not just create an opportunity for your mind to gain clarity from the quietness, but you’ll be able to detach from your ego, and uncover the veil of what’s beyond your self – and connect with your highest self.

Turning Inwards To Your Spiritual Path

A meditation practice gives you the benefit of turning inward to your spirituality for answers, instead of looking to others. Have you ever had trouble making a decision about the right vs. wrong choice for your career, relationship, or overall happiness? Have you ever been compelled to be part of something larger than life as you know it, but you can’t put your finger on what that means, exactly?

Meditation can drastically improve the loneliness, or longing you have in your life. Reach a state of interconnectedness with others and with your higher self, improve the joy you feel daily and become a compassionate person, free of fear and anxiety.

Achieve Unconditional Love And Peace

Meditation and Spirituality
One of the best benefits meditation has on our spiritual selves is that it is applicable to people of all religions. It doesn’t matter if your chosen god is Buddha or Christ, or if you’re not part of a religion at all. Reconnecting with your spirituality is about developing the insight, perception and openness to allow your higher self in. Many of us feel separate from our bodies, from other people, from our spiritual selves, our religious practice and from the Universe. As a result, we don’t feel connected to a partner (even when we’re in a committed relationship) or others in our life, and as a result, we become consumed with feelings of loneliness.

Studies show that when we meditate, we are able to tap into our true source – the most powerful source of all – and experience interconnectedness to all things. Additionally, if you feel pulled to become more connected to your religion, meditation helps you to arrive at a deeper purpose and meaning within your religion, and allows you to connect at a deeper, more profound level within your belief system.

We’re Spiritual Beings Having A Physical Experience

When we are connected to our spirituality through meditation, we stop feeling as we are a separate being. Meditation gives us the chance to step outside of our Ego, detach from the pressures, stress and obligations of our life, and become aligned with a place inside of ourselves that is never without anything that we need. Whatever your spiritual practice, meditation offers the same benefit to all – a source of connection to tap into self-love, and develop compassionate love for everyone and everything.

And as the biggest benefit of meditation and spirituality, consider this: as we become more in tune and connected to our spiritual self, we become more attuned to who we are, and what we’re supposed to do in this life. Need purpose? Try meditation for a spiritual purpose!

(Information source


The Rule of 3: History

Many new Wiccans, and plenty of non-Wiccan Pagans, are initiated with the cautionary words from their elders, "Ever mind the Rule of Three!" This warning is explained to mean that no matter what you do magically, there's a giant Cosmic Force that will make sure your deeds are revisited upon you threefold. It's universally guaranteed, some people claim, which is why you better not EVER perform any harmful magic... or at least, that's what they tell you.

However, this is one of the most highly contested theories in modern Paganism. Is the Rule of Three real, or is it just something made up by experienced Wiccans to scare the "newbies" into submission?

There are several different schools of thought on the Rule of Three. Some people will tell you in no uncertain terms that it's bunk, and that the Threefold Law is not a law at all, but just a guideline used to keep people on the straight and narrow. Other groups swear by it.

Background and Origins of the Threefold Law
The Rule of Three, also called the Law of Threefold Return, is a caveat given to newly initiated witches in some magical traditions, primarily NeoWiccan ones. The purpose is a cautionary one. It keeps people who have just discovered Wicca from thinking they have Magical Super Powers. It also, if heeded, keeps folks from performing negative magic without putting some serious thought into the consequences.

An early incarnation of the Rule of Three appeared in Gerald Gardner's novel, High Magic's Aid, in the form of "Mark well, when thou receivest good, so equally art bound to return good threefold." It later appeared as a poem published in a magazine back in 1975. Later this evolved into the notion among new witches that there is a spiritual law in effect that everything you do comes back to you. In theory, it's not a bad concept. After all, if you surround yourself with good things, good things should come back to you. Filling your life with negativity will often bring similar unpleasantness into your life. However, does this really mean there's a karmic law in effect? And why the number three–why not ten or five or 42?

It's important to note that there are many Pagan traditions that do not adhere to this guideline at all.

Objections to the Law of Three

For a law to truly be a law, it must be universal–which means it needs to apply to everyone, all the time, in every situation. That means for the Threefold Law to really be a law, every single person who does bad things would always be punished, and all the good people in the world would have nothing but success and happiness–and that doesn't just mean in magical terms, but in all non-magical ones as well. We all can see that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, under this logic, every jerk who cuts you off in traffic would have nasty car-related retribution coming his way three times a day, but that just doesn't happen.

Not only that, there are countless numbers of Pagans who freely admit to having performed harmful or manipulative magic, and never having anything bad coming back upon them as a result. In some magical traditions, hexing and cursing is considered as routine as healing and protecting–and yet members of those traditions don't seem to receive negativity back upon them every single time.

According to Wiccan author Gerina Dunwich, if you look at the Law of Three from a scientific perspective it is not a law at all, because it is inconsistent with the laws of physics.

Why the Law of Three is Practical

No one likes the idea of Pagans and Wiccans running around flinging curses and hexes willy-nilly, so the Law of Three is actually quite effective in making people stop and think before they act. Quite simply, it's the concept of cause and effect. When crafting a spell, any competent magic worker is going to stop and think about the end results of the working. If the possible ramifications of one's actions will likely be negative, that may make us stop to say, "Hey, maybe I better rethink this a bit."

Although the Law of Three sounds prohibitive, many Wiccans, and other Pagans, see it instead as a useful standard to live by. It allows one to set boundaries for oneself by saying, "Am I prepared to accept the consequences–be they good or bad–for my deeds, both magical and mundane?"

As to why the number three–well, why not? Three is known as a magical number. And really, when it comes to paybacks, the idea of "three times revisited" is fairly ambiguous. If you whack someone in the nose, does it mean you'll get your own nose punched three times? No, but it could mean you'll show up at work, your boss will have heard about you bopping someone's schnoz, and now you're fired because your employer won't tolerate brawlers–certainly this is a fate which could be, to some, considered "three times worse" than getting hit in the nose.

Other Interpretations
Some Pagans use a different interpretation of the Law of Three, but still maintain that it prevents irresponsible behavior. One of the most sensible interpretations of the Rule of Three is one that states, quite simply, that your actions effect you on three separate levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. This means that before you act, you need to consider how your deeds will impact your body, your mind and your soul. Not a bad way to look at things, really.

Another school of thought interprets the Law of Three in a cosmic sense; what you do in this lifetime will be revisited upon you three times more intently in your NEXT life. Likewise, the things that are happening to you this time around, be they be good or bad, are your paybacks for actions in previous lifetimes. If you accept the concept of reincarnation, this adaptation of the Law of Threefold Return may resonate with you a little more than the traditional interpretation.

In some traditions of Wicca, coven members initiated into upper degree levels may use the Law of Threefold Return as a way of giving back that which they receive. In other words, what other people do to you, you are permitted to return threefold, whether it's good or bad.

Ultimately, whether you accept the Law of Three as a cosmic morality injunction or simply a part of life's little instruction manual, it is up to you to govern your own behaviors, both mundane and magical. Accept personal responsibility, and always think before you act.

*(Information source:*


Good day everyone, today I wanted to talk about spiritual cleansing and curses. If you are in moose jaw and in need of some kind of spiritual services send the page or myself (Rob Kennedy ) a message. I do this for free and charge nothing myself, send me a message and I’ll let you know what items I would need. I will help you remove negativity from your life with positivity and love. (DM’s confidential to my personal account)
Skal and Blessed Be all


List of pagan/wiccan holidays in 2023(for information not a list of events):


Jan. 6: Full Moon in Cancer – Wolf Moon

Jan. 14: Thorrablot – Norse/Heathen celebration honoring Thor

Jan. 21: Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins

Jan. 21: New Moon in Capricorn

Jan. 24: Sementivae – a grain-oriented Roman festival

Jan. 30 – Feb 2: Roman celebration of Februalia

Jan. 31: Up Helly Aa – Scottish celebration in the Shetland Islands

Jan. 31: Disablot – Norse celebration of new beginnings


Feb. 1: Imbolc – Celebration of the Goddess Brighid.
(Southern Hemisphere: Lammas or Lughnasadh – The grain harvest at the end of summer.)

Feb. 5: Full Moon in Leo – Snow Moon

Feb. 1st-28th: LGBTQ History month.
In the 1970s, second-wave feminism and modern paganism surged forth simultaneously. Today, exploration and acceptance of q***r and transgender figures expands in the Craft.

Feb. 13-21: Roman Festival of Parentalia – honor the ancestors

Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day celebration

Feb. 15: Lupercalia – Fertility celebration

Feb. 18: Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins

Feb. 20: New Moon in Pisces


Mar. 1: Matronalia – ancient festival of Juno, the birth goddess

Mar. 7: Full Moon in Virgo – Worm Moon

Mar. 21: Ostara – Spring Equinox and celebration of Goddess Eostre
(Southern Hemisphere: Mabon – The Autumn Equinox)

Mar. 17: St Patrick’s Day – a time to celebrate the patron saint of Ireland.

Mar. 18: Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins

Mar. 21: New Moon in Pisces.

Mar. 27: Mothers’ Day


Apr. 6: Full Moon in Libra – Pink Moon

Apr. 15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag – Norse celebration of the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries

Apr. 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins

Apr. 20: New Moon in Ta**us

Apr. 22: Earth Day – Honoring Gaia

Apr. 28 – May 3: Floralia – Honors the goddess of spring flowers & vegetation. See Persephone

Apr. 30: May Eve or Rhiannon’s Day


May 1: Beltane – Celebration of fire and fertility
(Southern Hemisphere: Samhain – the Witches’ New Year)

May 1: Roman Festival of Bona Dea – Fertility goddess

May 5: Full Moon in Scorpio – Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse.

May 13: Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins

May 19: New Moon in Ta**us


Jun. 4: Full Moon in Sagittarius – Strawberry Moon

Jun. 7-15: Roman Festival of Vestalia – honors the priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the hearth.

Jun. 10: Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins

Jun. 18: New Moon in Cancer

Jun. 19: Father’s day celebration

Jun. 21: Litha – The Summer Solstice
(Southern Hemisphere: Yule – The Winter Solstice)


Jul. 3: Full Moon in Capricorn – Buck Moon.

Jul. 8: Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins

Jul. 17: New Moon in Cancer


August 1: Lammas or Lughnasdah – The grain harvest
(Southern Hemisphere: Imbolc – honoring the goddess Brighid and return of the light after the long winter)

Aug. 1: Full Moon in Aquarius – Sturgeon Moon

Aug. 5: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins

Aug. 13: Roman Festival of Pomona, goddess of apples and orchards

Aug. 16: New Moon in Leo

Aug. 23: Vulcanalia – Roman Festival

Aug. 31: Full Moon in Pisces – Blue Moon


Sep. 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

Sep. 15: New Moon Virgo

Sep. 21: International Day of Peace

Sep. 22: Mabon – Autumn Equinox
(Southern Hemisphere: Ostara – the Spring Equinox)

Sep. 29: Full Moon in Aries – Harvest Moon.

Sep. 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins


Oct. 3: Roman Festival of Bacchus – God of vegetation and wine

Oct. 14: New Moon in Libra – Solar Eclipse

Oct. 28: Celtic Tree Month of Reed beings

Oct. 28: Full Moon in Ta**us – Hunter’s Moon – Lunar Eclipse

Oct. 31: Samhain – The Witches’ New Year
(Southern Hemisphere: Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility)

Oct. 31: Winter Nights/Vetrablot – Norse celebration of the arrival of winter


Nov. 13: New Moon in Scorpio

Nov. 16: Hecate’s Night

Nov. 25: Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins

Nov. 27: Full Moon in Gemini – Beaver Moon

Nov 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia – to honor the Triple Goddess


Dec. 12: New Moon in Sagittarius

Dec. 17: Saturnalia, a Roman celebration of the god Saturn, begins

Dec 21: Yule – the Winter Solstice
(Southern Hemisphere: Litha – The Summer Solstice)

Dec. 23: Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins

Dec. 25: Feast of Frau Holle, the Germanic goddess

Dec. 27: Full Moon in Cancer – Cold Moon

Dec. 31: Festival of Hogmanay – Scottish holiday that celebrates the new year


The History of the Pentagram
The earliest use of the pentagram dates all the way back to 3500 BC. The Chaldees of Mesopotamia inscribed the symbol on their pottery and other artifacts. The Hebrews used the pentagram as a symbol of truth and to represent the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Pythagoreans of ancient Greece were fascinated by the mathematical purity of the symbol and viewed it as a sign of perfection. Ancient Babylonians used the pentagram to represent the gods and religious beliefs of their culture.

During the medieval era, Christians believed that the pentagram symbolized the five wounds of Christ and it was used to ward off evil spirits. For the first few hundred years after Christ’s death, the pentagram was the primary symbol of the Catholic Church. The Inquisition was a period of violence and upheaval in the Christian Church. People who did not conform to The Church’s strict views were executed. During this time, all things associated with Paganism, including the Pentagram, were deemed evil and seen as tools as the devil. The pagans went into hiding, secluding themselves from the religious persecution and burning trials that haunted them.

These secret groups continued to meet, expanding their beliefs and ideas. They developed the science of Alchemy, which had strong roots in geometric symbolism. The pentagram, or pentacle, is a geometric symbol consisting of five lines connecting end to end to form a five pointed star. Found in several geometric figures, this mathematical ratio was first recognized by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. According to Pythagoras, the five points of the pentagram each represent one of the five elements that make up man: fire, water, air, earth, and psyche.

The properties of the pentagram influenced artists and architects for centuries. Many churches have incorporated the shape of the pentagram into their floor plans and the symbol can be seen in stained glass windows and other architectural elements around the world


The mjolnir, also known as Thor’s hammer, is found both in and out of paganism. I am not aware of any rule that a mjolnir must be bestowed upon the wearer, and it is not appropriation to wear or use a mjolnir outside of Norse Paganism.

It’s important to understand the different associations of the mjolnir, so you know what you might be representing to others. Not every Norse pagan wears a mjolnir, and not everyone who wears a mjolnir is a Norse pagan. Norse pagans have been wearing the mjolniras a necklace since at least the Viking Age. Among non-pagans, some wear it due to a personal connection to its region of origin, whether ancestral or personal interest. Others wear it simply because they like the mjolnir itself, Viking culture, or even Thor Odinson of the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, some people wear the mjolniras a symbol of white supremacy.

Whatever you decide to do with the mjolnir, it is a religious symbol, and please treat it as such. Best wishes on your spiritual journey. Blessed be.

Renewal Bath Spell: Self-Love & Spiritual Acceptance 01/23/2023

With Valentine’s Day around the corner let’s not forget the most important person to show some love to is you! ♥️💙💜💗🖤💛💖💞💚❣️💓

Renewal Bath Spell: Self-Love & Spiritual Acceptance Inner beauty spells are great for any lunar time, and this herbal bath will give you a boost of self-love very easily! The first step: Turn off your phone until tomorrow. Now it's time to clear your mindset and spend some time with yourself. If you hate the idea of being alone with your own...


We are thinking about having another letting get together on February 4th, would that be something that interests people? Also if you have locations in mind that we could hold this don't hesitate to reach out


We were wondering how often people would realistically show up if we started doing regular meets ups even just for coffee, I'm having issues making this a poll so react with a like for biweekly, love for monthly, and care for just events and rituals only


To walk the Red Road is to see beyond this physical fabric of time and space, to go beyond your physical limitations where time does not exist. Once the barrier of two worlds has been broken than you will no longer conform to the lies and deception that are repeated to you on a daily basis, you are able to feel and see the energy of the one spirit within everything. Our greatest enemy is within ourselves where we will ignore the unseen that trys to communicate with us every day, we think that only our physical senses can guide us and that is when we become lost. We all have this spiritual gateway within us that once it is opened many things will be revealed to us, we see the divine lifeforce of the one that goes by so many names within and moving everything. Once Mother Earth is only inhabited by life that has their spiritual gateway open will everything be one in love, peace and harmony in the sacred circle. Niteh peyak Okawimaw Askiy ekwa Kisemanito. (My heart one with Mother Earth and Great Spirit) Ekosi. 🌎🌟💞


An alter is a very personal thing, there is no one correct way to set one up. All that’s really important is the significance that the alter and the items you place on it have for you. An alter will change and grow your whole life, don’t be in a rush.
Photo from our Wiccan partners page in Regina.


Candle work is relaxing imo.

So mote it be🕯️🕯️🕯️

Modern Norse Pagan Practices for Beginners | Spirituality & Health 01/19/2023

For anyone interested in learning more about Norse Pagans here is a great introductory article by Patricia Lafayllve who has a couple of books out on the subject.

Modern Norse Pagan Practices for Beginners | Spirituality & Health Ancient Northern European spiritual practices are accessible to people of all lineages. Explore how to connect with Norse paganism as a beginner.


A note on negativity, it is my view that certain amounts of negativity are inevitable when people come together to do something different. Please don’t drop to their level, it says more about them than us and it’s my view that negativity should be met with positivity unless absolutely necessary. We may be practicing old religions however these aren’t old times. We always need to be able to adjust and be flexible in this day and age to survive grow and flourish. We are trying to do something wonderful here people will either see that and join or not we can’t force anyone.
Skal and blessed be everyone.


Good day everyone, I’m pleased to meet everyone who finds themselves here. Short introduction, my name is Rob and I’m a Norse Pagan in my personal practice but I wanted to create a space for any pagan or “pre-Christian” religions to practice learn and grow together in peace. As this will hopefully be a large undertaking with a permanent location at some point in the future I will be looking for others who would like to assist in anything from organizing to instructing in various practices or even administration as things become more official. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to assist as I really can’t do something like this alone. Feel free to introduce yourselves ask questions or start a conversation in the comments, I’m excited to see how this all unfolds. Skal, Blessed Be and have a wonderful day everyone!


Greetings to any who find themselves here, I made this page as a place to connect the beginnings of the First Pagan Temple in Moose Jaw. I look forward to speaking with everyone!

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