Shawna Thibodeau

Shawna Thibodeau

Shawna Thibodeau offers counselling, group coaching programs and meditation circles to help women reach increased peace, happiness and live their truths.

Shawna Thibodeau is a Registered Nurse working in mental health. Through Be Free, Shawna works as a private coach, holistic counsellor and certified meditation teacher to empower women and help create lives of happiness, passion and purpose. Shawna specializes in hospital-based mental health and crisis treatment. Through Be Free, she offers women her unique knowledge in mental health combined with

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 08/13/2024

Join us for a women’s weekend retreat this December in Lewiston, New York! ❤️

[Comment “33” to grab the link to learn more]

This retreat is for any woman needing time to heal, rejuvenate and learn skills & practices that can help navigate life’s challenges and stressors with greater ease and to connect inwards to self 💕

​The Return to Self Retreat includes a powerful combination of modalities that can provide deep release, healing, clarity, insight and shifts within. These include meditation, breathwork, yoga, teachings on consciousness, spirituality & co-creation, self-love and inner child work and intuition & inner wisdom exercises ✨

Throughout the retreat you’ll be learning and exploring the most effective skills & practices I have found that help facilitate healing, growth and the coming back to our True Nature to experience greater self-love, inner peace, joy and empowerment within.

The modalities explored on this retreat can help with:

✨Insights and understanding of different situations in your life

✨Healing of the mind and body

✨Deep sense of peace and bliss

✨New creative ideas

✨Deep connection towards oneself

✨Ideas of life direction/next steps

✨Release of emotions that might be limiting you and keeping you stuck

✨Calming of the nervous system

✨Greater awareness of patterns of the mind

✨Boosting of mood

✨Boosting of self-esteem, confidence & feelings of empowerment

✨Improved connection with oneself and greater feelings of self-love and self-acceptance

✨Deeper understanding of life and life’s challenges from a spiritual lens​

No experience necessary and beginners welcome! Come alone or come with a friend.

👉🏼Comment “33” and I’ll send you the link to learn more💕

Hope to have you join us,


Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 07/30/2024

The energy, vibration and belief systems we’re sitting in, has a direct effect on the reality that we create 💕

If we’re sitting in a state and belief system of:


Frustration that life is hard


We will continue to create that reality within our life.

In order to create shifts within our lives and to experience a life of greater:

✨Ease, Flow, Healing, Alignment, Opportunity & Abundance…

We have to begin believing these things are possible and creating an internal state that will create those results in our external world ❤️

To shift we need to:

👉🏼 Understand the wounded aspects of ourselves that are holding these views and limiting belief systems

👉🏼 Understand WHY they’re holding these beliefs systems

👉🏼 Help heal these wounded aspects of ourselves & shift the beliefs they’re operating from

👉🏼 Practice sitting in our True Essence and the qualities of our True Essence which will begin to create an internal and external reality of greater peace, ease, flow, abundance, healing and empowerment.

✨In order to get different external results, you have to heal & shift your internal state✨

If you need help with this healing work, I have courses & retreats to help guide you step-by-step in healing and shifting your belief systems and the energy that you’re sitting in.

👉🏻 Comment or DM me “START” to get started 💕

xx Shawna


Comment the word “SOURCE” below to get on the waitlist and you’ll be notified when registration opens! ✨

I’m SO excited for this course 🥰

Becoming SOURCE: An 8-week online coaching container to return to your True Essence, get out of your own way, and allow your highest path, clarity, abundance, love, peace and opportunity to flow 💫

This course is going to be next level 🤯

it’s going to get to the root of:



feeling stuck and stressed

And teach you how to SHIFT so you can instead experience:

abundance, clarity, greater peace, opportunity, empowerment and FLOW along your highest path ❤️


Get on the waitlist by commenting “SOURCE” below - you’ll get emailed when registration opens ❤️

Can’t wait for this one! ✨

xx Shawna


We recorded our first podcast episode! 🎉✨

Finally 🤩

Now we need to figure out how to upload, edit and add a beginning to it 💁🏼‍♀️ but soon we’ll be delivering it to you ❤️

Stay tuned for Episode 1 of The Naked Soul Podcast - coming soon! ✨

Shawna & Laurie


As a teacher, healer, guide and entrepreneur, your work will always be changing, evolving and improving✨

If we desire perfection it creates added stress and can prevent us from putting our needed work into the world.

It also makes the process and the journey WAY less enjoyable.

My work has changed so much over the years and continues to evolve each day.

This used to frustrate me as I lean towards perfectionism however, perfection isn’t realistic.

Our work, our skills and every project needs to start somewhere and then it goes through an on-going (i.e. never-ending😋) process of refinement, evolution and improvement.

This is a healthy and realistic way to approach leadership, teaching and entrepreneurship.

Practice letting go of perfectionism and practice shifting to enjoying the process of your work evolving and improving.

This will help to remove a level of stress that is self-created based on…(ready for it…)

unrealistic ego desires and wounded parts of you that fear not being good enough (oof).

Embrace the journey. Embrace the messy. And embrace the process of your work evolving❤️

xx Shawna

👉🏻If you’re a wellness entrepreneur and want more mindset and strategy tips, I have free mini course on how to grow your business as a soul-led entrepreneur. Send me a DM with the word ‘minicourse’ and I’ll send it over ✨🤗

And if you have any questions about bringing your soul work into the world and growing your holistic, wellness or spiritual business send me a message❤️

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 04/26/2024

Day 4 of the Align Portugal Women’s Retreat ☀️ a day exploring Lisbon ❤️

A 5-hour private tuk tuk tour of the city with free time and dinner together in the evening.

Top 10 fav hobbies: Exploring Europe with a group of retreat friends 😍❤️

with and


Some February shifts…

Hello dear friends!

As I’ve flowed into 2024, I’ve noticed some shifts related to my business, what I’m offering and what I wish to be sharing and talking about.

2019-2023 was a wild ride of stepping into my gifts as a meditation teacher, retreat leader and teacher of inner work. It brought to me truly fulfilling work, the most abundance I’ve seen and I had an absolute blast doing it😍✨

This naturally led to an influx of business coaching clients in 2023 and into this year as well - helping clients create and bring to reality profitable holistic, wellness and soul-led businesses.

With this shift, as you may have noticed, I’ve moved into running less retreats myself (and helping those wanting to step into it, run more).

I’ve been studying and practicing entrepreneurship for 12 years now and it’s a big passion of mine to help women believe in their ideas and bring these ideas into reality💃🏼✨😍

For 2024 I’ll be focusing on and shifting the content of this account to exactly that.

This includes:

👉🏻 Tuning in to your intuition to uncover what your Highest Self truly desires (in life and in service to the world)

👉🏻Following the whispers and nudges within to begin creating a life, and a business that is truly in alignment with your soul

👉🏻Serving the world and creating abundance through your unique gifts and offerings

👉🏻Doing the inner work required to overcome fear and limiting beliefs as a leader on this path

👉🏻Creating a soul-led business that lights you up and aligns purpose with profits

👉🏻Using your mind and co-creative prayer (manifestation) to co-create this reality into existence

My offers won’t be shifting too much as all of my programs are the exact work that got me to where I wanted to be.

And I’ll still be running some retreats! Mainly day retreats and international retreats. These will still have a focus on healing, stepping into your Highest Self and creating a life that in alignment with your soul.

If my account over the next few months no longer feels in alignment with you, it was a pleasure having you here ❤️

Cheers to always following what’s in alignment for you,



Retreats have been one of the most healing and transformative experiences within my own life 🙏🏼❤️ This is why I’m so passionate about leading them and offering the experience to other women as well ✨

✨They’ve opened me up to new concepts and practices I would have never discovered

✨They’ve deepened me into my spiritual practices

✨They’ve provided deep healing and shift within me

✨They’ve connected me to like-minded women, and have brought me on some of the most fun travel experiences

👉🏻If you’re looking to join us for a retreat, upcoming options include:

❤️Coming Back to Peace Half-Day Online Retreat - March 3

❤️June Soul Expansion Weekend Retreat - June 21-23: Just 2 spots left!

❤️October Weeklong Portugal Women’s Retreat - Oct 26-Nov 2: A week of healing and coming back to your personal power ✨

Link in bio to learn more about all offerings ❤️


Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 02/01/2024

If you’re struggling with anger, getting triggered, or conflict with others, here are some things to contemplate to come back to peace...

When we’re angry, in conflict with others, get triggered by others or ruminating about situations in our minds, typically our disharmony is based on the idea that one of you is “right” and one of you is “wrong”.

And of course, your ego desperately wants to prove that you are the one that is “right”.


To feel ok about yourself.

😳😳😳 (oh boy)

Ask yourself: why am I basing how I feel about myself on being “right”?

Is there even such a thing as being “right?”

Can it be 100% proven that one person is “right” and the other “wrong”? Who’s deciding this?

Or, are they all just perspectives based on that person’s point of view, their own feelings and their own past experiences?

Also ask: Why am I basing my worthiness and sense of feeling ok on something that doesn’t even exist? (being “right”)

Can you come back to a greater truth?

that everything just IS - that their perspective is their perspective and your perspective is your perspective - no one is right or wrong, it all just IS.

Then, come back to the truth that your true worth isn’t actually dependent on anything (especially something external and a made up battle in your mind).

Free your mind from the battle within, battling with others, and the ego desperately trying to find and prove its worth.

You’re worthy without being “right” and there’s no need to prove or “win”.

Allow yourself to come back to peace ❤️

If you find these contemplations helpful, we’ll be exploring our minds and other useful practices for coming back to peace at the Coming Back to Peace Online Half-Day Retreat happening March 3. Link in bio to learn more ❤️

xx Shawna


My deepest prayer over the last few years, but even more deeply the last few months, has been inner peace.

Our prayers get answered but sometimes not in the way we think.

Moving into 2024 has been a different energy for me.

I felt it almost overnight.

I woke up into 2024 and the subtle energy I could feel within my mind and around me was… different. And it’s stayed that way for all of January.

It’s been a more uneasy, less grounded energy. It’s also been confusion, with an energy of anxiety.

My ego mind did not like this.

Inside my thoughts were saying, “nooo, what’s happening!?”

But this has happened before and by now I can catch the pattern and catch the nudge.

When life and my mind begins to feel this way, it’s a call.

A call inwards.

It’s a call that says, “you can’t find your deepest prayer out there… it’s in HERE. Come. Come in.”

My ego resists it, even still. But I know that the only way through is to surrender and to listen.

And so I’ve been sitting more.

Sitting in meditation.

Coming back to greater silence.

And a deeper space of peace has been revealed. A space of peace that isn’t dependent on the outside world.

A space where I can see the ego mind for what it is - all it’s frantic attempts to control and feel ok.

The ego mind likes to try to find answers and control things on the outside, whereas your true nature doesn’t need to do this. It is already peace.

Meditation has always brought me the deepest sense of inner peace and truth. It has shown me the way time and time again.

If times are feeling any kind of chaotic or uneasy for you, you may be getting nudged to go within.

If you’re interested in practicing meditation and greater silence in 2024, the spaces you can join me include:

✨ The Coming Back to Peace Half-Day Online Retreat (March 3)

✨ The Soul Expansion Weekend Retreat (June 21-23)

✨ The Heal & Empower Weeklong Portugal Retreat (Oct 26-Nov 2) - this will have a larger focus on meditation and understanding inner peace through the lens of meditation

✨ RISE Online Program (specifically module 6 - practicing peace)

Link in my bio to learn more ❤️

Send me a DM if you have any questions,


Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 01/22/2024

We had a wonderful afternoon yesterday at the Creating a New Reality Half-Day retreat, held at ❤️

It was a deep dive into the practice of manifestation and co-creation and how to use it in different forms and different situations within our lives.

Thank you to everyone that joined ✨🙏🏼

Also, exciting news - I’m now offering online retreats!

I’ve received many requests from those who are international and not local to Niagara, to offer online retreats and I think 2024 is the perfect time to do so ✨

There are two upcoming online offerings:

👉🏻 The Coming Back to Peace Half-Day Online Retreat - Sunday March 3rd, 2024: An online retreat to learn my most effective skills and practices for coming back to peace.

👉🏻 The Creating a New Reality Half-Day Online Retreat - Sunday March 24th, 2024: An online retreat to master the practice of manifestation and co-creation to create a new reality.

More information can be found on my website at (link in bio)❤️

Would love to have you join us,



It’s an exciting time for me!

I’m celebrating hitting the million dollar mark in my business 🎉🥂🥹

Thank you to everyone who has made this dream come to life 💕

I am forever grateful for all my clients and customers and that you’ve allowed me to step into the work that lights me up the most.

I’m also proud of myself for building this from the ground up.

For believing in my dreams.

For trusting that it was possible.

And for sticking with the vision even when things felt tough.

The last few years has been a dream come true 🙏🏻🥹💕

If you’re interested in learning more about the work that got me here, working with my mind, doing inner work and energy alignment has been the BIGGEST game-changer on my path. Comment or DM me the word “RISE” and I’ll send you the link for more info on this work.

And, if you’re interested in wellness entrepreneurship, you can also follow my new business coaching Instagram profile!

Looking forward to spending 2024 with you! 🥂💕

xx Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 12/29/2023

Hello to any new followers! ❤️

If you’re new to my community, my name is Shawna and I’m a meditation teacher and psychospiritual coach ✨

I help women heal and create lives of greater inner peace, happiness and empowerment. My professional background is in mental health nursing (I did this for 8 years).

A bit about my journey…

12 years ago, I struggled with depression, anxiety and lack of inner fulfillment. I felt numb, sad and wasn’t excited about the future.

I decided to begin making my mental & emotional health more of a priority and I set forth on a journey of inward healing. I found meditation and this is when things began to SHIFT ✨✨

Meditation opened the doors to healing and my own spiritual journey.

It’s brought me along a path of working with my own mind to create greater inner peace, greater joy, improved emotion regulation and a more empowered and aligned life 💫

Meditation, my spiritual practices and my inner work have gotten me through periods of darkness, loss, grief and challenging life transitions.

It’s also brought me greater financial abundance, (including creating a million dollar business 🎉🥂), an aligned relationship, more passionate work and a more aligned and soul-led life 💃🏼

Because meditation, spirituality and inner work has created such profound shifts within my own life, I now teach the most effective practices I’ve found to help others create deep healing and transformation within.

Join me in working with your mind to step into greater peace, happiness, abundance and to bring your highest self into reality ❤️

Swipe through the slides for my current programs and offerings 💫

And to learn more details about these programs and offerings, comment below or DM me the word “PROGRAMS” and I’ll send you a link!

Any reality you desire IS possible - you just have to commit to showing up to the work ❤️

xx Shawna


Time for some fun in the sun with my guy ❤️🌸☀️🌊

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 12/03/2023

What an absolutely incredible week 🥹✨❤️🙏🏼

The Awaken Your Soul Costa Rica Women’s Retreat was everything and I could have ever wanted 💕

Thank you to this fabulous group of women for journeying to Costa Rica with us, trusting us, diving deep, sharing your stories and vulnerabilities, and laughing with us ❤️

Watching your processes unfold throughout the week was truly a gift 🙏🏼

Thank you for allowing me to do the work that absolutely lights me up ☀️ to travel and share deep soul work with women has been an absolute true dream come true 🌸

🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️ Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 12/02/2023

That post retreat feel the leaders get❤️

Thank you for bringing a joined vision to life in Costa Rica with me 😍☀️

Thank you for all your teachings and wisdom and for holding space with me throughout all the retreats we’ve done - it’s been a ride 🙌🏼🌸🌙☀️❤️

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 11/30/2023

Fun on the women’s Costa Rica Retreat this week ☀️🌊❤️🌸

Meditation, yoga, breathwork, journaling circles, indigenous cacao ceremony and sound healing session, beach time, Nosara time 🌸☀️

Deep healing, play and connection with women and the land this week 🙏🏼

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 11/28/2023

Day 1 and 2 of our Awaken The Soul Costa Rica Women’s Retreat 😍❤️🙏🏼☀️🌊🌸


Whether you’re just starting your business from the ground up or you’re looking to improve and increase revenue, my online business coaching program, The Abundant Soul, can help you reach these goals.

Over 6 months you'll:

- Align your mind & energy to your goals
- Create and launch your offers
- Implement an automated marketing strategy that successfully brings in consistent clients and consistent income

The best part? I provide twice weekly coaching, feedback and accountability to help you with every step of the process 😁

Unsure if The Abundant Soul is the right fit?

Send me a DM or email [email protected].

We can chat about your business and ideas to see if the program is in alignment with you!

xx Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 11/25/2023

We start our week-long Awaken Your Soul Costa Rica retreat this evening! ☀️❤️🧘🏼‍♀️🌊

and I are so excited to welcome 11 fabulous women to ❤️

A week of deep soul work and practice (yoga, meditation, breathwork, inner child work and manifestation) combined with beach and jungle adventures - all my favourite things 😍

Looking forward to starting this sacred, week-long adventure this evening ❤️


The Awaken Your Soul Women’s Yoga & Meditation Retreat begins this Saturday and I’m so excited!

This retreat truly feels like a full circle retreat for me and I know I’ll be shedding some tears throughout the week.

This picture was taken exactly 5 years ago when I was standing on the beach in Nosara, Costa Rica as a retreat participant.

It was 7 months after my brother passed away. I had arrived in Nosara still in a cloud of grief and sadness. My business was on hold. I felt depleted. Everything felt dark.

Then the magic of Nosara lifted me.

I had an absolutely life-changing experience on this retreat five years ago.

I released so much grief, so much darkness and re-discovered clarity, direction and a new spiritual connection with my brother.

I also looked at the leaders of the retreat with inspiration and said, “That’s what I want to do”.

Fast forward five years and here we are. 😍

Living the vision. And re-visiting this magical place with 12 retreat participants of our own.

This retreat will be a beautiful mixture of deep inner work through yoga, meditation, breathwork and various workshops combined with adventure, travel, beautiful scenery, amazing food, laughter and the companionship of other women.

And I know that Gregg will be on the retreat with us too.

Believe you can release darkness.

And believe in your visions.

xx Shawna


Re-parenting ourselves involves shifting to more loving, supportive and encouraging commentary within our own minds. It involves noticing when a wounded part of yourself is taking over your mind (the self-critic, the anxious voice, etc) and shifting to LOVE.

Re-parenting ourselves is an important skill taught in my online program RISE and practiced during online soul circles.

Sticking to practices and showing up consistently to them has been the absolute most important thing for healing inner wounds and shifting my mood and self-esteem.

One of the hardest things is staying accountable to these practices - This is the reason for soul circles!

During online soul circles, we practice the skills that can have the most healing and transformative effect on our internal world as well as our outer reality.

Our next online soul circle is Wednesday December 13th EST.

If you’re ready to create a more stable, loving, supportive, and encouraging environment within yourself, check out our next online soul circle.

More information can be found at: or simply click the link in my bio for more details 💕

xx Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 11/20/2023

Thank you to everyone who attended the Zen on the Lake Retreat this weekend!

Over the course of the weekend, we delved into various skills and practices aimed at promoting healing, fostering growth, and nurturing an increased sense of self-love, inner tranquility, and empowerment from within.

If you’re interested in joining us for a day, weekend, or weeklong retreats, there are a few open spots left for 2023/2024 retreats!
Additional upcoming retreats include:

> Awaken the Soul Costa Rica Retreat (Nov 25-Dec 2) - 1 spot left!

> Coming Back to Peace Full Day Retreat (Jan 14) (Niagara Falls, ON) > Align Half Day Retreat (Jan 21) (Dundas, ON)

> The Align Week-long Retreat - Portugal (Apr 22-29) - 1 spot left!

Visit for additional information! (link is also in bio)

xx Shawna


Our SOLD OUT Zen on the Lake Retreat begins tomorrow! ☀️🧘✨

This weekend retreat is for any woman needing self-care time to help heal, rejuvenate and reconnect back to oneself and to other women ❤️

It includes sessions on meditation, breathwork, yoga and different healing and self-development workshops. Throughout the weekend you'll be learning and exploring different skills & practices that help facilitate healing, growth and the development of greater self-love, inner peace and empowerment within.

Weekend retreats include the most effective practices I have found and experienced on my own 11-year spiritual journey that help you heal, shed what no longer serves you and step into a more empowered and grounded version of yourself.

Our March women’s weekend retreat is now open for registration!

If you’re interested in joining a future retreat, visit (link is also in my bio) 💞

xx Shawna


Our next online Soul Circle is tonight at 7pm EST! ✨

Tonight’s soul circle will focus on Self-Love and Inner Child Work. Self-love and inner child work have been so influential on my own journey ❤️

During this soul circle we’ll be exploring any recent triggers and challenges and how they connect to inner wounds and limiting belief systems wanting to be healed.

Using a recent situation or situation from the past, we practice identifying wounds triggered and work on re-parenting and healing ourselves as well as shifting belief systems related to this situation.

This soul circle includes on-paper/guided journaling work as well as a 20-minute guided meditation and has been some of the most influential work I've done with women ❤️

These soul circles are offered to anyone who is a part of the RISE Program & looking to put the teachings into practice.

You can find more information on how to join at or click the link in my bio!

Would love to have you join,

xx Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 11/08/2023

January day retreats are now open for registration! 😍🎉❤️

Join me for a day or afternoon of self-care and inner work 🧘🏼‍♀️

💫Coming Back to Peace Full-Day Retreat

Sunday January 14th, 2024: 9:30am-4:30pm

Niagara Falls, Ontario

This day retreat is for any woman seeking self-care time and looking to explore practices that helps them connect to their true nature - peace, love and happiness. The practices explored throughout the day will also assist with stress reduction, patterns of negative thinking and working with challenging emotions.

💫 Align Half-Day Retreat

Sunday January 21st, 2024: 12:30pm-5:00pm

Dundas, Ontario

Join me for a half-day retreat on coming back to self through the practices of meditation, yoga and breathwork!

This day retreat is for any woman seeking self-care time and looking to immerse themselves in these powerful practices for an afternoon.

To learn more about these full day and half day retreats, visit (link in my bio).

Retreats are an amazing way to start of your year ❤️

👉🏻 send it to your partner as a nudge nudge Christmas gift 🎁 😉

xx Shawna

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 10/30/2023

Thank you to everyone that came out to our women’s retreat this past weekend! ❤️🙏🏼

Lots of laughs, great discussions and wonderful experiences during our sessions and workshops 🧘🏼‍♀️✨

Always a pleasure to sit with a circle of women throughout the weekend to connect back to ourselves, to allow ourselves to rest and relax and to connect back to our inner truths ❤️🧘🏼‍♀️

Thank you for co-facilitating with me again and bringing your vast yoga knowledge and teachings to the space ❤️

Photos from Shawna Thibodeau's post 10/04/2023

Our November Costa Rica women's retreat is fast approaching! There's still spots available if you'd like to join us ☀️🌊

4 spots left - learn more at (link in my bio) ❤️

Natalie and I are so excited to welcome you to the ocean, sand and sun for a week of sacred healing inner work, self-care + self-reflection, relaxation and of course laughter and fun

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Learn more at ❤️#ShawnaThibodeau #Inspiration #Motivation #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement ...
How to heal your triggers 🧡


Niagara, ON

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