TTOP Vancouver - 花雕雞

TTOP Vancouver - 花雕雞

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Sharing a taste of Taiwan one chicken pot at a time. Also serving bentos now! Takeaway and delivery available



大螢幕上的經典美味 現在就訂購,讓TTOP花雕雞的「炸排骨便當」為您的日常增添幸福的滋味。

Online Order :

🍱 DF Pork Chop Bento : A Taste of Tradition and Satisfaction 🍱

Dive into the exquisite flavors of Taiwan with our DF Pork Chop Bento. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, our pork chop is a masterpiece that promises to delight your taste buds.




Welcoming the Year of the Dragon, we are filled with hope and anticipation. In this festive season of joy and reunion, let's embrace the new year, wishing it brings endless happiness and prosperity. The dragon, a symbol of strength, wisdom, and good fortune, may it bestow upon you a year of harmony, family happiness, and business success.

Wishing everyone in the Year of the Dragon health and prosperity, abundant wealth, and vitality in all endeavors!


提醒您,這週五(2月9日),我們將於下午3點提早打烊,將進行內部更新,以便為您提供更好的服務體驗。下周一( 2/12)就恢復正常營業時間囉~

Dear TTOP Chicken Customers,

Just a reminder, we'll be closed at 3 PM this Friday, February 9th, for some internal updates to better serve you. We will resume our regular hours on Monday, February 12th.

Thank you for your understanding and support. We look forward to welcoming you back post-update for more delicious moments!


超濃酒香招牌主鍋🍲花雕雞鍋以及一人享用的🍱花雕雞便當,我們提供超過20種配料任你選擇,隨心所欲打造豪華便當或者彭派火鍋。別忘了我們的冷凍預製菜❄️,冷藏退冰後在家"神還原"花雕雞。 無論是乾鍋、火鍋加料,或是拌飯、拌麵,都讓你實現鍋物自由!
更別忘了,來一杯新醋感 ChuChu Bar的醋飲,完美收尾您的美食之旅

Immerse yourself in the rich aroma of our signature pot🍲, the TTOP Chicken Pot, and for those who love a spicy kick, don't miss out on our 🔥TTOP Spicy Chicken Pot. Enjoy our 🍱TTOP Chicken Bento or TTOP Spicy Chicken Bento, perfect for one, with over 20 ingredients to choose from to create your own luxurious bento. Don't forget our frozen cooked foods❄️, easily 'recreate magic' at home with our TTOP Chicken Pot after thawing. Whether it's dry pot, hot pot additions, or mixed with rice or noodles, experience the freedom of pot dishes with us!
Don't forget, after indulging in the TTOP Chicken Pot, cap off your culinary journey with a refreshing vinegar drink from ChuChu Bar.


🎉 Big Deal: Buy 6 Get 2 FREE, Buy 10 Get 4 FREE on DF Chicken Legs 🍗
Score a great deal on TTOP Chicken's DF Chicken Legs. Juicy and big, get 2 extra for free when you buy 6, and 4 free with 10. Perfect for any meal. Grab yours now!

連背大雞腿!買六送二,買十送四 🍗
不要錯過**「TTOP花雕雞」**的炸雞腿 !現在只要購買六隻炸雞腿,即可免費獲得額外兩隻;買十隻送四隻!我們的炸雞腿肉質鮮美多汁,份量十足,每一口都是滿足的享受。立即享受這份美味與超值的組合吧!


🍚 LOBA Rice Made with 100% hand-cut meat, simmered in a rich, savory sauce, it's a simple yet profound bowl of comfort. Each bite not only offers a delectable taste but also evokes fond memories of home. LOBA Rice transforms ordinary ingredients into a flavorful journey, bringing a piece of Taiwan to your table. Experience this traditional delight, a bowl filled with warmth and nostalgia.

LOBA Rice,一款經典而親切的選擇。我們用100%手工切割的肉塊,搭配秘製滷肉醬,每一口都是對家鄉滋味的致敬。這不僅僅是一碗滷肉飯,而是將簡單食材轉化為美味回憶的藝術。每當您品嚐LOBA Rice,就像回到了溫暖的家。 別忘囉~ 我們延長營業時間至晚上八點 🕗


🎉 全新品牌ChuChu Bar「新醋感」🍹 手搖醋飲
從台灣帶來的全新品牌「新醋感」,為生活注入創新與活力!🌟 這不僅是一種飲品,更是健康生活的象徵。無論您是缺乏食慾,還是感到油膩,新醋感醋飲是您的絕佳選擇。

🍯 蜂蜜蘋果醋冰磚 Honey Apple Vinegar Cube
🌺 荔枝醋冰磚 Lychee Vinegar Cube
🍒 蔓越莓醋冰磚 Cranberry Vinegar Cube


📣全新營業時間 ( New Opening Hours ) : Mon - Fri 11am - 8pm

🎉 Introducing the Brand New ChuChu Bar 'New Vinegar Sensation' 🍹"
Bringing innovation and vitality to your life, the new brand from Taiwan, New Vinegar Sensation, is not just a drink, but a symbol of a healthy lifestyle.🌟 Whether you lack appetite or feel too full, ChuChu Bar vinegar drinks are the perfect choice for you. Currently, we have launched three unique vinegar drinks:

Each flavor is meticulously crafted, combining health and deliciousness, offering you an unparalleled drinking experience. New Vinegar Sensation is dedicated to integrating traditional vinegar culture into modern life, making every sip a perfect blend of health and flavor.



Craving for a taste of traditional Taiwanese flavors during your busy days? TTOP Chicken brings you two choices: the convenient, frozen OG Stewed Pork Belly, ready to enjoy at home anytime; or perhaps you'd prefer the freshly made OG Stewed Pork Belly Bento with three side dishes! 🍱
Do you love the ease of a frozen delight, simply heated at home, or the warmth of a freshly made meal? Come and visit TTOP Chicken!



Dear foodies, we've got an exciting update for you! Starting tomorrow, we're extending our opening hours until 8 PM. Whether you're looking for a peaceful solo meal or a delicious dinner to take home after work, TTOP Chicken is your go-to spot.
🍴 New Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00-20:00


🍲 「黃金雞湯筍絲」 冷凍預製菜系列最耗時👍
🌟 採用豐富的雞骨和雞皮經時長熬煮,製成濃郁的膠原蛋白湯底,賦予湯品金黃色澤。這款湯底不僅讓筍絲充分吸收雞湯精髓,更讓您在家輕鬆烹調出美味。搭配麵條,即可變化成一碗香濃美味的雞湯麵🤤

🍲 「Chicken Soup Bamboo Shoot Confit」 👍
🌟 Crafted from a rich blend of chicken bones and skin, simmered long to create a collagen-packed golden broth, this dish not only infuses the bamboo shoots with the essence of chicken soup but also allows you to effortlessly whip up a gourmet dish at home. Pair it with noodles to transform it into a bowl of rich and aromatic chicken noodle soup that will tantalize your taste buds. 🤤


🌟 「LOBA Sauce」絕對是你家裡的新寵兒!
開箱LOBA Sauce,迅速變身為滷肉飯大師!跟它扯上邊的食物瞬間升級。🍚

💡 簡單快捷,只需解凍後加熱,即可享受家常滷肉飯的美味。加飯,加麵,加蛋,加貢丸都可以呦~🔥

📣 大家快來試試,並分享您的LOBA料理照片!創造出最令人垂涎的滷肉佳餚!

📱 現在就透過Uber Eats或飯糰訂購,也可以直接到我們官網,輕鬆點購您喜愛的冷凍預製菜。

LOBA is the Taiwanese word for "stewed meat". This is THE staple of all staples in Taiwanese food, and each household will have its own unique version. We use julienned pork belly for the base, as the texture is much more interesting compared to ground meat. The stew is five spice and soy-based, amongst other spices. Pairs real well with pickled mustard greens, cilantro, a sprinkle of ground white pepper, and of course, steamed rice (not included in frozen pack).

Photos from TTOP Vancouver - 花雕雞's post 01/12/2024

"DING"一下🔔 愛喝湯的朋友們都準備好了!在這寒冷的季節,TTOP Chicken帶給您暖心的湯品選擇。🍵💕
🍲 ABJ當歸排骨湯 (冷凍) :長時間慢燉的排骨,從骨頭上滑落散發中藥香,其中的當歸,不僅滋補健康,還為湯頭增添獨特風味。枸杞和紅棗的甜味與當歸的豐富底蘊完美結合,為您帶來一碗滋味十足的湯品。

🐔 ABJ台客燒酒雞 (冷凍) :傳統家常食材的完美結合,展現了台灣料理的傳承。散發的米酒香、枸杞的甜味、雞肉湯的鮮美,完美的調和,共同編織出和諧的美味。雞湯溫暖人心 補充能量。

📱 現在就透過Uber Eats或飯糰訂購,也可以直接到我們官網,輕鬆點購您喜愛的冷凍預製菜。
Warm Up Your Winter Evenings ~
Introducing two soul-soothing soups from our Frozen Cooked Foods collection:🍲 ABJ Ginseng Spare Rib Soup (Frozen) and 🐔 ABJ Rice Wine Chicken Soup (Frozen). Delight in the hearty flavors and comforting warmth, perfect for those chilly winter nights.


🌨️雪中取暖的最佳選擇🍜 老饕藤椒牛肉麵
在寒冷的日子裡,沒有什麼比在家中輕鬆烹調一頓熱騰騰的美食更令人心暖了。今天我們要特別推薦我們研發許久的冷凍預製菜🍜 老饕藤椒牛肉麵。只要確保在加熱前完全解凍,就可以享用!👍 🥣

📱 現在就透過Uber Eats或飯糰訂購,也可以直接到我們官網,輕鬆點購您喜愛的冷凍預製菜。

Beef Noodles is the Taiwanese equivalent of what ramen is to Japanese culture, the epitome of all things noodles. Chunks of beef, fresh noods, rich beef soup, pickled mustard green, scallions and cilantro are the usual components. With ours, we've added a variety of Chinese herbs and spices, especially showcasing the unique flavors of prickly ash peppercorn.

Each pack includes beef shank, beef soup, raw noodles, and pickled mustard greens. For best results, please FULLY DEFROST before reheating!


🌟 在店內享受現做的滷排骨便當,或帶回家我們的冷凍滷排骨(Marinated Pork Chop Frozen),隨時重現滷排骨的鮮美滋味。

🏠 隨著冷凍滷排骨的推出,您可以輕鬆在家中享受這道佳肴。忙碌的工作日或是悠閒的週末,都能輕鬆加熱,享受美味的滷排骨。

📱 現在就透過Uber Eats或飯糰訂購,也可以直接到我們官網,輕鬆點購您喜愛的冷凍預製菜。

Indulge in our acclaimed Marinated Pork Chop Bento for the perfect lunchtime treat! 🍱👍
🌟 Enjoy a freshly prepared Marinated Pork Chop Bento at our store, or take home our Frozen Marinated Pork Chop (Marinated Pork Chop Frozen) to relive the savory delight anytime you crave.

🏠 With the introduction of our frozen version, you can effortlessly enjoy this exquisite dish at home. Whether it's a busy weekday or a relaxed weekend, just heat and savor the delicious marinated pork chop.

📱 Order now through Uber Eats or Fantuan, or visit our website at to easily purchase your favorite frozen dishes.


夜深人靜,悄悄來份花雕雞鍋吧!TTOP 花雕雞冷凍預製菜系列。
🌙 只需簡單步驟,Easy 開鍋!家中有什麼食材就加什麼,基本上都能與花雕雞鍋完美搭配。切記,深夜烹煮時,那迷人的香氣可能會讓整個家充滿誘惑哦!

📱 現在就透過Uber Eats或飯糰訂購,也可以直接到我們官網,輕鬆點購您喜愛的冷凍預製菜。

Quiet Night, Secret Delight: TTOP Chicken's Frozen Cooked Chicken Pot.
🌙 Just a few simple steps, and you're ready to cook! Add anything you have at home to perfectly complement our Chicken Pot. But remember, cooking this late at night, the enticing aroma might fill your entire house with temptation!

📱 Order now through Uber Eats or Fantuan, or visit our website at to easily purchase your favorite frozen dishes.


🍚🍗 「小朋友才做選擇,我全都要!」- 手撕雞滷飯 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗟𝗢𝗕𝗔 𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗲 🎉

誰說你只能選擇一樣?在TTOP 花雕雞,我們將兩種經典完美融合,創造出令人驚喜的手撕雞滷飯 , 解決你的選擇障礙 xD

🍚🍗 "Why choose when you can have it all?" - TTOP's 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗟𝗢𝗕𝗔 𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗲 🌟

At TTOP Chicken, we believe in offering the best of both worlds with our innovative Chicken LOBA Rice. Why settle for just one when you can enjoy the rich flavors of traditional LOBA Rice and the tender juiciness of Shredded Chicken Rice all in one dish?

This isn't just a bento; it's a bold culinary experiment. The hearty richness of the pork and the delicate taste of the chicken intermingle perfectly, giving you a taste of the depth and breadth of Taiwanese cuisine with every bite.

Come and try our 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗟𝗢𝗕𝗔 𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗲 for a feast that requires no choosing. Let every meal be a celebration of flavors on your palate!


Merry Christmas! 🎄 Since our reopening in November, your support has been overwhelming. TTOP Chicken wishes you and your family a festive season filled with joy and peace. Please note that we will be closed on December 25th-26th and January 1st. We look forward to welcoming you back after our holiday break!



Order your TTOP Chicken favorites for delivery! 🚚
Now available on Uber Eats and Fantuan. Choose our popular TTOP Chicken Pot or the delightful DF Chicken Nugget for an at-home Taiwanese feast. For pick-up orders, please visit our website at Enjoy the ease of ordering with just a few clicks! 🍱

現在可以透過Uber Eats和飯糰,訂購TTOP花雕雞到家!🚚
選擇人氣的TTOP花雕雞鍋或美味的鹽酥雞,在家享受台味大餐。若需自取,請連結至我們的官網 進行訂餐。簡單幾步,輕鬆下單!🍱📱


Delight in our Hibachi Beef Bento with a choice of special sauces! 🥩🍱 Savor the grilled marbled beef, perfectly complemented by either the sweet and spicy Yangnyeom Sauce or the rich Black Peppercorn Sauce. Each option offers a unique taste adventure, ensuring a memorable meal every time. Experience the fusion of flavors at TTOP Chicken.

來享受我們全新研發的鐵板烤牛五花飯,特選醬料二選一!🥩🍱 品嚐精心烤製的多汁牛五花,可以選擇甜辣誘人的韓式甜辣醬或濃郁的台式黑胡椒醬。每種選擇都提供獨特的味覺體驗,確保每次用餐都令人難忘。在TTOP花雕雞體驗風味的融合。


Experience the Freshness in Every Bento! 🍱 Our bentos come with three carefully curated side dishes, freshly prepared each day to complement your main course. We're committed to bringing you a diverse, fresh, and satisfying meal experience, every time. Savor the quality with TTOP Chicken. 🥦🍢"

🍱 我們的便當附帶三道精心挑選的配菜,每天新鮮製作,完美搭配主菜。


Indulge in the rich flavors of our 𝑳𝑶𝑩𝑨 𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑬, where quality meets the art of slow cooking. 🍚 Every spoonful is a testament to our dedication to culinary excellence. Hand-chopped pork, with a careful balance of lean and fat, is stewed slowly to sublime tenderness. The slow simmering process enhances the natural flavors, melding them with our exclusive marinade for a taste that's both deeply satisfying and delightfully aromatic. 🥢🌿

沉浸於我們𝑳𝑶𝑩𝑨 𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑬,品質與慢煮藝術的完美結合。🍚 每一勺都展現了我們對烹飪卓越的堅持。手切豬肉,保持肥瘦均衡,經過慢火煨煮,肉質柔嫩到極致。慢煮過程提升了天然風味,並與我們特製醬料融合,呈現出既深刻滿足又令人愉悅的香氣。🥢🌿


Each batch begins with hand-selected pork, precisely hand-chopped to maintain the ideal balance of 30% fat to 70% lean meat. This meticulous process ensures each piece embodies the perfect texture and flavor. We then slow-cook the pork in our secret marinade, allowing the heat to gently coax out the rich and savory tastes, layer by layer. The slow simmering not only tenderizes the meat but also infuses it with our unique sauce, creating a symphony of flavors that is both comforting and luxurious. 🥢🌿

每一份都起始於精心挑選的豬肉,我們手工細切,以保持30%的肥肉與70%的瘦肉的理想比例。這一細心的過程確保了每一塊肉都擁有完美的質地和風味。接著我們使用秘製醬料慢火烹煮豬肉,讓熱力慢慢引出濃郁和鮮美的味道,層層疊加。慢燉不僅使肉質更加柔嫩,還讓它充分吸收我們獨家醬汁,營造出經典的 𝑳𝑶𝑩𝑨 𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑬 。🥢🌿


Unveiling the mastery behind our LOBA RICE 🍚. From prime cuts of pork meticulously hand-chopped, to a simmering dance of fat and lean - every step narrates the dedication to quality. Experience the art of LOBA RICE, where tradition meets precision. 🥢✨

探索LOBA RICE的製作神髓,手工切割上等豬五花,熬煮中的肥瘦和諧,每一步都展現我們對品質的堅持。體驗LOBA RICE的藝術,傳統與精準的完美結合。


TTOP Chicken Bento
Dive into the authentic flavors of our TTOP Chicken Bento, where every bite is infused with the distinguished taste of Hua Diao wine. 🍷 This bento, featuring chicken marinated to perfection, highlights the traditional Taiwanese culinary art. With its carefully paired side dishes, it's a complete meal that offers both nourishment and a delightful experience of Taiwan's rich food culture. 🥢🍚


Embark on a culinary journey from Taiwan to Vancouver with our TTOP Chicken Pot. 🥘 Infused with an exclusive sauce, each pot is a labor of love, stewed to perfection with premium imported seasonings and authentic Hua Diao wine. We never skimp on quality, ensuring a warm, comforting pot that's perfect for chilly days. And for those cozy nights in, our Frozen Cooked Foods range lets you bring the warmth home with easy, heartwarming pot-cooking. 🏠❤️
別忘了! 我們也提供冷凍預製菜 讓您在家方便開鍋~~

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Videos (show all)

🍚 LOBA Rice Made with 100% hand-cut meat, simmered in a rich, savory sauce, it's a simple yet profound bowl of comfort. ...
Unveiling the mastery behind our LOBA RICE 🍚. From prime cuts of pork meticulously hand-chopped, to a simmering dance of...
我們非常榮幸能夠在LS Times TV贊助金馬獎頒獎典禮的節目。這不僅是一次向華語電影界致敬的絕佳機會,也是與廣大電影愛好者一起,共同欣賞這場華語電影盛宴的時刻。千萬不要錯過,敬請鎖定LS Times TV,與我們一起見證這一輝煌夜晚。W...



223-13986 Cambie Road
Richmond, BC

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