Healing Spirits Kambo

Advanced Kambo practitioner offering traditional Matses healing ceremonies

Kambo contains many bio-active peptide compounds that show potent anti inflammatory, anti biotic, ant virus, anti cancerous, and anti pain effects. It also has powerful emotional and spiritual effects too, it's effective in healing traumas and releasing energetic blockages stored in the body that fester into diseases and illnesses.


In my depths of addiction in the trenches, struggling with depression, anxiety and physical pain, I was far from a polished individual. I was extremely rough around the edges, battling demons and choosing to suffer through life.

Over the past 8 years, I have embarked on a profound journey of deep healing – emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Despite my journey of transformation, I’m still extremely rough around the edges but also very soft and loving, still always a work in progress. Embracing the roughness and showing up authentically.

Authenticity is the core of spirituality, it’s about taking off all the masks we wear to protect ourselves and embracing our true selves. It’s about being raw, vulnerable, and unapologetically real. Despite my ongoing healing and growth, I am proud to embrace all my imperfections and continue to show up as my authentic self, rough edges and all. It’s all part of the beautiful, messy journey of self-discovery and transformation.


Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, are you ready for 3 days of deep healing with Kambo? 🐸 Join us on September 6th, 7th, and 8th for a transformative experience with the Amazonian frog medicine facilitated by 3 experienced practitioners. ✨

✨ Unlocking the body’s natural healing powers with Kambo! 🌿 Did you know that this powerful medicine works by swiftly activating the body’s own healing mechanisms once it enters the lymphatic system?

💫 Unlike many pharmaceuticals and natural treatments, Kambo has the unique ability to breach the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to reach deep within the body to target and repair areas that may be challenging to treat with other remedies.

🌟 Tap into the transformative potential of Kambo and experience the profound healing benefits it can offer.

Ready to embark on your healing journey? Call or text 306-690-Frog or email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to reserve your spot today.



Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, are you ready for 3 days of deep healing with Kambo? 🐸 Join us on September 6th, 7th, and 8th for a transformative experience with the Amazonian frog medicine facilitated by 3 experienced practitioners. ✨

✨ Unlocking the body's natural healing powers with Kambo! 🌿 Did you know that this powerful medicine works by swiftly activating the body's own healing mechanisms once it enters the lymphatic system?

💫 Unlike many pharmaceuticals and natural treatments, Kambo has the unique ability to breach the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to reach deep within the body to target and repair areas that may be challenging to treat with other remedies.

🌟 Tap into the transformative potential of Kambo and experience the profound healing benefits it can offer.

Ready to embark on your healing journey? Call or text 306-690-Frog or email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) to reserve your spot today.



A topic that often gets overlooked. The societal “norms” have placed an immense amount of pressure on men to be strong and silent, which has led many men to suppress their struggles and emotions. It’s important to recognize that men do indeed face mental health challenges and deserve support and understanding.

Gentlemen, if we ignore mental health struggles, it can come with serious consequences. It can impact our relationships, drive, and overall well-being, leading to various mental, emotional, and physical symptoms that can escalate rapidly.

It’s crucial to prioritize taking care of our mental health, seek help when needed, and approach with complete vulnerability. I can’t stress enough the importance of regular spiritual practices and immersing yourself in a community with like-minded individuals.

Always remember that you are not alone in your mental health journey. It’s important for us men to support each other and create a safe space for healing and growth. If you’re interested in joining my online community for men’s mental health support, please feel free to add your email address in the comments or send me a DM, and I’d be happy to add you to the email list.


Your level of health is the expression of your lifestyle choices. It’s all about eating well, moving well, and thinking well from your heartspace. When we take good all around care of our vessels, we can truly be well. It’s about making conscious decisions every day to support our overall health and well-being. So, i invite you to heal, make healthy choices and live your best life !!


Isn’t it true that society has engrained in us men the idea that we should always be strong and silent, never displaying vulnerability or emotions. I tell ya, I’ve done a lifetime of inner work to break free from that toxic mindset. I’ve learned that vulnerability is not a weakness, it’s a fu***ng superpower!!!

I just want to let all the men in this metaverse know that it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to feel scared, sad or overwhelmed. And most importantly is A-okay to reach out for help. Please, if you need a safe space to be vulnerable and express what’s on your mind or heart, talk about your feelings with a verbal purge, and not feel judged, please reach out, I want to be that safe space to support other men if they need.

If you’re going through a challenging time, and need someone to talk to or help you unpack what you’re going through, please don’t hesitate reaching out. It’s time to break the stigmas together, and prove that real strength lies in being able to express our emotions and seek help when we need it.


Attending sweat lodge ceremonies has become an a big part of my health, wellness and spirituality journey over the years. Last weekend, I was blessed with the opportunity to participate in my first sweat alongside my partner Sarah, our close friends Megan and Stuart, as well as a wonderful group of other loved ones. It was a truly memorable experience.


Is there a void here that might ignite a sense of wonder in you, encouraging you to calm your thoughts and embrace silence for a moment, allowing you to shift from mere observation to creative expression?Kambo enables us to tap into a state of presence rather than constant action. It empowers our minds to step back and let our hearts lead the way.


“In the journey of life, strangers can turn into friends and friends into family”. It was a blessing to support, heal, play and grow with these beautiful individuals this past weekend. My heart smiles wide when I reflect on the courage shown by each individual that showed up for themselves to go to deeper places in there healing journey. They gained another level of self awareness and deeper understanding of themselves. There were tears, laughter and releases of deep pain and suffering. I am grateful for plant spirit medicine and the Kambo spirit for there roles they played in assisting these individuals in healing themselves. It’s a blessing to walk this path beside these beautiful warriors and honour the traditional ceremonial ways. So much beauty, so much connection, so much love. Thank you. 🙏 ❤️ 🐸 🍃


Seeking to elevate your life journey? Invite warrior like growth and empowerment?
Feeling stuck in a cycle of depression, anxiety, addiction?

Embark on a powerful healing journey at our upcoming Kambo retreat in Lake Country, B.C on August 10 and 11. Led by experienced Advanced Kambo practitioner Chris Jordan and traditional practitioner Sarah Fraser, this two-day retreat offers a transformative experience of emotional healing and detoxification. Explore the healing properties of bioactive peptides from the Giant Monkey Tree frog with over 380 safe applications. Chris brings expertise while Sarah honors sacred traditions of the Matses tribe. Ready to begin your healing journey and break free from negative patterns? Register now or schedule a complimentary discovery call by sending us a direct message or calling Chris at 306-690-FROG (3764). Don’t miss out on this opportunity for healing and transformation!


Seeking to elevate your life journey? Invite warrior like growth and empowerment?
Feeling stuck in a cycle of depression, anxiety, addiction?

Embark on a powerful healing journey at our upcoming Kambo retreat in Lake Country, B.C on August 10 and 11. Led by experienced Advanced Kambo practitioner Chris Jordan and traditional practitioner Sarah Fraser, this two-day retreat offers a transformative experience of emotional healing and detoxification. Explore the healing properties of bioactive peptides from the Giant Monkey Tree frog with over 380 safe applications. Chris brings expertise while Sarah honors sacred traditions of the Matses tribe. Ready to begin your healing journey and break free from negative patterns? Register now or schedule a complimentary discovery call by sending us a direct message or calling Chris at 306-690-FROG (3764). Don't miss out on this opportunity for healing and transformation!


Honouring her spirit. She’s a creative genius, passionate with a wealth of wisdom. Kind and compassionate with a heart so pure and generous. She’s brave in the face of adversity and courageous in pursuit of her dreams, gifted and powerful beyond measure in her ability to change the world, assisting people in transforming their lives. So much gratitude for this beautiful gift from the creator. 🙏 ❤️

Photos from Healing Spirits Kambo's post 07/02/2024

Often times the Matsés elders commune to sit with Kambo when it’s gonna rain. They don’t communicate prior, they just all show up in a communal area, they sit in circle with a fire burning in the middle to provide warmth and light.

Sitting with Kambo in the rain is a powerful and transformative process. The rain is a sacred element that enhances the effects of the Medicine to help clean and purify on a deeper level. Rainwater carries special spiritual energy and blessings, seen as a time for renewal and rebirth. The sound of the rain and smell of the earth, enhance the experience and create a deeper connection to the earth.

Today, Sarah and I were blessed to facilitate our first Kambo rain ceremony for this creative warrior, Charlotte. The sky was somewhat overcast prior to starting, but as soon as the gates were made and the medicine mixed it began to pour. The rain subsided once the 20 minutes duration of the Kambo process finished. It was such a beautiful experience with nature, the Kambo spirit and beautiful humans. 🐸 🙏 ❤️


Today’s Kambo ceremony was intended to strengthen my relationship with the medicine and fully embrace the gifts provided to me by the Kambo spirit, today and in the days ahead. Creating my relationship with this beautiful medicine has been quite the journey over the years, revealing different parts of myself that required deeper work, I’m beyond grateful for all the healings it’s offered me. This medicine has assisted in fully connecting me to my heartspace, my psyche, my true self, and my purpose in this realm of self healing in order to better assist others in healing themselves on their own journeys.


I’m so proud of Vienna for creating her first ribbon skirt for ceremonies and embracing her indigenous culture. 🙏 ❤️


It’s great to be sober and all, but it’s an even better feeling being connected. The opposite of addiction isn’t just about abstinence from substances, it’s about forming deep connections – especially to our own heartspace. When we tune into our emotions and inner wisdom, we can heal our wounds and cultivate positive relationships filled with compassion and a deeper understanding.

Over the years I’ve shifted from my struggles with substances to my heartspace, it’s truly been a transformative journey. I’ve discovered more of my true self and been guiding others to do the same with the assistance of plant medicines, so they can also foster healing, growth and transformation.

I have an abundance of gratitude for my journey, both the darkness and light, as well as everything in between. I’m truly thankful for all the meaningful connections I’ve made and continue to make.
🙏 ❤️ 🐸


I want to touch base on the concept of "ego death" that floats around often since the use of psychedelics has become more prevalent in North America. I believe that the ego is a major part of who we are and how we show up in the world. The ego is not something we should be trying to eliminate, but rather something we should strive to understand, embrace and balance.

The ego has 2 sides, on one side, there’s the unhealthy ego. This is the ego that is driven by insecurity, fear, a constant need for external validation, and a desire to be superior to others. This type of ego can lead to selfish behavior, lack of empathy, compassion, understanding and a constant need for approval from others.

Then, we have the healthy ego. This is the ego that is characterized by self-assurance, self-worth, self-awareness and a balance between being assertive and humble. A healthy ego allows us to have a realistic view of ourselves, embrace the super power of vulnerability, accept our flaws, and take full responsibility for our actions.

The key is finding a balance between these two aspects of the ego. We need to be in touch with our healthy ego to be able to recognize the unhealthy ego and do the work to grow. Psychedelics are a great tool to get in touch with this side on a deeper level. We should strive to have a healthy ego that allows us to be confident in ourselves while also being open to feedback, growth, and connection with others. Our ego is a very important part of who we are, and when balanced correctly, it can help us show up in our authentic nature in the 3D realm and make a positive impact and influence those around us.

If your desire is to heal and grow, it’s important to embrace our ego, understand it, and strive for a healthy balance that allows us to be our best, tru-selves. Our ego is a vital part of our identity and how we navigate through life.


Dear Wild Spirit,

You are invited to join us for two Magical days of Kambo Ceremonies immersed in Nature, with the nurturing and integrative support of soothing Sound Therapy, Bon Fire Alchemy, relaxing Yin Yoga, Nature walks to collect sacred medicines, and space to receive the whispers of Mother Nature, and the soul songs of the bird sanctuary as you are gifted time to just BE. We will set intentions for ourselves and have the opportunity to share and be heard in sacred circle.
Allow yourself to take some time to connect to your wild spirit within, be nourished in mind, body and soul.

Date: July 27th & 28th
Time: 9:30am
Location: Swanson SK (45m South of Saskatoon on private Land)
Investment: 675$ (200$ Deposit saves your space. Payment plans available.)

What to bring: Tent/ Camper, Bedding, camp chair, yoga mat, water, cup, water bottle, plate, utensils, snacks, instruments to play around the fire if you have

We cannot wait to share in this powerful healing experience with you!

Your guides:
Chris Jordan
Megan Caleo
Michelle Paul

Please email [email protected] or DM to register


Feeling stuck in a cycle of depression, anxiety, addiction, or simply seeking to elevate your life journey?

Embark on a powerful healing journey at our upcoming Kambo retreat in Calgary AB on June 29th and 30th! Led by experienced Advanced Kambo practitioner Chris Jordan and traditional practitioner Sarah Fraser, this two-day retreat offers a transformative experience of emotional healing and detoxification. Explore the healing properties of bioactive peptides from the Giant Monkey Tree frog with over 360 safe applications. Chris brings expertise while Sarah honors sacred traditions of the Matses tribe. Ready to begin your healing journey and break free from negative patterns? Register now or schedule a complimentary discovery call by DMing myself or Chris, or calling Chris at 306-690-FROG (3764). Don't miss out on this opportunity for healing and transformation!


Looking to optimize your athletic performance and access your untapped mental tenacity? Dive into the ancient healing of a 2 day traditional Kambo ceremony in Calgary on June 29th and 30th and unleash a new level of strength and resilience.

Experience the potent medicine of the phyllomedusa bicolor frog known as Kambo. Often used by tribes men in the Amazon jungle to sharpen hunting abilities by increasing strength, stamina, heightening senses, as well as nervous system regulation.

Phyllocarulein and Sauvagine are just 2 of the 16 bio active peptides we know to be found in the Kambo frog secretions.
These peptides possess a great analgesic effects and contribute to the increase of physical strength, the capacity to confront physical pain,stress, disease and diminish the symptoms of fatigue.

The retreat will be led by Chris Jordan, a skilled Advanced Kambo practitioner, and Sarah Fraser, an experienced practitioner, athlete, and seasoned fitness trainer. With over 360 successful applications of the medicine, both Chris and Sarah offer a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Interested in boosting your athletic performance with a Kambo cleanse? Sign up or schedule a free discovery call by sending a direct message to Sarah or Chris , or call us at 306-690-FROG (3764).

Photos from Healing Spirits Kambo's post 05/30/2024

Shipibo Shamans are truly amazing healers who have dedicated their lives to mastering the art of plant medicine and connecting with the spirit world. Known as Maestros or Maestras, these wise souls have been trained for centuries and work closely with the plant spirits of the Amazon rainforest.

During ceremonies, shamans use powerful medicine songs called icaros to guide participants on their healing journey. These songs help to bring about spiritual, social, and psychological transformations. It's important to note that not everyone who leads Ayahuasca ceremonies is a true shaman. The path to becoming a shaman requires years of apprenticeship and dedication to mastering plant medicine.

In North America, it's crucial to be cautious, as not everyone who claims to be a shaman is an actual shaman. The continent is built on lies, and there are inauthentic individuals who may try to deceive and take advantage of people's vulnerabilities for personal gain. It's a sad reality, but it's important to do thorough research and trust your intuition when seeking out a shaman for healing ceremonies. Look for authentic practitioners with genuine intentions and a deep connection to the healing traditions they follow. Trust in the wisdom and expertise of a true shaman to guide you on your journey toward healing and transformation.


In a world that values constantly being busy. it’s extremely important to slow down for our mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness. Life is a journey of self-discovery and play, not a race to some final destination. Recently, I’ve been called to slow down due to a minor physical ailment, reminding me of the importance of pausing and giving my health more love, care and attention by slowing down. Taking time to pause, breathe, and appreciate the present moment can bring an immense amount of joy and fulfillment. I invite you to join me in embracing a slower pace and savoring the beauty of life. We’re human beings not human doings. 😉 🙏


Discover the transformative power of Kambo, a sacred medicine derived from the secretions of the Giant Monkey Tree frog in the Amazon Jungle. While Kambo is not a plant itself, it shares the same healing principles as plant medicines and connects you to the natural world's healing energies. Dive into the ancient wisdom of Kambo and unlock its potential for detoxification, increased energy, and emotional release. 🌿✨ 🐸

Photos from Healing Spirits Kambo's post 05/24/2024

Yesterday, my beautiful partner Sarah and I did a full moon Kambo self-dose together. I'm currently on a 10-week master plant dieta with Bobinsana and Coca, which means adding another spirit isn't usually advisable. However, I've been experiencing a significant purge on the masculine side of my body, leading to an infection. I don't typically rely on doctors, as Kambo is my go-to. So, I reached out to the Shipibo shaman holding my dieta for advice on incorporating Kambo with my current plant dieta. He provided the necessary wisdom to connect with my plant spirits, allowing me to incorporate Kambo without disrupting the growth of their connection in my vessel.

Even though I needed Kambo for a physical issue, it's crucial to enter a ceremony with deeper clear intentions. I wanted to address where I might still be holding onto energy from deeper emotional pain. My intention was to release all residual energy from past relationships rooted in a lack of self-love, stemming from generational trauma passed down by my parents—something I've been consciously healing for the past seven years. Sarah, who is incredibly gifted, helped me clarify my intentions, ensuring I would get the best results from the Kambo ceremony.

The purge was intense. Immediately after the ceremony, I noticed a boat propeller high on my bookshelf. This propeller has special significance—it’s from the houseboat where I drowned in Tobin Lake. It’s a reminder of my strength and resilience but also of a time when I was still gripped by fear and in a relationship that wasn’t beneficial to my spirit. I had jumped into the water without a life jacket to save my beautiful daughter Vienna, who was wearing a life jacket and being carried away by a current. My instincts as a protector took over, and I dove right in. My ex’s 16-year-old son heroically figured out how to operate the houseboat, risking his life to save me after I had been fighting the water for approximately 20 minutes. My entire life flashed before my eyes, and I remembered childhood swimming lessons where we learned to float like a star, so that’s what I did until the boat arrived. I was ready to give up, but they didn’t give up on me.

Reflecting on this experience brought me back to my intentions with Kambo: to release any residual past relationship energy and create more space for deeper self-love and receiving love from Sarah, my family, and true friends. After the ceremony, noticing the propeller, I knew it was a message from the spirit of Kambo. The medicine told me it was time to let go of the past energy it represented which was the residuals from my last long term relationship that concluded over 3 years ago. So, after revealing and discussing it with Sarah, I threw the propeller away, thanking it, my ex, and her son for my life and the deeper healing I have found. Now, I feel free and more open to love myself deeper and receive love. Thank you, Sarah, for your love and support. Thank you, Creator, and thank you, Kambo spirit. 🙏 ❤️ 🐸


Before you ask the universe for something take a moment to reflect on what has already been given. Gratitude is the key that unlocks fulfillment and abundance.

By recognizing and appreciating the blessings that are already a part of your life, you create a powerful positive energy that attracts more reasons to be thankful.

Cultivate gratitude as a daily practice and allow it to transform your way of viewing the world, making it more abundant in love, peace and prosperity. 🙏 ❤️ 🐸 🍃


Edmonton brothers and sisters 🙏 ❤️ 🐸

Embark on a transformative traditional Kambo experience like never before! Join us on June 1 and 2 in Edmonton, Alberta for a 2-day traditional Kambo retreat led by an experienced Advanced Kambo practitioner—me. Together with Megan Caleo from Lemura Soul, we’ll guide you through a ceremony honoring the sacred traditions of the Matses tribe. Having safely applied the medicine over 350 times, I bring a wealth of expertise, while Megan, another seasoned practitioner, contributes her dedication to learning the traditional ways. Ready to elevate your healing journey?

Register or schedule your complimentary discovery call by DM myself or Megan, or alternatively call 306-690-Frog (3764)

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Videos (show all)

Is there a void here that might ignite a sense of wonder in you, encouraging you to calm your thoughts and embrace silen...
Discover the transformative power of Kambo, a sacred medicine derived from the secretions of the Giant Monkey Tree frog ...
I recently received this incredibly touching message from a beautiful soul I had the privilege of meeting at a ceremony ...
Exploring the world of plant medicines is like embarking on a deep journey within ourselves. It’s a path of self-discove...
Discover the profound connection between Kambo and love ❤️ As a traditional Kambo practitioner, I’ve witnessed how this ...
Quieten your mind, increase focus, and transform negative thought patterns with Kambo medicine. 🌿🧘‍♀️
Discover the power of Kambo - an ancient Amazonian medicine that removes energetic blockages and stimulates personal gro...
Curious about Kambo treatment? Join us for a transformative healing experience. 🌿🌟
Ever wondered how Kambo works? Discover the bioactive peptides and healing properties of this powerful medicine. 🌿💫
Join us as we honor the Matses tribe and their ancient wisdom in working with Kambo medicine. 🌿🌍
Kambo enters the body via the lymphatic system triggering the body’s ability to heal itself on a cellular level. After K...
Full Moon Transformation 🌕I am beyond grateful I was blessed with the opportunity to facilitate a full moon Kambo ceremo...


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