The Shift - Counselling Services

The Shift offers professional counselling services and mental health supports to individuals of all ages. Located at 716 Queen Street.

Find out more and Book Online at


Your support system is a network of people who provide practical and emotional support. Having a support system not only means that you have people to lean on when things get tough, but they’ve also been proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. Your support system can help give you a sense of belonging. They can provide emotional support, give advice and offer new perspectives. A good support system should also help improve your self esteem!
There’s many ways to seek a new support system, start off slow by joining a team sport or a group workout class. Try new activities in your area and be open to new people and experiences!


Doing something creative and working with your hands is extremely rewarding. Whether it’s drawing, painting, knitting or woodworking, there’s so many creative outlets for your feelings and anxieties. The rhythmic and repetitive motions (crocheting and knitting) have a calming effect on the mind, almost like meditation! You feel a sense of accomplishment upon completing a project, and crafts keep you mindful and present.

If there’s something you’ve been wanting to learn, give it a try over the weekend. It’s never a bad thing to learn a new skill!


Talking about our feelings takes lots of vulnerability, which can be very scary, however talking through your thoughts and emotions can only benefit you. It allows you to think logically about your situation, get a better grasp of your feelings and allow you to share the burden of your pain. Sharing is in our nature, it alleviates some of the pressure so that whatever you were facing isn’t so scary anymore.
If you need someone to talk to, reach out to one of our associates


Not only is yoga great form of low impact exercise, but it can help to loosen up the areas in your body where you carry the most stress (often your neck, shoulders and back). Doing yoga can also help lower stress hormones in our bodies while simultaneously increasing beneficial chemicals, like endorphins. The release of those chemicals into the brain decrease anxiety and improves your mood.

Yoga puts a strong focus on breathing and staying in the moment, two things which will decrease your stress levels and help to ground you during moments of anxiety. Try to take some time out of your morning routine to incorporate some yoga and you should notice a positive shift in your mood.

That being said, yoga is a great addition (not substitute) to your daily routine. It will aid in stress relief, and help to train your body to relax and stay present, but it will not solve all of your problems. It should be used in addition to your current mental health care routine. If you need someone to talk to, reach out to one of our associates


You don’t need to understand your feelings for them to be valid, part of being human is having emotions we don’t understand. The important part is not to let your emotions take control of you and dictate your actions. Take the time to process and feel your emotions in whichever manner is best for you, be patient with yourself. Then whenever you’re ready, you can take action.
Talking to someone is a great way to navigate the complex emotions and situations that arise in our day to day life. It allows you to vocalize your thoughts and getting another perspective can help you to understand and work through them. Book in with one of our associates to make a step towards understanding your mental health.


1/5 Canadians are struggling with their mental health. Chances are you know someone who is struggling, but maybe they don’t know how to ask for help. Being vulnerable can be tough but it’s always so rewarding. Reach out to those around you, check in on friends and family to see how they’re doing. Start those tough conversations with your children and let them know it’s okay to ask for help.

The stigma around mental health often comes from a lack of knowledge. You can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by starting conversations with those around you. Be vulnerable, share your experiences and don’t be afraid to call out people who are spreading misinformation. If you’re struggling reach out to one of our associates


Humans are complex and fluid beings, so why shouldn’t our needs be fluid too? Some days you need to relax and reset in order to care for yourself. On other days you might need to get up and get your body moving. You always hear about the best way to practice self care, but the reality is that only you can know what’s best for you. It’s important to be in tune with your emotions and learn what will benefit you and what won’t. Your needs will change day to day, just like your emotions do, so it’s crucial to understand the signs from your body and act accordingly. Whether that be through exercise, video games, drawing or rewatching your comfort show for the fifth time (we’ve all been there).

Book in with one of our associates

Qotd: what’s your comfort show?


We all struggle with our mental health from time to time, however those moments, our struggles, do not define who we are. They don’t dictate what you can and can’t do. Your mental health is a part of you, but it’s not your defining feature. What defines you is how you choose to act, towards yourself and others, not the way your brain makes you feel.

Book in with one of our associates


Your mental health affects every aspect of your life. It can affect the way you sleep, your interactions with others or your performance. It can either impact your life positively or negatively, but that is up to you. That’s not to say it’s easy, or to disregard the struggles people go through, but to remind you to put in the work. You must shift your priorities so mental health isn’t stuck on your mental back burner and bring it into focus. It should be a priority. You must learn yourself and your cues and then learn how to respond to them, how you can help yourself.
Make your mental health a priority, reach out to an associate today through


How do you define normal?
In our society the trends are constantly evolving, theres micro trends and influencers promoting the newest and best products. There’s so much pressure to buy new things, to change and conform to what’s popular and “normal” at the time. Those trends are fleeting, so why would you change yourself to meet an impossible ever changing standard.
Imagine if all 7 billion people in the world were copies of one another, it’d be pretty boring. The best possible thing you can do for yourself is realize that all of your interests, hobbies, skills and knowledge are what make you so special and important to those around you. Once your mindset shifts from forcing yourself to be “normal” you’ll feel a lot more free.

Book in with one of our associates


Doctors tell us all the time how important physical health is. You know to get your steps in, drink enough water, and eat healthy, but what about your mental health? It sometimes feels like that topic gets glazed over, as if it’s not as important. Your mental health is crucial, and is just as important as your physical health and a lot of the time the two play off each other. Poor mental health can lead to poor physical health and vice versa. That is why it’s so important to care for each area appropriately, you see a physician for your physical health and one of The Shift’s associates for your mental health.
You can book with one of our associates through

Qotd: What’s your favourite rainy day movie?


Our feelings are natural, especially crying! Society has told us to toughen up, to stop being a baby or that we’re too emotional. It’s in our nature to get upset, to be emotional and to cry, the key part is not to let your emotions control you. Let it all out, feel all of your feelings, take the time you need and then begin to find a solution. Talking to a mental health practitioner can help you make the shift towards embracing your natural feelings (and it’s definitely okay to cry) and get you started on your healing journey.


Everyone has those days, where everything just sucks. Your mood is poisoned right from the get go. On those days it’s important to take the time to reset yourself. Start with some yoga, go for a run, take some time and have a massive breakfast, whatever helps you feel better. It’s possible to shift your day around, just do your best (your “best” will differ from day to day!) Be patient with yourself, kind to others, and take it easy!
What’s your favorite way to reset?
Not sure how to fix your mood poisoning? Consult one of our associates


There’s so much pressure to be the best at this, to accomplish that, to meet whatever crazy goals we set for ourselves. However, none of that changes your value. Every now again and we need a reminder that it is not what we have accomplished that makes us worthy, it’s who we are as a person. How we help others, how we care for ourselves and what brings us joy that give us value. You don’t need to accomplish anything to feel valuable, all you need to do is exist.
It is great to have goals and wants in life, however it’s important to shift your mindset away from your accomplishments determining your value.
You can book with one of our associates through


There’s something so special about watching a beautiful sunset, finishing a good book or even a drive home where you don’t hit any red lights! A large part of happiness comes from being present in our day to day lives. One of the best ways to start shifting your mindset is by appreciating the small mundane things. You can’t wait for some huge event to bring you happiness, you need to start creating your own and finding it in the mundane.
Our appreciation of the mundane starts today, with our first daily happiness post. It’s something I’ve seen others do, you post a quick story (post today!) every day showing off what brought you joy that day. It helps you stay accountable, but also allows you to share your happiness and see what brings others joy.

Today the classic open Saskatchewan sky brought me happiness.


Mental illness is not a personal failure, it’s a medical condition. The first step in the de stigmatization of mental illness is realizing what kind of issue you’re dealing with. It’s not something that can be fixed by a distraction, or something you can just push away and ignore. It is real, and it’s not your fault. The first step is realizing you’re struggling, the next step is reaching out for help.
If you’re feeling like you need a bit of extra support lately, reach out. It can be as simple as a walk and talk session, where you can let loose and talk without the pressure of an office. You can book online through


Hey everyone!
I’ve just recently come onto this amazing team to manage social media, so you’ll be hearing lots from me.
I just moved back home to Saskatchewan after living in Alberta and BC for the past couple years and I will be starting university in the fall. I’m excited to be home and reunited with my friends and family. I love (almost) anything outdoors, painting, piercings and reading.

Credentials: I was on Instagram before they changed their logo (and I used to run a small business)
Favorite song : Good legs by Jensen McRae


This one is for all of the Harry Potter fans out there. Everyone knows the famous Dumbledore quote, but it truly holds so much meaning. Taking time to reflect on your day allows you to better appreciate the good parts and learn from the bad.
We live in a hurried world, but taking the time to slow down and find the light in each day helps us shift our world view to be more compassionate and positive.

Book in today


Looking forward to great conversation tomorrow night! Love My Mind

This Thursday, we welcome the month of May by having a great conversation with Darren and his two wonderful guests... Heidi Carl and Clint Moroz👏👏 Love My Mind is grateful for their relationship with this dynamic duo 👍

We will be discussing the roles these two play in our mental health community and their thoughts of our society. We will also be talking about the Rosewater Connection; what the program will provide to our community, and the partnerships behind this program.❤️

Join them Thursday night at 7pm on the LoveMyMind and We Connect pages. 🎙


On Thursday evening, Heidi BGC Saskatoon and Clint The Shift - Counselling Services will join Darren Anderson on the Love My Mind Podcast to talk about Rosewater Connection Thanks Darren for the opportunity!
Thursday at 7pm


Love My Mind connects people to resources. Their impact & reach is vital to the health and well-being of our community. Check out their auction and support it if you can! A huge thank you to Love My Mind for all that they do 🥰

Who doesn't like a good auction!📢 For those of you who can not attend the Breaking Barriers for a Brighter Future event... you can still participate in our online auction! Giving Back!👏👏👏

Proceeds from the auction will help fund the following projects;
☀️Men's Mental Health Support Network
☀️Rosewater Connection that benefits at risk youth
☀️UNRAVELED Women's Mental Health Network
☀️Jade's Ride Across Canada for Mental Health
☀️3on3 Youth Mental Health Classic 🏒

It all starts at noon Friday, April 19th at noon, and auction closes at 9pm!! Great items for summer like golf passes, paddleboards, and patios!!👍

Just head to and start bidding!


📢 We Are Celebrating Our First Anniversary 🥳

💐A Huge thank you to our clients for your trust and faith!

💐A Huge thank you to our Associates Ryan, Stefaun, Celeste, Bryce, Tracey, Lisa, Val, and Meagan for your commitment to helping!

💐 What a year it has been, so many firsts and a lot of learning & growth! We are honoured and privileged to be surrounded by all of you amazing humans 🥰

💐 We can't wait to SHIFT into year 2 with all of you!



⏲️ Never Enough Time...

"Time is the most valuable thing we can spend."

When it comes to our mental health, time is the best thing we can invest in. Yet how often is it the last thing on the list?

⏲️ Stefaun, Tracey, and Lisa have Gotcha Covered! Looking for weekend sessions? They've got openings this weekend!

Book in today!


✴️ There's always something. There will always be something. The somethings never go away!

✴️ We can lean into thoughts of "after this" or "after that." Yet something seems to take its place. So, where can we find balance?

✴️ Perhaps it's in the acceptance of the somethings. Life isn't perfect. Long stretches of peace, joy, and contentment aren't the norm. Yet, if we can savour those times and spaces when they come?!

✴️ If we can give less attention to the somethings and more focus on the good schtuffs, then perhaps we don't allow the somethings to sap our energy, affect our mental health, and take away our peace, joy, and contentment.

✴️ We choose where our energy goes and how much time and attention we give the somethings. So, when life gives us the LOL.. One Sec... We can handle it. We can choose to LOL right along with it! ✌️❤️🤗



🗨 Today is Bell Let's Talk Day
The Shift page has been quiet as of late. I miss "talking," writing posts, and the interaction that this page brings. My brain has been full, too many thoughts going on to actually think and write.

I guess that's the point, right? When we get busy, overwhelmed, and unsettled, do we get quiet, or do we keep talking?

Perhaps that is my learning ~ don't shut down, don't remain quiet, keep talking. ✌️❤️🤗

What will you do for mental health today?


❄️ Is it too cold outside? Want to stay in the comfort and warmth of your home?

❄️ Consider booking an online session with Tracey. She has session times available this week, no waiting to get in!

❄️ Tracey believes that everyone has the right to live a full and meaningful life and that everyone has the ability to heal and make positive changes. She provides a safe and confidential space for you to begin your healing journey in a supportive, comfortable, and nonjudgmental environment.

❄️ Book in with Tracey today!


✨️Welcome, Valerie Favreau✨️
Valerie will be doing her practicum alongside Clint Moroz for the next few months 😊
Valerie Favreau (She/Her):
Credentials: B.Ed, Master in Counselling Psychology Student
Valerie has spent the past 14 years as a classroom teacher and adult educator in Saskatoon, supporting children, adolescents, and university students. With ten years of post secondary education and firsthand experience with the benefits of therapy, she is driven by a deep passion for helping individuals overcome obstacles that hinder their ability to live life fully. Valerie strives to create a professional, confidential, and secure environment for individuals to address challenges and work collectively towards meaningful solutions.
Central to Valerie’s approach is the belief in individuals' innate capacity for self- awareness and their potential to effect positive changes in their lives when nurtured in a supportive and empathetic therapeutic setting. Valerie adopts a client-centered, solution-focused, and strength- based methodology to empower those she assists. Acting as a facilitator, Valerie supports clients in exploring their thoughts, feelings, motivations, and works collaboratively with the client to set goals that support individuals in their healing and personal growth journey.
Valerie works with children, adolescents, and adults, dealing with anxiety, trauma, adapting to physical and mental health diagnosis, separation and divorce, parenting, and navigating and coping with mental health diagnosis in the household.
Outside of work, Valerie enjoys spending time in nature with her partner and children paddleboarding, fishing, camping, and gardening. During quiet moments, she is drawn to her guitar, singing, reading a good book, and writing.
Favourite Song:
“What I love about music is that it can alter your perspective, mood, and even motivate you at times to push through challenges. Therefore, it is hard to choose just one favourite! Lately, I have been listening to Chris Stapleton for his beautiful lyrics that speak to many different life moments.


Whoa, what a hectic time of year! We made it to Christmas!

The Christmas tree might look different from Christmases past and even so very different from last year. Yet, we can all shine a light, bring joy, sparkle, and be a little tilted. Christmas isn't meant to be perfect. It's in the imperfections that we find the heart of Christmas.

There have been so many blessings and lessons ~ Blessons ~ this past year.

The Shift wishes you all peace, joy, and love. Whatever that looks like, whoever that is with, and however that is celebrated.

We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas ✌️❤️🤗

🎄✨️❤️ from: Clint, Heidi, Ryan, Stefaun, Celeste, Meagan, Pierre, Bryce, Tracey, and Lisa

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Videos (show all)

#MondaywithMeagan #SpoonTheory🥄Meagan, a counsellor at The Shift, made this video about the Spoon Theory. Thank you, Mea...
#TuesdayTreasures #NewFaces ✨️Have you been wondering about the new faces at The Shift? ✨️Choosing someone to talk to ab...
The Shift is proud to partner with BGC Saskatoon  to provide a mental health initiative called Rosewater Connection.  Ro...
#MondayMood #Awesomesauce  Let's start this week off with some learnings 📖.. Consider trying these out this week, guaran...
What does The Shift- Counselling Services do?➡ Professional counselling & psychotherapy Let me introduce myself:My name ...



716 Queen Street
Saskatoon, SK

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