Your Body Fitness and Nutrition Canada

👨‍🔬 Systemized, evidence-based, predictable results
🔥 Helped over 2500+ men/women reach their goals
📲 DM "READY" to be our next success story


🎯 Who doesn’t love a good stat?

Especially when it comes to New Year’s resolutions:

✔️ 38% of people make resolutions but only 9% of people stick to them
✔️ 80% of resolutions get dropped by February
✔️ Improving fitness (39%) and diet (33%) are common New Year goals
✔️ Friday is a popular day for people to drop their resolutions

Sure, resolutions can be a challenge. But does that mean we don’t set them?!

(No, it doesn’t!)

👉 It means we PREPARE ourselves to CRUSH the challenge and make our goals a reality. Here’s how:

💪 Set strong goals
✅ Have a plan that works for your lifestyle
🤝 Build accountability into your plan
👏 Find support

We can help — Go to to see some of our client's successes and click the gold button to book a consult with us!



We’ve just kicked off a big beautiful new year!

What do you expect from it… and more importantly, what do you expect from YOURSELF?

It’s something I am thinking about today!

Yes, it’s safer to have low expectations and have no problem meeting them.

💪 But it’s a whole lot more satisfying to raise those expectations and crush them!

🚀 What’s one area you have high expectations for this year? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️⬇️


Reach your 2024 Goals.

Get your free copy here:


The first week of 2024 is almost in the books and I’m feeling a little tired, not gonna lie — this is a busy time of year for me, like I’m getting some of my pre-holiday momentum back, woohoo!

Seeing so many people excited about their goals is inspiring.

❓Now it’s your turn. How are YOU feeling one week into the new year? Share a photo and tag me or share in the comments. ⬇️⬇️⬇️



👉 Keeping your life in balance is a lifelong process.


How awesome would it be to reach a magical state of balance where you could flip on autopilot? (Very awesome.)

⚖️ But the truth is that as your goals, priorities, and life stage change — the things that keep you feeling happy, balanced, and fulfilled change too!

As an example, if you’re working on a fitness or health goal, it can mean shifting time and focus away from other areas, at least temporarily.

The same thing goes with a growing family, career, or other area of your life.

🧘The key is to adapt and not neglect what’s truly important to you!

You can learn how to make that happen with my brand-new eBook: 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝟮𝟶𝟮𝟰 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗱-𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆-𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁 𝗚𝗼𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗽 ( printable worksheet)

Comment the word “𝗚𝗢𝗔𝗟𝗦” to get your free copy! 👇


🎉 Happy 2024 from your friends at Your Body Fitness and Nutrition. We wish you the healthiest, fittest, and happiest year yet! ✨

Photos from Your Body Fitness and Nutrition Canada's post 01/01/2024


Have you heard of it?

It’s when you wipe the slate clean of old beliefs, ideas, and near-misses — and give yourself a do-over. 💫

And the New Year is the perfect time for it!

Research shows the fresh start effect can help you:
Get excited about old goals you’ve let slide
Take a chance on trying again
Have more confidence and motivation

Here are 4 ways to put the fresh start effect to work for YOU for 2024.

🌴 Set a new milepost.
It’s easiest to give yourself a fresh start when things naturally start over — like a new year!

This gives you a brand-new starting line, where you can let go of old baggage.

📅 Create a time frame.
Block out a specific amount of time to try something new (or revisit something old) — like 30 days or 3 months.

This is one reason our challenges work so well.

✅ Build a success zone.
Your surroundings (home, office, even your car!) can trigger habits.

When you make changes in your environment that make it easier to succeed, it can help you create NEW habits that support your goals.

💪Name your fresh start.
Set a power word to remind you of your fresh start goal. The word should connect with you at a gut level, and get you excited about what’s to come.

Need more motivation? We can help — make sure you follow me and join our Facebook group!


🎉Happy New Year’s Eve!

It’s time to celebrate all of our wins from the past year, and get excited about 2024!

It’s going to be a BIG YEAR, can you feel it? (So big that it even gets an extra day.)

So to wrap things up this year…

What will you remember 2023 for?

And, what are your biggest hopes for 2024?

You don’t have to post them below (but if you want to that’s super cool!).

But please do take some time to think about it today. Because you deserve the life you were meant to live!


🧄😋Choose immune-boosting foods this holiday season!

Bonus: Some of the BEST immune boosters pack a ton of amazing flavors.
I’m talking about immune boosters like…

✅ Ginger
✅ Turmeric
✅ Garlic
✅ Onion

On their own, they can help cut inflammation and boost immunity that may help your body fight off colds and other bugs. 🤧🚫

However, research shows that they may work even better together, enhancing their health-promoting compounds.

IDEAS: Add them stir fries, casseroles, soups, marinades, and more!

You can even grab a turmeric and ginger tea blend the next time you hit the grocery store for a cozy cup of immune-boosting goodness.

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips! 🎯🚀


🎁We hope you had a Merry Christmas — and that you have a great Boxing Day!


🎄Your friends at Your Body Fitness and Nutrition wish you a very Merry Christmas, with all the joy of the season!


🎯This quote is SO IMPORTANT to KEEP IN MIND this time of year!

There are temptations coming at you from all directions — whether it’s holiday treats or reasons to skip your workout.

It’s true that you might actually want those things.

🤷But do you want them more than you want to reach your health and fitness goals?

Just something to keep in mind!

If you're ready to choose a healthier, fitter lifestyle, let’s talk. Our Group Training Program might be perfect for you. Text "GROUP TRAINING" to 807-808-3345 and we can set up a time to chat.


😁Probably never thought I’d post a recipe for brownies, did you?

The recipe I have for you today isn’t just for any old brownies — these are chocolatey, rich, and decadent.

And they contain a surprise unexpected healthy ingredient: SWEET POTATOES.

TIP: Don’t tell your picky eaters these contain sweet potatoes until AFTER they eat them (if you tell them at all!).

Sweet Potato Brownies (Makes 9 servings)

1 cup (330 g) cooked, cooled, and mashed sweet potato (about 1 medium)
½ cup (130 g) almond butter
¼ cup (30 g) raw cacao powder
¼ cup (60 ml) maple syrup or honey (adjust based on sweetness preference)
1 egg (for vegan option: flax egg - 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed mixed with 2½ Tbsp water, let it sit for 5 minutes to thicken)
OPTIONAL: ½ cup (50-70 g) chopped nuts, a sprinkle of sea salt

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease an 8x8-inch (20x20-cm) baking dish or line it with parchment paper.

In a mixing bowl, stir together the mashed sweet potato and almond butter until smooth. Add the raw cacao powder, maple syrup or honey, and the egg. Stir until all ingredients are well combined and the batter is smooth. If using the nuts, gently stir them in now. Sprinkle with optional salt.

Transfer the batter to the prepared baking dish and spread it out evenly. Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes. The brownies should be set but still slightly soft in the middle.

Remove the brownies from the oven and allow them to cool in the baking dish on a cooling rack for about 30 minutes. Cut into squares and enjoy!

📷If you make these, be sure to grab a photo and tag me with it!


🤯What if instead of doing ALL the things, you focused on the things that matter most?

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Spend time with the people who mean the most to you
🍏Focus on healthy foods first (then add the “worth it” seasonal treats)
🏃Stay active
😴Get your sleep
🧘Let go of “perfect” — i.e., bring 1 dish to the office potluck, instead of organizing the entire event

Remember: Saying “no” is a form of self-respect. It’s not about turning down requests from others — instead, it’s about setting boundaries for yourself.

Want some help with this? It’s not too late to get in on our Holiday Hustle Challenge, which will help you say “yes” to what matters most.

You can still join (it’s FREE!) by commenting the word HUSTLE below.


🤔Which is better:
1. Doing one long workout a week
2. Doing a little exercise most days of the week

Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Australia found that option 2 worked best, at least when it comes to resistance training.

➡️In a nutshell, scientists had people do strength training workouts, with everyone performing the same number of repetitions per week.

The only difference was that one group did all of their reps at one workout, while others spread those reps out over several small workouts during the course of a week.

The ones who spread them out during the week had the best results!

As a side benefit, doing more sessions a week can help you lock down exercise as one of your regular healthy habits.

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips! 🎯🚀


For anyone who’s tired of waking up on January 1st feeling like they have to start ALL over again…

We’ve made it easier than ever for you to keep yourself accountable over the holiday seasons with a FREE, month-long challenge designed to help you enjoy the holidays WITHOUT sacrificing your healthy habits.

This is a completely flexible, customizable challenge that’s ALL about accountability and keeping the promises you make to yourself!

Join for FREE here:


⏰The best time to go after your health and fitness goals?


Future you — the “you” next week, next month, next year — will be so grateful.

It doesn’t have to be a massive step. Baby steps are fine! The most important thing is to keep taking one step after another.

💪Those steps will add up fast, and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.

If you’re looking for some fun accountability this month, make sure you download my latest challenge — The Holiday Hustle Challenge. It’s free and will give you some much-needed motivation over the next several weeks!

Grab it here:


Ever notice how hard it is to stick to your health and wellness goals over the holiday season? It’s time to make a pact with yourself! 🤝

our FREE Holiday Hustle Challenge not only gives you a helpful accountability tracker to plan and track your habits AND a simple (but powerful!) “rewards system” to keep yourself TRULY motivated.

It’s doable. It’s fun, and most importantly, it WORKS. Click the link below to try it for yourself!



🏃‍♂️I should ramp up my workouts to burn off the extra calories I’m eating.

🎉MYTH! 🎉

Your workouts aren’t just about burning calories. They do SO much more than that for you.

In the short term, they can boost your mood, help you sleep better, keep your immune system strong, AND give you energy.

And in the long term, they can help keep you feeling strong, fit, and healthy.

The same thing goes for your diet — the food you eat isn’t just calories, it’s also how you get important vitamins, minerals, and more so that your body can function at its best.

Still not convinced? Doing too much exercise can set you up for feeling exhausted or — even worse — leave you with an injury. Not a very merry way to spend the holidays!

Save this and follow me for more health and wellness tips! 🎯🚀


📢 Public Service Announcement!

As we approach the holidays, it's easy to get out of control when it comes to sugary drinks!

Guidelines recommend getting less than 10% of your daily calories from added sugars. That's around 200 calories or 12 teaspoons (42 grams) if you usually eat around 2,000 calories a day.

To put it in perspective, a single 10 oz. soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar! 😱

Here are some health risks linked with high-added-sugar beverages:
✅Weight gain
✅Type 2 Diabetes
✅Heart Disease
✅Kidney Disease
✅Non-alcoholic liver disease
✅Tooth decay and cavities

I have a challenge for you: whenever possible, replace those sugary drinks with a glass of water!

Are you in? Comment "I'm in!" below and let's start making healthier choices together.

(I’ll even give you a free copy of my Healthy Holiday-Inspired One-Dish Meals eBook!)

Cheers to a healthier you!

This season, let's toast to health… with a cold, tall glass of water. :)



This time of year can be tough when it comes to your health and fitness because of all the events and traditions that knock us out of our regular routine.

But the good news is — you’re stronger than all of that!

Remember: Success doesn't just fall into your lap.

You have to bring it to life by being intentional and taking action.

That means making healthy choices, getting your workouts in, prioritizing sleep, and basically doing everything that makes you feel GOOD from the inside out.

(While still enjoying the best of the season, obviously!)

Are you with me in doubling down this week?

I’m choosing to crank out at least 2 HIIT sessions this week.

What actions are you taking this week to move toward your goals? Share it in the comments below! ⬇️📝


🍏 Healthy Tip: Spend 5-10 minutes TODAY planning out December — especially if you have a lot going on.

Planning ahead (starting ASAP) will allow you to slow down and enjoy the holidays while still keeping an eye on your goals.

Here are a few things you might want to make time for:

🎁 Finishing (starting?!) your holiday shopping
✈️ Making any travel arrangements
🥳 Planning any open houses/parties you will be hosting
💪 Blocking out time in your calendar for your workouts and other self-care

Can you believe we are already thinking about the holidays?! 🤯 Where did 2023 go?

And if you’re looking for a great resource for healthy recipes make sure you download my latest ebook, “Healthy Holiday-Inspired One-Dish Recipes. You can grab it here:


🚀Dreaming of a fitter you?

That dream CAN become your reality, but (sorry! 🙈) dreaming won’t make it happen.


The small steps you take every single day add up to HUGE results. 💪

So take that walk. Drink one less soda. Put a few more veggies on your plate.

Just make it doable so you DO it!

For me personally, today I’m going to get outside for a brisk walk in the fresh air.

What about you? 🤔 What action are you going to take today? Share it below! 💬👇


👻🎃Hope you have a SPOOK-tacular and extra-fun Halloween! Be safe out there!


Life balance… What does that even mean? Is it even possible? 🤔

Here's what I think:

Balance is not about being in a constant state where everything is calm and fluid.

⚖️ It’s about embracing the ups and downs, the push and pull.

Like when you’re making a big push in your fitness, building your business, raising a family, or leveling up your health.

Each of those will UNbalance your life for a while because they’ll take your time and attention… but they are so worth it!

The truth is that just about everything that makes a difference unbalances us.

And that’s okay! It’s even required if you want to achieve new goals.

What's one thing that’s currently “unbalancing” your life, but you know it's worth it? Share it in the comments below! ⬇️

P.S. If you're looking for a coach who can guide you as you figure out what balance means for YOU, let’s talk. DM me the word BALANCE! 💬


🤔Have you heard of “Portion Distortion”?

This happens because our eyes have been tricked into thinking that a supersized portion of food is normal.

During the two decades between 1986 and 2016, fast food portion sizes jumped over 225%!!!

A grilled chicken Caesar salad used to be 1½ cups and 390 calories. Now, that same serving is 3½ cups and 790 calories!

An average chocolate chip cookie used to measure 1½ inches (38 mm) across and contains 55 calories. Now, a typical cookie measures 3½ inches (89 mm) across and contains 220 calories. (I’m not complaining about this one!)

But… the growing portion sizes happened at the same time the rate of obesity grew across the world.

Getting more food for your money can seem like a good value, but there is a problem.

When we are served more, we EAT more. And we can start to think that the bigger serving size is normal.

The solution? Be aware!

Read labels, listen to your body’s fullness cues, and try tools like the formula in my latest ebook, The Plate Perfect Guide: Your Quick & Easy Guide to Balanced Eating. You can grab a copy here.

Being informed is your first step! 💪


They say you eat first with your eyes — and there’s nothing as appetizing as a colorful plate!

But those colors don’t just look pretty and taste good. They also have benefits for your health.

🍅 Red foods like apples, tomatoes, and red peppers are packed with antioxidants that protect the heart and lower the risk of certain types of cancers.

🥕🍋 Orange and yellow foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, lemons, and oranges are loaded with beta-carotene and vitamin C, which boost both eye health and your immune system.

🥬 Green foods like spinach, kale, and broccoli are not only high in digestion-friendly fiber, but they’re also filled with antioxidants that may help lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.

🫐 Blue and black foods (blueberries, blackberries, plums, etc.) are linked with better heart health and a lower risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and other chronic diseases.

Challenge: During the next two days, try to eat at least one serving of fruits and veggies from EACH of those colors!

If you haven't yet, you can download my book "The Plate Perfect Guide" for more tips and tricks to balance your meals.


Change can be complicated — by its very nature, it challenges us.

And it’s even MORE challenging when you hold onto habits, routines, and mindsets that don't serve you anymore.

Things like:

“Numbing out” in front of the TV for yet another binge-watch session
Snacking on ultra-processed foods when you know whole foods are better
Holding onto the belief that you can't achieve your goals because you’ve struggled in the past

Letting go of those old limiting habits and beliefs is just as important as holding onto the traits that help you succeed.

Things like:
Your determination
Your creativity
Your discipline

Today, take an assessment.

What’s ONE THING you can let go of today that’s standing between you and your goals?
What’s ONE THING that you want to double down on to help you reach your goals?

Here is my “ONE THING” for each:

My cookie habit and my hard-earned discipline.

How about you? Be brave and share yours in the comments! 👇


☕ Time to put on the kettle!

I’ve got a recipe for you today that will be perfect for days when you’re feeling tired, stressed, or blah.

It’s great hot, room temp, or cold!

Honey-Chamomile Tea
(serves 4)

🔹4 cups (1 liter) boiling water
🔹6 bags of chamomile tea
🔹2 tsp grated fresh ginger
🔹½ lemon, washed and cut into slices
🔹2 tsp honey
🔹3 sprigs rosemary

Combine all ingredients in a large heat-resistant bowl. Let steep (covered) for 20-25 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.

Strain the liquid and squeeze out as much liquid from the tea bags as you can.

Pour into a cup and sip away!

What’s your favorite kind of tea👇


Want a “cheat sheet” for delicious, balanced meals?

Download my FREE Plate Perfect Guide to learn:

✅ How to “mix and match” proteins, veggies, fruits, starchy carbs, non-starchy carbs, and fats at every meal to keep you satisfied and on track

✅ Sample “Plate Perfect” meals you can replicate

✅ And, how it all works so you can do this all on your own at any meal!

Click the link to grab your guide now!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Thunder Bay?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



319 Victoria Avenue E
Thunder Bay, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 6:15pm
Tuesday 6am - 6:15pm
Wednesday 6am - 6:15pm
Thursday 6am - 6:15pm
Friday 6am - 6:15pm
Saturday 9:30am - 11:15am

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