
I share what autism really is. Are you blind to not see that it needs a cure? Come on.


To have High functioning Autism is to essentially be a tame animal, with appropriate intelligence.

Autism is a disorder. It has trouble with predicting (non cognitively). This ability allows adapt to change, sensory sensitivity and many core symptoms of autism. This is the non animal part of the brain unique to mankind. As I said in a previous post, this ability is regulated by specific brain regions in a normally functioning brain which is completely ABSENT in the autistic brain.

Doing EVERYTHING cognitively is a disability, especially if average iq (104) like me. NO MATTER WHAT it’s a disadvantage! Why the hell should I pay this price, for LIFE?
And still having stims because everything is so unpredictable, burnouts, and still not getting it right because you can’t make up everything cognitively. It makes life a hell lot harder, RUINS the WHOLE life experience, and is not right. It’s similar to FORCED taking exam everyday! Life should be easy as possible. Why should I settle for this when most people don’t have it?

Not having this ability is not good, and if everyone have it then no one would be able to understand anything around them. Think about that! STOP covering up autism for what it really is!

There are just too many workarounds to accommodate. Thats why it’s a disorder and needs to be cured. Neurodiversity is as stupid as amputees celebrating diversity. It’s essentially invisible amputees. I support research efforts like suramin as fast as possible! It’s not fast enough and it’s affecting many people’s lives including mine, from living fully independent lives.


So I haven’t been boosting posts for a while. I am still advocating for a cure on this page and finding ways to do that. There’s been a lot of resistance from around me that has messed with me greatly lately, but I’m not stopping. I have not been well and I realize my last several posts were of low quality and will be deleted.


A direction for research is finding a way to fix autistic’s brain inability to cope with change. I believe that’s the root cause. More specifically, I suggest looking at Test of Problem Solving- Third Edition for elementary, the ”prediction” part of the test. It’s the ability to anticipate consequences. That’s hard for an autistic brain because it relies on routines.


Autism is just a natural variation. Nothing fundamentally wrong with it. Being typical and autistic both has pros and cons. BUT I suggest you think twice about the pros of being autistic. But typical is more efficient. And more in tune with itself, that can’t be argued. Survival is less difficult, objectively, in natural world, which is not black and white.

Would it be possible to accommodate autistic people or would the burden be too big? Would the pros outweigh the cons?

Or we can cure it. Which is better?
If there is a cure. A cure would help autistic people that don’t want to be autistic (for some it’s really a struggle). Those that want to stay autistic can. Let’s see where that takes us.


The autistic brain objectively is inferior to the typical. It is less effective to survive in the world. The world is always changing. The autistic brain is black and white.


I propose what a cure could look like for autism. Some autistic individuals are disabled in “prediction” (recognizing when to predict) but not “inference” (how we predict). For example, a>b, b>c. What’s a>c? You can reason it logically, or use a mental model to imagine pictures of a being ”taller” than b and so forth. When asked a>c, the general relation is how tall one is relative to another. So because one has a mental image of the heights, one can intuitively know a>c without logically reasoning it. It’s likely a complex pattern of neurons firing, with possible involvement of the anterior prefrontal cortex. By understanding how the brain works for this better, we may be able to “cure” autism. IN SUMMARY, better understanding how the human brain does “transitive reasoning”, and finding a way to correct that for the autistic brain (why it doesn’t make a mental model) could likely be the cure. The frontalparietal network (right intra pariétal sulcus, left inferior frontal gyrus) likely plays a role. I believe autism is a dysfunction in the brain where memories aren’t stored properly so it becomes a part of you.


Autism is a disability, not a difference. Let’s normalize this. You’re either extremely lucky to have the right support, or left unable to function.


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Autism BrainNet has resources to help you and your family plan for donation. Long-term planning will help ensure that a donor’s decision is respected. Learn more and download your donor card:


This is to embarrass the hell out of this mo********er advocating like a N**i for a sick group when they’re in a vulnerable group themselves. She also shared one of my posts, saying that I was uneducated. And prevented me from commenting. Now you get a taste of your own medicine. Her page deserves to be shat on.

This speaks for itself. Many of us on the autism spectrum are often thought to be over sensitive. Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes it can be troublesome. However, there’s no turning it off, that’s just how our brains are!


Neurodiversity should not exist

Neurodiversity. I absolutely hate this word. There is no such thing. To me, it is just a way of sugarcoating something bad (a brain that is not fully developed) that you know can’t change because of limitations in medical science. It is accepting yourself as sub par, while asking society to also accept that.

Aspergers is a neurodevelopmental disability. Read that again. This places it in the same category as an intellectual disability. Aspergers essentially is an intellectual disability. I struggle with social skills in the same way as someone who has a mild intellectual disability. I cannot fully participate in life because of it. If someone were to have an intellectual disability, there would be no neurodiversity. It is the special features that occur in addition to it that differentiates aspergers and intellectual disability. Such as sensory sensitivities, repetitive behaviour, and special attention to detail. Somehow these special features makes it viewed differently than an intellectual disability, and neurodiversity became a thing. Suddenly it is a different ability that doesn’t need to be cured. Bu****it.

Do the positive qualities make up for the intellectual disability in social skills? I will analyze. In my personal experience, I tend to pay attention to details at the expense of missing the big picture. I also understand things by making formulas from patterns. Furthermore, my ability for these special things, are still in the average range. So, essentially I am disabled because I have normal language, relatively normal cognitive abilities but still have normal abilities in these so called special abilities along with a social impairment. If the world can be as accommodating of me as a neurotypical person, then neurodiversity is not a problem. But that is just a dream, unless I am able to bring enough value to compensate. All I see though, is a normal brain, with an aptitude for patterns and details, both of which are not really important skills anyways. Sure, it may help with learning some subjects easier, but it’s nothing a normal brain can’t do, or needs to do. It can still learn the same subject. It therefore doesn’t have any real value. The only potential value of these special abilities would be invention. But anyone with a cognitive and language impairment on top of this would not be able to do it. Aspergers is only useful for invention. But for me, that ability is still in the normal range. Aspergers is only useful if one has exceptional invention ability, and is interested in it. This would be the one exception of neurodiveristy being valid. But most people with aspergers (I think) and on the spectrum are not like that. Otherwise, as I have proved, it is nothing more than an intellectual disability in social skills, coupled with some unusual things like sensitivities, difficulty with change, repetitive behaviour all of which just make life harder than it already is.

Why should I see an intellectually deficient brain, with unusual features that bring me no benefit, strengths that don’t carry real value, and be accepting of it as a part of my identity and something that doesn’t need to be cured? It prevents me from fully participating in life, as a MILD INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY in social skills (which is an important area of functioning) suggests! If I were to have just an intellectual disability, neurodiversity wouldn’t even be a thing. And I have proved that aspergers is essentially no different. Why is this even up for debate? I have proved that neurodiversity is stupid. F**k neurodiversity!

You’re essentially saying, “I’m intellectually disabled, I’m happy not being able to live a full life, and being sub par. Intellectual disability is something I’m proud of, it is my identity! I don’t need to be cured! And society should accept me!” Doesn’t that sound really stupid?

For this reason alone, Aspergers isn‘t just difference, and it never will be. Arguing that is is, as i have proved, is stupid. It is a disability, one that limits your quality of life, and it deserves a cure as much as deafness does. Let’s embrace that aspergers needs a cure, as much as intellectual disability does, and in the same way you wouldn’t accept intellectual disability as your identity the same way you wouldn’t accept aspergers!

Say no to "neurodiversity" 04/25/2022

There is a reason humans have evolved to have a certain neurology. Let's get some signatures so we can get medical organizations' attention. Please sign the petition to show your support for healthier minds. Click the link below for a more comprehensive explanation of my goal.

Say no to "neurodiversity" If you support healthier minds, then please consider signing this petition in support of more research to find better treatments of autism spectrum disorder. Being involved in research myself, I strongly believe a cure for autism is possible. Let's spread the idea that autism is curable, and needs t...


Show your support! Spread the word!

Why cure autism spectrum condition?

Autism is a disability because it prevents you from accessing equal opportunities to success. The brain is over active in systemizing, and under active in prediction. Although I have just a very mild version of the condition, I, personally, have been tested to have a 46 points iq gap between the two. Yes you read that right. That's 3 standard deviations! Point is, the brain clearly is not fully functional. If you look at a neurotypical brain, all regions are functioning reasonably well. 90% of the world has an iq of at least 80, which is considered the minimum level to be functional. Humans have evolved in a way most beneficial to our survival. Apparently, that was how "normal" came to be. There is no way autism will ever be fully accommodated, for that reason. It is pointless to fight for it to be accepted. One more thing. About sensory sensitivities in autistic people, the world has always been full of stimulation. Loud noises, big animals, that is a part of nature. It is necessary to be able to tolerate sensory stimuli. People with autism do not have this ability. For reasons of survival, from the evolutionary perspective, the world is better off without them.

I call "autism awareness" ignorant. People may fight to be accepted, but I honestly find it silly to be okay with a malfunctioning brain. You would not be okay with a malfunctioning any other organ. Why don't you call a person with a non life threatening heart conditon, "cardiodiverse" then?

At the end of the day, I proclaim the autistic brain to be malfunctional, because it is a deterrent to our survival as a species. It is only useful in small doses, such that your intellectual abilities far outweigh your disability, so adapting to society isn't really necessary, as you can spend all of your time in research on the next scientific breakthrough, and whatever weird behaviors you have wouldn't matter. However, that isn't the case for most autistic people. I still need to adapt to society, despite my high average intellectual ability. However, because of the malfunctioning parts of my brain, it is much, much, much harder for me to do so. I'm expected to act normal because of my intellectual ability, but my social disability is completely overlooked. I'm underappreciated for my efforts.

Social skills is a survival skill. Please, for the sake of human survival, find a cure for autism spectrum condition.

If you read this far, thank you! If you like the post, please share, and show your support by spreading the word! I'm also open for discussion anytime, by message or comment.

Medical organizations need to see this, and hopefully I can rally up some support to get their attention! I might be making a petition as well.


Show your support, spread the word!

Why should autism be cured? (from an autistic person's perspective, diagnosed with Asperger's (very mild version))

In a perfectly fair world, we should have the same opportunities to get what we want. Everyone would be born with no disabilities, with the flexibility to bring their life in the direction they wish.

That isn't the case when you're born with a disability with no cure. What if the person doesn't want to live in the way their disability dictates? Let's be real, if a disability was just a difference, there would be no limitations in a way a disability disables you. Having strengths and weaknesses within a normal range, that's a difference (not sure if this makes sense). Because I'm born with this disability, I'm automatically limited in what I can accomplish. There is no choice there, I'm forced to live with it, even though the disability was not my choice. I'm punished for being born differently. All disabilities should have a cure available, to make the option of having a "normal" life available if one chooses.

Being born disabled, I deserve a cure. It was not my fault that I was born that way. I should not be held responsible for the consequences of my disability. I deserve an equal opportunity to be able to live the life I want.

Reminder that autism is a developmental disability. It is NOT just a difference. Your way of thinking is not supported and so your life is limited by it.

In support of a cure for autism (spectrum) condition!!!

Agree with me? Have any questions or would like to discuss something? Shoot me a message!


Why should autism be cured?

Speaking from personal experience... (brace for a long post, i know you won't regret it)

Show your support and spread the word!

Living life with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) is extremely challenging. High functioning, even borderline autistic, as with me, does not make it any easier. In fact, because we are high functioning, our support needs frequently are unmet. Fundamentally, I argue that all autism is the same. It is not a difference; it is a sickness that needs to be cured. Think of low functioning autism. They are unable to be independent. Is it still just a difference? I beg to differ. Mild or not, autism is autism and it is a disease that needs to be cured. The genius ones are rare exceptions. They can stay if they so choose. Otherwise, it is worth finding a cure.
At the core, the symptoms are the same. Repetitive behaviours, sensory sensitivities, difficulties with change, excessive honesty, trouble with language just to list a couple. It is a result of abnormalities in certain regions of the brain. Just because a high functioning person is better able to control it, does not change who they fundamentally are, which is autistic. By calling it a difference, you are ignoring a brain problem. There would be less humanity, if everyone was autistic.
For me, socializing is as difficult as work. I like the job, but it never feels natural and it is always forced. I need social skills to be taught to me, like with math. Yes, I got better with it over time, just like anything. However, imagine having to learn how to do something that comes as naturally as breathing for the average person. I lack social intuition. Even if I learn social skills, it is artificial, and my ability to use it depends on my energy level. It takes me much more energy to keep my life together. Right now, I can only manage to survive, and live a little bit, in a “normal” society. I’m worried that with increasing age, I won’t be able to do it anymore. I have to work so hard just to fit in. I will never be able to fully experience being human, unless a cure is found. As hard as I try, I will always be different. Having ASD is like being sentenced to prison for doing nothing wrong. I can no longer achieve many of my goals because of social impairment.
Imagine having to stim every time something remotely stressful happens. And having to monitor yourself in public so you don’t act weird. Having practiced this a lot, it has become more subconscious, but it’s still a process that takes a lot of energy to control. On a good day, I manage to stim minimally.
People with asd don’t live as long. It becomes harder and harder to regulate behaviours with age. I can’t afford to be lazy. Every moment I’m functional is precious. I’m worried that as I get older, I’ll become less functional. My hope is that there will be more and more effective treatments to come. Don’t ignore it. An autistic brain is clearly not healthy. It is less efficient at processing information, making it impossible to keep up with the fast-paced world without needing frequent breaks. I just had my first burnout. Not only do I have to work progressively harder to keep up with life’s demands, but my energy is also supposedly decreasing with age. I feel like I’m a ticking time bomb that is sensitive to stress. This is my call for help.
I support TMS, neurofeedback, MeRT and any and all treatment that goes towards reducing and hopefully absolving ASD symptoms for those who so choose. These treatments have already been shown to significantly reduce symptoms.
People seem to think that ASD needs no cure, but I strictly go against that. There are people like me that actually want to be able to function like a normal person. That actually wants to contribute to society and fit in. That hopes to enjoy a fully typical life. That struggles each and everyday passing for normal. There is a distance between me and other people, an impenetrable one, and it is very lonely. I basically cannot function socially. And you can see how that affects school, work and life in general.
It’s about processing and functioning in the same way most people do. would. I thoroughly support all undergoing clinical trials in moving towards a cure for autism. I push for my voice to be heard, for the research to be done! I strongly believe that a cure is not far off. I believe gene editing may be helpful, too. We deserve to have a healthy brain like everyone else. We are headed in the right direction, and I will not stop pushing for what I deserve! The normal brain is the optimal brain! It’s impossible to have happiness when we have to work super hard to appear normal because I have so little energy left for anything else! While I’m grateful for what I have, I am by no means anywhere near satisfied with a less than healthy brain!

Is life even worth living? Life is hard enough with a healthy brain, add autism to it? What if I have trouble holding down a job? Do I have to live a life restricted by autism and all that entails? Do I have to spend time with people I don’t want to associate with because I have autism? Is the only possible life for me to spend my days in a mental institution where I can have my needs met, but be confined to other autistic people? Who may or may not share a special interest with me, which we talk all day about? Where we can stim and it won’t be seen as weird? Does such a person even exist? I would be myself, but then I would need to be isolated from neurotypical people. I could interact with neurotypical people occasionally (so I don’t burnout) by masking, just to get a glimpse of a normal life. Interacting with NTs would be a full-time job, albeit a job I enjoy.
That’s how I see life unfolding for me. Either that, or I need to adapt to the neurotypical world mindful of my significant limitations so I can live as normal of a life as possible. So, I’m not viewed as disabled.
I do not deserve this horrendous punishment of being on the spectrum (and having ocd). Cancer can be treated, many conditions can be cured with surgery, so why not autism?

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