Zenbev - Iceland

Zenbev® drykkjarblanda er lífræn svefnhjálp úr graskerfræjum.

Lífrænu graskerfræin eru köldpressuð til að fjarlægja olíuna og blandað saman í duftformi sem er klínískt reynt að stuðla að svefni náttúrulega.


What if we told you we had a simple and effective solution to your sleepless nights...? 👀


Welcome to 2024 - it's time to revolutionize your sleep routine with Zenbev! 💤

Zenbev is more than just your average sleep aid - we're your partner to a healthier lifestyle🤝. With Zenbev by your side, it is easier than ever to increase your own natural melatonin production for a deeper & more restful sleep.

When you prioritize your sleep, everything else follows (better mood, more energy, and sharper cognitive function). Are you ready to transform your sleep with us?

What are your sleep goals for 2024?✅


Bidding goodbye to another year, but there's still time to start tuning into a natural sleep cycle! 🌛✨

What sleep improvement goals are you chasing before we ring in the New Year? Share in the comments below!

Photos from Zenbev - Iceland's post 12/23/2023

Say hello to guilt-free holiday indulgence that doesn't compromise on taste!

Our Zenbev Egg Nog recipe will keep you merry, light, and sleeping soundly throughout the holiday season. Simply skip the alcohol and choose a low-fat Egg Nog for a healthier and equally delicious drink that will boost your natural melatonin production effortlessly!↗️

Enjoy the most wonderful time of the year with this tasty treat - on us!🎄


We use only the highest quality ingredients for Zenbev, including the pumpkin seeds themselves.🌱

As part of our manufacturing process, our freshly harvested seeds are pressed to remove the oil so that only the protein is left. This is where the food source Tryptophan comes from!

Afterwards, the protein is ground into a very fine flour and then combined with the rest of the ingredients in our formulation to make the delicious Zenbev powder mix you enjoy today. 💖


Light's out!!

Pull down the curtains and turn off your devices - the darker your sleep space, the better you'll sleep. 😴


One cup a day keeps the winter blues away! 🌅

Boost your mood naturally with Zenbev in the morning to kickstart every day with a 😁.


So glad we could help Linda!

Curious about how Zenbev can help transform your sleep?
Leave a comment, DM or email us at [email protected] !🤩


It's the final stretch before the weekend! 😎
Let us help you reach peak productivity today with Zenbev.

How? Zenbev is specifically designed as a dual-use, light-sensitive product.

When taken during the day, Zenbev reacts with light (sunlight or artificial light) to help your brain boost its serotonin levels, elevating your mood and keeping you relaxed.

No matter what fires you have to put out today! 🧯


When you maximize sleep health, you get to the heart of good health.💚

Zenbev works with you to promote natural sleep. Put sleep health at the top of your priorities this year and watch the rest of your life goals fall in to place!


Tis' the season... of merry-making and sleeplessness?

As we add the final touches to our holiday preparations before Christmas arrives, stress levels may be at it's highest as we juggle family and friend gatherings, last-minute gift shopping, work deadlines and daily life.

If you've noticed that your sleep has gotten worse in the last few weeks, stress could very well be the culprit! Remember to take a moment for yourself every now and then, especially before bedtime. This could mean practicing some light meditation, yoga, breathing exercises for relaxation or cracking open a good book. Adding de-stressing activities to your nightly routine can go a long way in not only helping you reduce chronic stress, but will also contribute to improved sleep. 😴

Include a hot cup of Zenbev before bed and you've got a winning sleep routine to fight the holiday madness!🍵

Children spent triple the recommended screen time during pandemic: Ontario study 12/18/2022

If you were thinking of gifting the toddlers and children in your life some smart devices (think phones, tablets, laptops etc.) it may be time to reconsider!

This article covers some of the more pressing reasons that screen usage has been on the rise among children and more importantly, the negative implications this could have on the growth and development of our youth.📱🤔

https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/children-spent-triple-the-recommended-screen-time-during-pandemic-ontario-study-1.5633247 #:~:text=Health%20Canada%20reports%20increase%20in%20calls%20to%20poison,screen%20time%20to%20around%20two%20hours%20a%20day

Children spent triple the recommended screen time during pandemic: Ontario study According to an Ontario study, children were spending nearly triple the recommended time on screens during the pandemic, something that may be connected to school closures and parental stress levels.


Although the holidays are fully underway and the gift shopping, social events and work deadlines can get overwhelming, that doesn't mean your sleep has to suffer!

Don't wait until the last minute to have the most rejuvenating and refreshing sleep you've had in ages.

Get your supply of Zenbev under the tree in time for Christmas. ☃️


Dreaming of that perfect, restful sleep? 🌠
Let us make your dreams come true with Zenbev!

Zenbev works by helping you develop a healthy sleep cycle so you can feel better and more rested all day long! It's not too late - retrain your brain to make natural melatonin again this holiday season and beyond!🎁


Sleep is often an after thought during the holidays with the endless todo list that just keeps growing and growing (who else is last minute shopping for gifts this month 🤯?)

Don't forget to reign in your sleep during this busy holiday season!

Have a warm cup of Zenbev for an effortless sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed the next day. 🍵

Áhrif áfengis á svefnheilsu - Zenbev 07/21/2021

If you have ever used alcohol as a 'sleep aid' there are things you need to know. 🥃

This week's blog looks at the effects of alcohol on sleep and in particular how it can reduce your chances of getting that deep, restful sleep you've been craving.

Áhrif áfengis á svefnheilsu - Zenbev Áfengi truflar REM svefn á fyrstu tveimur stigunum. REM er mikilvægur hluti af svefnhringnum þar sem það tengist námi, minni og skapi!

Is there Science behind CBD oil for Sleep? - Zenbev 07/16/2021

CBD oil has garnered plenty of buzz recently, but are the benefits scientifically accurate? Check out our blog for more:

Is there Science behind CBD oil for Sleep? - Zenbev You may be wondering about alternative sleep remedies that are getting a lot of airtime these days. One in particular,

Hvað er suðinn um sink? 11/30/2020

Recently zinc has received a lot of attention for its ability to boost immunity. Is the science real or just hype? Learn more here: https://zenbev.com/is/hvad-er-sudinn-um-sink/

Hvað er suðinn um sink? Efni sink virðist skyndilega vera vinsælt. Það er orð um það að við ættum að neyta meira af því til heilsunnar og hugsanlega sem ónæmisörvunarörvunar. Er nægilegt sink í matvælum? Ættum við að bæta við? Er einhver sannleikur að baki þeim sögusögnum um að sink sé ofur ....

True Story: Alcohol Interferes with Solid Sleep 11/19/2020

You might think a glass of wine helps you fall asleep, but alcohol disrupts REM sleep leaving you exhausted the next morning.

True Story: Alcohol Interferes with Solid Sleep Do you reflect on the quality of your sleep the night after drinking alcohol? Do you find that your sleep comes more easily after a few drinks with dinner? Many people conclude that alcohol is an effective sleep aid with 20% of Americans using alcohol as their preferred sleep solution. This anecdota...

Tíðahvörf við tíðahvörf 11/03/2020

Insomnia is a common symptom reported by women entering menopause, but that doesn't mean never sleeping well again. Learn how you can naturally combat sleeplessness caused by hormonal changes: https://zenbev.com/is/tidahvorf-vid-tidahvorf/

Tíðahvörf við tíðahvörf Einhvers staðar á aldrinum 35–55 ára verða flestar konur fyrir tíðahvörfseinkennum þegar estrógen og prógesterón minnka Í nokkur ár áður en tíðahvörf hefst getur smám saman lækkað hormónastig valdið ákveðnum einkennum eins og óreglulegum tíðablæðingum, hitakófum, sve...

Sambandið milli öldrunar og svefnleysis 09/29/2020

Physical changes aren't the only changes caused by aging, the way we sleep changes too. Learn how age affects your sleep and what you can do to combat it: https://zenbev.com/is/sambandid-milli-oldrunar-og-svefnleysis/

Sambandið milli öldrunar og svefnleysis Svefnleysi, ásamt öðrum líkamlegum einkennum, hefur lengi verið viðurkenndur hluti öldrunarferlisins. Eldri borgarar finna það að það tekur lengri tíma að sofna og berjast við að vera sofandi en á yngri árum. Algengt er að trúin þurfi að lækka með aldrinum en það er ekki sa...

Tími til að hugsa um árstíðabundin Ástsælustu röskun 09/11/2020

Seasonal affective disorder is more than just a passing sadness and can cause serious harm if left untreated. Thanks to new research, treatment options now extend beyond synthetic antidepressants and don't hold the same unwanted side effects. Learn more here:

Tími til að hugsa um árstíðabundin Ástsælustu röskun Eins mikið og við reynum að halda sumarlífi, verðum við einnig að búa til styttri daga og kaldara hitastig elta okkur innandyra. Hér á norðurhveli, er nip í loftinu snemma og blöðin eru að breytast, frá hið óumflýjanlega hörfa sólar og mars í vetur. Að sumu, þetta er bara Fli...

Halda sumar Zen að fara allt árið um langt! 09/09/2020

Brush up on some tips to make summer relaxation last well into the fall in our latest blog: https://zenbev.com/is/halda-sumar-zen-ad-fara-allt-arid-um-langt/

Halda sumar Zen að fara allt árið um langt! Allt þar til nýlega í sumar var talinn tími slökunar. Því miður er valmöguleikinn fyrir svona "Normal" starfsemi ekki alltaf fyrir hendi hjá mörgum í þessum óvissutímum. Það er orðið mikilvægara en nokkru sinni að koma í veg fyrir það litla brot sem við getum fengið á okka...

Svefnarkitektúr og REM svefn útskýrt 08/25/2020

REM sleep is important for cell repair, restoration, immune function, and emotional processing. Learn more on how REM sleep can improve your overall health here: https://zenbev.com/is/3542-5000-svefnarkitektur-og-rem-svefn-utskyrt/

Svefnarkitektúr og REM svefn útskýrt Það eru margir flóknir ferlar í vinnunni þegar líkamar okkar eru sofandi. Vísindamenn hafa sífellt betri skilning á því hvernig heilinn virkar og hversu mikilvægur góður svefn er, en þetta er samt líklega bara toppurinn á ísjakanum. Heilinn er í raun aldrei sofandi. Mikil umsvif f...

S*x merki sem þú gætir átt við svefnvandamál að stríða 08/06/2020

Sleep problems are much more common than you may realize. Here are 6 signs you may have a sleep problem and tips to help you re-establish good sleep patterns! 😴

S*x merki sem þú gætir átt við svefnvandamál að stríða Er það að læðast að þér? Þessi truflandi tilfinning um að þú færir þig frá svefnleysi af og til yfir í svefnvandamál í fullum krafti? Þú ert ekki einn! Að minnsta kosti 30% þjóðarinnar þjást af reglulegum svefnvandamálum og 10% tilkynna um langvarandi svefnvandamál. Á t....

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This year, let's give the spotlight to something we often overlook - our sleep! 🛌What changes are you making for a restf...
Stop, drop, and take a deep breath - our Holiday Helper is here to the rescue!These simple but effective tips can help y...



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